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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Feb 1913, p. 7

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r- 7 7 -- _ . l‘tcrlne of Ova”. ME Lnlnthe hood: hock“ ,_: nus. nervousnou. M melancholy. desk. to cry, s. kidney and thddcr weaknesses peculiar to our of any charge.” . Istmctmrh' to any -- 4 , 1 want to tell u! my rcadcr. for pthcr, of your m1.) are yoursdves at home H ‘1'. Men can-otnndm " L‘haz we women know fl. " rhcucr than any doctor. I . ntmcn! u a safe and ”fem mush dlumJJm‘ ‘ pg of the Wool}. W_ . “Unsalted: one cent 1).! and more than market price will be paid. is the chanee for the fam- bring in all kinds 95;- rags, rubbers, horse hair; ghest cash prices paid. ” now: to you that you a . . -. cam); quick] and. will cost you not to m it will cost you on y > with yum work or . . son wish, and I wm send,“ x mad. l mu also send you )1 explanatory illustration :1! homc. Evrry woman the“. sflyx-m'l Y‘ :n “lust M" II! 'm ‘urcd thr~m~rh‘e9 with mym .,‘| wail explain 3 simpk- “ (kc-ex) sirkncss and Painful q fll“’;|}‘\ ,. “:1! from its use. ‘ 37v whn Lzmw and will m AND (VIIY 8:811! M wouzu's M ) 337 L. ~ Wilson’s Old Stand fig «at the Jail thry Wanted KINDS. HIGHEST ’RICES PAID. APPLEBAUM I BRI' ARY .m wmoson,on{_ day VEST the bars he .vs 011' the lakes VOW} ;' "canned“ we have :5th Elie find he: June say will 'J Jaw sec end. {v11} be O'.\ man- Kenna ‘ss Col- gover- wav on mums: nadiatn ed the "11015 n anc to her njOY- nds =02 . has fic Ar. 01d bachelor gets ‘ pad " stage fright every time he think! 0‘ marriage The farmers of Canada. divided ‘9" B. billLon of dollars among W their field crops Clots. in w 1912. Alas, the poor, “We won» "9?: .. right to propose.” 1., “w l FEBRUARY an}. 1913’ “Illâ€"ll III ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i‘i‘. 1.30 Headed by the 45th Bat. (Lindsay Citizens’) Band 1:4. ,. p , Program of Sports will be held on Kent Street. Including Prizes Splendid Cash Prizes for Our Good Friend Prof. Jake His Celebrated Rube Band M‘ter which a returning all tI privilege of SP‘ Here will be shown the best products of L‘ every one of whom ‘are putting forth a' .big and better than ever. This should be inthel “MADE-IN THE TOW bE-IN-LINDSA Y” EXHIBITION IN TOWN HA LL--A DMISSION FREE int ‘within 80 miles of Lindsay, good 'commencmg pm. .y. 11th, and all trains of 12th, 13th; 14th and 15th, and ~ Monday, 17th February. This gives you the 131;: Program izes for all Events will be Paid and that Each Competition Should Have fbr the best Thunderstorms the lot of countries t themselves as winter re! :mda, the steady 601d gram of Sports will be NO ENTRANCE FEE. Going to law is One 01 the most in midwinter are Mr. Bowel! is continuing his cami satisbctory recreatiOns a. mu vcan ties that’advertiso paign of edfication. But he has so Iter mom?- A“ ‘°" little men in the reBuIt, he preys the indulsa H he's a “WW- I 1d is ferable. y co pre Hon. Alex. My, of Edmouton, I! am mie- for money it's a. .916 hetthsthis wile mute gather Year ment Club Decided. to Make It â€"â€"â€"â€"_ Single Turnout, Double Turnout, and Heavy Team products of Lindsayjs rrian ufacturers and ng forth a .big effort to make this bigger should be interesting to‘every visitor here. THE WATCHMAN' Killcopcote Will be Here With and Will Want to See You. Paid and No Entrance Fee is Charged so. mld Have Many Entries. Friday, Saturday tqdoa. . Come. uaneolthemost ', ONTARIO- The second dl-V Council was owil hens in waiting the during t! Hospital. received and diagram: bill: brought melon Fa A: g We the “cubism It w” a Verylthe sum of $20.00. y nOtiCOfl-ble loature of the meeting. the Reeve Kylie took the chair ‘ (1th with" which all business was 'mding comings on cognty ‘trmsu'ted. wudon ‘Bottum proVed arty. A mu of 3158.14 its 0 hm“ to be a good leader. undhis to be paid H. 'Wugh, cont! 00110919105 seem to imbibe his rapid g for WW“! anmfntsl made method 0‘ dealing With $116 municipal' court noun banding. problems. , nrmSE m: REFUGE. “on 0: the work done. -HOUSE OF REFUGE. i The electing members on the WM 1 of management for the House of Re- 1 {use caused as much enthusiasm as that of Warden on the previous day. Reeves Vnrcoe, Robertson and De- vitt were in the field (or the posi- tion of chairmen of the board of management. Reeve McKee called for a vote 0! the members. and after three votes be‘ng taken. Reeve Ver- rae. of Mnripose, was elected. with Councillor Robertson second and‘ (‘ounc‘llor l‘evitt third. For mam-l bership of the board of management, Councillor Robertson. Dcvitt and Hill were proposed. which resulted in the election of Councillor Robertson, of Ops, by 12 votes. Reeves Kylie. Dobson and McWat- ters are a good trio. and are mak- ing themselves felt and heard in the It was remarkable me amuuut. u. business that was transacted during the “Mean session. Clerk Mr. J. B. McNeillie had all communications in his usual good form. so that the chairmen of the giiderent committees were enabled to deal with bills pay-1 able and- reports with much rapidity.‘ Warden Bottum 5 address, re the salary of jail officials, was read. and ‘on motion 0! Mulligan and Scuthem it was referred to the commillee on finance and assessments. ' A communication from Mr. J H. Soothelan. asking that the county ”Same the cost of the telephone in 1 Mr. Breen was the first speaker/and‘ ed by Messrs. Gillies. Sta- Each of the ark | was follow 'ples ~and Matthio. speakers spoke oi the eXCellent w done by the Club since its inaugura-, 'tion. The object of the members is} to furnish four do): of amusement to the people of the county during the month of February, when single item: tickets will be issued on all rail- ;roads entering Lindsay for a radius . 91 80 miles. To conduct this great winter. “Fillval the Clubfl‘feds “lads.”- and asked that their request for 3106 be granted. Warden Bottum conSldI-l‘ed the speeches of the tour brilliant o't‘Moi-ié would have the enact of softening flit? members hearts. and on motion the .gtant will be dealt with in commit- use in his office, referred M, the com- mittee on county proporfy. ADVANCEMENT CLUB GRANT. A deputatiOn. composed of Messrs. Allan Gillies. P. .l. Bret-n. Wellslcy Staples and G. A. Matthie awaited upon the council in the interests of the Lindsay Advancement Club, ask- t of $100.00 towards us- sisting in car-tying out the intentions of the club successfully. Mr. Bra-en was the first speaker/and was followed by Messrs. Gillies. Sta- ples ~and Matthie. Each of the n “-A --.nâ€"L' Councillors Varcoe and Robertson presented a bill, asking that required repairs be made to the east and wrest Cross Creek bridge in the Tawnship o! Ops. Coéncillors Dobson and McWatters , asking for grants to the various agricultural sage-ties. 'l‘ompkinsâ€"Deviltâ€"For usual gram to public library. Yuccaâ€"Rogersâ€"Askmg a grant {or the 836k Children's Hdspltal. DabsofiéKylbâ€"That a commflwe be‘appointed to ascertain the amount to be paid Omomee‘ and Lindsay High School Mt of Education for the maintenaflteiof county pupils in the year 1918. I-‘eeâ€"Devittâ€"For a grant to be given V’erulun Agricultural Seed Fair. Kylieâ€"McWatteroâ€"That $106.00 be given the Lindsay Advance” Club. , Bogusâ€"Vamoo-Jl‘hat a m be made to the nut and West view- sde to the Eat and West View: Farmers' Inuitute and the Eat 0.“ West Womln's Initicutg. Roumonâ€"Southunâ€"Thu Count. Dohmn take charge at tho stone ember during the present you. ficmâ€"Xorflmâ€"Thnt doputmenal mmuou be held in the Village 0! Melon Fun. during 1918. Cblrpqwâ€"‘Altonâ€"Thut an addition- 0.1 gram: be made to the North Vic- toria, Agricultural Society of $26.00. [diet-Hem dwing that the 011in Government grant funds 10f the banding of wire fences in MFW - That! Haul-a. Council “loaned to 10.30 dgy morning. ‘ Morrison-Irku- county bridges in the am. Ind 113° remarkable yâ€"Bogenâ€"Anking for a gunk. Wu Agricultural Soci- uambers on the mrd tor the House of RO- much enthusiasm as on the previous 1133'- trim-Ra the painting 0! c the amount 01 transacted durinfi .dd ition- WUIU uvuâ€"v. .â€" . - . Reeve 1‘01”.” m an “3mm?- Sootheran a! mi 'work done. and 35 ‘t The report the worthy ”presentatxve' mittee an up Pigeon River district, _the receiVed. .3! whole mucil'comeded that. tha work chair. and 0 been of the highest order. was adopted unt went through with- Kort-1503 ‘. I , - ‘ V " couildl take H Sootheran was {naked to‘advisgbility " in mm W bridgeS, ihcl his demand. asking ‘ {or the telepl'tO“e m The clerk of the 00! are continually 00 {ram residents . 0!: gm! as this “is 9, those partieS. ‘ "he county shoqld. bear The motion was put a standing vote of 14 to Registrar Mr. C. D. B: an electric heater placed try office. to be used a an electric better placed in we‘rcg-js- try omco. to he used at. such times as the heat. from the central plant is closvd on. The oflice. which is a vault. practiéally speaking. and very damp at times. by installing an elec- tric heater at a, cost of $20.00 and 5c. per hour for electricity, the trouâ€" ble can be obviated. The heater _.:n m. used at offâ€"seasans and only 56. per hour 101' l blo can be “‘3‘ will be used at ‘ at certain times. Conn. Robeliu‘ Conn. Robertsonâ€"“It is a 'cncap way of heating~ the 011100." (‘oun. \‘arc'oe was impressed with the scheme. and asked the chairman to look into and report at the Jone session. -- -- ”A..- ....a Scfialvu. On motion of Coun. McWatters and Dobson. a motion was drafted that a heater be purchased and Used only dvring seasons and times when the c'hmm is not .used at the central steam xs nUhovw- -- heating station. 'lhe motion carried. 3 - l H. hilfi mh§ideréd that M'r. M. J Lewis had received sufficiént remun- eration for 56934693 rendered as chalk-- man of county property “On was taken. , V‘Vu “w wearâ€"Vi». On motion of Coun. Devitt aiifl M: ton. Reeve Kylie will be vested with powe- to look after county buildings until the June session. APPOINTMENTS fro OFFICE. Reeve McKee took the chair on apâ€" pointments to office. Three mem- bers constitute tho board of manage- ment of the House of Rci‘Uge. They are the Warden, Coun. Rabertson and \‘anOe. Mr. Vareoe will fill the position of chairman ; he received the allotted number of votes, whichmum- term! 10. Coun. Robertson was elected by a. vote of 12. Messrs. H. 'J. Lytle and W. E. Ag: new made applidtion for the posi: tion of auditors of county (accounts. 01: motion 01 Conn. Manttex-s and Dogma. the applicatiOn was received and carried. For auditor; of cadmium justice accounts. Reeve Sow Mr. Taylor. at Bobcaygeon pointed. On motion .01 Messrs. Ievitt and Southern, Mr, John Carew was re- flected school trustee. Conn. Mulligan md Fee moved that. fir. Brent. of Gamma. be reelected m of tho Omens. High School. mime at 10.30 an Kym at tile chair. an electric: heating 'Ihe glectric heating 0! Registrar Barr'- offld‘é‘ «a agnin discussed and some slight chug“ were made in it will rest upon to flat extent be trtc current. mourn: of Hoved by Dobson and McWatterq, that the telephone service in use in It. Sootheran's office be reconsider- It was once more 8110‘”: up: '1 amount of business done by talephon- in the office 01 Hr. Sootyan‘, but the noun being put wag long. by g â€"v â€"-'--7- Vow of 14 again“. and 11% for. The cammittee nose and me M Mamie presented a “W THURSDAY SESSION ooulty council met in com- whon‘ cIu-k' no» ”9"“ ’ * forport: of the 3 bill! ml the m the house 0! W, read but w. .ch” vud was ' Meg; .1; of conficum .1“ ment comm“ '9‘“ continue to be Kylie -â€" M It ”*1! PM m port or at“ “a Bobcayflon- “ ty property t 0' $350000". -“1‘he county Sho‘ w” put and lost on o! 14 to 5- 8.14 was ordered math. contractor of administration of . Reeve Southern and Babelygeon, were up- Wigwam :Wattcrs, second- bson. that the oat, of maintain- Mr. Soothcran's more shown the y, the tron- The heater 1: and o'n‘b' .Dob-xnittees the 4 'couucu ‘ . t0 ‘ advisabi] *0 bridges. P‘Y Fee â€" 50‘} repairs 1 ow- Chirpa ‘cheap bout of standing committee oneoua- ' y property belyooeiiréd and read. Conn. Alton took the chair and read the report. which-was adopted; The report of the standing com- mittee on ‘ printing. on motion 0! Conn. Kylie and Dobson was read by Chairman. I. Fee, which was received and adopted on motion of Conn. ISootheran and Tompkins. - ‘ mittoe on .. printing. on mom Conn. Kyla ‘uld Dobson was re- Chalrmh'I. Fee, which was rot! and adopted on motion of ( Sootherau and Tompkins. ‘ The report of the standing put 11: stone crusher. COUKTY COITNCIL. A large amount of business was contacted by the county (others on Friday, the fourth day of the ses- sion. Many appeals which were made for grants by individuals and societieu received the icy mitt. of the county representatives. Coun. Robertson and Tompkins en- in ab'eymce until .ion, when ‘it wil decided the amoui the Warden durin, recompense actor! :VIIDIUJ - 'I" V ,, Conn. Robertson and Tompkins en- ioavored to fix the Warden’s salary, but were detected. and it will remain in ab'eyance until the November sea- sion, when ‘it will be more easy to decided the amount of work done by the Warden during the year past and recompense accordingly. . The Lindsay Pet Stock and Poultry Association received a grant of $75. though they had asked for $100. The Christmas Fair Society were favored by the councillors and a grant 0! $100 was given the promo- Uy uuc The demand was consxoereu council, but they did not favor the Hi‘dea, of raising the salary of one offi- icial, as in an probability this would {establish a. precedent which other [county ofllcers would take advantage ‘ of and 100k for an advance also. Mr. . Ashman was well oookon of: and got, the Credit of being a firstâ€"class max-ii in the position. but the membors dad not consider it possible to accede to To the Children's Aid a. tribution was granted. Mr. Gee. Ashman. turnk county jail. asked for a r: per year. - , ~_._:A- raise 5 useful. “the Bank Bill was glvefl its second fésidil‘ig 'withoat‘ division in the House of Commons. : A new set or regulations relating to gold and silver marks has been drawn up. his request down, had down sensationintbo lower put of bow- els, bukache, and pain in the side. I uncluttered terribly TOHBNTO WOMAN WELL AGAIN Toronto.0nt. â€" "Lat October, I m to you for advice u I was completely run down. had . baring free from pun in hockmdbowelauna This famous remedy, the medicinal in- gredient: of which are derived from na- tiuroou‘nd herbs, hufornenriy forty years provedto beemostvduabletonic and invigorate! of the fennle organism. Women residing in almost every city and town hath. United_Sutel bear __-_.1.-R.-I Salvation Army campaign to $100,000 in Toronto was suc- PAGE SEVEN. . was considered by the Icy did not favor the the salary of one om- ..mhahilitv this would $200 con com- second

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