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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Feb 1907, p. 9

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t Burnt. Rival 5' the membets " may the Reen‘ [nod Wanted. for lumber: l-5, $70.85: G. 'n and report WV Council. diourn-ed to mace“ . 84.56: m ”(with fees ’ Lhifi council ‘ I 'ational' Sani .~ ;. Carried. .j applied Eor a 3‘ and Messrs. Mm were appointed a: ne thnhgfi id: be m It by snoi f :gther In In profitable if; - wilb be u Four she“? “ shown Mess .AhiD. N8 51‘”. u; we are ., . Iey wanted‘ a me fence,“ ‘ east side of “‘ blots Nos.1‘2j :ssrs. Carew - kt a. bonus be zeeastboun‘ d Ash 1mcnts Hotel and Davis g accounts he s. Carew and 5011's claim,w OOOOOO stars. I uvvr mm. M 11 W :3»:an Maconachie and“ Truax's account?” getting a m uge, i;- paid, communicate I xim to refund 7 O7 0. Limited RY m [ND ‘a mag-an maid in thus hf «may ‘- be very peOS. med Hair. etc. ‘1 haha and ‘ - ‘ rin, in what»; rats of boat,” >ra1ized land. ". R. and is ‘ l 9 companies’ I “'nm] foi- ,_ ' it practiqdl ‘. Mini!) the J LOGS é DIANS [ht I’v'v -Assessab10 1 V} (gold) ESS HA; mm fig; séphfi‘yw " ,tume» . m wa RATES WEST Barley ”VANCOUVER VICTORIA $43.20 . 513mm; PORTLAND \ TACOMA [ NELSON. B. C. 340. 7 0 1nossmnmn SPOKANE mom LINDSAY it MI: W 1 . , ‘ Sm‘nph‘m. m.» .............. 0.66â€"0.66 ,« - swheut. hUs ........... 0.63â€"0.63 “Fe. bus PMS, small, bus B‘RCReye Peas Msy ““§§§k§§§§tuw “Obey to A! SATURDAY. MAR. 2nd. 1907. FANNINO'S REPOSITORY. “Illx;\l!I-nt., Lindsay. afififinwickett wluml Imus, 51".! 2mm Ihs. only!" about 1 :v. by Uc-mr)’. :‘ large rum] 1 1:2; 5 and 0". vi man- in in my hmml m: final; 20 (H' 3‘. :1»; 1 hul'sv. ~ml(‘l.-u~nun-way 'I'N‘KPW. gun“ I! Mar. 1 In Armin). SPQ‘P‘R' luw Nu thvr pninls. .hk nr particulm m m'nrmnuun M Lind-n, om“ : 1- (a “demand“! Kant!!!“ .L Auduhun. (‘1‘. R. Slauuu. «mu. m huh‘r. NRA“ NEIL. Tacoma. 3‘3 Wheat, bus when} The Linrisay Markets. n) hdl‘M'a, mixed lot ; 1 pair Al L435, 5 and 6 years. 3601: Hum. ; 1 Clyde cult riSing n alum! 13m lbs. 3 1 driving 3 Uvmr)’. rising -l yrs. : 1 'g‘c l‘mld harm-s by Stanton. Tu and 0". (lam Lapdist: 1 um- 11 [ml to Rod Wilkes; Mum! muru suppnsmi to be ; 2.. my 2:.) head. of young K hnt'w. buggy; and harness. ~M uilimul wsorw regardless u: 71 ans‘ single harness, wt .imxhlu dz-iving harness. \pm't [urge consignment 0f (3 Ti! ). J .\(‘K>ON, Auctioneer MWsVMsz M1: 1 S\\‘o~u!-pndS. to be 501d X‘cm-I‘Vv: 1 hundred egg inâ€" ] hmmicr and hate-her. nl' wk same as usual. 5 dMiring‘ bargains should ti-s .wtmsi-vo sale of horses. urn-5.x". mhvs. rugs, blank- I.pml.~. .»n-., at \ 5:11» every two weeks. at home Wednesdays and “ad; attle unwed up «pew tail“? Viilietmut} Nmflh “96 mg a mxupliuta SIME (If \a. calm Midi hunt: uf Walk]; (5639‘ Important Auction Sale cIL‘. ',-.Ln:\'ot9. robes. and on numerous to men- :u‘ 'l‘ivkvtu, proud g0- m. Snginl luw rates \wk nr particulars. ' 2:50;:3130 9 M3210 00 . 0.17:0. 1? "93:026 .?;§W=Q~.fih 0;14=-‘622§ 9:4?434? day may; fixes had 8396? Mums Sig: Mir-Exam dollars wag gnaw to me Wm‘s. Auxiliary m a? M 1; fig maria! gamma 9.9.”? â€".~\ tmm belonging to Mrs. James Howdon, of Ops, took a run on WI]- laim streét on Saturday alien-noon last. turned on Kent Street, and um as far as bhe tantrum t6 £119 PM“ House stablas into which they tumui and went to the yard where .théb‘ stu'ptspd; N6 damage of any Wee mtg-mite was awe; though there was congidémm @ieitemmt amass the emu-d whe usually gathél‘ an 'Eaturé via;- aitamaen in mm at the J‘g‘m Henge: ‘ M . :Mavkg 31999,: Kb. 4L1 may waged a §U§€é§§m§ were «magma-fit m m Mama: Wm‘ 8mm ‘ L A...Mn son has kept the house eighteen yours in a manner which made it Very pop- ular with the travelling public. -â€".-\t the reuluest of the Premier, Mr. .I. W. .Flavelle has withdrawn his re- signation from the Board of Govern- ors of the University of Toronto, and will remain a member of that body. Mr. Flavelle desired to resign on ac- count of the pressure of his‘ business duties and the new hospital and oth- or activities of alike nature. seen â€"Mr. Clem Gordon, of Peterborâ€" ough, overseer of the Tram: Canal; and Captain .Wm. Fee, drove down: the Scu-gog one daylast week to se- lect placeswhere spiles will be driven‘ in the spring 'at the more dangerous turns in the channel. It is intended to Squtil‘e the heads of the posts ,and apply luminous paint. What success will attend~ this plan remains to be The photographs for the cups of the Ross Memorial Hospital. and the Vic- toria House of Refuge which appea‘râ€" ed in the annual report) of the Inspec- torof Prisons and I’uhlic Charities. as mentioned last \vg-ck. were taken byMr. Peter Wilson, of the Watch- nmmWarder. ‘ â€"â€"Jt is understood that Mr. W. H. Simpson has sold the business of the Simpson House to Mr. George W. Dewitt. of Toronto, the change to take effect effect Marc-h 15. Mr. Simp- â€";\[l‘. Frank Forbert. the well- knmx-u uhdcumn. has wuted an new littt‘l)’ occuplvd by Mr. H. AuMOl‘n‘an and will fit it up fora ahoe store in thclxest style‘ It will huoponoa‘ on 'l‘hursday. March 7. The stock Will Leeutirely new. L â€"Slr James R! (lbwm. at the m m‘ 92. has lx‘sig‘nod his seat In the Se- hat» on nemung b! .tm‘fmflrmltfea of um No “as Comm .ludm‘ of Sim- mu for 42 um um. and has been a Se- mm)! since 189:) ‘ â€"'l‘ho Globe 31v“ currency to the armamom. t‘hut prommuwvm b» made this su-ssion by thu Ontarlu Govern- mom :‘m' tho lmx‘dmwtlun or the matching: of ngrlcukturo mm High schuuls. ' -â€"Mr. W. T. Arthurs, principal Min- den Model School. has withdrawn from joint proprietorshipdn- the iMin- den Echo. Mr. R. 'r. Baker contlmfea as sole proprietor. 3 - 5 3.: -Many of the country roads are re- pnrted to “be badly drifted since the high wind 0? Sunday and Monday ("Mowing a. Comidembw snowfall a. day or two previous: â€"-Mr. G. F. Marter has been rte-619‘? tud President of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance. and Ref. B. H. Spence, Secretary. ‘ â€"Meesrs. Sadler Fe'e, havipg tak- en out mbre logs than they needed, disposed ofa large lot to Mr. Kelly millowner o. Bridgeaorth. ata good profit. - DRESS We hm! W 393%“ a: 11, men is buying he! take :9 the west, and mg: mg in a; few ,mfi‘wflh a a A“. ‘3““3: “ wv .w-â€" one 0!» them; te’s Mimithe ‘Bouth Vic-mm Agmu tum! Sobriety to the meeum or the M3149 Fpm‘ Au: way. On Fridpy thé jumble waa deelwed g0 he'appeamema. me. he was mama five times Hospital. «hm an 096132193;qu pew-termed that emmm. am has messed were min 91% wins. m “Mn-u nx;n_ Rev. Father O’Sullivan. curate of St. Mary’s church. for the last five years, has been appointed to \ take charge of Port Hope parish, the meter. Rev. Michael Lynch. retiring on account of age. This announce- ment was made by Ven. Archdeacon Casey. on Sunday. Rev. Fat-her O’- Sullivan is a. courteous gentlemen. and held in high , esteem by all classes 01’ bitlnehs m Lindsay. who have met him. His rennovu Will be regretted; A AL...;.. ._ Runes to 3mm ‘ Miss E. Spratt returned lost Week from a month's pleasant visit with Collingwood friends. Miss Marcella Long accompanied her home and will be her guest for some weeks. Ifev. A. ~M. Irwin. of Canton, has been invited to the pastorate of the Newcastle Methodist church. Mr. Irwin is a. cousin of the Misses Richardson, Cambridge street north. Mr. Thos. Bowes, for the last two years with W. B. Sparljng . Co.. wholesale grocers. has taken the po- sition of traveller for the Powley paper house, Toronto, which he held formerly. Mr. I) P. Hamilton, iate manager at the Academy 01' Music. is now ma.- ing as Eastern traveller for The Haynes Carriage Co., of Hamilton, Mr. Hamilton is well posted in the carriage business. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. “rumwol'l at- tended the‘ tuneml of ”Mrs. Drum- wull‘s sister. Mrs. W. G. Westlake. at Potorborough last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Moynes, of Russel. Man., who have been visit- ing in Lindsay- and vicinity for some time returned home on Tuesday Mrs. George Joslin. of Tweed. re- turned home on Wednesday. after spending a few days the guest of her sister, Miss Tessie Woodcock. Mr. Johnston Ellis attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Fairs’ Association in Toronto last week, as delegate from the South Victoria Agricultural Society. in Wit-Item Mama; 01 Harmony; Went to Tomato llastlmyag; a: M». and Mn. Savig‘ny and daugh- ter Edith. of Poterboro. are visiting at uho home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Jackson. North Ops. Rov. Father Primmu. of Montreal. was in mm: attending the Nnnrnl of his mother. the late Mrs. Alfred Primom Warden Parkin was in town on county business last Saturday. Miss A. ‘A. {Ward is visiting her sister, Mrs. White. Oakwood. Mr. A. Ware has returned from a vhit qt some weeks to Normumbcv- band county. Mr. Harvey Roosor. or (Tapper mm. spent Sunday in town. A guest. of his father. ‘ Mr. R. 1“. “mar. Francis-at Mr. 0. Bishop. Toronto. spent Sunday at the parsonage. Confirm..- street. H Mm. W. P. C-hard and daughuu‘ are spmmmra week In Toronto vis- iting with Mrs‘ (‘hard‘s ulster. Mrs. Hmm. Palmerston-ave. Mr. E. Mark. of Littze Britain, was in town this week. Mrs. J. D. P‘lavolle and Miss Ethel F‘lnvelle have returned from «visit to Toronto. Wwws“‘«“§ssҤ Mr. Fremont Crandell has to“, for British Columbia. ~ Dr. A. Weldon, or Norwood. has beon visiting in town I Mrs. (Dr.) Neelands has returned from a visit to Toronto. Personal-s "M9953“. Thomas Parson. Bum Bur-E fi’ tom and Chum: trwm. attention Uw CATTLE ”‘5“ ram \akmmo mm at mmhy an 0M 1: you hum came. wine! you lu- 14m. . tend us send out to wtm um- A mm! M" I» MM at w. n. w «hop as cud m :5. wam. mm an mm in». 1mm 1’ O. m owns the 3mm“! Luau ! don‘t the: Waman‘n Mach. which 0011“!!! 5000 m o! I‘m-Human «lurch nth gem azureâ€"bu elm wwâ€" a! WA; w n‘ Will‘s“ 8.80 in m elm m Moo. 5:; snail mwu mm "M M m A h; meant M‘wm Q a. hm‘m‘ slim am ml 3* «mm. mg‘w do well on % M:almt mg meek moo mm It“ lanai ta auburn: roman I"! n ‘guaawud W ts “If: 3“ .témkmmfiafluwfik I” 4. "’me h in... .LA “3.” 35; Fred cuppa. of Toronto. 1. visiting her brother. Mr. Leona!!! Irwin. 7 Miss Laum Baguhaw is in to‘ the gueat of her sister. 1 Thomas. Mi 'l'hos. Parson has purchased Mr. A. Cowiwon's fine farm adjoin- dng': the'villége, also Mr. matchford has purchased lfirs. McInEzre’s fawn. a .nu- t'uâ€".v I.’â€"- A large number from this vicinity attended Mr.’John Cowieoon'a sale at Ishy. Mr. Cowiooon intends to leave for the west. in a short timn. '35; "Samuel cm In at pm“ under the doctor a care. We hone he Ml! {soon be around mm A; Mr. Leslie Smithson, of Islay. spent Sunday the guest of Mr. John Vanstone. On Friday but the Muonlc lodge gave a Nut-well luppor to Mr. Me. Clnllnnd ind nil-”John Motlellund. The upper was nth-val u the Camp- boll house. and durln; the owning M‘v. McClelland was proton-cod with: geld lNzkot. whllo Mr. John McClel- land rocolvod a gold Mnaonlc pin. Mt “slum tor the future were «1:- tondod by all to Mr. McClellaud. On account of the anic supper and the: severity o! the weather It". F‘r‘duy very few from how were um to attend the At Home given by Mr. and Mrs. \Shooln at Movor. Those who have attended preview authoring: at Mr. Steele's upocially.~ rogrottod that they could mt be present. for no where is a bet‘er time enjoyed. Mrs. Slugget. of parents, Mr. and 1 last week. Mr. John Campbell. of Fail-view Farm, Woodville. Mr. John Gilson. Woodvillo, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bambury, Beaverton: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (mason. Maufllla, and Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Currins, of Toronto. attended the! funeral of the late Ed- ward Gilson last Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Bacon). 0! ,Orono, ls .visiqi'n-g her sister, Mrs. Wm. Sin- Clair. We'are plunged to see Mr. Din. Sinclair out again after his accident. which might {avg prqvgd ‘Iggal. Moat-s. 8. Burton and C. Irwin spent Friday evening with Mr. J. K. Manning, 01’ liartley. Mr. Manning, of Hartley, and Miss Etta. Manning. 0! Lindsay. pud Mrs. Edward Burton 0. flying visit last week. Mr. Ania nmchr'ord had the . fortune to lose a valuable horse Thursday last. Mrs. Greavcs, of Palestine. is via iting her friends in this vicinity. the guest of Mrs. Gralum. Miss Chisholm. who was; visiting .riends here and at Portage Road returned to Toronto last week Miss Shephers is visiting friends in Toronto. A number of our young people no regular attendants tt the Victoria Road akutlnng rink. and the carnival this week has created ; plea-at cub cltement. Quite an ununull'light wu wit- hout-d here last Suturdav fiternoon. when two young men drove through town with a sleigh filled to the top of the box with puckm.1‘hla run the vault of; two hour: cttch M the Cant! “kn. _ "litrifntco-Tonand mi km!” am busy pupa-Inc to move to Toronto next week. The most severe weather ‘we have had was last. Saturday ‘morning. when the thermometer rag coed 40 below zero. This was mugged h! wind storm: on Sunday. whlc blocked the north and south roads for- some time. Han-v Evans is visiting his sister. Hrs. Fiel‘mg. of Coboobnk; 'TOur ho‘ckey tein} are recc‘vhng greet praise for then recent victorâ€" as over the Bobcaygeon and Peter- boro teams respectixely. {the W hid boys were to have been , Honda}; night, but the My drifted roads proved too great a “barrier. ' Mr. Knox, of Winnipeg has been vjsfiimg h‘s sister, Mrs. A. Scott 16)!" a. few days. .~.,~i[r§. futon: sister to Mrs. W. Jar- dinE, returned to her home~ ixf Man- itoulin. Inst week. » Mrs. Scott, and her brother, Mr. Knox, a're soending a. few days with Rev. Mrs. Clan, of Artheg-ly. KIRK FIELD Miss Mitchell has returned from ; much enjoyed visitflto _Windsor._ .. Vin 55561:, of W'nrnipeg,~ visited friends in town last week. Mrs. Lamb. of Ux:bri_dgeK has been M m Peabomush Manual 1m as“? J new: Mm mm mm» with Mum the CURUNG NOTES CALIBRAY. f Ops Mrs. visited her . Chambers. m Iv! 'I“ "m W'W‘U You Mine I8 Min your «uh ‘0: Ranch to he and mm mm Term. “M N m m m am your order! now My 0.. “mm! m a mm mm b- um «I! N! m “9 9“" W1! #W\MAFE_QLW day'n calm put them 4 point. thud altognher. ' The contest for the SMppard-Noed- 1e;- Cup with Orillin was finished on Tuesday, Lindsay winning out by 4 points. Messrs. rmveue.‘ O'Connor. Wntson und Butler. akipped' four Lindsay rinks at ‘Orlllio and were 12 point.- down. lie-cu. erllcnennul. Dr. Walters, G. H. Hopklna and ’1‘. Gem tapped (our rinks hero. and mum points up. As Lindon had npflfioua lendof 14 win“. Tu.- 39011.14. Primal-x â€"Semi-flnalaâ€"W. J. Read. Bobeaygoon, 7; J. W. Rldpnth. Luke- fleld. 12.~ Council, of Pea-thorough demoted Rldphth in the finals, 19 to nal. Peta-borough. 14: O'Connor. Linda“, 6. Primaryâ€"J. Richu'doon. COUNTY NEWS HOME-HM am ml by Mr. Hm“ New an, n;- pod“ ‘ M 05mm I Row bang ovargaulflfndfifgd u' (or him in mm qtyle‘ He. will be 9pm uu Thunduy. M tad if you Vim kindly oblige him with a «II he to him you hope» some at the best wd mm!» 11!. “MICK. M”. and Children’a Boots and “Will“! in um. All of Mr. Forbort’i stock ‘ “W “M than” uud nothing but solid i V ‘1‘ W mm. FRANK 30333313 our val-known Shoo March-It in a M“- - _ «quantum! up tends» LOOK ! Bobt and Shoe Store BIG OPENING ulnar, Out. w u

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