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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Feb 1908, p. 10

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r.__.., , ‘ thhams Napona: Baqk. .\c\\{ York. ago. 111. credx: uyonuaus. Pans, Frax Transact; a genera» baqking uusincs issued on Fun-:51: Uuuntrxcs. inn-ks: cd «I» tint-:3 a ycur. ‘ , u“ ,1..:lvlw London Committee: In. bxr (has. Euan Smith. K.C.B Aitvr the severely cmu nu....-. in I am sure t-hc people W111i . upprvciuiv the warm, vspringlike days :f sim‘v- last Sunday until Friday of 1 thifs' Wm‘k. ;( “1- un- gland tn know that Miss 2. Anna ('nifll-r is furl-mp: ln‘tter after a run-m illness. 5 “ins l-‘Ahcl Argue is staying for I] wmu- limo- with hvl‘ sistm‘, \h's. Jus. :1 QILHH. Jr., in thv ibbSd‘lK'Q' of her 5* h11>iuuflL who is Working: at Mamaâ€" $- ‘n-M's vamp. L Mrs. SteVe Dem”. Sin. is visiting Pn-r Sun Steve this “'ut'k. , People are louking im- a hard" frvozn now to nuke tht' mans ini gum! condition for driving. 1, Frank Wooduwk went. tu Nurlaml‘ on Friday of this WPC‘k. and got. hisi ll‘illll Sharp Shwi. ‘ i \ I- ’l‘hv sun-k Cunw to Mr. and Mrs. Sh-w 1mm. Jr's.. hmiw last Simda the 9th of Fol». and left. a. little ho tn ('hvcr thvil‘ home. Sp-ve lknuo, Jr., and Willie Demo .v-innm- home Swtuwla)‘. the 8th. from Snell's camp at Longford. They had un|y one pair of snowshws betwvon rhvvm. and no road wt all. and at plan-s thi- snow was to their waist. “iHio Dmm was sick. so it was a. wry hard trip. As a. gvncral thing when the roads are good a man can walk that distance and he home a-t " u'cluck p.m. It. took them until â€" night. Miss Jennie Fountain is at home y y In tere>t nllm W i Lhdrawa L At the annual county meeting. held at Goodcrham on February 4th, the (allowing otflcers were electgd : Bro. John Maxwell. 0.1“. km. J. )1. Pickfins. D.C.M. l {1 km. Wm. Stewart, C. Chap. ‘ i ! ‘ I Bro. R. H. Baker, C. Sec. Rm. )1. Brown. C. Treas. Bro. Wm. .‘IcElwadn, C.I-‘.S. Bro. John Lyle, C. 1). of C. Bro. H. Mag-Hire. C. Ice. Bro. John Hoyle, Don. C. Lee. Bro. Wm. Thompson. Dep. C. Lee. Rm. )V'm. Dudman. Dep. C. Lee. Bro. John Molyneaux. Dep. C. Dec. (:elert was chosen as the next i place of mvoting. and Bro. J, M. . Pickvns, 110;). C. M. appointed am- pm! delegate to the grand lodge. ; iliss Jennie Fountain gain with her mother, Il.\1.l BURT-ON COI'NTY she was born near the village of Pettitio. Fermanagh County, Ire- land. on August 15th. 1800. She was married in Ireland. and had one ‘Let Us Tell I you Sometngg 111‘s :1 _\ g.“ . Test allnum hdmwal. In tins way not a. Branch omcas in this distri Bethany, Pontypool. Nestleton, Janetvill d on the daily balanceâ€"from the (w. dollar is ever idle. We are continually adding new stock of the finest and choicest patterns to be had in all our linea No matter what you are wanting, before buying eke. where all and see our new stock. The quality is right and our prices greatly reduced. A. S. Welsman severely cold Weather of I am sure tnhc people will “14: warm, springlike days Sunday until Fri-day oi (601.3. ‘. Milk-r. Sr” with whom . , - she was livin at the time of her ”My cold \wnthir'o‘x lidcuth. Mrs. flint-r is 81 years old. 1 sure m”. ”‘91:,“ {H} ' After the death of her husband Mrs. outrun. el’r‘f‘f-F'l‘ ‘ “155' éArguc emigrated to this country \ in in.) until I‘ll-(la) 01 ‘1343. and settled in Uh? township of , {(Tuwan, (mt. In 18-15 she married t" km)" that 3995 «John Spoor. and moved to the town- " “din-”5 ln-tter an” iship of bummer. where 1.7 years were ‘spent. and then two years in Turn- l.Ol' ibury. Having become a widow for she returned to Ca- rgm- is staying \ ht‘l' Sish‘l', “1'5. J as. :Lhe second tilne. tho- aha-um- of her ivuu and for the third time she en- .\1un.~- ‘iterul the matrimonial state, this .time being married to Henry Argue, )emo. Sun, is visiting‘of )IilLbrook. After their marriage this ww-k. ithvy only lived a few months in looking for a hard ; Millhrook and then mould to Floss make thn- rowils in ilownshvip near the Georgian Bay, where Mr. Argue died. She then I for driving. ‘ Burk went. to Sorlaml _w«-nt buck to Turnberry to reside this week, and got his ‘iwith her daughter. Her grandson, '1'. {“1 Millet; came out to Manitoba, in 1mm» to Mr. and Mrs. Q1882 and took up his present home- lr'.s.. home last Sunday fsteud south of Ncsbitt, hsenuding east . . Hook: .mv kinr his mot-hor'and grandmother in is Working: at ind. (COLA. idaughter.;\lrs. Mun-run: . she was living at. t e truly culd Wcaxher m! 7 , ‘ . ,- ,_ -. l sure the people will 1:13am. Mrs. Mxllu‘ xs wringlikodavs ; Alter the death of he! 5‘ ' ' ' iArgue emigrated to th xm'm, ' ' ' ‘x'i-dax' ol ‘ , _ “3 “m” P ~ 11843. and settled m w , Human. (mt. In 18-15 .1) knuw that 31‘195 ‘Juhll SPOOF. and {move ; fading ln-tter alter ism!) of Bummer. where ‘spent. and then two 1'2”" ‘5 ”flying 10" ihury. Having become . hvr Sistt‘l'. Mrs. Jam. inhe second time, she x tho why-um- ul' her {Van and for the thil‘d _. 1 ,u ‘L. .mnfnimnnifi I: Londqn Ion and Westminster Scw York. U. S. A Paris. Francg. Bz rlin‘ Mr. and Mrs. Q1882 um! took up his present noun:- nc last Sunday fsteud sput‘h of Nesbitt, hsending east cit a little ho)“ ‘l'ol‘ his mot-hvr'and grandmother in 1886. According to family recordS, K1 Willi-v Demo Mrs. Anguo would have been 108 Hm 9M1. fr(nn;yea1's old next August. although sev- nu ravers, uenum my..-” England- The 1d \V’cstmmstcr Bank Limited, London. ‘ Exchange Xationul Bank. Chic ork. U. S. A The Lora Francg. Bcrliner. Handel-G:scl.schait. Berlin. Germany sincss. Exchangea bou {ht and sold. [utters 01' credit :rcst allowcd on deposits ofsl and upwards. compound- is at home who is ill. in this district: on. J anetville and Dunsford. from thq flay and 05 her I‘olutivt-s clatim'shc was in her lllth year. She was macefnlw the 11181:, and it was clearly evident. that. death was due u,- advanced age only. as there wx-ru nu evidenccs whatever of illness. '1‘hough: in excel- lent health. with good appetite and spirits, her physical powers were not commensurate with those. and she had never left her bed sinca July. 1904. Her eyesight failed her in [1898. but, her hearing remained L:.__A A: '18 good . On Wednesday. February 5th, the home of Mrs. Hugh Reid. “Manse- grow,“ Lorneville. was the scene of a quiet and very pretty wedding, when her daughter. Annie Elizabeth Heaslip, was married to Mr. Orland I“. Millm‘, of Buffalo, N.Y. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. G. M. Young, minister of St. Andrew‘s ‘church. Eldon. in‘ the presence of a {small company of the near friends of [the family. MINDEX MAN WILL TAKE THE FIRST THAT OFFERS. Tho Min-den Echo tells the follow“ mg tale :â€" Leap year matrimonial public noâ€", ticos appear to have become Quite the rage. Bobcaygeon ladies were; given a. chance. by an advertisement, in their local paper, as we noted in a. previous issue. Now. Minden coma es forward in quitc‘a. different way. Our friend has evidently laid his plans well. for, assuming that the ladies who frequent the post omce are matrimonially inclined, and hav- ing heard, we presume, of the super- ior grace of the fair sex at Minden. and having every confidence in the ever-obliging postmaster'oi our toWn. a certain temperate industrious Bap- tist of 32 (quite young you 993) owning some property. and waiting in one 0'! the Irontytownéhips. has forwarded to the pom firm. mundane-that he ’1mW \\ EDDING AT LORNEVILLE. L. Her eyesight failed her in R. but, her hearing remained i. practically up to the time of deathâ€"Manitoba , Free Press. of deposit to the.day age. SOME MINDEX “ECHO-LETS." After an illness of four weeks, Mr. Charles E‘ Gainer, passou away on Wednesday. The disease is said to be typhoid pneumonia. He was a. son of Wm. Gainer, of Mountain Lake, M-inden Township, and in the prime of life. ‘ - . . . L-.. Ammlnnnd in Stan- Diphtheria has GBV‘ClUpLu ru --_- hope in Mr. Elden Bull's family, and carried an1y a bright little boy of 8 years. Two other children are sick, but hopes are entertained of their recovery. We trust the friends will take proper methotb in dwelling the spread of the disease and caring for the afflicted family. When Mr. A. E. Stinson was break- ‘ ing over to 'Gelert with two teams,‘ to meet the first train through after the storm, two valuable horses, one from each team, were taken -.sick and had to be left at different places on the way to Gelert. Dr. Broad. of Lindsay was sent for, and both anviâ€" nials wene so fa}: recovered yesterday that they walked to their own stable in Minden. Mr. Stimson appreciates the kindly aid. and attention of the neighbors, especially mentioning Mr. Jtas. Hamilton and family. Mr. John Shaw and 'Mr. John Kellett. to whose care the horses practically owe their livw. _ _- 1 , -A-.. Dnvnnlflu Ullv:. - . 'Dhe 1:017:50. of Mr. James at Horseshoe Lake, Mimic: AL- _. Lindsay Presbyterian Conference will be held in the Woodviile Presby- terian church on Monday evening, March 2nd, 1908. Rev. N. D. ‘Keith, moderator, in the chair. Devotional exercises at 7.30 p.m. Report on church life and work by Rev. J. R. Fraser. Uxbridge, followed by an ad- dress by Rev. Dr. Pidgeon, of To- ronto Junction, convener of the as- sembly’s committee on temperance and moral reform. Report on home missions by Rev. J as. Wallace, of Lindsay. Report on systematic giV- ing by Rev. W. M. Kannaw-in. of Woodvi'lle, followed by an address by Rev. A. Gandier of St. James Sq. church, Toronto, convcmer of the as- sembly‘s committee on systematic giving. This is one of the greatest lintellectual feasts ever given by the 'Lindsay Presbytery, and those who do not ‘attend will miss a ‘very great treat. ' Miss Luxie Staple went to Whitby on Thursday of last week to-bepre- sent at the conversazione held in the ‘;0ntario Ladies' College on the 14th £155.11: Ferguson, returned to To- ronto Last week. 1 Our hockey team went .to _Peflerh.w _-., *5 on 10th inst. where they played a match with the team at. that place. The game wa_s 4â€"6 in favor of Pet- ferlaw. Miss Jessie Bingham. of Canning- ton. fisited here with her parents over Sunday. â€"â€" - _ _. ‘ Miss Lizzie Mchig. of Toronto. visited here with her warts, Mr. and Mrs. Donakl A. Mchig. last week. We regret. to have to chronicle tape Miss Jessie Ferguson. ’1 111‘}. neria has developed in Stan- Mr. Elden Bull's family, and aWay a. bright little boy of 8 Two other children are sick, )95 are entertained of their We trust the friends will 5'. AI.» WOODVILLE. James Reynolds. M'inden 1‘03“" :rlsit to her mother ltby better after his long and serious ill- preâ€" ncss. the Mrs. Donald McEachem is 3150‘!!!“ L4th~ proving. 1 - I Miss Evelyn Fraser Was ill last was week wimh a bad attack of la grippe. the:- but isualble to be around again this To- week _ ' libs Campbell spent the last two flaw weeks at. home owing {to an out- L a break of scarlet . {ever at Argyle, lace. where she teaches. Pet- Mrs. J.’ Wetterson and Kr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison spent last yeek at. ting- Victoria Road. 1:; “dim. I‘m-g- fits son an! at present. visiting friend-4n Beaverton. - 1 ‘ ' ' . baton man J. Shields 5a m:- I.Dcvey m. o! fictoria Roadway the guest: 0! '1“ Ir!- Danias on WM at an: mm 18:: Name Hermes mom OI (Jun-lung“... ...--- ed a match'hero. wh'uh u-snlu-d in n victory for the Canning‘m {mun by a score of 4â€"6. Capt. N. L. Patterson and Miss (‘ampbcll attended ib: hit-Sam;â€" Shiversâ€"Francis wedding on Wednes- day, 12th inst. when I‘mnvzm D. “C- . ..., --. l‘nlin Mc- \ uu.‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .â€" V Shimsâ€"Francis wedding on day, 12th inst. when I‘mnvzm Nubb, son of the :i't- I‘oli Nab-b. and Ethel E. l-‘rancis joined in holy wedlock '. and ‘. Alfred _ Shier. Sam of ‘ ‘ " ‘»An 'nlmi i! SCUW Ul 1â€"U. Capt. N. L. Patterson and Miss (‘ampbcll attended ib: hit-Smurâ€" Shiversâ€"Francis wedding on Wednes- day, 12th inst. when l‘mnvzm D. “C- Nubb, son of the Hip "Olin Mc- Nszb. and Ethel E. l-‘rancis were joined in holy wedlock '. and Norman Alfred. Shier. Sam 01' Adam Rhicr. and grandson of the late John Cruse. cx~M.Il’.I’. for West Victoria. and Sophia. Mary Franms were 3 in-l in‘ holy wedlock. The Misses Francis are thn rl-mzhters v" “r. and Mrs. T-homacs Francis. ‘liirer Vim-w. Thor- ah. RM. Mr. Shiv of Moose Jaw, uncle of one of the Ibridegronms, Ler- formod the marriage ceremony. Af- ter a sumptuous relust was partak- (-n of. the happy hradal warty started on their wedding {rip amid showers of rice and old‘buom. Wm. Moore. of the east end. was taken seriously ill Sunday after- noon. We did not l.-m'u,\\'l\a.t his lroublc is. are thn daughters (1" Thomas Francis. 1:1..1 ah. In“. Mr. 511“" uncle of one of the PM formed the manhge tor a sumptuous rem church which was to have been taken up We weeks ago, was taken up last, Sunday. 3 T ugh; “pi,- Mr. John McLean. of Little Dru- ain, is in a very critical condition at the home of his sister, Mrs. John. McKiunon, of this place. Mr and Mrs. C. Bott spent Sun- day with their Jriends in Sunderland. Mrs. Alex. Grant spent a few days with her 5 'ends in Lindsay. Miss Rundle. of Pinedale. has been spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. C. Bott. Mr. Garbet't. of Port Hope. been spending a few days at. Mchrtyre’s. D “I- -1... my A u I-"' Mr. Li'éCu‘lloug‘h, of Blackwater, spent Sunday wit-h his sister, Mrs. A. McDoand. ‘ Mrs. James (Flatten, of Scugog Is- land. is spending a. few days with Mrs. James wlauen, 01 auugvl, w land. is spending a. few days withl Notice is hereby given that ., Byâ€" her_ pore-ms. Mr. and Mrs.'M. Myer. [Law was W by the Municipal of bhxs place. 'counci-l of the Township of Mari- on the 18th doyof November. â€"__â€"+â€"-'â€"â€" p053, - AD. 1907. providing for the issue of I‘IRKFIELD' debentures to the amount of 82886.- After being snowed under formerly |67. for m; [m 3;“ pryhvidgxg Dmnage or . su y- two Weeks it is a relief to get into ' the world again. Not even our rink -Law, W33 ”9”“ in the “9813”? once of the County of Victoria. on was open. to keep up excitement. Quiet games oioards and checkers, the WM"! day Of February, A- with a_ few snowshoe tramps (umiah- 'D- 1908. ed the only amusements. l Any motion to quash or 86*- aside “ ‘ ‘ .tbe some or anypart thereof, must n ,_,‘_;-.. mm... ohn and D..-â€" Quiet games of cards and checkers, with g few snowshoe tramps furnish- ed the only amusements. Mr. A; A. Sangster spent the end of last week at home. «but returned on Monday to Ottawa. Mr. A. N. Campbell is very. much W-hatam. sister of Rev. A. u.. 7 CRESWELL. cheam, of Little Brit- vcry critical condition his place. . c. Bott spent 5““- {fiends in Sunderland. rant spent, a few days cry much serious ill- I is 1.1190 (m- ! of urn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Carmichael visited: at Mr. Wm. Clarkson's last week. The lecture. which was to hum.- been given by Rex Mr. Geggie and Mr. Hazeldcun, has yuan indefinitely postponed. -4. _- )J -AOnâ€"l‘nl' 1h, recent P08lpunw. Mr. Wm. Modd attended the recent convention in Hamilton. FARM 'ro haremâ€"100 acres, lot 23. on the 4th con. of Vcrulam, about 45 acres cleaned. about 10 acres in pasture, balance in woods. Posses- sion at any time. Apply to J SLATER, Fcnelon Falls. 7-4. 8 Years Torture Ended by lam-BU“ Mr. George Lee. F35 Steiner St. Toronto .uys. ' ‘ r 8 yea: I sufl'ereg torture from blind, itching k-“ The vety first application of Zun-Buk give me relic! {on be made within three months from the date of registration, and cannot be made thereafter. Datthed theEighteenth day of Feb- Zulu-39k m ‘ ’7 used. If this statement can be used for the benefit of other suficten "on this trouble. you It: at liberty to publish it." COUNTY OF VICTORIA mfiit “of, om and mum Tad”. for Wood ' nod pets to call at out once u. 'l‘enderswkod‘MlorWood" Owing“) thedrouchtuxd>pm willb'ereeaived bythcundersisnod humotbhacropsinwmcnaAons until Wednesday. lurch 4th. 1908. menhoutnodotnny kind. tormmpplyotlfioordsol tournadntthoprountdamwem be: how]: and ”Nobody wood.cnt calm-mom munmdlw'Iâ€"EIOB. tobgtohutthhflmottheyur. is es ' lly recommcided for all kinds of skin disgua, canny. bad legs, piles, m'oodmnntbcotqmflty pc- ceptdfietothecaoler. Mbopilod intheynrd-uhewdlroct. . ‘Nomdndwybo u:- M'mho ‘ ) vow-Iv; {Land-u. Feb. 17th. 1908.42. ZAM Township of Karim lam-30k JESSE B. Lfirfl Clerk. FRIDAY. the 28th FEBRUARY, 1908, by Elias Bowes, Auctioneer. on Lot 15, Con. 1, Fenclon. near Islay, farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. W. H.13roken- shire. Sale at one o'clock. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1908. â€"â€" ‘ By I‘ll-lax Buwes. auctioneer. on E. l lot 20. con. 4. Fenelon.fm1 stock and mum-meats. the. property of Mr. luau: McNevin. Sale at one o'cloCk sharp. FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1": ins Bowcs. auctioneer. con. 3, Fenclon. near stock and implements, G of David Graham. k ‘I‘lYESleY. MARCH lO.â€"By Joseph Median. auctioneer. credit sa'h: of farm stock, implements. and house- hold furniture. we propcrby of F. H. Dowler. lot 27, con. 7, ()ps. Sub at 1 o'clock, and without re- WEDNESDAY. MARCH 11, 1908. «â€" By Elias Bowers, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stool: and implements, the property of Wm. Simpson. West half lot 4, con. 10. Landon IVAâ€"Inna v.0.) Sale at. 1 o'clock TI'ESDAY, MARCH 17, 1908. â€"- By Elias Bowes, auctioneer. on lot 31. Com. 1. Penelon. tam stock and implemenui. the property. of Mr. Joseph Cunningham. Imple- mcnts mostly new, and stock all good. Sale at one o'clock sharp. TEACHER WANTED.-â€"For School Sc'ction No. 2. Stanhope. Maple Lake P. 0. Apply. stating salary. to THOS. JONES. Sea-Treasurer, Maple lake P. 0.. 0m... Haliburt- LOST.â€"About time weeks ago, five mile souu: of the town. g, black. whim. and tan colored howfl: Agay serve. FA'RM T0 RENTâ€"Lot 15, Conces- sion 9, Fenclon, one hundred notes, seventy acres of clearance, house and ham. stone stabling, overlook- ing Sturgeon Lake and adjoining » Hall's flag station. Apply to MRS. ELIZABETH ROBE, Fenc- o'clodfi sharp. (Norland P.O-) sharp. plioution will be made to the Legis- lature of the Provipog 0! Ontario at ,4 ALA 0-.., construction and completion of its authorized miiway branches, and (or other purposes. ' RYCKMAN, KERkaMACINNES. . Canada Life Building. Toronto. Solicitors for Applicants. Doted at Toronto this 8rd day of February. 1908.46. one found with the prosecuted. Any infc us whereabouts will rmeived. M. W. CR Hausa-$3. lon Falls.â€"5-4. APPLICATIOR '.l ' PLRMLKENT County; MARCH 17. 1908. - Bowes, auctioneer, on lot 1. Penelon. tam stock when“, the propert5:. of Any Vintormmtion as to mtg will be thankfully j. CRAIG. Central 7.. _ By . J dui credit sale _01 ther'eot by the Can- FEBRUARY' ' lo; 5, con. o’clock and 1908.â€"By E" 2r, on lot. 17- .: lslay. farm ,5, the property Sale at. one 08. - By an 10‘ 16v oakwood . : n10 0' om nouns to 11 cm. 7 m 9 pm a. the Dr. moaned: being urged by and mu. lot m m convenieme 01 his patrons in .o'clock m “d aux-rounding country, I... "-21de to be in Lindsay 0m: 60 hens. will be the five dcemoon I- “W â€" - Dr. momma may be consulted and! Stturdly W n in the lice of tho late Dr. Poole, cor. Ham and Russell mm. ~ A V‘J-_ -- 10 on ofâ€" “il- 9,. NOTICE. 41:6 Davidson Gust Mill, Little Britain. is new 0pm to the public. 1' hanging done to! the cams ., bug for cleansd gramâ€"4941. FA RM for FARM FOR SALEâ€"North 5 lot 5. con. 4, Mnriuosa, pmpcrty or Charâ€" les W. Naylor. 85 acrcs’undcr cul- tivation. balance wood and pasâ€" ture ; soil a clay loam. Real good log house. boarded inside and pa- pcrcd; {mane kitchen and woodshed ; frame bum 30x50 with stone wall and stabling well finished 00'; well fenced with cedar rails; never tail- ing well at the house ; new (Irwin! house. hog pen and hen home. One mile from school. 1 mile from post ofllce. 4 miles from Creswell grain and stock market. 4 miles from Little Britain. 6* mlles troy) Hari- rm:- statlon. Good roads tilld §00d omoe ABM FOR S.\LE.â€"-Being E. i of lot 29. Jun. 5. "township 05 Vcru- lam, conumsmg S7} lures. more or loss. Ah cleared except 8 acres, which as awn-Hy ail 1:44:19. Build- ingsâ€"one born recently built, 36 x 60. stud: mom in lup‘l‘xucut for 7 horses and 22 head of mttlc'; one log home with frame kitchen at back m {surly goal ccndition; 2 {no honws, which will hold luu hens; also one log stn‘ lo and cm- small 'drivlag shed. and never-fail- aoi-l, situated between 6 and 7 milk-s firmn Fenelon Paella. I‘or particw Lars apply to S. C. WEBSTER, Fenelon Falls, Ont.-â€"8-2. FARM FOR SALE.-Bcing cast half of lot 1. con. 10, Township of Fen- elon, comprising 100 acres more or less. nearly all cleared ; buildings fair, situated on main road from Dunslond to Lindsay and about 1 mile from Bu'nell’s Statxun‘nn C. I’. II: and six miles from Lindsay. ’lovnaâ€"wery reasonable. Amvfr 1r. AVDREW ROBERTSON, Lumisny, P. 0.-â€"4»tf. posa, station. Good 1' section. We want. to sue. For further pm t ; ELIAS BOWES. blacksmith shop. churches. cum mile. from Linduy. Sold gt ghos- cdn. .- the pmpfletor mu it cold before his return to Indis. Tm any. For tanner particulars gpply to am Bowel. Raul Estate Aunt. OR SALE.â€"1 Challenge Separator, 1 White portable engine, 14 horse power. 1 Oshawa clover hullcr, all in good repair. IRWIN SANDER- FARMW FOR SALEâ€"At Carndafi, Suk, containing 1; section land, good boast}: bnnmugtable,‘ 4 granar; OR SALEâ€"1110 Kelly Wand Lot. one hundred acres. in the twelfth 00an 0! Emily. Bugr’n. l. E. WELDON. Solicitor, Lindsay! unusual PAOII’IJ RAILWAY TIE-TABLE. DAILY TRAIN SEBVIUE. Expre- to Toronto. Dun W» ...... 3.40 on. UGLII , www.v, - °-___, W n aw ies, - near the thriVEng town of Carndufi. haVing 5 five elevators, flour mill and eleV§t_or; four church w, -__ ----- es in the town and first-class school 16 acres lawn en and barnyard well fenced vi Page wire fence, first-class well and bun .and house, 76 acres, summer fallowed, 50 tore " cm 0.. IO. IO. ’0' '0. Arrive My ... ... .. 9.13. “.m. p.nL I4'44 ’-..'H own fall ploughed, and 160 acres wheat and out stubble ; a buck, rich, even soil; no stone or soft places, all tillable. A rare chance to secure a first-class farm cheap and on usy terms. For mice and teams appfy to Elias Bowes. 1hal Estate Agent, Lindsay P.0.â€"6â€"tf. u -.â€"â€"V~ _ , hours. Saturdays, 12.20 FOR SALE .3... 3â€"4.9 .I .2 5 0:336 Jun.“ #9.“... no. o: :00 again .a an ”Ala.” .09 on. no. gin-m .a.n 8 a oncoOooo'ogolo- 38mm Ila vv-_ e want. to 11! this farm ud it. will be sold reason- !urbher partigulafs apply Real] ‘35 “Lt": $11. 2-13. 7.40 0.4:. 7.43 tun. 7.56 mm. 8.08 mm. 8.15 ..m: WOODVILLE SHEEP I] ELECTED PRESIDEN MINION SHEEP B! ASSOCIATION. The officers for 11mh John Campbell, Wood: sident A. Whillan tary” roasuror, A 1’ ronto ; Directm sâ€"-Lir‘ u Guelph , A. E. Allismw Kelly. Shakespeare: J bington; H. Hardina‘. Parkinson. Eramnsa; Arkell; T. A. Turm'r, Professor D3,} of Hm The total xcwiptx' u Ismring sheep 101nm] were $1234.05. The proteCtiOn at s. was discussed by the Breeders’ Association House, Toronto, n-m era! amendments tot opted. M EETIX G A T RI'ARY Council met 10 Kenzie‘s Hall, K day, Feb. 12th. with the Home minutes of the f( read, and on mm binson, seconded Fadyen, were a« COMM“? Communicax inns lows, from : J. C. Gilchrist. 0]er « enclosing a cheque far 1! in payment for use ul' 1“. crusher in 190.", and Pro: count for $24. fur hall r day's sitting of mun n ship. R. J. McLaughlin, acct, re equalization sessment. Lindsay Post. icipal printing The clerk gave the (-num statement certifying that signed by the required nu! payers to demand a poll i option has been legallj and also that upon a vote taken to prohibit the s by retail in the municipal at the last municiiml elm and above three-fifths of voting on said bylaw. h: it. RESOLL'TN I.\‘E McFadyenâ€"Spcncoâ€"'l‘ha count of the village of \‘u. hall rent, be laid ovm‘ um ing‘ until the clerk find 0 the county or the munici} to pay sameâ€"Carried. 'T‘Lâ€" w r“; -7 Spenceâ€"McQuarriw ‘Tha‘ report, certifying to Hu- 1‘ votes polled on the by law? the sale of liquor by red municipality of Eldon; and filedâ€"Carried. J II Thursday . Robinsonâ€" No. 311 of 1 a byâ€"law to by re’cail in be read a t and sealed.- mum COUNCIL PR mes Spence Robinson-412:3 The Watchman-Warderk the municipal priming 1 1908.â€"â€"Carricd. The Rech here Viral and appointed (bum-1H w his place. _., McFadyonâ€"JNJJE N0. 317 of 1110 MM 3 by-law appuim in: fenceviewors and 3H municipality of 1'3]! 1908 be now inu‘nd municipality of1iM~n 1 19% be now intx‘nducud first flintâ€"Carried. McQuarrieâ€"Spcuvvâ€"â€" 'I No. 317 be now Dad 3 third time, paSSed. sizm â€"-Carried. McQuarricâ€"Spom-o» T struct our clerk to cm by-law No. 317 primed one copy to ear-h pathn Viewer and poundkeopo: Mot-‘advenâ€"Rubin M mâ€" McFadyen~H count of John for shovelling 5 while he “'85 suit Smith vs. that the Reeve treasurer for s Spenceâ€"Mch lowing account for same : B. J. McLaughlin, re lization of county ass< W. J. Mitchell, hall rel MR. JOHN CAMP‘ PRESIDENT “I cannot speak to cum, for it is the 8'" over used. I W35 3“ Watchmanâ€"\Vardm Post, tenderingi rintinz for the ye: 1 Reeve m 1m- f the former nu 0n motiun 0i" (‘4 econdcd by ('um were adopted. ectiOn of sheep ;ed by the Domi Association att of John R. MCI-31 'elling snow for he was taking rith vs. Eldon, l e Reeve issue hit at for sameeri aeâ€"McQuarrie-‘I accounts be paid issue his orden â€"â€"Carricd. 1 mchFad‘. cn-JI ,f the Municipau to prohibit 111‘ 1 in the mun'wi‘.’ , t‘mrd time! P ;d_â€"-(‘ax'x‘i(r<l. 1 LOCAL 0mm 1" dfl'uary Ki K] H K Fl 1' 190E MI .\'I(‘ATH clerk nnc “'(‘I'l' iu ('uunc ville West Ul'f D re 50 $ucl[ of the EM ndk rt'n‘

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