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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 Feb 1907, p. 3

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[r Mvu'rzrmzs cCarty Mi (0. n Go. .pns‘ell of the own- m-hw. They only in and detail. We wan-has from $23 412113), and silver ml 51‘). All these eeders >s Sad Irons Potts‘ Sad Irons arpet Sweepers Door Mats Idué;Sir Henry to we done my an” " u no more. I must 3:1? h 1 mlss me and " lull p“ pe :11 you. WM :1 (1133.va ‘3 " ' the scattered Q Horse Covers mkets on Covers Surcingles m timtikeepers. nd Wedding via Licenses. mu: CL'TLERY PIONEER mty of Yietoril- ‘ M or all kind. DIM ‘. 3“me * r P. 0.. Ont. .\‘ 5 HS ct Time mg a pleasure,” LES MEEHLN .AFETY MEN) DSAY n. 1.1.5 ; .\I IT'I‘S pular Store C 3.], Iron amsm So 15$ ms Lanterns «a [M “aw w‘ ' E0 Over ,\ C Specia‘ 3mm and treati -ayS. if I'd!“ STEWART O‘CONNOR, Barrister: M'arm. etc. Money to loan at very lnwcst current, rates on best terms. Utfice corner Kent and ';'«)rk-sts.. Lindsay Y. Stewart, L. V. O’Connor, B.A. __.â€"â€" 3 WELDON, (GORE 5; JACKSON, Barristers, em, solicitors for the County of Victoria amtI the Bank of Montreal. Mnney to loan on mortgages at tho iowest current rates. Office Wham-IL, Lindsay. F. D. Moore. A‘ex. Jackson. ’- ,./ 5'5 ENDERSIGNED is prepared to ican money on Farm, Town and Viliflfle Property at, Very loweSt rm; Us Lnterest. Company or amaze funds. 1 am always ready 'm my good mortgages. E. ' Solicimr, etc., Milne money the. f mg. md' debentures. â€"We invest mo: mortgages. also beuwres. inves‘ bands. McIAl Hamsters. etc. , w for the man at 10 William-St BR. POG‘CE, DENTIST, office negr- ly opposite the post office. Speclilvl mention given to children's teeth. I n Q _,-~ an. SUTTON, Dentist, Lindsay. Hon or graduate of Toronto University md Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All the latest. imprOVed method: adopted and price. moder- ete. omce over Anderson N“- S‘Wl, opponite Veitch'a Hotel. finance 9R8. NEELANDS IRVINE, Den- fists, members of the Royal Col- 3‘89 0! Dental Surgeons. We have In the latest methods of dentistry - Epecial attention will be giVen- to Orthodonia. Crown and Bnng 'Ork. The successful extraction of teeth under gas (Vitalized Air) and the insertion of the bent artificial dentures continues to be a. speCialty of thin otflce. Oflice nearly OPP? ‘to the Simpson Houle. Dentistry ’. E. 03085, Dentist, Lindsay Headquarters for good Dentistry lember of Royal Dental College. BongoWERSâ€"B‘ me! on real 93%“ lowest Curreut x :< tune in our Hdfiédfivf Fugue, D.D.S. 1... - . . v.-...-_--v I65“. Honor graduate of Toronto University and Royal College 01 Damn-y. All a. but. and im- Prm’ed branches of dentistry “1°" usefully performed. Charges mod- erate. Office over Gregory’s Drug 8tore. corner Kent. and Win18!!!- KCdRLNERSâ€"We are loaruus 4 l estate mortgages at :e; on red rz'ent rates. "The busi- lmws‘t cu g is done in our own office and prinmpal and interest. repaid to without any expense of remit»- . we also purchase mortgages dchentux'Ps. TO INVESTORS f[u_fu:’c§, also upon munimpal d8- .mres. investment. stocks and --4- \ICL;\[’(HILI.\T PEEL. mama-c Gibbâ€"Yes, and m. ~ Some D Emu. m 0n I.» ‘memm~ ~“__¢m.~ JANE? Auctioneers #3 JAMES CAMBRAY. on, L1. Wales promptly attended to Charge. moderate.-â€"29. 'x'pmhm' OLIVERâ€"Licensed Aucj t“meter for the county of Victorin. 306- promptly attended to. - A “Elk Dgljcentage will be 1:150qu gun“ Earristers. etc HOPKINS. Barrisrer. Solicit- r the Ontario Bank. Money to a: lustt rates Office No. 6 uuâ€"St. . SOUth. Lindsay Money ‘0 Loan 1! Trinity M cLfiCal office. 61 A. WALTERS. dentisg. «anion midranteéd hmmmriflo PHI ,n given the 039 ty University. anq 1 Conege 901' Woe 61 Kent‘stq V - Mariposa tOWDShip Fire Insurance .Marriage Licence.- all its forms- ‘ Lindsav M. Du 0‘ u‘ 2 to 5 p.111" to examin- with proper LINDSAY. Barristers . m: an”, mama! a», 1M ‘ "’ loaning and ‘ PSYGHIgfikt-oaoéafludsw, games: GpI'GPQI‘EOfl; a n8 wondorful some properties swag airway neon the Stomach. Blood; and wea or ans 9! the body. quickly reato‘ng‘ them to» strong and healthy action. it is especiall)‘ adapted for people who aw run doWn from any cause. especially Coughs, Colds, Catan'h. LaGrippe. Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, 179 King St. W ., Toronto. There is no other remedy “just The Hound of the : Basket-vines as Dr. Root’e Kidney nus are a. sure uuu rmanent cure for Rheumatism, Bright’s ' ease, Pai_n in‘t‘he ggck and all forms ,A___ L-â€" -a. an“ aimefigama 25¢ per box, (Continued from Page 2.) ‘ show my ieellngs and suspicions otl the moment more accurately than my; memory, clear as it is upon these trad gic events, can possibly do. Baskervllle Hall, October 131111. My Dear Holmes,â€"My previous let-i ters and telegrams have kept you pretty well up-todate as to all that has- occurred in this most God-forsakeni corner of the world. The longer one; stays here the more does the spirit ot’ the moor sink into one’s‘soul, its vast}? ness, and also its grim charm. When A 7 1.-..-.“ up.“ , ......... . n _ severely practical mind. I can still heâ€" member your complete indifference as to whether the sun moved round the earth or the earth round the sun. Let me, therefore, return to the facts con- cerning Sir Henry Baskerville. If you have not had any report with- in the last few days it is because up to today therelwas nothing of import- ance to relate. Then a very surprising circumstance occurred, which I shall tell you in due course. But, first of all, I must keep you in touch with some of the other factors in the situation. One of these, concerning which have said little, is the escaped convict upon the moor. There is strong reason now to believe that he has got right away, which is a considerable relief to the lonely householders of this distrch A fortnight has passed since his flight, during which he has not been . seen , and nothing has been heard of him. It , A-..“ mm; ha could Dr. Root’s Kidpezfilla aggg. sure and 7 “.3..LL’_ all“ Lav-.mâ€"o 7 is surely incohbeivable i have held out upon the all that time. Of course, (PEuofi-ucfiwsz’éxzafl) to M‘ D, other remedy “ Just PSYCH IN E. still Hr mu m a at: m mm! to; her goal sud “an on! Noam. Yet; he also given the m: a! nun Ira. ' He has certainly 3 mm marked “H (image, over her. 29! I have ma Levi mummy lane at him a: sh: am: : ed a u a. in: up rotation tor Wm: the 8316‘ 1 mm m be I: kind to he. 1 “m is a drhgntm in his 9 . um iamaetot aNnMsmw «goat win: a positive and 96331ny a harsh nature» Yau would find him an interest mg; study. ' n ”.1 __ 11-..»-.. i "Van's e com over to call upon Ballet" ville on tli t first day. and the rem next morning he took us both to show ' us the spot where the legend or the wicked Hugo is supposed to have had its origin. It was an excursion of some miles aordss the moor to a place which 3 is so dismal that it might have lugs. gested the story. We found a short valley between rugged tors which led ' to an open, grassy space flocked over with the white cotton grass. In the, middle of it rose two great stones,1 worn and sharpened at the upper end.i until they looked like the huge con‘ roding fangs of some monstrous beast. In every way it correspouded with thoi scene of the old tragedy. Sir Henry was much interested. and asked Staple- ‘ ton more than once whether he did; really believe in the possibility of the ' interference of the supernatural in the affairs of men. He spoke lightly. but it was evident that he was very much in earnest. Stapleton was guarded in his replies, but it was easy to see that he said less than he might, and that he would not express his whole opin- ion out of consideration for the feel- ings of the baronet. He told us of similar cases, where families had suf- fered from some evil influence, and he left us with the impression that he shared the popular view upon the mat- ter. ‘ On our way back we stayed for lunch at Merripit House, and it was there that Sir Henry made the sc- qualntance of Miss Stapleton. From the first moment that he saw her he appeared to be strongly attracted by her, and I om much mistaken if the feeling was not mutual. He referred to .her again and again on our walk home, and since then hardly a day has passed that we have not seen something of the brother and sister. They dine here to-night, and there is _-:__. a- thorn 1191?. lull' "c1: \«v .n. ..__-_ difficulties. My popularity would soon l suffer if I were to carry out your or- ders to the letter. [ , The other dayâ€"Thursday, to be i more exactâ€"Dr. Mortimer lunched 2 with us. He has been excavating al barrow at Long Down, and has got a ' prehistoric skull which fills him with , 'great joy. Never‘was there such a, single-minded enthusiast as he! The: Stapletons came in afterwards, and ' the good doctor took us all to the Yew ll Alley, at Sir Henry’s request, to show us exactly how everything occurred upon that fatal night. It is a long, dis- mal walk, the Yew Alley, between two high walls of clipped hedge. with a narrow band of grass upon either side. At the far end is an old tumble-down summer-house. Halt-way down is the moor-gate, where the old gentleman left his cigar-ash. It is a white wooden 1 gate with a latch. Beyond it lies the wide moor. I remembered your theory of the affair and tried to picture all that had occurred. As the old man stood there he saw something coming ' across the moor, something which ter- rified him so that he lost his wits, and ran and ran until he died of sheer hon ’ ror and exhaustion. There was the -, long, gloomy tunnel down which he fled. And from what? A sheep-dog of the moor? Or a mectral hound, black. silent, and monstrous? Was there a ; human agency in the matter? Did the pale, watchful Barrymore know more than he cared to say? It was all dim and vague, but always there is the . dark shadow of crime behind it. i One other neighbor} have met since -- ,_A‘_‘.._; .0 .luU‘y “luv --y.v some talk of our going to them next week. One would imagine that such a match would be very welcome to Stapleton, and yet I have more than once caught a look of the strongest disapprobation in his face when Sir Henry has been paying some atten- tion to his sister. He is much attached to her, no doubt. and would lead a lonely life without her, but it would seem the height of selfishness it he were to stand in the way of her mk- ing so brilliant a marriage. Yet I am certain that he does not wish their in- timacy to ripen into love, and I have several times observed that he has taken pains to prevent them from be- ing tete-a-tete. By the way, your in- structions to me never to allow Sir Henry to go out alone will become very much more onerous it a love at- i man, red faced, white haired, and l choleric. His passion is for the B tish I law, and he has spent a large fortune . in litigation. He fights for the more i pleasure of fighting and is equally f ready to take up either side of a. ques- i tion, so that it is no wonder that he --_6!n omncamfil’lt. ed there from owner to prosecute him for and communal rights, his knowledge {sometimes ln favor ’ the villagers of Fernworthy‘ and some- so that. he ' time immemorlal, dety- .- ’ no Inuit-l [.4 Offline: I hue see: by against the tide gonzo Invisible towllm ’1 ..strong arm: pulling It unfilled; he! streamer she had neither elde. n 01115:, “vvv- _-_v l ploit. He is said to have about geven lawsuits upOn his hands at present, which will probably swallqw pp the remainder“ his ,forxune and 39 any his sting :nd leave him harmless "for 33â€"03! fii’i'e ' 5651“: not to adored at. to! t m ms! ham! Hunâ€"v- -7 nworthy and 80m?- unfilled; her streamers were aroupms; 583° that {$21113 she had neither sgde. wheel nor am reet or else burned wheel. 86“ m moved on mm In : to his latest ex- . have about geven hands at present. :2 ~8W8119W 911.4119 ~ mute and 39 draw r him harmless "for from the law he pod-natured person. _ 1 him because you It I should out gt the pacific vho ' next Milly-bout the manual m min of Image. * . Flat of all in tho «at m. which you on: m London in on» to make can am mg" m rou- lg hem. l have shady exam“ mu 1 a testimony at a; postman! than “Anna”; and thn| V! â€"' 'wvw-w-v_ that hm an vm vmhleu um him we hug“ no “:0! m w” or tho «hon! flow In the us to: W he a on“. tn u. den- :1 h V had Bummer. up “d as him whether he m received the to! um. firm ma thct he Q “Did the has deliver it No mt own hands?“ hand It: Henry. autumn” looked untamed. «a considered fur a was time. -‘- '- L- ham J- “onus-J , â€"v was small. Philip 8‘3?“- ‘ sentative of Kingston 111 ‘ tive couhcil. Pr°P°3°d ‘ greasing unabated confide WWlWVlVH 1'1 v- rum- , “Ne." said he. “I m in the box- roena at the tune. end my wife, M! It up to me“ “Did an answer It yourself?" “No; told my wife what to newer and ehe went down to write it.“ 1% the evening he recurred to the an Logislntlvo Council Pm» Motion ' By Four Votes to Two. ‘ Kihgston, J amaica, Feb. 7.-â€"At 5‘ meeting of the city council, held Tuesday, at which the attendance mm m..." ‘Philin Stern. the repgo-i tive council, proposed a motion ex- }saressmg unabated confidence in Gov. E wettenham. down to the House yam-day shows - . De? .to Kins- ston, J males, by theDotmmon Gov- ernment. and also com lave enlipliee. including flour, oatm . pilot reed. pork, beef. potatoes, fish. condensed milk butter: .lard cheese bacon. ham ‘- “In nmnnnt of Attempt to Asaassinato Son of Late King Milan of Sonia. Constantinople, Feb. 7.â€"George Christich, son of the 1am King Milan of Servia, by Mme. Christich, had- a narrow escape from assassination Tuesday night. An unknown man suddenly attack- ed Christie}: and attempted to plunge a dmer into his chosp._The weapon, A _ AL_AI.M|. however. struck a thick and only inflicted a scrstc . His mother's life has been‘thre ened on revious occasions. Christi was mentioned as 1 possible successor to the throne Servia. at the time of the murder King Alexander and Queen Drag! 0' P. R. "Ul‘l‘ll‘u "Iv-I'v- ,r--. I WWW :UV “7, . was. besxdea, a. gamma. flesh or our c°"f"°"°° With L c- 3- Officials-d4 flesh, blood of our blood. and bone of Hallfnx Dopuutlon Favors It. i our bone. (Cheers). He spoke MmiBter Butlet? En land, but in the anguage and a number of . C. R. oflcinla to! die ect of Scotland, and therefore to ' of running right-j them he was t Scottish representative to the1 Terms were decided made public, as they ‘ ject of negotiation wi of the C. P. B , _ -- ‘ _L1 'A City of.Cnr-vnnn. The first of November is the oflicinl beginning of winter in Paris. Then. no matter what the temperature be. are: are lit in the schools and public build- ing‘s, and the janitor turns on the heel for the and race of not dwellers. Then all the smaller shows which cannot _ -MM SWETTENHAM SUSTAINED. made public, as they ’ be the sub ject of negotiation with the oflcinh of the C. P. B. A: M. Bell and other citizen: 0! Bahia: were here yesterday. end urged Mr. Fielding to conclude tin Kapoeed arrangement, as being to the pay for a “stand" m-me “a“. v. squares go into winter quot-ten. When? I found a city of them out in the waste lands by the great gate of Montrouge. In an empty lot were scores of caravans drawn up behind the wooden palisades. ranged so u to tom v¢ltabie streets, named am: this showman or that. Don. chickens. rabbits. children, swarmed everywhere. Cot-here's ot smoke rose from the chimney: of the wagon. Goody up weredryinzonunes. Willyoulookil onootthevanl? lthutvOnoomt. In onemthebeds. mmumrat- no l’dthtnl ““10 Guide. orttImesIlnveaeennnUIhlngdc by against the tide u If drawn by game Invisible towllno with a hunch-0d .strong arm: pulling It. Her all! hunt (Continued neXt 73. P.'R. ov‘er, Eeéured RUNNING RIGHTS. ahaâ€" St. John. m as the .etbook .â€"Vnncn no1 13‘" $5.?» 0 3:: “much .' ‘ dug.» u Bums called 86.111me u mm mm 5‘ MM "0 M- Ea handâ€"the. :13â€" 61:338. m going to someeus.Whethevuuk. insofthemtbstdeywepnoerteln limited time to save whet was not . merely the subject of one 0! Burns' 3 famous poems. but was also an object lo! national and antiquarian interest. 5 It was very desirable to save the Anld l Brig. He regarded. that as absolutely ;neeessnry; otherwxse. suppose they ' failed to find the pum. they might have the Auld Bpg purchased by Did they' ever reuwe was» Du..." idid for Scotland? Did they realize ' how com letely be transformed our national 'fe and our national cher- ‘ acter? It was perfectly true that the seat rival magician, Sir Walter Scott, 'd in a sense more for Scotland than i was eelebrated in few centres. where- this matter was to avert mu um I from Scotland. and from the Scottish I i eecutcheon, which he thought would be absolutely indelible. They had not ‘ many monuments in Scotland. Their i a C4 principal stone monument was the"; cipa tor) The Stone 0 Dung] was 3 800110 I; 3:: I not so sure that the Stone of Destiny itself was so interesting as_thls Auld ever interesting. and hovever oom- modious that new structure might be. he did not think that the should be able to hold up their h again. What Burns Did, a subject of iâ€"éâ€"afival wlierever the sun shone throughout the whole civiljzed W” uu Ulluuuu, .. 7,1 , the ' includedâ€"which was so naive y commemorated as the birthday of Burns: and why was that? Because he was a man. (Cheers.) He was. besides, a. genius. flesh of our flesh, blood of our blood, and bone of our bone. (Cheers). He spoke the sc- oent of Scottish manhood. He spoke _-_..|.. 4.. an. classical phraseology o! Coming throhigh' in- the min to Glasgow he made the coupletâ€" O’er Bums Scotland wept with em. nual pang. But would not save the sacred stones he sang. thm Picture of Burns. i not die away; but relt in the hearts of lo :3 Burns 3y at this moment few centres. where- am at Burns was .1 whenever the nut} 11 what Bu!!!“ Um- Oppulflon From Llluml Loud.‘ or 1nd Labor Nanâ€"Both Exam i l tho Cum View. “mun; discus'aion on the Premier? ‘ mouon tor the second reading of his ; hill to amend the manhood sufirage; Misti-«ion not _by makinin‘t ‘appIic-l HIGH-OM88 FURNITURE Anderson, Nugent 81 Co Kent Strut. Linda: “am in “I m lunch“. C. P. A. Executive. Toronto. Feb. 9.â€"At the meeting of the Cundim Press Association yes- terdey, the following members were elected to the executive: H. B. Don- ly. ' ooe; J. F. McKay, Toronto; Wm. . O'Beirne, Stretford; W. E. Smallfleld. Benn-cw; C. W. Young. Hamilton. Feb. 9.â€"The police were notified In) evening? am a. big cock- - ‘ -_ “AL“.“A _. t was in progress nut Dame. 2:: flat _egou_gh_ Mean sports to L _ .1 ._-_A Ann'â€" all apocid ~81 at! 1nd gone down to me ”one o! ution. The police took no cap. to interfere. on the Wm flat the ofienoe was commit- ot their jurisdiction Bert W. Aberdeen venue. : ”#A -AA ”ll-infill yam mm. V“ mm lat min: on_ the chute 0! ”duo in -- "a- THE OREMIBR‘S BILL CASTOR I A maximum human-Mm! Theatre. Cockfight IYIRY “ll OOIPLI’I‘I. THE FINEST RANGE OF GOODS EVER SHOWN IN THIS DISTRICT. max m 10sz 1‘0. CAL? Nut Onkvlllo. 5a.": W ' Sylvester Manuf’g § Company, Limited LINDSAY, ONT. liunsay Natale Wm: Dealers Being a- direct importer I am able to quote the closest prices. A..- -5}- Irhzwe lately installed a pneumatic plant for Lettering and Tracing W'e are able to do better and deeper work than heretofore. 03.1de get designs and prices be- fore purchasmg. , WORKS.â€"In the rear 0! Market on Cambridge-It... opposite the Fucking Home. R. 001M833 Grand Trunk Railway Time Table in and manufacturers of kinds of In Wtiui. insbfllgd_a ppeumatic nrv Proprieto ...r\n fin ifififi WWN‘WV‘HHV \. a M

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