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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Feb 1909, p. 3

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Still doing business in the same old stand but not in the same old way. We advance with the times andare in a. position to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites, new and mproved tools and methods, in fact the most upâ€"toâ€"date Marble and Gran- ite Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Marble and Granite Monuments Shop and show rooms 11 l3 Cam- bridge St., immediawa north of Fire Plans for Toronto’ 5 new filtration' plant were seized by the customs of-l ficials at the border, and a. demandn for $5,000 duty is made. . Lindsay Marble Works inking labia“ Cloth. wanton It. W .01 Ban-on Curtain Sin-om Bird Cages Horse 61! pperfl Poultry Netti!!! P. 0. BOX 217 Opposite 8t. Andnw’: Church. William-8t" LINDSAY, Ont. who perhaps does not receive the f ull consideration she meritsâ€"what for her? Let us suggmc one of our high-class Sewing Machines. __, One or other of these should find a place in every home, and it isn’t my fault that they do not. I make the prices low enough, goodness knows Boll Pianos and Organs and the Karn Piano are instruments of well known reputation, and thousands of them are to be found in the refined homes of Ontario. including Lindsay and vicinity. What more suitable gift could a mother or father makeâ€" always a realizable asset, always a. delight to the owner, and contribu- ting to the pleasure of others. ~ _. Organs, Pianos, Sewing i Machmes i lolannan Co: MClEflfldll 8t (0. R. CHAMBERS, Prop FAQ! "0., Special Prices During the Month of January Prism Paint Floor W Busy Mother of the Household WARREN Ronni trip tourist tickets on sa'e to 11 principal Winter Resorts including Calitoma, Mexico, Florida, etc. ' THE NEW AND ATTRACTIVE ROUTE T0 Manitoba, Saskatâ€" chewan and Alberta Is via. Chiczg o and St. ZPaul, Minne- agglisg or Duluth. Baggage checked u h in bond no examination. Full information from ~- W. R. WIDDESS, I'own JAgent R. G. McGRAW. Depot Agen' Winter Resorts. Is always worth Framing and you will often be surprise dat it’s appearance when Frame 1. We have just received a large shipment of American Mouldin g and will give a Special Low Price on Work re- cei ed during the next month. A PRETTY PICTURE Kant-st. vNear the Market Bring Your Picture in and let us quote} you for a. Frame on it. Our trains nlvthmgl without. elm-73o by: route that Bion'dlrectnd inter. esflng than an) other, and of course sake taster tine. Dolly some to Toronto. . ‘ For tickets. reservations, . and all information apply to Satisraietory in every "5909‘ Henley Bros., aria-E231»: many Ont. gun: “An' I’ll see they"â€" “You need not trouble!” croaked Wainwright. his throat dry and con- stricted with fear. “The bill is with- drawn!" “That goes!" corroborated Horrigan. “Do you hear that. Williams? Mr. Wainwright withdraws the Borough bill. Attend to it in a rush. man. Never mind about the police." “Well, Friend Horrigan.” blandly ob served Pheian as Williams hastened out. “I told you i'd cross two sticks of dynamite under you some day. Like wise I done it.” “What had you to”â€" “To do with smashin’ you? Only that i put his honor on to the bill in the first place an' then sicked him on to Roberts an’ discovered Thompson an' turned him over to Mr. Bennett. That's about all. But i guess it's enough to make your p’litical career feel like it had a long line or carriages drivin' slow behind it. Chesty Dick. my old chum!" Horrlgan had turned his back on his victorious tormentor and was facing the mayor. “Remember,” he threatened, his voice dead and expressionless. “when you get out of jail I’ll be waiting for you. And as sure as God’s justice lives I’ll kill you as I'd kill a dog! Nine years waiting andâ€"I’ll murder you as you murdered my"â€" .LA â€"§Vnmv;;l§ht straightened himself. glanced fearfully about. tried to re- gain his shaken composure and opened his mouth to speak. But the hurried entrance of Williams prevented him: “The police?" interrhpted Bennett sharply. “What are you talking about?” “My orders!" returned Horrigan. “I sent for them. Tell them to”â€" “Don't do it!” commanded Bennett in “Phelan.” interposed Bennett ‘as the alderman. having left Thompson in oth- er hands. came Into the room. “go to the sergeant in charge of the police Mr. Horrigan sent for. Tell him‘ I say he must keep his men where they are and take no orders except from me. Understand?” "Nlnerhotrlble years!” he nabbed Sm- kenly. 'lene awful years of slavery. ol' debasement! Watching. hating. longing to crush him. and. oh. the time has come. thank God! Thank'God!” ' “You’re all in. lad!" muttered Phe- lan. passing an am about the shaking youth and lifting him to his feet. "Come with me. I'll send out and gel. you a bracer.” Thompson. exhausted by his emo- tions. obeyed mechanically. but at the farther door paused for a moment and again fixed his wild. bloodshot eyes on Wainwright's haggard face. Phelan had forced him over the threshold. and the slamming of the door behind the two seemed to break the strange spell that had fallen on all. the place? Then"â€" “No. they’re quiet as death; too quiet. And they have long ropes. and they’re stringing them over the"â€" “I sure do!” grinned Phelan. with a delighted grin at the wrathfnl Horri- “I éon't dare.” protested Williams. “Those men in the gallery are desper- ate. They’re dangerous, If"â€" “'Do as I m, Williams!” counter- manded Horrigan. “Have them in ylww-nv. -v-_' v attitude and. with hysterical «evasion of feeling. sank Into a chair. burying his face in his arms on the table betm “Mr. Horrlgan." gasped the excited newcomer. “I’ve been looking every- where for you 1” In: a restraining band on tne- secre- tary's shonigder. . ‘ The'latter. recalled to himself by the pressure. relaxed in: tense. menacing - L ‘_A-_l“| “CI-w“ ““6111 in the police. then '” ordered Horrtgan. “Now’s the time for them.” CHAPTER XVIII. NDER the maniac fury that blazed from Thompson‘s eye. Wainwright uni-an: back in “ panic dread. “He'sâ€"he’s mad!” cried the financier. “Don‘t let him at me!” 7 . A; L...‘ IJVII s IE. uuâ€" â€"- __V For Thompon seemed about to hurl himself on his foe. “Go easy. son.” adjured‘ Phelan. lay- .-- . mining hand on the-80m THE WATCHMAN “The Borough bill’s come up at last. ‘v‘ifiat’s'wrong now?” snapped the ‘n‘ gallery crowd’s rough housing {-75 £55337: Fail A hen which has been in-apparent- 1y good health has to-day been tak- on with a sort of fit. She was first lnoticed when feeding in the morning. _» )She will not all right nt times. when mt once she will take with a sudden r- jiit. which will last from ten to ill- I. teen minutes. She will tell down and kick. and her feathers curl up toward her head. When she comes out oi this fit she acts as well an over. There. are no llee present and no cold droughts blowing on tho blrde. They have been led in morn- ing. buckwheat afternoon. mesh wlth poultry food added. F 1! Eden. Out. The tunnel cause in each e one in some obetruetlon o: the liver. otteu eeueed by too hlu'h feeding. Inter tlnel women le another «use. e dit- melon of blood to the heed yet en- other. A half teetpooahn of Ep- som eelte given once dolly for three day- will likely remove the cause. We have known ‘vertlco or Me to be ceueedfrometooh'eeueeotoyeter ehelle dter the bird had been pro. vented “outlet“!!! it than, on some similar eulietenoe. for ' some ’. Po 333 6 Ffli'q"? I: QGHDT HOG’I‘OWN’S POPULATION. The Toronto directory for the you 1909 shows a. population of 865,- 928. This includes East Toronto, Deer Park and the other suburbs that hove been annexed in the past. few months... , VICTORIA COUNTY FANCIER HAS SUCH A BIRD. The Canadian Poultry Review fur- nishes the following reply to an en- quiry from Eden, Victoria county. The question and reply is as fol- lows : Get a large 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from your druggist and start taking to-day and by toâ€"mor- row you will actually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for you then can eat anything, and everything you want without the slightest discomfort or misery. and every particle of impur'rty and gas that is in your stomh and intestin- es is going to be carried away with- out the use of laxatives or any oth- er assistance. Will you please answer the follow- in question through your paper and ob igo. ‘You can eat anything your stom- ach craves without fear of a. case of indigestion or dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach if you will occasional- ly take a little Diapepsin after eat- Your meals will taste gooh, and anything you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or tum into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes belching, dizziness, a. feeling of fullness after eating, nausea, in- digestion (like a lump of lead in sto- mach). biliousness, heartburn, water brash, pain in stomach and intestin- es or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effec- tive remedy is used..Diapepein really does all the work of a. healthy stom- ach. It digests your meals when your stomach can’t. Each triangle will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. CAN EAT SAUSAGES AND RES" 3;; BREAD that transformed her face. Alwyn Bennett knew. too.‘.thnt the real fight was but just begun~n fight that had waged since the worla began and must last to Judgment dayâ€"the hopeless. uphill battle of decency against evil. of honesty against gum. Horrigan's sneering words. “i don‘t see any millionaires going to jail.” stuck disagreeably in the young mayo «’3' memory. Their brutal. bald truth @a lief In the lne'fl- table triumph of Slowly she came toward him. her glorious dark eyes on hls. her white hands outstretched in irresistible ap- peal. At last she spoke. “I love you!” she said. Now that the crisis was past. In: heart was strangely heavy. He had won. But at what cost? At the loss or all he held dear.» VIII w v... w_ 7 to Handgun! 8:31] Vhave to watch which way his toes polnt to no what» er 139’: min’ or coat"? “I love you I" the said. ND OTHER FAVORITE FOOD WITHOUT FEAR OF AN UPSET STOMACH. AHEN WITH FITS “Dallas!” he cried. unbeliev- ing. as he sprang to his feet halt dazzled at the wondrous light ever In: It for u tons mm the A‘.‘ “5““..‘1 _.A .4... The old-time cuotom of killing 0, but for home us. on an arm II on. {but noun not be wound to N1 in» dim. Th. undoro I. a buy boat from time to and team an Vin-co butohu'. m- m be very «uranium. but It a My. Tho humor nut bun coupon-duos: to: m: um. dad work. In may mm a. muf- but In a you-um. mu mum and won Nun“. lucid: mm will probI-My bu shout 10 to II or no ammo old. noon-din. to the due a birth. and should mm: dun Iron .00 to 000 pounds It would dru- out about «0 to to. pounds. luau u and mm. In.“ good dad «on. and In mum. I- won Muted to such an odd. I: m m tux-the m or Mac chums! Mind. whoa mud n the no mound-dd. The improvement of our live stock. like tum machinery. ha been slow but sure. It has taken you: to produce type. of hog-us, attic, hon and sheep, It will take years more to immve along 00min lines. betoro desired results will be obmnod. The annual live stock exhibitions each year show many excellent types of animals of ditterent breeds. Did you ever stop to think that many of these fine animals represent years of patience in selection and breeding. The proâ€" cess has not been a. rapid one. Wily is this true with horses and cattle. Much clear thinking, judicial mad!!! and careful {ceding has been employed along the definite lines for period 0! years. Many a. successful breeder will tell you of disappointments in results expected and that much money has been lost in attempting to accomplish a certain result in the process of breeding. They will also tell you that in many instances the breeder has aimed at a. mark when the ammunition 1n the gun was not sutflcient to hit the object aimed at. Tho caution o! tut-om: the outlay at [nine um ”curing 1m yield! on eo closely connected with other Ifliouituul problun. that u u impoulblo to con-idor them without jointly dim-in. other end "bud topic: which go to mete up on mull“!!! eyeteln. Unetook nod groin huebondry m Vitu- ly connected. Our uflculture neoouitotee the Joint development or boat or thoeo linoe. Live etocit ie neoooeuyin order to utilise the tuna to"... and In!!! crepe t0 the but “vent!“ and to produce more for Mining. It would probably not be feasible to noduoo enough uvo nook to m m. oiont fertiliser for every not. of (inn lend onoo in five or eeven yours. ol- mouth this would be an Mal condition. To imp up an tortility. however. mount either the keeping of more :ivo m or the ”will“: 0! gammy in oomonciei torme.’ it ie only t queeuo. o: tune. u there ie no eoil eo constiâ€" tutod_thn_§}§"°m‘ “gum“ t A.__W_____‘__‘ {i to one owed ego the yieide be min- It ”VI to buy well bred mock. even a Whit my ocean to be uncy prices. The farmer may think that the amount mod to:- a. single individuu in much beyond reason but it he Mum out an capital invested on the ancestry o: the animal to be purchased he win and that tho pric- naked in roach-bio. In oomo III-tonal. howovor. ouch t hoot mu not ho had. Whoa It nu an. s lumttuto my Muohtly ho found In the duty hord. Ono or tho oowu. tt my ho. to Mac to ho dboudod tor dull-y um. It my oouhd otnuco 8! 11m th t to tout at using ouch s «W (or tho Muor‘o moot «Apply. but Why ohou d It? m ouch on mtmu ll tottonod tam? won mot- 1t hu boon Mod 02:. mo tt hon boon unmod on ouooutout coda. u no» rooto or ouuo. dogma: o ml! d mod. and ouppooo it ho.- boon autonod finally will not I at who) mun good out"! “to gulch (atoning on t OMMdIMIBMMJONIMOflIUI of tho thou. oo that won a nod now no: Do undo to oorvo ouch u out Monotomy. Much of th. dam - done by 8 runaway occurs after the animal has come to the ground, and the horseman should learn to control an animal in this position. and know the quickest my to release a (alien horse. whether in single or double harness. A certain line of breeding to be zoom] must have back of n “ known traits in ancestry that in breeding will peg-punt. desired qualifies the ctr-wring. In «lawn; a. puro bud mind. Individuol aha-ammo u wen u podi- greo should be lookoa to. Tho broodor who Io conoclontlouo would uoo tho 1mm when nocoooory and not «11 tntom mama. m. of "film “a tho dodro for tho prom tho u-onolctton will bring. Th0 “In. to bull! to WNW I11 Nvo stock to now. Tho coma for hot- tor otock to lncroulnc W017 m “4 ho who would bo "coo-om muot moot thlo domond. Joints injured bar-”rain 01' comsion shruld be supported by whatever In the way or a bandage the homeman can contrive. A stocking is the most serviceable garment which with the aid or a penknlte may be made double the length. “Without «rung who]: Eff“: twainâ€"’- â€"-.°°u-â€"- 2.-.. _. _._ _ v ' m ‘t . question of fertility. and in o It ‘ .1! 5.“. onion :- has but conserved in non wealth. mo " qu ‘ to. to whlohv Mon The Impattance of keeplns discuss any from the live stock who! be overestimated. 1! due an 1: taken on 1mm tint now 1 stock an?! urgent!!! 30-I Nfll‘ryd‘lnm Intentions in (andt1 result 0 con Mon, 3 n « mouth. M to “79:99!“ £10925 fig»!!!- in gig-hm!- {hum nun In every kind of injury in which dirt or other foreign matter is present. as in the “ye. an effort should be made to remove it without waiting for a. veter!.â€".:.ry surgeon. I! mama are not at hand then clean water may FIRST HI] Tl] SICK efforts t‘ WALTER 1mg snow N. es nothing In the t3“ whoop dips! ‘ a. ANB INJURED ANIMALS v -v-‘ w.‘ â€"vvvâ€" w -wâ€"â€"'- â€"_v_- I lwd onâ€"c'o in fly; or ”van ya". 81- 1mm write to our Omce area]! at one? m, To keep up the fertility, however. and ”loot. the kind you want before ’ noel: or flu numb-Inc o! tummy 1n the butvuietiesu-e all ne. 21w 8 ion 01 tune, a than u no son to count- JAB, M.SQUIERSO given spec- wyml nonplnuf for Lb? an variety 0 peas 0 overhaul-Mo sowing in each of the following townships; Verulum. Emily. Fonda: and Maven. Blue unpaid and the Harrison Glory In all know are old tomato-with hmersmund here FARI FOR SALEâ€"100 ACRES. loath In.“ lot 8. con. 13. Emily, 90 um plow laud. balance in W" with never-tuning wring. um Iowod In um rye. B In ul- Ilh. and 18 In clover .nd timothy. Good (run haul. 20x80. and good {run ban. 803x90. 3nd log um- um: duo md orchid. This (um I. dunk! 8i nun tum Word. For particula- Apply on m to D. V. may. 'Mord. no. Imam» poo-ol- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18.-â€"By Goo. Jackoon. auctioneer. cmcm sale of hm flock and tmpliments. the property of mm L. Pains. lot 13, con. 1‘. maven. Sale. at. one o'clock um without renowe. Seed Peas for Farmers 'I‘O LEEâ€"IN THE VILLAGE OF Bethany, on the G.'I‘.R., a store and store-room. This building is well situated for business, central Mardella Shorthorns for sale. Ten bulls from six months to three years' old, good breeding and heavy milking strain. Prices easy. Adâ€" dress Thomas Graham, Port Perry, GOING WEST? â€" All IN A POSI- tion to sell you first-class land on direct line of railway for $3 per acre. Will locate you on good homestead adjoining. â€" R. M. C. Houston, C.N.R. Land Depart- ment, Regina, Sask. Box 9. WANTEDâ€"BY THE WATCHMAN- Warden the following capies of back numbers (weeklies): Nov. 12, 19, 26. and Dec. 10‘and 17. They TUESDAY, FEB. 23RD. â€" BY Elias Bowes, auctioneer. Credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Charles O‘Neill, lot 13, con. 11, Mariposa. Sale at one o'clock and without reserve. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22.â€"By E,- ias Boww, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and impliments,._ the pro- perty of Donald'Imr-ie, w. half lot 15, con. 2, Fenelon. Sale at one o'clock and without reserve. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, by Elias Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Wm. Laudall. east 11an lot 21. con. 3, Penelon. Sale at one o'clock and without reserve. S. A. VETERANSâ€"WRITE MB {or particulars, which will be to your interest. Will locate you.â€" R. M. C. Houston. C.N.R. Land Department, Regina, Sask, Box THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1909.â€" By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements. the property of Daniel Lee, jr., lot 16, con. 14, Mariposn. Sale at one o'clock. FOR SALE.â€"-AN ODORLESS CRE- matory closet in good order._ Ap- ply at No. 8 Williamâ€"st... Lindsay. DOSTâ€"ON THURSDAY. DEC: 31, a, sable throwover fur, between Bobcaygeon and Dunsford. or be. tween Dunsford and Benj. Parker's. Finder please leave with Mr. Wil- mot Websw. Dunsford. SHORT HORN BULLS FOR SALE. â€"Crimson Flower, Mar Roan Lady and Princess, from imported and Canadian-bred Sires. at reasonable prices. J. Casey, lot %, con. 1, Mnriposa, Valentin P.O. iron SALE. â€"HOUSE AND LOT m village of Oakwood; two storey, nine room, good cement cellar largo claw-n, good garden, etc. For pox-datum apply W. F. Work- m. 185 Major-st... Toronto. NOTE? LOSEâ€"DRAWN FOR $33.50 at two months from Aug. 29,, signed by A. Bernell. Finder will please send to Watchman-We rder. Yutia are cautioned against ne- gotinting this note. lion. are required to complete the files. in the Village; has boa: occupied as a grocery. For particulars ap- ply to C. Chittick, Lindsay. Infipou Station. Good orchard. The property 0! Thomas Western. For further partial”: apply to .m plow and, bongo. mood growth. Good and nut-elm bun, 50 wall and good stabling driving house. Bog pen. . three wells. Well {mo- in good roptira. 11» miles Little Britain, 3} miles from :55 ho EEEE 3 E i; mummy. MBA 11. was Shorthom’s For Sale SALE REGISTER SALE REGISIER ‘ The Twenty-Seventh A route General Trusts C0] comation. on me corm Wednesday, the 3rd day 1: Then: were present : Hon. J. J. Foy, KC. gins- K.C...Sir Wm. Mom “3,3. AM ,rau Vvum Now, . Thos.1 . ’11» financial state for the \ear' ended 31:.- ed upon by the Managi The report to the .' W'ENTY-SICVEXTH A.\' TORONTO G EX ERA ENDED 318i IDE('R. To the Sha’rehomm :â€" Your Directors have a] Report of the (‘m'pora meats, showing the upor same for xhe year ondod tors. Advisory B0: mittees To Commission paid ( guaranteed loans. wndance of real as To allowance to and Winnipeg Dr. To salaries, rents, Prm‘i expenses at Toronto. To fees paid Prosidvnt, ‘ tars Advisorv Board To net profits for your To balance at credit of 1st. 1908 ............... Business has boon an to the amount of $3.312 To dividends Nos. 53 a To balance at debit of ofice furniture writt To amount carried to To balance carried for“ Mortgages on Rvat Esta‘ Bonds and Debenturus Loans on Stocks and 130 Real Estateâ€"â€" Ofioe premises and vaults at Toronto : Accrued rents r0 o! and vaults at 'I‘ora tawa . Sundry Assets ............... Cash on hand and in Ba Mortgages ¢ Government tux-es ..................... Loan Company Debentul Stocks and Bonds Loans on Stocks, Bond: tures ..................... Sundry ASsets ............. Cash on hand and in B1 We, the undersigned, ation of the books, accou Corporation to the 3518!. properly set forth in and Assets and Liabilitiq mortgagee, debentureS, 1* those negotiated for the Trusts, Estates and Age ed same with the Mortg Bankers’ balances, after books of the Corporatki We have also oxamin and Ottawa Branches, a4 books. The Managing hirer thou-[statements showi pact. year. said :â€"â€"1 tool set out. in the statemmj Shnmholdoru II! winds not. out the operations . not “kc up your Umo I l. given In that Mau‘mq ”or unount. to 8275.” maximum“ at mu bunt Brnnchvu, tho not pro!" ed '29.!“53. brought amount at. «MM 1 that profits your 1? m and can-halt (75) “II ‘0 .754300; )1. and can turnituro. ”0.000 a: Return A carried mm to the Included in our (‘uw ronto and Ottawa. Th. vault fixture- and cute 1 Ottawa building, which part of that city. 1nd, buildings on Spaflurst. very moderate charge to rents received from the equivalent to a. return 4 $325,000, at which am: therefore, see that this 1 is well and permanentl; very conservative valuui are worth somewhat ow would yield a return of nerve Fund to over Ml! olno chasm that, in add ed in real estate. we lu estate, all 0! which bu Regarding the dividl thot it is find a.“ SWIM-a ‘10.,” the Trust! Oorpontton wthepqwtotodfi FudWflHIIII mdmfifllfl'tfi"! man“. mu. u; Executor-ships .‘ Administrations balance ca rried down CAPITAL A (‘.(‘01 TRI'ST GUARA‘S'I‘F.‘ Toronto, January :‘ ges on Real Esta} ment and Munic The real vs! at. MAN)“ Audito

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