isIMMW‘B‘W and acne m IMO 8* cell and try cue». We win mail you one. on receipt of the price. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ltd. All“ Gllllss. Business Imago! The Daily Werderrâ€"Dalivered by car-Her or by mail t9 town sub: aeflbefs. 93¢; per month; By man to outside points in Quads er the mush Emma. I9 per year; *th Watehmamï¬arder (Weekly) '1 per your in advaaee; 01:93 it paid during me yeah Postage t9 timed Stews, extra = may 95* As was announced in The Werder Thursday Mr. D. A. MacKenzie, 11.8. .-\., has organized a Farmers’ Club in Victoria County. and the Depart- ment 0! Agriculture deserves credit for recognizing the fact that the iarmers are, anxious to organize into such clubs and that they are receiv- ing untold beneï¬t from the same. The Department deserves credit also ior having manged to assist the farmers in every way possible. At the banquet held recently in Toronto by the members of the Can- adian Holstein-Frieda Cattle Breed- ers' Association, Mr. G. A. Putnam, Superintendent of Farmers’ Institut~ es, made the important announce- R. J. Mulligan wéekty. 50% ‘I‘HUHBDAY. FEBflUAIW 95. 1909 Watchman-Warder Published at. Lindsay, he Watchman-Wanker 1 You Could Spend a Day In This Store Without The haw good! hint of the many price advantages that. await. those who one to buy wise‘y. Getting Tired Watching the Arrival of NewSpring Goods WHITEWEAR ENTHUSIASM AT THE WAIST COUNTERS No wonder there is great enthusiasm in this section. The new waists are beautiful. simply abundance of style in them and the prices ate decidedly economical. This week we draw particular attention to a line at One Dollar Twenty-ï¬fe each. and also one at Two Dollars each that is . ‘l..â€" -7 -VV ;er new “3 dude 61' Cotton Wash C:epon. PA“ mm- 3m": FUR COATS mm These are the balance of the season’s best selling lines and every coat came to us at the very closest price spot cash could procure from the most reliable makers. There’s a big range yet to make your selection from. Splendid variety in plain and trimmed coats and all good quality of pelts, well made and ï¬nished. The prices are low enough to make every one of them ï¬nd new owners right away. 2-TABLE LINEN SPECIALQ-fl 56 inches Mae. tramway bind» hiée 13“th and 3 W688 wean Elsi mire :3223233323: '†J. Sutclme Sons gammmm L I N D SA Y â€" LADIES’ SAMPLE SKIRTS AND SPRING SUITS This aï¬'ords you a great opportunity to procure a new style spring skirt at a big saving. All the new weaves and colorings to $3 choose from and no two alike. Prices range from $15 down to A ï¬rst showing of the new spring suits for ladies is now being A ï¬rst showing of the new spring suits for 12 made. These are the very latest N ew York styles. WEEKLY EDITION Aim ether qualms a! W FA RMERU CLUBS Quburipflon not“ 29:: Yard Telephone 97. Lindsay,'0ntario, by ,-Warder Printing 00., The I m tar semi MM m MW 8§-% m M an m , M 538% £58; {6 men we tram £351: W“! K held frrem mm: this team {18% mwfï¬ï¬‚iï¬ 6w Mans $0. in a; and W may a ma.I n 53 usable d8 mam as heaped $5 I The H £698 8 . {as t WE ii {:88 E r Bflflï¬ï¬ï¬ $3 $188; NBC In a. avnvub vv_.r pressive address. The Premier has expressed doubt whether protection to human life comes within the scope of federal powers, though the. health of animals is accepted as a proper Dominion charge. -2 4‘... Tâ€"anrnnnn XE flutjfl m m family ask: 06 new? . . $9 113?: a full mam? {ate the east Hen e! the XEAWB‘ dredging Me. as (iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©) and WW 6 . 8mm !§ 9! the amiss that the: money m he magma h? the m- atm- ‘Pha mm; #3 that?“ Gav: amen has made all the Â¥ W}! as: cessatÂ¥a byt has eat {ems} t need of consulting the Depetmmt of Jug: tice. My. Pugslej says that since no evidence of collusion between the department and the contractor has been found, thenefore, no attempt will be made to get back the $85, 935, which the department paid but which the contractor did not get. A resolution ably moved in the House recently_by Dr. Black, calling for Dominion Government action to protect the people from preventable diseases, was supported by several nLh-J-nlm prULCUv uuv rvvr~w diseases, was supported by several members, especially by Dr. Chisholm of Huron. who seconded the motion in a strong comprehensive and im- h.._...:.... has A mum bmughé dawn Friday .zstmwg the exam 61 mg epemtieal a: the; Canadian branch 9% ma rays! mm for the 155% Gwendm‘ yam The: mm coined the: renewing many, he: {sides a raw aavewigns made tor a. Lardar Lake company; Silver coins. face value: ,,,,,,1818.888 Bronze coins. face my? 28.290 ___L This coinage would have cost at the price formerly paid by Canada to the mint in England 3 Silver, 8 per cent. â€$9,400 Bronze, 10 per cent. 2,829 Total .......... .. .......... . ....... $11,729 This would about pay the Salaries of the master of the mint (85,353), the superintendent $8,285), and the chiel clerk (2,920), who together re- ceive 911,658. It is not sufï¬cient to pay the interest on the cost of the building where the work is done. and is three thousand dollars less than the amounts paid in salaries at the mint in the ï¬rst three months of the year. TEE 9138136136 RAKEOFF ‘Anvoither member of parliament ap- “I00 Yard 8! men bleaehed Tibia Linen and 36 ineh thieezqm mash Table Linea; Very sham nag: 9f {ms and am was. your eheiee page)? PUBLIC HEALTH (SOS‘I‘LY COINING 9619mm heï¬ew Eeï¬ gt “mug he 21?: 843 mm m : . Baggage modem and their and fail Gem m sy $13M apes £9 suffer m 199:]: As an geveme has arm , it the 389219 e! emu my 31! t iess and t e gherokemz m We gem! 9mm: ï¬e game: nymphs new rmsved mm a? an haughty; pm! Mum ms Bank are: mange eanscaz and has also we them names; M WE per- cent: mm the start; With ten yer cent: Mamas: and has allowed thew. directors and president to retain the large am- ounts paid them for salaries. Ex- Premier Parent and his associates have therefore an excellent invest- ment in the bridge that lies at the bottom of the St. Lawrence. AEXQNEMIAKING FAILURE The terrible ï¬resat Acapulco, Mexi- co, last Sunday night, when hund- reds of people were literally roasted to death in the burning of a moving picture auditorium. is a. pointed les- sou which should be regarded by every city and town on the American continent. For the moving picture show is everywhere, and everywhere 8. similar disaster is liable to oc- curf The majority of these hastily converted buildings into public an- ditoriums are merely flimsy ï¬re traps, into which :people pack them- selves like sardines. Many of them, while having seVel‘al exits, marked with red lights and the mime; would. in case of a me panic. prove utterly inadequate to permit of the safe end hasty exit of a large and fi‘ehlled crowd of men, women and children; In any event, some one would he set: lonely injured, if nothing wnrne on: curved; The exits are generally too narrow. too difï¬cult of net-asst and jlï¬ï¬ {em The authorities should in: lsigt n on adequate provision in all laugh 9 gees fey pennant. safe and easy exit. and maintain strict suiwiwmnn tn @fll‘ï¬l‘t"? such eenditiensi THE HOLACAUST AT ACAP- ULCO Once twain has it been demgnatmt ad that three daily newgpapara mm not. exist where vighfly only one should be=that three dailies cannot. be maintained in a town of less than eight thousand population. On Sate urday last. Feb, 20, Lindsay's thim daily. The Free Press. to use the ver- nacular. “passed in its checks†and made its exit as a publication in Lindsay. It was on May 8, 1908, that Messrs. J. V. McNaulty, of Lindsay. Lo; many years with The Post, and PASSING OF THE FREE PRESS R. J. Moore, formerly proprietor of the Fenelon Falls Star, issued the ï¬rst number of The Free Press, and announced that it would be an inde- pendent paper, and solicited the pat- ronage of the citizens of Lindsay. The Venture was an untimely one, owing to the fact that there were al- ready two daily papers in the ï¬eld. .one an established publication, and the otherâ€"The Daily Warderâ€"a pub- lication issued on May 1, 1908. The men behind the third daily were not. judicious and looked for emoluments where there were practically none to be secured. It is said that they were warned not to embark on such a venture, but contended that then was mom for a tmrd daily, in spite of the fact that The Warder, eVen then in its infancy, had already ob- tained a strong hold on the people as the proper paper to mlpportl Itowovm‘, The Free Press was launched and ever since the voyago has been a rough and tompestuous one. and the promoters as «oil as the alimony who have subseribod for the vapor and the merchants who have given it. support, on; now much the poorer. In em, if. is estimated roughly that about â€0.000 has \‘on: ishod or disappeared as tho dust, with tho passing: of The Froo Prone. This is a large sum and warning: towards the investing in “White elephants.†While financial conditions have modo the closing down of tho business no- ceaaoi'y. the some ï¬nancial conditions: although not to such a large extent. have been experienced by the other two papers. owing to slaohing of prices. etc. Lindsay's third daily was short- lived-about ten monthsâ€"but at the start it enjoyed to a small extent the support of the citizens, perhaps more than anything else due to the fact that it was something new. But its popularity diminished as it grew older in existence. The editorial col- umns of our late cotem at times contained some good spicy comments but at other times these editorials were very eï¬'usive and were .too much of the selflpraising style. In fact the egotism was so pronounced that it became nauseous ‘ The Warder is grateful to the citi- zens for their patronage and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. egg in order to serve the citizens to their The paper itself was a fairly good one, but the ï¬eld was not available and it was forced to succumb. the town's welfare at heart. we so- licit the co-operation of all. best interests and having at all times OWEN SOUND A CITY. Owen Sound, Feb. 22.â€"A motion was introduced in the town council toâ€"night by Councilor James H. Rutherford and unanimously carried, that a special wmmitwe be appoint- » it) me up thegwtmfl of new; mg an; meammuan 61 Owen Sound as Q, amine Wmflw wag BM a Tim ' 77 Mi Mine»: 5 inaugural am mu m mas be m. ‘fhe mien; ma its newly; m‘ the mast may yiaegmï¬m m at m is“ gm 9 9. 1113533? 5 3883mm mama a $ ‘ 33 MW Ogblos Elishaâ€"Hop shad. Highs! at East Buffalo. LONDON. Feb. n-undon cables for cattle are steady at Isaac to 14¢ per pound. dressed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at 1056c to 10%c per pound. Toronto leo Stock. TORONTO, Feb. 23.â€"â€"Reoeipts of live stock at the City Market, were 59 carloads, consisting of 862 cattle, 582 hogs, 338 sheep and lambs. 71 calves and one horse. Qï¬tï¬â€™miï¬i! ‘"-° 9 a forum Dairy Mark» :F; .Exmmfgam 35?†Wag Cg" co‘l‘d 33%? :12! 8!?! M}... m Chane. ‘ twin: lb i553? lid-“M'WBW! ' ‘2 Ewing???" There were a few lots, not loads. of shipping cattle sold on to 86.40. which in lower than the tone sold for“ the Union Yards on Monday. but the quality was not as good at the City Market. In fact. there were too few exporters on sale to make a market. Bull! sold from 84 to 84.50. with an odd one or two et 84.75 to 36. There were export cattle eold st $5.40 that cost $.50 per cwt. in the country. Butchers. Prime glared steer! and heifers sold at $4.50 to ; loads or good sold (mm mm to 34.87%. the letter price beln paid for the beat load of butchere‘ out ie on the market; medium light cattle. u to M40: wmmqmfliao 39 434;; cgpnera ang‘ Sommoh an AD Inn- “9-. ...--__..- commonfbéaaou toga Biases: and common sowed tau bum in to «as. eelm I“ mi H, W WMurby “repeat notmh'gg of any 8669th ï¬lm on th a market. WI hpr Ives uuehun a as follow In Best feed are. m ts 1000 a; each at "to “.5 per wt t medium, tram :00! all: awaken. I510 37. and $23816†_________ _‘ flâ€"nIâ€"“n- 333$. 60 :9 it I' "Hm u 19 "gm €339 Receipts 1mm. :1. ham- quoted Neel unchensed at “2 tot eeleou te and watered and {MO 3.0.5. on: et country points to drown. hat Buflele Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO. â€b. a â€" Cattle - Steady; prime emu. 08.16 to 00.60. Vaultsâ€"Receipts. 60' active and eteedy. Hogsâ€"Recelpu. a“; elow; heavy. higher: heavy. 3.70 to 8.â€; mixed. “.00 to 88.70; yorker-I, a.†to 80: put. “.15 to $6.25; roughl. 5.50 to $6.0. Sheep and lambeeReeolpu. mo; active: aheepgteady; lambs. 10:: higher; lambe. l New Yorkw le0 Stock. NEW YORK. Fob‘s lâ€"Beevesâ€"Rocolpu. 1332:3133 Gorgnzzg‘tosllnx 71m“? drou- , nm on. omnn an It“ . Liverpool and Lamb caulc mute:- hlgher at 1836c to 14c.‘ dressed welshtm-o- fflgentor beef, lower and selling at Lon- don at louc to 1095c; export- toâ€"momw, 73m unartgra gt‘ beef; n--n.._. -Au‘n- E ,ii mm: ‘5'. SF: ‘ Feét‘nomoej Va., Feb. 24.â€"The X battleship Kent-sage came home with- f. ut Capt. Hamilton M. Hutchins. " Capt. Hutchins was detached from the command 0! his ship by Adminl Sperry late on the main: of Feb. 1, in Gibraltar; The fleet sailed the next morning at 10 o’clock. v. u 'â€" -vvâ€"w luau nu-- Cslvesâ€"Recelpts, 183; feeling steady; veals, 87.50 to 810; ted calves. 86: dressed calves. firm; city dressed vesls. 10c to 10¢; country dressed. ?c to 140.. â€",,- _L . m. .4.--â€" Lvuusn; u. w--- .. Sheep and lambs-416001;)“, 2629; sheep. almost nominal; lambs. fun steady: com- mon sheep, 84.50; lambs. 87 to 88. Hogs â€" Repelpta. mo: feeling “out _A‘j usur-nvuu v- _-..-_-_, faint of pron-aim: the police to vio- t interference. were given on ex act reproduction here on the ststo house ate esterd ofternoon. Under t e end of his Reehel Goo- telle e British leader, in the “Vote: for oWernen†movement. on immense meeting was in progress there when it was ebe for a legislative session to “:3an Sergeant-time Remington e {elm to dieeeree the women. They were obi ed to use force. “33337; no 1‘15:- waned. Boston, Fâ€"eb. Mammal) suffrage“; method; of agitatiop, eggn go ’4‘" Welland's Industrial loom. Welland, Fob. “.m’l‘he Bemle Co. of Boston. who boulht a no. site and were to commence building a 115.000 epindle mill here in the eating. have notiï¬ed the euthoi'itiee t at they will not come until the de- preesion hen littod across the line. A 850.000 trunk newer wee built to accommodate the factory. The Delta Manuiaeturlug 00. o! Ottumwe. Iowa. will, however. commence the erection of three large factories next month. and the Page-Remy Co. will put up a large tube mill. Bank Manager Acqulttod. Montreal. Feb. 24.â€"W. Graham Browne, late local manager of the Sovereign Bank, was yesterday dia- charged on the charge of making false returns to the Government. JudgeLeet held that. under the Bank ,__ ___...1 6kg. .6-6n. ActVthe manager sign ments as correct to the belief and knowledge.†, 0010., Feb. 91â€" ‘ . inggeiow of «sum, mac: 3. 98 Ryan, until Ma connected wt St. Leo’s pgugoï¬e itch in bunch mad -_.ax_ “m A Naval 039“"I “chach‘od Buï¬ranttu Roach Bough. forante Gain Mum; h -_ guns mascara. fï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©tbbn ewes. the 0111i! ‘IOSPITLLS ALL OVER THE CONTINENT‘FIND PE-B‘ CATABBH oi the reopintory orgonl in 5 common nilment in Owed. tor oi lent two-third- oi the you. Thin condition in no doubt conned by tho ions, lover. winters experienced in ‘thil port of the continent. Mom bonnie e mule: medicine, not all: was individum end in 1mm... in in ill. no» houpime, where it we! not I o‘ revenave end mm in but M of am. no“ initiation- do noi became 1:0 [In their «dot-lemon o: m remedy Well he been so 1161’!!! in a» mu- miol we}: poor end nick. ......... I- at.-. a! â€I" â€"v-- rvv- â€"__ _ “on: men animation: a: mu at «0 INCH 0! Good Chophord. who [In «In My ondommun the Mn W. Main. on». Him and Pom [or the put Mv “naturmm mm M Juanita“ antral Only a small number of people at- tended the market this morning. Chicken were the only fowl offered for sale and they sold for $1 per pair. Eggs have dropped to 27c. a dozen, and hogs have dropped 5 per cent. Barley has advanced two cents per huehel and butter sold for 17c per pound. Following are the corrected markets; : An an L_ Wm: «madman "OWN“. MM". M‘â€t In All “In .Wssâ€m mm \. _V1'-*'13§n}',“ ‘6§é£"'ï¬anitobu. 32.80 to 88 per bag. Flour. Manitoba. 82.60 to $2.80. per bag. Rolled oats. 09.45 to 09.70. Eggs 27¢. per dozen. Dairy butter. Tr. to am per lb. Omméry butter, 31¢. per pound. Cream 80¢ per quart. mlrkonn wr paw. 31. Turkeys. 7c per pound. Dueks per pair .1. Lard 16¢ per pound (tut-mar.) Saga ac per bunch. Iii-eased hogs. $0.50 per mt. 1M0 hogu 1w «wk. “.75. Rent. from. quarmr. I“. Reef. hind quarter. [7. per cm. Lamb. retail. 110 to 120 per lb. Boat. retail. ac to 110. per lb. Pork 106. to 11¢. per lb. Hum. 88.50 to 89 :- cwt. Beet cattle. at to 4 e. per pound. Fall wheat. 95¢ per bun. Spring wheat 90¢ per bun. Goose wheat. 90¢ per bul. Buckwheat 590 per bun. Lam peas 90¢ per but. Small p6“ 800 per but. Rye 60¢ per bun. Barley 480 to 500 per but. Bay 810 to 012 per ton. Straw 84.50 to $5. per loud. Oats 42¢ per bulb. Potato“. ‘06. per babel. Apples. 81 to 81.50 per bag. m: I. continued on .1 tho nmody. NI luumflon m (cm no «mo to dawn a: good opinion o! the remedy ad oxprouu m «Mutton 1n the £01- I011!!! terms: puny is located in the now famous It takes a jealous womm to see unsurveyed district known,†South- things that are invisible. ofLomine- and“ 80 m in 0" If a man has dollars his wife tent. In the prospectus the 00m- ' should at last have sense. 9033.38? “at thereon “'9'“ â€â€œ1 Some people make a specialty -of deï¬ned veins on the property. On killing time for others. one of these veins. whiCh is oight' incheswldmeshdt mumm'g-smâ€" th f about twelxm feet and to e. dep ° , __ .. nannnn A! _- ‘A_.- The property owned by this com- pany is located in the now famous unaurveyed district known,†South- ot Lorraine, audio 80 acres in ex- SILVER HAPLE MINES. “yr 'â€" ï¬ne samples of native silvermre have been found. This is but one of ï¬ve or six veins already. uncovered. Re- ference to ad in mother column will show that the directonte in very strong. ‘ The Provincial Securities newsmansm Lin ' ‘. on 19. 1909. to In». an! ‘ . It; Meal. mutant“ u non; It 25cm mswmm Linda: on 19. 1900 imam. mums}. WEEKLY MARKE IS. II am When mum: onoo futon- than upon tho mum it booomu m chant. an. on. to studious. A antenna remedyâ€"on. am â€when every human! organ 0! m bonyâ€"u u that!“ account. » Aâ€" .a UNI-w â€"vvvâ€"-- Porn. to 3m» nah u remedy. It combo: out the «an. o! the am. begun Lad “toughening the mucous membrane. and than giving mean u anemia“: $0 pal-(om m put 6! m mbnï¬vg 9mm, n‘,l__.l.l-|. kn-A One of the any hooplula whloh luvs loud Forum of nluoln mung old ad chem-homo! «th ll lho ï¬aplhl ll. John. who wrllo u (allow “W. m hhpp: lo loll you am you renal hu glm u «ll-much. 'l‘hm pouch“ hue and ll. on a mu old Raoul Dunn. unload wllh «huh. la much nllond. more than he ha been to: I number 9! 10m. _"4 ma; 11H. 1: run all. m u _-LJ-L L-ll ‘ hill. .0 The Lindsav “ Bantams " played the return game with Penelon Falls last owning, the score being a tie-â€" three goals each. The proceeds went. to the Hospital (or sick chiid- “M h myuu. two bottles hm 0on- vusood mo um Pom. 1a monument II I mute. “Baton the treatment I could not Volt 10! a guns: 0! on hour without St. Catharine: beat Beamsville 9- 1 in the ï¬rst of the home-and-home games in the semi-ï¬nals and St. Kitta look good to maintain the lead easily. The winners had a hen- vier and faster team. The Midland juniors got a. bud bump last. night when the Barrie kids beat them 18-8. The Toronto Telegram declares that the brand‘ of hockey played in Western Ontario in Inner thou In tho out. and hence dopeo Mumford to win the Inmmedlote ehmplon‘ amp. arm in lust one or The_ Tole: nmm‘n theorm. howovor. and is to be taken with"; pinch of salt.†Mr. Edward Kidd was deem! m the Common In Carleton by noel:- maflon. The Vanguard. Britain's seventh vessel at the Dreadnought type. Wan launched at Barrow 5mm“. nil-on \‘oa â€Mama“. the Mum-l. an Pmmtor. m admitted that the trunnion in tho Balkan: in name: ukcbly grave. _ A aevere earthquake shock in now there Spain caused e mate in the village church. and many womeu ma children wen trampled on. ‘vawv v R. \anhinnor. \;Ih0 claimed to be a German of noble birth. was drown» ed while attempting to cross tho Ni- mro. River on the lee below the falls. The m-triol of the indictment against the Shadow! Oil Co., which brought Judge undis' ï¬ne or 829.â€" 240.000 lost. your. will commence at Chicago toâ€"doy. haunt-immu- MW. â€0" " [m We found Pomo- 1 rule! In until nu. Wcmmfllgapodmmn ST. CATHARINES WON. RECORD or BUSINESS The Standard Bank of Canada mailman-7.1!- n-n, 0M - -_ m 'm’w: web; 5 5 m A TIE AT FENELON. flnucid 8mm! (out. You mm ’0: Jam. Icon â€". mm mm nos Accounâ€" “EM BU-RA VARIABLE IN TREATIIG ALI: OATMEAL DISEASE! as; m; $4»: Elgï¬ggï¬ï¬‚éé “-54. -,. _‘ , “Through theee three ones we dedre to nuke known to the public the ex. fluency of your remedy.†Honplhl St. John, of St. Johns. Province of Quebec. In. mu Booker. banana. not. I. W. 1090““ mm. “I «send WM Intern! «um: um I "on a Dr. Bum, sad one: uk- tu “mm n In “vised. I on any I an new cured of thin no» trying man. £9! glitch 1 a: truly an“. AL - L--A _A‘l-‘-. m. i313? ï¬ii‘u’m bent inma- to! «huh. I new an bum an my am am I do u WE": _“ Porno not only may «110m coughs one! ooldo to ma: am on». m» to «only prompt out! oaolont to: «mm durum to m We Iago. O! ooom. n u only mm to “p90†an o no“ dos! 8m modtotoo val ho oooouuy to om mum om Got the habit of «wing money be- {on marriage I! you would save it attu- mince. 1mm mall political plum than a Manon. Kaoiviodge in power only so m an it u: prmiood. Wand um. to-day menus extra work tovxuomw. 77 It prospxï¬vo brides would learn the art of cooking. them would he let. business {or the divm'oo courts. Every man with a side-show abili- ty thinks he can do circus stunts. One secret of success is the early discovery that you can’t do everyâ€" thing. lt'u any tor the “erase woman to keep â€cropâ€"coins.- "Aim"; little kindness is a, charit- able thing. Frenkness makes people disagreeâ€" able, but not all disagreeable people A'man isn’t necessarily c coward because he is fluid ,to work. HIT.†COLONIST RATES NORTHWEST Low mks in efl'ect daily for settler.“ one wq tickeusto all Northwest points by C. .R. direct line. Only through negliog with go chggge of corn. Settlers Ind “milieu can leave Toma manyday m colonist or tourist, can â€niacin-d.y m In trains. When tmve ingwith livestock and efl‘ecu. settlers nï¬â€™ould’take from Tomnwuch Tuesday In March “5149’“ A _ . - .. .... AA. V Ank'mnt for a free com of "Settlern' nuideâ€g(vlng rates and full Information 42.30 32.â€...“’u'§$°€ï¬y°"€3 PACIFIC C O A B '1‘ Vancouver Victoria. Muir. Portland bully Man: i to April an. Apply in 'i‘. C. MATCHETT. Anni. Linda: “Em IPIOIAL TRAINS ï¬â€˜u‘ï¬â€˜w b â€1.21113 anon _.nxn R. DHVidb. m town to-day on 4". J. J. In)“ in town to-duy. __l|n G. H. GU] â€"-Ir. Neil Armstrum minim! Express Pu. V visiting (ï¬end! in 10%" _.Irs. H. F was in town 5" friends. â€"-Ir and Mrs 01 Berlin. are ten. ’ Jr. P. n burst. was in "_ly’-_ and Mrs. 'l‘ standing 0 '9‘" ‘1Ԡmm: friends._ New Customs Hr. Lownsbrjough, (-olka toms {or Lindsay, has n of new regulations whu-l forth to govern the inn: pure bred live stock in Animals coming to Cum to improve the stock are of duty on certain cond other animals. twenty-fl is charged. duoe a certiï¬cate from t deduration of his 0“ the animal an the one the breeder. and must 61“!an from tho (‘n “on! Lh'o thk “N man at ()MAWQ that. H‘ beamduly Nglutnrnd. N {M mlnï¬onn. Ihv n be Rom. unm "w,- «W the custom: ntflmr. m- 1 M Mundnd «m Hm NIH um pmvlndouu. ‘l‘hu “an! apply tn Hm mum 0â€!" NW‘ "106k wnh Us caption that Hui-twin v ‘30 Wit-1cm“! M S! Gm†Under the present rum animal intended to ho 1 Canada under ,tho free must be pure bred, n pedigm and the cunt Will Canvass St. Andrew’s Me’ for Miss St. Andrew's church I collectinï¬the amount ( per communicam or 35 I'ly every Sunday by me rough canvass of the c The men of the chum day in the Sabbath scl nutter was thorough} and oeveral schemes ad money is togo to the 'The canvass of the ch will be made in the men «lope: m provided foa Ir. J. P. Donald chair lust night..n.nd Neillié new a sacral .nd the resolution to 1 out was carried at the by the_laymen of the c A and dog was kil WAY. mm r. A. G. Patterson was in town tu-du,‘ r. J. G. (‘oughlim u in town tu-du)‘ in town In H. New in tuwn McKu) idauu when ‘I‘hnmns sit hark Re in \\' it ll