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Watchman Warder (1899), 25 Feb 1909, p. 12

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R [W g Sash, ;: and all Material, ght price Insl FUR $.-\LP3 ml mwsl. grit“ hut I huvu WW m0. 'l'hvy are ~ in film condi- rurht to m mgm to tell su‘v W0!) fir". ' (,‘unlrul PM? H» was bred ui Ashbum and II, \illugo 89- M Mr. Janos irkcring for '1‘. no on May 34. \' kind 01' cut- rvnl." Thomas ft. St. Paul or rt Arthur, each h and April. Particulars. andhnil. AGENT I s on corner 0’ sts., ‘ above property - brick how [to sow taunt: Lindsay p... URN me purchase of perties in the ‘katt'hewan a nd RATES FOR R5 cnm‘m‘. 8.0- mlw. “ash- £19. \V'ash. ,lmul. 011'- from Lindmy. to April imh. WAN Con. 11' W ‘HETT mâ€"storey brid‘ 1d Glenelg 8’68" bath and M" infornmtion Excursicns nds .y uRTHEN’S SAY l‘uwn_ .v\ ,1an I'vputi Agent. Ont south 92‘ The very set or apt-mg smuugo are hereâ€"suitings that. were in London less than amonth ago. or not. -v on \Ve invite at seam and give the unpleasant; flavor. e invite you to call whether are ready to place your order TheMarethatwears 1 l Get Stranskey and you the best. The Verdfl of our customers (Jamaica that we are leaders in our lineâ€"that we are guilty of selling the best meats obtainâ€" able at such prices as appeal to their purses. Lindsay resi- dents who are nut patrons of this store will be welcome guests and we think they will be pleased patrons in due tune /.â€"-â€"-â€" '1‘ EACH Ell W =‘ holding third-cl: ed for S. 5. NC m' Myth! “I“ on xlmuu'm manure {he mm 2‘! cum mu. lm p1“ MY SYSTEM nun . cyu “Edie.” NOII‘I'CE. A meeting 0‘ ‘ North Ops chees be held in the f Marc}! 4 at one transaction of E the giving out ‘ a Kant-u. Eyeglass-u Mum «yum “F What Y0!1 Swivels. Here is the sale 91‘“ bpui‘ the nus-- â€"' _ or other jewelry of such matter. It 1 d. ‘vlmitation depeq (150" you 3 easy to mistake W. know M guungh urhthl. I do "1 inch Inn) lho ex llulM‘l urc the! Inumc Hump. than Y: m cumuucnud when when Im pp: “hate ‘0 cum-nu mt PHONE of spring suitings M / I“. W .~\N'l‘ED.-â€"TEACHE“ ' thirdâ€"class certificate want- S. S. No. 3. Stanhopo. The ".4 01mins [Over Nomi! Hhoo a ”path-ml Broken LI W ;\N'I‘ED.-â€"'I‘EACHER .hirdmlass certificate want- 5. No. 8. Stanhopo. The pens March 15. and closes Protestant wanted. Apply salary to‘ W. G. Hewitt, s._ Boskung P.0., Ont. ‘â€"â€"‘ of the g of the patrons will be cheese factory the factory on Thursday, t one o'c,ock p.m., for the of general business and out of milk routes. lets declares LdeI‘S in our are guilty 0f meats obtain‘ 'l’ -v uuuuu ‘II'I Shoo azure] ldndnv Broken Loam "938.003 nu when 03mm mmmu me R yum tea an have mE WEEK’S NEWS of the . refit: \ ~ coumiv and DISTRICT sews Kinm ount Cmu, “WV” congregation on file “Evils of Danc- ing and Card Playing. ” In his dis- course he pointed out more especial- ly to the young people, the danger of this social nmusemmt. Mr. N. Nichols a: are at present Vi brothers. He lived 1y comes bacx one 0,]; acquaintances, welcome. BOBCA YGEON Bobcaygeon, Feb. 23.-â€"A large amount of seed c ed hands on uF‘air Day, and there is only a. limit- ed amount left in the district. Among those having good, clean.' plump seed for sale yet, are, in white: oats: John J. Devvi‘tt, Banner; J 1 J. Robertson. Sensation : Ross Kim- |hle. Irish White and New Century: '.. hos. J. Ingram, Mammoth Cluster; {In spring wheat : Ross Kimble, Man- itoba Hard; James McOliver. Cal- ifornia; Dougal Robertson, Colora- do. In small pease: W. J. Killaby. Prize winoers. John Rich. Any per- son wishing to purchase seed. can ; get all information from the seem- ; tary. W. Hickson. of Bobcaygeon. ‘ Knox church Sabbath school here went for a sleigh drive on the even- ”ing of the 17th inst., after which a . . LL- -nknn‘ rnnm Oi 'Mrs. W. Jordan, of L turned homeron Monday, ing two weeks ‘ 12th concession. tea was served in the church. and Rppeat. it 2â€"" Shiloh’s always cure my coughs EBENZER Feb. Iiiâ€"We are glad to see snow again. The League'social on Friday evening last, was a. grand success. The dialogues, which were} taken by the young people were very the whicn took place Miss B. Lowes. 0 present visiting her (lum- a. number went to Bethany when Mr. Adams esting sermon ‘30 Eb L I115 av- -_ - League. as usual, next ’1 ening. The meeting is to on by Miss M. Sharp a Stewart, after which Rev. “"11 take charge of the ch The scarment serv,ce is in this church next Sunda :of Rev. W. John. Miss Florence McGee. c ‘0. is at present visit-i1 ents. Peniel, Feb. 15.â€"-L O‘Neill, of Oakwood, with her aunt, Mrs. I Misses Madge and shaw spent Sunday . n, __. Peniel, Feb. 15.â€"-Little Miss Alma O‘Neill, of Oakwood, spent last week 11 her aunt, Mrs. Moore Osborne. d Gertrude Bag- last with their rksey, at Lind- wit Misses Madge an shaw spent Sunday sister, Mrs. Albert A some week. Miss Ethel Skinner. oi Tyrone, left for that place: on Friday last. after nth visiting with her friends here and at Cambray. Mr. Arch. McIntyre spent Saturday last in Lindsay on business. Miss Alice Osborne spent a few days of last week Mrs. D. McPherson. Oukwood. Mina Winniired Hardy attended the Valentine Ioclel at Mnnillu this even- ing. whoreoahe will assist in the pro- grim. . u..- n u, Osborne spent {0:}.th place? on spending a month friends here and a _- o,_L. a Mr. and MI Sunday “'m‘ Mrs. Ch!" _( V Mrn and ”TS. I‘I I'll vw-vv--_- _ Sunday with their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chu. O‘Neill. at Onkwood. Several of our church brethren st- tondod the quarterly business meet- ing at. Manlllu. this afternoon. Rural telephones is the subject on overyone’s :lips those last two weeks. We hope to have a branch line on. ihblisfied in Bury‘s Green. Feb. 1‘8.-â€"A has been organised at St. John’s Presbyterian church to be known as St. J ohn's Guild. Ofiloers for the .' Mrs. John Flatt, year ensuing will be: Rev; Lord. president; Joseph Flatt, vice-pres.; “the guest of Miss J ennie Fall. treasurer. This society holds its . ”.4- -Aminc Sunday av. rear euauiua ..--_ _ oseph Flett, vice-pres; Watsons mums, --_. president; J 7 the guest of Miss Jennie Fell. some time since there a?! e Watchman-V treasurer. This society holds its items in Th first meeting this coming Sunday eV- this neighborhood. so 1 now will not stand amiss . George Hughes we: dent. It is confidently expected say on Tuesday last on 1 that a. lively intereSt in the Mr. John Finney, of tl this Guild will quicken the life of the borhood, was in the coun is ‘Tuesday. Miss Edith Ray, of West Ops, t of the Lord's Sup-l IHughgs has been missmg igay, by the pastor Rev. C been on t e :gtimpage an - Visiting seve of the “ Epworth Leagues 38 held at Eden has killed many fowl. than (1 Mr. Hugh got on )9!“ was admxnxswreu w -_V 1 ”n ‘cants of St. John's church est 5 9....-- -â€"~r ‘ n that sly Mr. rox nus twenty ., :fiay, by the pastor, Rev. C. S. been on the rampage and ' visiting several of the " coops ” and EPW°rth “”3“ was held at Ed“ has killed many fowl. The other :5? 302?; dav Mr. Hughes got on the trail of We F1 sed by Mr. Jqs. Southam. ed out to hear the topic ably discus- mg fox and trapped him. He crowd (consideriog the feather) turn- a large grey fellow, but will steel of lug-:3? in church on Sunday 9W3- A 300d no more. Mr. Hughes has captured 'lofeww‘hicha: ' ' wea- 3‘31 expensl O Jennie Southam over Sunday. 1 . ther all that could be desired. in the" eniploy Messrs. ald. .where he has been ‘of the Chemical Co., of that place. Hughes are busy ’6 'al was held in How- out timber for Ir John Carew. Mr Willi; time agO. at ack once 8. S off mum VWW reaming 0‘ the d 13.11, of Lindsay ~ re- , Monday, after spend- with-friends on the in the cutting and son, of Hope. visiting the Noble ed in this neighbor- go, and he general- » a vent to renew PENIEL and he is always drive on the even- inst. after which a the school room of then a spicy pro- from around MethodiSt C gave a very Aéxt Tuesday 8V" is to be carried larp and Mr. M. 1 Re". 0, Adams the choral class- .ce is to be held Sunday in charge 3%. of the P-B- visiting her par- H. embargo alien} :- Mr. and Mrs. Clem nuccnesou aw... rs. C. Kett. Sunday , large ads on Sunday with Mr. and M a limit- . Mr. J. Symington spent district. In our burg. Mr. J. J ohnson. who has been em- clean, | in whitemloyed by the Longford Wood 00., .L-_ “0“an home. the company ound here m church. very inter- large , the re Win colds." of Lindsay. . Col. Hughes, LLB, would be present. farm 1: to exhibit his multiplicity of him or for some as yet unknown rea- son, he failed to be present. We feel . indebted to Miss Newton, elocution- ”‘55 ist, f l istin in the ef- or so ab y, ass g Lmds: ,_..:_.. n ain‘ms __ fort to make me swam... .. in View of the fact that sho prepared only to give a few 1: rather than to supply almost tire program. Sadowa, FCb. 15- of Cooper’s Falls, Miss Mae Mortal} ‘ vice was new uy . The Sa‘bbath being day a goodly crow contributions were Young. D- new" ring. of Sebright. the home of MY- day evening- Th A 96; in’dancing. fume jolly 300d time a homes as the “‘98 to creep 0}- n1 xuuus. Us __-, 7 ring, of Sebright, took possession or lWednesdav l . . _ . aSt tor a. luau v: u..." ‘ the home of Mal: evGI‘ISS‘S on an; dust. While loading his young and. After hmfin wasntpena spirited team took fright and ran! a g 39° tawny. The harness and horses were in dancmg. jolly good time all repaired to their badlv shake , . . n up. homes as the wee sma hours began We are sorry to learn of the sud- den death of Mrs. Andrew Law. of to creep on. Master Tom. Chisholm, of Ra.- mona. Sunday me mm mm“, ”a? “:1: Mffirge‘gy gyegfington has one to‘Who knew her. The family. will ' ' g lhave the sympathy of their many reside in Sebright for some time. friends Mr. Clifiord Drew, who has spent Mr. F Guthrie who has been vi- the Pa“ .‘B’ee “mums at F°°te'5 'siting his brother has returned A; kA-U‘A Glad to kA-nn U . , reside in Sebright for some time. ' i' pi ends Mr. Clifiord Drew, who has spent ' . the past. three months at Foote's 1 $123; F'hgutggg'th‘g‘o Bay, has returned home. Glad tto | home see him in our midst again. Miss Kerr spent Sunday at Se- .."’ bright. WASLAR Wascara, Sask., Feb‘ A heavy snow storm prevailed on: . ‘IYAAnmdn‘v and ThursdaE', giving the‘ther here Is Wr)’ fine I - we have had it. very A heavy snow storm pram...“ -_. Wednesday and Thursday, giving the people a chance to make use of the" sleighs and cutters once more. The home of Mr. George Mont- gomery was gladdened on Saturday evening by the arrival of a young daughter. Congratulations. ‘ The Presbyterian prayer meeting was dispensed with on Wednesday evening. the minister being unable The Presnytenw was dispensed wi‘ evening. the minis’o to attend owing to Repeat it always cure Feb. 17.â€"The basket so- hall last Tuesday ev- ening under the auspices of_ the V9.- lentin. L.0.L. was a huge success, despite the disagreeable went-her. About forty baskets were sold a good program was given. Mr. J. Brown deted as chairman and Steve Oliver as auctioneer.~ The Valentin baseball club intend up-to-date concert undei Valentin, cial held in the Oliver as anemone“.~ The Valentia baseball club intend giving an up-t -date concert under their auspices in the near future. Mr. V. Suggitt is spending a week with friends at Niagara Falls. Messrs. Wm. Suggitt, Jas. Casey and B. Gray took in the hockey match at Lindsay vlientio. people hear of the (1mm Scug‘OE Island. A lirgo N‘O‘ shuns: rink 5 ice bolus 800d» lent time. "Elna Lillie McMuiion. nauyuuu. .. viai'ting her brother. Mr. Jan. Mc- Mullm. Mr. Ross Staples has finished cut.- ting wood in the Middleton mumps ‘and is waiting for sleighing to haul them to his mill at. Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wright. of Janotville. visited his brother. 0. M. Wright Sunday. Mr. Arthur Blawett. of Orono. is vicitvimr friends in the neighborhood. visiting friends Llflord. Fob- WATSON'S SIDING. Watson's Siding. Feb. 28.â€"It some time since there appeared items in The Watchman-Ward“ this neighb‘orhoad. so that a now will not stand miss. '----Iâ€" an mg a in [f McDonald. tune sumo "w“, _.. I in The Watchinan-Warder Irom neighborhood. so that. a few will not. stand amiss. . George Hughes was in Lind- on Tuesday last on business. . John Finney, of this neigh- ood, was in the county town on day. . :- some time past Mr. George 15,â€"Miss N. Justin. [15, was the‘Suest of on over SundaY- Clem Hutcheson SP?“t '7 LL ,. ..«- Shiloh’s Cure "3 my coughs and colds.” VAIENTIA even mg LIFFORD W. Nicholsog: xQ-‘iTlTbo’srieved ‘° or Mrs. P. Hood- the storm. ; she came few “numbers [most on on- . John Carew. y - ' M" William Purdy. cheese-maker of telt so nervous t East Emily. is now visiting farmers must be near. in this section. trying to show them “‘1‘ ”8 seemed somethmg' about the profits of dairv- ‘3‘“ The“ m1 ins. A wise man always keeps 9:“ Femmzone"'â€"it mtobmmandwhemtwp‘fl'wo‘w‘ noel m in a. transacm' make profits all I gained. weight. got a better c0 a, success ‘around again. ncem" Mr. and Mrs. S. 0., -Lindsa.", were the many Mrs. T. W. Brien ““5 week. Fingerboard. 3 Egellgon moved 7m Williams had ,tne mlmor: .to have one of his dogs shot by {passer-by one day last week. chased farm near Zephry last week. Ir. 3. Wooxdridge moved to ' 1 farm near» Seagrave. 1 We are glad to hear that Mr. Nor-i man Smith is improving. . Mr. Robert Frise had a very suc- cessful wood .bee last week. Miss Vida. House has been visiting her friend, Mrs. Lou Wickett. of Lindsay. for the paSt week. ' Mrs. S. Corral has been visiting henparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tait, for a few days. ‘â€" - nia'nrfilnp South Smith. Feb. 23.â€"â€"We are sorry to learn that, Mr. Ed. Ma- hood, sr., m. an“ .â€"--. _ Lindsay, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brien during the past c week. ‘ Mrs. James Tully is visiting her .. son west of Lindsay. l . A number of young people gather- “ ,ed at the home of Mr. Wm. Findlay 1 ‘On Friday night. and had a very en-| joyable time tripping the light. fan- I tastic till the small hours of the morning. Mr. John Bradley is doing a rush-‘ I ing business cutting lumber in Mr. Harry Forcster's bush for his many customers. ‘ Mr. C. W. McCall's sale came 06 on Thursday last. Everything .' sold. well. Mr. McCall is going to Chi- cago to live; ' ‘ Mr. David Mahood was in‘town on ,Wednesday last for a load of saw "dust. While loading his young and| ' spirited team took fright and ran‘ ,,__..... and harm: were ‘ Mr. o. W. McCall s sale came of! expec1 on Thursday last Everything sold .Miss well. Mr. M003“ is going to Chi- charg‘ cago to liweL- ”am Mr. mMr. David Mahood was in‘town on “-4-.. 1-.. far a load of saw conve badfy shaken up. We are sorry to learn of the 8011-! Repeat it :â€"-‘ of Mrs. Andrew Lane. of [always cure m: Toronto. last. week as she was well! ’ “ ~ ' '---- nu a". K] Henry HO! Donaldson. .AISOP. Tl” hl'. A. MUIIVII y...â€" es Mrs. Aldon Mullen makes mneht hostess. The return t! very cold. and one of the tow Mr. I. E. H. Quinne. had h l badlyl‘roun. , . . A.I. unhn “a“! the evening of J an. 29. enjoyable evening was ‘ program was well nend< choice selections were v Mr. H. Horn and violin Mr. A. Mullen and Mr. "II-an“ 'â€" vâ€"‘ __. \lr R'chard Oak. uld Eudoruon trrm hum mid out. the MI Mrs ‘ mg «t Roam“. the atudy class and social evening a. pronounced interest is manileomd so that an increased membership and greater spiritual blessings are conu- y ted. ' . The lollowing report 0! Bethel Ep- worthlmguewumdatm EV - --.n. League Conventiop hold in _‘ -“.“ soer SMITH. Bahamas were‘ {5.2! the misfortune J the death 70! J. Playfair. ' of Mullen bu 28 .â€"â€"We gre I Iguu mun ' and horses w 1r Purcell. J ohnl rheal‘st, and Jom‘ 't this as being a They will be well me two railroads district. and plen-l to be had at a" 92,â€"0ur mum Thundty evening. open :1. “CM 0" : the winter the 7.80 o'clock. Th0 k 20.â€"The wen; and ax. he was failing In t preset“, but ed for home. but passed away Sm day morning, Feb. 7. The remain :old the last. . «are brought to Brechln to the hon nometer drop- of his sister, Mrs. G. Smith. The .‘m ’ as 60 below t snow enough eral procession passed through 0: town on Thursday last, and proce.‘ :ting out their ed to Eden cemetery for intermm The funeral services were conduct‘ 5 been re-elect- by the Rev. Mr. Frederick, of 02 mung, The deceased was forty-fl x’ho bou'IM' ”w two yo-m ying to show tnem the profits of dairy- '3‘“ Then my docwr always kaeps an Femwne‘nâ€"it was a nd two paw choice because I improved on make Profits all I “m” "is“ enjoyed “ . got a better color. {ox-80‘ . fly on voug fears. The way ”shocked“ a broom. built me up is surprising- W- unmvdmeandeI Wt of mm {or tm ‘ . . ty years to cowe- n.1- nr- John Cw J. Y. vacuum. (3 in ‘town on i of saw Ruth. Next Thursday 21%;. ‘25) we McCulloch and . of Omemee. will take charge of the meeting here. All look 'fomrd to this meeting. Mr. William convention at Casey's report of the Omemee was much ap- {0 'Mr. “'8‘" hon ' Ingxy w". ' ,1: 11:. Peter A. W. of W. general agent of the Dominion Lite 56*. Assurance 00.. and his frienn, Mr. M Allen Casey. made 3 business tnp through this seetion on Friday last. I , -L- -‘A mAII‘tI ind” for- ingly well Mr. Pete From- their condition. meu, was the SW!“ Bain last week. D‘ln urn. "vuâ€" Say fellows, you should never drive out. with your buggy after a light {all of snow. You'll be tracked it you do. One of the Bethe] boys was followed last; Monday morning by one of the officials and it is not cer- tain yet what penalty will be impos- ed. The others had better take warn- slut- Bail: purchased a black ms r» from :Osidouts (-i the 0 ready .or 'a horse the hon-be. commu: :1 \' the death of ‘ do: artt-J this hour oi four cowl was es League meeting was hela as usual last Thursday evening. the topic be- for me from the " "“ “ ‘4‘ " Ind was dealt With One day last week I 7 Death seems ever omnipresent l|lll at? 0 __JJ \n KIRKFIELD Ktrkfield. Feb. 20. -â€"T'ne -L_.-_ mm 1”." U” Dawnâ€"w Kirkfield, Feb. 20.â€"T'ne sad death r Mr. Albert Ashanti, of Vanda. ed to Lew-labs!!! on Saturday. askatchewan. occurred on Feb. 7, . .909. at Fort his ‘Mr. G. Kemps. of William, while on Bro-chin to visit his ‘a . Mr. Aswan has been troa- Mr. W. Elderidge attended the led with diabetes for some time. meeting 0 the Methodist and au- he was failing in health start- s Sun- on Monday. d for home. but passed awe. renuxhs Our congratulations are extended .ay morning, Feb. 7. The ' s L. Taylor, who beCame the are brought to Brechin to the home to M19 . G. Smith. The .‘Jn- bride of Mr. '1‘. McDonald, of Se- G K his sister, :ral procession passed through our bright. on Wednesday. :own on Thursday last, and prece‘J- One of the heaviest snow storm: rd "0 Eden cemetery f0? interme1t.. of the winter prevailed on Tuesday. [‘he funeral services were conducted Many beams are taking advantagé Mr. Frederick, oi Dal- church at Dalrnnple 3y the Rev. rym} le The deceased was forty-foe WARDER PATTE yarns of age. and has lived in Von- da; Sask., for the last eight years, but is formerly of Hartley. He lcax- Brechin, Cranbrook, B.C.. les, Kirkfield; three brothers Mr. Geo. Ashman. Mr. Robert Ashman. Iof Kirkfield. and Mr. Tom Ashman. ‘ _ """“ “ml an aged mother of / % , % of Longford, and an aged eighty-seven years. ; Mrs. P. Feud and little Helen. spent last week in ' Mrs. Merry, sr., gave an tea. for her daughter. Mrs Donald. of Kamloops, B.C dw Inst. _ ' "" '1 'l‘nmfir fine". Mr. con!)lo 0‘ ' aalized .3. handsome sum as he find! stack which sold exceed- oconk spent. Sands) with r on Mrs. A. E. Smith. Misc M. Coury. oi Regino. is visit.- lra Chou. Guaty his her um . Many of our young peep ed the dome u. Victoria. Rood int week and report a good time. Our rink in “1er at last. The ice w in very good condition int week. Koop ut it boyu. Ilia- mv “Clank. 0! the worker lnAlt_ tor ' 01 uvuu W‘ very able man ‘1‘, b." much valued. u ho‘hu been m ne- tivo worker ma BAIL AT plea were present and n most enjoy- eble evening was spent. The Roe- nigk orcheurn. of Lindsay. furnished the music. A number were present from undeny, Millbrook. Blackstock. ~Pontypool nnd other places. a vv-I w“ ' ,M this section on Friday ‘3’"- heir looks we would finds? 11' business is in flourishing “V.“ wâ€"â€".-... 7 I guinea weight. efijoyed my meals. BOt a. better color. {orgot my ner- vong fears. The way Ferrozone '. Wumm. LOST HIS NERVE A REMARKABLE g..." Shiloh's Cure ,IJL AT JANETVILLE. .' successful ball was held in 110 on Hominy in the For: mall. .Ovor one hundred cou- -4 _........ .nd n most enjoy- keep] reek Mr. Fred "0' . fine tune-year-Old 1 Mr. All“ CLCS. community are ever e deal. They hm was téndered to him . omnipresent. This min saddeaxl by Hugh Graham who coughs ;f m. Fred MCâ€" u Neuruthcnic. I worried. lucked will rent phyfiic‘l fatigue! 3 and {elt always in little daughter» ek in TorontO- Lve an afternoon P Mrs. D. Mc' ‘ O 3 13.0.. on Mon- hat I felt. the end No medicine helped- . new disappoint‘ y doctoi' suggested ‘_ {.1 0g orum. 1m week “9‘" mt to iPo‘rt REC OVERY . re will colds.’ ' {o'riunate at once. my male. Sadom . Grigg has again having spent the pas months in the north. ' Miss N. Justin, of Cooper' who has been visiting her Miss Morton. returned to her on Saturday. o: the winter pr Man." beams ‘ 1M '~ UM anvâ€"â€"._ V , Our co‘ngratulations to Miss L. Taylor, Wm bride of MI: '1‘. Hello: â€"J_-v the Emmi: returned pattern, as low. to mum m. 1. pm mate you as, 84 m- cm ' L the vmtvm. piece. Best Old IRYe Seven Years Aged $3.40 Per Gallon From the firm whi: has kept Its standard above any question SADOWA $2. 80 Per Gallon. $2. 50 Per Gallon in Five Gallon Lots. Send for our cognplete wine gun, I”; _ _- -Afi Wine March-AI“. [lug-st. E .DOWA .of tho Sletgnlug u Symington’s mill. . 23.-â€"Miss Minnie. So my having at Longford {01‘be colds has put. a d: FINE OLD RYE 2 Mel-chum. Vaults 7| to 79 huge-st. 2 to 8 :-st. 5|!th 79 Yong-st. Toronto nun-v..- __ |who has I: ations are extended past week r, who became thelsbipped a McDonald, of Se- 'mals to h n A-" mar-n Ll lava-v '_ , Mr. E. Kieler paid Sauowa Zrlcnua ring visit on W '. four} Ru: J . Seivrig'ht gave a. very 9‘ lo 'disccnrse at. 1:11:13! meeting on Wai- ' The attendance '.\us d to her home cent storm. A few from here took in the dance spent a couple at. Sobright on Friday evening, rnd meek and return-_report a fine time. , _- - AA-.. __a “€c: Flavor. coo-m home on 31“ Q t , . J “DIES WORK APRQN. 25% fl ‘ m Plum No. 2195. {t‘flk aw- u- A few from here took in the dance at. Sohright on Friday evening, rnd report a fine time. Mrs J. McIntosh and Miss Flegor, 0: Black River. Spent Thursday «Ven- im with their friend, Hrs. F. Grigg. u..- sleighinsrfnd hauling waist can mm M--. nin’ or child's, putters write only “I0 figure n’esentmg the use. 1: write “ inches " or “ years." Pattern! cannot reach you in lean thaarfive or six days mthedtteoforder. The price paid Sqdowa friends oontracted sevene mner on the skat- ”adv. it. 1‘55

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