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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 Feb 1907, p. 8

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in addressing the stituency. Dufl'erin, clared extension of 1119: Manitoba Legislature dissolved. The nominations place on February 23, and tions . on March 7. Premie - AL_‘- A sue Promptness ox acu characteristics of thq ernment. Complaint toga 0rd to the license Toronto and they 2 vestigation he made ona- appointed a co purpose. Under the Cumulaints were ma. laxm-ss on the part these heeded. Siam-rs. but gemrally un A very interesuug, um. publication relating to the Can Wmt. ixs resources and opp 0 Canadian Pa- has been issm-(l by th “Western Ca.- cific Railway. entitled cada. the (Ira-nary of the British Em- pire." and it is giVen to the public {rt-cl lt isa booklet of about eighty pages. written in good style and well illustrated. containing also an map of Western (fanadaffi system of :land survey, nos of the C.P.R. inter- Manitoba. w 0n- (‘XCellent showing the and how the li sect the new Profinces. Alberta, Saskatcthan and Ne dealt with in a practical A l._.‘,.]fl tario a re “UH lit-naughu. _, , exec! lwnt map of Western Canadaffi" showing thp system of :land survey, and how the lines of the C.P.R. inter- E sect the new PrOV'incos. Manitoba.- Alberta, Saskatcthan and NewOn-I tario uro dealt with in a practical} way. the- methods of obtaining lands. and of making homes being pointed out. 'l‘hv homestead regulations arci' given in detail and the capital neceS- samy to start. and instances are cited ol'nwn whu coImm-uu-d with \‘cry mmllmeuns now in circumstances of imh-pvndonce. ’l‘ho lmuklct wil-Hw gout. frm- to any addrms on applica« tion to W. T. Rorson, advertising nus-n! (f.!’.R.. Montcanl. PAGE EIGHT 'l‘hanst Klgin l»ilwrals.ut their annual convention. passed a resolu-A tionm' vonfidenu- in the Ontario Op- pusitin-n. What. islel't oftrhat party tha'rv must have confidence in almost anything. They stuck to their lead- urs through all the revelations of the ballot slipping and ballot box stuffing in that. Constituency under the Liber- al Government. Fortunately other Lillx‘mls in the riding as well as In Province to be Men's. \Vem‘ C arpets 'm, 4“ mm. '1tli-â€":â€"â€"â€"â€"-5L , “nu 1UTCI IIFFE (“£140.72 74. 76. 78‘ > '1 s“ an L I N D S A Y Kent-st. (‘ >11 nets ,____‘ mess of action is one of the istics of the Whitney Gov- Complaints were made in and they asked that an m- on be made. Mr. Whitney at minted a commission for the Under the Liberal regime its were made ior years of m the part of license commis- hm these complaints were Rich Looking W hit ew e 31‘ Our Annual White Sale. The Finest Line of Whito Goods You Would Wish To See. A Forlorn Hope interest ing Such as Towels, Table Linens. Cottona, Sheetinga, Pillow Casings, Ladies’ Whitewear of-all kiyds. ‘ We dose at ‘t‘tw Animatmm a? White (was Wrong-hum em: mm i: WM emeua‘h kunwn m Mtfifi wameu mnmkp V-ssr-y huh: mm- £th 36:; mere an: numwmuum meesiama Am eufimnmywim u: ‘m a‘mih Wfihfifi we make m wanwakinn Mm: werwalmmt avavything in whim is plasml an MS: The wet; Miami has hem awfully 619%: cu. $va the has; “was the“ w 99m find amng the fawmm wnnfdamvevi Many 0? WW dainty fines of \Vhimwear. “my 9? the mm in demand “was of Whisa Bands in; heme. are lines that. cauld am he bought m the many we are now ofi‘er-iag them at and it was ugly by placing very early orders that brought them any way. Come and see this splendid collection of White Goods for both personal and home use. a 7, Premier Roblin e electors of his °°"‘ 11. last Saturday, de- of the mum 0‘ be the 933131190“t is" ‘ and saluable t0 the Canadian the 9 o 'clock Saturday Mghts during February and Hard . , â€"â€"â€"-AND-â€"â€" many others throughout the Province had a sufficient. sense of political, :de- “The Government will not submit; | i g gunless it is compelled to do 50.”. These were the brave, wellâ€"spoken} words of Premier Whitney in regard§ to the granting of charters for merg-l as such as that at Hamilton, by the1 Dominion Parliament. The continu-l -ance of this state of afiairs means that the Province is likely to,be do- prived eventually of the control of all the electric lines. It seems that all that is necessary now is for electric lines to obtain charters from the Prmincc, amalgamatc two or three of them, go to Ottawa, have the “for the general ben- efit of Canada". and obtain achart- _ er, which will [14“ch the road from Control of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. Premier Whitney merger declared ceacy and political honesty to cut thanseh'es loose lrom their party ,1. . filiations and help to fid Ontario no: ”Acne-van; â€"â€"â€" v , _ men who would sgnction electoral (mud, or conspire to bring it about. Mr. Graham, the new leader of the opposition in the Legislature, is p van-r v- I. has been too closely identified the rascalities‘of his party to n: out of the quagmire into which has fallen. ‘ intimated that if all other means failvdthi- Province could resort to taxation. Opposition Leader Graham declared that his party would sup- port the conservation of Provincial rights. The people '05 the Province will certainly approve of gay men- mszto‘ ké‘ep the people out of the clutches of greedy. grasping. corpora- tions. and to retain electric lines un- under the control of the Province, and to some extent of the municipal- itirs. for the latter question is also mun-w. Sinm- the above was written the Government has i'ml‘uducod a mea- sure inflicting the penalty of withâ€" drawing all privilvm-s on mmpwn'ies smlxjnglo uvadu l'ru-vinciul jursi'd'ic- involved t'inn A wry l'argcvdvputation from Algoâ€" um waited on the Ontario Guvernâ€" xm-nt last week to ask for more gen-‘ crous treatment for the northern country. Appropriations were I asked for railways and the construction ofi highways. Special emphasis was laid upon the construction of a road from the Sault to Sudbury there being no lcontinuous common road at present “It was also asked that larger grants ‘ be made for public education. and {that the settler get all the timber on that 'hls lands except the pine. and Algoma to the front fim with rt it it. tario, and it was man development. It is not 1 that the Government; will that request because the I that regiqn belong to the Vince, and not simply to < Still. the people of .Ugon titled to fair and. perhax treatment. Legitimate there means not only th Cit-Kl. an“, IV"- ti‘tled to fair and. perhaps. genero treatment. Legitimate expenditures there mans not only the upbufldlng and det'elopmcnt of the northemi country, but the advance-mam. and'; progrees of the whole Province. Thei West. will undoubtedly continue to§ attract many of the people of Onta-‘l rio, but if we can keep some of them‘ in Province by\dcvcloping our own; terriLOry it ought to M- done. The ‘ ' '4 :.. n... s. “‘t Government of Ontari ,l'ieve-d. alive to thtf it: subfiect. 10f child labor in Ontario is not very extensive, but it does ex- ist to some degree, especially in the larger centres. Mr. Preston, the mem- berl‘or South Brant. brought the subject up in the Legislature the oth- and moved the following re- Tho eVi nr (lav. berl‘or South Brant. hrougm u.-. subject up in the Legislature the 0th-. er day. and moved the following re- solution : "That in the opinion of this House: mi; Every child has a right to health 1 and education; (2) child labor is in\ itself cruel and wasteful; it is merit-1 ally. morally and physically injurious} to the child. and a distinct menace to the nation ; (4) no child under 14 should work ina factory. x\‘orksliop. mercantile house. store. office, . hotel or apartment, or should be employed in making. preparing or distributing articles of 88.100? commerce at home a any place in the nature of workshop or mercantile es- (5) no child lictwoen 14 0 work unless write or in factory. talvlishmeut : and 16 should be permitted t under the, conditions specified the child can read fluently and leggihly. simple sentences in the Eng- lish language: (6) no child under 16 should he employed U-tween the hours of 7 p.m.. and 7 n.m.. or long- i or than eight hours in any 24 hours. or longer than 48 hours a week : (7‘) 'no child under 16 should be employed in occupations dangerous to life. limh health or morals." He succeeded in makin oraihle impression on the l address in support 0‘ the g such a. tav. House in hi.- rescilmiol I â€"- ul‘“ ""I‘hat in the opinion of ' enquiry should he mado as fact of the existing laws rel and affect-mg the cmployme nu-al or other physical labo persons or both sexes, : therefore,, this subject he re special committee, compos¢ following members : Messrs I’yn-c, Patterson. McNang vel, Preston (Durham), Preston (Brant). Pensea with power to the said c: send for persons, papers monts." Child Labor in Ontario Child mum is “at (my Imunqu-u ‘ the child. but to the state It» tenth talower the price at wages“) the adult. to keep the mild in igmmnw and handicap him (or life. To allow it to prenml to any extent is fraught with dire consequences to the fu‘ ture of the country. Now is the time to nip it in the bud before “has mixed any growth of consequenca. It is pleasing to note that there some to be practical unanimity in the Lou imatum in "and to ' morning ‘33th its development; and it In to behopod that the ”party! “50 com- lam-tee ”pointed will!» 0 pmtio ~‘a.yt ‘R.L OBI?“ saw-VT and not simply, to one section. the people of :Ugoma are en- to fair and. perhaps. generous mm Legitimate expenditure only the upbufldlng of the northern and in the opinion of this House should he mado as to me of- ‘ .ho existing laws relating to :t-ing the employment. in ma- other physical labor of young or both sexes, and that. e,‘ this subject he referred to a committee, composed of the g members : Messrs. Montoith ’attm‘son. McNanght. Barga- aston (Durham), Studholmc, (Brant). Pense and Tudhope. wer to the said committee to ‘ persons, papers and docu- Ontariois. it is be- the imwm‘anw °f this lo-yod U-twoon thl' Lnd 7 n.m.. or long- rs in any 24 hours. hours a week; (7‘) should be employed rigorous to lilo. limb _. . TV, less and excellent. were they had to tell. I rem culurly hearing about driver whose trajn“ was it was often blended with expressions : of sincere religious feeling. To argue with Col. Girouard is to be undone“ not necessarily with force of argument, } but with sheer over-bearing, yet al- wa s good-natured. strength of will an conviction, expressed with flash- ing eye. thundering fist, scowl oi brow and the shout of a splendid resonant voice. Major Nanton, I remember, was anti-American in spirit. while Girouard was inclined to the wider Anglo-Saxon patriotism. The major alluded to the anti-British feeling in America. "Yes,“ replied Gironnrd. “amen vour Irish-Americans, but"â€" with sin; voiceâ€""what are your Irish-Americans? Muck.” he shouted And a mere argumentative re ly was impossible. But. in s its of t is An; gin-Saxon sentiment. it Percy Biron- ai-d is intenser dusted to his French Canada. "Don‘t zen interiere with . he was! any suns lish think i ii?“ everybogy who'is net‘ssgiish is s nimr5‘_m_ .- L“ a“ 8‘1”?“ am gag: awn 3 am; g‘ffim“ m '1 1m 189095“ nu“. . :duthut Nwonhomuvw "Thom" . tt but. will be _- wen-gonad Winn. 0‘ and full noon of traveling awn: 0“ tho an. winging you: at nervous folk mu. osmium Atthhmode, mm'ny Minnow. ’ . . learns thin: 11 be} wen-gonad W 0‘ Y rue-tun «(tho Winfin cogâ€"w u‘w-vâ€"wâ€" -v‘vrv'. Bififiinih is ' mm, and m m n NW9}? Ld menu. buys the supplies, md. with the assistance of two follow students ueookondvnitrou oooksmdoomc the mod. As the uncheon m on achievement in good cooking md coonomiou boylocoomlgioqq. he T3- A.‘ _ $23531}? Kind- 1 fish the menu J01 I .1 ' Animus mdwtfl‘ Br gum a m an uncle- Yo‘u'hfium'fi 524‘: Plumbâ€"- It sums to me indeed-â€" Whun d1 prelu- tbe nipping For comic“. mt. union to pub- . few ”new ii». >OOOOOOOOOO New spring weaves, $1.35 qualities at $1.10; $1.25 qual- ities at 95c; $1.00 qualities at 75c; 75c qualities at 59c; 50c ' qualities at 39c. One of an mm I‘m Indium “mm Cash Dull» : MIDBAY. HE first of March‘is near at hand and we will soon be re- established in our old stand Opposite the post omcu. Tl“3 last six. months has been a strenuous time for us, and to our many faithful patrons Who have stuck to us, and put up with the inconveniences of buying here, we tender our some 01' sincere appreciation. ross cuts to quick clearances other than the There is no c ow enough to Pl‘udict reduced prices, and these reductions ate 1 a “ROUND-UP" of many of these lots he the monthf fore the timid Good Fashionable Silks at Wholesale Prices White, Black or colored, $1.35 value at 95:; $1.00 at 79c; 75c at 59c; 50c at 43c. All sizes, made of good white cotton and trimmed with lace. med. Women's $10.00 to $12.50 Cloth Coats at $5.00 Make Use of Them. Let No Advantage Slip. New styles for this season, black or tweeds. $2.75 and $8.50 Waists at $1.98 Silk Lustre or Cashmere. Women's Dress Skirts at $2.90 $1.50 White Underskirts at $1.19 Embroidery or lace trim- New Larriflan Factory Choice of several styles. Best 600 Corset Covers Alan 1500 Cord: Basswood Excelsior Wood Wantcd .- am mm: 00. Limited O O O 3 Hi6" PRICES for LOGS - Wk for Veneers Basswbod. Elm,‘Birch and Ash ur Selling in The Waggon Shop am. man”. AND THE Guaranteed to wear well, smooth black fur. able. $50 values for S39: S40 3 values for $29; $35 value: for $28. 6 § Women's 18.00 and 20.00 3 Fur Hull’s at 12.50 3 Alaska Sable, Columbia: 3 O 2 Sable, Isabella Fox, Black Oppossum and other good furs. Men's $18 Cub Bear Coats at $11.00 Extra warm and service- Women’s fine $1.50 Kid Gloves at $1.19. $3 Golf Coats at $51.85. 25c Ribbed \Vool Hose at 19c. 50c Corsets at 43c. 50c Cashmere Gloves 25c. izgc Wrapperettes at 8c. 20c and 25c White Curtain Muslins at 12;»c. Wm 21st. 1907. Men’s and Boys’ 50c Win- ter or Spring Caps at 25c. Men’s $25 Black Martin Coats at $19 Women's Astrachan Fur Mi? '7”, .. .. . 00 kid 9 onto!“ 343.20 Good "going “7rd. and and 21. thurn limit 3 Tickets and 20 heavy hora-5. “”1 Cleveland bus, 5} weight 2000 ms, : 1 (j 3. we'ght about 1300 mare. by Gentry. ris our large mad hor. rising 5 and 6, dau‘ blood mm in foal q I heavy brood mare q in foal; 20 or 30 h cattle; 1 horse. bu to ‘bo sold without of price: 4 setts new; 1 sen douhlv 1 new. Expect large 0 OUtFi-de horses. etc 1 Also rugs. blanked other articluo 100 ml! tion. Term: 0! palm 9mm . -dP=irh\Q H mm “this extensw‘e came. harm-m: vnhd “8 SW!“ 91(- ‘ “am “In MPH ”Aims: at homp w 3 dozen swvat-pa without reserve; 1. (wanton; I IH'nndt ‘4 “W ‘5. M4! M g“! h“ :zzzztzz'nv RH. Ma Ma. , Hung an Information at. Lind «as T. C. Hatchet. m Kan! J. Anderson C.P.B. an or m C. B. me. D.P.A. Ontario Horse Breed‘ SATURDAY. MK EARNINGS RE William-5L. Li} FROM LI New St and Raw FROM LIN . J A?“ 0p poSlte 50c. Fl ’R Auc hrnodm Wit

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