~. only autlm has now ~ {don wes on the ] ‘ lation. V "ESt-ay Whic - " ‘ And a! building 91 Brown’s M11510 SW6 . gt corporation in the world. Its . \ {all amounts to about $45,000,000 year and includes 75,000 employes. , :econd transcontinental. which -. only authorized by Parliament in has now 2.350 miles of road in . .tion west of Winnipeg, and a on the Paciï¬c and a certainty being linked up with the interior - 1914. All the railways of Canada by a grand army of 141,000 Cana- .; at a wage~bill of 374,000,000 9. . We have the greatest railway ".~<,e in the world compared. to ‘ u lotion. We have a Government .46 way which cost â€2.093300 to - " ‘ And about half a century ago - building of the Grand Trunk from Imam). to,_ Toronto, now one of the lies: We in the world was regud~ dgsyelpost} miracle of engineering. t Canada has about 30,000 miles of nails ys and the most remarkable ' way history in the world. One way company in. Capada is_ {he THE SUNN Y SOUTH The Grand Trunk Railway in the most. direct route from all points East through Canada. via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Round trip touriet tickets giving choice 0f all the best routes, to- anther with full information may beobmined from any G. '1‘. agent. W. R. W'IDDm, Agent. Phone 11 Machine and Bell. ' ‘V “n“ ‘9 â€an" “burgâ€, No 605â€"LV Toronto 6.“! 9.3:. ; Ar. Lindsay 7.5-5 um. :' Mixedâ€"m. Burkotnn .Tct. 6.35 a. LEANIN G, PRESSING m. Ar. Lind-av 7.25 sun. J AND REPAIRING 5 NO‘ 6“ (â€â€FWE' WNWâ€"Ln! iï¬avoloclr 9.45 a.m.: Lv Peter-hm W. M00115, William-Sm1353;52032“:2;1‘23“03$;5 5 (her HOPKINS LAW OFFICE 312.30 p.m.: Ar. COM-water .Tct. 1.1-0-1. Kent-st†Lindsay. ’Phone 463 i 3;; m5. LINDSAY PHONE 535 '1‘an Tickai kart. Only Double Track Route LIVERY and HACK Where did you get those lovely tom-mph: taken ? M. OLIVER'S 'mo, just. across from the Mn- Lindaay, Ont. Kent-st. We have removed our business from William 1 st. to 85 Kent-st. } WEIR’ S \ i. 10 and 15 Cent Storesi Dr. S. J. Sims, Dentist LINDSAY’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY? In dental operations carefully pa" I (armed at modmte prices. For Saleâ€"A good brick house in um Ward {or 3850. Owner must l1. [ ‘or Sale-4 have a. bargain in North bard. Let me tell you about it. My other properties {or sale. Now is the time to buy. WW1??? " Prompt Service.†is our motto l. M. OLIVER LEIGH R. KNIGHT PAGE NO. Canada’s Railways. Over Gregory’s Drug Store Lindsay. 180 men were there; in 191-1, 250-, and last summer 325. In addition to doing all the work conneeted with the establishment of the camp, sew- erage system, and everything the. the prisoners engaged in studiesgne- glected in their .achool days, ï¬d they are said to have beneï¬ted greet» 1y Last year were were grown 6.-' 000 bushels of potatoes, 8,0002%;11‘3- ‘ J. B. Freeman 0: Winnipeg appear- ed before tie board u: warm! if Ihat- city recentiy, prutestmg against. the presence in the public library. and; available for children, novel: contam- ing profane expressions. He men- tioned some cases where the word “Hell’ appeared and ms tanoed London and Kipling as authors who sometimes oflended in this respect. Prison reform is a subject that is being studied with interest in more countries than one; and of “men in high position few take a. greater in- terest in it than does the Hon. W, J. Henna, Premier Whitney's able lieutenant. 'Mr. Henna. has been telling the Canadian Club of Toron- to of the experiments mede by\ the Government in the last few years, and the results appear to justify the trials. In the prison camps of the Province nearly ï¬ve hundred men are at work which is much more congen-. ial than the enforced labour they “ould otherwise be empIOyed at be- hind prison walls. In April. 1910, about twenty men were Japnt‘ to‘ Guelph ; in the fell otthe 8m year. The Convict Problem « as W. J. Hanna Views it WM tunes ranging 000. “Every { The Convict Problem « “$533323“? Prairie takés 1 taxes it. “It as W. J Hanna Views it 3132;: 3:“: Port Porrv and Whithvâ€"Lv. 6.20 n.m.. 9.20 n.m.. 12.01 p.m Ar, 10.45 ..m.. 7.95 n.m.. R45 D.mA § Pension Fans-{3. 11 n..m.. 2.40 in!!! Ar R50 n..m.. 8.10 mm. _} For hither information nonlv to [W R WTHT‘FZ89. A M'MIARR. C.‘P.R. TIMETARLE Nn. 602â€"â€. Lindsay 7.50 o..m. ArW'rnroutn. 1h 35 mm ‘ No 604â€"I.v Lindsay 4.15 p.m. Ar. annntn 8.35 am. No. 603-T.v. Toronto 9 8.13. Ar. Lindsay 11.85 mm. Cohocnnk-Lv. 6.80 0.13. Ar. 10.10 cm. Klpmmmt-Lv 11 rm n.m.. 2.40 p. 11:. Ar. 3.50 ..m “.10 run. Ruihnrtonâ€"LV. 2.40 tun. Ar. Ur‘llil and \Turth Md Southâ€"IN. 9.20 “1).. 6.28 mm Ar. 10.10 a. m.. 10.45 mm. “.10 9.!!! Toronto. Stonm’me Markhamâ€"TN. 7.55 mm" 9'20 n.m.. 12.05 u.m.. 6.28 Na Ar 10 45 £411.. 8.10 p. m.. 929 pan. Torontn. Vi. Port Fionaâ€"LN. 10.50 Paul-bore. Cunpbollford. Ballevmo .Lv.'7.10 1.111%; 10.50 mm. Ar. 9.18 ..m.. 9.55 pQu. Port Hope. Kingston. Montreal â€" LV. 8.00 ..m.. 10.50 mm†8.15 p.m. Ar. 9.15 n.m.. 2.05 p_m., 6,28 p,m_ G. T. R. TIME TABLE Patarboroâ€"-Lv.- 7.10 a..m.. 10.50 a. m.. 8.15 p.m., 9.82 p.m.. Ar. 7.50 3.1: 9.13 mm†6.23 p.m.. 9.55 pan. Naughw Words In Books. Deymt Ticket Alt be a. reformatory in more than name. Reasonable treatment tends to bring repentance. Remarkable results were obtained also at the camp 81:: miles from Fort William, where if the pris- )oners improved as much as the land [they worked at they should be good icitizens indeed when they resume ;their places among the free men of the country. There kn experiment was made with 1,000 acres 01 Crown foodâ€"a veritable forest primevalwith all the timber that ever grew ‘on it untouched by the axe â€o! civilization. Then it was worth $10 or $15 an lam; now it would bring 8100 l ‘ Sixty odd prisoners Item the gaol at.l 'Port Arthur were brought \to the *the camp. Four men were placed in cherge and work was stated on "the 16th of Junelest.1n he again†or six acres had been pleurad.- Jump- r I ! els of grain, 300 tons of en'silage, and “mungels and turnips enough for 100 head of cattle. In the dairy secticn there were 80 milch cows. The workei‘s are all physically ï¬t, and “are not. a bad Iot of fellows/f says Mr. Human. The Jam seems to Manitoulin carried the Canada. ten)- perance act by a substantial ma)!»- ity. ' 3R. F. THOMAS - Wil!iam.s»3" .d m! 0 woman, lovely woman! naturex made thee To temper men ; we- hadi been brutes without you, Ange}s are painted faiu- to look like you.' â€"Thomas Otwmy.. For where is any author in- the-world Teaches such beauty as a. woman‘s eye. -â€"Sha.kns-peare. 430d be thanked, the meanest“ arms _ creatures Boasts two sol-sides, one to- faoe- the world with, ('me to show a. woman when he loves her. â€"â€"Robert Browning- “OX?“ 0!" .L\.\'l'.\l{\' WAS HAN!) 0N AGED PEOPLE. Tm» winter so far has been- oa‘pv- ciaully fatal to agrvu people. [vi-Ian'- uax'y or? this your thorn were twelve dbalbs in Lindsay, (‘hiefly aged Der- sun-A, The pct-Centago is not so great. but shows that the wet weath- ur enlistinucd its deadly uork in-rJarr nary. Diseases of rcspiratinn are rm» chief cause of (bath among the aged. ’lhérn wc-rn nin‘e births and 5.6;HOCKEY STICKS m-i 10c (1075:: Ha" I "1-). G. Edward: C) She- is pretty to walk with, .xnd witty to thlk withx find pleasant, too, to think on E Field Tie Sewer Pipe Building Block sin; Blocks Chimney Blocks (Outline of elven ica‘l ï¬xturesvshadw: eta. as We must have [be .Upsu-Q fur uthvrlinesmul hnvr not. the-Lime-~m min» [hi3 Jnrutu‘utiun. Call and 909 Marga! us. Our sale in am!" in prom-em. l-n this sale we speciwl'ize Trunks, Suï¬ (fuses and Rubbera. FRANK FORBERT'S ADAMS BROS . KENT-81 Fresh and Smoked Manta. floor ant Seed. Fresh. only. and Smoked “at Groceries and Provisions EPIGKAMS ABOUT WOMEN. perfect woman, nobly planned, . warm, to comfort. and command. -â€"\\'ox'dsworth. 1 1 4 K EN'T-ST. FURS CLEANED. REPAIRED ANI‘ modelled. hut 'ura made to cram LIVER? and BOARDDJG STABLE Jas. A. Isaac, 10 York-st INCREASE IN DEATHS William at. South- offlaundet Hotel MRS. F MULIETT Don’t Forget SELLING OUR Phone 266 day or night. â€"-S it John Suckling National? Concrete. Mfg. Co. Tm; WATGHMAN-WARDER, LIN DSAY, o; â€H.810. I} " Nothing I have ever usmd gives ’Pget l1!» warm, combing sun‘imium o“ ('a- §tarrhtoz_¢n:." writes Isabel Rm, 0! ‘Segum l-‘alls, (mt. “I was is a. vz'rigbtful: way with catarrb‘\0ï¬ the 5nnsv and throat-had di'o'ppings,‘ ‘Bmslihaxd breathing, bad breath and Jr; «di Rtium L‘atarrhozon9 reliwes L‘ thunder r “9’ ‘ -“‘ "om-m. Trunks. 5Ҡgum» and cured me thoroughly It fin ' invaluablg in colds. sorc- Him-ml ï¬nd? bronchial trouble." Not (tidi- ,Window S‘Uh fcult for Catarrhozone to cure. br- .' Windbwc‘mp- .Tcau'a‘e itpomtuins thr‘ esaunccs minim! .. La“'“"“"°" Ebalsams and mher antisoptics that L :2::',:‘::' E‘simpl‘y mm death tn-catarrh. large; we] c-mbgm.é-~size mom $21. and contains Nun's gmcnrilis‘ weatm-nt; smaller sines‘.‘ §25c. and! run... all druggjsts and] {Storekeepem or the ('atarrhomzn‘:J )II'R s.(.'o.. Bull'alln'; tux. and Kin‘mtoqug I . . P,lll‘-0¢ cHndm~ IfLanadu. I A... ‘3? LINDSA} standard, prescribed and recon- mended by physicians. _ For .Wo- ahead and cleami’ up and planted with; It: nuns: and pennies. The crop; t‘gaihered’ unmanned to sevi-ral hum! "rdmd of bushels m‘ ruots of splendid. . lquadity. Megan-hik- the forest was} 'mmcked Will!) a will, the result being! that: in six months 300 acres was'i wrhopped and windrmved, and much of? .;it: (leave (i hv burning. Roads “ere flllt through 1nd around the 1009 {acres and the- enmp “as (Olllplq'll‘d 'weiis hie nrr tillg’ arm proper drainage and SC\\(‘Y‘R\‘ system made. â€we up f I nnmmodntion: we not suitable for at! i i , least; half a. hundred men. The pri-, swim-s take :1va interest in the “ork, which is. mom: envmiruging, says Mr.) Hanna, and sum-r .J the poor fellowsl . do not: like to leave when their sun-- Vtznres expire; Sci-me of them asked to» be allmied tau stay ox‘er (‘hrist- Imas. and those liberated on Saturâ€" xlay often neqvext: that they be not discharged until Monday, in order that they may escape the temptaâ€" ienced in managing the campers. l‘our3 paid men: only are in charge of the pnisoners One- is an assistant ear-g A i den, MWCI‘ has diarge of the ï¬eld; [operations 3,. third is a guard, and! the last is a- cook The n ght watch-‘ man is one at the prisoners. One guard over half a hundred men .0110!- atingflover an area of 200 to 250 norms of forest land ! The story Mi. W told the Canadian Club is truly a remarkable one. It seems to tell of genuine “prison reform." by which more than the prisoners, beneï¬t. For the ordinary law-i breaker 'it looks like idea/.1 punish»; .ment fr0m every point of view. Cori Tramly there is no lack†of land tam»; I cleared in Canada. and the gaols excl Eam fairly well ï¬lled with workers. -~â€"-â€"J". .--.-- _.~. .A...‘ .tiiCns Of the weekwd in the towns: ' and cities. No. trouble was expi-riw; , It is interesting to note that‘the tickets used in the landon (Eng) tram our system are made from color- ed board manufactured in Nova Soo- tia, a company there having the con- tract. with the city of London. The cartons used by one of the best Brit- ish manufacturers of cocoa are made from the product of these mills while one of the best known of the soap manufacturers of England uses many tons of the Nova. Scotia product. the values have been greatly enhqmcs ed has made money out of his real estate, but _in actual farming and grain-growing the drawbacks suï¬oe to restrain and limit prosperity. The Graphic goes on by say that in legitimate fuming it is difficult to earn a competence. Here and there a man who was lucky enough to him 3gp a l_ot of_land_in a Iocatjon ghem 0:". Martels’ Female Pills In recent eastern papers them-- ap~ peered a despatch telling how thirty iarmers, several of them in theâ€" prime of life, were retiring last fall; in the Portage la Prairie district, with for- tunes ranging from $75,000. to $250.- 000. “Every dollar,†they- declared. “has been made out of minimums..." The Daily Graphic of Portage la. Prairie takes up the story and punc- tures it. “It would be :ï¬mcwt..’“ it says, “to ï¬nd one farmer retiring this year or last year, or any other year, for that, matter, with 375.0(3â€" let alone $250,000.†A. Forty years in use. Made From Nova Scotia But t‘atarrhozone goes everywhere -gms right after tfln‘gcrmsâ€"kills thewâ€"beaks the sOI'Lness-¢ures ,th' .3 lammatiomâ€"makes (‘at’a‘nh disap- pear. \'.»u can’t do itâ€"tlhu's alL L‘ouï¬ syn“: go to the staunch -- that's» why flies" fail. Wh n germs attack the lin'ng of ï¬le nose. make .xou uncle and gag.â€" whtn later on {key infest the but» this] tubes.-â€" how can 3ou (01!“ "mm with a cougi‘n syrup ? istop Sneezing Quit Sniffeling ‘ Cure Your cold THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS PROVE THAT (‘ATARRHOZONE Cl'lfl'IS‘ PERMANENTLY. THE 9.0on:“: vwoas or CA- '1 ARRHU/ONE BRING INSTAN- TAXEOIS RELIEF F. Not Such Easy Money. i. . at your r. [o- ] Moaday‘ovening by the Balkan glue: it Tug-Roy refuges their .dflntndn. Brown, who left the force a few months ago after two years' service, was a constable who helped make the arrest. Unarmed, be leapt on a street car on which were the two men with drum revolvers. fusillading the arm. A Bullet passedthrouzh the, leg ofhithoueers. but be In an- hugt. and assisted to down the da- 83, 1911, when they took part in the “rest of the notorious “Kelly and Jones†banditsâ€"the~ Memes hmthets â€"now in Kingston Penitentiary. . The brothel-swore fleeing before a posse of constables when Trayuor. then] constable. rounded.them up in a house on Rachel street. Traynor was badly wounded by the hendite as they came on, be having ï¬redrupon them twice. although covered from the start byJour revolvers. Tnynor is now 4:18]: sergeant in the Central po- lice station. He has been onhtbo fogoe for seyen years, ,_ x An than of interest 1. the trunk New Year's honors was the pnesenca of three Winnipeg police oï¬iceas I received medals. Their exploits jug. tify the recognition bestowed on. them Bx-Chiei McRae. who has. been lin- ing in the city in retirement. for many years. since his resignatian. has A long career of thirty yem’ service behmd him, be having held only oï¬co on the Winnipeg police tone. hem constable to chief. ' JWilliam Patrick Traymn- and Hugh J. Brown, who have been given the neck! for heroic conduct in tho per- formance of their_ duty. gamed i; Ag. “â€"12 In}; $5159 up your bill 'and you: can go to. hell before I_ pay you for. , v Joe Lakranca Pasâ€"Whoa you do by this money what you got? Dear.- Sir,â€"l have receive from you to-day a; letter whdth. say I have ta) pay $8 fan tax. L do not pay no tax like thia. You say that I hrve l3 mills. but; them is on}, one mill.“ mine- where, I: work. and it. 15 not. yet ready. for rup._ Apyway I haye nor, my, I L!!! IW‘J - no due and if B have a dog I kiil him soon I: pay $2; I have no childs which. go to 50mm and I am insult- for 1' am. not: a: man manic ye‘z Mécnamgy Mines. New. 18. Q. 0. WMD: of' Mr. Wesmn's work was relieved reumtly; whoa he» got a- letter from “he." The- Incident is 3:11 the more amusing on, account of the end-em. sincerityâ€"the dead earnestness â€"- in which it. was written. Here is the latter as.- itz reoemiv appeared in the Rncupine Advance". There are some rvsridemr- in‘ Tisdaie Township. in the l’nroupine district. who still‘emermm the same- View and attitude regarding taxes- as did me farmea'sof Lowe; H’appi’iy. they numâ€" ber'only “a fem C. 0'. Weston- is the tar collector.r in- 'I‘isdbrle ’Fuwnshlp. and“lï¬s job ismov a banana» nr sine- cure: although the Lameuce. who u:- sides at Mecnarwy Mines. evidently thinks- that' it! is [Last- month "Joe" was sent a tax bill for eight d‘olhrs. Hévhad- apparentiyx newn'leamvd that there are land taxes, sch'nsl taxes, dog-taxes, etc; These were a!!! sup“- lated in the antics. and! the tedxuug MI'imnoxfle will be bombu-dad- next i Both 1H!- )eih’itb‘amffhr Thea-v of '05. “My Wbrr .Ibo‘ng "tr . 3 Can. It 5- 9333! thw'themi: nothing- nub 3y oenain' ir'th'ié- worid chept dumb and taxes: Ever Since the days u! Zaccheus- the lot' of the» M «Hector Bras not‘ been a- popular «r Idolmd one. but‘in-»every- civilized oommuniw some one has to undertake- thvs un- pieasant'tavk. Ewn- in the most re- mote region‘thhere-m- r0869 m build. widges to construct: andf Other wnrks to be carried'on. The municipal au- thbrities in“ an organized! d'istncug impose sale-{rm- tribute in. uh» ihape‘ of taxes. 33* thnse- whn understand the meaning'nnd put-horror this uni- versally enjoined'obligahnn pm'mmnd are-often made crudtinniy. It will be remem'bvred‘ many- year-h '4":- that the- peop'le of‘ L‘mw Townshw up the Gatineau 0mm"): in lezh'T refused to pay. and me nniitia had‘r« he «mt ‘ up from Ottawa tn :hnw. that thpre V was-power and'authnritv behind: thn exaction. Then the settler: am} wow-1y ' met: handed‘ over the means. The. ' story was \vfciely puhlhhcd‘ in» the; Cafadian press at 11er’ time. _. _ _ i Dan't formt in' times 0! peace to prenn-e-fbtr war: That's about the: only-use some‘of us sum to have (61‘?! peace; ’ J hon-â€t; fail Flo haw» an object in‘ view. Many w maul lads such an aimles’ existence that he could tire at. random «idiom hitting it. Don‘t make good molut'ons'untbu you constantly carry . repair in w’flh you, Don‘t pfuce too much conï¬deme‘ in appearances. Many a man with‘ a red nose is while all the way through. ‘ ' < ( l 1 Don‘t rem: Misfortune with a smile unless you are prepan {Or a unpaid“ flirtation. ' nu’t envy the rise at“ others. Han} a. man who gets to rat top In more froth. Don’t trust. to luck. Nine-tenth: o! the people in the world gum mug. Don’t buy your Mom my W last as long as thus- you mnke‘ yomnll. Don't. expect Opportunity to com. to you with a letter of lmmducthm. non‘t'tollow‘ the betten‘ track um: less you' are united to remain! bee ton. - 1: I Don't accept adfla from . mu) whn never oflem urytbjng' eke. ’ Dal?! Igrlnkle an on the tau 0! tom taucn. ,. ‘ Don‘tuytogetche incur u! . man who M1 am “Don't more in church. It's man to keep om awake. Don't be “timed to pay .9 yet go; Save awash to get baqk. Don't get married with the so]. iden thnt misery loves company. ‘ Winnipeg Police Honors. OBJECTSET I'D“ TAXES. 1912. Ellun‘ah No More i Lame Backs! No better medicine for curing pain 'was ever put in a bottle than Nervi- lineâ€"rub it on and rub it illâ€"that rubs out all aches. pains and sore- heâ€. Large family size, 50c†trial sin. -.,25c all dealers, or the CH tut-dam (20.. mm, N..,Y and pox What: it comes to determining the MI merit of a. medicine, no weight of evidence is more convincing than the straightfmward: statement of some mliablq and well-known person who has been: cured. For this rea- son we prim the verbatim statement of Juan E. Powell. written from his home in Quinton. ‘* I 3m 3 stronb, poweriul man, six feet tall, and weigh moriy two hundred. I have been accustomed til my life to lift { 1 Pourih In the World: ‘ The Nelym l-‘xivvr oi; northern Can. uda 35 {m x«.:u.~t.‘. ï¬xed rzvec in the- worid. 'il:e current has Achi a: strength and. voiumc that, the tide runs in onlv. fnur hours and was out ei ghk at )Lonk Factory. Voyageurs can make 135 miles padfiling ‘Sith the stream. The timber is smallâ€"meme 901196 and Chzistma-s trees. As you getdbwn mmds the ooasa the banks “become high ck: cum. THIS CASE PROVES THAT THE' BEST AND STRONGEST LINI- m'r EVER m 18 NERVI- ’ LINE. The women of Ireland hg eutnanckisemmt. “'h'eg'a: (’amadihps. rim or '1he~ mid wmtry blasts were is. 3- n-meuit' in Floridaâ€"if um; havesaflici‘ent «here- within“. .Iusl I 5-week ar su-ugo Messrs-n J. H. Adam and Wm. I’lamono rctx.rnod fxmn u bus-ms» trip In l-‘lac'idu, and m (‘OHVUNRUCIP \xiLh .\i'd. Adana-a lu- stuwd 41a! th'a “under in I’lm'ida was "1»:1‘90113‘ (iolightl'l'lfl' with not a brush! of “mu cugzid bu lumnad chilly a:'tn0sph«m_ “’l‘he flowvrs- «on» Mourning: and the hirdtwore \iiit'ping' merrily" l‘n- donxcar was. discardvd’ and dt'her suporfluaus apparel [wit auidv“ [1‘ cvrtainï¬t “'85 111- mark contra-55 to the won-mer-h‘em in‘ Canada." Hum! Mr: .mz'xms. Then. again. away aim-n‘ in' l’hrida~! tho smais shining forth in all i151 glory. Straw hats. and nogri'guesï¬ are innwogue. Just r 1..“130k 1-1. Athens and hm†,. bus-ms l Mum people “'0!!! Heard' 1‘ mmank' 06‘1“»- ufut tho- mth‘er gum havd‘ slibnr-f .1 copâ€"than: the “Mer- wam now im season. ‘ spasmodic weather ' Howm'pr :1» cold' map of 119‘ lam: tun-en- 1343 is szrcl'xr in season In fa‘crlwlbre it is Mamet-5 31d, and'f Lindsay is visited by the time con- ‘ linuuu; raw! mid smrp 01‘ Hit» 1912; . 13 \nnlor. Fuhruary came in likoï¬ the wow and‘ tear Ufa lion. Yen’- whih- th’e thee'nuunvtmr is rogivderiugt; smart‘l‘dogmm below zero inl Lind- i say, Hi nwmury h'asx hem hovering' in 'CHWOâ€" proximity av 40 dbgrun he i 1 1 1 10\\' I‘rwtimz in mam plans out “Wt-3U. (fold Here, Kati [curly of Iceland- a: true. lu Ch. noun-my pnwucou. in all m bra-chat. ct' Noam Prim MICE IN NEW W 3811.!» Dr. H. mm, Dentist (ironies ad Ch: I‘llâ€"Kata. Hear and Fabâ€"ï¬lliam-st A. L. CAMPBELL We oï¬er a splendid assortment of ï¬rst-class Apple: and advise you to secure some at once We,» have a complete stock of the best makes Also Maple Syrup or excellent flavor. SYRUPS! Genuine Buckwheat Flaur. m Bulk Warm ib‘ Haida PHONE NO. 10. '"m mitt? Every Step: 11: Flour H. Cramp.†By this line John RIF doiph 02 Roanoke determined to £0 to Russia when he had been appointed minister in that country by Preside!“ Jtchon. Entering the oflice of th' company in Philadelphia. be said to ' clerk in his usual mndiloquent ml? not: i “Sir. I wish to see Thomas P. C009" 30 VII shown in Mr. Cape’s ofï¬ce. ’ ‘ “‘I on John Randolph or Roanoka bound. “1 wish to take passage†Liverpool in 6ne or your ships." If he expected to be tendered a 99 he mat-lanai: disappointed. “I on Thomas Cope." replied t†had ot mm “It thee goes mod an amp mm m stateroom at wmwwwm†No “Deadhead†Trip. One at the most ta mom: of Americtfl thinning line! in the palmy days of our Inn-he was the Cope line_ which run mean Philadelphia and Liverpoo" unmeauthor 01' “Memoirs of Chg!“ Exclusive of maintenance thVVccr. urn- xcl tune in Eugund and departure of 31:1me 0! Russia.“ and Itop mcr at Kent Ron}- Most direct connection for Ap Id“: in “in "Empress of Britain' sajo n. 8. a. March Lust. Get paciï¬c“ (mm 'Cauadism mac mum-write 31.6. Mt‘Rl‘HY D. P. A†C. P. R_\',. Tommi Iii-pm- of Ass. will sail from 1 Walnut 18th. particulars 0: znp “ moaned Inc... The Empress of Rmsiu.“ ill lo-af‘ Live-rpm} April Ist. Calling ;.. h 51‘1““. Villefrunche and] Pug-t Said..pmceedin via Suez. to (-m m Beam, Simzzfpom. Bong meg. Sh‘ 535. Nagasaki. Kuhn and Yokï¬m, arriving Vam-uuvm: June 7. 1913. Vessel renmEm 10 days a Hong Kong. J05. Maunder Sc Son SPML CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD EMERESSES.OF “RUSS†’ ‘RD “ASIA.†(N’ew C. P. R. Paciï¬c Steam m. Fiour, Feed. Com 1nd \\'ood_ We-ï¬t elmmmlieuv um: vu “"49 headache and m 131m rmuble m well'as rm- mm m :n gmflnent 01’ union. Lï¬wesl. in}: v- results. Eyesight Specialist 3 Kenn-st. aver Vï¬ih’s Sh(w ~70“- Eveglntdee: ran" ed. Brn k ,3 mplalmd aé t'wn o'clock. Alss viva .132 houses and 30:. Known as Mwipm‘a. Chm: Factcry, which “1134):: («ï¬'c ed for sale- by auotxma, . magma! :4 Op? .3 lhtefor htire Cruise $639 i9 mURsnAY. i‘EImI'Am Cheese Faster/y Far Saie FEB- 1811') E. R. ROGERS +> hPriceless ‘ Eyesight \‘C‘ Is: 'iï¬c l‘he and R 7'8 all my M m"-â€"~-- u“ on: kept him always 0 eat Maui! to sit dow Into. at t time. but 1 a": wondertmily m on room- n on the basin-u. He n on auto unaltlvenesn It the door in order 1 the inmate indicated $o_the door and to it A dodge that hotels is known 2 inc man comps x â€la-088 In the PM." “1086!. contains When he recechs Which in apparel out cum-'8’?! to pa it to the clerk. One day he (-0 “5611th to him 0 obtains the t1 counter preparau 10-: the key. 1H â€em "Gr? an: 01 back to the clerk hundred dollar-A , , _-.. v sncc. :nu 'n his Wife who ’or months It I t 01' Richmond, \n highest terms. passed two mos ask whether he: thn. He woul promised, would ï¬nd out the mm: 18d! that he m: Change his cloth dinner. as he ex Part or mu m be there a: dim family. During marvelous spec-d 1n the house. tune- with succ‘ rot, it Ind‘ seldon "‘9' of a. wenâ€"k 1° "as It home, â€spawn. Ind. Old Jack It the b been rec: ‘4‘ He was Old Jack Ca believe. was or the neWSpaper: Colonel . < weeks gt the f and-So. He wm when tha coinn‘ Theta are n boarding house: tenue of cxamm be A telephone workman. What In securing a r0 Wait. until a nu the various spur ‘ akeleton; if key in the loc} ntppeu. The E keyhole a plec In a very few 1 Someumes n tut they may ! .ro tnkon out 01 reinserted. so U: many cases. xix premrlflon. If moved the key 1 A†common “ ‘gng to mm" â€1» the others («I but of operation to 8.0 “tar on!†w “59'†and “mu-d} N THIS butane“. the m“ (rent; and to mun“ ,. ,. coolness. Quit‘khvnr :um . for to Work at mph: “ ' .- oflacrc. in the day-1mm ‘.\ .., g labor hnphazard. chLL -~ - becomo guests at n I: ‘ e‘ \. - . 413's. waiting for .1 -,.‘ ' :. .4 they study My )ml-Ha L v. . the right time ’CCOXX M W-. Dem-P 0? nd received a good â€he" the civil «'0 can)“ and «arm A. entered “In ("In career began by (In mt â€8,001 "wu- EDITED BY FEBRI'AM CHAPTER.