nary. lund here '1’ White 5, each male of good bl with lace, ass- and all extra 221: "M11 rtment of waists lte linen waists and all sizes. ally nice cial each $1 ARKETS. icago Wheat Futures râ€"Live Stockâ€" Quotations. , iiiâ€"Wheat tu-day t severe decline in . Bearish sentiment ed owing to contin- and :0 lower cables. -he close was 1 1-86 azurday's level. Corn l-BC down, oats of! hogs products less 31’: [0 10C. arket closed to-day on lower than Saturday, (1 lower. Paris wheat wer, Antwerp 54c low. er, and Budapest 2’50 eo Optionc 12h. Low, Close. 0.036. 'L‘a 20133. l01§§b 101 H32, 11:115. lollï¬b 101 '33’43 1112151 1021131) 102 'l‘o-day, Yest- To-day.Yesf. .rain Market. -el ........ $013 to s... Shel ..... 393 o... I ........... l 05 .... ........... 0 50 0 5 . ........... 0 90 0 § ........... i‘ 713 0 15 ........... l 10 I 13 1 ........ o 63 0 65 airy Market. usury, lb. 0 34 0 3 lb. rolls. 0 36 0 38 Ilids 0 38 .... ........... 0 28 0 3 ........... 0 161,5 0 17 L ........ 2 30 3 as b ......... 013 .... ........... C‘ 30 ... ......... 0 45 ... m and rroduce. b. 13.â€"In butter. tho er a. good. steady de- de is passing in egg ï¬ll. with a. fairly 3003 'o. 2 yellow, 76c. est am. No. 2. 53x“ to rn, \‘o. 3, 51%c to 53¢ Kc to 531:; No. 2 10¢ No. 3 local white, 500 white, 49c to 4959c. 1.02 to 31.08. m 2.0 I“. arm; when: parents, “.210 strong bnkers‘ choice, 31. $6 to 86.10: to “.zso do, ls, 85.6; bag of 90 113..9 . shorts. 328; in“. . $28 to 334. ton. cur .ots. ‘13 D . ems. 1553c to 153601 to 150. reamery, 330 to “of ‘selected. 38c to 400; car lots. $1.70 to $1.9. attolr lulled, $9.76 to $9.30. (19. short out mess. inces. $22.30; Canado' rrels. 4.3 to 55 pieces.- r‘r e8. :75 lbs. 8’40: c I , \«l‘v; pure, tierces. ‘ Wow; pulls, 20 lbfl . 1‘0 lbs..$l=i.30: Plate; rain Prices. . . . . "Wheat-Spa; zoom \\ w ‘10 - .‘. _\l .1: LRL $3 livid- ' ‘ ~ '5‘. 31.1,» .5 J 6d. r.--:.:1:1. 11:11, 65 ll 7’4d: a, Yin-w, kilnâ€"dried, 6! ‘\.';1:'.-'; {1..- 1.1, May 68 DIS. ‘5. 'Iul “usiizo wisp, £10 15s rain Market. 'Iluseâ€"“'hea§ No 1 hard. . “.."3; \‘o - “north. 1). o \inoa; 3101:0- 86c to (SC. ~30 to 491430. l . 35 to $.30: sec- _ n $4.91}; first clears. ‘lears. $2..â€0 to $2.70. - in Market 13.~Spring when! m car loads stars '0. 2 red. 51.01%; No. hite. $1.01. 3 Yellow, 69c; No. I k tliru billed. 2 whlte, 36c; N0. , bite. 54%0- 17â€"4 _. of age, and Buy your Cottons, Linens Sheetings,†.... ‘, {‘1‘. : ‘ “.1’ *l““““¥ 11% lb Corset Covers Ladies’ Fine White Combric Cor- set Covm edged with torchon loco, ribbon run, m 34 to 4:4, price each ........................ 25;: Ladies’ White Muslin Corset Co" ers, trimmed with one row of 11 inch linen insertion, edged with in- sertion and lace to match ribbon and beading, ull'siz- es, price each ...................... c Night Gowns Ladies’ White Cotton Night Gowns, tine tucked yoke, long sleeves edged with ï¬ne embroidery button front, all silica. price 890 Ladies White Cambric Night ' ‘* . ~ ' Gowns, slip over or button front, ,~ ’ is. some with fine Swiss embroidered ‘ ‘ 3.0km, edged with imitation Bebe lrisn lace, short sleeves. others with long sleeVes and tucked yoke edged with embroidery, all $1 tion, edged $1788, price each. .......-... WORK mg m E. â€The Thief" was :CHILDREN‘S 1111 Two or Twitâ€"Cases Nee Careful Attention ' The Children’s Aid Society met in the council chamber «on Monday at 4.30 pm. The vac-President, Mr. John Rogers, in the chair, Tbs-e were present Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Geo. Rea, Mrs. G. A. Milne, Miss Wilkin- son, Mrs. â€Roma, Messrs. James Gillogly, G. A. Jordan, R. Kylie, Geo. Rea, Mr. Balfour, Chief Chilâ€" ton. and an Ensign representing the Salvation Army. Three cases came before the Soc- iety for consitbrntion. One hmily resides in the east ward, and from statements made by some of the speakers, a. deplorable state of ai- fairs exist. Another case -of a boy in the south ward who is bordering on 14 years who has played brunt for many weeks was discussed, but no conclusion was arrived at. Mr. Oliflord Scott, known in the theatrical world ins :Cliflord' Lane Bruce, scored .a. big success at the Acsduw to! Music Monday night in " The 'I‘hiet," ‘ in which production he plays the flooding part to a nice- ty. The chasm-e was crowded, there being «over lhailf a. hundred present from Fmelon Falls, at which resort Mr. Scott spends his summer . vaca- ï¬m. “ The Thief,†presented for the ï¬rst nine in'Lindsay, proved to be a. real, good, genuine play, and the various .actors took their parts well. Mr. Scott was given a. rousing re- ception ,and responded to repeated calls, and at the end of the second not expressed his heartfelt »’ thanks to the audience for the manner " in ‘ which he had been received. ' â€The play is electric, continuously, from the rise of the curtain to the .fall of the ï¬nal one. " The Thief †Itlhrills the spectator with 11' story based upon the foundation of allciV- ilimtianâ€"wedded love. It is a. play for women, of a woman in loveâ€"so . h Mr Rogers spoke in big terms deeply in love that she sinks to the‘ :1 thebeysdaprtituSde a: atizidenli, flew-e! of a. thief. This is theJJiVOt in in orfnile tte docie Y t e on which this great drama 'of human can pnwr 085 o 0 any more “can interest revolves < Four of those had been his wish to do. 11 t art the original caste It is probable Chief Chilton willliv 0 00k p in in New York city were seen in this look into the matter. city mt night, A third case came from Came-ran. L116 0nd Scott Who p ortrsyed the The mother being unable to port of Richard Ivoysin 33 well charge of her two children, 1 a buy. known to Lindsay citizens He is ‘ of seven years and a. girl of ï¬ve. C main. boy and received m dra- In the latter case the father of these metic education in Canada. - The children is a. wealthy tamper, but for inner in which he acted his part certain reasons will not recognize his last night is highly commended by oflsprings. critics REV. MT. 88.11011? spoke Of the MiSS Lucille Spinney 85 me 10“. cost word family, and said the wâ€" 198 Voygin, Richard's wife and the ‘ cuts were not ï¬t to bring up child- .. thief .. took that pm with so run. He spoke 0f the family bI’OlIS much feeling that often her audience and the domestic infelicity which would be on the verge of 437138- seemod to exist in the home, and when she would brighten up and ' advised the county to procure tears would be forced back. homes at :1 distance from the pur- There are six people in the com, em: and favored the opinion that penny and let. it be said here that Mrs? Sharpe should look after them. the other [out were evflcy bit as 111-. White said the father was on good as the «4 stars.†_ ' 1r.f‘.\j>1m511):1- person and thought the From curtain to curtain " The W “â€1“ “Wild be asked to 00m- Thief " held the spectators in a. grip 1‘ :1†Hâ€. Cl‘ii'l‘"‘)’l t° the care Of the of steel, not only by the strength of ‘ rvlrfrvn‘s .1211. ~ V†4. its story and its great human or" .m Tordan moved and peel but by the many surprising 1““ MF- F321! ~- ur seconded a. motion twists of the plot and the numerous Illa? Till Magistrate be asked tolscenes Wthh cg“ for acting of the cortzivzzt the children to the care of highest calibre. Lil†’~-l1‘v,\f\ . . 311.; .1 We ,3 badly handicapped- ;n 11-“ :c' k for want of a room to st. Dining granted for the bene- OPS COUNCIL 1‘1? Corneless children, and also â€"â€" where they can sleep Some important disclosures ‘ were 11-15.- o Lillng to secure foster homes. :mnde at Monday's meeting or the '1 > W ngs to mind the need of a. Ops township council. The case in ‘i‘A‘U r in town, to assist Mrs. point has reference to commission Sharpe who is untiring in her eflorts charged on monies Wm 1°, W i"1.3mm the status of the on the township highs and ne.‘Ilected children of the coun- ways. It opposite that the- com.- trsx She is worthy of more ass‘ist- missioner chased (WHY through 90141“ I'llu‘e udics' White Cambrlc Princess sups,wit§deeptuckedmuslinfl'lnz edgedwith torchon lsce,neck'edged« withlnceendbeeding, ell sizes, prlcsench..- ..... ........ Indes’llndersklrts Ledies’ iWhite Cunbric skirts, with deep tucked mush;J trill. trimmed. with wide torchen ' with lnce to 891: much, ellflengths, price... a Huge Success latrein was in motion, but as soon ’as he attempted to remove his hands .pothizinf triads: moth, - med-Elthclustereotnnetucke nnd.‘ . ' mm of anvinsctlon.’ edged f, ladies mm.:.rfff..-t“l. 35 Ledlcs' White Nunsook Under- skirts, with deep frill of allover m- broidsry. n1! luigths, pricez 03 openorcloee. ‘ ‘ l mom 1361137 â€[023“ to Iron , Victoria. Road, Feb. 12 ... Mrs H Railing of Car s couple of weeks. The cake social on the rink on i sum (ht. M 12. "‘ With ESnturdny night was a perfect sue- bothieet. bothhndssnd his tsce’cess, Miss EmNewmsn and Mr. bully noun. John Tobe s. Findâ€" Charlie i W, l'nsmthehospitdhere trim“ dey in a critic“ condition due to! Mr Melville Sm were a the his odor-ts to sum time and a four lBrechin hockey match on Monday mile walk. ,at Copper Cliï¬ and on entering the Kirkï¬eld, the Kirkï¬eld boys winning. depot to take the trsin back to scene‘s-2. Sudbury noticed it just leaving. He Miss J. Shields has s'eturned home ran and caught on the step outside after been away for n couple of the vestibule where he hung for ?he weeks visiting fr aids. ' ‘ the vestnmue where he hung for the Miss Lillian Spence entertained the his has become immen,',then his " Goodlellows " progressive euchre hem - He decided to escape _the club at her home on Thursday even- ngonizing cold by jumping from the ing, Feb. 9. The lucky two were trnin into as snow book while the [Miss Sade Shields and 115. i111. Spence. Those present were: Miss M. McNeerney, Miss C. Shields, Miss he found them frozen to the railings Aime Grant, Miss Minnie McN to which 'he was hanging. He was llï¬ss S. Shields, Mrs. Wood in a. terrible plight when he arrived Mrs. Lytle, Mr. C. Davey, Mr. . I .. here and fears are entertained that Agnew, Mr. H. Grant, Mr. moor; amputated \ the guest of Mr. John Foster Sundny. - . .. . Mr. Stanley R. Frost a... fo gammy, chemist of the Orengoville councnt ...... ‘ plant, hnscometobechemistntthe LATE cm. ARTHUR sinuses: The popularity of the late George Arthur Simpson was attested to this year. We wish Mr. Frost 16V†success in his new work. Mr. H. Grant, 0! Beavertou. spelt luau-noon when a. very urge com Thursday here. course or friends and relotivcs nth- eredtosetendthetunernhundpo‘y their last respects to the deported one. The funeral services were charge of Canon Marsh, rector of St. Poul-s church, who spoke very highly! of the deceued gentlemen. LITTLE BRITAIN. in Little Britain, Feb. 12.411†town- ship convention thnt was to 11m 1.3111 in nine Britain Metho- diet church early in January was inclement The following derail tributes were POW owing to the sent to the house by kind and sym- weather will 1†Md on Iuesdny, Lindsey Feb. 20. The same program pre- viously errenged for will be given. Mr. Seeley end Miss Robinson, 0! Valentin, _ were married in the Methodist personage on Wednesday of last week by the Rev. J. F. Chapman. Mr. James McLean has gone to. Toronto for a. few weeks More lav- Llconse Victulers Associntion: large heart, W. H. Simpson, and sister, Mrs. E. H. Dunhem; anchor, Mr. . nners.W. 0.11chng wreath: Mr. James Lender; may, Mrs. John Mnkins; spray, Miss Edgar; spray, Mrs. John McSweyn: my. Mrs. A. B. McIntyre , spray, Chu._ ing for the we“. . ' ; m , “0m Jack M Squlcr 13180 P 0" Special services hove been held in Simpson, (son) ; large sheath, from , the Christian church by the pastor ' De t... I ofllce stall at the Treasurer s p v, o C.N.R., Toronto; wreath. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Campbell; wreath, Mr. ture. A splendid program is being ‘ prepared. , . H. â€" . . Bouro wreath, ‘Mr and Mrs C l Mr Woodlcy, of Port pen-y, visit- ed' at Mr. David Yea-ex over Sun- ington Ashley; moth; m. and 1Ҡï¬fwmzetml 1:10 1- Mrs. Gusty, W14“. 01 Peterboro ; £1:de Mrs sister- cross, Sprett . Kilian; crooe, I!“ ‘ “w Wm the Lindsey, A 1-130 number sttmded the .1. “60 in her work, not only by mem- mistake or some oversightniis lqnl bers of the Society but every citizen percentage on the out amount: ethic“ should come forward, and further the 811mm“! 8 portion “0“.)- M moVement which has a. higher stun sun remains in the m " Gard of manhood in view. . *1 It was moved previous to adjourn- "ent that Mrs. George Bee’s name be added to the members of the buying committee. ' ' WEDNESDAY, mus, 1912. -â€"By . ; , . Elias Bowes, auctioneer, on o: 1-1, At -" 3' .- “118090th audios! "I Diamante, the propcty of Jena! of Byrne Sshntouodockmm not. White Gumbel: Umbrella. Iii-om..mi1 at wide embroidcy end onerowofSwlseiuu-tlon. IT. Baker has returned to Bobcoy- geon, after Visiting fri?nds here for. Craig getting the lucky, lnight one report a, fast guns. The i No hdhasnvisiting with triads match was between Brechin and mmm...-.-.-.. wmmmmm thoughts-bus. ‘ 5c Whordpetm A good |' mac I U! stitchedorelmsénne tucks, Matthew-Ice,peryd.. do“ for a,“ C l i ‘ I or II I '7' wԠ' I I U "do even PC yard. ....................... 25 sou-01.- oone I... c.0000." oeueumtfll 0' c m m’. M ..- 501: prisoner??- " " 88 inches, mum ready (or 11.9.. . .10 per cent. on .11 ‘N‘ottw Imported moo-anemic 25c Toweumg 1*“ cm sud-r allude. Price ouch. ...... , ............... p m . Row Toning, 13 7 inches wide, pure bleach, nod bord- er, s reel up at 10c yard, 81 white sole ........................ 2c \‘ Pure Linen Roller Toweling, 19 ’ inches wide, good weighty cloth 4’ foreVerydnyuse, reg. 12¢ 106 ' ° -__’f_ value, white sale [evening was spent. The Ladies' Aid meet at the home of Mrs. G. W. Bell on Thursday. Sorrow is felt in our midst owing to the death 0! Mrs. Allen, Lindsay. Mrs. Allen formerly lived in our vil- 1.80- Mr. and Miss Webster, 0! Row. land, Mnn., and Miss‘Webster. Oak- wood, visited «st Mr..John David- Dr. Grnnt. Mr. James Agnew, ond‘ son’s a few days. HARTLEY value. white ode ..L.... Mold Mi tom.“ 20 x 60 Inch hell bleach table lineuin floral designs, ï¬ne, even weave. A benuty st the price. For 350 Towels ' Pure Linen Dish Toweling, 16 in- ches wide, reg, 7c value, 5c white sale price .. . Skip Flavelle Adds two More Wins to His String Froni Monday's Dolly. The third day of the bonspiel clos- Skip J. D. Flsvelle and his merry ed Saturday rink won two games on Saturday Wild enthusiasm lest, thus making it four straight wins. First Skip Flnvelle "0‘ in public interest has been aroused at MEL Feb. 13- "' m “5°01"! the ï¬rst drew inthe Dingwell event. an earlier stage tnan ever before. cold snap was registered here last Friday night. Several in this connnunity have been sick with ls grippe. Miss May Ferguson has been ill during the pest week but we ere glad to report thnt she is better. Mr Colin Campbell returned to Sourls, Mhn. last week week after honinylng Qt home. ’ Mr. Wm. Craig, who has been in the employ. of Mr. Alex. Campbell, ‘ the past six months, ghns gone "iio Fonda). Falls to work for Mr. ruining; number intend tnking in ya! in the county town on , - .15th and 16th. , Alberto Manning. has been -; her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Mon cement mills st Raven Lake for this mum“ b; n nod Hrs, D. Msodonnld, passed through town to-dny to visit Mrs. 'I‘hornbury's Gangsta, Mrs. Mnlcolm McMillan of Miss Bessie McMillln 'end has mo. in. Wilson, Palestine, visit- edotthehonnotMr. John Smith on Monday. Mr. 8. J. McKinnon, township as- W. is busy making business cells to the people of this locslity. Mr. S. Smith spent the post scnm's says 'YIIC Institute in old of the Eden cem- Dr. Pyne, minister of education. went With his grampphone which The adult Bible class are strong stated a,“ as fer on he knew no added much to the evening’s enjoy- .“3 I" ‘ “‘9‘“ m a“ w 1“- legislation enacting the educational system of the province would be in- troduoed at this session at the legil- Wu. visited at Mr. Edward loture.Asked1-ogordlngtbe torth- Burton'shstweek. oomhgqnpstlonsbyldbu‘dmsmb- Mr. AlsxGrehunlsx-enewing old “Mastheprogrunformodd acquaintances here at present. Mr. schoolsintheprovlnce, theminlnter Grehemhesspentsevenl years in dsclnl'sdthsttbsrswouldbenb re- thsWeet mntothcoldmodelsehool sys- tan. and such institutions would be M' allowed only Impsculhrloesl Tunable-tweak. conditionsdannnded. Thou-chess school MhomsonSnun-dnydterspendlng e. - meaty Proceeds amounted to 818. next be defeated his opponent in the The feature of the bonSpiel was pro- McLsren cup games, and Saturday duced Saturday afternoon, when Del- morning won his ï¬rst drew in the ton, of Toronto, showed unexpected 'Detlcy ‘ Tea competition, defeating strength and defeated the one-time- invincible Cassidy of Winnipeg. The Stirton, of Saskatoon by 13 to? Strickland, vice-skip for the Saske- game in the Dingwall Grand Chal- toon men, formerly played with the lenge event, in which Cassidy had! Saturday previously defeated Dunbar, the not» night Skip Flavolle ddcnted Hughes, ed St. Paul skip, Dalton, played a. Lak‘ aï¬eld, Ont... club. 01 Souris, Men, in the Purity Flour superior game and won 11 to 7. competition by 16 to 7. The Scottish rinks met with varied On account of the severe frost the luck. Telford, skipping Murray’s ice‘ on most of the rinks is very Scotch rink, best McMillan of Butte, tricky, and stones will run against Montana, 16 to 3. the turn two or three lest. ronto, met his ï¬rst defeat Saturday. This is upsetting calculations and Brock McAulay, of Southampton, forcing a. draw game, which is won 22 to 4 from Lake, of Ester- strenge to some, of the competitors, hazy in the Dingwall. Lucas, of who excel at the running shot style Montreal, was trimmed, 11 to 8, by of play. It is predicted by the wise Cameron, of Winnipeg, in the same ones that more than the usual num- competition. ber of sensational detects of crack Much interest is centred in the rinks will result. Some idea of the Scotland- 1'. Manitoba match on magnitude 0! the ‘bonspiel may be Tuesday to determine possession of gathered from the fact that thecost the 85. 000 Stratbcone cup Six 0! mowing stones from rink to rink rinks a side will be played. The in- for the two weeks’ play will exceed tel-notional event comes 0!! Tues- “00. day. mm CAMBRAY. BURNT RIVER. Osmbrsy. Feb. 12. â€" The omcinl â€"â€" quarts-1y bosrd meeting .0! the Burnt River, Feb. 12.â€"Miss Pen- Methodist Churd m m a; [on- rock, of Irondnle, is visiting her tiny, Ebb. 5. Besides the tog-uln- sunt Mrs. Jos. Brisbin. business the vote was token on the Mr. Dov d Chalmers, of Watson's church union which resulted in s 5.31dins visited his father Mr. D. montytorthechmchnnlon. The Chalmeralastweek Ladies' Aid met the some dternoon no hockey club intend holding a at Mrs. H. Avery'- and we. may Pie soda-l on Monday. 19th. well uttended despite the inclqnency We are pleased to report that Mr- of the weather. 'l‘hos. Perdue is able to be out Miss Phonic and Ruby Jones, of again after a. serious illness- Uxbrldge. were the M“ of their The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist cousin. Mrs. J, '1‘. cm]; lest week. church are holding a. box social on A very sucoaeml social was held Feb. 27th- A good Program is in at Dr. Rsy' s on Wednesday evening preparation under the auspices of the Women' s etery. Mr. R. J. Wilkinson was Eye Strain and Nerve Strain Causing headache and nervous trou ble. are relieved only by our prop- uly ground glosses. Children’ seyes need attention now. Do not hesitate consult me if your eyes need help. M. B. sums Opt-.D Eyesight Specialist 92 Kent-st..aver Neill’s Shoe Store Eyeglasses repaired. Bronco Lenses replaced Mr. and Mrs. John Burton, of Mr. W. Meaning nttended Stock Association meeting in Iii-Alberto Meaning returned The Hue of The many triendsoers. W. nci‘ ' . .---' "' mom-mm tobeu' other B r n " “mmâ€? mmnmmm ha- a. utte CO“ ‘28 “1mm†" ‘“'°" mammdell 9““1?’ t was u t. e moncprin butter tint looks goods-we uisgood. Midweek gives therigh Hint. Harmless wandpuï¬ectineverywey. night with scenes of Although the primaries are scarcely over, the plnr has been of such a. high calibre that. Scott, of To- y. Tau rsï¬ï¬hswo-i â€~25; its...