Exes Ladies' white nainsook U kin-ts. with a fourteen {ounce of eyelet embroidery, [luster of five tucks, dust m aim. White sale price ’1. ‘ Ladin' mm whit. J39.“ ~ ' Indemktrtn, ï¬nished with rows (.1 deep planed Mow wide lm‘e heading run with Mom-red mun dbbon. Wt. lnowered jpflce 111.8. Wlt D kirts Fine whxte nainsook 11'!) Mb 3 deep flounco of tour .! \‘al. and four row. of hon inst-rum). edged with '0'! of Val. lsce. ad on p! lace beading. ribbon m. nus. White sale price .3 URSDAY Drift trom 50¢. to . 5;} week and M EAT WHITE 54".! ,adies .ttons, Towel- ; th. Ht“ FIFO b it th‘ â€ï¬‚owing reduced 9â€: other for Lot IVâ€"ST. 00, 9750 a! Curtains for per pair 1’ Lot Vâ€"38.50 and $10.00 tains for per psi: ....’ 12 pairs only 04 1“ Lace Curtains, ahghfl! ' be cleared at half price. Lot IIâ€"smo â€a $4.50 ’01†per pair ................ 20 odd Swiss Curtains. 11,-1-s'sa.mples,reg.$1.50flld31m to be cleared during our fl sale at each ............... y :†$tJ FEB 10t02§ for White Lace Cur- tains all reduced Lot IIIâ€"351)“ comes along. Samuel Brigg, 1 Ont... convicted of , . to prison for g your, The Home of home rule bill by ‘-y KIND: The succwsiul man i‘“ n the job when “a white Cotton U1 th “ounce 0! self, 1 clusters of tum, l mder Princess “1).. rum-raun- musing b E pair sale price .oo... 0-0... 31.95 On all railroads. going afternoon train- Returning Monday. Feb: 17. Lindsay’s Winter Carnival; ter than ever, am we um AMUSEMENT AND FOUR DAYS Children's Winter Ulster: in grey, um, navy and brown Chin- chillas and reversible cloths. stun " .. 1‘2 vents. Reg. 87 to $10. Reg. 7.50 to $10 Misses Long Coats ‘or 4.95 5 to 12 years. n: (flaring at ........ Reg. $5 and $6 Children s Ulster: for 2.95 Reg, $6 to 510 Ladies’ Ulstcrs for 4.95 lissgs Long Coats in plain Ik-sn'cr cloths, shades of many. myrtle, cardinal, brown and black. Reg. $7.50 to $10. Clearing at ......... . Reg. $7 to $10 Children's Ulster: for 4.95 AST YEAR Ladies' black and colored long Winter Coats, in W 335W .............................. It ...... FEBRUARY 0th. Ladiea' Suits in W and plain cloths. CO! silk serge liniflg. 5“, gored with cluster 0! sides. Reg. 815 to 390' Clearing at Reg. :15 to :20 t-din’ SH“! ‘0' 7995 Reg. 312 to :20 Ladies’ Ulster: for 9295 EMILY COUNCIL nun ::::: 4.95 Coats {1151i Our , real Carnival Sale Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday New Scotch Gingham: 121-2c per yd. Handsome new Ginghams. in stripes. checks, plaids 3nd main enacts, all color-lags. good wash- ing qualities. All go on 1 sale at per yard ............ ac New English Prints 12 we yd Reg 12 1-2c Wrappcrcttcs for . , 81-24:. yard ' A good assortment- 01' Wrap- perettes in all coloring: and pat- terns for waists. house dresses. snd children's school dresses. Reg. 12“ yd. To be 1 cleared at per yard ......... 2c A magniï¬cent showing lingual: Prints in a grout o! color-lugs and patterns. good washers. Per yard1 GOOd henVy - fun 36 inches wide. so! trons. durable silk ind dresses. We sen’ blank Paulette Sï¬k t gnd lus- for waists this line Colored Tuï¬'ettu and Paulette Silks in plain and shot enacts. All shades. .Our regmar 75c Values. We ofler you your choice of the whole lot. at per yard ................... c Reg. 75c silks for 49¢: ydl. 370“ these efwyvuvâ€"â€" Regular $1.50 Values for Regular $11.25 Values for Regular $1.00 Values tor Dmflnr 75c Values for . st inch‘ivced'wï¬ sou-nu- showing of 110W at Reduced we ofler Values : "31-00 75c $1 and 1.25 Silks for 75¢: yd 34 inch Flannclcttcs 8 1-2:: yd Paley Waist Silks in c variety»! putt-ms um ingu. Reg. 31 nnd 1.25 All go in at our Carnlvu tor per yard .................. gnu-nu Fancy striped Flannelottu. colorings, full 84 inches wide. geod range to choose from. .81 is! for our Carnival Sale ‘ per yll‘d ........................ . ‘ Carnival Snaps in SI 2 Spools Thread ........ 5 Facing.» Hair Pins 2 Boxes Assorted Hair (.‘ruh Towemng. patterns. 17 unha- everyday {Vol Ssh fancy striped wide, excellent cloth for u... Rec. 11c. Carp all ... nu- School Umbrellas iol' "W Childrcn ' « Big Ribbon 0“" FLAYELLES Smallwarcs color- éc 80 m Children: Mn“ ‘0' 19‘ m" Reg. 20c Ligfp Pine Swiss Embroiderie- and Insertions, assorted widths. the bee patterns. reg. 12};- md 15c value. SpeCial for our Cumv-l 831e, per yard ............... Ea _ L- ' can; Sale each ...... a, Childnns Underskirts for Cindm'o- Wu -Ifl‘“ 1000 yds Swiss Embroidery 500 only ‘71 Handkerchief- Sale. $5 and I6 Underskirts for 3.50 1-dks’ Undernkirts in silk and Wool Aviation Cup. in o! navy. cardinal. white biuuons of colorlngs. ] Carnival' Sale each ....... silk weird-Les. noum of .0" Gav“ 8‘10 M» ...... Aviation Caps 39c gach I! can. and Children. I E new a: wool W“ W" with sflk “braid“ 20¢ each. 35¢ vduel. of no“ in full an I. m. ‘5 “d ’6’ for 10¢ white all 911087 gig with narrow uh. Carnival ‘ (12 (or 81-00) au- LIMITED Handkerchiefs ‘all slut will“ Kid Gloves. d with (1609 cu“ only. .‘i†3.50 10c This year the Carm din our history. 'val will be Bigger and Bet FOUR DAYS OF FUN AND Reg. 1. 25 Kid Gloves [or 51 pair dob. fasteners, fancy 3 bucks in shades of green. card- inal blue, helio and white. Reg. $1.25 Values. Cumin! 8110 per pair ................... Girls and Ladies Wool Hose2§c Girls' and Women's black wool hose. elastic topl. dye. all sizes. For pair 75'! dye all “sizes. v Per pair 250 Wool Gloves .and mm 190 a 3.; 75¢ Madness 10:59:: PW "00‘ “d (Justinian Gloves. A Wt Beg. 95c pair- T0 cloned during 0““ 0" «I sue a per Pd! ' Children's and Wom'a knitted 1'00! over-hose. inst black, good navy quality. reg. 75° â€"In- 1’0? â€â€˜1' .......... . During our Carnival 5‘10 '9 our you your choice d 0,0? 76¢ Qudidu for per yard ""5“ 65¢ Qualities for per 3"“ ""50c liens, Children'a Sensational Cm Prices 1913 . {mammyfla- $1 and $1.25 qualities 750 81.50 qualities for ...... 1.00 "no... . coco-o- - udies' ï¬ne wren'u and Women's Cuhmere mm â€d r Kid Gloves. ‘3 {any numbed o: green- 0â€â€œ Dd 'h.teo “‘8' wu‘myenraollcem assortment- . coo Remnants of ‘1.†. 1.15 n. Big Sheet Carnival Free to nut-vial! ‘1} mm BIG CARNIVA SALE One only black Penna Sen, large Empire mufl Throw Tie. both nun lined. med with head: and tnncy trimmings. Reg. ‘26. W1 it to clear at ............ 1 g Reg. $20 Persian POW to: 14-75 One only mies' m at round mufl I’d stole R¢3~ $20 Whit: flare Sc“ for 14.75 cleu at..- -., . sac-co).- no 031:; buck Persia 1“" and Throw .. both trimmed with 59“" ck nun linings. 398' Swiss Nets for Sash curtains 48 W 10113. I†and fever“; Reg. 43.50 Mlnk Sctt [or 29.75 with best qua! sizes 38 and 40- Reg. :65 Astraclun Cut for Shaw, 12 George-st" on Thurs Fob.6t.h1nst.,at80'-clockpm.. Wmmmome’oery.w 75¢ wig-“ts“ {or per yard .. 506 and 60c Qualities for yd Reg. 560 Pony 0°“ f“ 47.75 To clear at .if".°.'....."‘.‘.’...°.“.’f.’29.75 at ...... ' 3.21:] 8-75 .::::::14-75 . .no.. u L'..T.f’47.75 pd, trim- :y nun We oflel' Sctt m Sctt 50-00 tie. Net.