flux Mcpmmw Solicitors, c.. 1Ԡnelon Falls. Lindsaf‘ | Block, Kent-st. '9‘ ’ money on real 8591}? g", in sums large and? t borrowers, on 'm' and at. the w-ry loï¬ï¬" '03:. We do not I“! r chattel security. J. McLaughlin. A. )Ic-Diarmid. a trimm) Surgtoljf ’IIXSTOS. ‘- (I. >rs for the Com“! ' Ind the Bani; of W to Loan on mortgaée5 current, rates. Oï¬â€˜"1 ., Lindsay. ’ floor-e. Alex. 38““; OPKINS, Banister. Suï¬a , Ontario Bank. N†t Lowest Rates. 0553' auxâ€"st. South. Oflice, corner Km ,Lindsa v. T O‘CONNOR, I s, c. Money to west. current. rates J ACKSON, Barriswsj SON. physician. 0.1:! v. Russell-st... Lindsay! or west of Yorkâ€"st. 0‘. H a m to 1030 a.m.: 11, o 3 p..'.'m,and “)3! Simpson, graduate oi Ci ity College, Toronto ‘ 1‘ Physicians and Late of Rockwood on, Grand Trunk 3' District. W. 3:6. Ofï¬ce in e the Duly muse, Edinburgh. Limï¬th ery, Edinburgh. Special gin-n to Midwifery 'M f women. Telephonel'o; TE. graduate 01 To sity Medical Faaflty. 2e 0! Trinity Bi“ 0. and member of can: tans and Surgeons- m Lindsav .5: Tm garriaters. 3w. nd residence corner a! II I Russell-SIS. Licent'nui ‘ollege Physicians and. I ILLBSPIB, (LA. P‘Pfl‘ialise. 'JLLOUGH of Pet it Linds‘gy Every anson House. _ Hon; 4 pm. Consultatioam roan and Nose pm we. lK‘d the gag uhdoer New York, the half... 17 Ill . an accident “1 es the best IOCaIn-i. n Dental (3‘ modern dc: lost scientjï¬ auges mode: to Dental C IL'I [OPP os S ROSS TOTTEN 30 Wellington-5t. 43. ANDERSON, 1.. in around? 1( 0' Simian; MA R1 Comer 1-1 v. corner Kent an I ‘ , oueg-e t.‘ A150 ta] C olleze DAY ,- Dr. Ofï¬ce r’gc‘ ntistry ‘ntal \'_I)n dentin Hart- uu Bitch DTICQS 7‘11er Sch 's h. mu“ 1:09:99“ w Den m 31% t08 110:,“ 1“ 1'd n , 138747) [91 V0; .1 L 7 Uurcws I“ "1501' \' “I; JO; 70mm“ a n ha- “10 Ulf'mlm â€1M right “PM. bill w Valuable. p. ‘Uuu iur "mu! \gt 0129 rs! hm j. â€Winn at m1 uc government. haul littve they had nu ommilue \ms 1.» 1 Mario M11 a wmmi 1 U O)" i(l. i(l “HIS ()f (H Prvss Gallery, Parliament Buildings. Turuntt‘b. Mar. 26th. 1901. Annihcr o-xcwIIc-m Week for the positiuu is the» story of the proâ€" ings at Ihc Ontario Legislature.- pring tho pasL Wm k. The . \s ork. Dme by Mr. “hitnvy and his follow- rduring lhv paw session is phen- mmal. Last “aw-k I made some 'fervnces 1n thv Culu‘Sv mkvn by the msVrvatiu-s upon the question of dtl 1111c Hcm-rnmo-nt In talw a. stand ith them. All that. there is to add this regard is Ihut during the pre- m. “ca-k the ('nnsvx‘vauix‘es again ‘ngm up m,- qucstion and insisted on the inmu-diuh- appointment of Luvs “'8“- SUTVEH iv0q 'flE SOLDIERS GET A GIFT OF LMDS I)" 01') bu Our "lesit inn f1 mm grit-111m n "n m' n t'ha “gm! and u M 1m and u‘)‘\. win 1;... ‘ Juc' IHIIIH3 (‘mzncil’s Bill cmmty council bill was up and 01h guvurmnunt and opposition its said that it was 'bad, and its working was evil. 'Th“ $01!â€. TI “("- rnvs FSIS “Tog Ht. Matter Was Discussed Among ;. II! the Legislature This Week. (Wm-n! this svssinn but the usual and the commi' hmm Hm on] \ 'Prmxwm '5 land In Uk- Sum}: \frit W h nu hvrncs Snldivr: ()mm'iu rc-gimcnls 0V5 1 In 111' its SI) "r9 will rs â€f â€it â€pun US “um _\ cum. Pm haul ug‘l‘t‘t‘d to a com- hud my! said when the ‘us In b.- furmcd and he '1 \ Hmih-ai. um] mudg- loss u'm- aLH mino-rul and mu 5! was rum-ru-d by 'l‘in- nppnsilinn had and (hr gift is nuw a. Only Hu- Suuth .-\fri~ um" rv-nuunlwrml and ‘IL Um \‘wturns mi 136‘; a (it-funded our lands :s, “114» ha“? nnvor re- niiinn from l'ruvinciall Quiz» I'urg‘uticn. The 1min1ml wit the omisâ€" \' the men of 1866 and vaarm-d even as thn I"): mu (I -l,\' no-w bill. In the bill did um include all I! did nut, includv Hn- Irrnvinm- and (-n- 1'â€? SHldit'x Irv. Rm, the Minister n-pliml that, although \1)\\‘ sh if! up h:- â€plum“ inn put, mm by lhv gnvorn- rmm. :11 mo-mbers of the I rag-'31:. T110 bill Min-rs who r- Ilw lu-irs of the gut thv n-wurd. 'a: “as a crude wim‘o the mem- rd and L'haugcd inn-v! vfl'nrls of it had come nu-luln'rul ut thc opposiâ€" L'ummittcc was 'li unmliams who «aw tn make C â€"-WARDER, MARCH ï¬l‘lltz "Mr. Vrooinan (South Victoria) u’rgcd the claims 01' the farmers, comprising upwards of tine-half the population, In cunsideratinn at the hands of purlimnent. The reason why the government. candidates in Ontario had ‘nut- been returned in Him) “as that they had broken the contract. they made with the electors when elected tn the House (if Coin- tnuns in 18965, that they \vmdtl give the fur lt‘l'S fI'LC trade and reduce the debt and the expenditure. Mr. \"rooâ€" man snid that the gtn'ernnu-nt. should have introduced it ' hill giving Mr. Thornton tht- St'ttl for Vest Durham, in which he was entitled. and should hatvte applied the criminal code to the returning nllit't'r \Vht) decided tTmt, Llit' riding; should not be represented in the “th30. He congratulated the guvernntent tin having appointed to Senate Mr. Mcilugh. his former up- pnnt-nt. The gtn'ernnni'nt had adâ€" mitted corn t‘ro-t- in help the Linnea, but he noted that the put'k-pgckers instruL-ted their buyers it) Rea-1‘ clear of the districts \\jll¢,‘l"t‘ tin; intuit-:3 ted Ctl'n. hct'aus'v ('Ul'!!â€"f\‘d park syn‘iltd the market. The "1-! mister (if Agriâ€" culture nf ()IILuI‘in knew that. he was about and made it gnnd minister. â€c. haul said that there Were a]. hunâ€" dred niillitm pounds of sugar 11. year consumed in Canada. and the gtn'ern- merit of ()ntttriu. recognizing that this cuuld be made in the country, had given substantial assistance to the beet-sugar industry, but tho Dotninitm Unvernment refused the request hi the farmers for a, bounty. When the Standard Oil Company came and n‘sked for concessions- they got, them. Why had the duty on coal 011 not. been reduced ‘2 Dr. Vrooman Speaks On Thursday of last week the mem- lL-r for South Victoria addressed the House during the budget debate and was thus n-pnrtm! in the Globe : VJ. R. Stratum who oï¬â€™cn-d Iho great~ wt nhforliuns to it. 110 declared the hill was only for the purpose of “aiming 1110 Kinmdunt bridge. in l1’Qt02'bOI'0 county from Victoria. .cmmty. 'i'hv governuwnt askud Mr. Carnegie to withdraw the measure [but he flatly rcipsed so the govern- ment mombérs'said “lost, on divis- {1011" and spcakét’? Evanturcl r910?! llikcwise. ,w. c ' , '3 fv‘ ! When the bill granting 160 acre«{ df land to the South African veterrm 'and the men \\ ho were at ihe fr§nt in 19.66 was under consideration Mr.‘ i iFux callid the, attention to a e ï¬x Lof soldiers that had 'not been inc d-r. ed. These Were. the‘flicn"who-a er being refused in Canada paid their way to South Africa and there enâ€" “Sled. He said there were cases in his county where young men had dune this "was that Col Sam Hughes 1’" asked Dr. Barr the Duï¬erâ€" in member. "Yes, It does include him, but I had in my mind a young man from my constituency by the name of Graham, who had gone to South Africa and enlisted :n Roberts‘ IIorSe" replied West Victorias represâ€" entative. Mr. E J Davis promised to have such cases as that cited by Mr. Fox included in the bill. The bill which J H. (‘annvgixx rof I-Iust \"ictnria introduced relating '10 the ï¬xing county houndry‘ lines, Was doclun (I lost on division 11w mhcr day but not until after an warm-st on‘ort, (m )fi'.~Car1iog'ie's part. In have it mudv law. It was “on. \‘urinus parts of tlw provincc- Mr. (.‘urnogio has bovn attending the com- minor rog'uluriy and getting every "\vitmss" in express his views a:: to “~110er if the counties assume the ieading‘ roads they should take charge (f the bridge:; on these roads also. Thv special cummittoo to cnnsidor the qustinn 0f good roads has held two ur three meetings and examined .1 lurgv numhvr m‘ gentlemen from of tho rem-Ht spread of smallpox through. tho- province :2 d critizod thc Provincial Board of Health for itin-ir luxizy in allowing Sudhury and ‘oth-‘r plan‘s to lose. their hold on the people with the malady. The quar- antine laws. ho urgod l): d not born enforced as they should have been and he I‘va'r-‘ml this should have the en} ('1 of putting a dampvr on tourist trailic Ihv ruining sear‘on for tho nmxs Was published far and near 'of tin- smallpox being; in the various (li~t2‘i(‘1$. ‘bczbor protection of drainage read a second time and (liscn‘ssocf in com- mituo. it was then referred to the drainage expert for consideration. In moving the Second reading of the hi") the West Victoria member (In-w in thv attention of the House 73m injustizv donv in some cases undvr thl' prusvnt Ian" and the nucwsity for an ammuhm'nt to the. act. Mr. Lox raised the i.;‘.‘PS1iQ.iiinnl ,__ - 7‘3.- thv government opposed the bill they â€X liSl‘d the i:z‘.‘os~tig‘ation a change, because the change was introduced of no opposition. Jottings x had his bill for tho "How is the missionary work pro- ceeding ‘2†Hum: any converts 1309" â€11 M‘s. 'J‘hoy live in ilunilirs and am; u-ry fond 01‘ children. l‘.‘ c. man has none, he will give 11‘s inert; riflv or it. (log to gvt one, that, In: can adnm. I have never known (and Mr. Stringer sms the s me thing.) f a man striking mahwr his- uni..- 0." china for any (nusu. ln this “a." they differ {ruin the Indians. The lrilm of Indians up uwm is more mum-runs than 25 years a;ru-â€"â€"a thing; that is not; true 01‘ many H'ibPS W‘difll 'J'hc Eskimo are hardy lWUMv but, in the last few yours a gum! many have died. A sort, of pnounmnin. kills them. The death "a“? is Very high among the children and although the tribe is quite pro- liï¬c WON (10 nut im-r ( use Very rapid- 1y lmCzUlSC so many children die. Eating the white man’s food does not ugrcc with the EQkimo. “Nu, none .V'ct : although M"- String’er says that in his last. trip 11‘, found several campst enquirers. The much.- '2†No. They are very cordiuli and whenever you meet an llï¬kimo, man, woman, or child, you got a good natured smile. â€ll-m1: they any system of laws?†No. The chief holds oï¬â€˜we by virtue of his personal influence. The richest or most, prominent man is quietly accorded the place. 'l‘hvy seldom punish anyone although they indict, tho death penalty when it is neces- sary. One young man was accust- omed to get too much liquor and threaten to kill pooiilo. One day a uwoting was held to decide his case. The chief and some others were in- sU'uclvd to ï¬nd this 3:0.th u-ul put him to (loath and \‘cry [himpcly (lid "lhu'c they any domestic or unplly life?" Well perhaps not by the feel of the air but when we ï¬nd the mercury below 45 we. know that it is danâ€" gerotis to go abroad. but down to that point we feel safe enough to go a couple of miles away from home. Nothing grows up there. The nat- ives eat game. “e import our supâ€" plies from San Fransisco. I have enough for a year and a half in stock up there now. The natives thrive on their diet. Thev are Indians and Eskimo but do not fraternize to any extent. They are both rather well- developed people. The Eskimo hold} the Indian in contempt. 'J‘hey have‘ a. myth about two brothers who quarrelled OVt'r a partridge and left each other one going east and the other west. They claim to be the decendents of the latter, and that the people who came in ships sprang â€from the former. The Indians, they Say, sprang from the eggs of the lice on the Eskimo heads. They are thus willing to pay themselves a doubtful compliment. to degrade the red man. They ought, to be good Canadians for they regard the, beaver ias the ï¬rst of living things and hold him in high esteem. “What about their religious ideas?†They have none. So far as we can make out they have neither ideas or language of a religious sort. They have. no worship nor other religious ceremonies. They place their dead upon the ice without any rites or idea of an hereafter. They marry one wife by simply makihg public choice of her. Although without a moral code, they are a people of good morals. Unless they get liq- not they are exceptionally wee. be. hth‘d. “Do they Show any hostility to the foreigner '?" "Do ynu distinguish between 45 be- low zero "and lower tcmpcraLuro. Can. you tell the difference when it gets that. cold?" I Speaking in an interview. of the ‘country. the people and his work iamong them. Mr. Whittaker said ‘\\‘0 live about the GRth degree of lat,- itude and quite near enough the North Polo, although “'0 have never seen it. yet. You expect. me to say it is cold there. So it isâ€"â€"an_\‘whm‘o down to‘ 65 below zero. 1n the summer the mercury goes- up to 86 degrees at times. BACK FROM THE LAND I OF THE mmmcm SUN j “I‘- Williauus’ Pink Pills arc vspm‘iâ€" ully valuublu In women. 'J'hvy build up‘ Lhu blond. [cs-tom the. norvws, and etihdimlu Ihnsc troubles which make «he ï¬ns 01' so many women, old and .meg‘, ;L bunk-n. l’ulpitutiun of the heart, zlcx'Vous llt’aldau‘hc and nervous prostratkm syuw'lily yivId in this xvomlcrful xm-divine. 'J‘hcsc pills are sold only in boxes, the t‘ndu mark and. “'raxppvr printed in red ink, at 50 cents a. box, or six boxes for 782-50, and nauy be had of drug'aists, 101‘ dirvct, by mail tram Dr. “illi‘nns' Medicine Company. Booakxilzc, Ont. as 2!. hopvlvss consumptive, and his cure through llr. Willimns’ I’ink Pills dctm-mim-d Inn to try them. I had not mkun two boxes before I begun to foul bmta-r, and grew conï¬dent. of a mum. 1 L11â€. on taking the pills, 1111 tln- tinw fouling new blood in my veins, activity wturning to my limbs, â€and -lhv fouling of depression gradual- ly wearing auyay. To many “'Ulnt'll 'iL-Jnuy s'iévm Unczwlible that the more 'zu-ci'klng of nvw blood in my veins CONN JV‘SlUl'“ to ii healthy vondition ‘misplnceil ln'tvrnnl Organs, but this dias‘bwn my happy experience. My 'pains haw all left me, and I am now as hvulthy 11. Woman as there is in this p‘zu‘v. ’l‘lu's health I owe to Dr. Willimus' l’ink l’ills, which huvL- rosâ€" cued me from a life. of suffering, if not: from tlw gran-u.†I Went to bed I would have been glad if death had come before mornâ€" ing. I never had much faith in pro- prietary medicines, but; at one time I took a half dozen bottles of a. blood-making conpound that.“ was highly recommended. This, like eVerything else, failed to help me. There seemed to be not a particle of blood in my body. My face was abâ€" solutely colorless, and my appetite. almost entirely deserted me. 1 often saw in the newspapers letters testi- fying 10 1110‘ merits of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, but. nine years of suflc - mg and HER-numgomcnt made me too skeptical 10 save any hope of relief, when doctors had failed to ?ï¬'cct a cure. But. at last 1 came across the story of a cum: near homeâ€"that, of Mr. Moses Buss. of Rodney. I know that one mm- ln- had been rogardml '1 would be unable to move about, and, indeed, at no time was really ï¬t. to attend to my household duties. ’-‘I~' Lansulted physician-+threc of the .uiost skilful doctors in the county of Cumberland at different times had charge of 'my case. These all agreed in their diagnosis, but the treatment varied ; and while at times I would experience some relief, at no time was there any hope gven me of a permanent cure. Many a. night when u an. “AIJ‘AI‘UL “ULIAN TELLS OF HER RE ‘ LEASE FROMTHE AGONIES THAT AFFLICT HER SE\ ALTER THREE DOCTORS HAD FAILED TO HELP HER. .Thc amount 01 sufl'ering borne by women throughout; the country can never be estimated Silently. almost hopelesslv thev endure from (lav to day afflictions that, can only full to the lot of women. The. following story of the suflering‘ and release of ‘Mrs. Charles Hoeg. of Southampton, “N. 8., ought to bring hope and health and happiness to other suï¬'er- ers. Mrs. Hoeg Sans: -â€"‘ For nine out or the thirtyâ€" -two years of im' life I (have sum-red '18 no woman, unless she has been similarly afllicted, can imagine I could suffer and yet could haw: lived. Three Weeks out of four A GRATEFUL “‘OMAN TELLS 'rulty. All winter the Indians go ‘1 into the mountains to hunt. and the Eskimo go\to the coast. “e cannot e follow them. at. home we Then when they are have no interpreter ; they ha“? no Words to expiess reliâ€" gious ideas. Uter we have got hold of the genius of their language, we may be able to construct some words that they will understand. ‘ All \Vinter “e have very little to do1 but to get wood to keep the tires go- 1ng. I draw all mine from two miles away with dogs. â€You have seen the midnight sun?" Yes. From the 20th Oil May to tlze end of July the sun is visible day and nigl1t.lt comes up quite high in the sky at; noon and then circles around to the sk3line but does not go below it. For 40 (luvs it never comcs up in 'sight at all but there is a good deal of twilight. In many families whose sle‘.‘11ing acconnnodation is limited the old people go to bed first, and when they have slept; enough get up and the young folks go. They sleep in relays. 1 Mr. Whittaker left. Fort McPherson in July. His wife and two children are with him. lle looks as though life in the frozen regions agreed with him. A picture of his oldest daughâ€" ter a girl of about 7â€"left the i111- 111'ession that she also took kindly to and his' family will leave for the Artie (omhtions. Mr. Whittaker north in May. work is Message of Hape SUFFERING WOMEN attended with great dim- .»Ul winter the Indians go mountains to hunt. and the Hope to the Weak and Depressed. in“! and In t mm'pt'émi‘ï¬ï¬Ã©i P kpply to.. . . x a cm not Lindsay BOUGHT AND 801.0 ON 60â€- : MISSION I have a nnm’wl‘ of (Int. (this hon-o- for «M9 or b ) rent. They no priuoimfly brirk and 1w" lama-d. Prices range from 81.000 '0 $4 an. I “so have a nu mbrr of choice fangs $0319! or rent. They are we" aim- Our Last Wear year. Boner look into it. No: room here for prices. “'9 also manufacture lung fences Ind gala. High in quality and low in pace. rm FAGEMRE FENCE co. (Lu) WA LKERVlLLC. m; We are making 3 gm: noon}. No other fence can compete successlully with the “ Page.†We now make our own wire and so get just the peculiar quality we need. Hence, we now furnish a still bener fence than ever. Prices lower this 1M REM. ESTATE '1 his will be our last week in our present premises. We expect the fittings in our new store will be completed, and we will com- mence to move on the 251h or 26th. If you want a BARGAIN, such as you will not be able to get in our new place, come this week. We will sell atCost and under. " Making Fm Tim." This will be our . J. PETTY To try and enumerate our stock _would be im- possible. We ask you to call and examine our goods, compare our prices and ways of selling Cloth- €11» lt {vas formerly the custom to have Boots, Hats and Shirts made to measure only, but modern ingen- uity revolutionized this and placed the public in such a position as to enable them to obtain the same articles read y.to-wear in a measure more advantageous to their taste and purse. So it is with Clothing. Seeing the necessity of the same improvements in Men’s Wearing Apparel, the manufacturers invented the process by which this end could be attained. The result has been that their Clothing equals, and even surpasses, the work of many of the merchant tailors. We believe in doing a few things and doing them well, this is our reason for retiring from Dry Goods, that we might give our whole time to MEN 8 and BOY’S CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, HATS, ETC. The Clothier and Furnisher, Please remember the following FOUR RULES: The st! re we now occupy is to rent, apply to MR NEEDLER. New Clothing and Furnishing Store GOOD QUALITY ONE PRICE N0 MISREPRESENTATION MONEY BACK IF NECESSARY THE JEWELLER YNEw PROPRIETOR THE WATERLOO MUTUAL, noted for its fair do "'3 and nmmpt unï¬t-mm; 450 the NORI‘H BRITISH AND HER- CANTILE, and min»: mlisblet‘oupaks. MONEY T0 LOAN n the loweat cur- nenc mm of heaven. 1 OFFICE, ï¬ftbemmhï¬â€˜ï¬aak 8cm- up, M' ' W58 gm! .3- Wedmyai Sunday of each week. The Son gets up «fly in the morning. and led all Canadian Companies during mâ€" amounn of new hut-i098!" alien Md he being $10,500,000 m. Income, 82, 3%.â€. Having taken over the above Livery Barn has made Vest improvements and hats new one of the mast complete and unto-deco liveries in town, solicits .‘L shin-e of nubile. pttroasge. Comfortable Riszood Horses and Edna Attention will be the motto o! the new proprietor. Life and Fire Insurance At the Livery and Bounding St tblea, just. north of the Academy of Music. Amt for the Sun Life Assur.: ance Company of Canada 1. â€"Dr )9 in and see the improvements. JAMES WORKMAN JOHN P. CUNNINGS‘ Fire Insurance J A?! E5 WORKMAN 11 I.