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Watchman Warder (1899), 25 Feb 1909, p. 5

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‘threo to suit. bor- imn Street, Entrance w“: Emma!- Ion- LtaJ Surgeon ‘hods tin “K {of dentist" Office near. mice. Speck! ildren's teeth, use of W ase mortgage! INVESTORS or clients on |posa township Fe Insumncfi page Licensee. \its forms. Barrister. So- lic, represent» Fin! Insuranca Moral Life As- .ilton. Empim. Co., of Im- a! Weldon 7e are loam“! p mortgages at Mes. 1119 has? :own office nnd ,erest repaid to N'. Barristers, The Canadian Money to loan > per cent! 0!- .indsay. Alex. Jackson. I'Commor. B.A. extraction Be ized Air) and . S: FU L’I‘ON. “‘9. Notation. and William “nod deal a n th liosedalfi Valley Canal- rm) haxc m: on the ban“: lam teams 81" :rax cl from urgl usay. is prepared to I, Town and very low Iompany or .always ready rimon 03!) on {VINE}. I)”. Royal Col- of dentistry. be given to and bridp axxszhiin, K13" M. Fulton. B. *geon Gilson umvum a come. lea, E to loan at. opposite 'etc. . Milli! a. specialty nearly op- 1h; ;-m;ge:~ S..D. D. a Royal cog: or anus-k, .vl Ton-out. Kent. )ondent 3‘} APPLICATION TO PAR- LIAMENT Notice is hereby given that an ap- plication will be made to the Legis- lature of the Province of Ontario, at the present session thereof, by The Canada. Central Railway Company, for an Act extending the time for ladies Black fur lined coats 50 inches long marmot lining and Western Sable collar and revers reg. 55.00, sale. . . . 42.00 Green fur lined coat, good quality broadcloth shell, rat lining, natural Alaska sable collar and revers, reg. 62.00, sale ........................... 46.00 Brown, navy and black fur lined coats, neatly trimmed shell of fine English broadcloth, heavy spring rat lining, sable collar and revers, reg. 72.00 sale ........................... . ....................... 55.00 Man’s rat lined coat with otter collar, a fine dress coat, reg. 75.00, sale ..................... 57.00 One only, man’s coon coat, very prime, heavy, full fin-red, reg. 78.00, sale .................... 58.00 Ladies’ astrachan dog coats with western sable collar and revers, box or blouse front, reg. 58 00 . .........44.00 Sale the construction and completion of its authorized railway and branches, and for other purposes. RYCKMAN, KERR 8; MACHINES. Sterling Bank Chambers, Toronto, STRAYED.â€"ON THE PREMISES! of the Flavelle Milling Co., on Thursday last, a yellow Scotch. Collie dog. Short tail. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this ad. ' farmers’ Club Solicitors for the applicants. Dated at Toronto this 22nd day of February, 1909. Ls) USA-Av L auuvv v- beyond question the GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT of the", season. The object of the sale is to clear Out every bit. of Eur possibie before the last day of February; In order to do; this,~ radical price reductions have been made, whiCh "makes this sale pre-eminently the bargain event of the season. We cannot be-‘ -‘4. J LLA «Lamb UbJVLLu \1u .......... v-____ ____ season. The object of the sale is to clear Out every bit. of Fur possible before the last day of February; In order to do this,“ radical price reductions have been made, whiCh ”makes this sale pre-eminently the bargain event of the season. We cannot be-' gin to enumerate all the bargains presented, and the items printed below are merely suggestive and offered as examples of the countless others that will be shown when you pay our Fur Department a visit. , WANTEDâ€"SOUTH AFRICAN LAND grnnt claims wanted. I will m a monnble price in cash for t limited number or above claims It any time within the next 4'0 weeks. Februu'y 18.1909. J . H. Soothernn. Lindsay. IL. L W“ McGafer vv" 'â€"â€"v I" AM was": av- “ 'cvvuy. --v .-vvâ€" m‘egigyber of above claims at were charming val}; m great weeks. Febx‘ifihin the next -two credit on the training of In. Kelly. B. Soother“ gnaw. 1909. J. Mr. Kelly and Kiss Jardlne contri- fim'butfl Q duct. 0.. did “.0 Dr. 8”“ -â€"â€"'â€"*‘â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" grove, and Mr. K. Jardlnc; tho BOY. SKLE REGISIER Mr. Thompson made. a very accept- _ able apiech ; m Bertie “1:31; a?! . . "' lax-eta lllaavocal duet; . . . meflezngfgg' MARCH 10,1909,_‘lchul a dlalpct reading; Principal 3' ' 3°“. mminnow. cm. Jardlno. of names aohool. gave a 1: Id. of farm stock ““91 oh '1‘. household oflecta tin 9mm. and on and humorous epoch. . ' pro . ' . Rom Ichcm‘ ‘0‘ laugh gt M “III by I!" 1", Sandy Eldon. The stock lnclm‘1 in: SECTION TWO an’s black curly dog coat, regular 30.00, Sale ................................. 23.00 A Cambray 52nd YEAR. Mr. D A. Mchenzie, B.S A., Teacher of Agri- c‘1.tare, will be present. Wednesday,Mar.5 Those interested are urged to be present. ' This sale includes every article of Fur in the store and is in the Orange Hall at 7 31) p m. Will be organized .oo-uaoo 0.00.0 Cred- nte and My of con. 5. 1 im- Ll Bu- nl to :3 (on. fighter- ored fil- Jurdlno of tM.Hifih 003001, [Ive I the am. pl notch '1‘!“ Hr. Pony 3 . 312?: :3 battle?! Mr. F- Sandy. covered flu! is. in p Pl." every mall who wformod his M . 0011- Thu loo In 3mm; 0! Vdnwmgfia _ ”liar I?“ “Isa?” ‘ . p,“h‘mtobonk. :ult mount an """um um mum tor a. M, “In. In” III-g? “‘7' ‘ THE sant, aners. J R. M, ot'l‘o- ronto, called on Mr. end Mrs. T. W. McLean on Thursday. We understand the Presbyterian of Omemee circuit Concluded to for- mulate another call {or a. resident pastor. Mr. John Boyd was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Mitchell last week. Peterboro was visited on Saturday fiéfd by Messrs. H. Beatty, T. Palmer, '1‘. .bray. W. McLean and H. Magee. | 4th A dramatic troupe played “ A .mee. California Rose ” on Friday evening. 5th The inclement weather was reapon- melon sible for a small attendance, which 1 Sec‘ was regrettable, as the company was say. first-class, the plot full of excitingl Con climaxes and the play a clean exhi- Terri] bition of a western love romance. Mrs Next Friday evening the -E.V.W.I-. spent give an entertainment. at the home hum. of Mr. T. H. 'McQuade, and an en- Son joyable time is anticipated. out t‘ Mrs. Wm. Greig, of Mount Plea- tea a l The Valentine social in the Presby- terian church basement. on Honday evening under the nusplces o! the adult bible class. was an enjoyable event. The little chlldrgh’g hoppers Omemee, Feb. 22.â€"Rev. Mr. Geney returned from Toronto on Saturday forenoon. MBSSI'S. Clew, Morden and J. R08- enberg, of Mount Pleasant, were in Omemee on Saturday. On Thursday evening the Bethany Dramatic Co. presented “ Imogene ” to a good audience in the opera house. The performance was under the auSpices of the Public school and the pupils and staff wish to return their thanks for a liberal patronage as well ‘as other assistance. For a local company the cast was well taken and their efforts evoked much merriment and interest. The orches- among friends 1 to see C he will 1 West alc We,n0’ the Linc' League, meeting Hon-P loch, On 'tra furnished pleasing music and are Presidt to be congratulated. as are all the members of the troupe. The gross' proceeds amounted .to_$56.85. lst vii 2nd Vi! a :cayzeon: Rural Dramatic Clubs Give Good Performances sale ..................................... Men’s electric sew] dnver caps, 3.60, reg. 6,00, sale.......... . . .. One only grey squirrel throw tie, reg. 11.00; sale ................................................... 8.25 Black and grey Coney Empire mall‘s, regular 2.25, sale .................................... .. ..... 1.75 Brown and grey Coney throw ties, heavily fur- red, reg. 3.00, sale.................... ............. ‘225 Alaska sable muffs, large empire shape, regular 15.00, sale .......................................... 11.00 Men’s Fur collars in black coney, well made, reg. 3.75, sale ....... . .......... ......... ......... 2.85 Man’s German otter collar, extra;prime, regular 6.50, sale ............ 485 Men’s Persian Lamb Wedge caps, 'reg. 10.00, --A \o" nag-o... ___., , , _ sale ............ .......... , 7.59I Grey and white sQuirx-el set, throw tie and muff prime quamy, reg. 11.00, sale ..................... 8.25 One only grey squirrel throw tie, reg. 11.00; 002 2 only Alaska sable rulfs. 65 inches long, trim;- med with ten tails, raga. 17.50, sale ............ 13.00 72 inch mink marmot throw tie, reg. 10.00, "In From our own correspondent. E Some of, our townspeople drove ‘out to the Presbyterim services and tea at Mount Pleasant on Sunday and Monday. ' ' A slei'ghload of people drove "out to, the home of Ir; K. Mitchell" on Friday evening and had a delightful seed.” wu A masterly wort. An- nouncement was made um Rev. Mr. Ron wm preach next Sabbathfrom the same pupflt. Ir. Percy Futon: keep. MI un- covered rink open (or data-II on every com-lent!» weather punit- The loo W In bola: gum in “W and o! high-yak. ; mu Grant 1- Law moon- Ih. ILJ ImMfl mu- The funeral of the late Mrs. flush Graham took place on Sundsy; to the Riverside cemetery. Lindsey. On Sunday the Presbyterian pulpit was occupted by the Rev. Hr. Thomp- son. of Ottawa. sad his diseourse. based on the 58rd chspter '0! Is- siah. verse 10 " He shell see his time. um... 0m- hockey team-met th‘e geptette visiting Vex-ulna of Little Britain on Wednesday" eve- Mrs. Sutherlum ning on Lindsey ice with the result on Friday even!!! of 2-1 against. the Beavers. friends:~ A baseball team tor‘the coming Mrs.- J. J. TO‘ seaaohflis current talk. A meeting will be convened scan in its inter- EamuonummnNM' m' ummwmamonsm-m-GN mpym.xr.mu.o¢ oa- 1"“- J nah-I nelon Falls. Sec.-treas-â€"-A.' D. Musselman, Lind- Conference representative -- A. W. Terrill, Penelon Falls.' Mrs. D. Walker, .of Janetville, spent last week with 323. Brad- Mr. C. Rutherford, of Portal, is home from the west for a holiday among his relatives and many friends hereabouts. We are pleased to see Cy. looking so fit and trust he will not return again to the great West alone. We,note the election of officers of the Lindsay district of the‘Epwort-h League, which held their recent meéting in Omemee, was as follows : -_n the happy young bendicts. Mr. T. C. Ivory is home from To- ronto, where she has been with her mother, who was very ill. Hon.-Pres.â€"Rev. Robt. McCul- loch, Omemee. Presidentâ€"G. A. Robson, Lindsay. lst viceâ€"Miss Jean Fee, Lindsay. 2nd viceâ€"Rev. R. W. Foley, Bob- viceâ€"Miss Maud Littleton, Fe- viceâ€"Miss L. Anderson, Ome- viceâ€"Miss M. Riches. Cam .........'.... 7.50 reg. 4.75, _sa_lf: ...4 50 was Amy Dumbo! Hallburton punt! town on swam Incl-ulna. on route to Toronto. In. Wuhbm ud . [its Hyrtle Wuhbum Ion on Board“ to visit Mada in Gmlph. 001.8 Hugh. :puud thrown our town on S‘tuflgv mounts. 0010001 friends: Mrs. J. J. Townley W a few friends on Frfduy m Chinese question drawer was very interesting. These meetings are very interesting and most successful. Miss E. Powers returned to take up her duties in Lindsay. 4 Miss E. McGinnis, etc-Minn. is on Tuesday and was most interest- ing: A large number of ‘ Chinese curios were on exhibition, and some splendid readings about Chinese he'- bits and lives were given. Mrs. J. Northey and Miss Ethei Robson fa- vored the audience with s. duet. Others assisting were Mr. A. Suther- land, E. Robson. S. Martin D Dick- The mission circle of St. And- rew’s Guild held a. Chinese evening The members of the Methodist jun- ior league were entertained to -a sleigh drive on Wednesday. after which tea. was served in the base- ment. we predict what a hustling bunch of hockey boys they will make with a little more practise. The score for the first game being 3-8. In the se- cond game the score favored Pene- lon, it being 3-19. Mr. Birming- ham, of the Y.M.C.A., made a' splen- did referee. A number of our curlers spent Fri“ day in Bobcaygeon and had splendid luck. Among the number were : Ernie Pearce, B. Burgess, G. Magee. H. McCallum and S. Mason. Curl- ing-is fast becoming one of Fenelon Falls' popular sports. The hockey match on Friday night in aid 0! the Ross Hospital was very well attended and our young fellows played splendidly, although not what professionals would call a goad game, yet for a. team so young the games were good. For many of the boys the game is quite new, and meeting Mrs. ‘Maym served mire-h- mam-33' "Among (base from town wére": Mrs. Gould Mm. Bishop, Mrs; F. Aldous Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Calder, Mrs. ToWnley, Mrs. D. Jewell Mrs. ‘Minthorne and the Misses S. Martin, Cassidy and Emily Nie. Mr. Howard Knox returned from Havelock On Friday. The mineral o! the late Mrs. Jas. .Powers took place on Saturday mor- ning at 9 o",clock and was well at- tended: Sehices were conducted at the R. (3. church. Mrs. Powers was very highly esteemed by all who knew her, and her death cast a gloom q: the whole community._ finger.” I our enthused Wo- ti members drove to Cameron Thursday to attend a meet- ing held at Mrs. M. Maybee's in the interests of the Cameron branch. A most enjoyable tix‘ne was spent and E}. the close of a very interesting Tho’enior league 0! the Methodist church held a. Valentine social at the residence 0! Kr. and Hrs George Littleton. A urge number attend- ed and a very ’epjoynble evening was Rev.’. J. W. Wellace, of Lindsay, took charge of‘ the preparatory ser- vice in St. An'drew a church on Fri- dq waning aid guve a. splendid address. Miss: Dolly Jones entertained a few de on‘Ftidey evening and e m enjoyelfie time was spent by ”It. 2L ‘J. Cgpbell, of the Hanu- facturgr'e Life'fAssurence Co", of Ligdsq. epexgtjj‘Wedpeeday in town. Cozmgunion service will be held on Sunday morning. and in the evening a reprgentetive of Tailor 3 home or Snug r, Kingston, will address the le. Special music is being man W. of Tor'y Hill. and guests 9! In and Its. Gbo. Martin for a. prepared by' the ' chpir. Hr. andMi-s. J. oppnd family, or Balsam Grove, ivod in town on Wednesday and will aka up real- denee‘ on Fiddlpr hill. ‘ : Mr. J. W. Sanda,},of McDonald To. phone ('30:;- ' is ‘ivisiting‘ We mm for pfew dgys. , . Fenelon Polls. Feb. m.â€"l[r. and In. H. Tor-race kit on Thursday for Lind”,where they will reside. Kiss Jeflb Lune, to! Toronto, but formerly ot'melon Falls, is 3t pre- amt in me: Qaneral hospital antler- ing (ton Width. lice Lane underwnt ii: operation on ‘Saturday and 1t tit-"time of writing in pro- gressing trial-ably. Mr. Fred ~‘Warren returned home on Wednesday {tom Winghm. The St. Mydrew's; Ladies' Aux- iliary. meet‘dt the home .0! Mrs. R. Lee on Wednéoday, pad a. M num- ber of ladies were pment. The Ann-hm purpose giving g whistso- cmathe17thotm,md a splendid program is being M. Mr. Spence; Mrs. Sutherland, Miss ._I. _Spanoo_agd_Mz-. 9m- 0!» Rose- mecOIOo” speht a few hours in town on Thursday. u-o ‘. Comerts and Debates at Fenelon Falls-Personal Items mafsmhenud, of We. left :1 Friday evening to flit Toronto lfiss 'Agey 'Carléyiof thg Bgll Tele- L‘Icltaéug find It. Nor- From our own correspondent. ~10. A picked team from the town ,m drove to Fencion F3113 last and plnyed the team of that a. friendly guns of hockey. 'seone nthnlltime "34â€"2 in fnvorâ€" of Linda”' ind at the uni-h 7 :11. The icowu not in the best ’0! condition and the game was :1- .thcr flow. Only n ml! crowd wu brunt, the Mn” boy: not. u- rivln; until 9 o'clock. A return gun. will be M in Lind-n37 in the nonr tutu. The Lindlny uno- up‘wnl :1 lemon '. God. Ileana; point. Newton; m point, Wt: out". Yu- m: m. in»; right: wing. The debate, "Resolved that Cana- dian Senate should be Aboliehed," took place in St. Andrew's lecture room under the auspices of the Guild and was certainly one of the most successful of the season. Our Eenelon gFalls orchestra, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. IW. Deyman,-Mr. E. Chambers, and IMr. W. Stevenson, played two splen- did selections. The speakers for the faflirmatjlve were Dr. S. J. Sims. Mr. H. Robson and Mr. Graham. Owing to inclement weather latter was not able to be present and time was al- lotted Dr. Slmsand Mr. Robson. The negative side were: W. nether- ington, J. J. Lee-and Dr. R. M. Mason. The judges for the evening were: Mr. D. Plteathley. Mr. M. Stillman and Mr. S. Sharpe, and the But-brie“ may. now; eating debate, and the scribe advises the women to have plenty of ammu- nition prepared. 'l‘ne proceeds of the evening amounted to 87. was Belle. Ferguson returned to her duties on Wednesday after spend- in; a. pleasant vacation with Beav- erton and Woodvflle friends. Lindsay Team Tied Penelon falls Seven judges at the‘cloee o! the debate, gave their verdict in favor of the negative. Rev. C. 8. Lord actedin capacity of critic. ' At the close _of the meeting Mr. Land announced that the next debate will _be Woman's â€"wâ€"â€"â€""‘. " “Tm W. 1‘."me addressed the members and visiting guests M 8mm Rev. Mr. Panel: to not” chairman (or the evening. . . Tho first number on the program was given by the orchestra. utter which interesting readings were given lby Kiss Eartha Bellingham and Miss M’r. W. Faulkner, of Toronto, vis- ited town friends last week. Miss he Beard visited in Lindsay ”Friday “« ., onMir. Herbert Barry and Miss Lil: iian Bury of Lindsay. attended. the funeral of the late 113.323. Pow- ers on Saturday. Mr. Adams of Port Severn, is in town for a few days working in the interests of farm lands in the North- Kr. Abbott, Grand Organizer, be- ing present. assisted this interesting program with a good recitation. Dr. A. Wilson then addressed the audi- ence {or a few moments. The club. consisting of Mrs. W. Deymn, and Mrs. W. Stevenson. guitars. Hui}. Chambers, violin. W. Stevenson, au- toharp. and Mr. Will Chambers. with mandolin, gave some very much en- joyed selections. Fenelon Falls cer- tainly should feel proud of its musi- cal talented people. Mr. Angus Fountain sang the laughing song, the chorus of which was so hearty that it was with great difl‘lculty the audience were kept from assisting. After the splendid program was given, all adjourned to the banquet- ting hall, where the ladies served dainty refreshments. The meeting thm closed with the singing of the National Anthem.“ . Misses Hargaxet Lee. Violette Hac- Képdry and Hi. Leslie lacKendry spent Monday was sued: at Camer- on Polnt. , . _ the presentttion hymns were sung. and lunch was served. Hr. Webster then lead the friends in prayer. and the company then dispersed (or MI wells homes wishing Hr. :11de W the best of luck in their new the members of the Chosen Friends order held their At Home in t'm lodge pnrlors on Monday evening. and it was one 01 the most saw-nuâ€" tul of its kind. The very intu stung pan-gram commented at 5 n'rlnck Hears. Victor and Willie (avowed the audienCe'with a splendid trio whiph was thoroughly enjoyed. poo... an guests of Kr. and In. Tom SW. for 1 few am. A very pleasant. surprise pgrty mot atthohouootlr. and Ira. John Copp. of 13m Grove. on Wednes- day awning, and presented Kr. and Mrs. Copp with a bountiful set of dishes and c hanging lamp. After Mr. Chadwick. of Toronto. :5 VI:- 5ting Fenclon Falls and vicinity. . A. Wilson. of Toronto. is spending a few duys in town renew- ing old acquaintances. mas Clan Hagee. of Fairbaim. spent Saturday in town. 15.1. A. Northey, of Lukefiald, whu _has been in town for a. few days, luff. on Tuesday “:0 visit in Olhuwa. Mr. Cat-cw arrived home on Satur- dt-.\ alter spending a few days \uth Burnt. River friends. "the Overseer of ; left England and 1 tedioug trip acros “3 tamg _ £1239 on home: ants nemained in 1 0’ and passed away a «day I. rest in the : m -. HANY DIF! Discussion atose ever the metres ence. Proceedings will be taken used andthebestklndtobuy. againethim at once byehe Board. Mr. Hammond's emery was next. The Board then adjourned. Followmg is an abstract statement of the revenue of the Water Com- missioners for the past year The surplus as can be seen is over $4.- Supt. Hammond’s" Salary Increasedâ€"Rate for Schools {The privations an Wm - tax-hugs) ..wh fives with her sister. An- peride by tyfpur stprdy settlers nle (Hrs.9'ldybee) at ‘Fenelon Falls: and pioneers won. many. After mak-‘sougâ€"Joseph, David. George, (on the mg a clearing 9 my» los.nhapty-homestead) all in Feneion township. was built. basswood being leiddown uni! “men, of Lindsay, who resides for the floor. Basswood was also on Cambridge-at. Show afterwards the other two brothers, now. deceased, Messrs. John Haynes and Isaac T. Moynes, also no?” “a 13““ T' maynes. ”8° srs. J as McFarlane, W. Campbell. Ht England and made the long and [hos le Doug‘al Brown J“ mo“? trip 31cm” ”i: hm, degp Jackson, and‘H. Puley. ft t m up eir ‘Wde on 1 flowing relatives am 1e 0 dim homestead. .m par-g “Keveotheloae of one of their kind; ants remuned in their native land, eat and most lovable kinsmeO' ”A ”d W away some years 880' to loving wife and brother, Mr. ThOS. enjoy o rest in the world above. :Hoynea. the latter of unduy -, EALW..P!EIPW'm- .d-ughtersâ€"mry Am; (m Cham- twenty years of age. _ LANDED IN CANADA. One year previous to this time, a brother of the lots Isaac G. Haynes, who resides on Regent-st... north wnni, came out to Canada and hired with n farmer in Maripose township. llr. Thos. Keynes still enjoys excel- lent heelth, and can recall many in- cidents of pioneer days. He is in his 86th year. One year after he came to Canada. his elder brother, (the deceased) arrived and shortly after the two brothers with their span of oxen left the home of their employer and journeyed into the township of Fenelon, settling in that section latterly known as the Scot- tish settlement. At that time, as might be expected, the clearings were tow and far between and almost as {or as the eye could see. them up,- powod nothing but dense bush and swampy meadows. But the two bro- than Were consistent in their endeav- ors to make a good clearing and to build. a home. whom he came in contact withâ€"first settled in Camila. in the banner county of Victoria. His quiet, unof- renalve manner of living. his modes- ty and integrity of spirit, and his many other excellent qualities won Icrhimthegoodwillcfcitinens in town. and also of the neighbors in the country. The deceased, if he had lived until April next ‘24th to be more exact) would have how ninety years old. and his death, which was not entire- ly unexpected, was probably due to his advanced age. Despite his age he was quite active until a few days prior to his death, and up to the last. maintained full control of his faculties, passing peacefully from this world to the one beyond, serene in the presence of his Master. The deceased gmtleman was a na- tive of England, and was born in Gramm, Lincolnshire. coming to Canadatoseekalivtngandestab- a. nu. nac.n-o I‘ll u: .- 23m o - coco-no £3 £8 o-oo::oo-n¢-oooooau nag-nu... . .0... a, gag“ co. nun-c...-.ocnoouo-onuaconoooon nun... -.ocno Specfal a Sundries The death of Isaac G. Haynes, which cecal-nod lust Sctunday.’ Feb. 20. at. oh. oh! homestead in Pension township, malls : figure which will he in the memory of not a. few Lind- sayitas, especially the older residents who have witnessed the pm and udvuicement of Lindsay from a pioâ€" neer hamlet to a village, and from a. village to the present nourishing town. It was many, many years ago that the deceased gentlemanâ€"{or he was s gentleman of the highest rank, Md and respected by all with One of Fenelon Township’s Oldest Settlers Passed Away Surplu- ot 1908 O ”In... tog-u- o. out an. 0.0.. na- 0-0 - no... 0 nos-cocoon no. a. 0-. an. at. nonvooao no. noo- o o.- a: a on .3 .cooo- 00- no. fireman was about o...» con- n otuoub‘noo-I I - scout-Dauuo - .c-oo... 3‘. ”COO... REVENUE FOR 1908. CHARGES AGAINST an... on. ‘00,. while lest'charge the town for it, and use beenused. townteemorhireanotherteam. t for the E. Collins, a farmer up the ri‘ Ldopted by has bean watering his cattie in river and thereby causing a n the metres ence. Proceedings will be to to... II... co I-t.-o east ward schools. and the convent. ., It: Sinclair introduced the matter of sprinkling the streets next sum- mer. An early arrangement will be “I propou cutting that in two," said Hr: Sinclair. The motion carried, however. The trustees of the schools in town using water will be notified that 124} cents per pupil will be charged dur- ing the year. The schools enacted are: m Collegiate. the Union and last reaped: to a. much-respected neighbor and friend. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Tonkin. of Cambray, pastor of the Zion Methodist church, of which church the deceased was a strong ad- herent. the pull bearers were: Mes- town. Thorn were Madly no houses west or north of William-st, while the town was cleared to n oer- tnin extent east and south of Wil- iiun-et. Lindeny was then known as Purdy'a Hills, the name being dot-iv- ocl from the fact that two brothersâ€" the Purdyaâ€"wcre given a large tract of km! on condition that theystart- Feb. 22, and which was attended by a large number of Lindsay friends and relatives was one of the largest ever witnessed in the township. It is said that the funeral procession was about half a mile in length. while a large number of other friends gathered at the house to pay their LINDSAY A SWAMP. At: that time the town of Lindsay was little better than a. swampy oed- unscramthutuoneoectionofthe Haynes and‘vife moved to Lindsay and took up their residence in the dwelling they now occupy on Regent- st. At that time there were only two houses on the street, while at. present them are several houses on ;mt-st., und the surrounding streets are also well built up. County of Victoria. The term is a splendid one and an excellent monu- ment to the industrious hard work- ing pioneers. 'As the clearing be come better cultivated, the pioneers and the tillers of the soil prospered. It. and Hire. T. Haynes, who are both octogenu‘ians, can recall many incidents of the pioneer days of the Lindsay citizens. VERY LARGE FUNERAL. The tuneral of the late Isaac T. onnes, which was held on Monday. MMdld,nndosoeneofmuéh activity m presented. About that time the old locks were being built ammmwmumm.mmM W.ummmmmmmwmm :MMMMMmawtrmm ommmammeJmmc mmmmmammmmmmM mMMummuuom mu m w WWMMmWwM wmmMMm w yum 1 .mmMummmam a??? x time the old locks by the Govunment. ....8 3,579.76 4,921.89 .... 162.80 821.90 .... 1,840.16 3,290.00 .75 141$ 2,127. 863. 175. can 210.95 flow YEAR. 8 8,992.81 ‘ 4,801.89 818,793.63

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