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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Feb 1909, p. 11

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filâ€"EWEEK’S NEWS of the COUNIY and DISTRICT REABORO Reaboro, Feb. 6.-â€"The members 0! the beef ring just. east of here, held their annual meeting Tuesday even- ing in No.,9 school house. Mr. H. Nugent was dected president and Mr. W. Robinson secretary, for the com- ing year: .4 - . o“ L_._1.._ u ”an- "irJJohn Calvert is having a car- load of salt,shipped here early next month. Some of the farmers have ordered over half a ton. - its; Thomas (Invert is, we are sornt'y to learn, very poorly at preâ€" sbfl . . "£565 in Mnmrwk this ,«égk "Efn'fibg'éfifekfiéuh was in mm: 95‘: int Niamey. Mum it 5:“ Eifmafl‘é Em «fit aways am my seam am! eeidgr' FF FFFFFFÂ¥ 8F FFFFF FF} FFFS EFF} FFFFFH FFFFFF FenFsFF F Fehemnk an ’F‘ ”FF FFFFF' 8F: FFFFFF F FF'FFE FF RENE-“FF Mg“ FFF F'FFF FF in»; FFFFFF FFFFFF FF»: FFFFFFFFF FFFF FFFFFF: x we FFFFFFFS F9 ms FFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF FFFF Fm: at the rink was um FFF FnFFFFFFFFFFF FFFF Wham: KHQH: E89; 9:34;.- H; E.- mum, a! ms {#351 Rgfififig” £99; mm; .19 ms {mm gamma m3 m: at W mt: was mm m mnmtmn mF 51‘»th on Saturday mgm. an 14mm: thirty 12anch a monnhzm skate on the dam, where the inn was like a mirror. The hockey mate}: on Friday night between Kirkfield and Victoria Road was decidedlin favor of the visitors. Score 6-4. Owing to the illness of two 0! our players their places had to be substituted. We hope to meet Kirkfield again with our com- plete teem. ,_-_Al ulvliisoHMaude Conlon is home from Toronto spending a few weeks with her parents. I Niss JOSephine Gallaghen is spend- ing a week with fr_ie_nds in Napanee. miliés Mabel Shields spent a. few days of last week in Coboconk, and while there she assisted at the Eng- lish church concert. _,-- r ,, Miss M. Shields entertained the members 01 the Ladiea’ Aid Society at n 'thimble party on Wednesday al- ternoon of last week. The ladies are working a. quilt that is to he sold in about two weeks' time, when the society will give a box social and entertainment: Don't forget the carnival Friday night. Dr. Grant and Miss Mmu were in Undnay last @0215. . n . ,,,,o_ "Miss“.I Evita. Jackson. of Cohoconk. spent Saturday with the Mines Shields. PAGE m fii'ss Lottie fiurke Vi‘s ”smug Mt}: Munillu, Feb. 9,â€"Mlsa Helen he- lmry left. here lam. Monday {or 0t.- tnwa, where she has obtained a po- sition in the audktors’ Munro! the House of Parliament. Min Dc- l.ury is one of our mostflpopular la- dies, consequently showy! be missed by a host. 0! friends. ~“MI-s; M. McQueen is enjoying an extended sojourn in Rochester with her son, Rev. Donald McQueen and his wife. Mr. Samuel Smguines spent two days of last. week with Peterboro friends. A little stranger boy came to stay recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Woods. SALE Mr. Andy Dixon, who had been obliged to remain indoors through illness, is out again. _ On Monday, Feb. 1, Dr. and Mrs. McPhail celebrated their tin wed- ding Mr. and Mrs. John McMas’oer and daughter, of Derryvme, were in town on Friday, calling on old friends. Mr. W. H. Robinson, general agent of the Manufacturers’ Life Insurance (20.. accompanied by Mr..John Stew- art, of Uxbr'idge, called upon Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter on their way on a business trip to Gamington on Wednesday last. Miss Mary Douglaswent, to Toron- to on Saturday to enjoy a. months’ visit with her sister, Mrs. 'J. Thomp- son. Miss Eliza Broad- is spending a few weeks visit in Lindsay, the visiâ€" tor of Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan. . WM? 993 manna 32511238! 18; E3: QM g; {m 8? “gag“: my “mews m m :9; them Lindsay, Yet youmaycoughtomorrow! Betterbepreparedfor wheuitcomes. Ask yHepmgmdoctoraboutk Ayer’s CherryPectoralinthehouse. Thenwhenthehardcold orcoughfirstappearsy‘ouhaveadoctor’smetficmeat hand. Yourdoctofsapprovalofntsusewfllcertamlv “ETHMA WM! 27th January. MANILLA Mr. Charles Sprowle, who purchas- ed the property known as the Stev- ens farm north of the village, is having the house prepared and fit- ted up for his son Percy, who was recently married to Miss Taylor. of DerryVille. ... Mrs. John McLean went. to Sund- erland last Thursday to attend the baptism of the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon. What might have pruved a serious conflagrafion was abserved just in the nickot time, shot-Hy bewre noon last Tuesday in the Public 9611651 Image. smdke was ‘seéh iéstfing‘ from the flvur surrounding the furnace pipe; but by the ptdtfltfitfléss a: Mrs; (men (téathéf) and the end 6! MR: er, it was éktiflg‘uishéd bétm it Had game-"d math fléamgy. .1 iu'inndu correspondenu. ' ”m:- méfly Mtwamwfltea fifld “ff‘léfidé Hm- m m.- (we; tiaaawm [3min 63m with wg’r‘ét 8? Ma 3938 88R 951st HR g‘awMMy Es.- Q, m timiag£aa,fl My Ham E afltisafa' Re wsné £8 mam Hi Mm mm 98683383; gm: 99 a! Mix feliaya'sd MP (if were me in m 3ng erased 8F w: ml yam and Wflfi M w: {$5988.33 HR {Mymtmg was me here m we . mam mm a? 19:39 §Hfir mu! mnmmg‘; 19mm.- Dummy task #1an m t _ fifiFW-‘fl m flsnvsrm an micsuant mémma m a hugs pm}: sregmmn- Wm mm appemtmflm were well rcpregsmm ‘ __ Mr. Charles Thnmsy at (Emmett: uccupiett the pul it in the evenmgv while Rev. 14:. wpmw tank the Salem appointment. The Ladies’ Aid purpose having a social in the Methodist hall Monday Feb. 15. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all who wish to attend. Mrs. Sam. Clark entertained quite a number of ladies to a quilting party on Friday afternoon. A pleas- ant and social time was enjoyed by all. In the evening a counnittee meeting was held by the members of the Ladies' Aid to discuss business matter. Repeat it: -â€"" Shiloh's Cure will always cure my coughs and colds.’ Frank Hill. Feb. 8.â€"A very en- joyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. Wm. Lowes on Wed- nesday last, when a number of her women and girl neighbors were pre- sent. The Work of the party was that of making a quilt. Mrs. M. 'I‘womey and Miss Lillie Lowes, the head managers of the quilt, per- formed their duties in a Very able manner. Mrs. Wilbert and Vincent P’rnnku were present for the even- ing'n unjoyment. and after many games had been played a hearty luncheon was partakcn of. At a late hour Vincent conveyed several 0! the party to their respective homes. "viii-:9 Pearl Franks who has been spending a week in Paterboro, has returned home. . Mrs. A. Davis is visiting her friends in Peterboro. Mr. Thos. Franks, of Petcrboro, made a flying visit to Frank Hill. We are pleased to learn of the re- covery of Mr. Len. McAulme. He has returned from the hqspital.‘ Mr. 'Georgeâ€" 'Franks who sprained his ankle a short time ago is able Miss fiarrietâ€"tmlrwin his returned from Toronto. to be out again. Fleetwood, Feb. 8.â€"Miss L. Fee, we are glad to announce, is recover- ing from her recent illness. . Mr. Andy McKinley is busy having timber drawn for Mr. Leander Wer- ry’s new barn, and we have no hesi- tation in saying, every stick will be as though it was cut with' a. saw, as he is an expert with the broad axe. We understand Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam'Davidson are going to move to Lindsay to reside. Harvey is about to begin operations on the old farm, grow. Owing to the snow all being 03 the groundihe lumbermen will have' great dimculty stoddng their mills for next season's cut, as very few and 6e hoiJe to see‘him till the soil insuchamannerastomake two straws grow where only one used to WLTGHMIKHR FRANK HILL. FLEETWOOD Ir. end. ms.- V. B: west, maintains the; .- among- weaves end "frii fine visiting hie' sister, '7 else. his _motheir and MI figfiig 5% mafia 8%ngmn§ in her recent musical mine” the Toronto Conservatory a! , mice She passed her primary with honors. Miss Ada Stonehouae. of Whitby Ladies'v Dollegafl spent Sunday with her cousin, Kiss 0. Waddell. â€" ' The mock trial given by the litter- ary department of the Epworth League last night, was something tax; be remembered by all. Mr. H. H. Stone. one of our town tailors, visited- fi‘ie International Cut- ters' Association of America last week. It. Stone secuned many new ideas of the latest styles for the com- ing season. I ‘4 1.. LI... nub u'_â€"rvâ€"-' Quarterly services were held in the Methodist church here last Sunday; The ,attendance was large. Rev. John Harris took the evening service. as our maident minister, Rev. Leitch, prgached gt‘ AMyt-tlg. 4-1 up #11...‘ er and“ fits; Wt'n. Russ, 0f Mud- say. smut sunday with Mr. Wittiam Russ new. flwéu’c it -'â€"“ Simâ€"75m 6‘6 {6}“ aways was my eaagh a ufld ea ds.‘ 11111111111111 F1111 3:111: (111;) (1111111 1111111511 11111113 111 1111111111131 11191 “$111.- {11111 1111111111 611g 1113 1'19: 11%:1m1s111111 11111§éaye11e11 1 111 118611 mafia 13‘ 111 11111111 1111618 1191118 891111381 91‘ 91118111111119 111181 111§§ L‘lnhnnl! I j U \VL Peéémassésf A: #5.- mahaek: :1.- J- RHQR and Law.- Paflmsn “5899 in §HRHEFÂ¥RHH m 1??in gvnmqg at: $an 9;! meet”! 9: has #2 mm} was? 4.4“: (it A.- :_ H mm an m: 959mm} 9? PM 9mm! Vh‘g‘tfv of m mm Wmsmmm pm: WWI-fig 9.414%- M- Amer the W4 names was at smphfied the hrethrfin Ffipmred m the Hamrltnn banana, where a sumptuous banquet was sprgad tor them. After a delightful avenmg was went the brethren went to their homes. The visiting brethren were lavish in their praise of the princely ,manner in which they were entertained.. figsâ€"iiété Campbell entertained a number of lady friends to tea on Thursday evening of lag"; week. , Mr. A". i). CaFmichael visited the ‘county town last week. Miss Ann McMillan, of Beaverton, visited here last. week with Mrs. J Gunn. erV-s. (Dr.) John McKay gave crokinole party to a. number of friends last Week. ”Miss Mary McCallum or Viverview. spent the week end here with her parents. wMrs. Smith. of Orillla, a. former resident of Woodvllle, is now renew- ing hetficquaintance here 1 ‘l' _. II’_I_I.. "-5 "'1 “'1""- , Mr. Wilmot Hill and Miss Mable McArthur spent the week end with friends in Fenelon Falls. ' Miss Leno. Forbert visited friends in Lindsay last week. Mr. John D. Smith. of Lindsay, was a business visitor here last "fir. Arch. McMillan, who has been visiting friends in Woodville and vi- cinity, left here last. week for his home in Manitoba. , The many friends of Charlie Mc- Donald will be pleased to hear that he is able to be out again after his severe illness. The electric lights that are being‘ installed in the Presbyterian church. were partially turned on Sunday ev- ening, and were a great improvunent on the former lights. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McTaggart visited friends in Toronto last week. Mrs. Nicholas Brown, of Canning- ton, called on friends here‘this week. Master Harvey Beecroft, of the Lindsay C. I., spent the week end at his parents here. -._ _,... 'Mr. D. J. McRae was in Beaverton last Saturday. ' "â€"5 me; Josie Staples, of the L.C.I.. spent Sunday with her parfnts. _ Mr. Neil McLean and Misses Teenie and Nellie Brown, of A Hart- ley, spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Verna. Robinson, - Mr. J 1m and Annie Robinson, and Miss Minnie Jewell, of Bolton, ‘is visiting friends in this vicinity. W Linden Valley, Feb. 9. â€"'n:e regu- lar meeting oi the Womans’ Insti- tute was held at the home of ms. Alex. Anderson on Feb. 4th, with an attendance of about twenty-eight. Two splendid papers were given by Mrs. N. Weldon and Mrs. Giles. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Weldon on. the first Thursday in March. Mr. and Mrs. McKay, of Glen- ann, called on Linden Valley friends on Sunday last - ucu rm; VJ, -vwl â€"- --U_ lar meeting oi the We 'Inans' Insti- ness of the year being transacted to tute was held at the home of ms. the satisfaction of all. All the 0- Alex. Anderson on Feb. 4th, with an cers having faithfully performed their attendance of about twenty-eight. duties in the past year it was de- Two splendid papers were given by cided unaninmusly to re-elect them. Mrs. N. Weldon and Mrs. Giles. The The factory being in considerable next regular meeting will be held at debt for some years back it was- de- the home of Mrs. Geo. Weldon on sided to declare no dividends this the first Thursday in March. year in order to try to wipe' out Mr. and Mrs. McKay, of Glen- this debt. In addition to this 9. arm, called on Linden Valley friends number of shareholders voluntarily on Sunday last. f subscribed nearly enough money to Mr. Chas. Foster is visiting at Pe-[free the factory entirely of debt. A terboro this Week. ‘ heated discussibnaroseeoncerning Miss M. F. Fisher, of Lorneville, the whey question, some of the pat- is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. 10118 being dissatw because “my Jewell. ; ”dined no profits groin it seeing“ that Miss Shier returned home after: they couldn't get sale for it. I was spending a. couple of weeks visiting annected that the demand won! be LINDEN WUUifi'ibLfi of her (farting; an? 95% ”fit! am 113% an “aim“ m é‘ $535 mama; 3331 a $3 aim“ 1} Â¥ x 9 egg 1:29;;ng Jim m .Aâ€" A-EQrfninB ffiii' fifisk‘s {mm- A an a! x fang um Mai = mg Mm: . B9 .8 m g m WM? 9?; 91? m a 1?] m was: msgfiggame “H; 391%?th , -9 mfint‘ wading the mnme 9393'- at; at charm»; waltzes mm} W ,- mxht. when-amp: all #299th , m We bewfifnlliv decorated mums-mam Where some delicious dahcucies were awaiting, them. They afterwards stepped the light, fantastic till the hens were stirring on the roost. The' {fiends gratefully thankad their host and hasten-18 {or the pleasant even- Peniel, Fob. 8.-â€"Mrs. Thou. Osborne has returned from a week's ‘ visit to her sister, Mrs. Neil Black, ‘ ob Beavefton. _ ‘ _ L ing- ”V“ v w. vv... Several nf'our young people at- tended the Cannington-Port Perry hockey match on Monday last and report an ehjoyable time. L- ‘nn‘k I UPUIU I“: van â€"-â€"-v - The young people of the tenth concession have fitted up an open-air skating rink on the (reek there 5 ‘ which they spent many enjoyable evenings. Mr John Hardy and Misses Des- ale and Winifred attended a soclal 11111111111 at their 1111111211, Mr, W: . 1111 v, 11111 1111111111111, 011 Friday 111111111; 11191.. 1111111111: 11111111 111111 1111111 111-1111.111 afieflt 1111111111 11111: 11 111111111111 11111 1111 111111, 31111 M 111111. M11111 1.1111111111111111: 11111:} 11111111111111 11.11111111111111111111111111111119 91111.1 111m 11111111 '1 111111.111w1111118111111; 12pm: predated. Bethcl, Feb. 8.â€"Miss Annie Doubc and Miss Ella Switzer are spending as- usual their annual holidays visit.- lng lricnds in Petcrboru. ,1 m____6.. In Ill .. .vuâ€"â€" -â€" , _ -, Miss Harriet Irwin, of Toronto, is now enjoying' pleasant holidays with her home people. as». --v.-.' r - _ . A number 0! young people of thisl vicinity attended the Presbyterian! church at Lakevale last evening. Rev. Mr. Whitelaw, B.A., 131)., of Toronto, a former pastor, occupied the pulpit. taking for his text, Heb. 7-1 : " Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud oi witnesses, let us lay asidel every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." At the outset he gave several seasons why life may be com- pared to a raCe. Then he explained our being encompassed (surrounded) with so great a cloud 01 witnesses, giving as an illustration Napoleon'sl words beiore a great battle when hei spoke of the people who would wit- ‘ness the light and the succeeding lgenerations who would also, be wit- ‘nesses. Then he explained clearly the difference between the sins which so easily beset us and every‘weight. Weights were not sins, but were hindrances in living good Christian lives. To eat meat was no sin, but Paul said it it would cause his bro- ther to stumble he would eat no meat while the world stood. Paul was casting aside every weight. He “.spoke also 0! running with patience. ‘He said the reason people fell so of- lten in the Christian me was that they went too slow. He exhorted them to run if they would overcome temptation. He also advised every- one to try and make life easy for somebody. ' A number of Bethelites intend go- ing to the anniversary tea under the auspices of Lakevale Presbyterian church, to be held at the Temper- ‘ance hall» this evening. We hope 1they. will have an excellent time. 1 Perhaps the most successful meet- ing ever, held in East Emily factory was held there on Friday, Feb. 5th. The occasion was the annual share holder’s meeting, the general busi-' A. Duupraw, was much, ;ap- PENIEI- BE’I‘HEL. progrgm COMIIU" and readinxfi. etc.. ed, fitter which a I photo con'mt. residents taken 80" in" am ekméiinlg W's Miééfim lg yaw 5 was g1; Ye u it 3w Jaw “is “wig,” Me mm» («269me men Q a" “A M at gum m n u .. 88'1"" 888'" 87888 88888im8 H888 '8‘88' 88“ 8 81888888888188 8888 WWW 8881i .8888 i8 888888 ”886889 “1863 88888 ““88 8888.- 88 88 88 8 8888. 8888 88 8888 .nnA‘l Fé'an‘s’éh nit}? m'iéiifl': W. A. Panning Mr. Walter Hitchell. 0! West Ops. on Tuesday sold his Clydesdale stallion Pioneer (6489) to W A. Fanning, ol the Horse Exchange, Lindsey, for a large price. ltl is un- derstood that the price totalled up in the tour agnres. This WBOInQ stallion has been shown at the To- ronto Exhibition carrying on second prize in a large field 0! horses, win- ning against suchcompetitore as Hodgkinson a Tledale, Beaverton, and Smith Richardson, Columbus, Ont... in {all 0! 1907, tne only time he was shown at Toronto. He also won first honors at'the Spring show ‘in Lindsay against all comers in l 1907. A CAPABLE TREASURER. Bobcaygeon Independent: Victoria County Council, by reason of addi- tional labors imposed upon County Clerk McNeillie, as secretary of the County Home. made an advance to his salary of 8800 a year. It was an acknowledgement, none too liber- al, of faithful services well perform- ed. . For thirty-{our years Mr. Mc- Neillie has been a model ofiicial, his books have been reported by the provincial inspector as the best kept in the province, and as advisor oi the councilors, his tact and grasp of the county business was shown, when, at the return of the old coun- ty council system. a council, almost entirely oi new men, took on the work without the least difficulty. The county is fortunate in having a clerk and treasurer so capable and so courteous to all with whom he comes in contact. The Warder invites letters : It isnot necessary that the views of the writ- ers coincide with the opinions of The Warden but the must be free from offensive rsons ities. .As a. guaran- 'ee of 3 faith, the writer's nameand add: ess must _be signed. but will not be LETTERBTOTHE EDITOR SEEM if so deairétL ment' was made “v nave v- “'1' -fi, when she left her with us, paid in advance for one month, and w en none of her children wouzd beer the responsibility of the old lady (which she ie'in every sense) we, the under- signed. keptiher here at our on ex- pense for the last month, utter which A... , r '_v- we- appealed to‘the mayo: {of advice concerning her, and the county coun- cil kindly came to our menu Ind tooktheoldladytothefiouso of mievdld not present them yith any account for the old 1.17. u '0 Ind learned to lbve the old lady during beratuywithns,bntfeltwoonld not mums the ruponsiwuy tor an indefinite period. Thank you for the space. we re- man: your: respectivebrm - A. E. MON.- W Lind-:3 Wm. COUNTY DIDN’T PAY BILL. To the editor 0! the Warder : .. at my“ jght’s paper a state- de that the county 4 Emmi x n: 3% a. 2*”? l i; “ Cutters! Caitérs! jug} fifl‘weé and 9 '3 Write for Wonk), Prion Lut- - Bhlpmontc Solicits JOE! HALL“, - TORONTO. ONT. F URSmHIDES (metal! MWme y.andthemonL urdxnen ”ImamweInflammatlzfilth-mucentsâ€"nomormrital11mmtruo‘fiytsfh‘q?l . The wax-tons Mental!!!“ . Youfeelyouroeltsmnn normal; NERVOUS DEERE?“ AT ONCE. If you don’t, you’ll be sorry. RAW ”I "(AT-KIT ‘3! ' w nm. ‘_.‘L ”I. man ’9‘“ pull. t 10" â€" .' /.-" m complete and catalogues ublished. With the cm- ggue we will include. free of chtrgc, a package of seed our superppsfgich Payne}- Aster. which has feath- A A_LI_ A--- -..-L... as“: v. vâ€"- â€"râ€"â€" v-.._-_ _ ., ery, snow white blwoms frequently five inches across. If preferred you may choose a package of our Russian Giant Lettuce or Colossal “’hite Sugar Bowl: seed. thotodayanduanoyoutohoiogalao mention nun. of this paper. SEEDS FREE DudlHuntchoodC°-.Linited. Wk OR NO PAY- u a? m i. .L ems- a 11, 1909. uqov Queue”: Whit. W‘“ and MM km" H" ”a “Rim-2:01:13”. ”‘8!“ '“HM Mm! M m m Hus HM! . autumn; 7- (m: m-MMM mg “in mm: MM W {NM NM: EM mm Ham“! W“ mm mm mot-“MI “mm Mm mu WI WW “an.“ 0405‘ H1 “9' "it”: Baum: H ”m, M“ h} “- W “a“ FLUHHO “5W”; mu! “‘3‘ payw- 3mm: u .11 W3 \ghllul‘fi ‘0' WM 8 I”: m I “- , Al null I 2-2, but ”w M «'13 little Colflth-‘UIUII win out far [law “'6 L0 be hupml able to g'w- w- a when wothvr I‘ri played. Linn-up Bolaover. A. “(‘Faddv-n l". Silverlhnm F. IdHrr v Smith ["1 lelarvn ‘ B, Idiirr J' Si‘vprthnl'n l Morseâ€"l" ”0| \ Repeat it :â€"" always cure my 0”... of Sonya . Kinnon on tilt. Malcolm concert by MW n! at Sonya 0' munsnn' w present meeting. In Willn’l'l U Ir. Wm. Bri (or some time. moon of S. Wash IQ: of 0m LINDSR PARRY {he month shallbe J . Baden!» our fl "T4 Fnii m H 'l'hm’d “'cl'c Fab

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