ht, and the ch: â€3 tc qualify or all his m Y-ST. unsu om... 3560mm ECO... ht prices terms . kt rates ct interest. ’ The price will†Wehsveanicolin. Ina Granite- on :11 M Mathis W ‘su lNS Goods are» “We :22; .. .. sm . . - - - s. I receive the “he 3 ,5,“ Linen Tow ellmg regular 9c. bargain day - - - 7‘ We“ ‘ l3." “ ' ‘ ' ' 3" or if an ° ° . ' - ~- v -~ . “ - - . 1 small cgmfgsfpggi'f 1m 4} Linen Napkins. were SLZS. bargain day . - . 901 ‘ Men {'- “ “ 5Lâ€. “ U I ' 95‘ k . idem! % u .. 6‘ 5Lâ€. . u , ., - , 5'.“ c and prices Show soy's and Men's White Unlaundried Shirts. sizes 12} to 17+, were 60c and 50c. bargain day . . . - 391: so pairs Lace Curtains. regular 35c. bargain day - - .. 25¢ ‘5 fliI'S .. u 7°C. u . . 53C A ‘3 pairs .. u u SL35‘ a. . , a â€C i 3 pieces Table Otlcloth. for per yard - - - 22c TON Baas. 39 Cherry Curtain Poles complete. bargain day . - 20c 5 pieces Pink Striped Flannelette, bargain day . . - 4c OPTICIANS ‘ 3,5535 .. u .. regular 10c, bargain day - . 7c to. Remnants White Cotton, 2 to 8 yards. regular 6c, bargain day - 4c sopairs Heavy Wool Hose. Ladies. regular l9c, bargain day . 12c 36 pair Heavy Ribbed Hose. regular 25c. bargain day - - 20c Zpieces Heavy Black Dress Serge, regular 38c, bargain day - 25c 40 Ladies‘ Wool Vests. regular 50c. bargain day . . . 38c ' 200 Ladies' Handkerchiefs. bargain day for 2c 5 papers Pins for 5c. 1 NS ' 10 Ladies White Cotton Night Dresses. were 70c, bargain day . 50c 13 Corset Covers. were 25c. bargain day . . , 20c Zpairs Ladies' Drawers. were 60c. bargain day . - 42c '9 Ladies' Chemises. were 40c. bargain day - - - 30c boxes Men‘s and Vouths' Linen Collars, all shapes and sizes, bargain day 9c 30 pairs Ladies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves, all sixes, reg. 75c, B. day ‘ 59c 'e give you ll) off our regular prices on Corsets and Kid moves bargain day l Furs 25 per cent. off regular prices bargain day ’5 Hats and Caps. new spring styles. IS per cent. off regular prices bargain day piece Union Carpeting. regular 30c. bargain day . . @c' iron country " mnsrox ES. bo‘ JOHN MAWOOD, Manama! D ,s, and let on gum 60.8 LINDSAY, ds I, withdrawal 8‘ for sums of $10) Cheapest 7‘7"“ 24 and 25, Gull River Rang“. ownship 0f Bexley, 196 nurus, 75 me? Cleared. and in good state of ‘ tunnel Abundance of “‘antcl‘; $06 place for a. stock farm. : nough Wood on it to pay for the - - One mile from (:oboconk; Rood sch001. churches and railroad. be sold on easy terms. There P3 3- 20M 0-. - pic: 36 n u 3‘ Iain Silks, all shades. bargain day White and Pink Shetland Floss, regular l0c, bargain day l0 pieces Print. regular 7c, bargain day - . 5 m Print. regular 0c. bargain day . 4 pieces Spotted Lappet Muslin. regular 10c, bargain day 12 White Bed Spreads. were $1.20. bargain day . zmen Towels. 20 x 40. were 40c pair. bargain day 12 Men's Umbrellas. were 5]."). bargain day - . 9 Men’s Umbrellas. were 75c, bargain day . . 35 Towels. regular 25c pair. bargain day . , I piece White Linen Damask, regular 40c. bargain m . . u .. m. “ I. .2“. b niece We are taking the Bargains tlris week largely from our Linen, Cotton and Prmt Departments We Lead in Trunks and Valises, 90 Kent-st. _ - Ll regular $1.60, how $1.25. Men’s Grain Boots, Klondike Eyelets,‘ $l.50. . E. W. MCGAFFEY. iargain Friday and Saturday u 8§able, 7' 30x50 2 ““1 good cellar "W 1.; \V ghbsriiszmnts xle. No 12- 66 ml with under- :50. and house :ella.r: pig Don orchard. Adâ€" L Cuboconk. - OR RL'XT. TIIOROUGHBREDS FOR SALE. -_- One Durham bull, 17 months old, a. ï¬rstrclass animal; two Durham heifers. Also one thoroughbred Jersey Bull, ï¬t for senicc Apply to F. SHAVER, lot 15., con. 1, NGINE FOR SALEâ€"High prusmirn marine engine for Sale. 14 inch. diam. 30 inch. stroke. with crank shafts and flanges oomph-to. Suit- able for boat to carry 1:30 passvn- gors. For sale on easy tt-rms.’ Apâ€" ply to H. Calcutt, vPettTt'CirL).~â€"I._â€"‘1 ï¬rm gmhttiiszmmts Little Britain, PA), ___ $1.00 7c 7c 7c IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA â€"â€" Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, chap. 129, sec. 38, the creditors of William Bro- kenshire of the Township of Fmeâ€" Ion in the County of Victoria, farm- er, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of January, AJ). 1900 are required on or before the 25th day of March, 1901, to send by post prepaid to Donald R. Andor- son, Lindsay P.O., Solicitor for Taylor Parkin and Eli Worsley, 0X- ecutors 'of the estate of the said William Brokenshire, their christian FARMS FOR SALEâ€"The following valuable farms are offered for sale on very easy terms of payment : Near the village of B0b€a13j~ goon, on Peterboro road. 100 acres clay loam, 60 acres plow land, bal- mentorsâ€"1 ice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so disâ€" tributed to any person of whose claim smh executors shall not have had notice at the time of such (113‘ tribution. Dated at Lindsay. thi9 4th day of March, 1901. DONALD R. ANDERSON White: for said -The said executors shall after the said 25th day of March, 1901. be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notâ€" and surnames, addresses and occuâ€" pations, full particulars of their claims and the nature of the scentâ€" ity (if any) held by them. For further particulars apply to S. M. PORTER, Watclunanâ€"Wardvr ofï¬ce, Lindsay. distance from church; 3 Illlll'S from Ileaboro Creanu-ry. 'l'lw suil is a clay 10am and land is all cleared and in good state of cultivation. On the prumisos are a. good frame barn 30x60. 211s“ good log barn. with comfortable stablinlr. Small dwelling. I’rim' very reasonable. In the township of Emily. Ming: 1m, 2. cuncvssiun H. cunâ€" tuining 100 awn-s. The farm is known as tho Duggan farm. and is immediately north of Mr. John Scully's properly. Siluatvd about. 7 miles from Lindsay, on leading road: one lot from school: 2L shaft The McHugh farm, west half of lot 16, con. 3, Ops, is offered for sale. It is situated four miles from Lindsay, on the Little Brit- ain road. and contains 100 acres, 80 of which are plow land. There is a. good brick house, with Wood- sheds; large frame barn. driving shed, stables, etc. The farm is in good state of cultivation, and will be sold reasonably. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"On Colborncâ€"st., north ward. an eight- roomed. brigk-vcnocrcd house, heat]- ance pasture and tamarac swamp. Good frame barn and frame house, also a frame stable: good water: ï¬rst-class orchard. Price $2,000 >Lot, 24, Con. 11. Ops town- ship, six miles east of Lindsay, one lot from Nugent's blacksmith shop. containing 75 acres, 50 cleared and in good state of cultivation, balâ€" ance pasture and timber. Soil clay loam. Good frame barn on promis- es, no house. Good well. This farm will be sold at a bargain. Terms made known on application SHORfrHORN BULL FOR SALE ‘ARM FOR SALE OR RENT.â€" -'I‘he best farm in the Province for sale or to rent at. once. It is sittiated about a mile and a half north-east. of Sonya on the fourth con. of‘ Mariposa. The south half of lot No. 2, containing eighty acres, seventy-two tillable and eight, good hardwood bush, beech and maple.‘ Good buildings and well fenced. ALEX. MCDONALD, Sonya. Ont. â€"3â€"tf. SEED GRAIN DOR SALEâ€"Banner Oats 34c per bushel; Gold Vino Peas 65¢ per bushel: Six-Bowed Barley 45c per bushel; also some Thick-Set Wheat. This is a chance to get, your seed off light soil. GEORGE McKAGUE. 13th con. lot 10, Mariposa, Cannington RC. 1‘ A ed with coal furnace, a good wood- shed and stable, an excellent well and cistern, half an acre. of land with fruit, trees, will be sold reasonably if taken at once. For full particulars, apply at, The Watchman-Warder ofliceâ€"â€"42â€"t f. BULL FOR SALEâ€"Thoroughbred Shorthorn (registered) color red; 12 months old; ï¬t for service. A ï¬ne animal, and ï¬t to head any herd. Price reasonable. Apply ‘0 SIDNEY WOOLRIDGE, N. hf. lot 4, con. 3, Mariposa, Sonya, P.O.â€"7 11-4. ’ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. â€"- Elgin-st., west, of Victoria Avenue, brick house, six room's; 300d frame stable: one acre good land, with orchard and small fruits. Price §1000, if taken at once. Apply to «‘1 .â€" AJa mouth Rock Cot-kcrcls ailï¬ each. JOHN CAMPBELL, Fairvicw Farm Woodville, Ont.-â€"-52â€"-tf. Lmd Strathallanâ€"36-143â€"1 year old on the 19th of March. Dark roan in color. A good strong. pro- mising bull of excellent brooding. Also a dozen wen-bred Barred Ply: BOARDERS WANTEDâ€"Apply at 33.F0R_ -â€"11-4. s. M. PORTER, Watchmanâ€"Wa'rder ofï¬ce.~6-tf. Sussex-st, North Wardâ€"LU LINDSAY, THURSDAY. MARCH 2lst 190]. ï¬em thertisemmts. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST Pos'r- ING OF VOTERS' LIST.â€"-â€"â€"\’oters’ List. 1901, Municipality of the Town of Lindsay, County of Vic- toria. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the Voters’ Lists Act the COPi$ required by the said sections to be So transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legis" lative Assembly and at Municipal, Elections and that Said list was; ï¬rst posted up at, my ofï¬ce at' Lipdsay on the 12th day of March,‘ EGGS FOR SALE.â€"Thc- undersigned has for sale eggs from four diï¬â€™cr- out Dons. NOTICE OF MEETINGâ€"A meeting of the members of the Mariposa Agricultural Society will be held at the Town Hall, OakWootl. at two o'clock, p.m., on Friday, 29th March 1901, for the purpose of considering the sale of the Society's lands at OakWood to the Township ‘- Only those persons shall be entitl- .. ed to vote who are members for the current year and who were also members for the two previous years glsig'ned, WM. CH'ANNON, President, J. B. WELDON, Secretaryâ€"1143. TWELVE BRICK IIO USES FOR SALE.â€"Situatvd on Queen-sincnst ward. Lindsay. The proprietor is now prepared to Sell one or all of this valuable properLy aL Considvr- ably less than thy could be built. for, and will arrange the payments to suit, the purchaser. Thc location is high and dry, quilo Central, and Within a stones throw of the hue- inoss part. of the town. 'l‘hcsv houses are very warm and in good condition and all remwl. Now is the time to buy yourself a house- in place of paying away all your Hum-- 03' for rent, as property is going up in value all over the town and probably never will lM‘ ('hvupcr. Apply to Capt. Gco. (‘rumli-ll. Lindsay.â€"12. An 1901. and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said" -,‘st and if any omissions or any 0 her (-1"â€" rors are found therein to take im- mediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to III-Wu Dated this 13tli day of March“ M)- 1901. F. KNOWLSON, Cletki of the Municipality.â€"11-1. l pen; eggs guaranteed to bc fresh and all right. ROBERT EAGLE- SON, Claudine P.O.,â€"11-2. These are all choice birds. Come and see them: Vlsitors welcome. Price $1.00 for thirteen from each I'en No. 3, Blue Andalusiansâ€" Six ï¬ne pullets from R. Knight. breeder, Bowmanvillv. mitt-‘d with a cockcrcl purchan-d from Newton Cash. London, Ont., who Claims to have the best, Andalusjuns in Ameri- Pen No. 2, has seven nicely marl;- ed pullets, including a pullct pur- chased from James Arthur of Lon- don,' mated with the largvst. and ï¬nest cockeral I ever owned. P -n No. 4, Goldcn \\',\’and(_,.ttesâ€"â€"â€" Three choice pullcts 111mm! with a very ï¬ne cockcrel purchacscd from Dr. McAlpine, Lindsay. Pen No. 1, RP. Rocksâ€"Six ï¬ne one year-old hens Weighing 733: lbs. 0110!], mated With a good year old cock of D. C. Trew's breed. HATCUING EGGS FOR SALEâ€"Barn- rcd Plymouth Rock. Choice Cochin, and specially selected hens and pullets mated. The aim is to pro- duce utility birds for laying and the market. Haw,- added new 'stock from Ontario Experimental Farm and Mr. L". Snyder uf Wood- stock. ()nt. JOHN CAMPBELL, Fairvicw Farm. Wumlvillc 0m. HOUSE FOR HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEâ€"On William-st. north, good svvenâ€"room- ed brick house, cistern in the kit- chen; good well; stable. First- class property. Price $1300. Ap- ply to Arlington Foster, 48 Allan- avc., Toronto.â€"-12â€"4. WANTED IMMEDIATELYr-A man and his wife to do farm work. Good opening guaranteed to re; liable parties: none other need apply. Give references. IRWIN BROS, Glandinn, ()nt.-â€"â€"] 2-2 BULL CALF FOR SALEâ€"Thorough- bred ~Shorth0rn. dark red: 11 months old ; ï¬t to head any herd. Dam a. choice butter cow. apply to Wm. M. Graham, lot 26, con. 2, Ops Lindsay P.0.â€"-â€"10â€"4. FOR SALE.â€"-Three and a. half acres land, with eight-roomed frame house, barn and stable. adjoining village of Cambray. Price reason- able. Apply to MISS F. M. LAPP, 203 Welleslvy-SI., Torontoâ€"11.4. LUUSE FOR SALEâ€"Corner Clon- clg and William-$15., suitable for single‘ or double dwelling. twelve rooms, back kitchen, woodshed. stable and driving-shed: hard and soft Water and town Water; elecâ€" tric light; plenty of shade trees. Good investment. Easy terms. Apply at Watchman-Wander ofï¬ce.â€" ll-tf. OR; SALEâ€"Second-harï¬ sugar- making outï¬t, complete. Price right. Apply to W. A. DEVITT, Bobcaygoon P.0.â€"11â€"2. 41w! ghhcrtiscmmts ‘ Railway-tax Levy , Mr. G. H. Hopkin addressed the council and said that he had sold a, farm on which he had paid the rail- Way-tax levied in 1900. He was of the opinion that Ops council should not, have levied more than the prin~ cipal, if any, and he had come to ask ‘the council to refund him his share lot the interest collected in that levy, ‘else he would enter suit. The counâ€" cil stated that the levy was made in conformity with the byâ€"law approvfl by the electorate. ‘4. Mr. Hopkins, "That makes no difâ€"l ferencc†A motion by Messrs Slug- 353:: git and Hickson that. the matter be‘ At. placed in the hands of the township adjo solicitor was carried. 27 tb f Mr. W111. J. Reid said that he was personally interested in the proposed road, as he owned a farm in Fenelon near it, but aside from that he thou- ght the road would be of gt'eat ben- 9fit t0 the people of the township who had to go miles around to come to Lindsay and the shortening of the distance to Font-Ion Falls would un- doubtedly be u bcnoï¬t to Ops and Lindsay, too, perhaps, but thought it would be of very little use to Opsl Ops already have more roads to maintain than the council could Well attend to though the annual expert- diturc. for roads is nearly S4000. They would give the matter due. um- sideration. They had received no petition for or against the road from the farmers on the west side of the river through whose land the road would pass. The deputation then withdrew. Mr. L'hittick related his dangerous Uchrivncc on the boundry hill and trusted that by the united action of Fenulon, Ops and Lindsay the much (losir‘d road would be built. Mr. Flavclle said he thought the ‘govormnent would respond favorably to such a deputation since the dam at Bobc'uygeon was the cause of hacking the watt-r on the proposed rmuhvuy. He understood, too, that the- cost of building the road across the marsh would not be am (‘Xp('llSlVU as some might suppose. as it is shal- ow. with a good rock and gravel bottom. While it might. in? said it would b9 of no benefit to ()ps ho was of the opinion than Ops" \\'|)Hlll share the bum-zit as Wvll as I’vno-lon and l'.iii(l'Sa\)‘â€"-in fact it. “’Ullld be a. bone- fli. In the whole enmity and the dun-1 ger in travel on boundry hill wouldi than 130 ox'urcmnv. 1 Now John Duke and B. Tully Mr. R. J. McLaughlin. solicitor for Pent-Ion. said that the people of that township had in the past suffered much inconvenience for want of a direct road to Lindsay. and as such road would be a benefit to Lindsay and ()ps. as “‘0“ as to Fcnulon.thcy had come to ask Ops council to unite Iwith Fcnclon and Lindsay in Sâ€"(‘fld- ing a deputation to Toronto at an early dau- to solicit a govermmmt grant to build a. roadway across the marsh at McLaren's Creek. Such road would be a continuation of Williamâ€"st, north-ward, to the vil- ago of Cameron. would shorten the distance to Fem-Ion Falls very much and would be a great beneï¬t to all concerned. C. Chittick and William Isaac Reid, entered the council (hamber and “we on motion accorded a hearing. Personal applications from William McCausland and Brown Zealand to build wire fences on west side of 7th and 8th cons. at 10!, :23, 1f bonus Were granted. Fem-Ion Road Deputaliun At this juncture a deputation con- sisting of Messrs. R. J. McLaiugmin. R. Kylie. H. J. Lytlv. J. D. Fiavvllo. From Edward Burns expressing a desire to build a. wire fence aiong the 2nd qr. lino, 3rd con.. if the council warrant a bonus for the same. From the clerk 0] Maripnsa in forence to a. culwrt on boundary. From Mrs. E. E. Sharpe. swrctary of the Home for the [\god. in refer- ence to William McCullough. now at the Home. minutes of last regular meeting were read and duly conï¬rmed. The Interests of the Township Under Discussion. The members of ()ps council met pursuant. to adjournment, on Monday. Warch 18th, at the usual hour. The THE OPS COUNCIL IN REGULAR SESSION <1!th zwmrttstmcnta ' addressed un- council (m Riordan. indigent. Ed M FARM FOR SALEâ€"â€" :.\bout 80 acres, arrangements are being â€I; near Lindsay. Good house the old man sent t†1‘ barn: ï¬rst-class land. Price roaâ€" sonable. Apply at Watchman- “'a Home at Bth \‘W 3Ԡder Ofï¬ce. â€"â€"12â€"2. S and queSlinLr Hm r t Im l~.nen...1 ï¬rm ghbtrtistmcnts 150. a Year in Advance; $1 if not (‘ommunicat ions Mr. Alex Smith, owner of was}. hf. lot 13, con. 1, requested that the [council clear the boundary west at his lot, that he might put, up a imm- The council thought- it could be dons: by statute labor;- Mr. Wm. H. Wilson desired an out- let across the 6th con. line at lot 2.3 Left to Mr. Sluggett, commissioner. At. 7 p.m. the council on monon. adjourned to meet. on Monday, Max 27th; next. as a court 01 revision. 75, conï¬rming the appoinuucnt of pathmasters; fencevlewers and pound- keepers, received the usual readings and were passed sigm-d and sealed. $3 ; J. J. Cayley two men and team one day clearing road 4th qr. line west of Lindsay $3 ; Mrs. Dr. Clarke balance for gravel $2.40; John Mc- Sweyn, Solicitor, balance of general account to Jan. 28th $26; W. 11, James for 24 loads 01 gravel $1.20 , By-Law No. 574, deï¬ning the dut- ies of pathmasters, and By-Law No. ' The following accounts were duly passed and on motion paid: George Maloney work breaking road and and levelling pitch holes 4th qr. line Moved by Mr. hawkins seconded by Mr. Sluggettv that Mr. Tagney be paid $14. for coflin and case for the late P. Macksey; Wm. Porteous for a. cord of wood each for Powers and Gold families $5 ; James Greer, flour L. Powars’ family $4.65; flour and other supplies for Gold family $4.85, ~41arried. An appeal having been made to council for special assistance for L. Powers' family, Mr. Hickson moved, seconded by Mr. Sluggntt, that Mr, Hawkins call on the family to ascer- tain their wants, and procure them ii actually necessary.â€"-L‘arried. ' Mr. Leddy explained that it was in part. of a load of second grade s‘tum- that was left after the. rest had been removed, but he made no secret of it and would rather pay for it. He was quite indignant at such reports reflecting on his honesty. Appointment of Ofï¬cer: Mr. Ilickson moved seconded by Mr. Hawkins that 9.5 pathmastcrs, 2:1 fenceviewers and 14 poundkeepers be appointed for the township of Ops for the current year, and that a by- law be introduced conï¬rming their appointment.â€"Carried. An Unexpended Grant. Mr. Hawkins moved seconded by Mr. Sluggett, that. the unexpended balance of the appropriation made lor the E. (f. C. bridge last year, be plated to the credit of Commissioner Byrne for expenditure on said bridge this year.â€"â€"Carried. Charity Matters The case of William McCullough was discussed, and on motion by Messrs. Sluggett and Hickson it was decided to take no further action in the matter at present. with crushed stone belonging to the township. Since he heard we report he had called on two members of the council to inspect .thc premises and valm- the stone. Messrs. Sluggett, and HicksOn had done so. and he wished to pay for the stone. Messrs. Sluggett and Hickson said the quantity was so smallâ€" barely half a loadâ€"that. they would set no valm- on it. [council that 331 of the county grant, obtained last year for the West Cross Creeks bridge was 3:6? unex- pended, and he hoped it would be ex- pended on the bridge this year. - A Malicious Report. Mr. P. Lvddy was next heard and said he had been informed that it was rumoured throughout the town- ship that he had paved his harhyard During the afternoon Session Mr. C. Chittick again called on tho coun- cil with the recvo of Fenolon and Mr- Suggitt, who on being introduced set, forth the necessity and advantages of a din-ct road to Fenclon Falls. but the council did not, alter the resoluâ€" Lion already passed. West ('ross (In-eks Bridge EX-R’\’l’ () '(‘onnell infnnnpd 1 kn After due consideration the council on motion by Messrs. Hawkins and Sluggett. decided to take no action on the proposed Fenc Ion road at pre- sent. since the Ous ran-payr-rs direct- ly intcrcstod had not made known their views regarding it. Ml. muruon. indigent. xI- ;' in: that; arrangements are being made to have the old man sent to the Soldier's Home at Bath, Bow ank. and ru- questing that the council hurt: him. admitted to the Home in Lindsay for some days till he could be Sent away.- ’ Mr. Ilickson moved sm-(nulnd by Mr Bvrne that the (.‘wu- request the Board for the Home for the «god to admit Ed. Riordan as a tnuzporary ‘inmato until arrangmm-nts h: no been. completed for his remand to the Soldier's Home NlW Y ork .â€"â€"( arr-i911. , Tenders for Printing ‘ Mr. IIickson mole scrunch-d by Mr. Sluggett that the clerk ask for sealed tenders for the tuwnship print- ing for the year beginning May lst, 1901: that the lenders lu- received till April 26th: and that the Reeve and Clerk and the mover be a com- mittee to open the said tenders.â€" Carried. Miscellaneous Businflss W. F, O'BOYLE. Clerk. ‘on nell informed the ehalf 0 aid