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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Feb 1913, p. 6

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time. It clears the throat and air passages, and by coating the mucous membrane protects it against further irritation. Mountain Lion Shot. " A Grant Of $200 Maddeited when \vnundi-d, fighting to the death. and attempting to tear /' f C b k B 0d the bodies of his assailants to shreds, ' a big mountain lion was shot at Half ‘ or 0 0C0“ r1 ge Mum) Bay, B.C., not long ago. accurd- ._.._ ' ing to 'l‘humas Harv. whn colii-cted the . , _ , , . '. bountv the other day at, Vancouver. It was decided, on a motion being; omng’ t0 the P1198 sinking on one Hal-Ln with his brother and the lat- put by ('(vm. McWatters and «Son-,5 Side. which endangers the traffic Of} trer‘s with}, were passing through the s - - ' ‘ , ' “1‘ Ms What!) the ‘iun made his an near- them, that Megs-s. Iobson, Aitonfi traction engines and vehicles over It ’A ~ ‘ x . V 1% [The waters at times OV‘erflow and a he and pdlhgul towards tiem. ’ 'l"hwâ€"nqh wonmiml «woral times it still Hi1}. I‘M'itt, Varcoe and tho ,Wardvn: . ~ children are unable t° ”find “hum name cm. Amnmnition was running I i i T! . . ‘ 1 EH - . l .t . . wmt :11 rm m fr Lie ti! 8‘0?! nion Vtm I owing t0 ““3 inconvenience. low. but tdkin: his last aim. Thomas K n f. H" , r . ‘- . I ' ‘ um ' . n n he ‘ .m , 11,8 ‘ m E An ‘engi'neér W111 see to tho prepor Harv sent a shut through the annual c "T“S ”W”; ‘0 "9 bum, 3“ [Maw- iconstructibn of the bridge and make hmirt as he_ “:1: . makiiv: his final 10 win ihxc a iwrlaw xvii! be subâ€"1.: . . .. ‘sri'inq. and it rwhmi nwr (had. It ~ ‘t safe hot “31' i measured set-an [wt fr int tip tn tip. "‘""" "hm““i? “‘9 WWW” (‘T “‘9‘ ram Mbafihnhfi mhndnwn hm: A sip of Dr. Chase’s Syrup . of Linseed and Turpentine brings the greatest relief imaginable under these cir- cumstanges, _and in_ wogderfully short More particularly in the country,‘ where long drives in stormy weather and the sudden change of temperature on en- tering warm, stuffy buildings 5 bring on dry throat, irritation and coughing. L ,,v_a ing, aften in such an extent as t6 spoil the efiectiveness of their appearance in pubfic- Speakers and singers are especially annoyed by throgt irritation and cough- PAGE "SIX You not onfy obtain the temporary 3Q nnhpptibh mm {ht} whibh was mm am; m‘s‘mh; \‘rfi‘g MN 6- sanded um amt H Efifiéfi h ma 0% foauha‘ Throat Irritation hr ‘1ch rcpau ”NEW: The 16; the we head. â€"\ mg“ 9% mam 9H we Wm M WW Mfiuwkm Gam- atm m: 4 w. Cam gamma ifitmduééfl me Staph bridge; we ginua Hus gim- tame was: M mum is admit 6% m wee Madge a? Mia‘s; usz‘zfit'fiubks wwma Raga aha mum were wama aa‘ a emmmw m ihfléi‘i‘; me am! mm 5% 3% :hmé gem“; his; rams can be sure of the genuine by“ seeing the portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt‘Bopk author, on the bottle you buy. 25 cents; family size, 60 cents, all dealers, or ‘ Edmenson, Bates Co., Ltd., Toronto. Its reputation is so great as to lead to many imitations be- “ ing put. on the market, some even using the name Linseed and Turpentine. But imita- tions almost alw_ays disappoint. You relief which enables you the free use of the voice in comfort, but also prevent the development of a cold or serious lung trouble. It is on the recommendation of this medicine from one person to another, during a long period of years, that it has attained such wonderful popularity, and has such enormous sales. MS H4 :93 m Mae his W3 u w w Ma} 5 i m hm Madag- And a; ham} \wum rather gq Shep Hum listen m g lquqhx, idem mm m Mme mm! Mm they- gtm #13 £9 gm BMW: mew is WM; m; mm M a sham Mm: A mm in FM “and Mia m mm m mm! mm: ‘THE WATCHMAN-WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. ‘ Mr. H. H. Dewart. K.C.. cOunsel iior Dr. Nesbitt. secured in appoint- ment. with the J wise for 2 o’clock to hear his argument. Mr. W. G.‘ Thurston,oK.C., was present on -be-; hull of the Crown. The argument‘ was brief. his Lordship deciding in favor of Mr. Dewut’u contantion shut the chap: oi muting frontin- lent return. to the Gournment u Pro-idem oi the Fum- Btnk, upon which Dr. Nubitt wu oxtuditod iron Chicago, m not cited in tho criminal code. Hr. Justice Kiddin- toathtnpnMcmontquuungml mu; hit man. In aid, mflbflmihur. .i Toronto, Feb. 1.â€"â€"An hour god a, haliaIter the five indictments against him had been quashed by Mr. Justice Middleton, Dr. William Beattie Nes- bitt died at his home, 71 Grosvenor street, at 8.38 yesterday afternoon of heart failure and Bright’s disease, in his iortyneighth year. ' “WOWJC rncel. Hon. Adm Bock um thy Hydroâ€"Q 1. w. IOYDASON. gloat-1° hogan m 9m 5: mo. slay... ”Whit-mm Dr.‘ Nesbitt‘ Dies It is the unnatural methods the;r ire ilsing that. are roughening the lines of the face and absolutely de- If natural methods for the im- provement and refinement of the complexion and the lines of the face were used. Dr. Crumbine says Am- erican women in a. couple at genera- tions would be the most geautiful on earth. 88 . Lawrcnce, Kan, len. 30. -- The struggle for beauty will bring forth a. race of women whose homelincss will be painful to behold, says Dr. S. J. Crumbinc, dean of the school of medicinaof the University of Kan- Tells Women How They Mr. Jordan said he was pleased to meet his old friends. dud congratu- lated them on their return to omen, and stated that if they do their-work as well as when he was Warden of the county and got the same thanks This: “WNW at Manda WM m mum»: 9f «Guam wen gm “M w a swam Sammy Wan the stews. MN «MW "Mu Wynn“, Mt, G- A. durum. mu Damasflxmus 93 Lindsay, fiullowud My, Tgow, and in mm of his may and enactivg Speeches, won the hearts at the way. thy councillors. a Asses» Wm: mum m m mu» m! $9ng Em“ m mm Mm me 1mm hm Mam g6 mm;- muugm was 9% am“ mmwt ‘m w mmmmmz :maeimmw, {BMW m a mat a fiimm tawam Hus 6%Mxflfi at a kehm m eaammua mm {m Hm was Ms km MNNHBB: A it NH; - » ' -_ _. wun a cmmmn SIEW‘, nut 1 w: A. fig? g ammo? 2} M: (36-56“ pennants, u want bmfi‘o ‘ fl ' a a 'fi u 3'6. " ‘ “3“" .3“ \ wrong)”. i am shim! «an m an». “mug: awwa an {Muir arm; n,“ 6mg, ,MM‘ m, the mam Wt étmak mi bmnml hag-s; Hm am mm: 1 khmv We believe your beloved wife passed away in peace with her Saviour, and we trust you will take GOd as your guide throngh life. that He may be your comforter and ever keep you in the path of righteousnese, and that when the mists have rolled away you may meet your loved ones on that happy, golden shore, where the {eith- ful part no more. John 14th’chap., 27th verse : Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you ; not as the We believe your wife has been a true Christian woman and livegi a life for Christ, trying to do her best for her children, and making every thing pleasant about her home. God has called her for a better cause. When Christ himself left this earth He said, “I go to prepaye a place for .mu”; so we trust ‘as He calls His own one by one that He has a great.- er work for them to do. ' Ae thin in your eeeond eevere trlgl la euoh . short perlod o! tlmeâ€"lret the lose 0! your only eon. sud now your boloved wile hoe poem owoyâ€" lt le hard to and words to oxpreu our fooling: town-do you in ouch a sorrowful time. but it you only put your trust 1;; God. He wlll comfort you. Wo’ now not why so much sorrow has tollen upon you In such o éhort tlme.‘ but God known all things. W9 all have to meet our Saviour face to lace some time. soon- er or _ later; we hove no pick or choice of who shall go first. Toronto. Jun. 98th 1913. John J. Pogue and Milo]. 166 Campbell-am" 'Doronto. ‘ lhu- Bronâ€"W0 the 0mm ad members of Reyna George L0.L. No. 2840. with to extend to you and your may our 31an symmthy u this hour 0! bomvemont, R0) 211 George L. O. L., Express Their Sympathy Freed of Charges cram color. It may be roiled into : compact bundle Mthout hurt und with own“: mngwm tut tor aural nusâ€"81m When an Ecuador Indian wants! blanket he hunt up a demajagm tree Ind cut.- trom It a five or six foot tec- flon of the pecgflarly sort. thick bark. this is dampened and beaten until the flexibility at the sheet is much Increa- ed. The rough gray exterior In next peeled ‘06. and the sheet dried in the an. The result is a blanket. soft. light and fairly warm. of an attract!" The Blanket Tree. 3 Blankets grow on trees in Ecuador. and. while the idéa or an all wood 1 fresh from the forest bed covering might give insomnia and a backache to l the child of civilization who like: to snuggle com’prtably under several lay- ers of down and wool, the natives and italirizht. as in tactitts. I ‘ Cleanly habits are the greatest aid ‘to the beauty, Dr. Crumbine 7 adds. Bathe often, massage the lace gent- ly with the hands, always dry the SR 11 thoroughly. sleep until you wake and be sparing of highly seas~ oned foods, he says, and- you cannot help having a ’good complexion. ian Become Beautiful “ Paint and powder on the face not just like so much dirt," Dr. Crum- bine says. " They clog the pores of the face and the poison in some of them is absorbed." straying their complexion, he says: Women are using entirely too much range and paint and too many pre- parations which are destructive to the tissues. The council promised to give the matter their earnest consideration. ' 333333: 33333 335333. 33333333 333333333 3w 93333333 333 33333333 3333a 3633 33333:! 3333' 3:33: E33333" 33333 $333313 333 33333333 333 33333333 3333 6333333333333 353 33333 33333333 § 33333 3 33933333 33333 33333 333 33333333 3333 333337 3333333) 33333333 333333 333333 §33333333333333 630333 333 33333339 33333 3333333333 3333333 333 333333333333} 33333 3333333333 3333; 33 33333;. 333333-0333 333333., N333 3333333 3333- 3333 33333.33 3333333333333; 3333333 333 «333‘- 33333'33-_ 333» $34.33 3333.3 3333: 333333 is 33 3343333 3333333. 3M3! 333333 3 33333 33333 39533333333943 3a 33-99339 to 33m wwiatim‘s 3333333383 333133 R333!!! 333m 3333!! g 3mm 03 ”00.00. His coqcludins remark; hrought forth a round o! matrimony. “hon he 33333.33 that as he “as “5â€": ceiving a getting 0! fine eggs tram a; member of the association for his, asâ€" sistance. he “ould gram the prim to any county councillor. “ho had M 3 clocking hen. ' 3 Letters of sympathy from friends And relatives: Hon. Geo. E. Foster; Hon. Thos. Crawtord; W. D. Mc- tPherson, M.L.A.; Mr. and Mrs. Price. ‘K.C.; air. and Mrs. R. J. Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. Fix-vet ; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilson; Mr. Agar, of the city; Mr. and Mrs. T. ,E. Cragg. Greenn bank; Mr. and Mrs. B. Cragg, any“! bank; M}. and Mrs. Abraham Cragg,‘ Cambray: Mr. and Mrs. McWilliams, { Petcrboro ; Mr. and Mrs. Jamvs Sm.“ pics, Valentin; Mr. and Mrs. W. J.j Stokvs, Little Britain ; Mr. an} Mrs. ‘ M. Stokes: Mr. and Mrs. R. Coulter ‘ Deford, MicMgan U. S. A.; Mr. and Mrs. \\'.clls Deford; Mr. and Mrs. I Isaac (‘ragm Cass Ci'tx, Mich; Mrs. rs! Thos. Mc(‘ raukon, Gore Bny- , John l’oxue, Manitoba; Mr. R. M11. and (S. I’ogue, New Westminster. B. 0., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Casey. Mor- den, Mam; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Pogqe Nelson, B.C.. etc. loan. first: of your onky son. now at yo\u- beloved me Words cannot ox- proaa our tooling: in this your trying hours 0! narrow god plot. We wish to “tend to you out! to your clin- dreu our deepest sympathy. Wad 6 Libom-Conmi-vguvo Asso- chuon have sent the (allowing letter to the bemved hunbond : Wad e Comtlvo Minion wish to extend to you tad your tum- ily our dupe” lymptthy In your sud world gheth give I unto you; let at your hart. be troubled. nelthu‘ let it 5. mid. Signed on mm o! Royul George L.O.L. No. 9860. WI. J1 3mm. Rec. 800.. 106 Campbell-um. Tomato W. .H. SCOTT. Rec. Sec. \HH Lord' Co m. whose Cheshire m was ,reoemly. is the latent British poet who in stated to hsvo diopoud 6! an «uh in tho old coun- try with tho inflation o! investing in fl-_‘.l_ "1me " cried Dr. Edwards imi- tuting 1. us tone of hi: .d- «any. “ pmpou to handle Dr. Inns ywith tin-foot pole.” ‘ Thén he proceeded .with a violent cutikation. ntfihe and of which the “its“ 0‘ Wumécls gnaw «3911., "I propose." cried Evans as be ad- vanced to the‘ohdrmm's side. "I propose to handle Dr. Edwards with- out gloves.” With a Tén~Foot Polo. When Dr. Edwards, M.P. for From 1 tame was conducting one of his poli~ tioal campaigns in the county a few I years ago, thare came out .from King- . ston as a critic and gorator, “Dr.” J. Gwallia Evans. who 16 now serving a I fifteen-months“ term in the peniten- tiary for frond. Evans was at that ! time. however. a, political debater, lending his services to the highest bidder, and he announced publié‘liy that he was read to give Dr. - wards I Mu] tro mine. Few of the goople in the .audience knew much of vmn‘ reputation, except Dr. Ed- wards. who allowed hdo opponent ‘0 spggk first. 7‘ . The popular Warden received a large number of telegrams of ‘conâ€" gratulation, including ones from the following gentlemen: J. J. PrestOn, M.P.P.; R. Ruddy. K.C., of Peter- boro ; A. G. Simpson, of Lindsay} J. A. Loucks, of Campbelll'ord; Dr Wood, of Lindsay; Geo. McCartney, of Bethany; G. H. Hopkins and Sen- ator McHugh, 0! Lindsay. 1‘ “N'Vu Joseph Hicksmx. ui Mum’cm. :fuho had the honor of laumg ulg-cu'd “Wgrden (It the united countivs of __ Uurhum and Northumbcrland, Was in > town on Saturday renewing acqua n- ituncas and wceiripg \he congrmula- When. 01 his numerous friends. Wari Ifden Hickson's friends are legion in 1Lindsay and surrounding country. {and all were delighted to hear that lhe had received theiunanimouu ap- ‘pointment of Warden, being elected I by aoclumation. As a rule a spirit-i (ed fight is looked for for the high iomco at Cpbourg. the county seat. and it is a. signal honor, indeed. to be electbd by dociamation. l On Wednesday last the genial pro- prietor of the Hotel British, 0. F. Allison, gave a. magnificent spread in honor of his guest, Warden Hickson, the menu being beaded as (allows : "With very best wishes for our new Warden, Mr. Hickson.” The dinner was largely attended, and was a. delightful affair in every detail. Dinner Given in Honor- of Mr. Hickson The fire Mane and water supply of the jail was taken up at the meeting of the county co: ncil Wednzrsd 1y. Gowrnor Balfour said: “ It, is the worst. death trap.in Ontario. There is _no water protection in case of fire and no fire escapes. It is only pos- sible to exit or enter through the front. and back doors. The windows are all barred." The governor Bars in Lindsay to be IWI I\\\ 3323;?" '33:" “:3. H. ""ti-Yluehowwuuaer “you {Fm}. and I wmIIIIIg ‘ W“ in“ «mm man. I «m aim um I I ”UH”. WWW“ “ ‘Rh explanatory, muslin! " “I“! women “a. {mall chun- themadm at home 192‘ vrv IIIIII Thou whet: the dado: sax IIâ€" \‘ ou musk h: III Mn mud 1““:th . ago," mundeddghr unto! women have can"! themscII-en ‘IUI . remedy. n can. .l. To Mother-of Mural V111 explain a II acumen! which I Green Sicknm um} I “yen in Mumm- Ioa in Yum rude; Plumpnena ennh llways «suit from IIII hmveryoullvc can re: ryouto hdicaof your own localiw who know an.) II ulna suffer-cub“! Ila-I m rally can: all woman ’sdisoaN sand I I I _ Inn nngmm Manhunt. I)“: and no onIIroMm and the {rm- IendaII I n: also the “'11:: today a my not sce who: er again. Adan-III;- 38,34 SUMM£Bs.log as: - - ”- - wmosonI trauma-t a con chum: tad kt would um: to keratin-6e?“- Wx‘gfl "T“."l‘ mun week. cut“. than “'9 mum. It‘wn‘ 3m! ixgcrfggc with your “-32.221321 Anofl)" Pur' investing. FREE 1'0 YOUâ€"MY SISTER Reduced--at the Jail Butt» (Unsalted: on. com. per pound mom than market prion will be pad. Now 13 the chance for the f u m m to bring in all kinds « p, rags, rubbers, horse 111.3 r Highs“. cub prices paid. Phone 337 L. William-st Wihon'l Old Stand ALL KINDS. HIGHES PRICES PAID. Poultry Wants AI a sticker a porous plastc n't anything on a bod habit. 0f thought i; was needlbss to h 3,; protection on all windo’ws. 'Ours are felt covered and 13: with the best quality of Chain All sizes for both gentlemen ladies. \Ve c‘lrry an immense $11 80 that you mm nut he (“wippui edwith your selection at DUNOON’S is the path-(inn of 0110's lifv .. iIn (mmr tn m'vnmplish the hm: sul's many fixings must iv I. into considerati-vn and coax-Lu not the least important, is'th.» 5 tectiun :dfurded Lhe body agué thecLilling coll uf the (Janna climate. during the winter St'H‘ The best so far as experienm- taught, is a good CHAMOIS VEST awn-Md SlMPSOX.â€"â€"O~n tho 255th. in I goon, the Mia of Irwin Simpson, of Haney, of a dun undergo au 1m The First Law-9‘ ' of Nature punt to you um yuu iOIflci! Vfihe. «lily. quicklv un _ affihflsm 393 232- nah-w tin-r a...“ " mid-m “ ""753" to 0. kidney and thdder '9'" “M P! Mm- menu-r t~ .. vâ€"“v-vm‘ 7“â€" [iii 'tiacid;$'oua mama mm. prove to Van Um! be! It Mme. «mu auickh up“! In; "wu‘ unwacln ‘I “It Ind MIN t“'( ‘0, Ian-m W wmemiua. n}. H. APPLEBAUM tell you the he an gnu-”met. or “1"" siu'er. Iii-l: Ye: a! home um ndocuw. ileum “fldcrfl;ln.i v What we wean-n know no,“ - x“. "VT - “w; W'““ w "DUI-‘1‘ harm‘s-u ‘ gracWIhemmfi-mn ‘ L in“. of an c§nrgc,m 3, .... “with“ -* *° w’m" m5 . I want to tell an wom , my tender. for van K was, you: another. or 3011: ain't-r. r; % 3L ‘1 'Jhe cost of the fire escape looked into by Clerk Mchi Reeve Kylie, and report at 1 session. ' Conn. Hill moved that th removed {romv the windowx upper and lower flat of 1! nor's department, which wa: ed by Reeve Southef‘n. THCRSDA Y. FEBRI'ARX "It: to You mu m" 3mm su an new mars mwtms DRUG STORE Hausa BIRTHS gulch A to'gp'd‘iy’i' in muura we 1“.” m ‘11 P13- ‘hl. the m 1' m mm of ('n v3. balm a: doll 555! ST 555$! LIN £51955 mum, FEB-Br .\ n WW Our Splendi Includi SP GR 4 Day The S th: Hex 6V6}

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