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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Feb 1907, p. 11

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pesses. cuts‘ bruiigj, jot-ea, poisoned I‘M > good for piles and .. katicn it cure. rhea“ Fe chest, etc. All , or from Zorn-Bah Cd, Lent for $2.50. ‘ ilion,” :oldfields, 3.0. in! I have proved tisfactory. l- “ ' 'ffifd‘flfi :1: no 1' my good for. I onrage any Iber- k in their hone. more than ya my own part I rithont it in the. 'y truly. F. PERRY. Peace for EC. ackson, unseated on ck of property qmlir welected Mayor 0! ursday by a vote at Mr. Robson Hr. yr opponent threatens to unseat. the Mayor ~, celebrated that . Michael Lockhafl. I. on f‘e'bmary 20c _ ‘H. Howson has been inion Government in- ‘ior Petevboroug‘h ad ! est cash rim forth-.3 tum an save tram missions. We at the furs. ppers list. BROS. LIMWID. in. uonnut ink more than led for it. p1 SELL ,state or Business ‘anst or Ron! Efltfltc W’ m- “nu- me outreq :- you time an money. I~-.-. ..-.o~.-â€"- n..r xuwm. :‘wkmu II’ M“ » and an rompwuou- moan“ In; m'nk'ex‘ Cami-donor ‘ 7w - 91'1”: mu: 3m: 0m r-~ n “u hw out. your war! It “ 'H 1- [or L‘l"(:1)n_ Uflta'lo, M x from Toronto. NSAS AVEXUB. ile ........... .... Lle‘ : WHVPF L"’.‘-~":ED \mvvdc‘ u! all kinds :1 ml part3 of u}: U! Point n p. 'rnrr. .AND MAN n. .oooo-o-oooc o. 133:: .m ””me.” mmo. IIIIIIIIIII n. .unu.".."uuo. .. .. .n .r“ ,umunu".n_nou ..u..."_m.Tm ."m . . fl ,7. Innlmum \m.o_unmnmnm 1|. 8 .ll nag-on. A IN SERVICE. to Toronto. ’oint o coo-.00 on. .00...." ANT TO BUY Railway n E D $323.33 \‘rxtc :o-day dcocnnl .md give (:th pf“! BUY Furs no... .0... .‘ iiANsAS was 111 1.1.1 11.21 The R. M. Bea] Leather 00., 0? Lindsay, will pay HIGHES'} CASH PRICE for HIDES, SHEEP. SKINS, LAMBSKINS, TALLOW and BARK. Otfice and warehouse at. We) ”Mon street bridge.â€"45P£8. You Have Not Got [[101 SIOVE Yet! W. R. Keys Tam: MAM. Oman: A Comments 8.6. qu'P'lnM nonding u pkm nh and donor! tlon ml! "1v” V Aw‘orrmx mu- umnmn {no V 0th.? .3 ;~ mm H prulmhly pulvnlnhlo ommunlm- uvnulrlcnvmnnm-mlrd. HANDBO on hunt. lent me. “Mun! n In“ ~ 7 mr aocut u ”an" Patents lnkvn t )rnuuh Munn a3 0' MOI." Mint Bunch ml hunt. churuo. In ”10 fihmdmmrlv lllnstrntgd :veokly. Dunn“ 0‘" Jllfllull 0! any M‘Ienlmc juurnnl. TOMN '3 ' nfimgr 21m; ms. :1. 36m by uLpowMgme- HIDES AND BARK “I“ U] Ill "uwwwv-w MUNN'ZEEWJo-«m.Newjglk Bunch omce. of: F St. Wuhumon. Sciéiitifi? fiifiuéfican. Kent-8L. Lindsay Formerly Keys Morrison WAN TED ! Make money by buy- ing now at our reduc- ed prices. It will pay you. CALL AND SEE for yourself. FRIDAY, MARCH 1.-By Elias Bowen; auctioneer, farm stock and implmnents. the property of_ Mr. George H. Wilson, lot.16. con. 1, Fenelon, at Islay. Sale at one o'- clock eharp and without reserve. as the proprietor is going west. FRIDAY MARCH 1.--By Eli-as Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements, tha 1. 16. Can. 1, Femlon. at Islay, 16 Con. 1, Fenelon. at Inlay. Sale at .one o'clock sharp. FOR SALEâ€"A block of 800 acres land situated in the SaskatChewan Valley. adjoining the C. N. R. main line. This is choice property. sel- ected by myself. Will be sold reasonable. Apply -to C. CHIT- TICK, Box 470, Lindsayâ€"511. TIIESDAY, MARCH 12.â€"By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, on. Lot 1, Can. 4, Laxton, farm stock and imple- ments. the property of George A1- ton. Sale at one o’clock and with- FOR SALEâ€"The Kelly Wood Lot, one hundred acres. in the twelfth concessibn of Emily. Buggy. I_. -‘v _-._. “*5 v-â€" ditions of the High‘ Court of Jusâ€" JOHN McLENNAN. tice. 'I‘here will be a. reserved bad. Sheriff. Victoria. County. Further particuiars can be had on Sheriff's Office, Lindsay. December application to the undersignedu 10th» 1906‘4 4‘ Solicitors for Administrators, ‘ " ' , Lindsay. - ._ m FOR SALEâ€"Capt. Ball’s farm of 320 acres, boat, sawmill. 100 acres woods, first-class buildings; lying FRIDAY, MARCH 8.â€"By Elias Bowes. auctioneer. credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property at W. J. Thurston, Lot 8. Con. 18. Emily. Sale at 1 o'- FARM FOR SALE.â€"A few mile!I from Lindsay, 90 acres, 311. plow land. Good dwelling; 300d barns and outbuivldings; wand-mill: 8 acres (an wheat ; 50 acres plough- ing done. Cheese factory and school convenient. Price $4,4C0‘ Apply at this omce. ro netor of the Victoria, Lam glillps, Haw, .wiflupay the highest _ n Ira-u]: nf " Pursuant :to the instmctidll'u of we Administrntor of the Estate a! IN THE: PROVISIONAB 065NT? Duncan Mom, late of the Town- ‘ 0i“ WIDE ship of- Eldon. in the County of Vie; ln‘dér' and by virtue of ttwo‘ write torie, farmer. deceased, there willbe of find hcies issued out of the Rich offered for sale. by public auction at Court of Justice, and to me directed the Simpson House. in the 'Down of and delivered, at the suit Ibex-em Lindsay. : on Saturday. ' the .sesond Sarah Lady Traviss is pm ind: day ofMar-ch next, at mo oclock Nellie mmymmm Hales mi in the afternoon. the followihg (proâ€" delendante. I have seized and taken petty: in exemtlvon and will: otter for sale at Lot Number 22 in the 7th Conces- my office in the court House, in the sign of the said Township of Eldon. Town 0‘ Lmdeay, on W'edneeday the This farm is conveniently situated 20th day Of 1181011. 1907. at the to markets, schoolnand chuyrches. be- hour 0f two o’clock P-m» all the ing within about two miles of the fight.- title. interest and equity of Village of Kirkneld. There are redemption 01' the said defiendants‘ AUCTION am hr at: clock sharp. â€"48-tf. Bowes, a-uctxi'oneer, credit sale or farm stock and implements, the property of Mrs. Precillo; Staples, Lot 12. Can. 8. button. Sale at. one o’clocg and without reserve; WUUu§, JAsauwou-aâ€" ~â€"-â€"___.g, , on the shore of Lake Scugog. One of the best, wheat. and crop farms in Cartwright. There has not been a famure or crop in 20 years on this firm. Apply to CAPT. J. BALL, 191 Shaw street, Toronto, 8-13. - SALE REGISTER 11% WANTED . ' team :38 Will ‘19 manufactured you: of the 3769}? _A--_ -.. mm ‘. Solicitor, Lindsay] {$5. 'th gimbals 1,391“ winter or ‘ 'vâ€"Vvâ€" lancy and other peas and we would request those wishing to grow, who have not already left their order, and require seed pens, to cell at once at the office and leave their order and get the seed if they wish to take it away with them, and those who have already left their Iorder kindly call and take their seed away at once. Prices have ed- venced on most all varieties. JAS. M.,SQUIERA§ SO_N, Last week a brief account was giv- en of the reception to Mr. Charles Fairbnirn at Bobcaygeon on' Satur- day evening. February. 16. By no in- odvertence Mr. Mason was spoken of as the Reeve of Bobcaygeon. where- as'it should have been Mr. Byng. The Independent gives 9. fuller account, which here follows : A reception was held in the Town Hall. Bdbcnygeon, Swturday evening, February 16, in honor of Mr. Chas. Foirbolrn, who. having received a government appointment. was arout departing for Toronto. The hull was deoomted with flags, and about 8.80 Mr. W. J. Read took the chair, and called upon Mr. E, Tiers. move of Verulam. and councillors Wm. Hoth- ering-ton. and John Mitchell. and Mr. Geo. C. Byng. Reeve‘of Bobcaygeon. and councillors John Walker, and . Het-hering'ton and several other gen- tlemen to take the platform. ,Mr: Fairbnim was seated in the . centre of the group. and Mr. Bottuni rend THE RECEPTION 10 ~ . MR. CHARLES FAIRBAIRN FULLER ACCOUNT OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS AT BOBCAYGEONâ€" THE ADDRESS PRESENTED Bluw Jun, u. J"'U bride, came to“ live amongst. «us, and w, navm “fu'u, settled on: the farm you are now an extended mm Hr. Wm. Jackson leaving.- About 10¢?“th W‘S" « , ,_ .mm,mm. ma van to 'Mr. and M1111 wâ€"wâ€" _ .. Dated at Lindsay this 20th day of Februar), 1907sâ€"8-2. Dear Mr. I‘aix‘bairn, your depart- ure from our midst; to aSSume. a. po- sitzion of trust and. honor under rtho Legislature of this Province. gives us an opportunity of meeting to-night tovexprees in some measure, out up- preciation .01 What you have done for the municipality in which you have so logs lived. and our esteem for_you a; 9, 'end and,,,broa.d-mind~ ed citimen. ' ~ ,. , ». 'It. iaâ€"powmoro than {arty - years since 'you. a. young ‘man wnh‘ ‘ your . .. on..- A...“ .III: Al‘l‘ COUNTY of VICTORIA We have now our seed prepared and are booking orders for the season of 1907 {or the growing of The land will be sold subject to a reserve bid, twenty per cent. of the pm'chase money to be paid to the vendor at the time 0! sale. and thirâ€" ty per cent. within thirty days ,themâ€" when and the balance to be arranged to remain on mortgage if so desired. in, to, or out of all and singular those certain tracts and pol-Hols 0( land and premiSes simian, lying and being in the Provisional County of We», and being composed at parts 01 lot 15, concession 10. township of Monmouth, 88 acres; lot 16. concession 10, Township 0! Mono mouth, 83 acres: and the northedy 66 ecu-es 'of Lot 14. concession 10. township of Monmowth. exceptmg from the said lots such parts their 04 as have been conveyed .to the Irondale and Bancroft Raflmy Com- pany for their right of way: ADJOURNED SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Notice to Farmers wcnwn ‘_,7, SQUIER FLAME. with flags, and about 8.80 Read took the chair, and :1 Mr. E. Tiers, move of and councl'llors Wm. Hath- md John Mitchell. and Mr. yng. Reeve"‘of 30136841890”- :11-.. -Tnhn Walker'and D- J. R. McNEILLIE. County Treasurer .Mr. Mitchel! referred tn the Limo Mr. Fairbaim came to 'Jw-ulnn and the way he worked. His puhlic life was a snout credit to him. steadily progressing from Councillor to mem- ber of the Dominion Parliament. He was not showing ago wml 'n-‘pc-(i he might be spared to enjoy nis new oo- cupation tor many years. [“3 mum is honored throughout the township. honorable way. He will now have to work with his head and, not with his hands. and hoped the change of pacition he may enjoy. and always look upon Verulun and Bdbcaygoon as his home. _Mr. Bottom and Mr. Snith. the Chairman, Mr. Read. each congratu- lated Mr. Faiomhn and wished him and Mrs, Fairbairn and Junin a long and prosperous life. They rc- gretted Mr. Fairbairn’a departure and wished he.would enjoy health and rest. The evening was then closed with God Save the King, and a hearty shake hands with their Mr. Byng had a cold and was ‘ in poor condition ior making any lengthy! address. but he was glad Mr. Fairbatru had received. an appoint- ment. for it was nothing butwhat he deserved long ago. Mr. D. Hetherington and Mr. Walker spoke in flattering words and congratulated Mr. 'l-‘airbairn upon his appointment and hoped he would lung enjoy it. . Mr. Wm. Thurston said he spoke with joy and regret together. joy that Mr. Fairbairn had received some acknowledgement of his ser- vices. and regret at his departure. it was about forty-three years ago he remembered Fairbairn. and said he Was the only man then around, so when he .leaves Mr. Thurston will be the next oldest resident. He was glad Mr. Fairbairn had received the position .and hoped he may live long and enjoy it.’ Mr. John Kelly said he sat for ten years in Council and always held a high opinion of Mr. Fairbairn. He spent his time here and his wealth. and he'was sorry to see his old friend leave. ' Mr. Lithgow congratulated Mr. Fairbaiirn upon receiviru‘ the posi- tion that he well deserved. He had known him since a boy. sat in Coun- cil with him and always'held a good opinion 0! Mr. Fairbmirn’s ability as Reeve of the Township. He was sorry'to see him leave. He had fought many elections. and in an honorable way. He will now have to Mr. Wm. flowering-tan regrétted the departure of Mr. Fairbairn, and wished him more ease and much pleasure in his new position. He .will be much missed and \y'islpgl ho THE SPEAKING . Mr. Palmeim replied in his - usual good banner, and regretted to leave his home and township. He thanked them all for the kind memento. Ho refereed back to his old days and told how he and his wife settled in the township. Many of his old friends ‘then. had passed away. He would not. say good.bye. and would always rchr to Vemlam and Bob- CaygeOn as as his dear old home: Mr. E. Tiers then spoke and con- gratulated Mr. Fairhuim upon. his appointment. and was sorry to see him severing‘his connection with the township. He wished him all suc- cess, and a long and happy enjoy- ment of his position. "A. | lav l--â€"v.- â€"_â€"â€"-- and his family a )ong and Léppy life. ‘ 'Thot you will do honor to your new position we have no doubt, and memory often reverting to the past. will recall the friend'. among whom the greater portion at your life was spent. We congratulate you upon 0. wen-merited honor and hope you may tong be spared to an the position with honor to yoursell and. credit to the Province b! Ontario. , __ ‘ I ' r """" . ‘" " ' . . liteves to keeping a herd of profitable Councnl Proceedings 0' lax- milch cows. The average production The weather being so unfavorable - _ this last while many people have ton, DIM and longford 0‘ h" herd 1““ 5’9“" W“ 73.500 MOUNT HOREB. boon “marina" "0m 1% 8“?!”- -â€"- mg. Mr. Campbell is a. practical ‘Mr. Jas. Skuce, 815. has been ill Council met an the Township He". tamer and in a. letter to the Otta- fO!’ some time With a 99“” “tmd‘ Head Lake, at 10 o'clock u-mu ;'O!'| WI Valley Journal gives some in- of 3a. grippe. We hope for his February 15th. with all members. tereating information n-gm'ding the speedy recovery. " , present; - care of feud given the cows as fol- - . . .. fl-.. ____I‘ I.“ “an... In“ ' I was your removal from our midst. We shall miss your wu’m hand-shake and pheery salutations. ond we trust that. for the declining yours of your lite the rough places may be made smooth. â€"éréfléd 7317)");le of the Comet]; of Verulam and ‘Bobcaygeon. - The hour tor service is changed to the afternoon. Sunday school com: mencing at 1 o'clock and service at, 2.30 p.m. ’ ' Rev: Mr. Tonkjn. of Cambrayl preached an able missions.” sermon two weeks ago Sundayfl Municipal politics to our e wider field. and (there you were Again auc- cemiul. F'ew men {or no nanny years, 31 so many ways, hove enjoyed the confidence of their fellow-electors, end it is toyom' credit thet in «III the contests you had the eeteem of those who oppoeed you. end by your genialty robbed theee contests at ell personal bitterness. and your politi- cal opponents all unite in their con- gratulations to ‘you upon assuming your new position. T'We are Sorry that thin once to which you) have been and meg-fit- Skuce. _ Mr, David Ngrg. o‘féianitoba. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jackson qttended‘the but w funeral of the late Mr. Widdess, of Moved Lindsay seconded and. Hut, 0: "Huntsville. is’ viait- Ham: mgsw many: friends lure” , at oil use! " A... q... The .esiamb. o! Lindsaynude visit. _with Mrs. Wesjey hum of vvâ€"_-v - ‘ also authorized to settle with- 'Mr. fl?m{v‘:§§f Todd accordingly. Gmled. ' ' ‘ ‘Moved by A. J. 831th?“ seconded ' by Wm. Watson. 1: t council dtZM' M qooopt Mr. Stephen Bryan's Misha,- h" “3°“- tion ”an mar, who was mutated ” _ at $9.1.“ mostly; 9! this Council, W... _ j talien about a dozen boxes I was completely cured and I have not since had the slightest return of the trouble. I can heartily recommend Dr. Williems’ Pink Pills to all simi- lar sufleners." . You can't cure eczema. saltxheum and skin eruptions with salves and outward applications. 'Ihese troub- lee are rooted in the blood and can onlyhecured through the rich. red blood Dr. Wilhams’ Pink Pills no- tuelv make. This simple medical fact should be known to everyone. or. Willams' Penis Pills not only of seed ofl‘ered by- the larger seeds- rnen of Europe. Alter carom! tests for five or six years it has been found ‘that the seeds purchased from Canadian seedsmen give crops ,which avenge fully as good as those ob- tainedlirom the moat noted seedsmen in Europe. In future it is intended to conduct ,trlal plots oi held roots with varieties of seeds purchased in the Dominion Dr. Sednders out- lined the Government's poIiCyv in con- nectlon with the establishment oi branch {arms at Lethbrldge and 41A» com-be, Alberta; and the character “11118. ~ Mr. Angus Watt's sale on Wednes- day was well attended. and the and cluttels brought good Mr. and Mrs. Watt aspect to have this prices. leave for Ottawa, where they secured a lucrative position. week. Hears. Halley k Bryans have fin- ished cutting the timber and cord wood in the Globe lots. Besides other stui! they have cut about 1000 cords ol good wood. On Sunday. the wife oi Mr. Crow. «1 auburn. a eon. BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS AFTER DOC’I‘ORS' TREAT- MENT HAD FAILED. "’ Skin trouble indicates that the blood is in a poboned state. It is the poison in the blood that causes blotohes, pimples. eczema. hoiis, sslt- rheum or bodcomplexion. Dr. Wil- lisms' Pink Pills make rich. red blood that benishes these troubles. Mrs. Osborne. witbot Andrew Os. borne. cherldol the Township of Ken- nebec. Frontensc County, 0nt., mites : "I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Wi-ilisms’ Pink Pills, for they did {or me what doctors failed to do. Some years ego I was attacked by Isl-trheum in the hands. caused by s run down condition of my blood. I endured the tortures of this terrible disease for some time, sndonlythoeewho have been simi- hrly inflicted can resiize my sufler- lng. At timesmy hands were so bad B'Eéniil.’ git}; Lu headaches. side- achen and punches, heart. palpita- tion. lngllgveojfon. {heumatimu neu- ciol nimonta that man so many women and growing girls. You can get. these pills from your medi-' cine dealer or. by mid at 50 cents a box or sixbom for 82.50 1mm The Dr. Wflflams' Medicine (30., Brock- fit I could nét comb my hair, I was helpless. I consulted a. doctor but his tmtmen't faflk’d to benefit mil- lea are mated in ‘the blood and can onlybecurod through the rich, red blood Dr. Wilflama' Pink Plllq m:- tuafly make. ’11:!!! simple medical axeâ€"my caQEVu-emed. incurable. While In this condition I read of Dr.Wil- liama' PM Pills and decided to tact should be known to everyone. Ir. Wflhms' Ponk Pm: not. only cure skin diseases, but .9.“ other trauma caused by Md blood. any}: ‘l'mprovemnd hy_ flux time fuwmished with home-grown fruit.‘ It is stated that not one single comp- Used: and Hull district. There? is every indication that this system of catering for the large provincial gractly extended in the future. It will comfoly conduce a urge ox- tenxbon of the Canadian fruit trade. the Apericann rivals. There is an opening (or an extension of the bar 0011 trade until the figures mach the ville. Ont. boxes in some instances were not huge «notch. After packing. when the dveede expands. an undesirable impression is made on the sides {rom the woodwork. This prevents the cheese being turned into 3 perfect, term, and natumily detracts Irom its value. In some cases. owing to the pressure, the boxes break in th isfelt amongstoomeoftho provision moral-ate that than was s-hfling 06 in the Canadian bacon supplies last year. This_is Micgl- arty the cue amongst the patriotic section, who prefcrlwpportdng our cousins in Canada. to aiding Ameri- can trade. 0m w the shortage o! the Canadian supplies there was no other alternative than to support tzheNova Scotlunjnd Cnnadhn ap- ples would be making a. high figure. Harts have been made an: season to extend the trade by drect im- ports to some ohthe lending provin- same satisfactory pioportions as those relating .to the Canadian cheese lmporta‘ions. Some iitereofing suggestions as to Canadian cheese were made recently at a trade meeting at BrisboL A criticism. was made that the cheese transit. ‘A motion was made by Messrs. Watson and Southern i-equesting that Mr. Todd's taxea'on Fit of Lot 6, in the 7th concession 0! Lunch. {or the year 1906. be reduced one half. and that Mr. J. R: McNemie, , -A-.. __-I County We are now satin: ‘0'“‘1' clam o! the spplo season as cm and W (nut, ps3: SAlT RHEUM CURED trial. Soon I begantq be insfrucbd and 5 | Canadian Grown Seed is Best 4 lb. sample of cats. such as was dietrlmted Lrom the Central Ex- perimental Fem. a crop of'2.600 bushels Qt the end of three years. A letter from Hr. W. A. Lyndon. ( Lyndon. "Alberta. 0. Imull village in the foothllh o! the Rockies. situated It an altitude of 4.200 feet above the lee level, need: "In new I sowed the sample” of 4 the. of Tartan King oats I got from yJu. This you I thrashed 1.600 budmls. 'I'h'y yielded this season at the rate of 116 bushels nadftln sum 0! “.00. being ‘ the lulu. on In Alfred? Mia's su- In? a maker 0‘ Non-land comet. cry up to April 7th. 1907', an'dthat the m in» 9:6ng for the above mounts. Carried! Byâ€"law No. 262 to appoint. path- mutcrs. {moo-vhwers. and an as- sessor, No. 261,“ to appoint a Loca'. Bound of Health Officer, and a Med- Dr. Saunders explained that at the Central Experimental Farm . num- ber 0! 7m of field roots had been grown {com seed oust-ed kw Ca- nadian oeedemennmd along-side of these other! from the finest strains of iced ofl‘ered by- bhe larger seeds- men of Europe. After cardul tests on Mot 9! John m, noc- rotuy W at 0.6. 8. . No. 2.{ chines); the bahnced nations. and Duh: ud'nmon. m bounce of’the effects produced thereby as no M the . year other individual is so well situated study of the cows (his milking map . to observe and obtain the most pro- “ Hy J... ka secongi-Jfiuble results from the use of the ad fly Val. W, untrue sum somer'i o! 8. Profitablé Herd 'of a garry Man WC, “luv". 'u ‘â€" _-_., of the experiments that would be carried on there. It in also intend- ed to amid! a bunch emgfiment- cl farm near Churlottetown,P ._E. I. {col Health oncer, No. 260 to unedd by-ltws No. 947 um; 254: By-hw No. 259. being a byâ€"law to repeal By-lnw No. 246 and re- appoint R. H. Southern clerk of the Hundcbality, was «196 passed. ,7; Moved by Wm. Watson. seconded by Wlh. Adair. that. the account for postage. StfitiOnel‘y. etc.. of Mathew Greer. jr.. treasurer. amounting to $.70, be paid. and that the peeve county, is one 6! the progressive fume" in Eastern Ontario who beâ€" Moved by Java. HcCaugheyp se- conded by Wm. Watson. that this council grant the am: of $5 in aid of the Sick Children's Hospital and that the Reeve issue an order on the Treasurer for the some. Carried. Moved by Jae. McCaughey. second- ed by Wm. Adair, that the council- lors be paid their - session! allow- ance up to date, and that the veeve issue an order on the twer for the some. Carried. Before the House of Commons' Committee on Agriculture. Dr. Saun- ders. of the Experimental Farms. pve evidence recently on the pro- ductiveueu of Canadian grown seed. He muted from appreciative letters by Waste-n farmers in order to sup- t his previous statement that it was possible (0' prqduce. Iron} a draw an o'rder {or the The «and! adjourned to meet «mm bn Saturday, June let, at the hnur of 10 o'clock a. m.. to hold 'Court of Revision. the' season of 20 cows. The first calves were dropped about the lat at March. Gown manned: coming in 31: W till about the 2001 of Jul... none that [came in. early were an y«gall on cured clover, hay Ind show. For mutated foods I fed swung ogu. gluten meal and "-‘In reply to your letter. asking for Information in regard to my herd which produced an avenge of 7,500 mm,hflngdue regard to theWot the individual Fuck-d1; mum packets. chic}: pm its many “fluent qualities. puck A may GREEN “whammy“. 1t luau-coon Mr. A. M. Campbell; of Glens-arty. 'i'hat had was manned til! the 20th Milky when the «applied they'd)“ of. foot? R. H. SOI’THERV. Township Clerk number of fin”??? How do you know _ 1 you do not needA :- “Inn snow, Friday night was the coldest. of the winter. the thermometer re- gistering 42 degrees below zero. Cobalt mince are an the talk now, as three cheques for $2,400 each came by Friday night's mail to thnee lucky gentlemen who hold shares in the Cobalt Town Lot. Mr. Angus Watt/a sale on Wednes- day was well “tended, and thn good! and dnttels brought good prices. Mr. and Mrs. Watt expect to leave for Ottawa. where they have neared a. lucmm position. this Wesley McDonald, of Harburn, who is working in the lumber camp at The Strict-o 00.. placed some polson in a. piece 0! meet and the other {day went to look what success he had. and was greatly tickled when he (ound be had got 5 ‘wolves. the bounty being now 815, he will net about $90, that is if he sells, the pelts, Irvâ€"-_' We hava had another cold spell this week. and also a. heavy tall 0‘ An inquest was held at Midland into thd death of Brakeman Owen McDonald who lost his lite in an «accident at Waubuahene. The jury returned the lo'lowing verdict, :- Verdict of Coroner’s Jury ta Owen Mcoouald’s Death his stepping between said car and G. '1‘, box 2M64themby getting his foot alight. in front of a. frog while obeying on order issued by conduct- or Hamsford to disconnect said flat out from bahnce ot'tmin, and fur- therinsodoinghewaxsacting in accordance m the usual custom of employees under similar circumstanc- spectéon 0! cats. I, Country, have been dapor'bed. That Owen McDonald's death we: caused {by the absence of alever on G. ’1‘. flat. No. 60809, necesmuting and all came from Great Britain originally. One of them, who was confined in Tomato Asylum, has been sent back to the Old Country. Another was removed from Hamil- ton. Several more persons of the same type will leave Canada next Saturday. A considerable number of similar cases of colonists who have shown signs of mental weakness will be similarly dealt with shortly. During the lest month 18 lunatics, who came diortly before into the “We one ubo of the opinion from evidence submitted as to percentage of cars in commissionminilufiy ax- flected. that the Gmnd Trunk Batu- way Company are negligent in not providing for a move thorough in- Arrangements hove been nude by Mr. S. Armstrong, Provincial In- spector of Aeylums. through the Do- minion Immigration Department. (or the deportation of five settlers who have. since their arrival in Canada. developed insanity. All are men. 3 Taylor St., Toronto. I an: anxious the: you should know the relief n4 benefit I hnvc derived {ma akin: Bu-Ju. elfect ha been nut-venous. I Ind Mei-ed mm for yen-s with pet: in the heck, espec- may on doing In the mominf, end 1:11le to fly that the peln has comp ecelv dmppeued. Before-dag Dada. 11nd tried every remedy! pend of to: Kidney Trouble, without even te- ething tend: I would strongly Idvloe u e Merit: from Kidney ”mu; ble Ono take In through the "hips. you at " Bu-JII. If the hands and ankles an" : wollen. you need Bu-Ju. If there :2 head- aches or neuralgia. you nee- i 3:14.. If you an nervous and do rat 3! well at night. ya! need Ffl-JII. there is acoustantdesire ., n'xginate, you need Bu-Ju. If the urine is reddish. cloudy, milky. hot and mldin you need BI-Ju. Esp» iallyi you are tortured with In- flammotory or Muscular Rheumat- ism, ‘Seiauen. Lumbago. you cer- tainly do need Bu-Ju. If yougn‘je §ny_o£ theahoveuymp _ - juso 1.1.- If there is min in the 1115‘de m“ "‘5, as}: ragga; don’t d'ehi- Take awn. and cure HALIBURTON. Settlers ti $3M i». l.-

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