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Watchman Warder (1899), 7 Mar 1901, p. 5

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IVKRC'H 7t) 3111 taken. withdra'll 7e years for sums 01$ N Goods :5 few weeks. ‘o furnish 111° 3’" onndina 00°”?! Id HFADSTOPU‘A his and Gun!“- AINS is in the using 0! wenty years 3X36] flfl§60fll 6038 t-ST, nuns.“ on pretty much on‘ where you have has will and abfli 'ITS ‘ indsay RT CHAMBERZ nds at rates of interest than!!!” Maihle JOHN mawoofl. Maintain“ D ande l’lCCS and let us and? LINDSAY; oon Coats, Astrachan Manties and iafl Small Furs 20 per cent. off regular price Bargain Day. 3“ FOR SALE OR RENT. 'â€" Lots 24 and 25, Gull River 3111119“; Township of Bexley, 196 name, 7" acres cleared, and in good Silvie 0f cultivation. Abundance of water: .flnnfl â€"‘ ARM '15]! Place for a. stock farm. ongh Wood on it to pay for the . ' 303-50. and house «02:20; “’1 good cellar: pig pen .1 and Small ‘5'an rl‘ A 1‘, . E. W. MCGAFFEY, 3“” abbmismmtsv Lindsay‘s Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry Goods Horse and Saturday Has become a very popular day to the buying public of Lindsay. We ask you to look over this list; Come early Friday morning. There are some vety tempting inducements for you. 21â€"10 pairs Linen Towelling. were 8c, bargain day 22â€"83 Table Linen. was 30c. bargain day . - 23â€"100 pairs Lace Curtains. were $1.35, bargain day . 24â€"15 Ladies’ Mantles. were $7.50 and $8.00, bargain day .5â€"4 pieces Colored Woollen Skirting, was We, bargain day ”-40 Ladies‘ White Night Gowns, were 70:, bargain day . lsâ€"lZ pairs Ladies' Drawers, were 756, bargain day . 16â€"8 Chemises. were 65c. bargain lay . . . , l7_â€"Z Bales Batting. ll 02.. to go at per hunch - - Isâ€"ZSO yards Floral Hemp Carpeting, Vs 20c, bargain day l9â€"l0 Per Cent. off all Carpets Bargain Day 20â€"l8 pairs Men 5 Pants. were $1.25, bargain day . 6â€"20 boxes Men‘s Ties. were 50c. Bargain Bay . . . 25c 7â€"60 Blouses. were SI and 75c, last season’s. Bargain Day . 35c 3’50 Wool Tams. were 45c. Bargain Day = . . . 23.; 9.4 pieces Flannelette. regular 6c, bargain day - .. . 441; 10â€"30 Blouse Lengths of Silk. were 75:: and 60c, bargain day . 47c "â€"200 yards White Cotton, was 8: and 7c, bargain day . 6c lZâ€"lZS Spotted Mnslins. regular lOc, bargain day . .. , 7c 13â€"5 pieces Pillow Lace, regular 6c and 5c, bargain day - 3y; 1...; pieces Dress Plaid. regular 50c., Bargain Day - - 2.400 yards Black Bruchc Dress Goods. was 60c. Bargain Day 3.80 Black Alpaca. was 45c. Bargain Day . ~ . 4â€"2 pieces Waist Lining. was l5c. Bargain Bay - . . 5.50 boxes Men's Collars. were 13c, Bargain Day - . good cellar: pig pen 3111a“ orchard. Adâ€" REESE. Coboconk. -- FOR SALE.â€"Span of good working horses. Apply at the Watchman- Warder officc.-â€"â€"13â€"tf. 'J‘HOROUGIIBREDS FOR SALE. â€"- 0110 Durham bull, 17 months old. a first-class animal; tWo Durham heifers. Also one thoroughbred Jersey Bull, fit for service. Apply to F. SHAVER. lot 13, con. 1, Muriposa, Little Britain, Pl). -â€"-â€"' A GOOD WORK MARE for salt» or trade for cattle. G. R. WILLIAM- SON, CrCSWcl].-â€"9â€"2. fizm ghbzrtisnnmts $4.75 7c $1.00 llic MC 47c "HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. â€"- Elginâ€"st., west of Victoria Avenue. brick house, six room‘s; good frame stable; one acre good land, with orchard and small fruits. Price 51000, if taken at once. Apply to FARM FOR SALE OR REN’I‘.â€"- -'J'hc best farm in the Province for sale or to rent at once. It is situated about a mile and a. half north-east of Sonya. on the fourth con. of Mariposa. The south half of lot No. 2, containing eighty acres, seventyâ€"two tillablc and right, good hardwood bush. beech and maple. Good buildings and well fenced. ALEX. MCDONALD, Sonya. Ont. -â€"3-tf. SIIORTHORN BULL CALVES. -â€" 10 to 12 months old. Good stzong fleshy fellows, color roan. ()ne of specially good milking strain. NOTICEâ€"A meeting of the patrons of Cambray Cheese Factory will be held in the factory on Monday, March 11m. at 1 o’clock.~ to de- cide as to what is to be done with the Whey this year. If the patrons decide to sell the Whey it. will be ofl’ered for sale that. day by aucâ€" tion. Every patron is interested in this matter and a full attendance is requested. A. CRAGG, President. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"Cm Colborne-st.. north ward. an eight- roomed. brickâ€"veneered house, boat- cd with coal furnace, a good wood- shcd and stable, an excellent well and cistern, half an acre of land with fruit trees. will be sold reasonably if taken at Cnce. For full particulars. apply at The Watchman-Wanker officeâ€"â€"42-tf. FARMS T0 REN'liâ€"Two valuable farms, situated in the township of Ellll.}'. known as the Parker farms. lot; 8. con. 9, Emily, comprising one hundred and two acres. ()1) (he premises are a. comfortable log dwelling house, a. good frame barn with stone foundation and straw; house. The land is in a good state of cultivation and is well Watered. There is a good young orchard. Also, lot 7, con. 0, Emily, comprising fifty acres, all cleared. 24 acres in meadow, bulâ€" nnce plowed. Also well watered. No buildings. For particulars ap- "ply an the promises to Mrs. Mary A. Parker, or to Downoyvillc 130. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE â€" LO'd Stralhallanâ€"36443 1. your old on the 19th of March. llarl; ruan in color. A good strong. proâ€" mising lmll of excellent hrwd'ng. Also :1. dozen Wellâ€"bred Ilarrml Plyâ€" mouth Rock (‘ockorols at $1 each. JOHN CAMPBELL. Fairvicw Farm “'osdviElc. Ont. 52â€"”. FOR SALEâ€"A Galloway Dull Calf, 10 months old. Would exchange f0? a working horse. Goo. D. Isaac, Glunville Farm, lot 28. con. 8, Fonclcn. P.O., Fumlon Falls. FARMS FOR SALEâ€"~The following valuable farms are offered for Sale on very easy terms of payment : FbOR gALEâ€"Ten acres of good gar- don land “ith .1 comfortable1 house. barn stable and workshop: 1,: acu- 0rc:har(1 11/, miles south of Hartlv. Prico rouso a1 10 JOHN “ILLS, Hartly I‘.().â€"â€"9â€"2. LOSTâ€"0n Thursday. Feb. 21st, bo- twoen Brown‘s schoolhouse and Oakwood. Muriposa, a grey colored cutter robe. Finder will plva'se. have at Hogg Bros. store. Oakâ€" wood. â€"-9-2, WANTED -â€"â€" Good ‘mnora! Servant. APPLY to Mr. C. I). Barr, 32 Bondâ€"- $13., Lindsayâ€"10.2, FOR SALEâ€"The undersigned has for sale a pure-bred Short Horn Durham calf. ton months old, eligi- ble to register. This is a. large calf for age and is of good quality. Apply to D. SINCLAIR, Cambray. The McHugh farm, west half of lot 16, con. 3, Ops, is offered for sale. It, is situated four miles from Lindsay, on the Little Brit- ain road, and contains 100 acres, 80 of which are plow land. Thor? is a. good brick house, with wood- sheds; large frame barn, drivingr shed, stables, etc. '1" ho farm is in good state of cullix ation, and will be sold reasonably. qFor further particulars apply to .M. PORTER, Watdunanâ€"“ardoru “office Lind: ay _ , g; L Barred Plymouth Rock Cockercls -â€"-A good lot, several different strains. Some from Experinn-nt'a? Farm, Guelgh. Price $1.00, ex- cept a. few choice ones at $2.00 each. JOHN CAMPBELL. Fair- View Farm, Woodvillc, 0m.â€"â€"52-tf. s. M. PORTER. Watchmaniw‘a'raer office.â€"6â€"1f. LINDSAY, THURSDAY. MARCH 7th, 1901. -â€"8-3 . Nmr the \‘illugx- of “MINUSâ€" goon, on Peterboro road. 100 urn-s clay loam, 60 aeres plow land, bal- ance pasture and tamarac swamp. Good frame barn and frame house, also a. frame stable: good water: first-class orchard. Price $2,000 Lot 24, con. ll. ()ps («mn- ship, six miles east 01‘ LimiSuy. mw lot from Nugent's blacksmith shop. containing 75 acres, 50 cleared and in good state of cultivation. bul- uncc pasture and timber. Soil clay loam. Good frame burn on promis- es, no house. Good Wull. This farm will be sold at, a bargain. Terms made known on applicatkm fish) betrfiammm. MANILLA If you want to save money in buy- ing your housvhold supplies réad Hogg Bros. business locals in the Oukwood corrvspcndencc in this is. sue. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE WOODVILLE Dr. Bowerman, dentist, will be at the Queen’s Hotel, Woodville on the first four Fridays in March. For 5 cents a yard )‘(Hl have your ChOiCC of 11 difi’cn-nt designs of 13m- .(‘mbroidcry direct; from St. Gull, Sxfitzerland,~a special lot just. neâ€" ceived. Also new laces from the VERY narrow \‘alencicnnes to the wide all-over; in black and white. Hogg Bros. L LITTLE BRITAIN Road Hogg Bros. Spring announce- ment in the Oakme é-nrrcspondenec this week. There is money in it for: you. Bargains in («Very line of goods you need. VICTORIA ROAD Dr. Bowcrman, dentist, visits Vic- toria. Road (Chirpaw’s Hotel) on the first Thursday of every month. Next, visit March 7th. ()AKWOUI) Christie's Salt, Wafers. Mexican, Marshmalluw. Fig Bar, Apple Blos- som, Nursery Ilonz'y cake, Cottage Mixed, Cafe. Nair, Jzn'a. Water Ice Wafers, and Strawberry (ix-pps are Some of thi' nc'w fancy biscuits which Hogg Bros. rccciwd this week. Christie's Plain Sodas and Zephyr Creams received fresh cwry few days. One case Of the Arcadia. Ludios' min slippers, wool lined. regular price $1.20, while they last they are yours for 60 MS a pair. Our first shipment. of new spring INNS, linings, canvassL-s. Iowelliugs-z. table linens, shakers. cuttonudcs. “Less goods, crettcmvs. apron gingâ€" hams, lawns, sncmns. Hawk and fancy, received this wwk. Tho doâ€" signs, quality and prim-s arc Worthy 0f your attention. Hogg Bros. SEED GRAINâ€"Tho undxrrsign-fid has a. quantity of choice soul nuts and barley. Tm barioy is Salznr's Silâ€" ver King raised from imported and hind-picked seed. The (MS are the Big Four. the largest, yic-idvrs yet. found. 'I‘hoy are also from im- ported seed. Prim-s moderate. JAS. RODGERS, Mariposn, Station. ()akwocd. P.().â€"10-2. One car load Rodpat‘h's bust granuâ€" lated and extra yellow sugar to hand this week. You might cccnomizc some by purchasing a. barrel now. Prices right, llogg Brns.. ()ukwoud BOARDERS \VAN"Eii.;AppIy at 33 Sussex-st., North Ward.â€"-â€"1-tf FARM WANTEDâ€"75 to 100 mrcS. with good upâ€"to- date buildincrs. (‘an pay all cash if n\(‘essdry. Ap- ply at this offiw. â€"â€"10-tf. lN'I‘lIE SURROGA'I‘E COURT OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA â€"- Pursuant to thl‘ vaisul Statutes of Ontario. 1897. chap. 129. sec. 38. the crrditom; of William Bro- ktnshiro of the Township of Ferm- lcn in th) (‘mmty of Victoria. farm- (‘r. deceased, who died (”I or about, the lRth day of January. :\.l). 1900 art) rcquirul (m or lwfnro the 25th day of March. 190]. to send by post. prepaid to Donald R. Andor- ‘son. Limlsay P.O.. Snlicitor for Taylor Parkin and Eli Worsley. ox- ocutors of the estate of the said William Brokznnhirv. their christian and surnames, addresses and occu- pations, full particulars: of their claims and the mixture of the securâ€" ity (if any) held by them. BUIJIJ FOR SI\IJE.â€"(; 00d grade, twenty months old. Price reason- ab10. Apply to E. RICHARDSON, Janetvillo, Ont.â€"9-3. PULL CALI" F ()I‘ S .\I. Irâ€" I hnroughâ€" bred Shm thorn. dark re 1:] 1 months old : fit to haul any herd. Dam a (hoiw hutur cow. apply to “m. M. Graham. 1m. :16 cm. 2, ()ps Lindsay P. ().â€"104. ".ULL CALVES FOR SALEâ€"â€"Thoâ€" roughbred Durham. (m:- 11 the 0th.“? 8 months old. (‘olnr roan and dark red. Fina- aninmls. Ap- ply to Jamrs IIUWO. Juniville P.(). -â€"-â€"10â€"2. The said executors shall after the said 25th day of March, 1901. be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof among,r the parties cntitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then not- ice. and shall not be liable for the assiats or any part thereof so disâ€" tributcd to any person of whose claim sueh executors shall not have had notice at the time of such dis- tribution. Dated at Lindsay. this 4th day of March, 1901. DONALD R. ANDERSON, Solicitor for said Executors.â€"10â€"3. Thoso yard wide Union carfictS. ficm ngcrtiscmmts FENELON FALLS moosv. ()n his rotmn hnmv he lrft lhc haul in ()rillia in bu mountcd. On Tuesday he rccciwd the mounted head by train, and it, is now on ex- hibilion in Mr. Robson's st-we. The anthrcd hcad is: magnificent unusur- ing four and a half foot from tip to tip of the cuttlcrs and Mr. Robson is very proud of being Lhc owner of such a beautiful specimen and also of having shot it himself. It is also very handsomely mounted and will make a. splendid hall ornament. Our junior hockey team visitnd Lindsay last Saturday to play 1110 return match, but owing to the rink being engaged were disappointed in not getting a chance to try their skill. (1.1109 to remove from the midst, 0f her family circle the wife of our vs- tcomcd Bro. Thos. Kinghorn. timrv- fore, be it resolved. that the «kc-p sympathy of this lodge be extended to Bro. Kinghorn and his bereaved family in this their time of afflictirm. and be it further resolved that a I-npy of this resolution be forwardod m Bro. Kinghorn, and published in the meal papers. OMEMEE The farmers are well on with thnir winter's work owing to the good sleighing. Robt. Thornton, nephew of Li(.“lt. Thornton, has enlisted for South Africa with Baden-Powell's cons-tabu- lary. The medical examinfitinn is rcâ€" portcd a strict one. V Mr. Magwood of the Victoria Loan and Savings Company, Lindsay. was in town inspecting some property this week. The Methodist tea proved a gnut success on Monday night. Another lecture in the Presbyterian church on Friday night next on "Shakespeare" under the auspices m‘ the high school by a professor from Queen's University, Kingston. We understand that Mr. Alex. Mc- Donald has rented] his farm to Mr. John Wells of Seagravc. ()n Friday evening of last Week the brethren of Glencairn Camp S. 0. S. met in their hall and presented Mr. Hugh McDonald with an address and arm chair on the eve of his departure to Sutton. On Friday evening last our village was shocked by the news that Mrs. Alex. Black hah crossed that bourne from whence no traveller ref urns. Although deceased had been on the sick list for a short time. yet nothing serious was anticipated. HOWevt-r. pneumonia set in, and in spite of human aid she. succumbed to that malady. The interment took place on Monday, the. service being con- ducted by the Revs. A. Currie and J. M. Cameron. A very large number of friends and relatives escorted the remains. to their last resting place in the McNeil cemetery. Deceased Was similar to those which proved such a. While up at success with us last, season haw ar- Jm-r Mr. J. “a rived. The patterns are 1119 hand-i Mr. and Mrs somest we ever had, the quality it My roturnml h shade better, the price 210 higher uni! ' 0" ~ \' . . 9 , Just .... cents a 3am. . m 1h: m. lllllthcrnng m” Hog}: Bros. . 17.. "a ,. (1a 3' :1 ft (-r SW 1' nogg Bros. 42 boys ranging from 5 (n .Qyoars of age can be suited for 42 (lullars. one doilar each, at Hogg‘ Bros. Tim-h suit, is worth from two to four dol- lars. Hogg Bros. At :1 meet'ng of Cambruy Lodgi- No. 161, C. O. O. I“.. hold at thvir lodgv room on Saturday owning Fob. 23rd, ult., the following rcsolmiml Was adopted: Whereas, it, has pleas- ed the Almighty in His divine proviâ€" SONYA Mr. Alex. McTaggart, jr.. is under the doctor's cam. Thorn is a gvod deal of teaming dam: at prosvnt. “'0 mm boast nf good roads as “‘0 have not many pitch hnlvs yvt. Mr. Wm. ('uSI-y left, on Tuesday last I with u vurlnad of sottlor's emu-ts for Dakota to seek his fontuno. We wish] him go; (1 luck and prospority. ' of a. quiet and retiring disposition, kind and obliging, highly esteemed by all who made her acquaintance. A beautiful wrculh was placcd on tho casket; by the members of Sonya. aux- iliary of the W. F. M. 8., of which the den aSLd was treasurer for a numâ€" ber of years. A husband and flu» sons are left to mourn her loss. while the whole community sympath- ize with thcm in their bx-reawmcnt. Hngq businvs: M ARIPOSA STATION I’rm are doing a rushing 75¢. a Year in Advance; $1 if not so CAM BRA Y Hun...” u: :nv game the result stood 4-3 in favor of Pent-ion Falls and the manager of the Keene team jump“! on tho, ice and gave vent to his feel- inas in some remarks whit}: in) soon saw {it to retract. Some pvoplo take (it-feat hard and to this class the Keene hockoy players belong. We pity them. poor things. but the fault: is no doubt. owing more to their edu- cators than to thomsdn‘s. We fed proud of our team from 11!“ start to the finish of In“ season for tho-y have conductul themsclxvs in a sportsman- ‘like manner and ham not [wrpvtrat- ed one at‘t u'hirh “v...” .a 7._ . - The ”best hockv} team Which Lind- say ('an produce" \isiwd RF. last Wednesday to wipe the ice with our local team. Fast and furious was the playing at first and the whole Visiting team “’vl‘t‘ onto Beteau so that he last the puck every trip. Lindsay scored twice. Then the boys awoke to the. fact that P~teau was their target and while the stal- wart sons of Adam from afar watch- cd their prey, Sandford got the puck and scored and then the nst was easy. The final score was 9â€"3 to th: licnor of Penelrn Falls and We congratulate our boys on Iht‘ll‘ ViC' tory and the \‘iSitOl‘S on the most. excellent game of shinney and foot hall which they played. Phoney Martin in particular Was an expert. at football. He can call on us for testimonials in that respect if he feels like entering the rugby field next summer. 01' course it Was gall and wormwood to the Lindsay piayers to come and see but not to c<.nqucr. But. cheer up my friends! If you practice hard and keep cool you may live sufficiently long to defeat F. F. Your time may come but before you leave home next time, do not cut so much pie between meals. 0! course it, was good for trade but we really do value the constitutions of the Lindsay players even more than are .ralue the trade of Pin-don Falls. ed one act which would tit-tract from their position of contestants in a fine line of Canadian Winter sperm. “3} think they (it‘St‘th‘ the praisv and support of tho pvnple of Fa‘ls for the manner in whirl) llu-y have upheld the sporting (‘it‘llllni «if the: village at. home. and in each place in which they have plau'ul. 'l'hv- play 017 ganm- lx-thn FJ". and Nur- wood will take plaw on Frid ln Lindsay. H ""101! 2._\’ night: It is quhet'tt'd and hop- ml that a Special 1min will be‘ run up, as a largv number of residents are anxious to witness thw match. We understand that the victors of this game are to play ('amplu-llford on the Victor's rink. A final game the Winner to take the cup. We think that Fem-Ion Falls will he the first name engraved on th? cup and we. trust. “’0. will not be doomed to disappointment . ulx'.‘ mwr the score stuod Bun-nu pausvd for a mmm-r the Noerul crowd and Sui nnw will Von? No' no: Word “ill (lppart from 5nur for we “ill defeat 111.5 u-n another fiftwn mznmvs ha: just as We defoatul you." gallant crew ch- silent. terminus of YhI‘ tramp Hm mu 4â€"3 in favor of Fenxlun F manager of the Kmne t nn 1h» ice and gun- u-m ings in 801110 I‘PIHSIY‘L'C “'1'- Messrs. W. '1‘. Junxin. ‘R. 9. land and Mvrrinm hockey playvrs night. Messrs. Gould and 11. Raw-- avcompaniod the to Kat-n9. on Friday Jl‘nkin, R owland. haxnmn slaved nvor in Peterbmo to mtpnd th‘, meeting 0f Ihf‘ Tran. \amm um...“ - say last; wm-k. atttnding the in Toronto. .u rewrooro to mtvnd the meeting of the Tum Valley Hockey League. “Thrco chcnrs for Km n9! What did you cnmv hl-re for"? Co homo to your (.‘ataractburg!" 01c. sang: the NorWood sports lincd up on the Komw ice on last Friday night. when at half-Um? the scorc- stood 3â€"1 in favor of Keene in 111:) gaxm- between them and Fem-Ion Falls. , look black fur our famouc mun play- ors but E11 nghq heel who hugh; last,” and when about, tu'vnty utos later the scorn Klnnfl 9 0 mvr Mr. J. Rabam shm ha m. Miss Archnr and Miss LII-So T. 8:1(llnr F151 Iii-v Miss A. El] it’s in York c “v are g] 1d :1 reenu- rod in I; rest. Miss Ansfin is ‘ Mr. 11'. Austin. K Mrs. B. Wills of Mom: Hu- Falls last vim-k In funeral of her fath -r. Mr. Mr. “I English 1'": hon north (-mmtrs'. ily returned to tho Faiis last day aftI-r sprmiinw ihv winter Iumhcring‘ ('mmlry rug-:12“ Warn Mr. Wm. Graham is on :2 Vi his pannts. Mr. and Mrs. I While up at From-h rh ork County on Manda) 1d m'staw that MW in hmhh after {Wu mm: 101' a moment ml (mvsd and said y‘nu.’ 303 Not (lvpart from your E1] is rcfurnrd Or and Miss Washburn are mllor r01 urnwd from Lind- .‘vuc m In? gaxm- between 'cm-lon Falls. Thfnfm remarks whid: h.) soon tact. Sumo pvoplc fake: and 10 this class the were silt-m. game the ram; Fendun Falls Show room opening-9 mmmm! 1d Mrs inn! rml mm! a in Mr. ('. W. Moore- wvnt y In in- DOC! . 3 and I)? n t, before Said "in.” not anothnr “'3 rr. 1] ext-1mm of and in PEICh plau'ui. 'l'hyv F. and Kur- sm- IS quite IV. 0 111001115 10 hot dut- 'ur mouths, {I I?! before a Visi uu'm “vent and famâ€" 81 Th urs~ ('a me i 0 Maps-d, and the hrut her Paid n the 35f, . the

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