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Watchman Warder (1899), 25 Feb 1909, p. 11

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fun GBNBSBB Hum. ‘1on 1 In Kin -8!. We”. 0 E‘heatre. TOR-3m RATES - 01-60 OF INTEREST TO YOU Waning M whines cloth“ Wfln‘orn Mop Laid." Whoa] Burrow I “mun! Itntchon ’h‘d Oun- Horu Ollpp on Poultry flown: PAGE m in the premises on Cambridge Street”. twotdoors South of Kent Street. LIGHT AND HEAVY HAR- NESS, 310., will be kept in stock “MMSS $1109 made up to order. My ex- perience has been gained in some of the best "harness shops of Jntario, so I can guarantee all my work first-class and durable Your patronage Sohcnted Mahatma Kdlomlm Prim Paint Floor 1!!! TEACH BBS of ripe scholarship, wflo teaching and business ex- :erbnce in leading Canadian and unclean centres. employcd by our chitin of High-Grade Colleges, have built. up u. Inpeflor. unnproachod cugrlculum. Each student is lultructed prnately at his own desk. We assist our graduams so the but posiliona. ._. ‘ and Tommy. Mall com-gen. Enwr any day. McLennan Co. pmnnnono BUSINESS 091.1.ng Portland Oomont Gland Iowa P1P. I'm Bricks I'm 01!! Radium-o. WP??? for Wicmm Mdeflfldfl 8t (0. omfortahle and Homo-like. GEE. SPOTI‘ON. Principal 5m: REGISIER Commercial, Stenography l )NSJ‘HP- auctioneer. .vuw . _ with mpect'; life mm, which red “filing to put it mildly. :tfimeldon quke for union. three AL_.-.l-- O‘.’ ‘n Submuontiy. howovcr. in“ were ainm i991. Mr. Weldon contended thut although the inn hove chanc- 0d the principoi oi iii. insurance in utiii tho sumo ; a some at chance like any other gambling dnviao or lottery in which those pinyin: the sumo. the insurance companies. like the Bank of Monto Curio or the Louiaionn lottery. have the chances arranged to favor the hound. The speaker showed the enormous Ezlnadian Pacific Railway Will Rush on to Peterboro Referring to the C.P.R. grain route land the‘like at Flat Point have been ‘ from Toronto to Sudbury and the . delivered during. the past few months . . Iand work is being pushed west 0! connecting link from Goldwater to lthe Grand Trunk tracks, pres umably Peterboro, the Midland Argus says I xtO the elevator, but so far no con- That branch of the C.P.R. from tracts have been let for this latter Toront to Sud-bur commenced work and no material that would 0 y ‘ isignify has been brought forward. about two years ago and completedi Th t t' and opened for traffic late last year. ere q°°s no ap; any par ‘- . . Kcular desxre on the part of the com- together thh the short line from'pany to push the elevator construc- Coldwater to their connection onltion just at present, and it would iGeorgian Bayfibetween Victoria Har- not be surprising to see them with- bor and Midland being out of the draw active operation at this end «way. the company are taking steps in the spring and direct their atten~ .to push forward the construction of tion to this new piece of road from the connecting link between Cold- Goldwater to Peterboro. There is ‘water and Peterboro for which sur- no particular hurry for their elevat- .veys and other preliminary work has ors until this line is completed or .been going on for some time. at least well under way, and by ..... .gm_._u.. it...‘ ozmn thorn mnv he very mater- u\\-n D""‘D --_ There has been some little difficulty regarding right of way and water lots at Drillia together with. cross- ings, but only a few days ago this was settled to the satisfaction of the town and company, and- the an- nouncement in now made that the work of construction will go on dur- mg t‘gewxz-cfix‘iBE 7 gamma}. Large quantities of material for dork work Lindsay Visited by Oshawa Men Interested in Gas Dr. Kama. ax=Mnyor and @X-Pl‘flfil' «km. of the: Board or Trade. of Osh- awa. nocompanled by Mr. McOutch- eon. also of Oshawa. worn present at. the annual meetlng or the Board a! Trade on Monday. They am in NOOQUI‘“ are 1a€ar3§i6a >inflthe wotiderful um of can as a fuel. eta. ‘ Dr. Kaiser has had considerable ex- perience in connection with the Oslv aWe. winter fair, and congratulated Lindsay Board of Trade on the ex- cellent fair held recently in Lindsay. Dr. Kaiser stated that he and other gentlemen had made a. study of gas ' ‘ ‘ Uh , ‘_3_A av-.â€"-v.-vâ€"- vi" as a commercial enterprise. He thought that no town was thorough- ly,equipped.without gas and claimed that. the gas stoves were the best equipped tor house cooking and heat- ing and also the most economical 01' any other kind of fuel: They were not extras in the home, but were neâ€" 1cessi'ties. He felt that the town of Lindsay, should have gas for manu- 1facturing and ecoking purposes. ‘ The. gentlemen intereSted wanted to 913.....- ‘nv- D---v~-_â€"v-_i obtain the opinion of the citizens in Snowshoeing Bachelors Hosts at Pretty Victoria Road Ball day evening, Feb. 19th, the bache~ lorslof the Snowshoe Club entertain- ed to a. dance, when Cavana’s hall was once more made gay. In the decorating scheme the “' three col- , _. -AI‘-..6 ugvv- “Vina ---_-,, ors ” were used with striking effect, while trailing greens ornamented the pillars and held in placelthe grace-‘ ful folds of hunting. A festoon of green formed a. border around the room and made an effective back- ground for \the xherry scene, and all looked lovely in the soft light of Chinese lanterns. At midnight lunch was served from a. long table, daintily decorated with crimson and white roses, which look. ed pretty in the still soft light of candles. ‘ .- - 77‘ ‘1 U“uulggo At a quarter to nine the first of‘ three extras was enjoyed, and at 9.15 when the train arrived bring- iag a number of out of town guests the dance opened with a. two-step. “ We won’t go home until morn- ing,” the sentiment was contagious for everyone sang. The patronesses of ‘the evening Were Mrs. Mitchell, of Kirkfield, who look- ed lovely in a. white embroidered mull gown ; Mrs. Mosgrove, of Kirk- field, who also wore white with lace ‘ '4 _ 1’ A .L-An .3338 mtghell,.Kirkflold, in ‘ wane silt mull with sash, pink bands in hair. was llolgrove, Kirkfield, in o. wnty white frock. lbs I. Walden, Kirkfield, in wuée mum. and me. , and touches of pink; Mrs. Jackson, of Coboconk, in an attractive gown of champagne embroidered mall with no. Among those present were Mrs. Meagher, Lindsay, in white em- broidered linen. ' Miss Brady, Lindsay ecru silk, eolienne with lace and satin bends. Miss M. Heegher in embroidered mull and baby Irish lace. Hrs. HacDoneId, Kunloope, 3.0., in light checked Matt and lace. lass Grace We. Toronto. m charming in a. white princess firm]: with Grecian bends in her Victoria Road, Feb. 22.â€"0n Fri- 01 From our own correspondent. whife i cuuuuwuu. .â€"-, ' tione from the Dominion blue book- ahowing tht the first two prem- iums puid by the insured practically went to pear vuioue .gente. etc... to get the insured to teke the policy. The spake: chimed that a“ thin ex- pense could be uved by stating u Hutu“ Life Insurance Co. at Lind- lay. Hr. Weldon went into the not: end figures very extensively and op to have nude on exhouetwe study or the” locum“ situation. He tun-i pressed those present very much with the force of Me remake on cotton phone. or the tnnumce qua-non end tt seemed to be the unlverul opin- ion or those present thot the spool:- er'e ideal were good. but tht the problem nomad a very Inge one to attempt. It in almost lmponlble to give a. aynopala of the matter in tax limit- ed space. therefore. Mr. Weldon'a od- drosn will likely be print!!! in Wed- nesday and Thursday's 11mm. so that the Vofitizenfiwill have the full vu-vâ€" v materiil before them. no particular hurry for their elevat- ors until this line is completed or at least well under way, and by that time there may be very mater- ial changes in their plans regarding their elevator locations on Georgian Bay. There has been a waiting game played in connection with the Flat Point location for two years now, which is apparently all being done for a purpose. and this pur- pose will be revealed before a very great while now. the mattor and. 1t _lt‘ lopkod a gap-d lgégp-oqition E65" flight inter on’wait on "the: town. council m obtaining franchise. etc. A ALA O! "“V"'--( . Mr. McOutcheon stated that the granting of a tranchioo to anothor company would not conflict withitho present proposition. The Speaker was intex'ostod in the manufactum of gas” if the town saw fit to get up- to~date and bring in a large plant t would he a good thing. The plant in operation. in Oshawa had been go- ing for sixteen months. The speak- er liked the looks of Lindsay. and if they saw at to come to this town ’they only wished to be given afolr opportunity: of laying their plans be- fore council. $1.25 is charged for cooking pur- poses, in Oshawa, while, $1.50 is the price to the manufacturer,” stated Mr. McCutchéon to Secretary Don- I ald. . President Sparling stated that the Board of Trade and the council would be glad to hear any proposi- tion that might be submitted by the Oshawa people at any time. Miss Zibbie MacKenzie, Kirkfield, in pale blue silk voile and lace. Miss Irene Mitchell, Kirkfield, in pink silk eolienne. ‘ Miss Campbell, Kirkfield, white silk organdie over silk. Miss MacDonald; Kamloops, B.C., in white silk with pale blue touches. Mrs. _Daniels, Kix'kfield, cream sa- tin with trimmings of pink. ‘ Miss Ham, Coboconk, pale blue satin with lace, Miss Holliday, Coboconk, in brown silk with touches of blue. ' Miss Shields, in a. simple white frock over pink silk, with ropes of pearls in her hair. Miss Gallagher in a white princess with dainty trimming, and blue ‘bands in her hair.‘ A ' ‘ , -2‘I- Miss Mable Shields, in pink silk with dotted net overdress. Miss Lucy, in white organdie with touches of blue. Miss Jean Shields, in white dot mull with girdle sash of blue. j Miss Hitchjnson, of Gavan, in golden brown cashmere, with satin folds. A -* - W”, .1.‘ §JID Miss Mabel Lyme, In WHILU with lace. Dr. Austin, 1!. Han, H. Holliday, C. Peel, Coboconk; W. Mitchell, B. osgrove, J. Daniels. the week end here G: Mr. Graham around ngdn after have been making. is completed, and will be sold that night. lies I. Brady. of Lindsay. spent. with Miss thlcgh- er. We are glad to see In. 'Devey and a. Mothering). Hr.E.Hill,ot.theBankot Bri- tiehNorth Amati“, Toronto. is m-mmum»w of getting new "mm getting new minced and b the me. giving quot» m» the Dominion blue book: [or ' It the first two prem- ”“9“ >y the insured practically “it: v ri us ts. etc., to y u 0 gen y â€"All--. EX-LINDSAYITE IS DOING WELL lor mpny yarn, is in town nor I couple of days renewing noqunintuc- dot- Hr. Bradshaw lived here for many you: and is well and fuvonbly known. hn’ing been in the plum bu- ninau {or some time. He left. Lind- any four yarn ago and settled in New Ontario. when: he hu unite prouperod. Hr. Bmduhuw was one of the first man to dfiscover silver '- v_- in thatiéofint’ryiud worked [or a couple 0! yarn un‘dor dimculuu. wd expefleggced ”gang-mp... but he _ _-.I v75 hilly rowd' tor m- um um trouble, as he in now tho draw of mine claims In tho loom flounnln dintrlct. ,.-A_.. Kr. Bradshaw: own: an! oportm‘ one o! the richest mine: in New On- tu‘io. He in. dilpouod a! ; couple of claim. recently for very late sums. Hi: two sons are nine own- er: of waithy whims in Now On- “No. The many friendu of Mr. nndmw in Lindnny are glad to loam that he has prospered in his new home and wish him every success in the fu- . tux-e. turv. Mr. Bradshaw is a. brother 0! Mr. Archie Bradshaw, fish and guns in- spector. He leaves tor his home in Haileybury this evening. m. Robert Wm or 1mm- ury, who wu t resident of Linduy pr many yen-s. in In town for t Parties in North Ops Were Enjoyed 1 North Ops, Feb. 22.â€"House parties ‘ have been in order in North Ops of latei and the people of that neigh- borhood are putting in many sleep- 1 less lights, but at the same time are having a perfectly enjOyable time. On the 18th the home of Mr.- and Mrs. J. W. Elliott was the scene of a very happy gathering, when they entertained their friends previous to departing from the. neighb‘orhood. ‘About eighty guests were present ‘and all engaged in progressive eu- ‘chre. until about mid-night, when about seven fiddlers present there was music to waste. As the guests took their departure they one and all thanked Mr. Elliott for the en- joyable time spent and at the same. time wished him all success in his new place of abode. 'I‘hey expressed sincere regret at having to part with‘ such a friendly neighbor. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jackson. al- so of the same neighborhoml. were at home. to their numerous friends last Week. and n " Jolly old time " was spent between the hours of eight o‘clock and three and {our in the morning. All present voted the host and hostess as being among the host of entertainers. After progressive eudhro had been indulged in tor some time. during whirh there were many spirited games. the music was start- ed and the dancing commenced. The hours glided by all too rapidly. The luncheon served by Mrs. Jackson was dainty and sppetlsing. Among ‘ those present from a distsm'u were: ‘ Mr. Chas. Davis. ol‘ Brussels :. Mrs. > Wm. Thorne. Rosbore. and her sis- ' tor. Miss Groystock. of l’eterboro. ”U! I" u a mu. 'Jho tea and concert giVon by the Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Paul's church lent evening was a grand suc- cms in every way. A hot dinner was sex-.ed in the basement 0! ,the S's-1 day school from 5.80 o'clock until 7.80 o'clock, and a very large crowd enjoyed the delicious meal. After supper a high-class entertainment Was put on in the Sunday'school which was thoroughly onioycd by all present. ‘CELEBRATED SILVER WEDDING. The silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. \Sam. Teatro, cast ward, weal celebrated" on Monday, together with the wedding of Mr. Teatro's Ho'r DINNER. DX‘OKB up. uvv - ,, and Mr. and Mrs. Teatro, tro, sr., jr., were the recipients of many con- gratulations. TO DEATH W WALLLnu FOR THE DOCTOR. Hyomei, the miraculous, antiseptic dry air treatment, will cure croup in either the first or second stages. Easily inhaled, even when the breath- ing is i , it reaches more promptly than any other remedy the terribly inflamed membrane of the windpipe. Its soothing balsams act immediately. the inflammation is al- layed and the swelling reduced. George H. King, of 22 Wellington- st.. south. Woodstock, says: "We quickly relives the trouble and gets the bronchial tubes, Inns: and throat cleaned up.” Hyomei (pronounced High-04m) is guaranteed by E. Gregory. Lindsay. to cure cowl-h. coughs. colds, ath- mn, bronchitis and map. or money 3m; “Mod the annual now close as ofthe Amhtion awake“ .mmmtwuk, " Im' CRDIIP QUICKLY BURIED an! operate- 1 in New On- I of n oqnplo cmLD CHOKm [ILE WAITING T00 um BLOODh" AS 10 eyes. pflplhtin‘ m, we feel- “mvcr well.” will! pun! in the luck and new“ the lb in: Me and «Mn! llmlu. And kw u mm mm palm, nervous and able. mm grant order: and hurt no ’3 Mb. call- on a. womw Dr. thllum' Pink At all use! lully valuable to the 1Pulls are «pee {emulo sex. for they ulono poo-cu tne n abundance tho power 01 muting l rlch, redblood of heath. They fill the curved velnn with new blood. so am onleobled bodlol are “masthea- *" ----|r mum are tortlflod. um! ro- Anaemia. same condition I was pills had restored her splendid health-1 from what mv friend County Jail." The readers 0! the newmaper be- came I0 lutemted in this odd con- ceit that certain promlnent citizens enquired into his case and started an agitation for his release, with the result that the Governor of Il- linois actually pardoned the ma. So his genius may be said to have gain- ed him his liberty.â€"Newspaperdom. EASTERN ONTARIO WARDENS WOULD LESSEl‘LCOS’I‘S. A conference of the members of the Legislative Assembly for Wu On- tario with the wardens and council- ors of this part of the province Was held the other day at Ottawa. con- cerning the presentation of the fol- lowing resolution to the Legislature at this session: - - -.-, AL_ u. vu. uwâ€"_ v That townships complying with the conditions may participate in the Government grant for good roads. That municipal elections be held once every two years instead of every year. That the limit of the estimated cost of all work coming under the ditches and watercourses act be in- creased trom $1,000 to $2,000. That rural property be assessed en block as it was previous to 1904. when the prospect ‘act came into force, and that the municipalities be given the option of making the as- sessment either every year or every That" the appropriation for good roads. which expires next year. be extended tor at leeSt another three Inge, and incidentally to show them how to play the game. But such was not the cage for they were hopelessly debated by a. record score of 19-1. Anthon Knowlaon, the assistant mam. when seen this morning DEFEATED BY 19 To 1. Walter Reesor’s L. H. 4k P. hockey team. Joumeyed to Vendor: Falls suteé that; it was owing ‘0 “19- tion of waste matter by "J 0! ml! rink that caused them ddect, a: bowels. but the question is, was it ? _ But to have ‘ regula!‘ now of bile SEVEN O'CLOCK DINNER. ' the liver moat be kept healthy and On Thursday evening lat llr. md active and just have is where Dr. A. Hrs. F. Gibbn. out o: town. sure u w. Chuc'u Kidney-Um PM! W very enjoyable seven o'clock dinner in. (or they no definite. specific und tognumberolthdrfrienda. 'The d1minm‘cfiononm live, house was tastefully decorated with It 1. only by man; the liver rig-ht beautiful Phil“ in bloom. ant mum‘an ever be and. Atmdmthemo‘mflm' Itumlybynnnnstholimhod- aing was " 100*- Min" “1" “m“ m t moo-uni an anon. lick 1mm by the 3mm 1'4“” 1’" $2. “In W over- not. cano. Rivalry“!!! “‘9 Those ma“? E:.‘.E“...E2‘ m> active that an and «Mt A Want “Ad.” For 2 Year Ierm 1b! 1 11101 mm} the . that eoncflpction'an aver be cured. Tn: muif‘f‘ n is only by making the liver beetl- ladies pl: thy tut hummus-a an! humus. Dick ‘ mam can be though]: over- land lrs.°°'”°' Ithoglyhymflng the mw'uwacuwmmmut «Mt 3.. .nd mu.“ “WMNW Dr. “7. opinion- therefore nlnc; the MIMI“? V“ Hula. but In cul Hercule- 9f \1ul.. n“‘ u.- o-v â€"â€"v_ I MM. " Cunoor steadily pursues lu loath“ march. aluylnc in than“: and tens of thousands. slaying Grants gnd (Mud-tones of the won or the most omlnmt physicians I surgeons. with as llttle leniency it. displays toward their humb‘: ‘ 4â€" lnllnmnm‘ 1n sud most belpieu luuuwwâ€". sum 0! New York 6.400 adu In other of moor in 1907. to bring the subject intimtel in an ordinary man's litetim 800,000 people will succumb disease in this State. gun to be introduced. it is c ‘about time to study out the 1connection bctw . leer, I believe. is a disease i life, a disturbance of its eqhi manifested by the rapid gro‘ cells and the consequent, bui? of a tumor. 1 have had to here declare that 1 never of cancer in an unvaccil son. This of itself may anything; but I ask a] to pursue their inquirie: line and see what will n _-Al-_ anyuuugw u..- _ _ to pursue their inquiries along this line and see what will result. “ The way vaccination causes cant cor is like this: It takes twenty-one years to make a nun and but four to make cow. the former being of slow coll growth and the latter ra- pid. To put the rapid-growing cells. or propoplasm. of a dineased animal (in a condition of virulent iniectoua activity) into the slow-growing cells of a manâ€"as is done and the various forms of blood as- aasninatlonn now rife in civilized \(‘O‘Intrk‘n (often enforced by law. health department» of boards oi’ adu- ation which. when the «canon i‘or cancm- comm late in mo. multu in cancvr. if not tuhnrcuiouiu earlier. '~‘â€"â€" .. .M. m. "'1‘th conclusion. ' uuuu- -v.. Clurlw. “ In bolh logical and In oc- cord wlth tho most profound dln- covorlou of modern biology und path- ology. from the cellular pathology of the gran \‘lrchow to the recent dlu- covm'y of Dr. Rolwull vol-ls la the Hume-pom work at the lJnlvorulty o! Buflolo. um. tho ‘cuu-or organism- con be detected In the blood. and conform closely in oppeumco to the bodies found in the blood otter voc- cloation' -â€" confirm the previous cloims o! Funck and Gorrinl abroad.” _ - ,_ _-.-..I.a in mono fibrouu. Mental influence would be more powertul it it wore‘pouible mt men to do more thinking and low think- ing, the average man dies of the disease he most dreads. smut THE Chlb‘nu‘w. Mr. Edward Thurston, Will north, had a number of fine stolqn from his hen coops t‘h get told as none CE! BILE lS QUITE As mommq‘ AS ARE THE GASTRIC JUICES IN THE PROCESS OF DIGES- The Uses Of Bile In Digestion cuaoxn FEARS luu you-uâ€" 'â€" ogreeable and poisonous, something to be well rid of. In the blood the bile is poisonous and harmful. - but the liver takes the bile out of the blood end pours it-into the intes- tines. where it fulfills a most im- portent mission. _____ _ i=6. ‘- aha-“'1',- "fifiéufbua human life (or. ‘ Bile hasten the passage ox we PM food along the alimentary canal. residue: Bile neutralize: the acid which pas- between gas from the stomach to the intes- glght la tines. m; It Bile prevents the fermentation or , food in the intestines. which in turn PM causes gas, 'wind, flatulency. um Bile. in short. is Nature‘s cathar- 3W ' tic and maintains a mg‘lllar health- Parcel tulproceasoldiguflonandotanm- a co. inattonofwuumattarbyw o! M, TION. HROXIC Immms'rlox DISAP- BEARS WHEN AN ACTIVE LIV- ER SUPPLIES mm: IN SUFFI- cmxr QUANTITIES. You think F‘. THE CHICKENS. Edward Thurston. Willi am-st. , fromdthoul w vultum _‘ UBU vm-wV V , with as little leniency u LVS toward their humblcat the subject intimately close. dinary man's lifetime about r-A --.zn nurl‘umb t0 the NW York N“ : between the two. Unn- licve, is a disease 0! cell turbnnce of its eqhilibrium. d by the rapid growth of the consequent building up 31'. l have had to do with 200 cases of cancer. and ITO that I never saw a case in an unvaccinatcd per- rlnuvunvu v w- -- ,, lk’h. when the season [or non lute in mo. mum: In not tuhnrculom earlier. concluulon." add: Dr. In bolh logical and In M!- tho moat profound dln- r modern biology and path- m the cellular pathology of \‘Irchow to the recent dif- w-vv- fill width". 1“" x. ulna-t fl 609”“ of bile as somethins_dis- tion is | bound. pluck“! hope , 0‘ I p'racumuy “9' x vaccination be- d, it is certainly v out. the possjble r m thousand! ‘ slaying W’ n of the world.~ phyfildws 3nd th‘m. only Due" on the city roads not. fl Ly not mean all physicifim" : yield his physicilfl of can-er. its ours ; ency '9 is short ; “n' "'iie'i61iowin¢ propertie'5 in ”‘9 ’ sho rt . Ton 010311de and the Town' ' dip of : of the Parcel 1.â€"le two-storey brid- and. We on out side of Lawrence"at nickna- m m and Gleaelz SP9" ' Parcel 2.-'l‘wo ~lots on corner of lam cad 'Islbonrne-su., unwed.- m. 33“" “SONIC the above property 19‘1"” m 8.â€"Two-Itorey brick house “W 0- cor-c. rantedto good tenant, W 0‘ Bundled Sussex-cu. T. C. MATCHET, AGENT 'Ibflw tofoertaln potnu in Sukucbewan in Alberta Vin Chicago and St. Paul 0 Minneapolis. or via Port. Arthur. eac‘ Tuudny. during March and Aprxl. lo. “cut for Pal-“cums. 5315;}: much let. to April 30th. nclusive. Full information from W; R. WIDDESS, I‘ownLAgem R. G. McCRAW. Depot‘AgenL -uvâ€"vâ€" __,V apply to _____ ocâ€"mfl! One way mug-c1358 Lumber. Shingles. Sash. Frames and Doors: and all kinds of Building Material.l Wood,Eto.,at the right price ll JOHN CAREW Properties For Sale. Oils: are invited for the PuI'FWP’ AUTOMOBILE AID SPORTMEN‘S EXHIBIT!!!“ act. and was sold at. Mr. James Davidon's sale at Pickering for the We sum or $910 on May 24. 1907. Theoefiare the kind of cat- .tle that "pay the rent." Thomas Deyoll. 42.50 ' AND RETURN PETERS TRAINS 352-55. . MLTCHET'E :g-eâ€"n; Linda uy. 0m wwfinfiu WTOM IOJ. D... dub ”MIC-n III Trust Co» from Lindsay. m to April 30th. Vancouver, B.C- Spokane. Wash- Seatcle. W88h~ Portland. Ore- direct “I. Lindsay Excursions and or fur- the The very set 0 “hereâ€"finial] W0“ less tha The mos‘ Shades Greens. Tans. [TW" (1 bottom â€"( ’ at seam an Thaw Get StranS' that W‘ “nu-”t 50”ng able M. In their I dents wt this 3W guasts an be pleas“ of sight tcfl on ‘lusa‘v‘g menus-c ch can fit col fail. I)" no eyes nccd ll Kort!) 0? xo'rlcm The Butcl '3 Kgnt-st iyédw ac 31 . stating M H ()lll‘ HO Lh wd LI‘

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