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Watchman Warder (1899), 5 Feb 1912, p. 3

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l_\' holding it!“ u\'? from the a". muzzmon and poor to 1'00]. Do u When it is entire- mut half an hour. mmflh (0 hold D- .eed from a tort ‘uer platter. It‘ll- ad will be found foam and, all, answer this an m; u: cinnama. ‘ into bits and put 1! sugar and cook biy on a gas and» pd low. for about minutes until the test snrt or a bill L, (Toronto) openâ€" t for free 1919 lmanac of town, expat. hipped some time hantams to Hr. any appliedâ€"m black polish that re heat. Equal); apes. grates :- Virginia. and .pped a pair to with any itching. in disease can place jock Blood Bitters matter what other Ltine, W'hite Had. :been bothered With mds for two ya“. I not know W115“- '9 :tors and evug Wm KS. 50 I g°t the: :ad the second “50" ‘ now to-day I an - .1221; :1 b8” cu,- r. one cupfnl d ter the slzq of n does not carry ve PolishJendu ad we will and t '1: mail. 35 :big gest -shmm g sh on the L-bRu-oo pro- ALL EASBS 1C, harm,“ o ck Bitters HE lives ‘- 15, 1912.- of Bakersfield, M ABEL. i‘ Fay“ tion on threat E J. 1;.Edwards 81.60. IDDDDBBDDDD Lindsay Branch, H. A. HOLMES, Manager. A legal 6% Investment for trust funds CAPITAL. - $10,000,000 REST, . -ss,ooo.om THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, to be operated by any one of the number or by the survivor. A joint account of this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the money after death, and is especially useful when a man desires to provide for his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will receive deposits of $1 and upwards, on which interest is allowed at current rates. There is no delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Smali deposits are welcomed. ‘234 SIDED perience diffieulty in obtaining a 81ft, legal investment paying a high rat e of interest. This dificulty can be overcome by buying First ‘1'? tgu~s on improved Saskatchewan Farms. We have a list of the best obtainable in Saskatchewan. We guarantee the safety of- your for booklet, “A Safe Investment." 4 \ NATIONAL FINANCE 26 Wellington St. E. Toronto, Ont. THURSDAY. .mdamewy‘l‘éfh. @911; DepqaitorswithCompmyue co rdall: I! tend the Animal H/aetin’gfihoughnét" , g . Notice is hereby given that the Slijfinth annual Meet- ing‘ of the Shareholders of the Company will be held in the Council Chamber, Lindsay, on Monday, February 5th, 1912, at two o’clock PAL, to , receive. the Annual Report and Financial Statement of the sfi'sn‘sof the Comptny highs: pass year, to elect Directors, and to transactgfngcy.’ IO” b-Jsiness'as may be brought‘before’thdMo'e'fin’gfi? A'sfnn tendance of the Shareholders in rednestod , i. g" 11) m 3 o’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock. Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business transacted. , Savings Department at every Do You Ned a New Cross Cut'Saw ? Branch. Capital Paid Up Rest ' Undivided Profits Efik Mm SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.. LLD.. 03.1."! ALEXANDER LAIRD. GENERAL Mm 03!“ Hours 009 NEW HARM! STRAIGHT BACK SAW KING FEB. 15, ESTABLISHED 1817 $2.50 H. B. Black, {<32 $I4,887,570 $15,000,000 $1,855,185 $3,742,755 Next to consumption there are' more "dea‘ths from pneumonia than from fin! {omalunguoume ' ‘There?onlyontiwal'WPRWIIt mumuita‘ppean. Dt.Wood'a NmypineSyx-upwilldothisqnickly mdefiectively. ‘ ‘ Mr. Hugh McLeod. 33mm sat, mH'Mylittleboytookamyoem muditdzvdopedmtomm Thedoctorsaidhewouldmtliye. I“ some of your Dr. Wood'st‘Pho mwumwmw in} man’s Painless Com and Wart Extractor. Sold by druggists. The best way to clean patent leather shoes is. after removing all the dirt. to wipe them over with a soft cloth dipped in milk. Polish with a. dry cloth and you will have a bright. polish. besides preserving the leather. Town of Lindsay in the County 0! Victoria; thence lnortherly through the 'l‘ownlhipa of Opt, Fendon, E)- don. Garden. Bexley, Digby, Latter- worth, Anson and linden, to the waters of Ionatsin Lake in linden township, crossing the Grand Trunk Railway at a point in the township or Eldon or Bexlcy or such other point as may be necessary ; (b)jVith ACTS QUICKLY ON CORNS, SORE FOOT LUMIS, CALLOUSES. It’s .a. new wrinkle for comaâ€"a painless remedy that quickly .removes the «Born. Don't doubt it, this is a. de: 1 sure thing, lifts 'em out. quickâ€" roots and branches. No pain, . no gear, no more sakes or pads. J list apply Putman's Painless Corn Extractor, 25¢ a. bowie. Substitutes pay tne dealer best.” "Putman's" pays you because it rids your feet of coma. Take'no other but Put- dust to dry. This, method leaves no scratches or marksot any kind. , To wash brushes and combs. put a teaspooni‘ui of ammonia tn a basin of hot water and dip the brush up and down in it. letting the comb remain in the water for a few minutes. In this way all the grease will disappear and after rinsing in cold water both brushes and combs will be perfectly clean. power to construct branches or ex- tension: at points along the said route to connect with any other rail- wey'now built, or that may hereafter be built in proximity thereto, or to connect with navigcble waters; (c) With power to operate the said rail- Helpful Hints. Jewelry can be successfully cleaned by washing it in hot soapsuds in which a little ammonia has been dis- solved. Shake 011‘ the water and lay the jewelry In a‘smu box of fine saw- wey by steam, electricity,‘or other- wise, and the right to develop such energy by the construction of dams, power stations. and all other neces- sary appliances. and to dispose 0! any surplus energy thereof ; ((1) With the right to purchase, acquire. lease or negotiate power or energy "from any commissiou, company, or cor- pontion for the purpoe o! operat- ing said railway; (e) To cross any river or stream along the route by briilg'es as may be required; (1') 'Do build, equip, and navigate boats. scours. or other vessels upon Homi- own any other railway or parts there“. or to .malgamate with oth- er companies; (1) To make traffic both height and passenger arrangements with any other electric or steam railway; (5) And for all or any or the purposes aforesaid to acquire. own, lease, purchase and hold in. d and franchises, and to make an ex acute ell such agreements and Con tracts as may be necessary and ad- visable lrom time to time with any individual, company corporation municipality or other body of z-er- ;'(k) And with diner usual and customary powers given to railwews JOHN H. DELAMERE, DOCTOR SAID HE WOULD NOT LIVE; “in Lelia and the waters connected therewith, and to build wharves, sheds. warehouses, and such other structures as \may be necessary for the accommodation of such naviga- tion , (g) To construct,‘ equip, own, maintain and operate telephone lin- e’s, and to charge tolls tor the use thereof; (11) To purchase, lease. or DEVELOPED INTO PNEUMONIA Solicitor for Applicanta my Pine’ wnf not be absorbed. so there Is no move rixbt fear or making the water too soft, as My child. only a certain degree can be dchIevea ‘ M", In this direéfion; ' - ‘ 17302:):th the nds,becomo Ir ELI 92% W* m 4 W _:cu _____ ouâ€" Ont-m 1 ‘Salc Saturday, Feb. 17, I912 contests. lost his life in a peculiar way here last night. The owner of the bird, passed by, wearing a. I017 itaire diamond ring. The rooster saw the ring, made a. sub for it, but operated on. The operation was successful but the rooster never ral- The evening was spent 'in dancing and card playing until the wee sma' hours. when all returned home. re- porting Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were com- pletely taken by surprise, Mr. Wil- son replying with a few we‘ll chosen words, thanking their many friends for the most beautiful gift. efficient manner and read a ‘ neatly worded address, while 1 Olive Graham presented the gift. BIRD 0F SACRIFICE. $200 ROOSTER SWAILOWED A $300 DIAMOND. ‘ Washington, Fob._ 7.-A. fine yous tovirn on Monday and renewed his subscription to The WatChman-Waxd- er for another year. For fifty-{our years Mr. Neil has been a reader of this favorite wealth], having first subscribed when it was under the name of the Omemee Warder. The old gentleman is halo and hearty, despite his new years, and The Warda' only hopes to have him as a subscriber for another half cen- REMEMBERED BY FRIENDS. A most enjoyable evening was spent at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. ' G. Graham. Glenblgâ€"st” last. evening, when about seventy of their friends were gathered together, at which gathering Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilson, of Thornhil,, Mam, were pre- sentedlwith a. beautiful mantle clock by their nieces and nephews of Lind- say. Mr. Walter Graham acted in the capacity of chairman in a very For Eye lrritetlen. When one is forced to work under 1 light that is placed too high for eye comfort and cannot be readily adjust- ed it is far better to use an opaque green shade over the eya than to al- low the sight to become permanently injured. ‘ A good quality of these can be pur- chased at your stationer’e for the mod- erate sum of 25 cents. and the relief you will find ln them will be more than worth the small expense. Should the eyes become Irritated near the eyelash use a wash of lake- warm sterlllzed water, having diluted therein as much'boric acid as the wa- ter wlll take up. ' . One can grepal'e'e pint bettieofthk andhaveltre'ndytoruaaetenytime. Theonlywthhgw would‘he to place'thehotfleiln enactment w;- a. ter, sou nuke 1t mrmbetore Should ‘3 white sediment form at the bottom of the bottle in crystal form the infusion is by no means spoiled. as this is only a very small anti-a quan- fltrof the boric “acid which hasheer absorbed by the waterand mm m ‘ way harmful. More than a certain Quantity. say -1 heaped teaspoouful to a pint of watch Carlo“! horses. works-s. 25 Horses, workers and dtimu. 26Dnir-ycowatlLinull- Brawn gelding. 7 years. heavy. Brown gelding. 10 years, work'r. Bu geldingk 4 past. by «Hague, Bay mm. extra. fine driver, ago 5. Span navy matched mare c0113. New Cutter. last carload. 2 Km colts rising 8. by imfiorted Mower. any price. good repair. 25 Wooden buckets. any price. Set. of sleigh: in gobd rep-4r. Pure-bred Yorkshire boar. 4 Set single harness, new. 6 Robes, any price. got 2-1 Rawhide whips. any price. cows, 3.11 young'and in most enjoyable (Welling Mpion of my 1, 15 hands. and departed well “timed. Wet-den Steele, 01 mover, Reeve, Bubcock, of Lindsay, and Reeve Tolmie, of Fonelon, returning to-day. Premiu- Borden said that the es- tahliahment , of good' roads was primarily a nutter of pronincial jur- isdiction. More, it was obvious that the government had a genuine interest in the subject in proposing, as it did, to make grants for the purpose. The condition of roads in Canada was not what should be ex- pected. The civilization 0! a peo- ple was often indicated in its high- Gentlemen: We, yourBou-d 0! Di- rectors. beg to submit our report and I-‘inancml Statunent for the year ending slat December. 1911, being our 17th annual report... We com- menced the year with 4282 pOIicies HOME AGAIN. A deputation 1:th waited on the Government at Ottawa to urge co- operation in the development of year there were 1480 expiring and cancelled policies insuring $2,294,- 420, leaving in loroe 4682 policies covering 87,346,356. New business for the year is $814,554. Our sur- plus is as follows: Cash in bank, $340.80; mortgages $11,875; sc- crued interest $501.53; short data notes $2,678.59 ; total surplus $20,- 896.92; our assets are $224,109.03. For the seventeen years we have been in business we have averaged a saving of 31,229 ear year. In re- ferring .to the past year you willsee in tome, covering 86,511,802. We iqsued during the year 1850 policies, insuring $3,128,976. During the ways. The supplementary estimates '1' '5'" "J ' ' ’1‘] would provide grants to the various , t t ”E for ' H y 'days. 5 . . “toot toot of the engine as it up- provmces ior the purpose, but he in- ed tat' t h timnted plainly that the money p : _t as 101,1 3. sue an E”- ly hour in the evening was a. sudden would be for construction, and not rise t f 't' for maintenance. In doing the form- surp ° 0 many 0 our m wens. er. the' government would exceed the . . . HE LIKES IT. . .A. . 3 l 1 EN Act but dong-nothing more Mr. rge B oil has finished than its duty. Details of method * ' . his tour of the town, as ‘ollector of outlay had not yet been deter- ‘ . . ' (or them Fair Carnival. and mined. but it would be by co-operâ€" . . ntiou with the provinces. looks. well, wnsxdermg the arduous There wet-enema three hundred'deleâ€" dluty’rot 3, “wt "Imofwl‘c :mdeons 10: 3““ and. M "pm‘m‘d' "'- i‘m- dnyl ot'sport -’ ‘ ‘Wons in Ontariound. ,Qui- ' ' ‘hac “um“ tm immm E - in ‘~ ' t,“ Abmkinnmturalgumgnshut Dunedin his I" I '1’ ' - down nearly all M in Windsor NDTETEEN YEARS THE STAN- DAR-D. Prescribed .nd mended for wamen'l filmelta. s ““5“”! prepared remedy of prom worth. The remit of their use a quick and bailout malts. The President. 11:. Wm. Lombrough. has been an ef- ficient member during the you: also, and worthy o! commendation. At the annual meeting held Wed- nesday President Lownsborough. in his fez-rink .to the past year you willsee ea, as you will find in the detailed Batman?” The retiring Dirwtors ere Edwin Hark, W. Lownsborough, W. J. Beecroft, and Thea. Davey, an of whom are eligible for re-election. follows: mLownsbx-ough. President, Lind- say , Edwin Mark, Vice-President, Little Btitain; R. G. Corneil, Soc- retaryb’rrmurer, Lindsay; Direct- oreâ€"Wm. Lownsbrough, Lindsay; 1. H. Comil, Omemee; Wm. Fell. of Bury's Green; Edwin Mark, Little Britain; John ‘ Suggitt, Cameron; T. B. Young. Peterboro; W. J. Bee- croft, Woodville ; Wm. Magoo, J unet- ville; W. 8. Graham, Mount. Pleas- ant; 11303. Robertson, Dunsford ; T. ENGLISHâ€"NEWMAN â€" At the resi- dence of Mr. J. B. Robertson, 0! I ocklin. on Wednesday. Feb. 7. 1912, by Rev. J. M. Whyte, Mr. an. no rub on W the truth gags}! w Wm. English, of Donald. and Miss Mary Ellen Newman, of Loci-11in. RENTERâ€"PARKER - On the ‘ 7th, / at Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, 'by the‘ Rev. 1". Louis Buber. Gardner Stuart Hunter. of Verulun. and Laura Parker, of Harvey, ”UK "'5‘ ,,, m-__ __, acted by the Ema-n. "K. of K." him- Iolf has never eith‘i-v "admitted or do- med,” During the mu be m a Wool- ‘vlcflcfildet. and in we Ion“; nation he ‘ mamnyznomanm-n. any. to rub up his xreheb. Nara-t 5'“ KW rrenoh w 3199th 13 1.. receive the W W “for [mm «flied filth Lb. Mel: army in 187“: hut. though "3 aétofthb mko' nw‘otun becau- r. Marte"s Female Pills old MARRIAGES. ; S. Deyell, Peberboro. rrenoh W 1 ’m‘ °‘ A break in . natural gas min shut' downwlyallhctorio'stnwmdsor Pi “X wwmmwm 0‘ Four rinks from Bobcaygeon paid a visit to Peterboro and played in the first games this man for the Fitrgerald-Bottum Shield, which Haliburton, had the misfortune to severely hurt his leg wgfle coating is oble to move about on crutches, a lag in this: saw mill. Mr. Peder but it will be some time before he will be able to resume work. was carried on last year by the Bob- caygeon stone sliders. In the four games for the shield the " Little Bob.” players secured a lead of four- teen shots. The return games will Bill, in the hunting of big game. IN POST OFFICE. mu Form, of Lindsay. has me- cepted the position of assistant in be played the day before the Bob- caygeon bonspiel, thus allowing the players to stay over and partici- pate in those contests. ARRIVED ON TIME. Haliburton correspondent‘to Illin- den Echo : The train arrived nearly on time last Monday morning (or the first time for many days. . The “toot: toot” o! the engine as it up- prouhed the station at such an ear- ly hour in the evening was a sudden surprise oto many of our citizens. Mr. Angus Watt. the former popu- lar host of the Watt house, of Hul- iburton, has decided to go into fruit tuning and with that object in view has purchased a‘ fruit farm in the Niagara Peninsula. ANOTHER WOLF SCALP. Mr. James Austin, 0! Hindon town- ship. was’in town Saturday with another wolf scalp dangling from his belt and making nflidnvit for the government bounty. says the linden hares. though colloquially known as cottontuils. One zealous Galt \hunt- er hadt to pay $5 to get this infor- mation. he being told by the police Local devoteés of hunting should beware of uhooting cottontaila, as they are now out of season. Legal- A NARROW ESCAPE. Mr. Thomas and Miss Lucy Maugh- an, of Tory Hill, Halibut-ton, drove out to their home at Essonville re- cently and narrowly weaped being hurt. in an accident on the road, when a whiflletree broke and a por- tion of it was thrown back with such force that it broke through the dashboerd of the cutter. BOUGHT FRUIT FARM. HUNTERS BEWARE. ONLY ONE AGAINST. Rev. J. =M. Whyte, Superibtaendent o! Hothodist Kissions in Halibut-ton. reports that in all the Missions only Echo. If Mr. Austin keeps he he soon will be as famous as Hon. W. F. Goody, better known as Bufialo one number of the various Qatar-ter- ly Boards voted against church un- ion. Bobcaygeon at Peterboro ; 3 It Pays The Housewife is the genuine“MontreaJGmulzted”â€"absolutely pure, spun-thug crystals of the most inviting appuuaoe. Ask your grocer for 1 20 lb. bag of ST. LAWRENCE , GRANULATED -- also sold g by the barrelandin 100 lb. bags. I% no use the but sagaâ€"beans: pom-sugar manspoorcooking. OF CANADA Saturday‘s market was 9001‘! represented on Saturday. The ex- tremg cold kept many away fro- town~toâ€"day. and empty “N“ greeted the tow Pm, m“ “.9 to procure a weekly supply from “'9 merry fumem' wives. Potatoes are still advancing in price. Most bins are assuming an upward turn. Bed quertersmhddnttrom 8 to 10 cents, pork also retaining the lack. week prices of 10 and 12 cents for front and hind quarters. Two loch were oflered and met ready sale from eager purchasers. Following ere tho THE LINDSAY MARKETS quotations : Math «flour 89 b“!- Apple. 81 to 81-50 per b.8- Boet cattle $5 to 86-50. STINSON -- On the 5th. in Verulaln John Stinsou aged 101 years. NICfiOLLS - 0n the 7th, in Var- ulam, Elizabeth Jean Nicholle, in- tent child 0! Herbert Nicholle. Wheat, spring, 85c bus. Rib rout 15c lb. Rye 95c bus. Shorts, retail, $1.35. Sirloin tuck 18c lb. Spare ribs 3 lb. for 25¢; Sage per bunch 6c. Stfl' 85 to to par load; Timothy $5 to 87 par bus; Butter, dairy, 29c to 32¢. Barley 75c and 85c bu. Buckwheat, £06 busier. Brut, cwt. $1.25. Cream 15 to 80¢. Choelo 16 to 18¢- flour, Inuitoba, ’8. Grass seed 87. Goose, 15c to 17¢. 3”, per ton, $14 to 816. my bailed, ‘16 ton. Hides, cow, 8c lb. Hides. calf. 10c lb. Hides. sheep, 500 to 75¢ each. Lard 15 to 18¢ lb. Lamb, 12 to 15¢ 1b. 0“.- 42¢. Oats. rolled. $2.65 per cwt. Honey 12c lb. Hens 90c pair, 10 to 15c 11). Hogs. per cwt. $6.25. Hogs, dressed, 88.50. Head cheese 2 tbs for 25¢. Onion. 81 bus. Pork, fronts 11c ; hind: 12§c lb. Potatoes 1.40 to 2.00 bag. Pea, lug: 81.10 bus. Chickens 12} to 18¢.- Ducks. 156 and 18c lb. little. 8-!» to 86 per pair. PAGE m , 81 but.

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