WAR? )1 and get Wane is n] ing Land :3} it in the best c nditi Ileast possible time by using want! u. :tox-s‘ recommendation .nsee that, 2; has meri nd the ordinary con mlé: s. \INDSA "' .xTCH xs ‘ cha good (“'9an rs well. .\ot only the case. m see. but the works as we"- ‘zdrcd: of lxtzle wheels. panic†l hiddm from sight. but doing rs ju \: thc same. Many move- »od. but there is one watch we nd to \Ou for sure as a good. hpcr. andoncthatwfllbeco†LI: xs 1' .e celebrated MAL WATCH ‘};e Jeweller .PETTY'! we opi-ncd our 110* th 3 large lumber wringankinds of inunlwr. Base Mould-"l ’. 1'01th '03.. m import." immiwr, Base Mould.“ ¢ (Uwillgu. “’0 3r 'ru-r pnsition than: tiï¬c preparation ’ a .1 I'velloxuly, aidin .3 hereby purifyinggtï¬ LI) ONLY AT UG STORE R HOR noonb? '0 LOAN†'9 Phono 280 NDITION )W D E R our Lumber. and Bhln‘lu 9 Bone Dry. chaspat‘ no" M! will 3‘!†IS! NNEï¬Ys ELL, Lindâ€. amp . Hod In h us about it beforepurchas- QW IMAL TCHES OP LOAN Lindsay o _ v â€9000090900me 800 yards White Shaker Remnants. from 4 to 10 yards, regular 8c and 10c. Clearing at ..................... 56 Grey Flannel, reg. 28c, sale 22c; reg. 25c, sale 20:: White Saxony Flannel, reg. J:Oc, sale ................. 303 40c Unbleached and Bleached Table Linen, sale VOLUME Bleached Table Linen,85c values for 55¢; regular $1. Colored Carpet Warp, now $1.38 for 5 lb bundle. 25c Feather Ticking, now onlv .............................. 20c Men‘s woollen and fleeced lined ['nderwear, 50c and 55c kinds, now ............. 406 Ladies’ Vests and Draw- ers, reg. 55c kinds for 40¢; reg. 75c. now......... ......'550 _R°hinnon Shoe Co. Our Business is bound to ban. BIG 3‘10““: We can buy RELIABLE FOOTWEAR oh“ or than our comp-“30"- 27c Table Linens for 200 10c Towelling, now 7946 50c Factory Yarns at 400 25c Cottonades for...20¢ 13c Apron Ginghams 106 ait till you seé’f " A BIG 'SUCCESS. .................... 300 ..................... 75c XLX. BIG succnss. cheap- ï¬ï¬ W"? On Saturday Dr. Blgnchud. coron- ur. opened uninquqm into the cum ot the death at Mn.Pr1mu, in the Council Chamber. The Iollowlng Jurï¬ 0:1qu morn: Jame: Grahm‘. G. H. M. mar. William Walker." Funk Memory. John O‘Imy, Richard Rama. Bury lo'ou'. Thomunndy, Thoracï¬ Connolly†Richard Kylie, J7. mathemand a? Soul dud†'. \ . M was chosen fore- a- the m of deceased m .1». And-non Nu- INQUEST. to her relifl‘ Ll'alu. ‘uv no..- -â€"-~r.__V , anything Wong‘wu the bldwing of danger whistle and application 0! un- mcy brute. nu wu tuna-ditto- 1y after the grill-tie for the m. ‘ ‘ ‘ tr- .11- ho hoard wnmxoxor mu crvlmu.- ..-- - .. Goorg'e Phillipa wan “roman on the "We an of opinion the railroad or train. The ï¬rst intimation ha kad oi the train crow won in no way crim- WIN‘ anything Wrong‘wal tho blowing oi inaiiy or morally liable {or the 0»..th danger whistle and application a! un- o! In. Mind I’rimoau. A very I 1. on Wedne- may brake. Thin val imudiato- "Wu an of tho‘opinion that th 90 at the 1’ 9“†“‘9 ““‘h for “‘0 6'0“!!!- erouinc would be la- dangorous it demo of 1‘ Po only our tho ham on hill tide the roadway was no ï¬lled la that Nomad. thrown into the wow. hookah onpi- tho crooning could be madc at ï¬ll“ ’11:†mug to . ; lotto-ac “than was o that. union 'to the railway. We no also W a†‘ oontly MI *‘T-“u , 7â€" M time o! sccidont ad could not IDS he hound Whittle {or am. crowns. George Phillipa wu am on the train. Tho am gntmtion {In Ind o! ‘. FYI-st intimitlon he: Mo! and u 5 wrong wu when the tub: Hicks." Could‘notmrw hard m II a: anything wrong. wu application at My who. Wu am flu an ghoul. the time whhtlp would lav. blown. and could not. any ho pundit Ho III! 'a WM“ prick houna ubqut the tlmo he felt. ulq om- brute wild. Thw'lll. u mght pg ll minute {rum brakes “on appliol till tram stopped. When he got. out h'enrd conductor ask engineer whu: was. the matter. and the latter replied that they had struck some- thing on the crossing. Gave signal for main to back to crossing. Suw body of man and afterwards that. of mt mcm whistles mm Non. pm,mmmw- “w W Jittle north of the barn. Went out on the track and s'hortLv alter bend a. “mien of whistles. Heard the â€M stop. turned and ran back to crossing. Heard boll ringing when train nassed him. When begot to I'M Told dmducmr be M facial Woman but couldnot name her. Did not. know wha'ha' sha was alive or not. , William HargrOVe. Ops. m stand- ing on the k. of railway the night. of accident, a ittle south 0: 112'. Our- tin's barn. Train had not reached brickyard crossing for which traln whistled. It passed him and then whistler! for the Pottery crossing a croséing Mr. Pï¬meau' had been re- moved. Mrs. Primeau'a body was on east side of trad: near Mr. Robin- son '5 fence. Thought she was not dead and assisted to carry her into baggage car. To Juror Reaâ€"Did not consider the crossing very dangerous. James Robinson, Ops, was in his house at. time of accident. Heard whistle for Pottery crossing and im- mediately after outer whistles, and knew something was wrong Would have gone out at once, but there was a. person sick in his house. A1- terwnrds went to crossing. but tram terwerds went to crossing, but tram had gone. Saws dead horse there. Did not consider crossing very dung- erous. There was a short distance south where track could not be seen on account of Mr. Curtin's house and, burn. Thought road could be improved by widening it at crossing so thst the track could be (xx-Wen across more directly. dict. : , "That tho Odd Hrl. Alfred Pri- meou cum. to her death from injur- lel noelvod by collision with a Cu- nadiu Putnc Runny tutu at '7.- 86 pm. an~Fobrunry 23nd. In the ‘yflr of our Lord. 1907. M the Alter . ’0' THE VERDICT. {ow mlnutu’ ddIMmtlon mus-nod the following vor- RUAR‘YW 1907. mum,uloowo Immathooonmotm 4“ 'I m lor that ouiy one u now. but it would tractor: sword h more. It would m the outg- eroun diagonal droning 09' Lindsay all â€M i groom. e. and to to cold tie No.1: bride received a lace number beautiful and uoetul pro-huts, was no ceremony ever, the guests, nun- Wg about sixty. repaired in tum to the diningbroom, where a moot sumptuous repeat was spread, and themselves immensely. strut and continue the “‘9 09° 0“ Kr and Mrs. Winterbourne have the the Omemee road. It look! not add lhest the long. happy mom thou: couple 0! rock to length 0: the mod to Janowille. but would give inlet}? to the public “to people have longheeu curious to know why Ir. lchugh interested wishes of the community for I and prosperous life. â€"â€"-â€" SHIERâ€"ARNOLD. 0n Thursdax. Feb, 7th, a. J ohn “Arnold _ ‘ t ‘ him-e ' ’0 “1“" m "we the con rec» their youngest daughter Annie. was tor: a low hundred dollâ€: by hev v- ing the road left in its present dauâ€" 1serous position at that time 1 then warned the public in The Watchman- Werder of the danger. \‘ou “hen a. loving mother has lost her Me. and [The bride was attired haw ay by her united in marriage to “illiam James Shier. The. bride who was given father, entered the :room 1.0 the strains of the wedding 'march, which was rendered 1)} Miss Emma Shier sister of the grooma in; a, 761 those the road ? Another question arising out o! mlway‘ crossings. Ninety per cent. of persons approaching a crossing upon seeing or hearing a train com- ing. put whip to the horses in a race to get across the track betore the train. Sometimes the team wins, but now and spin the train and team collide to the certain injury of the team and the occupants of the the team and the occupants at me tam Vehicle. «; we) , lefl Pea-sous running automobiles. as [Pel well an engine drivers, claim that im] very few horses are subject to deng- 38a mus fright. m feur in mm the! drivers. the men. I: people would; but train themselves, these persons} 1 â€(to be cool. and ï¬rm, their hors- "Se: as would be all right. for Another .ip'oint to which attEntlon 1011 ï¬â€drawn by the same class of persâ€" :2: . .isthat very few horses mpro- I’Ca per broken in. “my assert that it {gm is the easiest thing in the world to Iby hum-k .homeinso tint itcan be m BOARD OF TRADE SUGGEST THAT OPINION OF THE RAIL- WAY. COMMISSION BE CAR- RIED OUT. The adjourned meeting of the Bound of f'l‘mde was held on Monday night in the Council Chamber, Pres- ident Kylie in the chair. There was ing the mollowing, which was adopt- ed.: Messrs. D. Cinnamon, T. A. Fisher, W. Flavelle, A. Born, A. D. Kitchener, H. J. Lytle. J. M. Mc- Leunnn, John O‘Reiliy. John Carew, J. Staples, D. Ray, R. Ross, W. C. T. Moreen, F. F. Loosemore, T. Stewart, A. J. Ford, J. W. Ander- son, P. Kennedy, H. B. Clemes. M. Williams, with the President, Vice- Preaident and Secretory-Treasurer, ex oflicio. The quest-ion of the Caroline street crossing of the C.P. R. was 1119 ensued. at some length. and it was ï¬nally decided. on_n}otion a! Mr. , n- “I- “L CAROLINE STREET CROSSING OF C. P. R. breakuhorseinso that itcan be dï¬venuptoanytminormnchme. I do notflknow whether .these latter are tests, but the ~public should take every precaution to safeguard life. SAIL HUGHES. Alex. Horn. seconded by Dr. Blanch- ard, tofhumbly suggest to the Town Council, the advisability of carrying out the opinion 0! the leayCom- missiooln w to the King lad Caroline street. cmssmgs, and that in the opinion 0! the Board the bet- ter my would be to clone \Cu-ol‘mc between King apt! Queen “nets. 14.. wvv -- "w â€"v- 11 appeaned Item the discussion that no tom! order had been made. but tint. tho Railvny Commission m 0! opinion. flat the better way would on for the town to close the portion of Caroline between King and anon. moompuay to provide a wntchmtn gt. King. A commune to gather statistics, at Icon. Buy. Ether. and J. P. Donald. convent. with power to add to that number. Boer-duty Donna brought up the mbhct o! ohmic a. prize {or the but. «Ivan-uncut o! the town, to b- ma tn tho pron. and the mu- wu Murpd. 3n ryouon of AL. Council of “I. Baird. WWWNEâ€"KAY. HYMENEAL o! the The bridesmaid, Miss Mary Arnold. was dressed in champagne voile And {carried pink roses. The bride's tra- fvelling suit was dark green with {on the evming of February 7. when jhis daughter, Miss Johanna, was [married to Mr. George Bothwcll, of jCavan, in the presence of about ï¬fty guests. The ceremony was performed 1‘by' Rev. W. C. Allen, rector of Millbrook. The bride, who was prettily gowned in white silk. trimmed with lace and chiffon, and she were the usual bridal veil. She harried e bouquet of white roses, 1811c was attended by her sister, Miss {Emma Seabrook. After the wedding {the w dejeuner was served, and On Thursday, Feb. 7th, a, pretty wedding took place at the home 0‘ Kr. and Hrs. John Arnold, when their youngest daughter, Annie, was united in marriage to William Jam. Shier. The bride, who was given away by her father, entered the room to the strains of the wedding march, which was rendered by Hi- Emma. Shier, sister of the grm The bride was attired in. a very pretty dress of cream crede-de-cheno trimmed with cream allâ€"over lace, and carried a bouquet of white :0â€. hat to match. Little Gladys Amok! made a. charming flower girl. She was dressed in pale blue siLk. The groom was ably supported by his brother. Mr. Charles Shier. Rem Dr. Bishop performed the ceremony. After congratulations were altered. the wedding party and guests ro- paired' to the dining room, where a. sumptuous wedding dinner was served. The bride received numerous and costly presents, all of whidl were useful. Mr. and Mrs. Shir left on the eight o'clock train (or Peterbonough In a short time they will leave for their future home in Saskatchewan. The residence of Mr. Bartholemew Seabrook, Fraser-ville, was the scene of an interesting wagiding cgremgny a delightful evening spent, after after which Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell lelt for their new home in Cavan. The bride who 18 very papular in the community, was the recipient o! a lam-e number of very handsome Council met at Cambray, February 18. at can of Reeve. The following motions were assented to : ters fenoeviewars, poundkeepers, also one providing a. new scale for road work assessment. The byâ€"laws were passed in the usual manner and a large number of and valuable gifts. Websterâ€"Palmerrâ€"That the resolu- tions giving reasons for Roscdale bridge and mun-en’s Sreek bridge to be assumed by the County, he signed and sealed. anesâ€"Webstenâ€"That byâ€"laws be now introduced appointing puthmas- passed in the usual manner anu signed and sealed. Palmerâ€"Mom .â€"- That Wesley Webster be paid $15 for stoning road on quarter line between lots 25 and 26, con. 6. Palnenâ€"Moynesâ€"That this Council grant leave to the Dunsford Telea phone, Light and Power Co., to er- ect its poles on the highways of this township, , M.0yneo-Pakner.â€"That abatement. to the unount of $19.41 be allowed the collector. Vii‘i’ebï¬sterâ€"Pnlmer.â€"Tht this Coun- cil instruct our solicitor to urge the Dominion Government to make a (11er grant for dredgirx on the abort rond from Cameron to bindâ€" Palmer Webster.â€"Tlmt the Roevo and Mr. Cram procure timber for Heaven's Creek bridge. and the many bridges. WMerâ€"Moynes.â€"Thet this Cour you instruct the Reeve to 110.th when the matter at placing Ito-each nod McLean's creek bfldgpl. under county control come- belore the MOI» ,Cuuâ€"Momos.â€"-That Mum. Pul- mer and Wobam secure timber {or M430. Wrâ€"Crwâ€"mt J. T. Palmer prowl-e none to repair wuhout a: Iotao.oon. 7:)Llloyneanx um. Ml: at lot 20. con. VTWer-Vl‘hat the may. nd ll. Hayne- ovenoe the rebuilding o! holdu- up lot 15.51:. 7._ BOTHWELLâ€"SEABROOK. fendon Council . NUMBER 9 PM.“ w fli