SICK PON No. 58' r A. SLCCUM. LIL.t yadim. Ava. Tm :. \‘amt : nearly four years 'er fail to give me 1" tried many other 1 1t have never f0 abet l Them Four Year!- . Milcs’ Anti-Pain l >est I ever tried for; headache. I have-fl ' may Lï¬ercr ’H FRANKOWIC ably Av., Detroit. ,1 is no remedy M ,ickly relieve any i LChC than ,4 btedly buy and 1 net hundreds at .o-cent bottles of est feature of th : remedy is the it: not derange the SQ any disagr 33R 1' .\ RY HIR’HI mt and we Heada sychine to be as and we’ll 31‘: r (for which n retail price) {on to try. RV as been based; ience with a “2:11 a full km : of thousamhj hder this show our e: nderful pm JQHN 395%; : p1 \ cntion i 113. My wife 1 xsmut sufferer vears with 8h 5 me in the II fall into the hi W atervleit, E18 Mania-“i .51 “5"“ m I'vl‘l‘v. by. ' up \ul' Lu mu 019mm, h . Smi'h. W ..\|" \‘(‘S\Vm 'I‘ho.‘ unfort- n the! M- mpunion Com i l'ul' him. 3“ )1 his comp“. funeral took 7 o'clock. to dais; \l i [01mm mg to saw‘ u “uh MI t‘nmt ll. Iï¬ â€˜â€œ m Imlmu m‘ Hw imam sgvumh. m (ha "“1. m by M \iuulm -~nI as \N con-no... then mm . ugh-o... «LIV (wart: â€\0 0‘ lrawn at ll coupon nk Irrl pleasure Dr. Mil C best I’G l in? u u “Hm I’M" 00V“ .. ut the d, nmfnrt‘Ud ‘0 '\\ (‘ur 3 fl“ pl ace opposit! my Friday and Saturday Bargain Days Ladies’ semi-ï¬tt ular $15 $818 $10: 8 loose back cc Reg 310 and $12, sale ....... ... Hemp carpeting, reg. 25c sale 20c; union car- peting, reg. 30c, sale ............................... .. Light and dark flaneIette. Reg. 12c sale 9c, reg. 15c, sale .............. a ................... .......... Hen’s ribbed heavy wool underwear, reg. 90ca garment, bargain days 70c. reg. 60c, sale ......... Black and colored .poplins, bengalines and satin cloths, reg. 60c, bargain days......... ........ Lace curtains 3} yards long, reg. $1.35, bar- gain days .............................................. Feather ticking, extra heavy, reg. 25c. bargain d ay Whitc bed spreads, reg. $1.75, bargain $1 «iav.~‘................................. ............... White lawn blouses, embroidery trimmed, reg. $1 ‘25, sale 97c, white lawns, reg. l2§c bargaindaya Royal blue, grey black Scotch ï¬ngering, bar- Satisfactory Nature of Service has llesttlted in Greatly Increased Subscribers‘ List-- A Telephone Within Reach of the Ordinary Household-Speed, Efï¬ciency and Accuracy have been attained by the great Invention of Lorimer Bros.--'l‘he Company's Progress is Reviewed. gain «lays ‘ '1 .m- I'vlmu‘kab‘lt‘ development of the Lumuw‘s uf the Canadian Machine Svlwphum- (‘umpuny in this city. its exhauuon and connection with the REMARKABLE DEVElOPMENT IN NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM nuzwurk of telephones controlled by imlq-endcnt companies in the South- ern counties. and its expansion to the sworn! thriving agricultural coomun- i'ics in this county, certainly afford convincing evidence that the machine 'phone is here to stay. that it is an imemirm rt-mlily taken up by the. public, â€ml that in a telephonic wayi x: H Um non parcil of the age. It. “as mm. eightwn months ago that! th» plant of the Canadian Machine 'l‘vls-phnm' ('ompnny commenced op- m-mm-g m ltrantfurd. At. that time tho'rr “-c-n- some thirty telephones in- bfil’lt‘d without mntracts, or placed‘ at ?h‘.‘ subscriber's service. slmplyi for Mating,- purposes. 'I‘o-day there arr ln'lwm'n 900 and 950 machine tol- vvhnm-s in use by local subscribers. ’l hm immiu'r includes those only in NH- ï¬lly. In “(with)“ the village of lmrfurd has 210 telephones lnstalled in sulvwrilwrs of the company and the \illum‘ of St. George has 7‘5. The le‘l‘mllldillg nclghlmrhnud of cach VH- lzum unulil cunuhlcmhly lncrcnu the number Hvrrmh'd from Brantford Expositor ul‘ Dec. ‘34. 1910.) era whu mule the instrument pay for itself commercially or who could ab ford to use the some as a. convent- ence. It. is a well known tact and one often remarked upon in Bastion-d. that the machine telephone bu ï¬lled a. grey want in the home of the Small householder and the farmer. It therefore. follows from the Very na.~ ture of things that a. telephonic With s--ch a popular demand for it, is in- dispensable in a. business way â€c merchant. professional man. or. . i1 fact, to anv one engaged in any 1i!!! of dealing with the public. Out (.1 the 8-30 machine telephones Wed in Brantford. the great majority are in the homes of the people-‘0! those 111‘ RAL CONNECTIONS The rural connections afforded by the Canadian Machine {m Company are important from a. but?“ 54th YEAR. .....oaoo- O, r'e'g. $12 gale ...................... coats in black, brown and green. oil-00.35.5000. IQOOOIOO IIOIIIII'II THE siness way 3" man, or. it ed in any lim Italic. Out 6 tones W1“ t majority are opleï¬of those annonaouantccoooonaoo not... thus has at his ï¬nger end eomniuniv cation with Buriord. Mt. Vernon. Ca- thcart. Falrfleld. Falkland. St. George, Troy. and Hamburg. and this without any extra charge de- manded usually in the form of long.r distance tolls. He has also communi- cation with those two important vil- lages. Scotland and Oakland, through the independent telephone companies. which operate their lines in these villages. In all the Canadian Me; chine Ielephone Company has erected during its brief franchise in this city. 120 miles of pole linen. which are exclusive of the permanently con structed underground system. estab- lished in the city. No greater evi- dence of the popularity of the Ma‘ chine telephone could be instanced [than that o! the actual construction work completed. giving in all possi- bility a telephone service to 1.500 subscribers. city and rural. within the short apace of less than a year and a half. V'ALUABLE CONNECTIONS. In addition to the company's own service lines. it has established . very valuable connection with three independent. telephone ‘ companies“ This connection is a link between iirantiord and a wide stretch of ter- ritory to the south of this city. and from which trade and business are innturnliy deflected to llrantiorti. ‘i‘heee companies more a uerxlee with Waterford. Delhi. iiagersville. and nmny other towns. where the use of the independent telephone in a popu- In em. TM long- distance «ammo of tho (innadinn Mnehlm ‘l‘olophono Compamy.‘ in (Mt. includes the fol- lowing army of pianos: Beaconanold. lmlton. Bloomsbury. Bookton. nos- ton. But-(0rd. lmrgmvlllo. Canticld.‘ Lament. Cayuga. Chmpaldo. Cur. rlo‘s. Docewaflllo. Dplhi. Fairflold. I-‘lahervillo. Garnet. Huntsville. Hu- loy. Harrisburg, Hartford. Htwtrey. :Iiolbrook. Jarvis. Kelvin. Lawton. 114,'ne;tl¢.)¢h. Lynn Valley. Lynnville. Nanticoko. Nolles’ Corners. Newark. New Duvhun. Nobor. nglgnd. Oriol.‘ marvma, 0mm. Contra. Fables. l‘ort Ryerse. Bainhun. Balm Cen‘ tre. Runelagh, Rentpn. Rockford Round Plains. Sallord, Scotland. Sol- kirk. Silver Hill. Springyfle. St. George, Sweï¬burg. Teeterville. Town- send Centre. Troy, Tyne“. VW. Vanessa. Villa, Nova. Vittoria, Walsh Walsingham Cantu-9,. Zenda. The company em“ in a. few weeks to complete connecuuu the independent cempmy in 11 501' wiih about 800 subscribers that dis: rict. This will give co: tion with the independent lines if? $1.35 “d 480 .3956 â€20c McGaffey -e, 'Troy, Tymll. \‘andecar. on an Villa Nova, Vittoria. Walsh It so! :11 Centre,. Zenda. ton i! puny expects in a, few gm. complete connection' with ,‘rise andent cOmpany in Inger- pleted about 800 subscribers in canal: rict. This will give connec' press! the independent lines fur: m SECTION 1 W0 24c 12c 45c 8c 4:0 $9 communb Mantles Carpets ' Dress Goods "and 3. om‘ept that given eutomuticeliy by Puwr mm a... the machinee at the central ofï¬ce. no "‘8 “‘1‘“ "10 k 1 too well known lowly to be The Women'- thet took piece - commented upon. TM“! is no humnn 0- agency. exqept a men's own bend. 9- 1‘91"- ". " M". John SWIM facts called in when he makes e. tonnec- tion. and there in no humnn My eating peper In! able to "butt in" end disconnect ‘ him or inten‘upt his conversation. The inventor looked alter those doc “Gt- :1, n. 'd 31- tails in I. marvellous wny. The re- it- ceiver of the telephone itself is the Thompson on 11- only disconnecting agent. the button ' send u‘. onthephomutheonlycdlngent. 811 It â€methane happens thnt the but; Mr. Sydney I tea is not used properly}. and from thin a few ill-founded complninte man'Whenthetelephonehns cm Yoneenmke plead the opention of making in connection the button should he 36 MIGBOYI ec- pressednndnot before. Tidal-inst U up Wgtmomamnmm ' Amt-by» I mispressedwae.theneuonthe Emu-1| m. Motherendwon’t ring. wane-the 1:6. Kinda!!! _ . ‘ AAA .‘. ‘d aw lth er- ant “poet. 1! a. machine doesn't work “ell. it‘s a. case or throw ( ut the machine. After a trial nt 18 months. however. it can be truly stated that the people of Brunttord are pretty well satisï¬ed with the machine phone. It. has given what men in the trade can ., 95 per cent. service. That is. 95 per cent. of the people who ,use the telephone never appear in the complaint list. the oth- er ï¬ve per cent may. Analyze the ï¬ve per cent. further and it will be found that it is not always the tele- phone. but line trouble. or some out- side causes. which are to be icoked for in a, large and bQSy system. How- ever. no lightning storm. or no out- side agGDCy of any kind has yet suc- Ceeded in paralyzing for the space of even half an hour a. large block of machine phones..'l‘he service has been proof positive age-inst any such con~ tingency and it all lies in the inven-l tion perfected by Hours. Lorimer‘ Bros. It is a matter oi astonishment ‘thut what appears to be such an in- tricste invention very seldom goes wrong. but it is a matter 0! record that it doesn’t. However. an expert stall is always kept on the trouble line. The mlnute anything goes wrong it. is known and given prompt attention. Subscriber! m celled up at regular intervuis. and asked on to how their telephone is working. Their remarks on token down end record- ed. It la this “mum: to tho public. this dour. to give “mutation. that hm: helped a. whqlo lot. to populu-Ixo the machine phone In Bruttord. 1N STR l: OTION S . The duck!» MAO! the machine I u-‘ W" - phone and the “0% tint the um himself opontol Mn own tndlogtor no as ‘0 can the: number he wants. no this without. any add or undatmco. Bargains Lawns méEnmg and the “Minds!“ LINDSAY om; mason. my 9. I9“ Two Deaths-OHIO! héme in amazes- M '1" I ,indsay. ronto friends. 311'. Lewis Letts ldt on Wednesday for Lindsay. where he gwill spend a few days with relativu More leav- {or Lindbay, where no pun am few days with relativa before louv- ing for his home in W. Sank. The Ladies’ Aid social held 0n ceasful fJnction. The program was splendid and refreshments «pally good. VThoae assisting in the enter- tainment were: Recitation by Miss Eileen Kerr; solo, with banjo accom- paniment. Mr. Thou. Guy; relation, Miss Home Robson; imtrumonul. Mina Alma. Poul-on; reading, Mr.‘ Robertson; instructional. by I-‘euelon1 l-‘nlla orchestra; reading. mu Cow- lea: solo. mu Dolly Mon; club swinging. mas Pearl uuloton; mt. mutton. Mina Muy Ellery; Scotch aulu. Mr. Dave XcCllmue; orcheum aolectkm; recitation. Man. A. Pad; mdm‘ Mr. Ralph Hardy. Mr.’ W. McArthur wry Mndly untamed m the Numm by I‘M‘orlng lehmnne good m‘nmophone solemn“. .Mthmmh the 1‘»th wan wry has) n mm“ mum! ‘numdm. um! um man tor mo owning Mnmuuod m â€In“ Tendon The “mum «mathm MW «gun wound m mmm. mmv uawkm. kw Nu wwkm {\lm MNM mm“ ta mum trlmdu tn mama. \‘Mm‘lu Hurluw Mm ‘l‘unmm tur a I‘m» “Mm \h'tk slum Noam hi spending a to“ mm: m ‘Nmnm. A van and “widen! occurred in 1mm but week. when NHL Worth- ington and autumn Nollie zm‘ “Wu". hmh were Mdomfl at Ux- bridge. but tur me put. tow weeks were at the homa of Ir. and Mn. 'i‘huu. \leuiory. at town. Mrs Worth- ington had became in about. hm weeks ago with ; bod «mi: 0! pneumonia. to which nub locoumboai on Wednesday. (in 'l‘huradsy Mina Nollio. whu has been in only a, tow days with heart trou'blo. passed away Franklin. Fob ï¬-Mr. Jas. Splor bought a {me two year old colt from Mr. John Crawford a short time ago for which he paid the sum 0. 3210. Mr. Thomas Stewart had the mis- fortune to have his driver hurt while driving on the slippery roads. :3 ‘ Mr. Thomas Thombson and wife gt. tended the wedding of Miss McLaugh- lin. of Cartwright. last week. Their daughter. Miss Lilly. also attended. and played the wedding march. Mr. James Spier and Mr. attended the oyster supper a n.\' Note the happy faces pastas out our door during our February saloâ€" 40c boys' fleece-lined Underwear {or 25¢. M B. J. Gough’a. Valentin. Feb. 4.-â€"Mr. John Brown spent sundmv at Isley, Mr. J. neemtsh. of Jackson. Mlch.. has been visiting his sister Mrs. John Dances In the put week. Miss 1.. Shape has returned to Vslentle. after spending e week with Isles and Csmbrsy Meade. ‘ . As. A -__A_D-_ the 0M “’ "n“ ' people have been ‘ o! it. mu Hum“: G" with Mend- 111.0“! We no so"? ‘0 ' II‘I“y wâ€"â€" - F†Mr. Joseph rogue Ind the mister- tuno of loving n ham Inc week. The wonhor hu bean tu-ontile tor the open ulr rlnk and mo yum mm» have been taking “iv-am p.30: Rev. fir. Chapman. in mm lam-with the In grippo fl mt. - AR‘II‘- â€"--‘I p, A. Robson spot a a with relative. in town. Cresswnll Idt on Fridty for FRAN KLIN "It? on Friday for her VAL :NTIA. mud-sly 1‘“ night. Oahu 1: mm“ thl vicinity. Mossom Mr. John Brown ‘. J. Fania that out bridge on Friday and on Sunday the internal: took plm. The amp-shy of ï¬le whole community is extended to the not-rowing (ugly in their double loos. (igys with Pomboro friend'- ing: E. Robson returned home from I‘ewboro on Saturday. .Mrs. L. prnlay entertained the We Trampl u: her home on Ihursday eijng uni a very pleas- Miss undersea spent a few days of last week the guest at Ill-3.11103. Sedler. - Mr. W. McCarty spent lest week in Win-ton on business. ‘ Miss Ester Mitchell returned home tram, Toronto on Wednesday. 'flle young gunmen of the Metho- digt church entertained about 66 of their (ï¬ends on Fridey to u bin- quet. The Wt wu uncanny de- ‘ coreted' ma splendid music wu given‘ ‘by the orchestra. Mr. 8. N. Terrill otflcleted .3 tout mum ton-Abe evâ€" ening. The tout “It wu as follows; "Our (‘oumn-I" by Rev. J. Bedtord; "Our Guests.“ by Hr. n. Barge"; "our Friends.†by W. n. Moore. “Imam.†by Mr. E. Johnston»; "Our Mug.†by Mr. E. him; â€Our Home.†by Mr. A. W. 1mm; "our Rug.†by Hr. W. Northey. Rev. Mr. Kenn-I o! Sonya. will conduu m9 npechl ran-yer mum In N. Anduw‘n church nun week. (Mr local “muster. wm also .mm. Nev. Mn French In winning In “mm mm m Man. A. J. (mum CM non .lnek. in \‘Muw thn‘v Mum "Ml “wk. Mn um Wham. ot lluuhumm. upon “why a! Na Mu» In mum "It; Harry. Nahum upon! In! weak Wm: Mud. «a W‘omto‘ Mr. â€M NH. ‘l‘hol. Memory nth-- etl homo Mm UVhfld‘o an Manama Mul- “twain \ho Numl ut urn. Worthmflon and mu Nome Worth match. which wok place on Sunday Min Edith “and 1m on 'I‘uoudny ta mama duties at. aluminum. Al» abut“. ï¬r} r: Hménm m‘ \\‘Mmhw m â€Mm“ ‘ Mr. A. E. F. l‘nny. 0! Port Hope. In! been "Warm to the Hunt real Bunk In" In Falelon Falls. Rom Mr. Stoolo. of (“emu-m. at leaded ovangounlc not-vim hold in St. Andrew's church on Tuesday. Zion. Penelon. l-‘eb. 6.â€"-â€"Mr. 'l‘ru- man and Miss Violet Brown Visited their cousins here. Mr. John '1‘. \‘i'orsley. uoi i-‘enelon Falls is at present visiting with {Hanan here tor a few days. Mrs. P. J. Pothick held a birth- day party on Monday evening in honor of her son Mr. Walter Poth- ick's birthday. The guests number- ed about thirty. . Mrs. Arthur drove to Lindsay on Friday to visit her aunt Mrs. War- ren Worsley for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Pnrkin and daughter Miss Thelma visiwd at the home oi Mr. .u‘ksoy {or a couple of Some of the men here are very buy getting out telephone poles {or the rural line they purpose to put up next. spring. Mr. Cecil md Mina Dormhy Brown fluted their cousins at West 0p- tor a tow duya. 'l‘ho young men hm purpou or- nnm an adult mblo clu- tor all the men In tho locality on ~Wodnu- m owning. um um. u m noun; 0! Hr. Wm. Pukln. Mr. Herbert Worthy drove up to Linda“ on End-w. '0! I.“ the ï¬t ‘0‘ mun U“ 0| sown Nofluad. Fob. 5â€"3 in with plug. live hthy. And you should tiny- w in mind lei. of the Northwest. m hero for. the malnu- 0! your mutt. 1mm will whammm . -L .. 3...“... .1 u. North._ When you drop out. o! slum." o! ZION. FENELON slwtt, of m Xd' “an Hockey Manager (To the Editor of The Warden lie-r Sinâ€"Will \ou kindly allow me a. small space in yout. valuable and wldelv clrculwod paper. to ante . few Inca re the hockey much pl†- ed gt Klumounl; on Snturdu nlg‘ht. January 2801 'lhls m the return InnlCh bet ween the Hullbm‘lon and Klnmounl lama, to which gour Klu- mount cormpomlem matured in a late lune at tho Wnnlor ma «count or the game mumâ€: at leul one ,lrhlhlul Wllon. um lI "lhnl we “we balm and lulrly Wen' llml ho flopped here I would have made llw mmun Inlnlnko cl (1qu Mm “a gunman.“ lle mm "A lam «um «um (mm nonhuman M Ma) Klnnmunl on llml «\mll‘ul PAGESStoD Mum.“ hm tell. to hole the romp» ; Hun wlurh mun meted out In the vmml. ugmre «annually In the “W «Hen. Nth gunman-Ion. nlr. l alum1 lsrletly an pun-flue «ml wlth ml: Nut-e ul‘ the «no. ‘ ml our «wind at Klummuu tlw lmllm. mule uwm‘wllw ln number. cum-lull“: ol‘ the wlwu. alutm «ml luuy hands at the gentlemen pumun u‘ \lw emu-cl “alarm to. lmwuedod u! once to the hotel to warm and I'Mreuh Ihemuelvea. ‘l‘he‘v immediately «ml unmunonloualy walked mm the ulltlng room. all they had done on pNVIOUI melon. but they were at «moo doomed to disappointment by llrolmr promptly ordered out. For the remainder o! the any the ladies were nhllged to walk back and forth on the loo end snow in order to keep tram May. This fact cells forth the uncaring remake 0! your corres- pondent. when he awn. "alter the gum the pertlee from Bellburtou looked very blue.†How else could they be expected to look after spend- ing to long . time on the lee in the cold ? He talks about “chronic kick- uxd "sports with sldehme," hut thou boy! are thankful they were early taught their duty to their fellow-men and not ellowed to grow up u: lguornnoe. in eplte of age and unbalance. voice of Conductor Bowhey called out "all aboard." and as engineer Ralph was moving- forward his pou- derouc need, we were .ctndly gsked “to we“ {or _auppor." "Ye Gods and mac ashes.†and no supper in sight. After the gum- we took our places on the train. and after the amorous Contrast, It you please the n.bovc tramxent with the mane:- ln which our team tmted the Kinmount boy. when they played the much at Wharton. who we paid for their supper. bod und bro-Mm and also settled for the brains: window pan. 1!. the Lucas House. lowing advice to our blower upon-u: ;'ln nailing o'er the m of “to. fly brother. do not think I! you should Ion-o we PW ‘ craft. t'd go to wreck and link. Don't teal that you W unearth and all that in it Men. And hold g chute! morn.“ on tho plum In the man. You no but a. any we drop of MaKes a Reply ,q, and mum ad. 0! r. 6, 1°11. 'PRFSENTATION T0 LINDSAY TEACHER The Parry Sound North Sm prints the following flea-n. which re- ters to a. Linduy young Indy. mas Annie Nicolson. voucher at Roo- mu. who was kindLv numbered by her public school puplls, who pro- secuted herpelth a small gm and tho follows-lug nddreas: Ill-s Nlcolaon, who has uughl In the unlor room for the put. (our months. has won the genuine good- wlll 0! her pupils. at whlch the fol- lowing nddr‘eu and prosecution l. unflhle evldmce : ’l‘o um Annle Noolm :- Dar ratchetâ€"We haw lam wlth gum ml \hnt 5m: an ghoul. no law our whool‘ You hnwhnm our \mehn‘ tar only a tow monlhu. ‘hul 9w“ la \hu nhorl law you haw mm u nun plan lu our IM Noam l‘mlor your whine. n hgw haunt m uh a «m law on! in our ulmllm «ml lu value lhuu nu h Imullun luv lha dullou ot llle‘ We Ihnll ever («lethally ro- umuhu‘ your umlrlna. "lacuna: and lmluwa in humming law “on: and we hope mm mm my chat-inn ammo plenum. mountin- at your. «patience among us. is who of all the worry and annoy- um we may nomoumeu hue mar And now. dear teacher. :8 n say good-bye. we «neatly uish you every {uppineus in all your future “to. and w ask you to act-opt our little gift as a token of our respect and good wishes. Signed on behalf of the school. Goodwin Fleming. Fleming Young. Seguin Tulor. Clara Fleming. Miss Nicoison was taken quite by surprise end was much mmed by this expression of respect and anec- tion on th rt of her pupils. She thanked em hurtily for their kindness assured them that ehe would preierxe both address and gift amoug her most cherished trea- sures. BLAXIILA mama. Feb. Hun-terly meeting Wu unnerved in the Methodist. church on Sunday. ReV. Mr. Dupnu conduc- ted the meetings. Clark township. was the visitor at Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Edwards last week. Q Ira. W. H. Robinson, of Uxbrid‘ve. spent the week and the guest of Mr. of the late ï¬r. mm. 0! son- ya. consisting o! 176 acres for tho mm of Ion-1y m thanund dollars. no tuxe- M“ 1m. luck. We Huh ï¬r. and In. Hurt-on m' succm in their new home. )1". Wm. Smith. 0! Cherrywood. up.» part at last week the vtdtor at Mr. and Mrs. W. Dixon. 3:. Ir. 1“. Pittman. of Toronto. we over Sunday with {floods in Min Emma Cohan. ox 'l'orunua. came hone to nurse her mother who I. manly 1!! 0! heart trouble. ï¬ar dun friend. will mt. $0 lent-a of her actions condition. sad amt: hope. for her speedy recov- m‘INED wom TH OVER 1188 IT. Shame hammer blow: on pl! pricesâ€"085 Goon Coats (gr $66. 51.00 9mm George Cocoa is M, ad In. Harmon WU? their new home. 'm. Smith. 0‘ Cherrywood. L of mm week the "tutor 0‘ In. W. Ditch. 3"- . Puma-son. of TorontO. r Sundur with (floods in VChapman, of Kirby. ’ was the visitor 0‘ at B. J. Gout“. ‘. of Toronto. will noon be WORLD