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Watchman Warder (1899), 7 Mar 1901, p. 4

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A Pa?! in Watches and Blocksâ€"~â€" W. F. Meow"; ‘2' 7 Keqt Tobaccos, Cigars, Pipes, Pouches. Sash. Door and Mouidings. Scaretling. Dre eessa maniac Cigar and Cigarette Holders flan! and $051 Wand for sai-e. 01560 in Public Library. Our Motto: “The best at t? e lowest price a” insurance Agent Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing In all rts forms MONEY TO LOAN Regent-sh. west of WizlEam-st., north ward. Lindsay. Orders promptly filled . Phone 148 Remember the place: First Door West of Benson House. Oakwood, SMOKERS’ SUPPLIES Prices have taken a. tumuw. have hou his a large stock of Watch: 5 and 0100 s at a upeciai price. Now you can get a reliab‘e Walnham move- ment in Nickle case, stem wind, for $5.75. Waltham or Elgin. open face, stem wind. in Silver case. for $9.50. W’nltham or E!gin, gold filled. 20 yr. case, for $16 00. American 15 Jowefled movement. In N «ckle case {or $9.50. E‘gh: Dsy Clocks for $2 50. mass are an reliable goods and all anyfigtnmteed. A full assortment always in stock at T9 BfiiLBERS A large stocks. always on hand. MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP CLERK GEO. J. BRUMWELL. THE JEWELLER, Street. South Side, arroII’S . Weldon TOBACCO STORE J08. CARROLL.‘ ““~ ~““ taken a fumblp- W" . 117-1.-L. a Ont. Gleaned from our Exchanges The guests of the Oriental Hotel. Peterboro. were awakened by a loud cru>h and a sound of falling glues shnrtly after smiln o'clock Tl‘hursday morning. “'ith \isinns of Carrie hatchet in Nation and her 131th- their mind's for clothing Very few 11' h The estimates for the ()riilia Asy- ldm for the Coming your are to hand and the amount required to run inâ€" stitution for the your is estimated at $61.577. of which album, 5520.000 is for salaries. In addition $3.000 will be spent on rvpnirs and improve- ments this your. The Mayor of Toronto has been requested by the Canadian Manu- lucturors' Associatmn to call a conâ€" \cmion of thrce dclegatos from each \cmion of thrce dciegatos from each of such organizations as the Board Manufacturers Association. Cmmc‘il , the Trades and Labor of Trade. . Arthitocts and (luiid of Civic Art. and schnul boards. to “consider tho best idea for planning out beautifiâ€" Cutinn of the city" as :1 Victoria cat ion of 111C morial. Toronto Star: It's: for Dr. SIM-21rd to talk ‘ ing an hotel. but in a L such an action is an a“ the inhabitants, who we place at 111v time. cd' to the engines, that the would-be self-destroyers may be scooped up and carried to the near’est station. A contompnrar)‘ remarks on hear- ing of the (lvltiul of the report. that Mrs. Mayhrick hat! been pardoned: "It, luoks as if poor Mrs. Maybrick was destined to stay in prison." That is Sn: and it hmks as if the poor poison In Italy it has of late become so much tho fashion for poouln to throw themselves in from of the railway traios' with suicidal intent; that the authorities have had "catchers” fix- It is stand that a company will he organized in L‘lvw‘umd. Ohio, withâ€" in a fvw (lays cmnpnsetl of eastern and Clem-land capitalists, and calm tuli'fl‘d 3T SLOUULDOU, 10 Uh‘t‘t ll sysâ€" tum of sanitm‘ia in hu'gv citivs of the Country: for the. mm- of ccnsumpâ€" ticn by clccu‘iuitjc. It is {Uh-god that :1 nnsitivv cure for 11v: (“501159 has The War Office has made :1 contract with an American merchant, to sup- ply 8,000 felling axes for the Brit ish troops in South Africa. Toronto Star: 11‘ the. Irish psi-r13- is shurt of funds, as reported we know of u coincidence, fur an Irish party stopped a man in King-st tn- day and cmlfessed to being in the same predicament. H‘.‘ ('UIIIIU'j.‘ {or U10. (MW in (mummy- tion by electricity. It is n‘lcgod that a positive cure for 11w (“501130, bu-n fnuml. (‘uL ‘Ciiiium S. lingers, of the Hush l'l'u'ctric ('umpuny, is '/ (n . of the prmuuu-rs 01‘ the (mnpun Nu. said said:"'1hc Company 1s rn.m.-imr n air-xv im'emiun. .\n all)- Steel Company will 000,000. I’xhridgv journal : Aurora will gvt tin: Markham shoc factnry. Only 7 \‘uu-(l against 1110 proposal bonus of SULUM). We 1mm.â€" Aurora will pay for its whistle. In th’fmtv of the law “'0 (in lint see how Auura can bonus a running conu-rn from another I awn. financing u now mx‘emmn. .m un- guiulv ('urv for cmisuumiim) has ban found. Elurru'iciu' \xill piuy u most, prominent part. in 111v L'UI'U “'0, are advancing. and W0 umii-ipum that the unis: \‘sc aim at will I.) cattaiiwd. Medicine Nays nu purl. whatevn'. A site has been chum-n. and the lirst saniturium will be buih in this city at a cost of RIHUJKKL A Special from (hurdmi. ()hin.. says that William Bockwilh. a farm- ur there. is 1110 Owner of a gander human to bu mm‘ a hundred ygurs Old. Bevkwilll's fuihvr brought the gumh-r with him from (,‘unnecticut. The bird is mum-d Socrates and is still loudvr m’ the flock. im (1 10 rum-d Great 1’- The capital of the a m‘wv invemiun. .\n all)- ro for Consumminn hashefn lcrrlrichy \Vill [day a must, t part in 111v cun- We are r. and we anticipate} that .. 1r it a in Star: It's all very well u‘d to talk of quarantin- l. but in a country place ion is an awful blow to ed in panic-nuts. howâ€" ‘iblo. although damage mo tn the extent of- handsome plate glass the front. It appears fly callers wvre wrestâ€" Id 0110 of them jumping any su‘ppvd through the Mr. Maybrick w 11 (load. givés £3,000,000 ' a gents. pro not in the L'niu-d Slates be $1.154.- of Orillia 419 n b- bm 11 most, the dusâ€" Will the Bufialo News kindly insti- tute a search throughout its own country and see if it can fmd an Adâ€" miral Dewey, who was once a great- or sailor than Nelson. more to the war expenses. When it is all over, in will be interesting to divide the number of Boers into the total cost. and thus ascvrtain h'ow nluch it costs to “Hi a Boer. A baby was born Friday on the cars between Toronto and Owen Sound. It, may be said that; its naming commonu (1 ou‘lv in life. Wood-pulp paper as mimury clothâ€" ing is used by the Japanese troops. It is marvellously tough and has a neat appearance. The preparation of human hair for the market gives employment to more than 7,000 I’urisians. l'xbridge Journal: It has hem the custom for some winters here to: send a boy with a good pair of lungs around town with a hell on the eve- ning of a hockey match to remind the. public of the game. The boy does not, proceed far before being joined by other boyS. The other boys are willing to take turns at the hell or help shout, and generally the result is a lung contest from which the general public can under- stand little. But it serves the purpose. Some person stops the crowd to ask them what they are saying. and learning that there is a hockey match on. passes the Word inround. Long live the buys ! The (:(Fnum Elmwrnr has issued a decree that the English language shall be taught in all tlw higher schools of the German Empire. The trustees of Mount, Auburn cemetery, Cambridge, Mass” say in their annual report that ('renmtion seems tn be growing in favor. Tho (lifi'oronco between the tallest. and shortest races in the wurld is 1 foot 45;, inches. and the average height is 5 I‘m-t 5 inches. A salmon has been known to proâ€" duce 10,000,000 eggs. Some fvmulc Spiders produce 2,000 eggs. while a queen boo produces 100,000 eggs in a season. f. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles 1 SYMPTOMSâ€" Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night: worse by scratching" If allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. SWAYNE’S OINTMENT stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulcer- ation, and in most cases removes’the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Sample free. LYMAN SONS 8: (30., Montreal,. wholesale It is calculated that 10,000.000 photographs hi the Quern and the Prince and Princess of Wales are pro- (lucml annually, and find a ready sale all ou-r the world. servant's room. IL will have a 30 horseâ€"power engine that can send 3' along at 111-? rate of 45 miles an hour. The United States has a. lower por- ccntagv of blind people than anv oth- (r countrv in the World. An automobile travelling \‘an. an imprm-muont on the parlor car. has lxon onlurul for King Leopold offllclâ€" gium. It will Cost $30,900 and will contain a parlor, 1L bedroom, and a servant's room. IL will have a 30 The growth of girls is greatest; in their fifteenth year; of boys in 1110;,- seventecnt h. You can take out a patent in Bol- guim for £5, in France for £10, in Russia fur £19. The French Legion of Honor is the biggest order of m’orit. It numbers 55,000 members. 0n the top of Ben Nevis, 126 inch- es of rain full in a Yam in London 25 inches, in Leland .35 inches. New York City 00215111st 5...00 000 tons of ice a year, of which «1.500,- 000 tons are natural ice. Coal is worked so easily in China that in Shansi it sells at 1053 than one shilling per ton at the mines. Britain brows .36., 500.000 barn-ls of tar in a your, and drinks tin-m all but the odd half million. If the whole waterâ€"power of Niag- ara were used it would be Worth $1,- 500,000 a (lay. Over £200,000 worth of diamonds are stohn every year from the South African diamond mines. More 514301 is used in the manufac- ture of pens than In all the sax-(2rd and gun factories in the world. $01110 of the screws used are so small that it takes them to weigh a pound. in war chos RRUfiOU of MR \VIIJJAM GRAY, OF NEIVMARKET: TELLS HO‘V BE BECAME HALE AND HEARTY AT THE ADVANCED AGE OF SEVENTY AFTER HAVING SUFFERED GREAT TORTURE FROM SCIA'l‘lCA AND BHEUMATISM. From the Express, Newnimket. Ont. Mr. Wm. Gray. who is well and favorably known in the town of Nowâ€" markct and \‘icinitv, is rejoicing over his release from the pains of sc'iatua. and rheumatism through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A inpurtcr of the Express callul upon him for the purpose of obtaining particulars of the cure when Mr. Gray gave the following story for publication: --â€" 7'About two and a half years ago I was seized with a very severe attack of rheumatism. The pain was simply torturing. At. times the trouble was seated in my knees. then in my hips. For nearly a year I suffered along” working as best. I could, in the hope? of being able in overcame the disâ€"1 easc. During the (lay the pain was less severe, but, at. night it was just. as bad -as ever. To inert-awe my tor- ture. I caught. ('UlII which resulted in an aitnck of smaiiCu in my right leg. If I \Vulked a slmrt distance I jwould be seizul by sharp pains in the hip and in firm- I became a used up man; my appetite failed me. and I could not rest at nigliL on account nf the pain. I tried one. medicine after another without avail. I also Cun- sultcd doctor's with nu better result. I was bvginning: 10 think that I “'th doomed to sum-r the rvst hi my lifv whcn one day a friend strungLv ad- vised 1m: to try Dr. Williums' Pink Pills. I took his advise and procured a. supply of the pills and begun tak‘: ing them awarding tu directions. Before the third box was linisln-d I noted a, changv fur tho hotter, so I continued the use of the pills till I had takcn ten or tm-lw boxes when my trouble had vmirely disappeared. "To-day I am free from pain and fool that life is worlh living, awn at the ripe old age of seventy. I Can now do a. day's work with many men who are vanty years younger man I. I thank God for my n-stnration In health through the agency of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and I trust other similar sufferers will give them a. trial, for knowing that these pills have done for me I am sure that 'thoy cannot fail as beneficial tn others similarly atllictcd. Seed 3!: lOcmpmhge. Each pack- age contains ssplcndld. mixture orthé mo“ fragrant varieties of all colors. You can can: this the Witch In tn ““313. ”3'25 2" m“u“st'f.3' Minx-theme» we on ‘o . 53?,‘fiifiunm no my 3nd. we tee undeliv- ' Vacuum imam .uthueuontor am’éi’aum mm mm». TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money i! it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove’a signature is on each box. 'â€"--\. horrible st ory was revealed at the Coroner's inquest into the must- ,of the death of Mrs. George Maynard of No. 2 Desjartlins lune. Mont- real. Maynard. who is in the. employ of ..the t‘. 1’. IL, ““1“: home very drunk on Thursudy night and found his wife lying on the floor dead and covered with blood. but did not tell anyone until next morning. That was the. story he told. but it seemed incredible, and he was natur- ally under suspicion. The evidence at the inquest, however, corroborat- ed him. T he. four medical men who examined the body agreed that there was no evidence of murder, but that. the wounds appeared to have been caused by an'animal's teeth, and not by any instrument. It was shown that Mrs. Maynard kept six dogs in the house, and often when she was on a spree left them unfed for days, and they became. ravenous. On the day of her death she was particular- 1y drunk, and it is supposed that the (logs in desperation, attacked her. At any rate, the jury rendered a verdict, that Mary Maynard died from nervous shock or fear, caused by the bites of dogs, while in a state of in. toxication. Two of the jurors dis- sented from this verdict and asked the police to investigate the case. If the blood is pure and wholesome disease cannot nxist. The rmxson Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure so many forms of (lisoaSe is that they act (lir- ot‘tly upon '1th blood and ni'rx't-s. thus reaching the root of the trmlhle. ()Iht‘l' medicines act. only (in the symptoms 01‘ the trimlilo. and that is the reusau the rnulilv always; :n-tm‘ns When you cease llli‘St: mulicinc-s. Dr. \\'illit‘.n‘.s' Pink I’ills' mail-2t: ]H_'l‘lllnll’zlt cures in kidney troubles. rhmmmtism. m‘ysipclas, anavmiu 21ml kindrui (lis- cases. But be sure you got the genuâ€" inc which bear the full 11am..- Ilr. “il- liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every Lox. Obtained Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. VIGOROUS OLD AGE WATCH GENERAL AGENT OOGGQGOOCIC’QQ o WA TCHES.... Tho Ganada Permanent and! WBSBGNI Ganada Mortuaao I Corporation Money to loan at very lowest rates. at eny time, and terms to unit borrower. The Corporation being an emalguuetion of four companies and hnvlng Cepitnl and A~eete of over twenty millions. in prepar- ed to do business on meet advantageous was. Private fund: if preferred. Subscribe for WM. PI. AVBLLE. President. sAVINGS DEPARTMENTâ€"Dev osits of $1. 00 and upward taken. Whhdfi'q time. Debentures issued for periods of from one to five years for sums 0” unwards. Highest current rues of interest allowed. HONEY To LOANâ€"0n town and farm property at current rates cf mam“- m:dcrate and no delay. THGVIBBOI’ifl Loananflwnugfiom . H. HOPKINS, Agt. at Lindsay HEAD OFFICE. W. G. BLAIR 8: SON, SPRING SUITS , LINDSAY '8 flHGBFSOH. NUGBHL 60.8 Furniture W. W. LOGAN ~ 5’0 Trouble to Shoxv Goods SPECIAL BARGAINS The present is a good time to order one. The price V31" cheaper than a conpie of months hence. We have n menu” up-to-date ms and mamas that. will be nude“ into nobby Suits cheap for the next. few weeks. FIT“ musn rumor. Drop in sud see the goods. and let use“ you prices. Noted {or eonect an. TI. boon West of Only Iluu. Lindsay 3° 1.!- QQPKLNSg The proof of a gcod Watch is in the “Sing; Our customers have had over twenty years expfi.5 of the kind of Watches we sell Watches have to be taken pretty much 0134 Your safeguard lies in buying where you haw: fidence, and where your dealer has will and 3553 make you satisfied. If you need a Watch our stock andzpricc'sâ€" interest y. u. of all Kinds JEWELERS Watchman-Wuhan THE WATCHMANâ€"WARDER. M \T:.' H 7 Incorporatod undo: Cap. 169, R. S. 0. UP {'10 MARCH 1511 7.. LOGAN SELHBLSTE BEs.‘ P1111108 [11111111131 SEWING M11 1111 in the market. and the ch according to quality?“ He pays cash for all his goods, best discounts, and can give; Chasers right prices and M terms. " 1- prepamd to furnish the MS; 1;; 33? and «wounding county}: "god, L mums and amnsrosbfi Ne and Gnnitc. ,, Estimates arounptlv given on 9 ”f; of oemoterv requisites. % Marble Table Taps, Wash TW ;, N Pieces, ohm, a specialty. ‘3 Being c tun! WW1. so. his «5ng compute 9"“, WM elsewhere. ' WORKS-In tho rat or the (ham opp. the PM I BRITTON B OPTICIANS no KEN f-ST, unsure. Roélr: CHAM LINDSAY. 1‘. XLl Lough at Goa .VCl’y pairs Ha wutl 2|

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