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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Feb 1907, p. 1

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His Honor 3* 9 clone “W I men a! M“ t he spoke to Q "Will: and k that than M ’ 3 mt 3m 1" m the mm of lab exhomd b Mar,” m is. mm down ‘ m on!) providoli. ; woperties an” . , ‘refore always .; . Ir or executor: temem a Pm 9: find such u: . ate Charles W .. for an executor in ‘ own will. as: also have two testator and the . t. all be togm ~; This is absolutely ny deviation destroy. s vital that the ‘ in a position to use a ’m, and evsan a blind.- ”he macaroni?» h and Cam under our 1.“ . by anyom. n on languaze. new ‘ iv. («an be. pun“ ,s long as it to!“ “'8 Hi the “CW ‘ 1 important M Id be dear and a seed in such 3 mm ble him to see if he a and there have the a to him Thus a blind g L a good will; a blind“ could make a good fl, d, deaf and mate a f a man makes a will lg. mniage. he had ‘ her after, for the maxi: L. A married woman 11 and dispose of he: on KE YOUR is a man forgot some by in making out his was alway I '1“ ‘0 t andureiiduo of my a. w. etc. to depou it it with a (hint of the county. 9 omn lunch“! but my: Hy. except in an. ill courts were than fit out the widow will u m. harm: Inflated . an baht"! him dumfl ad with NI mm * t (or vim“... MOM Mun. "I! I M. I do Mama 2.0 MM!“ fl 3 in a lucid intend K. insane periods. Soldier: . ice and sailors on thohfir two privileged I make out a verbal wo witnesses who deceased's affidavits, which a good will.‘ a? :3 r. 6105! enough.” dull t the "cubic are“ N inn didn't db ”3“ [he mndltiom o! u- " ‘ bad a down 1am I rd‘u red «at. h nband mum [in hot is will 0! a com nail rtmmi could bun. U! M 1six months, 3 " H ‘1»! his late wile's O ‘gs on two condition?- Ln had had a child by p83 1831 me chili! wag' hall mte child cannot M nor without. a will 60‘” n inherit from . b s not mmemd‘ the crown an W' rty it they die insLeub. n (‘zmada if I 5‘ ving a will the d alike. 1x13315111 1 th- '5 quemly ea 1' said: "If you up on“ w up a will, use your own usual . fl‘ rson understan it P’ the doctor mat b , read it over to W the presence of the all three must I fl. {min-6.. could I h following.” A Stumbling- and: r yourself, young nake a will wi >per thing to do. N 3011 have to lo. ill ensure flat W F0 to those whom to without iexpenae. hat to the d Lething your 2:: ‘rs Remember M mug appream The Amprior usand three )1 par profit 13 VII“ mam has to ah ation of its tale yfacz it has much;1 Li a substantinl per diis p and emdent : a sinking fund, under age can mini. ‘1 nor act as an one“ person_ ca_n_nqt make : ‘ i" convinces poop} "roughly 0! the ownership as u been done in p REAR? ihoap Telephom Thunder Buy d Judge Winch gain that he has 11 as a good ad judgment. I solvea it: manflntcun dispose of he: a; Without a will NOW .~-m§--si Alsike Clover~ - Red Clover Mamomth Clover Timothy Prices Reasonable Branches throughout Canada, Paid- -up Capital, Rest, '- (-5 Total Assets - $10, 000, 000 5,000,000 113, 000 .000 La In the United States and England 3W, $25,000,000 IN THE Bank of __'I‘_ox"ogt0 Sterling Bank SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Diapadu o! 81 and upwards receiv- ed. and interest allowed at highest current gates, compounded flour timqs in per-0n or by latter. A/ J. A. WALKER, Manager Authorized Capital $1,000,000. OMEMEE BRANCH exhibit the welingllaced confi- dence of the p ic who de- sit their savin in this institution for so. et . That these deposits are we [secured is shown b the fact that their last prin statement showed cash and bank balances of 35.500.000, and surplus of As- sets over Liabilities to the uvw publicvdf $8,600,000- of Canada KIRKFIE‘LD LINDSAY, OETWATHURSDAY. , 28m FEBRUARY. 551131.153” 1867 â€" The-â€" Hunger I" Meeting ‘of Ontario ' fairs’ Association Resolution in favor of Horse Racing ‘ EPassed--Mioister of Agriculture Promises to Consider it Toronto. Fob. 90’3“» Ontario Aa- oociat n 0! Fairs and munition- oponed‘itn tenth umuol mouth: at the my Hall yahorday afternoon. Gmt nteneet is taken in the meet- ing owing to the solarium {om on ”must lust. of the new Act gov- erning ricultunl sociatksa. The “courier”: first-met! yesterday in a large c‘pmmiWee room on the first floor (fithe City Hall. but thin was Soon licked. and loud complaints were m’ade at the poor accommoda- tion W by the city. Mrs]. S Guiyang of :Victoria Road, said that it the fity could not provide better ~-â€" ‘ A ..§ tion for! 'sush an import» ‘ ting he would propose that; their meetings elsewhere. oyg‘h. for-instance, in the future. _, Shandy alter one cf the coun rooms ins graced at the din oi the.asoociation. and proved equal to the met at the Mg. Mr. J: W) Bhuppard. Cayuga. pres idem. o «the association. rdemd in his ad on to the new Act, -which nppea. generally utidnctory. er oopt, perhaps. on two points: Ono was that no credit ms to be given for exponditures on grounds and Wim Md that special privileges were minted Toronto. Ottawa. _ and London. in the mutter-oi horse ‘rur- ing. a form of amusement that in- volved Ibsn of grant I! indulged in by non-invorod louiities. The nMer n! the dnv was dopu'tqd from. nd- the discussion on tho pmkien '9 address nnd the pro-onto ation of' reports uncommittoos mode to man over, and MI: Comm's re. port 10113406 wu mkon up. 'one the howlkeepers and a tow mer- acbants got. up a society manly to Idraw the country people to come jinto town to spend money. and not. Ljin the interests of either agriculture Eor horticulture. All that is now ,changvd. and Societies wm receive ttheir portion of the gaunt. on the [basis of their expenditure on prizes. r--~ -‘--~ __ â€" - ' Artur d brie! relax-once to replies man-ed) from am: sochflu u to nutter. {.0 b0 dlocuuod. m. Gown: took up thq .oflect of the your Act. A -“A wueh had lound It Itficult to ex!» and» tho old conditions would do. volop m Mly. Wuhothou 0! un- Mural junkyould go out. n! 3:- "it: Kan mud u would ufl‘oct ova 400 Icahn-I in the provlneu, ad was no ndmnlv dill-rum. tron the all one mt may sociocu- -n-h had found It Itmcult to oxllt To mutton on. «Iowa: tho new Act. tho speck" mentioned am that lociouu would have their bonu- ro- ducod m 0890 sud :ovor. 25 by ”fl .CAA __A ..... g uud ova". 59 thy 8100 “(I over. and 59 by $60. Apia-t this. c meiotic! would gain ovor‘8800 ouch. 10 mm 0200. 8 over) .100. 50 over .50 :nd 97 by Varying umountu below 50. '~ Under the chi Act than was no limit to the number of locioties that might be started. except the number of townships. but under the new Act each society was assured a radius :0! 20 miles. Vader tho~ cld Mr. Cowan "Jen-ed to the export judges generally employed. and said this system'had orked we‘l though out of 124 in engaged last war six had been' unsatisfactory. I! see- retaries, however, were prompt in WESIEIII Bank 0‘ (WM nnd agencies in Cuudn. United State. and Great Brimin. in in a position to meet awry requirement lwthe line a! legitimate Banking. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Depodta of 81.00 and ufiwurdn r0 ceived, upon which interest. will be paid or compounded iour time. n your. nt Wt current rate from dnto 01 deposit to any at withdraw- Fu'mu-‘I Basin." Rood!“ Special ltuntlon ‘ In the line of cashing or collecting tale notes. making advance- for tho 0! Stoekon. etc.‘ In soliciting your ”trons: w. an any." you of courteous tmtr meat and prompt sttontioi: to your bushels minim“- U. 3. 13331:,- Chartered by Act. of Parliament. 1882 m Bunk «unfit 129 branche- "_1A-.I LITTLE BR ITAIN EFFECT OF NEW ACT. my; Jl‘u’. were not {umi they would 1 than Iota] me reporting m Inemcient judge might be t rid ot~bdore erect tau all ammoyenoe. The tea 0 often moo thmug'h directors akin; Judg- e! to . undertake department- were not’fumilier with. in the belle! they wouk‘l be more utwuctory than Iota! men. It was a surprise to the department tint so few lady Judsee‘ had been engaged. my had menu], highly competent. available. )0. Cowul also mentioned the strong en‘ort made. by the Govern- ‘ment to suppress games of chance Qt hm. which mud resulted in n great lessening o! the evil lest you". ADDRESS BY HON. NELSON MON: The Hon. Kilian Montoith. Minib‘ (er 0! Agrkuiture. took the chair at the weaving session. Mr. lion- tc‘ith asked that the Act be given a hir trial} It wa's impossible to untidy 42mm. but the Act was the experience of many years bound down. and on they found need {or amendments. they would carry them out.,'l‘he chairman corpidered the mutation of agriculture nnd horti- culture a! being beneficial to both. Sumo dismsuon on the opomuon of the Act followed. and a. delays.“ rgfnorred to a resolution pus-co at i lost m; that a. mod‘rm amount at speeding should be ‘ ol- loplod At bars. - vâ€"_-v fir. Ionian“ explained thut the 1mm of the Act nu to ethnic tho‘prohuimul noel. A mum-um mount oi ape-ding wu wail-noble. um. in tact. menu-y. Com}. di-ouuion m elicited on the abject. of the advisability oi appointing “superintendent or man- “ - 7 ., _A _._...-_-.A an ollloer an ubnoluw wacky to nuke a h!!- a, success. Others br- Movod in s dun-ton o! dept-unam- among the dluctoru. the htur, flush! or In commutes. being ro- Iponflblo from «at to mull: tor tho? wogldng p! v.31 (ctr. -"v V. Ann-“EM! leéakm exproued surprise at their bang thy doubt: on the palm. fflmyponsidcrod Iuch , l‘_- m. J. Loam Nikon. the new eup. erlnuudent o! manure! newton! cove on eddreel on the dlmuou In Which one. eodellee would develop. He perueuhrly recommended coâ€"qr oration. end poinbed to the mer- veloul euoeeu the: bid attended the odor“ of Deumerk end Germany. wuculerly. He eleo command 1:. dealt-able that. young men would be elected to the directorate o! socio- uel. With two or thnee to {which ballast and experience. the remix» der. if young men. would by their vigor end energy help the eoclcty onwards. and 'be themselvoe educated in the process. _ _ _ Cu “w r‘vvv-V- Mr. Wilson concluded by urging all nodules to hold mad fairs. or stallion and bull mm, or both com- lined. this spring. Specimen pro‘ stamina: were lurnished to all dele- gnt’os, and t_he special bonus 0! 82-5. 4--â€"__AA_.L -- Mr. William laidhw, Guelph, was elected by mlunatlon president 0! the Ontario Associntiona of Fair: and Exhibitions at yesterday morn- ing’s session, and Mr. Alex. Mc- Farlune was reelected «century- treasurer. . Thediscussion of the new Act was taken up clause by clause, . Mr. H. B. Cowm. tonne: superintendent. explaining the purposes and scope of the various provisos. .- .4 n Considerable «newsman was elicited by the clause limiting the Govern- ment grant to the proportion exâ€" pended by sooietxes In prizes in en- coumgement 0! their object, agri- cplture. honicniture. breeding. seeds. etc. Seveml delepm (ram societies that have spent money on buildings and ground; theught they should u..- 3â€" v vâ€"rvâ€" get credit for, fill; expenditure. «well as for the money Spent prime. 7 - ’ - . - 4m_4 L- r- W- m. Com explained that he (a.- vored including -such expmditure. but it unpaved that the authorities had been guided by tear that socie- tiee would spend their grant! in the direction of improvements at the expulse o! the real objects of their existence. I‘m win also the den- get that societies might get into an and mom their properties. At the afternoon cordon auction was submitted std xhe meeting that the Government be asked to modify the Act so as to include the ex- penditure on grounds and buildings with that for prizes in the amount. upon whibh the grant would be paid. Soveru ape-hrs udvocoted the way of apportioning the gaunt that could be devised. The object of the Government was to encourage the development of agriculture and not to provide fibibitlon buildings. che money was spent onhulldinga there would be so much lens {6:- priz- es, and the intentions of the Act would be Matted. ‘ Another delegate pointed out that ht society I'm! spent W of 775 '{mm the Government ex- Toronto. r“ 1907. tt m " F” - ~ hm? wwmmwzl uni their own dim ”u to whoa-n hone nun. can or than! said. one for 01,500 and another {or $1,100, Iimply throguglr demonstrat: in what speed there was in themxt Without the horse racing the breed- er Would have ,had to take two or three hundred dollars apiece. ‘ Dr. Kaiser, Mayor ofOshawa, told how they had provided horse racing in his district. They had merely or- ganized a driving club, with grounds next to the fair; and provided good. clean racing and speeding when the {air was held. The country popu- lation- 01 Ontario was religious and Du. m then moved that a dele-' gation tie appointed to wait on the lighter of Agriculture to convey the _ resolution penned by the meeting. Thie reeulted in the appointment oi‘ the Executive. with Mr» W. A. 1703-. of Dunnville, the mover. Mr. D. H. Price. the eeoonder. and Dr. Kaiser.. The detention lmmediettely proeeed- ed to the Parliament Buildim. where they interviewed the Hon. Mr. Mo'ntgith. having arranged for an audience by telephone. Mr. Monteth promieed to take the matter into consideration. and said. that it, might be poeeible to intro-l duoe certain modifications provided the main object of the eocietiee did not under. Experience had ehown that where hone r’aeiec pro-pend it nae general! at the expect- 01 agriculture. an it we. the develop- ment of the latt.‘ that wan the ob- ject of the departmt. The ballot {or elheerl (or th. ‘eneuing year melted in the election on the (allowingl :41". A. McDonald.- Duflorin. let vieeguli'dnt; Mr. H. A. Douid. Ontario County. and vice- preeident; leanerm Downey. Peel; David Evans. liddleeex : Ed- ward cough. Parry_§ound ; George -.,,.‘L_- Norblk; J. W. SW, Halal- Imnd; 0. J. Wilcox. M. Execu- uvo Commune. At the lat; trusting. of an Smo- lord City Council.: on motion of Aid. Hal-dim. son 0! Judge Hard- ing. of Lindsay, J udgo John A. Baron: was again oppojjwod gelogatae to represent the City Council at the meeting (in; Ottawa. on March 18 and 14 o! the Canadian Association for the l’nevention oi Tuberculosis and other form- of Consumption. and the motion also stipulated that he be requested to urge upon that body the advisability. in the interest 05 a. wider diflusion of edu- cation on this deeply important sub- ject. of holding its annual meetings in diaerent centres. Said assocmtion being supported by the public money _A I‘-..A Death of One of the Oldest Men in the World (are the pyopie at large‘as Widely as possible. The motion was not carried how- ever, without opposition. ‘38 Aid. Rankin. himself a doctor, while not depreciating J udgo Barton! work, thought the Medical Health omcer should be appointed, and acid that all the information others had about "‘"v "'1. ~ of the Dominion, Vshould not lapse into an appendage of the Capital, but its work shoulgi, be rbmqht be- home is this city to-day, in the person of minimally Collins. Mr. Col- lins was in his 112th year. having been born ‘neu' Cork, Ireland, in August, 1795, and lived under I111. George “7., Winiam IV., cofiumfition was secondhand. vâ€"v â€"'=--,, v â€"â€"-â€""' on. When he was born, Wgshington ‘ _,-‘ wag President of the United States. Ten ween ago Ir. Collins became A captain in amgimcnt stationed ill-through congestion of «he lungs, at Mont De Marsan, France, recently and then vote little hopes of his purchased an old bible in a. secondâ€" movory. Hi. constitution, however, hand book shop. for 43., and found pnlhd him W two months and between two of the leaves bonds to a. m. The historic 'mu which the value "of 616.500, ' payable to have happened during his Incumbent-er. and signal by a landowner will be moan: via-nit is readied who died some years ago. He visuâ€" 4|.-L .Aâ€"h a... m At suhlu- 0d the 80“de who w charge 0‘ AL- willbeefldaxt with recalled that when he was born ct Skim.”- een. near Cork: ‘Nwflnompute “111m: came in. Co to Canada in MG 90th year, arriving in’ltontnal in 1815. ' was 96 yogi; old. Montreal. Feb. 20.â€"One of the old- :t man in the world died at his Judge Barron Again Appointed i556 117 “mi Mgrnhpf. , Hellm- THE TRAftC TO "IE " MUSKOKA DISIRiCT 'vvâ€"vrwâ€"T _. The line is now Open as far a. Bola, Falls. on the western shores ol 'Lcko Muskokc. and in the heart of the moat charming lection oi that country. The C. P. R. will hand tho passenger- over to the “comer: of tho [Woks Lake Navigation Com- It Bola Folk. and they will thus hnvo ocean, without difficulty or inconvenience, to any port which they desire to much. As soon as tho cocoon opens, the company will put on a superb passenger train mice. and win orange my com motion. mu: all port- 01 the East- crn sate- wnd Eastern Canada. OLD RAILWAYJIAN SAYS THERE WILL BE SOME FUN BETWEEN Mr. Winiam Stitt, eastern passer»- ger agent 01 the C. P. R., returned yesterduy from Buflelo, says a recent number of the Montreal Witness. whom In: ha. been in (30311601109 where he he: been in connecuog with the campaign which the Gen- edien Pacific is organizing to sew cure a dare of the tourist traffic to the Muskoke Lake district, hith- erto monopoliaed ' by the\ Grand Trunk. In Bun‘alo Mr. Stitt met the passenger agents of‘ all the Ameri- can linen connecting with the C. P4 8., undamaged with them an ex- tensive advertising prOgTammo, cov- edng the whole of the Eastern Statel. A. 0. result of the meeting. fagâ€"Quinn to Montreal confident 0! an exceedingly heavy. traffic over tho company's new! line to that district. Telegraph)! Tho Gund Trunk to also making couldmblo improvement in lts aer- xoo, whlch wlll be one o! the moat adorn and sumptuoua of any por- tlon of its Iyltem. Mr. 1-1. R. Charltort ? in conversation with a 'Wltneu' representative, said the company did not anticlmte any fall- In: on in mt- trnmc an a result ’- of the competition. of the C. P. K. In tact, their advertising' would prob ably benefit the Grand .Trunk by drawing even more widespread at- tentlon to a beautiful country. He was antlclpatlng a heavy increase in the tnafllc there this year. ‘of Toronto. The New York Central {and its connecting iines from Buflalo hanQAe a large Muskoka traffic which the Grand Trunk. has always taken care of, either at Suspension Bridge or at Toronto, but naturally, this ltmflic will now, be divomed to the C.P..R. Of course the Grand Trunk's may connections at Suspension Bridge will still give it a largo .tnmc. They have close connections with the Lehigh Valley and other large railways running in and out cl Budalo.’ Dominion School of Telegraphy and Railroading. I 1 lddddo-Bt. Wat. An old railway mun. discussing the situation. said: "There is going tohe some fun this year. my boy, between the Grand Trunk and the C. P. 3.. and you will see some of it in connecuotn with this Muskoka. Lake traffic. The C. P. R.’s new line is one with a very small grade per- centuge and one on which a speed of seven-ty- miles an hour can be «nude. With this speed the C. P. R. will be able to reach the heart 01 the Muskoke. Lakes in about one hour, and a. ‘half from Wronto, while it takes the Grand Trunk an hour 'lomer to reach Gravenhuret, where connection is made for Mus». koka. wharf. ‘That the C. P. R. will cut a big slide 011 the Grand Trunk traflic to and from this region is expected owing to the {act that the C. P. R. has a. close alliance ‘with the New] York Central Railway out of Toron- to. In (act the C. PJR. handles practically all of the New York Cen- tml's passenger traffic in and out {1â€"39};th and on looking into the “89' they found ”that the bonds. “a co mar your-a". 1' you dam to w h M" Mt, Inuit-“II. Nu" m work. um I- 30‘" m lore!) cup ‘3" “d” smug 3,0 Bum.” I. W. Samara. Primal," ad in nothln‘ don-'11: my Valuable Old Bible NUMBER 9 a ms» awar- Tor-ante mm

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