Machinery for Sale INâ€" 6000 ORDER coed my naive}, retinaâ€"d “(itching dun! blood, sad and... normal ac.- “ half†recurred (his) 2 any in giving tom the a m ole“:- m‘ , a any othct severe macs." .. 4 x g H , ’, B" p a “ 23 x 3; V lad, Marine Engine, 2% n3. . - ~ - :J EnainmleleHP. :: 0 ad Builer 7 x 10, Semi-Portal“ Boner, 40 H.P., Eclipse, are box holler. “ abouts-11 893th Tahi- u '37 u ‘ 112 $3 u u 3 u I†‘u [63“ 192 u u ' “ ‘50 RP. stile Boner A M mum s‘Wm-I mm ï¬namofsmncmlyh ._ ‘ad in mod that: an: 1-" r133! p". Mm.fl'.flfl ï¬lth law W's? irons with 40131-th. dado, date In" for '8' mm. new. Fax-particular! 1991; to JOHN LEVEY. W's Tm'o‘o; Eat Wad. Madam-«Matt. - , . .3 {tom n condition; z 91 Kent-gt, Lladuy. 0m. 1 : boo-00.000600066000000 “Had no cunt-gym.†in. miser- oblo state “health. ~ v â€" “ flflbum’u Hanande Pills. which 3301 at Richud’u DmgSmhrqchu‘cd .0 from 3 condition†of ninety a: food of La anpe winch left In} mu- m in exhausted condimn. I could not «gain magi!) an: mm m“ Ibep- has at t, at not as ï¬rodngwheo I sent: bed. a: on! u Intond buildingthb {magenta-ultras baton-dunk- llfl Q‘M--_l-W°m “P"? It is we!) known the: efter uy cations maï¬a the heart and‘ nerves are extreme! weakrand the blood greedy M For (hue conditions m i. no .1“! equals Milbum's Heart and New. Pills. It restores all the vital force. of the body which disease be impaired ind ink-dad. Mr. 1‘. BarnicottgAï¬na-;0n..nap :â€" “ About a year 5‘0 1 bed c more {tuck -ll’-r‘0 Inf. In. 'IIOIIIOBII, Typhoid Of “or! In". Diphtheria, l. 075...}. ‘ a, Serious “on... “gm tho Ion. 'OIII'. II“! II mm... llun Saul-Ii. lain o! Illbun’. â€out a“ lid. Pius. Engine, 10 x 14, Horizontal. so RP. †12 X ". ‘tt _' ‘ fl H7: 0 At!“ PEOPLE RECOVERIIG Farm Loans 0.“. They built up .y M rmn_ f m.‘ "1.184.! m 4x4- GEORGE MEL! u KEEP WHEY OUT OF THE MILK CANS That was the Advice Given the Stock. holders of the Oakwood Cheese Factory, The annual meeting of the patrons and stockholders of the Oakwood Butter (‘0. was held in the factory on Wednesday March 13th. It was fairly well attended. The meeting€ was called to order by President Jorâ€" 3 dan. There was considerable discus- sion regarding the cheques‘for Febru- ary milk. Mr. loo. Lytlc of Th0 Watchman- Wnrder was invited" to give his views“ regarding the whey nuisance and other dairy matters. In compliance with the request he outlined the. ac.- ticn of the Victoria Cheese Board in its determination to star the factor-g ies who continue the nuisance, in ord- er that the buyers may know just ‘what they are getting. All the buy- ers condemned the practice and stat-J ed that complaints came from the English dealers to the eï¬ect that the Victoria county cheese had a “bllel/ne flavor, which they attributed to the whey being drawn in cans. Mr. Wat-J kins stated that he would cut the: price if he bought at all, and seriou':â€" ly considered not buying on the Board. He (the speaker) urged them to lead in this reform in order to advance the dairy industry. It was bound to come within two years anyâ€" Wav, and they should aim at being leaders insted of 'tailâ€"(nders’ in the march of progress. Whey has .1. com-‘ mercial \alue as a. fodder, but they were not getting more than ten per cent. of the Value owing to the man- ner in which it was handled. They should go in for a coâ€"opcratipe pig- tgery, where they could feed the whey, fresh and get the full feeding \alue drain it. If they do not do it. then :they should sell their whey, but there was good money in the piggery for the farmers. He dealt with the importance of eradicating everything. that worked against the reputation. of our cheese and butter in the Engj li.h market. It was not necessary to {ad turnips to dairy cattle, they should go in for small silos and en- silage corn and mangolds, which 'Wgre better and lar more remunerat- ive to the farmer. He. Warned them that it was impossible to feed turn- ips and secure gilt-edge butter that, would keep and evoked some laugh-f _ter what he outlined some of the‘ 'diflerent. theories in feeding the same. H'e complimented them on having a first4elass maker and a good factory: but found fault with the curing room. They should put in u. Silb-ull‘ duct from the. curing roonrto a. point, on the west side of the. creek, which with clear cold air. It would not {cost ninth and would more than re- pav them in retaining the quality 0} the theese. l’lamtc drew his revolver and em? :hu‘gc 0‘ the c‘oat and could not “ro- ptied the contents of the same int-o (hue it “hen “3“,?“ upon. 71,119 the wild Cat. In (lied alnmst, inâ€"; ludg ment ,is for â€"3 price of 189 stauuly. Mr. Wild Cat, is a. large' coat. $11 and own 5510 cpsts. I 0 Q o ’ I ‘l 0124:, 111935unng tour fact. II! 14118“), a..._____¢.__.__..______________ (We her. in height, and weighing, 65 Aviva-the in The Wilma-Wattle: I’etvrqoro EVaminor : When Mr. Thomas LaI’lante \Vals I driving in from Hummer ’J‘hursdzw niufht. 312 had a rather _t.hrilling oxywriunce,‘ and as a, result, a. huge wild cat. is‘ 011 exhibition 10-day, at. Dr, Rabin-1 son’s livery, (harlotte street. . It. was up the 8th Iinc, lhunmur, that' . LaPl-antc c-‘une across his strange and unexpected enemy. It. was not; xioticed bv him until it sprang from a, the, alighting betwmn the horse? and cut tcr. ' It became sochhatd stunned, and in an instrht Mr. La-1 ~1‘h9 'laxptist College of Woodstock Was fnr'ma‘ly closul on Friday 1am. ow mg to th: cpe-demic ux‘ M-urivt io-vâ€"i ex- Ihati prm’ails in the building. The no}! g,» will ri-nmin clam-d until April; 1.0m. during “‘hiLh time the building will he thuroughly (11-: im‘u-IM! by an apparatus from Toronto. 1}}: stu- dents leaving for their home‘s are. bo- ing thoroughiy examined. and being treated with antiseptic-s. A general discussion follnwul in which Mr. Brass made an oï¬er of, 30 eint's per standard for the whey: It was decided to leave the matter 0pm. till another meeting. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Lytle at. the close of the meeting, and a. de- sire o-xpressml that, he Would attmnd iu1 ure meetings. During the munih of February there was delivered at the factory 42052 lbs. milk from which 1712 lbs. butter were made. The lowest. milk 1e ted was 3.2, and the highest 4.5, awraze test 3.6. The lowest, price. per 1001bs milk 63.7c and the high- ‘est price 89.7, aycruge net price to patrcns 78.2c per 100 lbs. Woodville Advocate: Mr. M. Mcâ€". Gowan intends adding twenty {ect- of an addition 'to the east end of his hntvl during the coming summon This is rendq-red mossary to accom-I‘ moddte hi9 rapidly inert-using busin-' c-SS’. DISTRICT flAPPENINï¬S - lbs. Had Mr; LaPlante not had. his revolver with him, he might have had a. lively time of itâ€"at least that, is what he says. â€"â€"â€"Port Hope Guide : Mr. Asa (‘hoate has been boring for Water on his farm, Belmont. They gbt down one hundred and twenty feet, When they struck gas, which makes a. light, quite sufï¬cient to light the Whole town on a. dark night. Who says there is not gas in Port Hope ? ing his wife and threatening to kill her. . In the course of the hearing- lhc prisoner replied to a comment from the. bmch with an epithet, and the thrashing followed. The just- ice aflerWurd sentenced Pesontini to jail on the charge of wife beating and threats to kill. " i ‘ -â€"Justioe of Peace R. C. Motiskafl of Duryea, near Wilkesbarre. P. A., desended from his bench, stripped off his coat and thoroughly thrashed a wife-beater. The man bled profuse- ly. and was badly bruised and cut before he gave in, and begged for- giveness. The man whipped Was John Pesontini, charged with beat- 1 â€"â€"â€"Bowmanvillc News: We were shown, last week by Mr. W. Horsey, a. curiosity in two eggs. One a goose eggâ€"was ten inches in cir- cumference, 51/2 inches long and weighed 141/2 ounces. The other was; a. miniature turkey’s egg, which only measured 2% inches in circumference and Was just one inch long. mian' Was hanged in London two years ago. Scott is the’ second 'l‘ooâ€"l hey arrested within a. month. éâ€"Omemee Mirror : The hearse which Was to be used at the funeral of the late Daniel McNickle, met with an accident, on its way to the inner-.1]. The roads were inn. bad condition and when in the vicinity of; the railway crossing on the Middle Road the hearse upset. Help had to be called but not to delay the funeral, the sleigh of Mr. John Gil- lis Was used instead of the hearse. We are glad to say that no injury was done'to the hearse. -â€"-â€"A telegram was received in Lon- don Friday containing the words : “Murderer of London Paliceman ar- rf‘Stcd." A later despatchA brought the information that, the accused was The Toronto Star says: â€"â€" Sonic \ear'a ago William Udy and George 15' at, while digging an excavation for a. collar in ‘thc township of Bridgenorth, in Petcrboro county. came across a small package, which. on b ing opened, “:sz shovi‘n to conâ€" tain gold coin to the value of 22;". The place had formerly bccn occupied by an old woman. whn was report- {(1 to be a. miser. The ‘treasurc was handed over to the Crown. but as' no claimant has appeurml, the Gov-7 ornmcnt. has returned Lhc- nmncy to 1 he discovcrcrs . one Wm. Scott, colored, and that he was arrested at Portsmouth,» near Norfolk. He denied all knowledge of the murde'r of Policeman Toohey in London. This murderer of thé polite on, hotel-keeper of Bowmauvillc, for the price of a. coat. stoltn from Mr Burn-11's premises. ~ Mr.Burton did not, think he was liable nnd allowed‘ the .Case to go to trial as a. ,test.‘ 'Ihe circumstances were these : Mrf Nix drove in at night, left his coat; in the care oi the hotel clerk, but: did not sleep in the housv, although he had a. couple of meals there next; (my (the day of the fair.) Mr. Burt-.1 on thought he was not, liabié' for the; coat meausc Hr. Nix was not. stayâ€".41 ing in his hohse The po'nt, how-1 e\',er seems to be that his clerk took ,nhirge of the Poat and could but pro- ducc it “hen caugd upon. 'lhe‘ :‘iudg ment is for the price of 1139 Coat. $11, and met $10 costs. -â€"-Uxbridge Journal : Mr. Nix his won his suit agaimt Mr. Burt- -â€"â€"P0rt Hope Times: Our totem lately has been calling attention to what he calls fat govermnent. jobs. ‘11? is evidently looking for Some excuse to open some of them for some of the hoard of hungry Grits that, are swarming on all sides, cage:- to fwd at. the public crib. We. would call his attention to one than apprars to be extra fat. It, is said Ill-at, the best paid oflicial of the Dominion Savico is the letter car~ view at. Newmzu’ket villugv. Nu re- u-ivm one dollar each day and does 1.wo-»minutcs work each day. Paicl‘ at, the same rate,‘and working eight hours a day, he would receive $1,440 per week, which is more than {he (,‘ovcmor-Gtrleral draws in 'salary. ~~Uxbridge Journal : Mr. Nix -â€"â€"Bowmanville News: “‘hiic return- ing"fr01n chur‘ch, during the storm. on Sabbath evening last, ‘Mr. lobt. Boilh, jr., eldest son of Dr. Dicth, of this town met: with an accident which will lay him up for some time. While proceeding home, in coxnlnm)’ with his sisters, a. largo limb was blown from a tree, at the corner‘ of Church and Silver streets, which struck him, knocking him down and breaking his right, leg above the know. 110 also sustained other in: juries to his back and has been suf- fering great, pain since. The world has never known groutâ€"1 (‘r muniflconcc than has been shown during, the last. decade by Andrew Carnegie. This greatest, of all phil- anthropists has already'given to varâ€" i0us schools, libraries and other Charitable purposes a. total of some twenty-sewn million dollars. But. previous gifts, muniï¬cvnt as they have been, arc’to be altogether ac. lispod by What he intends to do now. The I’ittsburg Dispatch says that intimate friends of Ander Carnegie Say that it is the intontinn of the steel master to give at lvast $25, ’000,000 for the erection of buildingé and for the endowment of the prop- GREATEST GENEROSIT‘Y EVER KNOWN Andrew Carnegie Will Give at Least $25,000,000 for the Endowment of Pittsburg Tecnical School. oscd technical school of Pittsburg. It is also declarcd by those who have talked with Mr. Carnegie that he intends to make his school the ï¬nest of its kind in the world. and that it will lend as much fame to Pittsburg on the th ‘oretic-dl side of iron and steel making: as his f-unous works naxe done in actual practice. "THE MAKING OF HIS SOUL." In‘a letter writun to the people of Pittsb‘urg yesterday before sail- ing for England Mr. Carnegie said : "An ppportunity to retire from bus- mess came to me unsought. which I considered it my duty to adopt. My, reaclve was made in youth to re- tire before old age. The fathers in oldeddays taught that a man should haveilime before the end of his car-4 eer far the “making of his soul." I haVe always felt that old age should be spent. not as the. Ssotrh say in ‘making xnicklc,' but, in making a good use of what has beta acquir- ed, and I hope my friends of Pitts- burg will apmve of my action in re.- tiring: while still in full health and vigor,; and I can reasonably expect, many years for usefulness in ï¬elds which have other than personal aims." “1% share which I haxe hat! in maternal developement of our city my be cmhidered only on the foun- dation on whkh the things of the spirit are built, and in taking the proceeds of the material tu Ileve}()pe' the things of the spiritual wohtl. I feel that I am pursuing the ideal with of 1m». and duty. TIIE IDEAL PATH. “I shall have have more time now to devote to '.he Institute and to the Technical School which are in the higher. domain of Pittsbqrg's life and these I have long seen to be my chief Workâ€"the ï¬eld in which I can do the greatest, because the highest. good 301' Pittsburg. , “For all these reasons and for an- othch' more potent, than all, viz. : That Pittsburg entered the Care at my heart when I was a boy and can- not be tozn out I can never b0. one; hair's breath loss loyal to her or anâ€" xious to help her than 1 have been since =I could help anythirig. â€My treasure is still with you: my heart is still with you, and how best, to some Pittsbm'g is the question which recurs to me almost, every day of my life." Wealth on arrival hero from Scotland in 1845 3 50 Prescnt wealth†. 200. 000 000 To American schools ...... (3,000,000 Carnegie libraries in 6‘.) American cities ., ........ 5,(_K)0.000 To former emplmycos and their homo libraries (10- uute‘d yesterday... .. 5,000,000 Miscellaneous gifts -â€"~ â€" 11,000,000 Pittsburg Technic- al school .................. 25,000,000 in; almost the 14111!th ï¬nancial rem-5m, in a“ :long and «and career: . i 31 6301211“. jthe‘ Hebrew comedian ‘ made W of Posen†famous, will after 1 coupte of seasons in vauae. Ville go into the trait raising businegs in Califfm‘lé ha W11 Gil It issaJ t t 1mm latte hue god :9 writé.‘ ifbreffo 6! pa op'mfa €35: , 5 131817“. the music; to Mona by; "m bum: whose name is not at and: while. . About L700 actors and actresses ac 099““! 15139113611111 Tree’s hospitalitv at the professional matinee of “Herod†in London. ‘ ' Ht‘umuGur'Gflflemn’ $5413 â€'- ' ‘nnfl’ored a stroke or ampiexpy 1:023:31: and is'seriousiy sick, but}: reported to be ism-1y.- recomm. ' 1690911 deers’on has paid more than $50,“, it is said, for propem at ‘Yestf‘ Palm Beach, Fla; when. it is inte‘mhd to build a 5100.000 hotel. .1 3 Mmé. Modjeskh‘js making her rmwenf? toxir'ot the sb‘uth‘ am} is apparently 'éu'juyj“ Julia Marlowe is considering a London engagement in ““3181: Knighthood Was; 1,, Flower†as soon as her season (310st Marion CmWfond's “A Ciganette MAR. er’s Romance†is to be acted next season by Martin Harvey, the English actor. Maude Adgms’ season in “L’Aiglon†has been a tnumphal march for the pop. ular iittle actress. Robert Loraine, the English “masher" nctor, is coming to this country. Alice Nielsen will have a new opera next season (railed “The Chaperones.†Total .. BILL OF THE PLAY. .$-)J,UUU. (XX) 3 FAM!LY GROCER, 3; Kent-st - - - LINDSAY “33WWW‘3WWW‘WW QCQUi BELL ESTATE, LOAN AND THE WITH : THE . PLOW 6mm:- INSURANCE 1 J. J. WE THER U15 - J. WETHERUP‘ in!“ roomy. Ihouid Baum «gamma m and Run math-(3min. m UAWâ€"WARDEN, M U7." SAYS ‘ I'- PORBERT That it. Is moon to boy the but Shoes. A Farm or or a mechanic cannot \fl'ard to buv ch-nn Shou- We wont to call mention to our ‘70an mi SHOES, oceans. wo have beat. nine in good gem“, 2'3"â€; W†h": “himmrm‘m "é M m o no 0 t American and Cooadlan lather. with, RIVER DRIVERS noon atoll duct-i flan o "m. any. It you wont your Boots mendecfbring then to no, as we hove 3 km stock “lumen-nun kind: to do the work with. It to tho only flut- cioso custom ond music shop in Lindsay. Pkg... all and see us. Don't forget the place. l4 William-st. North. My. An’znspecc’ ’ioaor him, Chugeamodmu. Having 27 years experience in the business I claim to be able to seleq the best make of goods recommend no othets from my ofï¬ce. A large Stack of instruments to choose from. RAG CARPET 8 RUG WORKS mandala: Work: from Cum 3. to No. 11A York-st, 233's; 9’8†with Robert Forums 4-: . ' 1 doors north of Cum 55 Wholesale and retail deg e, i 1901 ï¬nds.†guvcry few. 1 I d perhaps new few friends, pr. ’Why “1-11 D4 “Y'CS that is odd will survls Du: 3'0“ calm": --Why do you :1" Who Would Why 1?! ’ die admiration Was nm :..n., UFO ’akc care 5011 Me world to g- : answered. ‘Geoi-gy. pray 3'- vt from the tom; Isiah," retortcd 5'3 Who 0111 i1; IS? it new 1 am W‘ ink sometimes ' and after 1‘“. as 'aVide dc pi‘ :eorgy laughed : ssion of such ' othee person I You} Maine ;: iay’; but I lily: same." 'hey went in aw 1e while, an}! L1 Lin. ~ “How Sara anyone. 80501153 flesh, whtn 0216 we loved him." Was not. full T136 2 13101-0 a nature. and s vho', of every < , iliustratv that] Ihén: you gin.j sion of being i "'0. and sh not. one “Christie's. ;, Dt‘gï¬nning a} ’s were out, of mod and adznir nan was always t of Wondermeni Curt-er Bull's r4 PNSSiUnablo. L .Hâ€"She “(as c} Ir surely they'r. 10 are strong- What is [ware {on must sing- \V ("‘0 am; HOW ploaSH always glad ( on. that it will, for it, w soon glad 14 y of natu're. 1 delusion : bu account. is L: :ven thinks 0‘ mt- HIS. lave?"5 Ld ï¬nished hall-singiz â€4 plcas. q; abow her Mrs. erl .),’ d fess. O “'11 music 54 1 hon I: 18m: "1‘: with W1 )Luo‘h dross . ' ' 1hill}; 13 as unit Gillan “s “1‘!“ 10‘ ml '1 n8 VC!’ QU" upon comn orgy 11111 tot 11' 14