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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Feb 1909, p. 13

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We do not claim that other stores have no good shoes, or that we haVe in every instance the best. We do claim that some of our lines are not equalled, and as a. whole our lines are the best shown by any one house in this County. Schooll At the approach of the spring sea8= on we have made special prepara= tions to give you the Best Solid Leather boots for Boys' and Girls’ wear. 5n""v3upe which man- double leather at toes. we tusrentee this shoe A B B O L‘UTELY Oll Grain Bluoher. wax thread lama, solid leath- IOLID. 3m: 8 to 10.} Prion ................. Ill“ 11 to 18 Milan [1’s] for Boys Ilmitob Select 011 Gain Blueb- or. of a. lighter ("do of lather than the quality out for the Boys, BUT GUARANTEED A B- SOLU'I‘ELY EOLID. 33$“....?...133 1.25 35:391.”. .......... 1.50 F o r Girls J. Mtfllllflllfill rm mm 'Edeiém.“ no CUT till... Rev. Mr. Konkle. After the knot was secumly tied the happy coupl’e drove. to the bride’s parents. 2nd con. of Brock. All success and happiness. Miss Christie Thorburn is still on the sick list. We all hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. John J. Macdonald paid M1. in raw wfr'--7,r _ ty nnnnmmmmnthnthethnthnhhttt to ride in a buggy. in spite of the inclemency of the weather. _Now is the season for the agents. List week Mr. Moses Gilson pin-chap- ed a grand new fitment cabinet; nls‘o‘ Mr. Aschon. V ._ g j Last Tuesdey night in the Sons of Scotland hall was held s. grand'con- cert. The Sons were lucky in secur- ing some of Toronto's best comic en- tertainers. and were well rewarded for their eflorts by the goodly crowd noticed there as coming from Green- which was assembled. Some were bank. Port.Perry. and Cresswell. On the same night Mr. John Bor- ry entertained a. few of his especial irien'ds. They indulged in games and dancing. On Wednesday last a pretty cem- mony was witnessed gt the manse. when Mr. Alexander Martin'and Miss Gladys Hill were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. by our pastor, Miss Bessie Robinson, of Toronto. spent last week, the guest of Mrs. Alex. Wilkinson. day. Little Britain, Feb. 8,â€"The junior hockey team of our village p,ayed the return match with Glandine jun-' iors on Davidson’s mill pond ice on Saturday last week. A very spirit- ed game was played, both teams showing g00d style, combination and speed. The Britains were able to score a few more than their opponâ€" ents. The game was free from roughness and both sides played in lsportsman‘s style. This will likely sown Sonya, Feb. 8.-Februa.ry is: here again, and with St. Vnientine'n day. Even at this early data some are to be seen on the move, takingy with them their joy or dipp The scarcity oi sndw in this vicin- ity makes my youngpeopie‘ regret that they did not take advantege oi the excellent sleighing while they had the opportunity. Now they hire» AL: | 1-1.4“ UPUI Wlllul a no" -v be the last match this war With the Glandines. as the Britain team haw \\ on bath. games L .v v-- -_. cwi_,i , The carnival that was to have some off pn Saturday night was postponvd. on avceunt of the soft “'9: It will be arranged for ‘m 1hr) mar futurp: Man; John Wardev. of Winnipeg. it: P‘uunth whiting with Mm Wm: varnish and mailing on hem many friends.‘ ,,A:_._ 3.. rvrv- Mr. ma Haakal amt Mm. of Tl’th heme. Man. who have! been visiting relatives and friends in thia nacuon. during the past two momma. pur- pose returning to their home in a few days. I127... 3 o l ’ fromWardar R‘ . '7‘; 2}? , . Ll\\'\’.‘ ' ' . I A I One or two_ weddings, in.the very! Mrs, H J. Helm, o; 1“.le ' ~Ln6 ‘--t‘. It... I} .1. men” 0‘ To minim»! hmvy. m‘ Valentin. is Waiting\\fith__ber_§i§wg. MM Chas: llll;_l.»,\.- wwv W. Mr. Suggitt and. wife (nee Miss Libbie Rodman) of Souris. Manito- ba, who have been spending several weeks in the section. will return to their home in a weaker ten days. Mr. Isaac McKee has returned from Toronto after spending some days there. ’I‘HH ANNE-H; DIARY CON'TES'I‘ HAS MADE THIS THE MOST ‘I’UI’L'LAR OI" ALMANAPS. Miss Mabel Smith entertained her Sunday school class on (Friday night of last week. A most enjoyable time was spent in Music and games. The post office appointment still hangs fire. Some of the applicants are beginning to loose sleep ; others are very anxious. What's the latest move ? WE WELCOME THE ARRIVAL OF Dr. A. W. CHASFTS ALMANAC FOR 1909. ‘ufiiflpnley ‘I‘I‘emécr ia assigting in m pug; ofligg, _ _ ,,:.'- An “3."; As a. Visit From An Old Friend Art n. romtndur that unothor your has rollml around we and on our deuk the 1909 adulon or Chuo‘s Al- mnnnc. and. was many of our md- oru. wo haw come to look on thlu nnnunL publication as an old friend. n rural or agricultural scene. we and prominence. in the cover doulgn. cw- on to the portrait oil the tumoun old physician. who by reason 0! Ma grout. receipt book and well-known family magician. _ha_l togdo on name u ho’uaohom word familiar to two g'oneratiqnl. So. highly esteemed are these pro-‘ ducts of the genius and skill of the old doctor that his name has come to be considered eynonymoul‘ with merit. and. when new-tangled treet- ments are tried in vain. renort is bad to these medicines which have stood the teet of time and prover: themselves without equal. But to return _to the Almnac.‘ we find the meet prominent features to he the weather forecast. which has a splendid reputation ier accuracy, and the annual diary content. in which $200.00 in gold, and also other re- Jwards. are Mior the bet dairy ,kept in Dr. Chaeefe Almanac. Each This 'imr tho ntyla of cover but boon onuroly changed fund inawad_ 0|: It you have not been so fortmte ‘as to receive o copy of Dr. Chase’s Almanac. the publishers, Edmunon. Bots. 5'. 00.. Toronto. will send you a copy. pootpdd. it you mention thi- .psper. You will find thin ohm;- mc well-worth wading for. u it contuinn much mount-ion which in. voluobloududul your great entbmium is shown in this diary competition.’e.nd besides winning valuable prizes. people ore learning the benefit oi keeping a re- cord of business truncations end urmey a flying visit last Sun- LITTLE BRITAIN Run-m Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and Mrs. Mac- donalg played a. flying visit. to_ To- ronto last \x'we'eE. One .701' the first and prettiestfidanc- es of the season, was the one given by Mr. and Mrs. E. Mosgrove at their pretty home on Friday, J an. 29. The rooms were prettily decor- ated with flowers and numerous Chi- nese lanterns. Two rooms were cleared and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. “Little“ Brm'ip ”W M Ein the church. They have been; memfiers on” the Methodist choir for a. number of bringing it to ita'preaent proficien- cy. Our. loss will be Oukwood's gain. May success atiii follow them ang, niuflthex-have puny years of 'prosperitxsi ‘ J4 . \ Kr. - gilonny‘ and hensonfi'ilihm. purpose moving to Oakivood in the near future. They are most excel- lent citiiens and will be'greutlymis- sued. Mr. Bonney has carried on a successful business in looking after the interests of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. We are all glad to. hear that Miss evicfie has recoverfid ”on: 119? mm illness; - V Miss Mitchell and Miss Mscdonald \iai'tod Igiends in Linden)? last Week. Mr. A. ’A. Sunsets}- 'hu returned to Trenton, after spending Sunday with his family here. K‘lrkfl‘old, ms. ' 7.-mss oun'pbou spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Mosgrove wore a pretty white embroidered gown, and Miss Maude Mosgmve a. dainty white mdll dress Mr. Edwin Badman. one 01 genial blacksmithS, who has worked for B. S. Robertson 1»qu ol- owen 3,99;ng pcgcwodgfith‘bluck- 7 "‘1‘.- fl_.' andvpale blue difectoire sash and pale blue bands in her pretty fair hair. One or twb weddimh mum. '~ ~"‘ Miss MacPherSOn, of Bolsover, in white mull with pink girdle; Miss Steele, in white muslin; Miss Kate Steele. eoinspot muslin with direc- toire sash; Miss McUlrr, cream silk; Miss Lunan. in green voile; Miss Sh‘leldsi of Victoria Road. in pink silk princess gown; Miss Jean Shields, blue voile. blue band in her hair; Miss Gallagher, dainty gown of white mull and lace: Miss Me: Fadyen. Kirklisld, in his:l collenne; Miss Campbell. a wry dainty gown of white vnii own silk. and silwr minds in henprsuy black hair: Miss Mlivhpil in twain enlisnne and law imiiivs : Miss li'sns Miiehsii. in iisiniy pink mu.i and sash: Miss Mack‘s“: win. white muslin and pink sash: Miss Molionaiii. of Ksminnps. M‘s. in white issiin nnd pink gii‘dis: Miss Moinnis. white mull and bills sash: iMiss Nettie MoQuinn. in whiie mus= iiin with pink snsn. Among Itha gentlemen pwaent were Mr, G, E. Laidlaw. Mr, J. Lunau Mr, M. Luna“. Mm J, Steele. Mr H. Macl’heraon. Mr. D. Mohawu. Mr. R. McGirr. Mr. I. MoGirr. Mr, E, n, Elston. Mr. B. W. Brady. Dr. Lip- sitt, Mr. N. Stewart, Mr. D. J. Mc- Eachern, Mr. C. J. Merry. We am all very sorry to hear that Mr. Tough is confined to his bed with blood-poisoning. We hope for his speedy recovery. Miss Feud, who has been visiting: her brother last week, has returned to Cannington. n game of hockey but were grentiy surprised tn find that the rink was vowrod with water. However. they played the game. and the scam was 4-“ in favor of our team. Miss Mangrove and Mini-Hm. Mit- vhoil timvo to Victoria Road with their donkey taut wok to huvo a nkttc. Don't you think that Klrkiioluiu in mod of a. rink ? Our pastor. Rev. E. E. Turner. in attending tha funeral at his mother at Appleton. Que” thil_wook. - AA iOur Ktrkflold senior hockey team drove up to:VtctorIa. Road to have um milk; iaoyinon hu- gone to Invermn whore Ibo Inmndl going to High school_for lame time. OMEMEE Omomoo. Fob. 8.â€"The WINS. o! the Presbyterian church convened nt the home of Mrs. Coin on Wodnoo- day. Owing to tho oblonoo o! the pmidon't. the choir won taken by Mn. (Du) Ro’gerl. .nnd con-Moron routine busineu tollowed. '- The Board of Education hold its WMr: R'Spence has returned from Sunsford after a week's visit. riMrs. Alevx. Myles is visiting friends in Brechfn. Miss McEachem is visiting her sis- air; N. McLean has returned to Saskatchewan. after spending a. few weeks visiting his mother and other relatives. annual meeting on Wednesday even- ing and reelected Mr. 'I‘. 0. Ivory to the position oi chairman, which he has filled {or some time with much acceptance and ability. The various committees {or the year were elected. Mr. Isaac Glenny received the position of caretaker again. 31,.“ week. position he has held fornmany years) Mr. Eu“ McCullough 1. erected With general satislaction. The 0““ lnew Brantlord windmill on his well. man and ”mm-treasurer» (m. m. Wm. Neil use in Lind-oar use Curry) presented the affairs of the MV on basins”. High and Public schools for theyeu' "3..va Solomon. 0‘ 0.1“". via- 1908. It was of a progressive and M m. “ch. Er. 0.0,” Spencer, commendable character. Inch rou- recently. tine business was passed below the If. Alex. “d Robert. W‘ of board '41me. North mm, W sane lot. [of Our village council in mm. mg on. from C. W. W58“, oaths mataWednesdsynight,“ alt-mu", . bio" .Hr, mtchou' was "enigma. of” m W‘M m ““0““ mm!!! m! Wad m‘m !or rm u mus-w her. Mrs. G. G. McEachem here. \ Misses Mitchell. Miss McDonald.1 and Miss Mosgrovc. spent a. couple of days in Bolsover this week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steam. A- u an“ THE 0 FESTS KIRKFIELD unity. The W lat. . he W “"9 Mr. Andrew Kerr and J m Mc- any WW“ Mullen. were at Linduy on business at again. 3. ,ast week. many years, an. mu McCullough.“ erected . n. '1‘" 0““ ‘now Brandon-d windmill on his well. Lam-er. (Hr- m. Wm. Neil m in Linda: 1m 3m 0‘ the Tuesday on hm. for than”: lit-{Tom Solomon, of Ooh-Au. '19 auto The Board of Education members for the ensuing year were elected as follows, by the county council :‘Mes; srs. T. C. Ivory and F. Sandy: by the village council, Dr. Thompson: by the people, Messrs. J. Bennett. F. Ford. Wm. Brown; by the township council. R. Sanderson. The other mcgnbers are Messrs. J. J. anh. Robt. Johnston, 1“. Fee. C. Bent. A. Laidlcy. Geo. English; secretary- :tmasurcr. Mr. .I. W. Curry. Communion service was observed in Christ church on Sabbath morn- ing. .. an..- n... mu- brought the night. lung. Mr. Tom Graham. of Mt. Pleasant was in town. Satugday evening. The mild ~weather 0! last week made the ice unfavorable for skating and our rink manager is resting. but there'll be many frosts before the bud: burst. ‘ 'Hsmilton reports. having heard the Longboat contingent of Toronto. applaud the victory of the Indian. on Friday night. Some of our resi- dents report inexpicable sounds. A large number of Omemeeites took in the excursion to Peterboro on Friday night and saw a. good hockey game between Lindsay. and I’eterboro O.H.A. teams. A special , a. _--A. mid- mitten-an. a. gum. m ronto. calla! on Kr. and In. Walter new. on Wednesday. journeyed to nail- .. Wyoming sud ploy- ed}; glue-fwd!!! the sum. m of that. town'. A number ' oi enthusi~ asts necompauied manger Bob J ohn- Ion..,n.nd his ever-aggreuelve bunch of nuekéchuaers, but theheudicup~ ‘ of training on a small rink. was up- purent as the cause of their defeat by a. score of 9-3. Well, the Ben'- ers are good losers. uni stick to the some with a relish thnt is graineâ€" worthy. How manyfilmos they look at mum-con 3qu dangling in their girdles i (in Friday, Mr. J. W. Mitchell drove over to Mt. Pleasant. Miss Hick-son qu the guest of Miss Lamb last week. ’ Mr. Williamson bought a. carlond of horses and shipped them on Sat- urday. Mr. Tom Graham. of Mt. Pleasant was in town Saturday evening. 3‘: lug. On Saturday afternoon, the dence of Mr. Stinson was ploteiy dentroyml hy fire. TM originated from the pipes ‘or chi inside and as a gale wan hlo all how of saving the building iiospairmi ni‘. and the work ni‘ ...........A...I Lifl‘ord, Fab. 8.â€"There was no ser- vice here on Sunday, it being quart- erly meeting service at Bethany. ' Skating is the amusement of the I- .I.)..â€" f...- plums-p uyuu- ‘1‘. ‘ originated from “the. pines "or chimney inside and as a gale was blowing. all hopvn of nus-ins; the building was iiospairmi vi. and the work ni‘ nav- ing‘ the mutants Wan proceeded with. owing to the Mo starting nvar tho rnni‘ and in mam- wiilimr worknrn. mma‘i oi“ the vnnivnin wore meumi from ihv ik’Vniii‘hifl‘ amnion!x “rho tin- Hiriiymi tin-oiling was niiuutvti on n farm nhnui four nuivn nnrihwwt ni‘ how. and wan mvnuti by Mr. "norm: Murrimm. whom \w undontand. had it immmix _ ' ,. “.1 “mum 1 Thu Rummy nvhcml of l‘hrm rhurrh hold a m and entertainment on Wodnuadny avunimx. A very plea: Hunt timn was spent and the eth= rem pmaunwd a intend“! program. whlrh was numflamontod by apeaohaa from New. Lynch and Tenor. Mann. .1. .~\. «His and Joseph concert in “I near future. bJRIIIIlIIB a»; vâ€"â€"- -, day. Lm'ord people are looking for- ward for good we on the rink. They also congratulate the’ management. on the success of the Fleetwood rink and the cedar hedge taking root. around It. - - -- n,.._n _f I! uuuu A Mr. and. Mrs. John Crawford. 0! Fleotwood. visited in the .noighbor- hood on Sunday. « Mr. ()«car Scott vlultod friends. In (:larko recently. A Mrm Porter. of l'ontypool. in VI» Itinmhor nlutur. Mrs. Andrew Kerr. Mr. Hurvoy Dawson. of Flootwood. was a uncut. of Mm Mublo Wllnon. Mr. Hurry Humm. of mono. vult- od a tow duyn in the nolghborhood. the cunt o! I. N. Wright.. A large number from this vicinity attended the township 8. 8. conven- tion hold In tho Pro-tartar!» church at. Pontypool on fob. 1. , I on- ...I;_ Hr."l‘om Solomon, of Oahu“, vis- ited his uncle. Ir. George Spenqer. recently. Ir. Alex. ad Robert mm, of . vu- v.1 'l‘ho ., uhton Bram. of Burden. have complotod drllllng u now wall (or Mr. Ellu McCullough. 3nd um completing a new «n (or Mr. Wei- loy muww- _ ”I_LL n- --I-. "‘“I --- , , - Mr. John Kerr hot «30:11pr hi: muon'q thrashing of clover. sud bu moved his moolflno homo counted to woit for another Wt... "HQ-“min. how. of Junetfllle. has been visiting her parents Mr. end Mrs. George Staples. The Rev. Mr. Poster preached an able sermon to a lsrge mules: tion at .St. Mary's church on Sun- -aâ€"-.w n ”um H.616 Hum-n. Ruby. 1- vin- mng {:30de in my. vicinity. 7 --_..-I-L.J Ll- in the open: house in tho 1.1 Fan D. ad an McALL MISSION NOTES. gntlon The annual meeting of the McAll Sun- Mission will be held at the mique of Mn. Robert Ross. Bond-at.. on 5 Mc- Monday “tel-noon. Feb. 8, nt lull- nines: put thus. Mrs. T. I". fitment. o! Petal-bore, will give an address on Mahermconttrlptothomtnnd the , well. Holy Land. All India- 1:1qu ’1.“ cordlnllyinvitodtobopraont. A NARROW ESCAPE. "flfl. OnSntupdnyotlutmkou-el- pager, teamed tom, It. Humphny ny.of1t¢nbdn¢killodhyn hm...” lotolthm.mo «- 30. in mmmwm Ir. Snug-ac. O,” my“, ‘ ‘ U auaunau Old Rye............. Old Bye, Fina Old Eve. 7."an .............. Sup-suf- 8m ..................... Sam’s White Wheat ........ mhhlo. 88........ .. .. W a I . ............ . .. Walker's Oln ............. Good-chant Worn 7-?nfi Wand Wot-u peel: “b, :.o” Wnnouoncubu o Docuoonocnououonbc )4 '88? 3mm CO!”- Work and Worry NEW HEALTH AND STRENGTH YOII can beat the 'world “t runn‘ng. CAN BE HAD THROUGH THE And you're game right through USE or our WILLIAMS PINK and through: God bless you. Tommy Longboat ! ) “LLS‘ I For the nal-lon'a proud of you. It is useless to tell a hard-working woman to take-l-lle oaally and not to Worry. But M In the duty 0‘ every Another marathon has been run Woman to save her strength as much and won. The vlrtor. 'I‘om Long- as 903611310: to take hecarea aallght- boat. well deaervea the race. an he ly as may he and to hulld up her aya- met and dolealed the world‘s great- ‘lem to meet any ununual demands. ll: eat ten and fifteen mlle runner. Al- ‘la her duty mheraell and to her l‘red Bhruhh. the Engllah rhamplan. ramlly. tor her future health depends ln New York. The tank was too much for the Mule fellow. and he upon ll. ’l‘o guard agalnal, a complete break 35W “l1 “19 lthbll M 1h? MGM!“ .l....-n h. lumnh u... Maud mum ha "Rh Inllv. flflh MD. urn-c . ‘l‘u guard against a complete break dawn In. health the blond must kw kept, rich and ml and 1mm No othvr nmllelnu dmm this in wall and Ul‘. WM: llamn' l'mk mm for l'alo l‘mplu, 'l‘hlu nwclivlno actually make: new. ml bloml strengthen: the not-van. zwlom the uppellta and hoops ovary organ heallhlly toned up. Women «cannot always real when they should. but they can keep thelr strength and keep dlmna “away by the occaslonal use of Dr. Will'lma' 1‘an I‘lllu. whloh have done more to “chum the mm: of weak‘womou’thau any other madly clue. Mrs. James: 11. Ward. Lord's Cove. N.B.. says : "About two years ago 1 sufiered Ho much from nervous prou- tratlon that I was little better than a helpless wreck. 1: suffered from headaches and. a constant feeling of dizziness. The least unusual move would startle me. and set my heart palpitating violently. I had little or no appetite and grew so weak thnt I was hardly able to dragymyeelt about and could not do my housework. In every way 1 was in a deplorable con- dition. As the mediclnoI had been taking seemed to do me no good. my husband got a supply of Dr. Willinma Pink Pills. I had only been taking Every othorm-oak. sickly. worn-out womm nhould follow the oxomplo of Mrs. Ward and give Dr. Willinmn' 'l‘ink Pill. a. fair trial. Thou Pills will send new blood courting through the vein: and bring brightnou und Wm tho wool: uni dapondoat. Sold by all Medicine dulorl or by moil at 50 out“ o box from The Dr. Willium‘ Hodicino Co.. Brockvillo. OM. the pills for a couple of weeks when I seemed to feel somewhat better and this encouraged me. to continue the treatment. From that on my strength gradually but surely returned. and in the course of a few more weeks I was once more a well woman. able to ,do my own housework. and feeling bet- ter then I had «lone for yours. I have since remained well and I feel that I owe my good hoslth to the hauling power of Dr. Willisms’ Pink l’llll." Ladies' fine patent éolt button boots, 2 90 regular 3.50 for..- ......................... . Lsdies,’ misses' and children's house slippers at Bargain prices...20o, 850, 500, 85c. .Men’:iaigh-gmde fine boots. in patent, don- gola and velour calf leathers, reg. 5‘50 and 85, at one dollar 0“}. 4.50 and 4 00 Attend this .110, lnspaot the values. We'll not even the good- sppod to you. 90 KENT-ST. sle of Surplus Winter Footwear is ‘ Tho‘iionponae to the ° 'ty of those who visited the store got what they want- dâ€"a few on Io to do sc-â€"BUT ALL FOUND THE GOODS JUST AS re stock lens than cost: that would 1)., accodnt of brokan sizes were unub are selling all surplus winter footwear ADVERTISER Now we don't claim to be selling our euti commercial suicide, but who’t we do claim, is that we ,, -â€"----n nurture CU"! WUI burn "any--- at GREATLY fiEHfJCED PRICES. mend January 28th---To Continue Until February 27th Neill The Shoemgg HERE ARE Weakens Women sodooototh: 0 Tommy. Tommy Longboat, You‘re a whirlwind on your feet, You're the idol of your countryâ€" 9 Hear 'em cheering in the street ! You can beat the world at running. And you're game right through and through ; God him you. Tommy Longboat ! i For the nation's proud of you. Hhrubh Jumped in the front nndi kept the lead until he quit. Hhruhhi gained lap after lap. and at one} time wen nearly a mile ahead of the indie». who at the tweniydhird mile lwunn showing «signs of ills: tread. M twentydlwee and a hall miles Hhrulih stopped. knelt and ad«‘ jointed his uhoeu. Longboat grained e‘ lnp he had lost. but the Englishman aroma and upranc after him with the speed of a deer. At this juncture Flanagan appeared at the track side with the lndlan'u bride. Tom emllv ed broadly. nodded his head and took fresh life. The little Indian aquaw waved encouragement at each lap and {the new life injected into the race unused Shrubb to lone heart. The Englishman began to walk in the twenty-fourth mile. and Longboat began to make lap after lap. Shrubb was done for. He was wobhling and Iteara streamed down his cheeks. He knew defeat was his. and yet he staggered on. refilling to quit. Hie ‘nit was nothing but a walk. Had Shrubb and anything left it would have been anybody'a race. As it wan it was nothing but Longboat. 'l‘om Flanagan was beside the ring and working like a train. ” I’m satisfied." aald he an he noticed the distress of Shruhb. At the end of the twenty-fifth mile and fifth lap Shrub!) walked into the arms of his trainer and was led from the track. Longboat continued and finished the race. He received a rousing ovat- ion. Hunlclpnl oporutlon of Ottun’u light plant hu proved moot success- ful. MW-W‘~ “- I A] TOM LONG-BOAT CHAMPION. FEW ILLUSTRATIONS Men'é snag proof heavy rubbers, duced. Prices ”4,75, 1,90, 2 Boye’ Buckskin Mwasins, 85c. for .......... .............. Men’s housnslipperg _ at‘ Jim-gain prices, Men's Canvas leggings, 6 to 11 ......... 40° THE WM. M 33590 WINE MERCHANTI. THURSDAY. FEB. 11. 1009 GEORGIAN BAY CANAL Sl‘lu‘lvil' REPORT NOW IN. The and! report of the Gourgmn Bey Gm! survey ha been iuuuml. The main figures on to the eflllmau-d DO" (We! low additional details. To maintain the proposed oneâ€"hund- red-mllllou dollar canal would cost £900,000 per you. To make Lake 1!“me oummlt level would cost an ‘dddltlonul ten million dollars and in- volve ten additional miles or rock- ncuttlng. The report states that the {current in the Ottawa river will not lexceed three miles per hour, and practically eloclt water will obtain over a. large port in the waterway. It 1! recommended that a special commission be appointed to examine the grant canals of the world bolero any further plans of construction are nude. The umunl convention of the Brock Sunday ochool association will be held in the Well“. church. I" acgnnlngton. on Tuesday. l-‘obruury SUNDAY SCHOOL coxvnxng We no selling out our stock of toys, dolls,.fancy cases. etc. It cost. Buy your toys and presents here and aaVe'moncy. Rigg‘s Old Stand Will Cost 0 Mluion 9mm, 09“” and “Hunter you to buy unless LINDSAY Winter Footwear is wont-dâ€"n few on . MORGAN 500. 790, 89c ‘, 215, 2.25 regular 50c pnces re- SECTION Ladiese' some embroi lace or emb . all the way f Ladies’ G ied to admit fore you re». :SAVIN Dope-its of $1 Soft we Before ments, attentio we ente‘ of Feb] VVhitew for the 7 reduced good for certainl' An elega and small I others, all-o taste, sizes I We also out muslin: of course Curtaim. 523d YEA Capit. Reseu October :1 Fund, t1 and stab Brand»: to avail Savings against a earning _I Ba hands of‘ adverse 1 laying b1 Income a withdu ‘ or deluy.‘ 10 to 3 o’< “In-d5, Mir“.

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