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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Feb 1913, p. 4

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onus-v0 greatness. and some nu I! MEI [MM (0., rm umber. Shingles. Etc Cement and Sash A. H I G IN BOTHAM Druggist. opp. post omce. The Petal-hora girls basketball team from the Collegiate Institute arrived ll town this morning, and will play I. friendly game with the L.C.I. bas- ketball team. HELPTHEI'IENS! About 30 thOusand brick from armoury site. Also. some pine laths still remains un- sold. Apply STEPHEN OLIVER or WATCH-. MAN WARDER. JOB. MEEHAN, AUCTIONEER FOR It will keep your flock in heal~ th, and healthy hens never fail to lay. It is a. positive preven- tive and cure of all ordinary poultry diseases. Healthy eggâ€"laying hens are a. great source of profit these days. when eggs bring such high prices. Keep your hens in good, money- earning condition by giving them Brick For Sale THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loan money on farm, town and vii- lage property, at very lowest rates of interest. Company or private mnds. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON, solicitor, etc., Milne Block. Lindsay the Counties of Victoria, and Peterâ€" boro. ’Phone 449, Lindsay P.0. McLAUGHLIN, PEEL, FULTON STINSON, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries. Money to‘loan. Spec- ial attention given to investments. Offices : Dominion Bank, corner of William and Kent-5123., Lindsay. R. G. McLaughlin, K.C., A. M. F111- ton, B.A., James A. Peel, T. H. Stinson. Woodville office Open every week at office of C. E. Weeks. ‘ ‘. B. WELDON. Mariposa. township Clerk. Oakwood. Fire Insurance agent. Issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor. Notary Public. Solicitor for the Home Bank of Canada, repre- senting Waterloo Mutual Fire In- Surance Co.. of Waterloo; Federal Life Assurance 00., of Hamilton, Empire Accident and Surety 00., i 0! London, ont., Office over Home Bank, opposite Post Oflice. Medicinal Charcoal IOORE JACKSON, Barristers. etc” solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan pa mortgages at lowest current rates. Oflioe, William-st... Lindsay. F. D. Moore, K.C. Alex. Jackson. STEWART O'CONNOR, Barthel! Noufles, etc. Money to loan at very lowest current rates on best terms. Officeâ€"corner Kent and York-sts., Lindsay. '1‘. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor. B.A. HOPKINS a HOPKINS, Burla- an. Solicitors. Nottry Public. etc. Solicitors 102- Bank 0! neutron]. Honey to loan on tam to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William“. 8.. Lindsay. Ont. G. H. Hopkins, K. 0., F. H. Hopkins, B.A.. LLD. OF VIOIORIA we. - Ridoutâ€"at., corner Kent. ”4 Lindsay-cu. Phone 45. Dr. F. BLANOHARD amnm'm TORONTO UNIVERSI- TY. CORONER FOR COUNTY COUNTY OF VICTOR-IA. We nounâ€"1 to 3 pan. and by ”utmost. Dr. Hall. Little Britain MUATE OF TORONTO AND TRINITY UNIVERSITIES. mm ATTENTION 'I‘O SUR- GERY AND DISEASES OF WHEN AND CHILDREN. MATE CORONER FOR THE 100 and 200 PHONE 7" Money to Loan. WOOD are born great, game Doctor Andfl’hysieian Barristers, etc. r‘r!fl!m ' Mrs. A. Mainwright, St. Mary’s, Ont., writeszâ€"“I feel it my duty to write and I tell you the good your Dr. Wood’s Nor- ] way Pine Syrup did for my little boy. 1 He had whooping cough, which left him , with a nasty, dry hard cough. I took ' him to several doctors, but they did him no good, and I could see my little lad failing dayb dag. I was advised p0 take him to anot ei- octor, which I dxd, and he told me he was gomg into a decline. I was telling a neighbour about it, and she told me to get a bottle of Dr. Wood’s ; I Norway Piano; Sygup, audgivejt whim] , ,VV‘ --__, â€"-'â€"_yâ€"uw "on: W in andaalightdisc fromthenoae. tis,asamle, more achild’s,t1‘onblo butalaoafiectsadulta. Dr. Wood's Norm; Pine Syrup h. momvehtsfiveii eninfimmndh flaospoaitivecm'eforanyd cf“: .1..A- was so pleased with the result that I bought another one, and by the time he had finished it he had no cough. He II now fat and g,aqdl.wm1ldnotbe â€":‘L--_L - L‘AAI regulafly. She "the‘n' gdfi t; Ellâ€"'12; 1;); much good it did her children, so I got a bottle, apg gage it_ £0 {13y littlepox, 1mg Doctors Gould Ilo No Good. An Ants’ Sewing Circle. A party of German naturalists re cently returned from Ceylon have re- ported the existence of a species of ant that has been observed in the act of sewing two leaves together for the pnr~ pose of forming a nest. This report confirms the observations of the Eng- lish naturalist Ridiey. made in 1890. They saw a row of the insects pulling the edges of leaves together. then oth- ers trimming and fitting the edges. and finally the completion of the work by still other ants which fastened the edges with a silky thread yielded by larvae of the same species the workers carried in their mandibles. It is said that the sewing ants pass the thread- giving larvae like shuttles through holes in the edges of the leavesâ€"Bus 1 ton Post. ’ Wnoom coueu 130 no: surfer another day with _Itch1n£'. Bleed~ gag. oz; Procmd- . mg If: 1 e s . No eurgwal opof- _ qtion rcquireu. Dr. Chase's Omtmenc «nil when you at once and as certainly cute '21: 600. a box: all dealers. or Edumnson. B'ata 3: 09).. ijiteg. Toronto. Sample box free it you menuon th'x newer and encinse 2c. stamp to may pm-‘Luge. a streak for ages will ceaselessly flow. And I say, as I often haVe said, that a. man should be dead when he’s dead, he should cut out his toil when he sleeps in the soil, while the dickeybirds sing overhead. By Welt Mason. up. The minister diesâ€"then he's dead, This, with and a, stone is placed over his head, and the nami and the rabbits play round his little ed thereon, is green mound, and the birds sing it worth whi their songs overhead. The editor. Any further goes to his rest, afar in isles of the by communic blest; all snore-less he sleeps where Paton, of the the whangdoodle weeps, a. monument egraphy, Linc‘ over his chest. The lawyer, when should send t done with his law, goes down to the If Fenelon grave's hungry mew; and never, geon and oth when dead, does he open his head, or note of this i cut a wide swath with his jaw. The ciated by 8,1 merchant is dead when he dies, and return fares 1 coppers are placed on his eyeS; he the counties v schemes not nor talks, but serene in dates mentiom his box all silent and dreamless he lies. Most people are dead when they croak; they drift out of sight "UNDRE like the smoke; no more do they wail or reach out after kale, or gos- sip or gambol or joke. Not so with PRELATI the Writer of books; he gees ahead writing, gadzooks ! And year ajter year do his volumes appear, all fresh Funeral of 1 from the land of the spooks. Some authors who died long ago, though at P buried, continue to thrOW off their g dope by the ream, and ,their ink in Peterhoro. J8 D t LEFT A NASTY, DRY COUGH. uvu. SCOTT’S. fin: Scott a; Bowne. Toronto. Ontario 1M0 con “7"" \\‘h< she " ma ? No 3; Indestructible i :2" i will priz By Welt Mason. up. The minister diesâ€"then he's dead, '1‘! and a, stone is placed over his head, and and the rabbits play round his little ed {1 green mound, and the birds sing it “- heir songs overhead. The editor. An :oes to his rest, afar in isles oi the by ( ilest; all snoreless he sleeps where Pat< he whangdoodle weeps, a. monument egra; wer his chest. The lawyer, when shou one with his law, goes down to the If rave's hungry mew; and never, geon rhen dead, does he open his head, or note it a wide swath with his jaw. The ciata erchan't is dead when he dip: and mm... fl Thousands testify that Scott’ I Emulfion ride the system of poisonous acid by enriching the unpover- ished blood8 and its con- centrated nourishment as converted into red blood corpuscles which drive out rheumatism. It is especially valuable to aged people. is probably due to uric acid in the systemâ€"the blood must be purifiedâ€"â€" the poisonous acid driven out and general health must be impmved. Ask for and iggist on risofiifiahi'éfi'w‘i J. H. Banyan, of Bellevills Colleâ€" giate Institute, bu beep appointed Public School Impoctor ox Salton, â€"The Warder received a caller from the great Northwest Friday, in the person of Mr. Clin’ Graham, bro- ther of Mr. Herb. Graham, Mari- pOSa’s well-known stockman. Kr. Graham, like a great number of 04:62:- young Victoria County men locating in the wheat fields of Canada; has made good, and although he has been but a. little over three years in the ‘ West. is the proud owner of one of the finest farms in Saskatchewan. st- tuated about 40 miles from Moose- jaLw. Last 398.5011 he had a. particu- larly successful season as for as his crops were concerned, and secured good' prices for his grain; To-dxh Ethe C.N.R. runs within a. mile of his ‘farm. and the C.P.R. and G..T.P 0.1- so m'close by. Mr. Grthem and Mrs. Graham. who was a, Toronto young lady, dropped in unexpectedly on their Heripoe. friends, and m ’ heath wetcomed. '11»: fitted spending a week or to in the tow:- Ihtp. and will tho Visit Tom Other attending clergy "were: ArchbishOp McNeil, of Toronto ;~' Mgrs. McCann, Toronto; Aylward. London; Mahony, Hamilton; Cho~ quette, St. Hyacinthe; Bishops Fab Ion, London; Bishop Regan, Pem~ broke: BishOp Budka, representing Tthe Ruthenians in Canada, and Bish- op Emard, of Valleyfield. Arch- bishop Bruchesi was represented by Dr. SyIVester, of Montreal. The Toronto representatives also includx ed Dr. Kidd and Father Hand, W.) McCann, Minehan and Cline. The ceremonies in.the cathedral at 9.30 a.m. with Archbishop Spratt, of Kingston, as celebrant of the mass. Over 200 priests were pres- ent. Father Scanlon, of George- town, Ont., was deacon of the oflice. and Father Fitzpatrick, of Ennis- more, sub-deacon. The deacons of honor were Father Kelly, of Trout‘ Creek, and Father Roach. o! Toron- to. Archdeacon Casey, of Lindsay, was arch priest. i THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. All the local Catholic sociéties were largely represented at the fun- eral, and hundreds of citizens turned out. to pay their tribute of respect. All the Catholic institutions were draped, and many citizens, irrespec- tiVe of religion, had flags at halfâ€" mast. Bishop Scollard, of North Bay, who preached the sermon, was the first priest ‘m-dained by the late bishop, and is now in charge of the diocese that once constituted a part of the Sega of Bishop O’Connor in the earlier years of his episcopacy. While the body was lying in state thousands of people attended St. Peter’s cathedral. Peterboro, Jan. 29,â€"Roman Cath- olic prelates and clergy from many points of Ontario attcnded the fune~ ral of Bishop O'Connor Tuesday. Funeral of Bishop O’Connor at Peterboro HUNDREDS AT PRELATB’S FUNERAL note of this it will be much apprp- ciated by all concerned. Reduced return fares from all points within the counties will be in eflect on the dates mentioned. Any further information can be had by communicating with Mr. A. M. Paton, of the Railway. School of 'Del- egraphy, Lindsay, to whom outsiders should send their entries at once. If Fenelon Falls, Minden, Bobcay- geon and other papers will make a This, with possession of the cup and the names of the winners engravâ€" ed thereon, is an inducement to make it worth while. Col. Hughes wants to see Coho- conk, Kirkfiold, Victorig Rood,dei- burton, Kinmount. linden and Pene- lon Falls from the north on the ice this season; also Bobcnyggon, Ome- mee, Reoboro, Little Britain. Oak- w00d and Woodv-ille. He will en- deavor to be here for the opening or final game, and every village in the counties of Haliburton and Victoria, who have ice to play the game. should send in their entries and help Imake the tournament a. huge success. ‘No entry fee is charged. The execu- tive’s portion 01 the receipts should be considerable, every} cent of which will be used to purchase individual prizes for the winners and runners up. takes place. The conditions govern- ing the contest make it ‘mpoeelblo to ‘bunch 0. H. A. play“!- u no team ‘oan play more than one intermediate or senior. In addition, all players must be resident of the municipality their team represents three months prior to date of tournament. This. regulation was inserted out of con-i aidzration for outside teams. as it‘ places them on the same. it not bet.- ter, footing than any 0! the Lindsay town league team. There should certainly be a. large number of entries for possession of the Hughes Cup this season. The tournament is billed for Jam-um 19th, 13th. 14th and 15th, the m dates on which the White; Carnival Hughes .Cup Hockey E. Gregory, W. G, Duncan Fox. Bndy. Lindny ’ 'IheW{A.Jenldns Mfg.Co. Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets Hay be Chained MWWomPovda.25c1 mummy, Ron! 1e - " lumps? SthhbenfiSOcW.“ State:- BoanurpIeCouhcun.mu Gchygirlsin Royal Put-pie Disinfectant. 25c and we Jag. Ions. WMEWMRW; wannabes Boanthor-anflcfiu web W1 muffle” , Boyd PurpleldeeXilkr,25cund50c fins: 30cbymfl. Rohy’dnliiuinleGdlCun,26cudfledm: 80¢ MMMWQWW; 60: Mini). MMWhM.uch web: Ballgamkbbiueemtacnnfima 303:! Purple Sto’k Specific. 50c pom: {our 506 ”1:31.. in in tin-till“ 611.10; £1.50. Royal Purple Poultry Specific. 25¢ an! 50c what», And 51;? air-tight tin- that hold first Ind see the marvellous result which will be obuined. Our Stock Specific will inclus- the milk now three to five‘ lbs. per cow per 61!. While being fed in the stable. A 506 wheewfllhstaeowarhone‘loms. .ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC will nuke your hem lay just as well in the winter :3 In the summer. and will keep them Inc from disease. These good: u: pure cm! unnamed. We do pot use mphegvfiller You an fatten cfltle and hon in 3 month‘- leeo fine by using our Royal Purple Stock Spocific that you could possibly do with it. thereby uviug a month's feed and hbor and the coat to you will not be more than 81.60 {or six pics or $1.00 for one weer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. I! you hove o poor. Mable-look- {ns animal on your plgoe try lt_ron_t_hi_a orig the ”tinfwtpdd. one of our _ 51117: “-9.89 hook: (with in- sert). on the common diseases of stock snd Poultry. Tells how to feed sll kinds of heavy and light horses. colts and mm. milch cow. calves and laughing steeu. 1130 how to keep and feed poultry so thlt they will I" a mi! in winter on in summer. It conning 360 recommend: from all over Canaan. from people who have used our goods. No tamer thould be without it. FBE We will send ubaolutely (me, for ROYAL PURPLE Stock Poultry Specifics A man imagines his troubles would disappear if .N had all the money he is entitled u The Unionists have conceded the election of the Nationalist candidate in the City of Ipndonderry. I Beggars’ Day In Costa Rica. In Costa Rica the beggars are privi- leged characters on Tuesdayâ€"that is. they are allowed that day of the week in which to beg from shop to shop. It is the custom for business houses to prepare for the weekly visit of the mendicanm and to hand over to them small coins or articles of little value. In some instances where merchandise is given away the beggars peddle it about the poorer quarters cm! 80 earn a few cents apieceâ€"Argonaut. It was deputation day, and the Provincial Secretary had a. busy time. In presenting the Lindsay delegation to the Minister, Dr. Vroo- man felt that an effort was being made to fill up the municipal voters’ list with income voters. The ob~ ject is to fix the lists for local op- tion contests. They also wished Athat the qualification of a. tenant be {more clearly defined. The deputa- } tion were prepared to supply mater- l ial for a stated case before the Court [of Appeal. Hon. W. J. B! meat buildings. Messrs. J. D. Flavelle and AlexL' Horn were in Toronto yesterday, and! with the member for West Victoria, Dr. A. E. Vrooman, waited upon Hon. W. J. Hanna at the Parlia- LINDSAY DEPUTATION Appointments to olfice Kee, Woodville. say. Roads and bridgesâ€"J. J. Dex'itt, Verulam. Educationâ€"R. J. Mumgan, Ome- may on {E‘mâ€"nrhtvti the prélent time. The chairmen of the different com- mittees for the ensuing year up pointed by the county fathers are as follows : Finance and assessmentâ€"Isaac H. Fee, Emily. County propertyâ€"R. Kylie, Lind- Chairman of the County Committies Printingâ€"HUgill Dobson, Lind- â€"- Wm. Mc- matches, and they have been so suc- 0388M that she has plans !or keep- ing her personally conducted matri- monial system in operntiou ~until 0.11 01 her nine sons have taken haunt.- ,of the family as wives. ‘ ‘ The father of this mutating fun- flyofnineaonlundadfllthhrtho has 3 am. A. ouch Ion ”when tho I... of 16 ha in than an mm in an nth-r5 basin... and m ya «the pub.- ig 1%. m St. Louis, Jan. 81.â€"-Mrs. Louis J. Tichacek, wife or a, wealthy marble manufacturer and former Missouri Sate ropfiaentative. trains Gaunt girlsinherh‘ome tobewivuothor Ions. She has made three 0! these Mrs. J. Cullis, who has been con- fined to her bed since Christmas, we {are pleased to state in the past two weeks is very much improved and able to sit up each day. Also Miss Bessie Cullis, who has been suffering from an attack of appendicitis is much better and in a {air way for recovery under the careful mummy of Dr. Ray, of Cambray. 1 Trains Her Servant Girls to Marry Her Nine Mr. Jan. Woolridge, of Little Brit- ain, and his son Thomas spent. an afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jewell as old neighbors and friends of their young days. Two splendid dialogues are in pm- tice by the young folks of Linden Valley, which will be giVen in the Grange hall on Feb. 7th. Watch {or advertisement in paper later. Mr. and Mrs. Robert‘Jewell spent last Friday with friends at Little Britain. Mr. Jack Callia,'L.(‘.I., spent. the week and under the parental roof. Mr. Ernest and Miss Stella Han- cock are visiting friends at Orillia. Mr. Ray Cullis and Mr. A. Tam- lin spew, Monday night in Woodville. Nearly all the young people around spent Monday afternoon skating at Ricket‘s corners. Miss Wooldridge, of ()akwood. is the guest of Miss F. B. Giles. Mr. Harry Swindles spent a couple of days in the netgnoomood renew- ing old acquaintances. Mrs. Chas. \Voolaqott left on I-‘ri- day to spend a few days with her mother Mrs. Fisher, of [.mnevillo, who has been confined to her bed for more than two months. Mrs. J. '1‘. Jewell is smnding a few days in Woodville with her dulzghtcr Mrs. J. H. McEachern. Miss Georgie Dale spent Saturday with friends in town. Miss M. MacKay spent, a few days of fast week in Lo\\n with friends. Miss M. Prousc, of Toronto, ahdl Miss Pearl Prouse. of Oakwood, paid ,7 a. visit to Mrs. Bert Jewell on Mon-E day aitex noon. 1 LINDEN VALLEY Linden Valley, Jan. 212â€")”. M. Cruess attended {he concert in Wood- Ville on Friday last. “Patsie” is now being well looked after at his old home in We. “ Ops. It appears that the boy has been in hiding in the neighborhood, and that certain people interested in his whereabouts thought- it. best to re» turn the child, noticing the determim ation of Constable 'J‘hornbury to lo- cate the young lad. ‘ "Patsie" Peters has returned to‘ the fold. For a. couple of days‘ County Constable Thornbury has given his attention to unravelling the mystery in connection with the disappearance of this fiwâ€"year-old‘ ‘lad, the result being that this mom- i lad, the result being that on Thurs- I day he was successful in locatingj been taken care of for the last few, months. i Patsie Peters Returns to Fold I The sons who have followed their [mother's edVioe in selecting servants. 1 in the house for wives, and who hovel never regretted it, are Louis, thirty-' three; August, thirty-one; and:3 Frank, twenty-nine. Leuia has two’ sons. August has four daughters. and Frank has a. .301: and a daughter. The three married sons have homes adjoining the paternal residence.- "Our daughtore-in-lew an as dear to us as our sons," aid Tichwek. “Every night they come to our home with their families. and we have a .- Cinnamon’s Hardware Store With wise executive foresight Mrs. Tichacek preservu the line of succee- nion by always having one or more household servants in training when- the senior In rank is approaching the' end of the allotted five-year period. When a 'girl has successfully passed through the five years of probation, and has shown that she is proficient as a. cook and as n housekeeper ac- cording to the standard set by this mother of ten. Mrs. Tichaoek does not hesitate to recommend her to the oldest son still single as a, qualified and desirable helpmeet. “It a girl is good enough to work in mv household for five years sheds good enough to marry one of my sous.7l "Their mother finds their wives, and I put them in business. and everybody is happy," says Tichacek. Mrs. Pichacek has a rule which thus far has never failed her. This is the way she states it : has just taken his eighth son, Harry into the firm. We havexsomg very Low Prices on stoves, both in n: w and second had. It will pay you to see them. Notice is hereby given that the Seventeenth Annual Meeting or the Shareholders of the Company “in be held in the Council Chamber, Lindsay. on Manday, February 3rd, 1913, at 2 o'clock sharp in the afternoon, {or receiving the Annual Report and [Fin’ ancial Statement of the afiairs of the Company for the past year. the election of Directors. and the transaction of such other busi- noSS as may be brought before the Meeting. A full attendam‘e of the Shareholders is requested. DEPOSITORS with the Company are cordially invited to a tend the Annual Meeting, though not entitled to vote. C. E. WEEKS. Mgr. Omemee Branch - A. C. Hodgetts. Mgr Y I'CT OR IA LOAN SAVINGS C0. Seventeenth Annual Meeting OOOOOOOOOOOO THE BANK OFTORONTO Lindsay, Jaguary 18, 1913. JOINT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS may be opened in this Bank, the money in which may be withdrawn by either of two personsâ€"a very great convenience at times. Intervst is paid on balances. A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at EVERY BRANCH. ASSETS $58,000,000 A'l' Shilobfié m to (117- Idld not see the? ‘aki an: Bowery. They called these dwell “magâ€"Christian Harold launch Cnftcwomen. 1 Though their tools are few and c : .dec the Igorotu are clever workmen. :53)! or their axes, spears and shields . Lam a wild art all‘thelr, own. The ,5?!“ makers, too. turn out pipes of ye. anal and graceful design. Diday I w:;: fled the women working in clay and :r.'.‘.n: out kitchen utensils. Two giris car: fled day from a dismal: pit. wt; 9 mp er women In the village worked ' 3N Shapely urns and bowls are x. , «led from the plastic clay and set in HA :10! { PU'I'NAM’S CORN 1-:.\'Tl’._\(‘;‘uR ‘ DOES EASE YOUR CORAS Takes the sting right outâ€"(Wan! ! ‘eln right 03‘ without pain. Thous- ( ands say its the surest, thing my nd the feet of callousw, sore foot lumps or earns. Don't suder-Liat's foolishâ€"bUy a, 250 bottle of “:2- nam's Painless Corn and War? 13x- tractor. it does 9» trick quicklv. and is invariablv satisfactory. “mid by all druggists. "I have never had cause In n-gret taking my sons into my buszn. ~~ as 988113213. Day and night we an; 3 happy tummy." .1418 A 9:" Com- n Wr‘kfbrarauo «m ”The Family Friend to: do party. We make our home 50 at- tractive that our sons never go dw- where to find amusement. THURSDAY. FEBRUAR) UndsaY N. Qinvolving duh wt“! 92 kn .90- For instance. on June 12, 1811. t Company sold 116,( Saskatchewan is Ming "Rush m g Hamilton. Ont a! being the {m Ida. to use thn to business. '1 m started to 90. 1877. Canada ranks .tions in ratio ¢ htion. The first capyrigh uh was for "The ( 300k." prepared by 3°“. Niagara. an Henry Roswell, Tor fight was dated 1k- Biz bargains in n M in Canada It’s wise to keep 1 bun Lmiment alwa} s on hm; ‘ Mediate use m hen nerde offtost bites. burns or I mutant relief. 25c. 1t :11 Dmggists.1 “\K'henex er I 'fo unable returning, ox Liniment, is suiticiez Though thousands blains every Winter, 1? them as was Mr. I, Napanee, Ont. “'12.. surely cure 812311) i u; blains. Mr. McFarlane writ “Douglas” Egyplu. me of chublains. 31‘ that at times I va~ house, the 8521:1101} 3) 1nd fwtered that 1 w boots. Many romcdix out benefiz, until I p Liniment. which gave Douglas’ Egyptian Cured Hin BHILBLAEE'éS SE3 GUULDN’T WEI; Lindsay Branc The Canadian Bar facility for the transac the disc0unt and col]: are supplied free of ct CAPITAL, $1 5.0 THE CA « OF < Mmglot ALEXANDER 1. HM» Gent-.ral ‘ A BO FARMF. Oflice Hon to 3 o'clock. hturdyc 10 to t 05 Incorporated by of Parliamen Lindsay Br BANK SIR EDMI ‘ND \\ Paid up C: Rest Undivided Branches minion. 0": . hcwfnu York, Chicag qury CA transacted , Branch

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