kar'l. . wu- l" nab]. can. ‘bnn. ‘ mil. Chit“ MOMS. N, lot at one may . n! will I I'd". 3-1, by . ulo ms 1: m on “on. mtnl uplod ’0'â€. CHE feud RES, Imily, r for half on. -- l and Box star. s' 1. PG"? I‘hey sale the 13, o! one ME In JiiiI=Livmriituru Written eï¬;.-...-’.-.-..m...., ‘Pn ummmt varrifld m fteï¬erva Fund "V†hfl’ï¬m-‘fl FM’FMJ fflr'WflFd :::::::::::::: T" To (YAPI’PAL ACCOUNT: Mortgages on "not Estate floods and Dabenturea .......... Loans on Stocks and Bonds Heal Estateâ€"â€" Ofï¬ce promises and safe deponit vaults at Toronto and Ottun. Accrued rants re omca premium and vaults at Toronto and 0t- tawn .................................... Hunclry Aunts ........................... (’unh on hand and in Banks ......... 'l‘n allmvam'n t and Winnipn; MUT‘gang "n 1‘9“] Elia": uuuuuuuu unvprnmmt and Municipal Deben- turn“ 15â€...†.u-Hul uuuuutulunlluIll ‘urpu llllilltl llllllill llilll ll Sundry Amnesty mmâ€. ... (‘moh on ham! and in Hanks Tn lmuh Company habentureu . ï¬hï¬t‘kfl and 1‘0““! tuuuu Hun Imam! on Mocha. 130mg an We, tho umtoruignod. bag to report that wethava muoo a run enam- nuuu at" the hooks, amounts and vouchers ot the Toronto General Trusts L‘us’pul'ubum to um um, December. 1908; and and some to be cormt and pmpcrw not. forth m the abova statement 0! Front and Loss and A858“ and Liabilities. We have manned and ï¬nd in ordor all the mortgages. debentures. bonds and scrip of the Corporation. as well on those negotiated for the Supreme Court of J udlcuturo for Ontario, and Trusts, Estates and Agencies in the Corporation's bonds. and have chock. ed same with the Mortgage and Debenture Ledger's and Regime". Tho Bunkers' balances, after deducting outstanding cheques, agree with tho b00ks of the Corporation. We have also examined the reports of the Auditors of the Winnipeg and Ottawa Branches, and ï¬nd that. they agree with the Head 081cc books. _ ~_...-nn “n A Alï¬l‘T N \ To ht 1'0) fn f""".“"Ҥ ~"ï¬: 15†and 154 :::::::::::::::::: :::::: :::::: t’u halamzu in dam eiï¬afaï¬epegie Vamps and tutu. ID no wâ€" â€"-v .. Stateholders 0.113.. perhaps. not aware that when in may“): the Trusts Corporation of Ontgrio the Act. of mat and“? "I l' .l. u to the W 01 a. dividend not exceeding 7} par elnt. mtilthow â€â€˜9 mm of $750,000. No such provisioncxht- inthtchrta 3'! “it THVRSDAY. 'I‘RI'H'I‘ GUARANTEE AND AGENCY ACCOUNTS mt, prams Inf ypar halam-‘p at t‘r‘vdit 1§'¢ 19"†;;.';.'.‘;.'; z hainnvu c-‘ar'H'ud dam! Report of Proceedings 9f the. 93; ï¬Ã©ï¬ds and When: tn Audltnrs at Toronto, mums .ded . 11, 0f pm": and 109's: January AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE. I{. F. SPENCE. 1 GEO. MACBETH-, AIIITI 1ND LIABILITIII usu- llllll PROFIT AND LOSS. Your 311de 81:: Doc-ml)». 1908 .1 2,486,759.65 3,511,659.51 13,900.00 682,839.73 327385.90 that welhaw made _a tull‘agtnmip- 550.97 139831654 000,457.73 149,961.57 47,018.88 4,885.32 5,880.88 102,066.90 325,000.00 123.»... “CAN." HMJSLQQ ߤ.1m§:78 5 988 50 50 000 00 380 989.- 50 99 41746 75.09090 9,950.00 017.795.897.15 1,526,580.97 â€97,8194? "gamma 1148.96551 1533;850:66 Auditors. ï¬vehiy-seventh Aflnal General Meeting ,You Ended am December. 190' TRUIST ESTATES ANII AGENCHEB= Unrealiaed original assets. inoludins‘ Real Estate, Manages, Doha!»- tures. Stocks and Bonds, etc... at inventory value ,...., ,...,,...,..., ....... in tn. um summary. . The nonproï¬ts derived from tho operation oi the various oi the corporation's: huninau arc plainly not out in â€upfront and Lona Stamt With submitted. mouth: to $973,100.“. at comm with “90,796.“ in the provioua year. or an banana «$19,494.15. A! tor «cutting the notion coat o! the wt at toad OM, and the Winnipas and Ottawa Brancwrthonat amount at credit“ Proï¬t and Loss, inolud tho halanoo brought forward. in “58.86056. as compared with 0185,! .78 last year. Out 0: this amount your Directors have do clurod and paid two semi-annual dividends, at tho rata oi um and one- haii (11) per cent. per annum. mounting to 075.000: hava entirely writ- ten oil the amount at the dealt of onion lurnituro and vault ï¬xtures; amounting to 05,988.50; have placed 050.000 to Reserve Account, bring. ing that fund up to 1450.000, and have carried forward to the credit at proï¬t and Loan tho sum oi â€9,417.16. Your Board appointed flir William Iortimor Clark. K.C.. to tho Di- raotorato. in tho nioad oi Mr. Albert E. Goodorhnm. who resigned thoro- from owing to tho grant prom oi work and inability to attend tho moot- inga oi the Hoard: oihorwino tho personnel of tho Board romaina tho Home as at tho bouinninn oi the you. E All at which in roflpoctlull submitted. J. W. ANGMUIR. .mmz HOBKIN. Managing Dimtor. Proud-ht. Toronto, February 8, 1909. for the issue of bonds {or u very consumable: among. position of Registrar. Trwsfor Agent, 121 the move summtry. _ A A,AA_H ‘L > Iâ€, no vvvvvvvvv Hun ..................... Loan amount voted by uharoholdaru to auditor- for the year ended Dommlm' Mat, 1907 ...... . Dy comm-Inlay: earned for mmuamant 0! aa- tawa. collection of rewnua. etc......... ..... . By Interest earned on capitnt stock and ranarva. minding arrearu of Intefaat recovered, and proï¬ts on guaranteed and ouwt funds fly netvrentn from ofï¬ce buflm'n ‘s and safe decâ€" pom vaults at Tommie an Ottawa W. fly balaaga twang}: dawn By balance brought larvard from December 1907 oooooooooo IMO†OHII“tonâ€OHHHHOHHHUN IDOOI Lou amount voted by shareholder: to and for the year ended {member Blunt, 1907 Capital Itook {ally’pntd Reserve Fund Dividend No. 54 Proï¬t and Loan Intel-ant in Renown Bnlnnco of Auditors’ Allowance Inventory value a! uni-canned ori- ginal assets and Estates and Agencies under administration hy Corporation llllll llllll llllllllllillllllll Application has, therefore. been made by petition tor the illuo oi Supple, montary Lot/Con Pntont with a. View to placing this Corporation on tho 53113110 “$1“an as all other trust companion in respect. to the pnyniont oi d v a. Another question that is frequently askedâ€"chiefly by investors in the stock at the Corporation and Shareholders in banksâ€"is: Why is it. with the enormous mass of businofls under the care 0! the Corporation. aggre- gating over $85,000,000. that the net proï¬ts are only about 8180.000. 1 have endeavored to answer this inquiry when addressing Shareholders. at previous annual meetings. but will again do so. With the exception of the investment 0 our capital iunds, and 0! moneys given to us ior investment under the Guaranteed Investment Principle. this Corporation is simply a corporate manager at estates, trusts and agenees committed to its care, and .for such management and care we receive a moderate compensation ax- ed by the courts. We do not speculate with our capital (nude. or with any funds, and even when we accept moneys ior investment under the Guaranteed Principle, we do so strictly within the terms of the Trustee Investment Act. We do not underwrite or invest in any industrial is- sues. Under these circumstances our proï¬ts may be smaller than they otherwise might be. but in strictly adhering to this rule the investment of our capital money and that of our clients is as safe as human care can make it. 'After all, while our proï¬ts do not, perhaP'. equal those obtained by banks. or even long-established loan companies with large reserves. still we have from the origin of the company paid our Shareholders good div- idends, and, in addition, have accumulated, almost. entirely out of proï¬ts a rest of $450,000. I think, therefore, that I am warranted in saying that the statements I have just read, and have commented on, should be satisfactory to the Shareholders. So much from the Shareholders’ point of view in the Corporation's operations, Coming now to the general work and utility of the Corporation. I have very little to add to what has been said alt previous annual meet- ings. It will be seen on reference to our statement of Assets and Liabili- ties that the Corporation has now under its control and management ass sets to the extent of over $35,000,000, showing a net increase over 1907 of approximately $2,250,000. This. together with the fact that over $8.- 000.006 Of héw'wbrk, eiclusive 0’ Tru§toeships for Bond Issues, etc., etc. has been placed under our 6870 during the year, notwithstanding the in- creasing competition that exists Abe§weei1 Trust. Compgms, shows that. '-vwâ€"â€"â€"c "â€"*r* ' 7 ._v_ the Corporate Executor. Administrator ind 7mm; coitihueé to gain in public favor. And why should it not, with the great advantages it 01. {are over that 0‘! individual acting in these mpgciues ? An unchanging and undying trusteeâ€"a Board of Director, drawn from the best ability in the community. comprising presidents and directors of banks and loan companies. railway directors, lawyers, merchants and capitalistsâ€"meth- odical and systematic bookkeeping and a. continuous audit of mm. or» counts and Witterâ€"careful selection of 130W and other mvmu for estate or trust hands, inspected by competent appraisers and passed upon by a competent Board. and the sorting and: Mama-king oftho I might point out that of about $17,000,000 of Trust und Guaranteed Funds invested by the Corporation (mun-m of the W origin-J assets 01 estates). 11me $12,500,000 is invested in norm.- on real es- tate. indicating that the Corporation. while strictly hoping within the terms o! the Trustee Investment Act. My 'Whg ta. Wm! of the estates, in obtaining the Wat Ito-dbl. revenue return for tut!!- enta. It wmbe mammal-dam. that: addition to but. tn. mm and lumtTrustCompany'inCuu-dmndlotuhphco‘umm 1'â€" -A__I___t___ I- , n a» . ‘ __‘.__.-_-__ ,n .. - - - Tmteeshipo ................. .. Gnu-dumb!†and Commune-hip- Agneies .au'a'o ooooooooooooooooooo Clo-.0010... aaaaaaaaa Guumteod Investments ........... General Investment Agencies Lunutic Esutes. Receivmhip'. etc. . 4- “2.» ~ CAPITAL ACCOUNT- TRUS'I‘ ESTATES AND AGENCIEâ€" THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. want-M9 to" no O‘CIIIIOIOO 000004 05000005 olnoululu 00â€.qu o MM 0 001000†nu “uncuuou LIIIILITIII i 1,000,000.00 450,000.00 07,500.00 22,417.10 10,349.39 O I...“ «who 0000'. 0". on... u not. 00.00.... $8,812,171.00 a during the you u Tram e‘ uncut, u wen u a: flu: other «with! not included Slut 818.22 rmm .10 95,955.73 .0 8,7MI00 .tui ca '. 129,994.10 “pawn Wamwnï¬g magnum “tun 030,922.55 87,670.58 243,515.91 882,288.32 82,508.55 147,305.30 O 1,526,580.97 [85.161.646.79 035.;61.o4e_.7_g $17,795,897JO 15.889.169.87 15.889.169.87 .3 29.1mm" â€97,819.47 .1 hflï¬hOï¬ï¬‚ 168.350.66 Cr. wmumn ‘conï¬Ã©mvoxnnm mo. scmnns PLEAHAN‘I‘ mvnm 1N VERSE. The oddest of parties Inflanme‘s time T611! 9! in books or was at in rhyme. Was the one. held at. In: wwk‘n and M the hem of our good bachvior 7 7 friend. It started at seven. it ended at, three, And alt! L‘hese eight. hours were MI 0 eat The cat. a parlormeee 9! our user: fled men Never belere was written with pm. At seven o'clock t a" were there With our Lead been or in the mu. " New boy/e." said he. †I'm sled you've come, I went you to make youmlvee' at. home." He fluctuated his table to begin ' Home um". and noon a merry din Gould be bend a mile ground. But the net-than ylnd shut out the nomad. Then ho ullod {or music. and very noon Thur violin wu in good tuna, Al the merry noun begun to ring Janatvlllo'u orchutrn lurtod to sing. They mg of aid, they may of the new. They sung of the good. the bruva and the true. Then up they rope in the nut-row hull And 33mm and long turned to u ball. And then our buhulor prop-rod {or We He set his teble fer twenty-three. Al the nuance tried one wee there Who rag very sweetly the hill of are. Then to their eeverei hence they went. Each one heppy end well content, Releived that whatever his lot Not to forget their Jubilee. mg public. Hm. there are easy methods, completed method8. PTO-C- tioal methods and almost any kind or methods with o promising title al- ways on sale. Those who 59“ studied the' piano for any great length of time, know “tut value mly be placed on the Moray or these productions. But my of those to laying ll g, little \‘g‘br- nevus my upthodt to be what thoygre‘not. mam.maaomm groper use 01 mever being used. - The hand positions, etc., worth more than going through a. number 01 instruction books. th a few who study coma method. and we assumed. charm to name other path". an. _ W*Whu, â€it. marks; [on mo too mu m onryoor’o m.whlch1modnotuput.mnportinmtm usual. but not tho lol- lntorutiu,ond not the loo: utidoctory. and I on sub It will command stool! to thoahonholdou. A glance at the ag- um will give you come Ides o! tho volume 0! business under the control of tho Corporation. to mam whichaotofls upon your Director. sad the “:8 much “zloty. ruponflblth god lobar. nod tho multn, .- shown in tho stoma-nt- W with tho looming confldouoo of the public. with tor tmodvoo. It in. therflon. with conï¬dence I now move the adoption 0! the report. which motion will be seconded by the Hon. Kr. 6w Each vooo'hoppy and won contout. "35 “,0. Wu“ †use it. .0 our. Roaolvod that whotovor his lot to cum doctor- prescribe It. .0 bone- might 50- acldl In venting winter 111- no - "0‘ t0 ‘0'!“ “W†Jubilee. Iona uupsow to do without 0.5::- â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"--- ‘rhozouo. [load in thousands 0! cu- Twonty persona hove been drowned on without luluâ€. Try it your-alt, In flood- in Germany. 250. 50c.. :1 sins. The apart 0! the Dluctou mndopted. a wee eleo the report or the Wyn Committee. 9: mud by Sir Aemmm Irving. K.C. ‘ The tom Stardom Neglected Director. for the ensuing go: W. H. Batty. W. R. Brock. John L. mum. Hamilton Cueele. .0.. air-fan. lot-ï¬ner cm. K.C.. Hon. ‘7. C. Edwards. Hon. J. J. ’0’. Kean. “IPIPO. “.0" Jr“. o‘mm. Knee. A: ‘0 M‘o John Hmm. 1:13.. nun. Sir Aanmue Irvlu. n.0,. Hon. Robert Jenny. J. W. mg- nlnlrh'nmnee Lou. W. n. mum-s. Hon. Peter lichen-en. J. Bruce W. Hon. Minnie! Helm“. K.C.I.O.. annual Not-dimmer, E. 3: 0010f. It?†J. (l. Mott. KC†IL E. Welker, D. R. Winkle. Hon. 5. , M. n eublequent meeting a! the “out! of Directors. Dr. John Rankin. K.O.. wee 1-0-0ch President. end Hon. :4. 0. Wood nnd W. H. Bonny. Vice-Presidents. ‘MthMu- us take 9, avw our-cm for h fat maple o What tho dimpiod baby‘s hum. what don the hahy do ‘7 It dm't iio unholy m manly awoctiy‘ coo : The hum inby hoiiown with all it: little might Till some on give: it pom-thing to curb m appotito; Tho infant with thn hottio which utiiln it! intiui cric- A Mon plaihiy â€Minnâ€"it pay. to advertise. Thu lamb hunt on tho hiiipido when animals ciom round 8m hot in Ilium trambiiug ma waiting to he {ound ; It. rimtiva hinting whom â€will tho vuloa and mud: "at! tho ahaphard hm: it. cud hearing. kindiy hwdn. Ami when itl in" an wand. u on it: hunt it “PI. The lamb hu mule thin pawn : it pay: to Idvui'tiua. The fair and mm maiden who lovu tho huhmi boy Alumna: what! in hit pronounce a rumour that in my; Hho bin-hm and aha tremhlm till he rcoivoa at iut, And ciupn hur ciomly to him. and adly holds her iaui, And as he bands: to km her and nho umeiy niuhu This [act In tic-mandated :‘ It. mm to adVoriine. Oddoat of Port!» It Pays to Advertise may um and propel-9 a war: dealing with sever- al matters which will later be sub: milled for utilisation, While only l'kili luwe been increased in some 6x= test the requmtn oi the members have not by any Inoculation mat. WHAT ~1’OS'I‘MMGTEHB VAST. The need of a uniform nyswm or Inbelflng mupupers. Mr rent uls lawman. and an Improved scheme far forwarding allowances to the postmaster“. are some of the matters which the Canadian Pastmuters‘ Ass sedation will “My urge qn thq Gov: ,41A_. ""1535." ï¬libhon. at Osmium. was my those present. Everybody satchel cold. 80m u- sort to mum out! powders um coats“: Wou- drun. and duct): from hurt-dopmflnz noodles in not inimmt. It’s poor policy to 1108th I coldâ€" elpoclnlly whoa it can be curod IO qqipkly without: adieu". â€"_ _Al_l__ m-nA- COLDS Quickly Cured ‘Krlii'caiina the loathing vapor oi‘ the pin. woodo. the richest hel- une end hull“ euenou right to the ewe. oi your cold by inhaling Ceterrhocone. Little drop of wonderful curative powder on dietributod through the whole bruthing upperetul in two moods. “In a miracle. mt'u how cum-- holono work: in bronchitis. «turn. colds and lrrltoblo tbs-out. You sim- ply bmtho It- on {rm-m. vapor and ovary trace of congestion and dunno loan a More are. ~ dear-momwinnothelp those who ave â€led stall om: W hat thing (or the discouraged gun- at “amigtomthomstmc. ï¬onotmgoodw.aadthen Catarrhozone WE GUARANTEE Au leaning of the good“. the clothes *0 nuke. You a: some pretty neir recognizi clothes onxmnu soon if; no them. Whenever you meet on CWHES you are improuod 'iï¬ the diabetic: of style and. the correctness of ï¬t. Anyone who not. to be well dmeed comes her. (or hit cloth“. They are renou- W.G.BlairSon MORE†M E N EVERY DAY ably priced, too. and. THE GBNESBB HOTEL II In! nun: (Tm dnou we» of Pvm Haul. JOHN COLLINI. I’ron Kin as. Womo mam“ qui‘cm “I!" . 01.50 Pl! DAY Graniteware Sale We will all while they hat the (allowing line! of gunm- mm at price: in touch of everybody; '1'“ Ram». Pnunlntlljottlu, fl 75%“ Iain, Pudding Pun. In our no“ window for Bargains Boxall Matthle The Verdict of our customers deelsres thst we ere leeders in our llueâ€"-thst we ere guilty of selling the best meets obtain- shle st such priees ss sppeel to their purses. Lindsey resi- dents who ere not pstrons of this store will be welcome greets end we think they will pleased pstrons in due time ‘l'lu Blulm _ L .1 .r n... tunic-sunk}!!! . J. Campbell Combnabic and Homo-nu. “no; Punt. Daub]. Bonus. PHONE 7 rm m