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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Feb 1909, p. 5

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Kr. and Mrs. Gordon Harris, Rus- sell-st, entertained a number of their fields Thursday. A very pleasant. averting was spent in card playing ad dancing. The prises were won by man Millie Robineon. Mine Pow» '”g ‘1'. I» “mm “d m. J” ENTERTAINED THEIR FRIENDS. This College admits students at any time and remaigs open all year. Enter now and you w3ll be propprly prepared to accept positions ranging from $35 to $103 a month. Catalogue tree IzfiaI For for Fox 9.. Whitby ....... .... 2.00 Toronto ............ 12.05 3311an ......_... 2.40 Toronto ....... ....... 6.28 p. Illa: I...- 607156?“ v.1.;;.;..... 6.30 pan. Peterboro _........ 9.82 nan. anmm ...... ._.... 7.55 0.3- UNQUBSTIONABLY one of the Best Commercial Schools in Canada is the large and successful A ELLIOTT A.” Inw- Lindlq .. ... ...11.25 mm ”2.170 Darnell .. ... ... ... 11.33 can ‘9 Mord ... .. ...11.45 um. " Lacuna Point 11.55 mm lulu Datum . ... ...12.05 p.m 34 For Port 809° n For Toto-£9 -- "For W of the Children’s Aid Society, Lindsay and Victoria County no.-- 8 1 c.- 1( 0-.Io~ot.. 1‘ coco-0......“ coboconk I1 Finn .Port Hope ......... ”Iran Pmboro I Wharton D From B “on Toronto .8 Amino. m. W. J. ELLIOTT Principsl ‘r. Yong. uld Alexander 81:3. 1 .â€"Ald. Geo. Ren- . B. Kalam- Wâ€"‘â€"_' V Hon. PresH-S J. Fox. H.P..P ’1‘ij 35413.14) Almost five nunureu peuyae awn-a --_e__ __, meanâ€"J. Bogart. Principal 0 led at the skating rink last evening " to witness the town league hockey games. It was the _la.rgest crowd strenuous h( H Vice-Pmâ€"J. B. Knrght. I. g m p, 8. hockey league game in Lindsay and more does ‘tb Vice-Presâ€"G. H. Wilson. the excitement was at {ever heat. From the Win. Geo. A. name. The chmpion CLS. team won every mag 11 8'. vtheir fourth game by defeating the on it am a u: Amos. many. Ont. }~fast 45th Regiment 12 to 2, and m, close clearly demonstrated 'that they are , er ten the fastest team in the league. They old received haVe won all their games by very the e e and M m m”, mo m 'large scores, and have scored 46 Burg: going ’goals to their opponent's 13. Last game finishe ARRIVALS. ' "night's victory cinches the chain-r During the . ,_ a.“ 1 50 mm ’pionship and the Forbert trophy. very close, t "“"'" *~-â€"- ' 'mm ‘Rnnknrg and Omemee had a goal, Jun 1] Enid 1m: mmnme W From PAH! IOU! urn-ram nun: mm smwcn. Vice-Presâ€"G . Toronto 1030310. 081'. [LOVES EA! LIA, u .00.”. 3. Jet»... 11.09 pm. p0 noucuonownco 9.15 can. ......... 10.53 yin. ......_...-... 7 .10 mm. .- nay-coco... 6.80 mm. ’90 .......... 6.00 am. H. Wilson. _,...,,, 9.10 3.!!!- 10.10 3.13. ....... 10.48 pm- .......... 2.05 pm. Jet... 6.10 Pan. mm. 6.28 pan. ".0... 7.80 [mm Toronto. ...10.35 mm .. 1.).45 sum .. 10.55 mm .. 11.01 mm. .. 11.06 ohm .. 11.15 nun. “.1135 mm. .. 8.45 DJ”. .. 9.29 pan. ..10.10 pm. cccccccccccc ............ 7.50 mm 1389 v v -7-.. Scarhox‘oâ€" Aherueensâ€" ‘have been placed unuer quuruuuuu. 'sleeper at 1015 pm dailv and get nun-.5 .. W'rl'“- brawford. SR ..11 Gliding. 8k ...... lollbut this Only applies where thoselofi at Winnipeg 01' any pOint m. St‘m and than ”hippo-(iv to 'bw' ada, thus paying two customs du- Beavertonâ€" Lindsayâ€" {quarantined see (it to allow it. N . l . , o vexat'ious delays. no trouble _ BIS-hard. 8k ""13 1(‘3homes, tSk """ 15' {with baggagv: the smoothest route, ties trad tfiddizfs :1?"in ht; tmgise : V aremontâ€" annmg onâ€" , shorter by a day; the most pular chug , e c er. - . lPalmer. sk ...... 16 Richardson, SR 7 £5AYS “OME'MADE IREA'MENT' route to the west; Canadianpfo'acific Ehrztggilhafit yoaxdufraber‘lfir (i‘pe Aberdeensâ€" Cenningtonâ€" ' EA" all the way :- close connections made . W 0 re . 93- 0 ns one Ormerod, SR. ...13 Bick, sic ......... 11‘ CURES DR DISEASE to all points in the great North- to Private lite at the last election. "" west. Bertha in tourist or first- “WNW arraigned the present GOV- Canningtonâ€" Canmngtonâ€" ' . class sleepers; reserved while your ernment for its supine indiflerence to ’ ....... 11 C bell, k...10 RED . Dobson, Sh amp 5 SHAKE THE ING IENTS IN tickets are being made out. The the ”8111's of Canada as manifested TWO Peterboro rinks arrived 1200 THE 30an AND TAKE TET- tourist or second {1‘88 rates to wm_ by permitting United sates gchoon. ers to freely and openly fish within late for the primary. but will my SPOONFUL Dosnmm MEALsimpeg have always been 321 by the . ii“ the °°ns°1ati°m . ‘ “Canadian Pacific. Proportionately the three-mile limit. In the second round both Lindsay Few people heredmow that you canl cheap rates beyond to points further irinks were defeated and are playing cure that dread American disease. d th. in the consolation to-day. rheumatism, with just common, ev- g‘fianmnfi'mm. A SURPRISE” 1.1818123. -â€"--, , emiay drugs found in my mac Mr. J. n. McLennan and Mr. w. "For ma, 3.." I h". m TRIED 11“ mm. store- 'nn prescription is so cinemmavene were in Ottawa Toasty in m m mm eat-uh. “a Gannin ton curlers tried in vain to that W 939 M W “‘- 3‘ homo connection with the complaint oile- m “p.51.“ 3' limit lib ‘ take thegSharpe Cup away from the at UM" am- It is made up u M. Lennan a 00.. to the mum Bern'- ‘m "a. o, n, Mt “r. Beaverton club one evening last week 19"" 09‘ from: W 890‘! PM“? mission»! respecting the might and were defeated 32 to 22 points. non mummy Fluid Extract Dande- chergee on coal by the 0.1m. to: lion. anew! ounce: Compound Ku- mhm. m Write-i with the “an I i MADALS m3 ens. eon» one “000‘ Compound 8w men to sum tom and vii- ' swarms. three. enacts. m: by kg... -m - to present to each member of the Cl M making the L83 “We W+ 2533‘? “a“ if; at .59.?“ Iran mum ambit h-i S‘Whmg a???“ m t goodsewmg eve renew“ Mamuml- ~ ‘ ‘ “ this season The presentation will M m m “mm x ”m“ '“h' mm” , , take piece at the end 0: the season. SUNDERLAND W. vs detected Little Emilia kgrbfil .9 O man. i new anthem. ' . é a mm , * l 7 Lindsayâ€" Canningtonâ€" Knowlson, sk...19 McLeod, sk ...... 4 Scarboroâ€" Canningtonâ€" Purdy. sk ....... 13 Stone, sk.... 5 Scarboroâ€" ‘ Aberdeensâ€" Crawford. 51»: ...11 Gilding. sk ...... 10 'Beavertonâ€" Lindsayâ€" TWO LINDSAY RINKS ARE ) IN CONSOLA'I‘ION. (‘unningtom I-‘eh. 3.â€"'1‘hc first an- nual bonspiol of the. Cannington curling club is in‘progrcss. There are sixteen rinks in the competition. viz._ Scarboro 2. Aberdeens (Toron- to) 2. Claremont 2, Beaverton 2. Lindsay 2, and Cannington 6. First. draw : took part in. Skip Knowlson’s wink won first prize in the consola- ‘tion, receiving four beautiful travel- ing hand bags, and Skip Thomas’ rink won second prize in the prim- ary event, winning four sets of sil- ver knives and forks. In the primary event Ski-p Knowlâ€" son’s rink was defeated in the se- cond round by a rink from Clare- mont. He then entered the con- solation and made a clean sweep, He defeating every rink with ease. also made a record by playing five games yesterday and winning them all. playing in all seventy ends. This is a record that will stand in Can- ada for some time. even in the great “ spiel ” at Winnipeg, where four games a day ronstitute a record. Following are the results of Skip Knowlson's wins in the consolation: Knowlson 15, Hicks, Peterboro, 5. Knowlson 18, Palmer, Claremont, Too much credit. !A second couecnon may De uluue to Skip Thomas and his merrv band of make the sum worthy the archdioces- " 'es. The collections will be started curlers, who won second in the prim- 7next Sunday. ary event. The rink played a fine' COUNCIL (‘OMMEVDE-D game throughout, winning every The County Council of Victoria game until the finals were revealed, gcounty has made a grant of $500 to when they were defeated by a rinklassist in the teaching of agriculture from Scarboro on heavy ice. Thelin Lindsay Collegiate Institute, says fact of the matter was that they'the Toronto News. a marked recog- were “ all in ” and unable to put up nition of the good work that is be- their stones. ling carried on there under the super- Scarboro men as everybody knows. :vision of the Ontario Department of cannot be given are at home on soft ice, and woniEducation. The Government grant out by thirteen shots. [is $1,200 a year. which pays the Following are Skip Thomas’ :salary of the instructor. It is ex- scores: |pected that several other counties Thomas 15. Birchard. Beavertoniwill follow suit. and thus materially 13. Iassist in extending this very prac- Thomas 12. Palmer, (‘laremont 6. itical branch of education. Thomas 10, B8858, Clal‘cmont, 11.iH()Mk: E‘ROM “'FAS‘T- FINAL. ‘ I Mr. Richard Richardson returned Crawford, Scarbow, 'from a very pleasant trip West last 14 ' 13.-:ng and he is now an enthusias- 'l‘licmas The second half was a game of real fast hockey. Only two goals were scored by the Bankers, making; the final score 9- 3 in their favor. At half time McQuade replaced I Lytle. A ,,_-- AA-.. . â€"., w.-. Every man on the Omemee team played a star game during the last half, but they could not find the nets. Omemee’s playing, both in- dividuallyand combined has improv- ed wonderfully since their last ap- pearance on Lindsay ice. For the visitors, Beatty was easily the star, but the team as a whole played the game of their lives. For the Bankers Koyl was in the lime- light. Connors, Green and Spence were also to the fore. The line- up: A,,_ -flA- Bankers. C 01111 ors Bingey G reen Sylvester Livingston Koyl Spence Lindsay curlers have once more demonstrated that they can win priz- es and trophies wherever they go to curl. This time Skips Knowlson and Thomas almost cleaned tip the Cannington bonspiel in which a num~ ber of strong rinks from Toronto. Peterboro, Scarboro and Beaverton took part in. Skip Knowlson’s rink won first prize in the consola- tion, receiving four beautiful travel- ing hand bags, and Skip Thomas’ rink won second prize in the prim- ary event, winning four sets of sil- ver knives and forks. LDOWXSOD V, SEMI-FINALS. Knowlson 14, Ormond, Toronto Aberdeens, 3. FINALS. Knowlson 14, Guilding, Toronto Aberdeens 3. Too much credit cannot be given Skip Thomas and his merry band of curlers, who won second in the prim- ary event. The rink played a fine game throughout, winning every game until the finals were revealed, I'UI‘U) , Db“: uvn v, v. Almost five hundred people assemb- led at the skating rink last evening to witness the town bague hockey smmes. It was the largest crowd Skips Thomas and Knowlson Bring Home the Jewelry Two Fast 1‘. H. L. Games «Omemee Played Good Game CANNINGION BONSPIU. m 10‘ r. wing 1. wing Omemee. goal V . Mitchell point Bradley c. point Beatty rover Murray centre Lytle and first-c] 7 McGrath goal Newmn Omemee. Duck point Carew V- Mitchell Killen c. poi'nt McConnell Bradley P. Spratt rover J. Dougan Beatty J. Spratt centre K. Lane Murray Cain 1. Wing Yarnold Lytle and Burke r. wing John Dougam McQuade. W. Mitchelll The officials. Stoddard and Ran- McGee dall, gave entire satisfaction. 39' care is not being paid to the epide- mic. At present there are nine cas- es of the disease. and these are lo- cated in different parts of the town. The houses where the patients are have been placed under quarantine. but this onlv applies where those quarantined see fit to allow it. rheumatism, with just common. ev- eryday drugs found in my drug store. 'Ihe prescription is so Dimple that any one can prepare it athom at small dost. It is made up as fol- lows: Get from my good phenom» tion pharmacy Fluid Extract Dude lion. new: omega ; Compound Km» Port Hope. Feb. 3.â€"That the stor- ies which are current as to preva- lence and danger of smallpox are exaggerated seems certain. but while there is no one willing to comeout and back the insinuations which have been made to the effect. that certain local physicians are not taking suffi- cient precautions to check the spread of disease. there seems to be unrest among the townspeople because more SMALLI’OX EXPERT. scoring the four goals rat the u. u. S. The second half was just as last as the first. The C.L.S. players started a\ terrific pace and scored in the early stage, and On good com- bination they scored eight goals, making the final score 12-2 in their favor. The Spratt Bros. were easily the stars on the ice, and their two-man combination is responsible for the many goals scored for the team. During the game they scored nine goals, while Killen scored the other three. ' Frank Carew was the most effec- tive player for the soldiers and made many' good rushes, but could rot score. Harry McConnell and Lane played a good consistent game, as did the Dougan Bros. The soldiers lacked “ com.” and did not follow up, while on the other hand the C.L.S. worked a two-man combina- tion with the other players. follow- ing close up. It was the best league game ever played in Lindsay and when they meet again they will be assured of a full house : The line-up : This 'was the fastest and most strenuous hockey game ever played intheLindsaytown league, andthe score does not indicate the play. From the very start of the game every man played as if life depended on it and the. consequence was good, hard, close checking. After ten minutes of play Yam- old received a nasty wound over the eye and was compelled to retire, Burke going 0!! to even up,. and the game finished six men aside. During the first half the game was very close, the 45th scoring the first goal, Jim Dougan doing the trick a. few minutes after play commenced. Jack Dougan scored the second an lost a goal for his team shortly be- fore half time. At half time the score stood 4-2, the_ Spratt Bros. Knowison 9, Purdy, Scarboro, SEMI-FINALS. C.L.S. 12, 45TH REGIMENT 2. THE WATCWAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. ONE uuu To, vuv ~r-_-- the four goals for the C. L. 45th Rebiment- L Newton t Carew i‘nt McConnell ,r J. Dougan Lennan a; 00.. to the Railway Conn misaloners respecting the freight charges on cool by the G.T.R. to Lindm. in comparison with the rates to surrounding towns um vu- 'l‘he Canadian Pacific is the very shortest line to Winnipeg and all points in Saskatchewan and Alberta. via the new short line Toronto to Sudbury. 38 hours tram Toronto to Winnipeg. X0 change of cars; you step into your tourist or first-class sleeper at 10.15 p.121. daily and get on“ at Winnipeg or any point west. No vexat'ious delays. no trouble with baggage: the smoothest route. shorter by a day ; the most popular route to the west ; Canadian Pacific all the way :- close connections made to all points in the great North- west. Berths in tourist or first- class sleepers; reserved while your tickets are being made out. The tourist or secondâ€"class rates to Win- Hitâ€"x3; 'haE'e' always been 321 by the era to Canadian Pacific. Proportionately the thl‘ cheap rates beyond to points further west and north. A FREIGHT RATES. Mr. J. M. McLennan and Mr. W. "For Flavelle were in Ottawa Tuesday in amen: connection with the comfilaint ot_ Ic- m a. here. LOCAL READER. Mr. Richard Richardson returned from a very pleasant trip West last Friday. and he is now an enthusias- tic believer that the West is the place for the young Canadian. Mr. Richardson visited with his son Er- nest at Winnipeg. and also with oth- er friends. He has been absent sev- eral montns. Mr. Ernest Richard- son. his son. who holds a good po- sition in the custom offices of the Canadian Northern at Winnipeg. ar- rived home last night and will spend His Grace Archbishop McEvay in a circular to all the parish priests of the dioceses orders a. collection to be taken up in all their churches for the tenefit of the Italian sufl‘ercrs. The Archibishop intimates that this col- lection may be followed by another. A second collection may be made to make the sum worthy the archdioces- es. The Collections will be started next Sunday. COUNCIL COMMEXDED. Mr. James Bruce, son of Mr. “ 11- liam Bruce, has rented a store in Smyth’ 8 block on Cambridge-st” where he will open up a harness shop on Mondayunext. Mr. Bruce learned his trade with Mr. Coad, of Oak- wood, and since then has had valâ€" uable experience in shops in Strat- ford and Goderich. Mr. Bruce is well knmxn in Lindsay and vicinity and will no doubt get a fair share of the business. COLLECTION FOR ITALI ANS. The remains of the late John Mc- Cullough were interred in Uxbridgc cemetery Tuesday. The deceased was a life long resident of Uxbridgc, where he conducted a boot. and shoe repair shop. The members of the A. 0.U.W. accompanied the remains to their last resting piace.â€"-Uxbridge Times. NEW HARNESS SHOP. The infant child of Ir. md' Ira. A. Edwards passed away Wednesday Group was the cause of death. I WELL RATHER. It was 20 below zero at Frank- lin last Mondayâ€"pretty cold ! TWO FINGERS CUT OFF; __ Whif'e cutting wood at Wm. Tho. burn’s farm, neer Sonya. Hr. Ed~ ward Mark had the misfortune to ha've m6 of his fixigenssut-ofl. BOB EDWARDS IN OTTAWA. “Bob” Edwards, editor of the Cal- gory Eye-Opener, is in Ottawa. try- ing to have his paper once more al- lowed the prim-Lesa of the mails. Dan McGillicuddy, his “hated rival” is likewise at the capital. SUDDEN DEATH AT' OSHAWA. Mrs. William Langland, the wife of a retired tanner of Oshawa. drop- ped dead Wednesday afternoon while visiting a friend. Heart failure is given as the cause. The deceased was 66 years old. LEFT FOR WINCHESTER. Mr. John Wardrobe, with his fam- ily, have left Lindsay and will re- side in Winchester, Dundas county, in future. Mr. Wardrobe has accept- Mrs. Alex. Smith. who resides on Regent-st" met with a slight. acci- dent yesterday morning while going down the stairs' leading to the cil~ lnr. She slipped and fell when near the bottom and sprained her ankle‘ Mrs. Smith will be confined to her room for a few days. BERLIN FACTORY ABSORBED. The Ontario Sugar Works at Ber- lin, which was wound up under an order of the courts by Henry Bar- ber, assignee, of Toronto, has been sold to- the Wallaceburg Sugar Com. pany for a. consideration of 8230.- A.... INFANT DIED. 000 to start. INTERMEN'I‘ IN I'XBRIDGE. g1 Erborsition as manager of hotel in that town. SPRAINED HER ANKLE. few weeks' vucaition at his home The factory cost about $600,- am” A auflerer troni fironchiul numb. and had despairod of anything like a cure. Judge of my pleuut sur- priu when I first used Hyomel which brow complete mm. Hymns! has been . variable godmd.”-Rev. Chulu Bailey. 3mm. Ohio‘ mm 0! am «Benn hum given up in w. M hm mod «we! doting. Inn. W and coaches mm um. and now b» lbw mm to MAW _ _ ed by Mr. Sinclair. Government sup- porter from Nova Scotia, who trail- ed in the wake of Mr. R. L. Borden by proposing that a select standing committee be appointed on Marine and Fisheries. It had been sett'ied last Monday upon the conclusion of Mr. Borden’s address respecting the conservation of natur 1 resources that such a committee sh uld be ap- pointed. Nevertheless a wide dis- cussion was permitted upon the fisheries question. and some excellent speeches were made by some of the new Conservative members from the Maritime Provinces. The entire dis- cussion was conducted in a non-par- t-isan manner. and it was agreed on all sides that something should be done to encourage the fishing indus- try and especially to promote the conveyance of Canadian fish to the Canadian consumer direct, instead of having it shipped to the United States and then reshipped to Can- ada, thus paying two customs du- ties and adding heavily to the price charged the consumer. Mr. Haddin, the brilliant young member for Cape Breton. who retired Alex. J ohnstone to private life at the last election, severely arraigned the present Gov- ernment for its supine indiflerence to the rights of Canada as manifested by; fieFmittink United States schoon- era to freely and openly fish within the threednile limit. ONING. l’ersismd in paring his coms with a razor. Foolish when cure is so painlesa and sure with Putnam's Corn Extractor. I'se Putnam's only â€"it's the bestâ€"guaranteed and pain- less. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wess, Shaw, Logic-st, was the scene of a very pleasant evening on Thursday. The event was the fifth anniversary of their wedding, which is called a tin wedding. A large number of their friends were present and they were the recipients of many pieces of useful tinware. Card playing and dancing were. indulged in till the small hours of the morning. when all left for their homes after spending a most enjoyable evening. ANOTHER CASE OF BLOOD POIS- I"5HIXG INDUSTRY. Ottawa. I-‘eb. 3.â€"Thc House this afternoon talked fish. The discus- sion arose upon the resolution on‘er- FACTORY SHU'I: meat. ANNUAL TE A. Peterboro, Feb. 3,â€"The Examiner’ says: A young man whose financiall condition is at present not the most flourishing. in fact owing to continu- ed inactivity in the labor world, has reached rather straightened circum- stances. The young benedict of a! year has been presented with twins, and occurring just at present, the event might be looked upon as any-l thing but welcome. The family have been obtaining assistance through, their time of need. I DEDICATE NEW HALL. I A number of the members of Faith- l‘ul Brethren Lodge A.F. A.M..u Lindsay, spent Thursday in Kin-l mount, where they assisted at the' dedication of a new Masonic hall in1 that village. Among those in the party were Messrs. Robt. Nugent. W. M.,’ and Past Masters His Honor Judge Harding, A. L. Campbell, A. M. Fulton. Ancil Mills and R. J. McLaughlin, K.C., G. H. Wilson,l Mayor Begg, William Warren. Chas. Reeves. Peter Ferguson. John Mc-1 Mahon. T. McConnell and Ralph! Clarke. A SOCIAL GATHERING. ! WV- "7 v‘ and those ‘who sat down to supper enjoyed themselves thoroughly. TOOK PARIS GREEN. Brockville, Ont... Feb. 3.â€"I-‘. Wright an Oxford township farmer, while in a state of ill-health and desponden- cy, attempted suicide by taking a dose of Paris green. Medical aid was summoned. and it is thought he will recover from the efl'ects‘ol his rash act. IN BUSINESS AGAIN. Hr. George Ingle, who established the planing mill on the corner of Cambridge-st. and WellingtOnâ€"st., but who has been out of the business during the past couple of years. has again decided to start up the busi- ness, and will probably open up about the first of March. Mr. Ingle intends to employ all the old hands, tunnel tea. held on Wednesday in the basement of the Sundw school. The ladies who had plume of the pre- pmtions outdone tmlvea in their efforts to provide a. successful tea, 4 - â€"-- ‘- A non-I‘m- 2" .~ _-_ ., ~ , bery and'three years each for the Kingston robberies, the sentences to run concurrently. THIS IS TOO MUCH. 7 ”an. A â€"---... Kingston. Ont.. Feb. 5.,â€"â€"Reginald Pare and Arthur Lewis, who pleaded guilty to robberies in Kingston and Gananoque, appeared before Police Magistrate Farrell this morning and were sentenced to six years each in penitentiary for the Gananoque rob- , ‘1. 1... 6|... luuv-nv and will do some extent-she work. SIX YEARS IN THE “ PEN.’ mood for «tum 901“" ”W '33."; a V um. um and mm m 1,: ‘mk. m (pronouns Etch-MM) «I u, mum mam m N“ at w W . a a. mm. m‘ m “rm: m MRMOWW‘ht L IQKM. lad :mn ‘ ‘ ;A.. presented the D.R.A..cups and immarked that the university should tske s greater interest in military sasirs. With 6,000 students he thought it would be a simple enough nutter to scare up s regularly equip- Iped regiment, and possibly several. Gen. Lake and Col. Sun Hague were subsequently entertained to luncheon by the members of the Fe- Mum! mrkmnnpll. ot the (‘ol‘ lath“ Institute. to nfiluhgme m- m urn-mu t new M o! m. R M Wood an .L 3‘ mm. M mm W. h [exam KN will. be “M. d to Mm Ion. j Arrangements are being made at the Collegiate Institute for the re- ouming oi a lecture course this win- ter. It is now two years since lec- tures by men of public prominence were delivered in the Collegiate In- stitute and at that time the lecture course. no it was coiled. was unique union; Ontario Collegiate. The M uncured hove hitherto been among the foremost runk oi Ceno- uinn men uni it in understood. thnt the lecturer. to be uncured for the oonilcyenr will be equal in pro uni-ace with those who lectured here L.C.I. LECTURE COURSE. catty Union. l The Manitoba crop report has been "ssued by the Department 0! Agricul- .ture. The total grain crop of the [Provinre is estimated at 113,058,- '188 bushels, compared with 99,010.- l285 bushels in the previous year. .The total yield of wheat is placed at I49.252,539 bushels, an average of 217.28 bushels per acre. The total larea under grain is given at 4,818,- 611 acres. and the area under all crops at 4,987,498 acres. [HOME FROM THE WEST. ed for by Tomato and ECG“! Uni- versities. With this went eight indi- vidual cups in miniature inc-simiie of the trophy. to remain in the perma- nent possession of the eight members whose scores brought the guerdon to Toronto. Col. Snm Hughes made the presen- tation of the Dominion Rifle Associ- ation trophy to the University of To- ronto Rifle Association in that city last evening. The. presentation comprised en el- aborate outiny of silverware, includ- ing the University Challenge Cup. donnted by the D.R.A.. and compet- The World 3938: Colonel Sam Hughes. M.P.. pmsidgn; of the D.R_. "Xhothoz; banker épokl-n to was of the opinion that money was easier because there was little business. As soon as business began to brighten up. money would be tighter, he sold. . -â€".-: râ€"" " Money is coming into the banks pretty freely of late," said one bank- er. “ Financial reports from head offices indicate that the money is coming in a great deal faster than it is being placed outp Many banks have taken in twice as much as they have loaned. and as they have to pay interest on all this money, in- dications are that money will con- tinue to be freer right along. The outlook for improved business con- ditions is very good. and many firms will undoubtedly call {or largely in- creased loans to expand their busi- ness with in the spring” PRESENTS TROPHY. Mr. Alfred Burke, of'Gainsboro. Sask.. an; old Victoria county boy. arrived in town last evening, and will spend a couple of weeks in this vicinity visiting friends. Mr. Burke is one of the many Victoria county boys who have met with success in the West. He .is one of the largest farmers in the West and is a brother of Mr. Edward Burke. the largest farm in Canada. who is at present in Lindsay renewing acquaintances. BANKERS ARE OPTIMISTIC. According to bankers and financial men in the city. money is much eas- ier now than it has been for some time. past. Very Prevalem in Young Women and colorless. The puke becomes rapid and feeb. le; there in nine loss of appetite and enieebled digestion. palpitation of the heat. breethlessness and ten- dency to faint. In extreme cases there is complete disappeernce of the menstrual flow and dropsicel swelling of the limbs. , Physicians know of no remedy so prompt in mults as Fen-ozone, which contains all the elements lack- ing in debilitated blood. ,__-_.-_ n... A coxm'nox or "WHITE-BLOOD- EDNESS IS FAST INCREAS- 1m. It is always associatéd with lan- gour and sensitivm to cold. All the mucous surfaces. such as the Ferrozone not only improves the present quality 0! the blood. but actually forms more blood-the rich, red kind that nourishes and feeds the organs that require assistance. .“ About a year ago." writes Mrs. S. G. Stanhope. of Rothesay, " my daughter complained of feeling tired. She was very pale and listless. and kept losing strength until too weak to attend school. " We read of a similar case. that of Miss Descent. Stirling, Ont., be- ing cured by F‘errozone, and this in- duced us to get it for Elaine. It took three boxes of Ferrozone to make any decided improvement, but when six boxes were used my daugh- ter was beginning to be her old self again. It didn’t take much longer to make a complete cure. She has gained ten pounds in weight and looks the picture of perfect health. She is stronger and enjoys the best of spirits." Every growing girl and young woâ€" man can make herself strong and healthy with Ferrozone. Price 50¢. per box, or six for $2.50, at all dealers. MANITOBA G RAIN CROPS . financial was bitten on the leg. the teeth of the canine entering the cult of the leg, causing the blood to flow. II Bile! m (a. limited Coal and Wood Lumbar, Bhinglu, Etc VICIOI'S CANINE. Wednesday Master Harry Heels. son of G.T.R. Roadmaster Heels. while playing in the vicinity of the round house. was “tacked by a. dog and Farm Loans Stanley L.Gilson KcLAUGELIN. PEEL FULTON. Bun-intern, Solicitor-3.- Notaries _..-~ LHGH R. KNIGHT. garrister. So- ‘0 MRROWERS.â€"We are loaning money on reel astute mortgngee at the love» curmut rates. The mm- ne. ll done in our own office end the Principal end interest repaid to as without any expense or remit- . We also purchase mortgages debenturee.'1‘0 INVESTORS â€"We invest money 'or clients on \ new, glen upon municipal de- bwtum. McLAUGULIN. PEEL a FULTON. Barristers. etc” Lind- FEE UNDERSIGNED In pnepared to loan money on Form, Town and Village Property gt very lowest rota- 0! Interest. Company or private funds. I am nlwnyl ready to W good mortgages. I. E. WELDON. Solicitor. can. Kilns Money to Loan I. B. WELDON. Mpoln township Clark, Onkwood. Fire Insurance Agent. Inner of Wage Licensee. Conveyancing in all its forms. sfiwART a O'CONNOR. Notation. etc. Money to vary lows?!L current ram OBS. NEELANDS a IRVINE. Den. am. member- 9! the Roygl Col- on. 08088. Dentist, unggay. Mom- )8. W. Mist. Office near- ly opposite the post once. Special “mug” given to children’s teeth. nova-d V. Pom. D.D.S.. L-D-S. Mâ€"Bldoumt.. corner Kant $uou‘xn: TORONTO umvmsl. srrv. 00mm ma conN. TY or vrc'mum. Votinary Surgeon and Dentist JANETVILLE ONT. vâ€" â€"v. tutor. NEW Pfiblic. represent» Ing Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance 00., of Waterlop ;_ Federal Life As- n_.__ _. sumac; Co.. of Hamilton. Empire Accident and Surety 00.. o! Lon- don, Ont. 06390 0! Weldon a: C a. norms, 11.0.. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public. be. So- !lcitor for Bank of Montreal. Mon- Block. m'w and Inna. om“ w:10t.n.to89m-: 7mg rower. of up 0! Dental surgeon “’6 have d! the latent methods of dentistTY- Spochl attention will be 85“!!! to mod“ , Crown 1nd bridge work. The mini extraction of “a; andâ€"er cu (Vitelimd Air) and the insertion of the host. u‘tificial datum continue to be a specialty bonito the Simpson House. R. u. A. mssarrr. L.D.S..D.D.s,_ mum, grunt» of tho Royal Col. hp 01 Dental Surgeons ot Ontario and Honor Graduate 0! Toronto 3m 0m: Over 0mm... Bank 0! Com. Entrance Wil- nun-It. mud-u. Ont. Phone 272 THUB’SDAY. FEB. 11, 1909 DR. F. BLINCHARD m; Milne Block, opposim '8 Shoe Store. Voteriwy Surgeon Kent Black Cashmere ‘ Bed, black, navy, AWhite, navy, wod Black and color 100 Pm of odd 1.25, .ale... Kisses fancy wo Clearing 100 pai Special pun chase Embroidery inse 2 Patterns inf! l Yd. wide Un All wool carpd sale 40c; reg. 774 10c; reg. 22c. sal‘ $5; size 3 x 3. “$1 be 3 x 4, reg. 15 25 Per 25 Per FABRB Carpets, Ladie: Black and nav long,made of all V Ladies’ tine wc tight. fitting, reg- Misses' tine be and green: reg 1‘ Children‘s twe Misses’ navy i with black braid f 6 only odd tv 3 to 38 ciearil Ladies’ Bocha: with Western 83' box or blouee fr! Ladies’ near Gab}: collar and WE BUY SOl'Tli nukes [land L Block, Winnipeg FOR SALEâ€"'1‘] white brick hon next. door to I Bqth room, fun light. 50 feet it quick sale. W! winter months. Knight. ofiice o‘ Tenders [I \w-.. FOR SALE. â€" ' [and with a :01 good orchard c of fruit. Good shod. hard and on 72 (‘olborm monably. A; dice. cor. Mill 4 FRIDAY, HAW ins Bowel; auctioi (um stock and 1 My of David I 9, Eldon. half-I Icy. Sah- al 0! ON FRIDAY, I Elm ”owes. and con, 4, Fonolon. 1 plimonts. the pm ha, Sale at one mm in (cal. 3 I bled cows, heifen high-grade cows cows, 12 fat. out: calves md full I Lunch ct 11 o'< o'clock. 8M. .l '2‘ 3% i fi 2!- In the i q“ fig}; 2;: 7i 3 van a House SECTION Floor Oilcioth 52nd Y‘ SALE proprid will until

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