The legisiation of What Township sider Important Matters A regular meeting ('1' Ops Cc was new (-11 Monday, Feb. 16 members wtare present. vAtter leading and adoption of the mi of last meeting, the Clerk‘ read - Lb‘rcm John McSweyn, solicxtor, giv- ing timely advice and suggestions on m-nvnicigal matters. 5 From S.~ R. Armstrong. Patel-bow, :eguest-ing that the Council Tot-ward a. memcrial to the Minister; of Rail- ways amd Gamma urging the speedy completion of the Trent Valley Ca.â€" Mr. John Brock, owner of 101129, con. 2, Ops, addressed the Council to the boundary survey recently made adjoining his land, swung that the criginnl stale posts marking the n. m. and n. equal-nets, rcspectnvely, at his [arm were disreganded by the snneyor, who based his ogcrations from some posts on the manelon side of teh boungary. notwithstanding the {amt that 0138 was surveyed before l-‘enelon. The result ‘3 ‘that the line a: the Fenelcn sink: of ‘tho boundary is cmukcsi, and aatraigbt line ‘be- tween the twg posts referred to on the: Ops side would leave “the bound- ary maid - barely three rods wide for ‘ __ LL- “nine. 1" (dimming some distance along the eentne of the second concession. Mir. Brock, continuing, said the surveyor had put 03: some stakes in' his field at inter- cals. presumably four rods from the Penelon boundary. but he did not feel justified in moving. his‘ fence to and stakes. being of opinion that the lines rnn' do not properly- locate the read. ï¬le further stated that if it can be proved that his posts are not properly placed. and that a. portion of his land is on the road allowance, he in quite willing to yield it up. Reeve MW exrlainod that com- plaint had been male to both Fen- eion and 01:9 Councils that said boundary was narrow in some places, and alter communicating with Pen- clcn Council on the matter Ops Coun- cil phased aresointim authorizing I-‘enelon Council to bare the roadway properly located and that Ops Coun- cil would my ball the wet otthe: surrey. The cost was $8, and it ‘ Fender; Council find that the road is not rmperly located they. will no ambt attend to if. ' . . . , 7 ‘ Broken‘ Axle Clam. ~ Mr. Robt. Henflereun, leavers, (rennet! his claim [or 3:! paid for re- ‘rlacing an axle broken in peculiar lest south of Pottery Corner. but reliable inform from ey‘a wit- messes of the moi-that shot of! all hope of mpemetion. ‘ 'Dr, Ken; the M Gear. The Reeve said that comflaint had been mile to him‘thait the high hoard fence at the nerth’ dds “the railroad n’t Harm diverted drift- ing snow on“) the Ffliio rm and A- m’"‘~£€5"su';£f ;-_m. 7' ’m' then znssed instructing the Clerk to nabs 1-h‘ matter km tn fly: ‘3. 3.0). -.-L- OPS COUNJL PROSEEDENGS Communiqaihians ; ; ('1' 0125 Council Lg, Feb. 16. :All mt. After the n‘ of the minutes Clerk‘ read the Survey. Con- The auditors report was submit- ted to Council, and Mr. Hawkins minted, seconded by Mr. H-ickson, that the report be received and filed, that a any be sent to the department, {Dan-onto, the abstraqt statement be published as usual, and them the amditors be paid for their services. ‘Carrriw' t ' ' Stone Crusher in Demand. As the Council intend to crush over 500 cords of stone early in the Sum- mer, rthe Cheri: was, on motion of Messrs. Hacksaw and Best, instructed to interim the committee in charge cf the crusher that Ops will be ready for it whenever the ground iedry enough to work it, and to request that the operate-r be read at that timn to finish: the work in ‘ aet Op's, where the machine now is. I More Wire Fences. On motion of Messrs. Hawkins and Conner $400 was appropriated for wire fences. $80 of which may heex- pended by each Omissioneu'. ~ i { ' Memorials. . _ Moved by Mr. Hawkins, seconded by Mr. air-keen, that a memorial unbe- hali or the East Cress Creeks bridge he tcrwarï¬ed to the Minister of Pub- lic Works, Toronto, and one unbe- hali of the Trent Valley Canal to the Minister or Railways and Canals, Ot- tawaâ€"Carried. ' - ‘ Omemee Road Depatatian. Flor some time past ammher or tarruers whose lands are needlessly cm: 1'; iv the Dinghies; road on the 8th and 9th cons‘ of Ops, aswell as by the railroad, have been urg- ing" .the Council 110 chse said road across those two concessions. A large deputation attended Council cu ‘ Mcmiay {or that purpose, only one of whom expressed himself as oppu-zcd to the cloning of said piece 0! road at present. -. A†;A_3_.‘__.. . l niacin" Ops in the near future, no‘ public money or mtcto labor be expendod thereon in future anï¬t where ab- solute necessity may require tom- rorm'y repairs or road brmhng in wintertaud thing: the statute lain _ 1‘ 9â€": Bâ€"A.-_-.L-1 M [$0110me on W5 CHI. mu cal-a u-u ccmessions, respectively. until such rtime as the road between the 8th and 9“! wooden: shall have be- come a. seed road. when said pieaa of the. Om'omee real shun be dosed by sale: of 01:0 Oomcil. ' ' A Bunch of Accurate. On motion of Messrs. Conlbor and Beat, the following accounts and bills. duly passed. war: paid: m- nan 02.. $14.51: D. O’Connell. $75: Film? Wilson. 823.75; Keyeb a Dru-cu. 32.45; D Sinclair. $2.50: In Great. 84.1}: municipal Kééesaéd to tho pain-raga! oz! ,1 A'uditorB' ngcrt. been urg- said road Isions. A Council cu mly one of LS own-:04] cc of road '13†.1" neyv..-â€". --'-_--_ ,7_ _ beeves. cavesâ€"Receipts, 250- veal; ahead]: veal: sold at $5.50 to so. . Sheep and lambsâ€"Receipts. 3152: sheep nboot may: ulel of lambs were at slightly higher ï¬gures, but the feelinx was easier It the clue: sheep soul at :3 to $4.25; lambs a: $8.20 to 37.12%: a deck of culls at “,flï¬. Hogsâ€"Receipts. 2671; no sales Eeportcd'.‘ Peas, small ............ . Alsike Clover... Bed Clover... ...... .. .. Potatow per bag ...... Butter, per pound. Oats n5 Peas White Eyes ............ 0 75â€" to 0 4.; Fl re Insurance for its fair dealing and prompt set- dements: also the NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. tnd othel' reli- Send for 83-93!“ Order Book. Terms, ate" to Agent's '0 3‘ SMYI'H. Genet-3‘. Atent for Vi-torix Co. and N rthmx-a of Cam Rum and gartwï¬gb'. den Dara!) Runs and an. NEW OATS “TARTER KING." With ordinary cultivation and sown broadcast each pound yielded 'TWO AND A HALF BUSHELS lbi 1.901. able companiu. SEVENTYâ€"PIVE BUSHELS PER ACRE. A yellow out with close- clustcred head and strong straw, which so far has proved very satis- factory. It Its ï¬rst W at Prol. Saundm' request and report. asst... ted sent to the Dominion Experimen- tal Station. mus-n. Prim per bushel 75 cents» or 5 bushels lots or oversocenupetw: cottonbag 20 cents. JOHN CAXPBHJL. Fair- view Fm m, (H..â€"H. PETERBORO BINDER TWINE In 1902 when nun--c- on. o-o... II...- no- JOHN P. CUNNI‘JG ... ooovo .. 1903 ....... 00‘70031 ...... 000t0068 .. ...6oom625 ...625t.o675 ...... 100t0125 _,.... 01810020 _. -040too7o -011t0014 _......008t0010 ...019 t0020 ....... 560(0560 wt...750t0800 yield was fully _â€"â€"â€" GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WAN- TED.â€"â€"Good wages. Apply at. the residence 01 Hr. C. 1). Bart. 32 Bond-ct" west of the Hethodist LOST. -â€"On Saturday, on Cambridgo- st., three music books. Finder will oblige by leaving same at. this ofï¬ce. â€"8-1. BOUND LOSTâ€"0n 16th. inst. Last seen near Deyell's swamp, south of Cunningham's Crossing. Black and light tan with,breast and front legs and feet all white, hind feet white ; bare scald spot. on back. Answers to name “Barney." A re- ward will be paid for information leading to his recovery. Apply at, this ofï¬ce. TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For S. S. No ‘3; 'Emily. Duï¬es commence im- mediately. Apply stating salary expected to W. J. PATRICK, Sec.- treaa, Dunsford P. O.â€"-8. TEACHER WANTED. -â€" Holdim third-class certiï¬cate. Duties to commence as soon as possiUle. Apply stating salary to H. BAM- ILTON, Sec.-treas.. U. S. S. No. 4, McLean, Frascrbungh, P. 0., STEPHEN OLIVERâ€"Licensed Ano- tionoer {or the county of Victoria. Sales promptly attended to; char- ges modem'te ; satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders can be loft at Bobcock’s stocery store, William-st ~ Lindsay 0nt.-â€"52-tt. T0 RENT.â€"Va.luable farm property on con. 6. township of Emily, two miles north of Omemee, containing 100 acres almost entirely cleared. Good buildings. For further pur- ticulars apply to THOS. STE- PHENSON, Omemee.â€"â€"6-3. malaria- STRAY SHEERâ€"Came onto the premises of the undersigned, lot. 2, can. 13, Emily, on or about Dec. 20th. 1902, one aged ewe and one lamb. Owner is requestm to to prove property. my expenses arid remove the animals. ALEX. McGAI-IEY, Lindsay. â€"â€"8â€"3. positive FOR SALEâ€"One mare. ï¬ve years old; also cutter. buggy and new sett of harness. Apply to J. G. ' EYRES, Lindsay P. 0. â€"7-tf. FOR SALE -â€" Eight-roamed frame house with brick addition, in can. part of south ward, i» acre land. Price 8550; Apply at this omcc. cwzi'fl PJ’CONQUERGOOD 7 Adelaide-ct... _L§ndsa.y, Ont.,_ FOR SAL E .â€"Hig‘h-gra§a Jet-gay RESIDENEJE FOR SALE.â€"-b_‘ol§fl FARE FOR SALE. -â€"East hair lot 14. con. 1, township of Ops. 100 m. For puticulu-s apply on them-amino orbylettertoTHO- HAS FLU'REY. mm, P.0. rum FOR SALE. â€"Ooo of the but forms in the county 0! Victoria containing about. 11_2 acres. all Ont. E; viz-071; Reaboro. and (our mils horn Gnomes. For particulars FARM FOR SALEâ€"Part of let. 1. in the lOth con. 0! Eldon. known as the Dennis lackin farm. It is situated on the main road to Lind- say, Fenclon Falls and Woodville. about, 1} miles from Hartley and 21 milea from Grass Hill Station. The soil is a good clay loam and aeems especially well adapted for growing alailte. Upon the proper- tyiaaframelhrniflx52lt.wlth atone stating Wealthâ€"a com- fortable log dwelling 48 x 13 with good stone cellar. also . log han- houae and hog-pea. each about 2-1 x 18 ft. The (arm is well watoroa with a good opting meek and 3 nova tailing well at. the house. Time it also an Meat 0M tb place. Farm is leased {or M year. For farther par- m to DENNIS HACK- IN. Hartley. or to mums. l 'Mr-OJ. E“ corner of Colborne and Sussex-eta†Lindsay.‘a ladies’ purse with brass chain. containing small sum of money. 0m can have same by applying at this oï¬loe, proving property and paying expenses of this advertisement-63. . brick, tWo storeys, 9 rooms, bath summer kitchen. Good locality. Apply st this “fleaâ€"64.1. Bum HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"In an north word, ï¬ve minutes walk from P.0. Woodahcd, stable and lot. A good property. For por- tiwlm apply a this mowâ€"5:1. Cow. two years old, due to calvc March 14th will be sold reasomdie. Apply to E. THURS NH, 147 William-st... northâ€"843. pï¬; M iv id ï¬rst-elm mm of mltivution. Building- 3004- TEABIEI warm ladies of good W: calm and commission. inn r sues? L'DIIGIIER 20th, near Jiddle- NOTICE TO QREDWBS .111 the Inilm Having accepted the general agency from the Patel-bore Company for the Township 0! Mariposa, samples and order books my be obtained by my agents at my oflce at Oakwood. Tho 113qu allowance will 'be made to éhareholders. ,,,_ _ _. ‘‘‘‘‘ v7\Yqu There are gocd chances for. invad- ment. in western lands at present. Values are increasing rapidly and the country is ï¬lling up. In many cases values double themselves in a few years. Can help you to buy for in- vestment or to settle on. Re- fevences, J. J. WILLIAMS, Brandon. There will be received by the under- signed, at their ofï¬ce, 16 King-st. west, Toronto. up to ........ . inclusive, for the neceSSary EXCA- VATING, BLASTING. STONE MA- SONARY, BRICK MASONARY AND CONCRETE WORK at Raven Lake and Elliott's Falls, Victoria. Coun- ty, Ontario, for the construction of buildings. Plans and speciï¬cations my be seen at 16 King-st.. west, Toronto; at. the Company's ofï¬ce. Raven Lake, and at the ofï¬ce of Mc- Laughlin 6c Peel. Lindsay Ontario; ;The lowest or any tender not neces- sary accepted. RAVEN LAKE PORTLAND CE- MENT COMPANA’, LIMITED. Toronto, Feb. 10, 1903. Adjourned Sale of Taxes Whereas at the sale of lands in the County of Victoria for arrears of taxes, held at the Court House, Lindsay. on the 17th day of Feb- ruary, inst... I. the undersigned trew urcr of the County of Victoria, fail- ed to sell a number of parcels of lands. for the arrears of taxes due thereon: and whereas I did at such ï¬le give notice that I would at an adjourned sale. to be held on Tues- duy, the 3rd day of Karel), 1.903, all such lands for such sum! as 1 could realize, and Would accept such sums a full 0! taxes. Now. therefore, notice is herdw: given that. unless otherwise directed by the local municipalities interested, I shall proceed to sell the said lands a :bove mentioned at. the ...... Corina-chite'lw-quhb-y.u Tallinn-ml “JO“, at 11 o'dock in the forenoon. unless the arrears or taxes oogethcx- with all expenm, shall be soonggufd; Dué at Linduy this 17th day February, 1908.7 APPLICATIONT 0 PARLIAMENT Notice is hereby given that. am up- plicgtion will be made to managinâ€" hture o! the Prom'ot,a-t its next “on, by the Corporation 0! the Tom at Lindu‘y [or an AOL; (1) Authorizing the Corporatién todedicutoorntgpu'tpanotmr- hot or Queen- 8qnu~e in the Town “Unbaytorthepurposcolemcv in; g Public Library thereon. and to convey the an: to the Lindsay Puâ€" blic We: Bard («Anne M Eng" of tho mm of 810,000 for the auction at a Public Library in the MdMyundtoprovide a to uni-afar uni to gnu-ante: m 0! 81000. 00 annually for a» maintenance 0! said Library lanitoba and Northwest LAN DS accept an dc of Andrew Carnegie. Mariposa Agencyfor PETERBORO TWINE innit. w. b. n. HOPKINS. sauna tor WP“. COUNTY OF VICTORIA TENDERS WANTED Monday Feb. 23rd 'JOHN P. CUNNINGS. Oakwood for I903 J. R. McNEILLlI-S. County Treasurer for The Canada Paint Co., Montreal I have received instructions from Mr. John McKinnon. to sell lly Pub. lic Auction the east half 1m 18, con. 1, Mariposa. on SATUR- DAY, FEB. 28th., 1903, at the Simpson House, Lindsay. that \‘al- unble farm known as the William Hoflat farm containing 100 acres more or less. Sixty-ï¬ve acres Mr 183' cultivntion. balanu~ pasture land. On the premises is a small log house. The farm is two miles northwest of Valentin, six miles from Mariposa. Station and twelve miles from Lindsay. Good roads in l-x-ery direction. Th6: are ' out any question, the Best Paints ade. To be had in any quantity. See the 903 Color Card. McLENHAN El]. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Ten per cent. of purchase money on day of 9:110. 21! per cent. in 30 days, balance may re- main on mortgage at 5 per mm. Sale“ two o'clock p.m. sharp. There will be a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to JAS. H. LENNON. TWO HUNDRED ACRES, 5 miles from town. There is a blank (barn 40x80 and two others and a mod- em brick house, all in ï¬rstâ€"clam ELEVEN BUILDING LOTSâ€"Prin- cipally on Cwflidge-st., north of Kent. These are excellent building sites. TWO HUNDRED ACRES, 9 miles south of Lindsay: nearly all clear- ed ; good buildings ; near school and church. _ ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACRES, two miles south of Ome- moe; well improved. ed ; good buildi and church. ONE HUNDRED ACRES, two m mes: well improw ONE HUNDRED res near Came ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY M‘- reu near Cameron; all clean:(1 ‘ good buildings. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY AC- 31356 cï¬RIs'ropmcR .445". Farm for Sale by Auction. lw 'V- CBEDIT SALEâ€"The und' will lave oï¬ered for sale “3 Auction; on the Mark†â€my. on Samrday. 1 inst" at the hour of turn In the afternoon. th“ 5‘ m. pea hah'cster :11 1- m rake nearly "9‘â€- not. 1 binder truck. 1 ï¬â€˜ NE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACâ€" ra 2 miles north of Cameron: good brick house and good out. building-s. NE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN was. 5 miles west of Lindsay, 1m- proved. Very desirable farm. And 1150 a. number of houses for do in town. For particulars :1}:- [Iqbtnt bite Lead READY MIXED PAINTS ï¬(,llll"' m. ‘1 brown m8"- m. TENSâ€"$10 and um“ flit: all sum over that “mm“1t 9 month' credit will "“F'i‘w' ,. ï¬nal! SM BRAND Farms (or Sale Amberite Varnishes Auctioneer, Lindsn CHITTI ( T K Lindsay." 10 in" "Win“ : 1 NOXO'l 1 I‘m“! L‘Ord r a.‘ gamed 3 nâ€. 1 “rd“ -Bv Arch (‘rm‘ll Sn“ moms. lh‘ ,Olll Meat Choppers Seeders, Mrs. Po Irons. Wire Clatll Clcthe Line Reels. and Towel Rollers. J.G.Edw McLen SEE 0 Builder's Hard Blacksmith’s Sq Spades‘ Shovels Washing Mac Chums“ Tinwaré Granitewa ‘ Glued Sen 2: Portland Ce; ï¬re Bricl Lowest Fri A Call Soiicited 6: C0. Ma