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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Feb 1913, p. 8

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Childran or? later own. He had nothing to do with ' FOR FLETOIIER" urn bet father will be glad to hear c A s 1' OR ' A that I am coming home." she said to __ __ , Yetlve after the letter was gone. . “0h. Beverley;| dear. i hate to hear of honey?" and lunt Fanny went bliss- yoargo ng‘” ed the princess. ”When fully about the business of the hour. “'2 you '9“ him y ou'd start?” “i didn't sleep a wink. confound it." Why’w‘e'A“ m m“ h” “'5 grumbled Beverly. rubbing her eyes I say? Dash me. as Mr. Anguish and turningon her back to glare up at would say. I don t believe 1 “a" ' the tapestry above the couch. - date: lt”aeems to me I said soon: “Yo‘ wasn‘ winkin‘ any when Ah that" "L fust come into de room. lemme tell “Y“ don't know ”0" ”"9"" l "n" exclaimed Yetiva riipturousiy. and Bev- '” cackled Aunt l-‘nnny. with cans- erly was in high dudgeon became of limit Gratisturk." lie yo. tlc freedom. the implied reflection. “i believe you well inform your highneea “I may as iolds another one that the regent l deeper grudge as: said in the audience chamber. where were asemblcd many of the nobles of “See here. now. Aunt Fanny. l‘m not are in a tit! with Baldos.” went on Ye- the state. late on the night of his ar- going to stand any lecture from you og tire alrlly. rival. “She insists that you are bar this morning. When a fellow hasu “Goodness! Bow foolish you can be at times. Yetive!” was what Beverly boring and even shielding the pretend. slept a”â€" ei- to our throne. Prince Frederic. it “WhO'I a-Ircturin' anybody. sh’d ink is known that no is in Gmustnrk. and. to know? 'Ah'm Jes' tellln' yo‘ what 0'0 M“ *0 he? hitbnw the Prince:- | moreover. it is asserted that he is in yo’ was a-doln' when Ah came into do 0‘ Gmustark. , direct touch with your government." room. Y0. “'93 “‘3‘999‘“. 9"“! 503' Late in the evening couriers came '3 Yetive and her companions looked at 3°" tight. lemme t9“ y °'- 13 5°. 3°“. from the Dawsbergen frontier with '9 one another with glances of comprc- out fO' yo’ walk befo' b'eakfns'. honey? port! which mated considerable ag- bension. lie spoke in English now (or 'Cause if yo‘ ‘3' yo' all 'll "9 ““993“! cibsment in castle and army circles netlt of Beverly Calhoun. an in to “‘than d” bald maghty .quk’ Prince Gabriel himself had been seen r. who felt her heart like. Yo baf is ready. Miss Bev ly. lathe northern part of his domain. ac» Beverly splashed the water with unâ€" companied by . large detachment of leap suddenly and swiftly into violent bl f f reasons e erocity for a iew ilnlnult‘? picked soldlen. set out that era °“ 1““ a very night for the frontier. happy in insurrection. trvi t i . “Vothing could be more ridiculous." - ng ° enjoy a d ‘ not failed her until this morning. the belief that something worth while said thive after a pause. "We do not “A t F ,, h ced f know Frederic. and ,we are not hair up anny. a P nnnoun n t“ was about to occur. General Marian: l . .. looking darkly through her window . . ioring him. , issued orders for the Edelweiss army “ into the mountains above. ' if you i am only saying what is believed , corps to mass beyo ., can t brush my hairâ€"ouchiâ€"any easier to be true by Axpliain. your hluliness , gates of . than this ill have some one else do it is reported that he joined you in the it that's all. You're ‘ I ll Commas mountains in .lune and since has liel.i b8“... "8“ lying garrisons. There was to be a ll position 0‘ "“3" in .VOlll‘ 1"”1131" ' general movement of troop before the “Po’ lll' honey.” was all the com- end of the week. Granstark was not “Would you know Prince l-‘ tly asked placent bear said in reply. without al- to be caught napping, Long after the departure of berry the be cure you. icrested spectato do for you. Cons-Its . who has treated yen. write for an Boob Pne- nuts-nt- oglglon Fm of Charge. “ yhoo'l. Manhood.Fathcrhood." (In ad) on Dissasslof Men. All letters from Canada must be addressed '. OTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- If you desire to ’ ment in Windsor, Ont. see us peISOnally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat you were to see him ?" quic e for Correspondence and Lorry. terlug her methods in the least. him since he was it “Well-" Said 38W"! threateningiy. and Anguish the princess sat on the Of her head. “be careful. balcony with Beverly and the Count- They did not talk much. no patients in our Windsor oficcs w 'ch at for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: Laboratory DRS. WY 8'. KENNEDY, Windsor, Out- "1 have not seen i very small boy and then but for a mo With ‘ shake that's all. Have you heard the news?” can Dagmar. meritâ€"on the day when he and his mother were driven through the street." “WN' “CW0. M188 Bev'ly?" The mission of on their wn y to exile.” “We're going back to Washln'ton." “We have a new man In the castle “Thank de “7‘” m?" danger. Some “1 don't know. I've Just this instant their wives that ard. and there i‘ a m ste attached “‘1 ° y ry . made up my mind. i think we'll start were to be strnc â€"-let‘s see, this is the 6th of August. again upon the men thing in the air had told the first blows'ol' war to him . him and telling us if he is what bred , erlc might be in his manhood?" Lorry isnt it? Well, 1°“ and 39° it ’0“ put the question. and every one pres- dont know. stupid! The 10“” My some one." said D8819!" after as Ilâ€" est drew a deep breath of interest. 3w”! Where ”3' the time gone. most interminable silence. Her cou- anyway? Well, we'll start some time panion did not reply. “The couriers say that on ' between the 11th and the 12th." ‘ “0f dis monf. Miss Bev‘ly?" ‘ mkeét at the fr “No. September. I want you to: our every movement. i look up a time table for me today. We ‘ a, spy here after all." I out and‘ that he knows Mizrox readily consented. and Bal- dos. intercepted on his rounds. was led unsuspecting into an outer chamber. a Boys at 1°C and 15 The duke. accompanied by Lorry and Rt" - I" both of i there “i think we have been betrayed by 'was a genera the figure which had 0 of courage and of hope. The post litht out. of this place, el irect . . f I d I! upon his face It was accept. and deliver under parcel post. briel “m" 'here we are l somber. despondent. strained. He wore the air of a prisoner. Her heart went conditions ' live "”3“ The b“!- has accessto the‘ very i In his p young American husbands was full of ' x M i A , k before the! 100k“, ing‘ that he was dej they ”"1 py. His shoulders l air of listlessness about gm“ there- 3 ‘ out to him like a flashi knight of the black patch: was no more. lace there stood n sullen slave the child oi Mr. '3" ,____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~ M. If 0 BABY SENT BY MAIL. ected. tired. unhgp. JUST UNDER 11 I‘OliNi 8 .\.\ii drooped. and there WENT FOR 15 (.‘EX'i'S. Batavia, Ohio. Jan. 3(‘.â€"â€"\Vt‘l‘l'ltln (l. l routs BX Yd nce been '0 full Lytle, mail carrier on a rule is the tirsi man l0 5,. .31 Yd»? v weighing 10: pounds. just, is 1:; iv. The debonair a boy. within the 11-pounrl weight l‘xillil. and Mrs. .lcsw lieu- Glcn Elite. The "pack- ‘Q '4 When you have a. la . Stills Special at 500 x‘ ‘ Baron Dangloss. entered the room. , .. ‘ Special .Club Rates PCP Dozen They 'were gone from the assemblagel m‘l‘lSt see 8P0!” the "81.118. ' _ “And that spy. . W Write for Our Prices but a few minutes. returning with: D97 pony one lenvin P?!) daily. an heart 0' ourdeliberations. added B?" l to discipline. glc of mm. ,,.___ _ smiles of uncertainty on their faces. . hit goes at b in de moninq." One train erijr Winted.3'. i say this in behalf ot' i “Baldos!” she called‘ ”my. her '0‘" .. . . ll , )1 m u i“ “It is impossible. your highuess. tori a day. A!“ dat scan’lous. l the man whom you evidencly suspect. ' penetrating the dripping air with the age .‘iasnwz “mm“ a. i 1....) r '6 ’5‘ ll me to say whether 0" 90‘ it is Fi'ed‘ “Im sure. Aunt Funny. it is their: countess. He could not know these clenrness 0!!! bell. He must hvebeen ‘mailmg “hen til: C’mvr “U" H (m r‘ H J G Ed w at, d o (if. eric.” said the duke frankly. "He is business. "0‘ ours. ”“1 bcveriy 89' things." ' ‘ longing for the sound ot’ihhorhestart. Saturday. Its measurements numb ata‘ . . i i \vhat‘l imagine the preteuder might ve‘fel'Y- _ . “i do not say that he dbes knOW. . ed and looked eagerly in her directiom 0d 71 lnClll‘S, also jllSl “lllliii the . f ‘ WBDBDDHBBDBE n be at his age. but it would be sheer Pm,” d” 36“”, be “3:“: .a, WSS‘Camoun- bill it is not beyond T93" l ms tall form straightenedtas be passed law, which makes 72 mum- llic lllll- , 'fi‘b folly for me to speculate. I do not ”3‘3“?“ m“. 0‘“ 59mm.” “' ‘I‘ssu Bowl!!!“ he may befhe ”between. the' ' his hand over his brow. lit: was but a it. Mr. Lytlc delhx-rcd lli.- -~.....â€".-.-i~' n+4 know the man." Bey ly. speculated Aunt runny con- meansof transferringinformat‘ion from voice from his dream be thought. il~ 1 th- dd q. H, . ..~ ._ .V‘ v. . . lin i . “Dcy gcn'ly has 'em in Sepâ€" . .- . . .. . , ‘ 15119} 0 t a “-5 0H A win a Beverly squeezed the Countess Dag- so it?" the main traitor to the messengers who Aren t you afraid you "get wet?” ask- tached that. of its Hummm Mr W‘- iuar’s arm convulsivcly. we]? ' ” _ ‘ await outside our walls.” ed the same low. sweet voice; with the _‘ 'B‘ 1 -h‘ ‘1‘ . .. ‘ | ' | '6 h d P- “riled “H ' “quh!” she whispered in great re- 10“ 01d 3'00”- cried Bex erly in "Oll..l' don't believe it!" cried‘B'everl‘y ; wggestlon of a laugh behind it. With 1'0““ ‘3'“ e! “ 0 “‘ H" ‘- -' 0 H"; 7 . ' ' ‘ F p l"-‘ ‘.'~ .) . ms lief. Dagmar looked at her in aston- spite of herself. ‘ _ ' ood body, l long guides he crossed the pavement from its home. lhe l" .._ . 1. a ‘ ‘ isbment. She could not fathom the ““9" yo habin er g time! “I: Wonder if these things would‘have land stood almost directly beneath her. cents. and the ”1’3“!" .-..~ "Vi“ honey. ‘ happened if Biildos had never come to ”Your highness!" he exclaimed gen- for $50. Edelweiss," mused the princess. As itly,joyously. “What areyou‘d'oing out --..â€"----â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" i visit.‘ ‘n lose special mitt-iii “MR a . . whimsical .-\lll€l'l(':ill. “No. i am not." Ab wouldn' though by common impulse. Skatcs and ai tklc s'raps kept in 1 ___- ___,_ sit i' l; . ’ .‘i'nss (‘nt saWL-i :11) “.1: an 118“ Thousand ‘ “They have been keeping an “10931 "Fo‘ de lun' sake Shiwpem‘d- , sant watch over the home of li‘i'ede-i'ic’st , , _ . . -. . _ ‘ Fine mach-1m. re tiring at l 60 [0 1nd Blows . ‘ cousin. He is to marry her when met Sifiizclni‘llnche‘tAfl? 1:03:13). Q.‘El'iâ€"t_.~lioo(l)¢:': the Grumman: women placed their 1 "Wondering. . ‘ Cures Aneurlsm time is propitious.“ volunteered the is“); h'tdn ‘m, Lex’tou nn' Vicks'iu' 1 ‘arms about Beverly. |wiiat you were thinking- of as You var. Geo. w Shephard’s \ young duke. "She is the most benu- Us. ‘ ‘ . - 5‘0,“ “it's because we have so much at: ,stood under the lamp over there." ’ \i ) 1, ak-s ”H, “mm Lawn.” ;._ ' ' “fl“ “'3” in \-‘P1‘i‘il1- and the family .“ ell, you don t km)“ “Swami": l stake. Beverly. dear." whisiicrcd Dug- E ”i was thinking of your highncss.” he ”“5 m ‘ b ‘ f ‘ ,. William St- North 3 \ 1m “1.0105 (leg-patch says: ‘ is oueaof the wealthiest Her parents said Beverly crossiy. "1 Wish youd: mar. “Forgive me if I have hurt : called up softlv takes maze of ii to make tllc onto Next Post. Building, Lindsay1%.].I:UauH;n‘ ziml‘pussibly the first cure l pitta-[y 01,1,650 ti“. mu}... They We”, take that red feather out of my hnti you." 1‘ “No. no!" she-protested, g0. ____.â€"â€"â€"~’! oi‘ a supposedly int-.11 anrurism byli to have been secretly married: some! "Egigxakh frow hill aw-iy Miss} Of course Beverly sobbed a little in i “I. too. was wondering»woudering l __________._â€"â€"-____._â€"â€"-_..._â€"â€"-.- ‘ ms or a compressed air lmnmier,! months :1:10. and there is a rumor to. Bet'1 5.. ‘ ‘ the effort to convince them that she did' i what you were dreaming- of as you counselor. is the rain so pleabani to i the el‘l‘ect that the; did snowed in! ‘ y. . _ .. not care whom they accused if he slept. for you should be asleep at this you?" I “We-ii. "0' “m necdnt do that. proved to be the right man in the end. , hour. your iiiglmess. instead of stand- "I have an umbrella," she protested. l the balcony. in;' out there in the rain." “What are yen doing?” she cried in she called dmvn tremalons- ‘ alarm. He was coming hand over hand t incloscd the lIlCZ e of her people." . "1"" it an my dressmg They left her alone 01 Hill) (‘0- ound blows . _ ) p w the vigilniic . sail] Beverly. lnizht she sat For an hour after mil evadin, may be mar-. l i there and dreamed. Every one was i l i l I “You mean that they which struck l, asting a quicki a minute upon ei'\‘ical table. l'li :lttcnd tn-it."' ih‘ sc\'cn.h c 0‘ de gemmnn ‘nt wo' “Buidos.” i'y. “you don't like this “it has nothing but do Baldos. * Wondering you can aflord to hire a chm; up the trellis work tha lower veranda. work. do you?" \ ' "I am coming to. rkness in it for a place Wlli'l‘el Reg. 7.50 Su' Reg. 8.50 Su Reg. 510 Sni Reg. $12 Sui Reg. 13.51l5 Reg. $15 Sui Reg. Sib‘ Su' Reg. $20 Su' Reg. 525 Su l l Get The BCSt. It pays' 1 0f the patient's spine, was described . fled?" asked Yetivc. C . - l in (it-tail at the meeting 01' 111:" glance at Beverly. l '“liiis become ‘ . ’ a Niedical Society: “It is “0‘ lllllll‘illnllflpe your highnmi hit ll) do fufit place." It!) all] 5901) him ready to turn. against Billdos. EVER l luring N01111:; 1301'! W twoâ€"three days.” She had been harsh toward him. for me. i never see the light of your eyes. “l'm 9““? l don't kuoav. llc‘s proba- had she not seen him relegated to the I never feel the"â€"â€" won’t get dripping wet.” he called ‘ r promis- “Sh! You must not talk like that. softly. There was a dangerous rinrln W .i. Mainly .1 It‘s not proper. and besides some one his voice. and she drew back in s has inn Sap-.4»... ~ may be listening. The night has a panic. Qi-w-dz‘ ”can, 1,... \... .g ., .‘ “You must not!" she cried desperate _ “or.“ and m“ ll..<ll'. '1. lu'M' }lllii"' :i' - “l was DITSLni . has it that he is Lothnrio that ever mor." Beverly was conscious of flur- l her direction. and a no llcr temples: “Onrl l d’fl' ti i n l crcn y. l with thzit but?" TORJNTO. ON F. . ago by local l,h_\5l(lfln$, exposition oi “'E's er pow'fu] gnu] Beverly's as th'.‘ ti‘cai- donned love’s ar- ade plain- to ten. '1 remarkable ‘l the- disclosures which m is a. Commercial School of the at the Highest Grade! None Better in spcmiylo'hci‘npathy Canada! Graduates in strong ”it“. has l)t'i.ll named. i' a llllllill‘cll physici ‘ “m ’ fugitive princes demand. Enter now. Catalogue FREE. 1 (he led lit-Lin. qlicstinnwi him t'l‘m'ly l ~h \\\'| (l u 2 love nor war." went on the duke. “Poor. . ' .. who is hiding from Gabriel. is‘ “Tillim' out i‘4? fontm’bwli‘s as - : “Well. leave it alone. Don‘t disturb seen : romantic litti Cor-Yongeand W- J.§;§;;1;T...i.....m H... h... s... advance in modcin NO daughter of the pres- . ‘ ‘ l’Dawsbergen. mei my things. Aunt bunny. How many by his an” assertions. Alexander Sta 1 have seen her. times must i tell you”â€" W39 all in?“ Aunt instrumental ii son." suggested Aunt Fanny. ‘ eyes brightened. “01). do you think. so?" she said. quite tire glances it "What are you doing ““5 9-"““‘i“‘ ' faint pink stole it tion' in a sense to t ' '0 / .‘oillhci'n (‘alii‘m'ni | flaw ‘ 'l be patient. \l. i‘. Penn. “hose l He is known to be :i i ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ i ' l he has never failed in :1 siege. , .. l. 1 br n rOrnObthdttd long . lo“. am . . ‘ ' . (bath 1 u H P s5 against the heart of woman. Report" b1? “Slimli- Thdl ("fl-j“ 0: N‘OP‘O ne‘er most Obnoxious of duties afte the most invincible 1050 SI00D 0"” illll‘tllmfi ' in: him a far different life? And now lookin pus~ \ what was he thinking of her? {155 de- l are lucky in neither \\ (intlei‘i'iil ent primeminister o l ____.... l 7 . l loss surgery. l thousand en Tomorrow you shall b each the identity of the other. No . your old dull doubt he was attributing his degrad‘aâ€" ileve that l h he fact that shape the wiser which compels you to work! i d. P u ‘ an inn Root i s longer relished his services. having at this unholy hour." e ideal shattered .. . l was afraid you were- punlshlng mo 1 are made according to a form: co 0! urse she for my boldness. knew that General Marian: was alone so 1km“ l ‘er . ‘ ‘ l.| V l assignin him to the '. . . g was disgraced. dismissed. forgotten"â€" rs-~or is n eyes-t B" lit. ly. “This is madness!_G_o d_0\v . g Il'rai in 'lli..r.~u.i. es. You surely cannot be! . :id anything to do with I Dr. MOI’SC.. e restored to iii; in ” My heart has been i use nearly a century ago among the lndians. and learned trom thcm by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been nude. by phySl- dams and chemists. it has been tound can know how sore. I ,0” Fenelon Barn and Sonic Des __..____..__»- M’ lir. 1). 1‘1. Atkinson explained beautiful Iolandu. lk-zm's case (in behalf of Dr. Albert. She is glorious. your liigllness." “Good Lawill" L" INSURE .\l)l‘zllll§, the specialist of San Fran- “I, too. have seen her." said. Yetive; Fanny GOING 83!. l unpleasant duty he now observed, but “\i _ -. v , ; L ‘ cisco. who utilized the treatment and more gravely than she thought. “The “Don‘t forget :ibfist the time tables.” l how was 331.10,. to know that she was as A 3130-3318199 no: Egg-fungi“ l who was nimble to be lll'i‘SlnL report of their betrotlini is true. then?" said licl't’il'll' as 51:? flamed forth for ' not the real power behind; the iron My“ ride'with “masoronjown 3;: mgl impossible toimprovethc torn-.ulsor i. w. k . ‘ SUCCESS ‘1 'lhp uncurism is a. tumor of the ' “His Sllddell 0\‘0l‘llli’0“’ prevented the he" “ 31k mill? (”ilk-i ' . ' Count. ’ nervously. "Please go u ‘some 1 c.l the pills. Dr. Morse s lnriianfll'xoOI 3 h ' Anti: mm. A- .' . ~. . . . , . nuptials which were to have takenl 10 the afternoon she sent driving A light drizzle began to fall. cold and , . . ‘ l,” Pinsareahousehddflmedl th-Odgh‘ . 7. son liviniilun “.m- “an: aorta, or large alteu oi th. h .ut. , _ . with Princess Yetive and the young m . l . . ‘ where you wontgct dripping W913 out the World for ClbnSlilJHTiUD and .. . ' ‘ ‘ , 'i‘h- V m hm “Hm“. with .n since place in a month had not Gabriel re- . ' . .1 ‘ t sagreenb c. There new no stars, no “You forget that i am on guard ,, be all Kidney and Liver "Gum‘s The) . o... in lo .i. i . .,. ‘ov t-ikiner u. Pl':lCtl(‘ill i'OJrse in one {.98 ll ' - .. . Yer three. turned. Her father. the Duke of Mutz. Dukc‘ oi' llizrox. uppili altos; alpocen moon. The ground below was black said. with a laugh. “But you are a'wise act promptlyandeflccuvcly, and . COWS am ! om: -. \ . of Rina"; Schools. '1‘ went.» 1,). .it- irecmxmg il‘fil‘\(:rf’ Sudm ‘0 :wisely accepted the inevitable and be- and suibc ently tron i 90 tea 5 e was with shadows. but shimmering in spots - \ . ' 1 by Mr. T HUM benduncc ”r by “mm M“ by so d.» :years ago in (hicago. Soon after i came prime minister to Gabriel. lolan-1 heaping secret abuse because of the ‘ touched by the feeble park ramps. She l ' c‘“n.e the System m9 hmn‘nw hm.” . . ‘me; quickly ‘)l‘01.2{i't‘ll"eao"n a quad .ihe (lc\'clopment of the first 81!!!" . do, it is said. remains true to him andi 11ch 1‘9 Wit Later Count 318" mud, through her window, deter- fl.._-- h - _____ ._ _, , , _ _ h h w )2 d' ‘. gal.» v. Hundreds ( Y film“?! 93%“; . .0”... i... was givin a life limit oil sends messages to him as he wanders l 11”“ appeared at the 0‘13"“ '0” his “1‘“ l mined to go to bed. Her rebellious ” pd . i i us- ii in mi: mini". iii“. \'\\luhi?isnm\gi.itrle ithrcc years. Mtdical men have al-' thaugh the mutantzilns."‘ ed 6 Lojigglg‘;rfi:lԤ:\ lg“; '82:“? Esnstzetgz ‘ Min.:owger.ghr;f.usesdbeso "£12202“! l 331:1 a“ lawn : Hm. I. !‘ ‘Iev 0“ i‘ ”g "- ' ' '- . ' . -. . a. . veri '5 min instant revert ‘o i - i 'i‘ ' g from er ou wo » , s was in; 'Ifi-‘I‘i for if. Allilffi"§. “'2 H Shay. prc>l- i‘VlLVS co-na'ldored‘ [hi5 an. unbm 10 be the confissions 0f Ba‘dos?’ He had hd‘ point of desperation. At the same um. i ump‘mnin‘ mec‘mnd‘g Before You Buy new .Boots - __ 8013‘ 0“ during 1'!“- 10‘ ent, \UHSe 5t" brunt". H‘nquwtmnamy mm." d: mitted the sending and receiving esl she “’83 eager to learn how matters 5 the rain in all that Isoely darkness. let us see your Old ones, an 0‘“ how that ‘5 properly reported V .i ‘ (I. The conépressed an‘ asthma 1:5: r messages through “an Try as we siofllhwith Baldgs. Ehedcogi‘t; 31mg: hailed by a sadden inspiration in. is humeral/tan new ones. ll by Dr. A “m3 is somew a ‘ would, she could not drive the thought 3 “'3 0"“ er ea ' v y m" ‘ W ‘M 58. gasped i 'a ' ' in t ~______,_ 1 .0 a... .5... i... riviters on skyscgep- from he, mm m... be m mm ridiculous shadow of mercy. she knew “up"... n; mm mm m You cameh gevfubigregglels aortitgggtfoggffiqwger Ms %. "'"" ’d ers. It is applied to the 59““ h and now came the distressing fear that him '9“ 9‘0““ by this time t° feel Water-ore. W‘em . ‘ . .Z ‘ cervical oi the spine, just above the his secret messages were words of convinced that Baldos “7““ have u '3 “‘1‘“ mm the ‘3‘- “'8“!!! Our uoberboots. , _ . " " [on from Manda. The audience ,m, laccount roi- his temerlty sooner or ‘ nib. Her oars 1m ngu’ly to: We ‘ Exel in Repairing all kinds of Rubber goods -â€"'â€"". ater. It W" “kc the at “d the W a m “la W" a '0“ kn.“ ” We also mske lfldies ‘n “on” boots to measure. Spec-’13, 3.1- J ' tenuon given to come, hunions, etc. am REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT AT : cc a i 6 ~ Marble and Granrts bower calls forth Loooflixwpound N i ' . 'I‘h tient blows “Ch minute 8 pa she new of but little that transpired. //â€"' fiveâ€"minute treat- Of one thing she was sure. She could Still doing business in the some meats 93°“ day by Dr' Abrams' The not go to sleep that night. same old isfactory .result was made obtain- .“ ”a: 221:; 1:1: the times ‘ a. by the reflex action on the CHAPTER XXI. and are in a position to do better inf th t. afiecte:ened the walls PH affinexthmrolrngg ‘intitn'én’ . . o e or cry . a a me e or' .. 3.1:: ynszadnfngx-ovad . “it; It was stated by Dr. Atkinson that u mistress was petulant; there big! ““21???" a game 3.1)“ was: I“ ' . . I. “v F34 methods in fact, the most. up the thinned walls of the afiected ar- A do it . . W M “' II I a ' d Gnu-m, work, tery had been so built up by the $282; 'ynu‘ grmseredmt; 1):“ '5; m sod t” '0‘“ p of the bursting of the artery and Mlllckwmard over ‘ “a“. Malls mm. “a, a ma. mm m _ F. . r‘. l m" "' â€"â€"- death was out of the M Aunt Fanny W was gven two Lshoulder blades. The application of ed until late in the night. but she was \ daemon» Atlastheatrodehenesthalainpnot way. Wing‘ I 11 d 13 question. show rooms on Dean himself ,bared his breast. It was Beverly’s rule to ho . cck. Bat tha Ilse-st... Wine“ north “I showed the aneurism and submitted was her ttendt t to kn - ' the hySi- ‘ n 0' kick examination by p mm ”m “gm who had ' herself to the task of writing home to oust:- i Eyu. handles Brown menu. Fine led side catcl inch. Spi lleduetic M (;O(Nl q sizes (i (q Chi Ba lane than co.~zi Attend

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