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Watchman Warder (1899), 29 Feb 1912, p. 2

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Ethyl/2’“ mwmmmm WI mmtmmwmw On Saturday evening 'about 8.30 p. m. the!members of the firm and em- ployes of the firm of Dundas Fla- Vellos Limited, and Flavelles Limit- ed, assembled in the mantle roam of the firm’s store on Kent-st... to pre- sent. Mr. Wm. Flavelle with an ad- dress and gentleman’s fitted com- panion on his return home from a. four week's holiday spent in the Ber- mudas. The address was read by Harold Duck, while Dommic Curtin made the presentation, both of whom are youthful employes of the firm. , ‘ Mr. Flaielle replied in his usuali happy manner, thanking all present for the neat reminder and of the pleasure it. gave him to be home, once more among his friends and trusted the same ami able feeling would exist in the tutu re as did in the past. After singing “ For! “ He is a. Jolly Good Fellow,’ ” in! which all joined heartily, the even-3 i111".r 5 entertainment. came to a close. i "he following is tr e address. I Dear Mr. Fla\e‘:le,â€"-\\e. your co-i In .3 wk...» 85, PAGE 811. “Te ddy” Roosevelt Will Accept Presidential Nomination 1000) dn blanched nainsook long cloth and lawn, 86 and 40 inches 'wide. See these for only per yd ............. ..Sc We have juut received. 500 ydo of pure linen mill ends. 60 to 72 inches wide. very choice patterns. reg 75c to $1 for only...490 New Spring Goods Arriving Daily We have thesein lengths from 1 to 5 yds tor waists. skirts and childJen's dresses. best colors, these are clearing at cost pnce and below. New costume velvets imported direct from Manchester, England All the latest spring shades, guaranteed fast pile, reg 75¢ per yd for per yd ......................... '. Dress Goods Remnants A Shelving of Very Special Bargains that will be of Great Interest to ’Ynu Take a Walk Through the §tnre and see the New llp-to-date ' Spring Goods A . Flav‘elle Home From Bermuda --Surprised by Co-Partners and Staft Cotton Mill Ends Shaker Flannel Table Linen Velvets WAKE” Kent St 15%! 6% Who on his return from a. holiday trip to Bermuda was remembered by his co-partners and stafl'. a letter to. Col. Roosevelt asserting that there was a. popular demand for him to be President again, and urgâ€" ed him to declare himself as to whether he would accept the Repub- lican "nomination it it came “unso- licited and unsought." Efiorts of Col. Roosevelt’s friends to induce him to make an earlier declaration of his attitude on the Presidential question had been~un~ availing. His laconic remark to a triend in Cleveland last Wednesday night, that "my hnt‘is still-in the ringâ€"you will have my answer Kon- day.’-’ was the first real indication he had in mind an ammtive answer ‘to the Governors' letter. The seven Governors assembled at Chicago two weeks agq and ‘drafte partners and employes of the firms of Dundas 6; Flavelles Limited and lFalaVelles Limited, take this oppor- \tunity on this the occasion of your return from a well earned holiday, of again expressing our high appre- ciation of your very many good qualities which make our business life so enjoyable and agreeable to us all. . The success of any business de- pends largely upon the feeling of good will that exists between em- ployer and employe and you are at all times by your cheerful disposi- tion and kindly thought have made us all feel that our interests are one. We look forward to the year upon which we have just,entered with the highest hopes .of ‘making it the brightest and most._ successful year in the history of the two compan- res. We ask you to accept this gentle- man’s traVeling companion as , a. slight reminder of the kindly feeling .that ever exists between you, your co-partncrs and employes. Walter Gunn labs been appointed publicity commisbioner at Prince Al- bert, Sask., at $5,000 a. year. ' Ten thousand people attended the Auto Show in the America at- T0- ronto. Prince Arthur of Ccnnaucht was thrown from his horse wnile hunt- ing and was bad1y shaken. ‘ any dxfierenee whether I ate ornot. the pains were always there. accompanied by a severe bloating and belching otwind. I did.not even get relief. at night. and SUFFEBED TERRIBLE PAINS 0F INDIGESTION. J 113% arr'ved dress goods, silks. dnlaineu, muslins, bonlurt‘d prints‘ gingham, puimn, foulard~ curtain nets, carpets, rugs, curtains, linoleumw. oil cloths, window shades, etc. Pure linen 18 ins wide, red stripe bor- der, regular 10c yd, special price. 3 yds...25c Cream a: white, 40 ins wide, stripe bor- dar, just the for kitchen. curtain, easi‘y mulled, unly per yd. ..... .. ...... 7c Cmeet cover embroidery full 18 ins .wide, embroidered on good a arviceablo mat- erial, regular 250 for only per yd.........l7c Chiffon motor veils 24 ion wide, 2; yda long, hematitcher' on the ends, rolors 0! black white, sky, mauve, pink, chm pxgne, brown and navy, reg 50c for ................. .43c 2-1 ribbed cashmere hose spliced knee, seamless. sizes 7 to 10 regular 35c for...29c New Spring Goods Curtain Scrim Embroidery Motor Veils Towelling Hosiery ASSISTANCE FOR NEW ONTARIO ‘Mr. Henry Rus'tad. of Swenson's Ltd., has returned lrom TorOnto, where he on Thursday and Friday last attended the meetings of the Associated Boards of Trade'bf 0n- tario. Mr. Rusted. who was’ rep~ resenting the Lindsay 'Board of Trade, attended the conference in order to assist the delegates tron) New Ontario, who are asking V the Ontario Government to give a sub- stantial grant of $5,009,000 and thus assist the farmers in clearing their land and in building good roads; This. the Premier has prac- tically decided ‘ to do, under safe cOnd‘itions . Mr. Rusted was it member; of the committee on Resolutions along with the men from North Ontario, and succeeded ‘in having the various res- olutions unanimously opassed, the resalutions asking for the $5,000,000 grant being passed by the boards of The Associated Boards of Tradeq. also requested. that the Government appoint a good live commission with a. view of promoting emmigration to the north country. The Government will be urged to send to New Ontar- io those emigrants “ho understand farming and if possible prevent the young men Of Old Ontario leaving for the Northwest by oflering them inducements to take up farming in New Ontario. _, Mr. Peter Tully', who has been a. resident ‘or the Township of Ops for about eight years sold his term and left for his old home seven miles west of Peterbdro on Monday. Mr. TTully. during his stay in the town- Bhip was well thought 0! by neigh- bors and friends in moral. In Sparking to a. Wade: reporter he ex- pressed himoeu to the elect the: ‘119 ‘qu nevei" content whjle in this fdiltrict. or' in other wordi. panned 3a‘hdmesick’1ee1nig/at all times. This Quint his 'om'i-erOn ior returning Eiwmplweothi'sbirth. He we. ?mompuiqd by several. ’ brother [Margie aim "in healing in. ihonsehold ducts 'to P’etgrporo: NEVER DID LIKE OPS. the Kind You Have Always Bought CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. “ A guard is paid $55 a month when he enters the service," said Chief McCabe. “ He is advanced at the rate of $60 a year until he re- ceives 875 a month. It has been a comparativley eaSy matter lor some guards to earn many‘times their salaries through‘ the illegal smugg- ling in of dope to the prisoners. Chief McCabe admitted that thous- ands of dollars worth of drugs has been illicitly conveyed to the con- victs. It. hecame known yesterday that seven of the four-score guards have been dismissed for bringing drugs, whiskey and tobacco into the prison. According to Warden John S. Ken- nedy there has been an organized “morphine ring" working both with- out and within ~the prison. This ring, consisted of guards. convicts. ex-convicts and others. Chief McCab‘e explained this last statement by haying that he had‘dis- covered a butcher shop in Ossining where mail sent to "John J ones." "Bill Brown,” “ Sam Smith." etc.. was delivered to guards who called for them. These letters and pack- ages pontained' money and drugs. The money the guards kept, the drugs they ‘smuggled into the cell. ' It was discovered that a surpris- " Many persons outside or the guards and convicts," he says, “are concerned in the traffic. There are exâ€"convicts and other friends of the prisoners who ’supply the money, illegal drug stbree in New York from which the ‘ drugs are procured and certain trades'tores in New York‘ from which. tradesmen and others in this town, who, perhaps, uneit- tingly, have aided in the smugg Sing Sing Drug Ring Broken up ing nuinber .of emboswd post cards hnve been sent through the mails to certain prisoners. One day Warden Kennedy was struck with the unus- ual weight ‘of one 0! these cards. He :slit it opened with his knife and discovered a dozen "shots" of morphine within. all. Ho and turtlvoly shout. cau- tloualy nlud three fingers and abut- flod book into-lino. The guard. whil- tung aimlessly. strolled ovor. "Nothln' doln'." he uttculatod from the side of hi. mouth. “ I couldn‘t get you a 'Ihot' for a thousand dollars." years, has ceased. For almost the first time in the history of the peni- tentiary seams of pastyâ€"laced cul- prits went Vithout the daily grain o! narcotic ‘ that to some means more than life itself. It. was Sing Sing'l my 0! announc ing that. the illicit traffic in mor- phine. opium. cocgino and other drugs, which. had been going on for » ‘HO’I‘SPUR Bantu-flash. 23. â€" Hrs. Short, of Tory Km; and Ir. Wesley Short, of Saskatchewan, spent Suturdny 0.1: thehomeotflr. andlrl. J. Mack- New York. Fob. 24.â€"A nguro- clad In ntflpeu crumbled towu'd gnu-d In Sing Sing prison abortly (to: roll Hg? Weakneu and Hurtflrriution a: common outgrowth o Indi tion. Gas is formed in the nominal; and this accumulation of gas bulges out the walls of the storage!) aqd pause-gs Emit ' the heart. an 'tatiofi. pain over the hegxt, and pagetg‘ma a fading of mothering and dizziness. all aré caused by the stomach and not because of any organjc h_eart duease. , al.2â€" v. “I V.h--I-v â€"â€"_â€"- ___-__- “Fruit~a-tivrs” will always cure this weak, irritated condition of the heart by curing the stomach. 91 Cuncv s'r.. Duos-row. Out. “I mfiered for some years with a dangerous form of Heart Trouble. My heart beat violently,_ and _I had paig also suffered with Constipation and Indigestion. I was treated by phy- sicians and took many remedies. but nothing did me any good. Then I began taking “Fruit-a-tives", and this medicine completely cured me of all the heart txoubie, constipation and in. digestion, and gavo me back rfeet health.” (Mina) MABLE ODD. soc.abox.6 for $2. . or trial aim. 25c. At all dealeraor mFmitAotim Limited. on». Kingston Blrl Saved ‘hy “Fruit-mes” beet violent) , ma 1 ma pan: the heart an down the guns. I cum]; W 6th annual Gummouue can-v" st the armada. Toronto. held un- der the am of the Ontario low order to facilitate exhibits of for- eign cars the armouries and the St. Lawrence muket, where a. smaller show is being held. have been tem- porarily made bonde'd were houses. By this means cars which came from foreign countries can be exhibited and returned without expending the enormous amount 0! money which the duty on these cars would to- tal. The exfilbits are my and varied. The prospective buyer can examine everything from the cheapest motor cycle valued at 8190 to the expen- sive elx-cycllnder care valued at about 87,000. Spatial: does not cure children of bed wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summere.-Box 26 Windsor. Ont., will send two to any mother be: successful home treetment. with full instructions. Send no mouey,but write 1w- to-dny if your chlldren tmulsle you in thia way. Don't. Home the child. the chance. ere it can't he‘ojt. This treatment six-.0 cures adults and aged people troubletgvith urine difiicultica by any or night. The armouriea were wronged with people :11 tiny Friday. Lindsay be- ing well represented. Among oil:- on we noticed: Mr. Chas. Sutciifie. Mr. M. Sutcliflo, Mr. Bruce Wilmn, Mr. R. H. Hopkins. (Toronto tini- Vmity). Mr. Don. (:innunon. Mr. James Cinnunon, Major F. Helm! Hopkins, Mr. Arthur Doll! and Ir. Peter Ferguson. On receipt of the cup the date of the tournament will be fixed and all arrangements, drawing, refereés. etc., promptly proceeded with. Town ma? were there. and nanny others ions widely known, which are only com- mencing to invade the Canadian market. In this connection we would mention the Tudhopeâ€"Everett car. mode in Orillie. They manu- facture a 6-cylinder car, which they one; for 82.100. including equip- ment, a remarkably low price [or a 6-cylinder car. 4 The contests for the Hughes cup in the coming tournament will pro- duce some hockey. The cup is not yet to hand, but will be received by Mr. .A. ll. Paton early this week. Lindsay will have at least six teams competing, and already Little Bri- and outside entries should be sent in at once as the season is far ad- vanced. . In addition to the honor of bold- ing the cup one year and tne win engraved on its face it is expected that. the winners and runners-up will each receive extra. prizes. tain's entry executive. Police officers arrested a. young girl who was living at a Chinese restaurant at Toronto. The hall was very tastefully decor- ated. the ceiling being one enormous Union Jack, from which a large gol- den crown is suspended. Sitting was provided in the galleries for thou who were fatigued. while an orchestra played soothing music for tired t(y)ired nerves. Altogether the show is the best we have had yet. Six Lindsay Teams in Tournament Oneal-l Nonco- BET'I'ER THAN SPANKING. is in the hands of the THURSDAY. ’Kitchen W oman i Poisoned Eight 3 Little Babes i pay and poor Ioods she said she r9. ‘cdved. Owing to the fact (hut she was aux-slug her own baby the an- thorities gave her the same diet and was provided (or as the olhvr num- OI. bat atlll she complained of dis- criminatlon. The woman’s confession came an” a grilling examination during which she broke dowp when told that they would take her baby away from her '11 she did not tell the truth. The Ankers woman then told how the hu- lbies had been poisoned. ““3”?th 24.--The mysmw of eight (tenths of babies in the Brooklyn Nursery and Infants' ho; pltll 1"” ”IV“, ‘3“ palice say, by “Emmi? night of “mm. mm. kitchen woman at, the hospital admitting she placed Oxalic acid in thy babies milk bottles, The alleged confession was obtaim-d by I: potion lieutenant and notez‘tive af- ter two hours exémination of the Rim woman, who had been Under surveillance since autopsic. demo” ed the probability that. the imam had neon poisoned. “ dn Saturday night after the b0t~ as: had been prepared for the bu, lee." the police version of um (‘0!)- fusion tuna, “ I put two ur lhree drops of oxalic acid into the hot- the. I did not do it “uh imem to klll the babies. but. I wamed u, get square with the nlfl‘Ses who were m-v enemies." The police believe that tho Ank- ere woman is demented. :Ior sum, they regarded as true, however. and It. was omcially stated that she would be pm under {nrmnl arrest on charges of homicide to-duy. It was conducted advisable tn have he! dt the hospital last. mm: "Me, surveillance of a police ()sznr. wannlfred Ankara is lwwnyfnur you! old. She came to the huspj. ".1 Int Jltly with her infum and deer placing the baby in H10 cm, o! the halpltll she found “'nrk in the kitchen. She had but-:1 regarded as a phlegmctlc sort 01‘ character, but occulonnlly aroused hrrsv” with temper. complaining of the small In her confession to the pnlive the Ankers woman said that she pm lwo or three drops of oxalic acid into the bottles of milk prepared fur the babies. She said she removed the stoppers of about fourteen and drop- ped the acid in. There were thirty bottles of milk in the ie box and she was still dropping the acid in when she heard some one coming. She stopped for fear of deLeCtiun. The woman said she felt bitter to- ward the nurses. They had, she said, snubbed her because she was a poor girl and her feeling of resent- ment. had grown stendi 3' for months and she had determined to get even with them. Yery highest prices paid for all krnds of furs. J- HOUZER Furs Wanted Next Door “Last of Post Office FEB. 29, 1912 Everlasting Me the same with The Big Sons of Erin. Spen' a Lifetime In C: Pet Measure Passed by People, Are Giving Evi‘ Strain Under Whhh ‘1 Fear: Are Felt for Red THE IRISH CHI "EDMOND AND T‘Y SHOWING THEM”. flow that 1‘ - Hume Ru is in full swing. the frze Redmond fear that i: 1 moderate his prmem pi Redmond has shown madness and stress for ‘nd as a breakdown at t bunk down béfure the ofthe Home Rule L111 m Commons. d to the other. people realm: that Mined-lookma: 1e Nationalists is. home . 8 man of an extromt m. It is said here 1.111 “I condition is due less 1 d politictl conflict with I W than to the :1 him from the Irish I O'Brien and Tim H John Redmond is sixt‘ T. P.-O’Connor is ail . have lived the std b. “It if the Q N a unduly pron-ac“ m debate as 1:;- ess than a 1. , every effort :< r1 to lessen hi> 21:1 To add to the 11!,x:1-"‘ knowledge that 1115 1 f:1 1'. P. OC'onnor. is aim of strength he 1111‘ snflers from 4111 mt that causes 11111 ml). were free .r'r m of political sm1 . “I. present cri_sis that A- did-m 3 skim: every W of reland from gamma: 2 Durability. “any All makes 01' (inns repair made fur (iumi. Sknlvs E und “PD-1L0“. Saws (hm Seth H-'l'.‘t‘ Climwrn (5 equal t . W'd. lmvk~ Pd heya. Ul'vmn S-"M'rntm 5“ Gem-nu M.“ him- lh-puim W‘lliam Sc. ”01 Kurt. Punt EuiIding. THURSDAY. ReaéM x (a MC Lennai “Prism B Arthur Gra GUN REPAI Geo. W. Sheph ‘~‘ - ~. * u- - . V 7' m- . Q... spa-pnwfl M White Bron LEETWOOD Wei" a vow MNUFACYUPCO Artistic “I (in: Brown ment i1 Baylor over a: old an and pg day it moun

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