med wishes to W 1' ms removed his BU“,- ’orks from Camps“. 11 armband â€I“: all orders meow†Inspection of my as moderate. OLID 0LD< the above lines ’Ef RUï¬ WI bert PorteOPi: imy Plaster now u a 1 Field, Garden all! des Vii?! pay, won. UEI‘ I VI ‘Vv’v trs north “Cartel" “1’35, :0 st. ad can offer 1? 1“mp 615755; forget the place. r knots mended bring t5!- M‘Re stock of leather!!! Rh. 1: is thy onlynfl'afl- - -1.-- 24 '- Plaster ‘. Lindsay n in mind. (ford Goods. Wegive Barrels. Handy f4! Toron tab; Winnipeg Vancouver. LINDSAY; given the designs to ï¬t any "er 0U ' “‘“u S \Tanit. u He “Y Don a - . 0: mm“! SOmcti ‘ mentar‘v Q’an-ome n. t..\‘0, iaid. u, "9"." mm; “L of its ab 139132111505 ant 'Oing [01‘ ‘ “‘5“ It Sow-med So to me: but ow Wm Mm liko» 1hr puberty which sall that 1 ("an 35"in you ‘3" .I 3 I him? IIWV'I‘ had much; natâ€" rally 1 CummL fuel it : i1 is you who man‘s 001‘ '13 Door 1m "She did 110 Netty hows Wed had 1; .ondcn mag U. Seems U) ’1‘ must comv ill be sun: 1.) “I wish it 9 "'1’ 90930 “110 my they Eln- me no rigm Lu magniï¬cence DSWCTHI Inuu‘himrhx Fault. for not choosing a handsomcr hing," and ho} gun; :er‘ a heart ma :1 cross of maSH-d turquoise: “It is a Lh-u‘lti'flll min}; : I would tot ham- hat! unflhing else : this is my especial tangy : turquoiscs have («an my (lcsiml frum a child and i bought I blinuhi bt' happy 11):: day 7'I worked hard and $0 got away; am tired now “hat. hau- vou been 0ng with \ourseli .111 tnc_se davs? ' {“VV'c haw led a. Quilr qmct life ; [ell me What 31m have been doing." 1 “Look hm‘v : rhk is what. you said rou would haw : u is your own . D'skino's a shade stifle-r than ,eorgy had I‘Vc'l‘ wanro noticed in “111. Mrs Even-rt. and Mrs Lumsden adrgone upstairs. Mrs Lewis was 'still lingering in fhn drawingâ€"room, imd )Ir. Erskine was dutiful];~ light- ing Miés Sandun's candle. in ,lhe library. Shv held 110? (who it'lt ii]! that moment. that ho: was his liar-l aer v11 again. ‘I did not, exp-ct that you would we come so mum," she said. M 5011: its solo . The evening was a“. short one, for ihey dined 131v. (‘unstance appear.- :d and both 51w and Mr. Erskine were very glad to sue each other. {new admirably how to behave them elves, ans bmh cnuhl conceal their @211 feelings as \wllus nlost IWODIQ‘ cho inhabit drmvingâ€"rnmng, Mrs. )Vervtl's demvuxmx‘ “as ])0rfcct-, and many laugh 5 (Will 3'.) so Quickly," he with a; half sigh, as If her involvz-d some serious misfor- "Don‘L go. What is that You have hidden under the “WWII 1’ In heaven’s name, makvs you road law ‘4'" he ask- "1" lunch amused, as he took it quickly am pom â€:54 Gordan had soon forgot, or a 11m ex 1- 111mm!»- rvd _.\ Short {ime atth' 111.11 Sh" had nllll‘ricd, So much had happened since then, :hat this flirtation might well be lasscd amonw who ï¬rst. of long ago. Perhaps too, the rmninisccncc bor- owed half its attraction from the mowledgc that he was then the :38 1111 sadly 'ounger, :nderlC upon, simply {m- that roaâ€" 01 other many ‘2 A voung ‘.u1. very much udmi don, and had he two da} 9 more would ban 0 dealu MiSs G 01 (1.1 'at Chcd I he bad “ "“‘° in her opi] he . magniiicvm .part urc mint ance many of the much an 5 abode. A SfO Ry OF LOVE A ADVENTURE ND thong} Manna um 01182: » \\‘ lilglllHCt “K; but. why do you um") What business have ldic: with my books?" â€â€˜3' cases are you up in?" , mailing. ‘ no affair of yours : I may friends in the MN for know.†here had ationS b micled 0 8‘! 1n u! av?†he askvd, with his and a uroll exprï¬SSlon my upon his face 0d sometimes to give a from conceit : it was in 3†10W of approbation, 3" gave confidence to drew conCCTuc“ . unmet 1219‘ )H‘! S 0111‘ for t on gnm lily-mum Iltm‘ will you like he- change all don I] H By Bertha. M: Clay had been one of those shert us betwvcn them, which are my on the records kept all elderly ladies. and come to d 0 ors and 31111 nothing, -nothing to one of 1h“ De? :L m‘vm deal to the} -\‘ .rnnl‘l V them nearer, than hard, dry, sell-satis- People’ 8 vanity. ha (I mg 111th all you wish m ynu. and that you grow rich. some day." I (lun't ll h‘ ‘01" u I]S\'\'ofl‘ and do 11i2( One perhaps ; and to her the 311' unstained 1 W'ATCI'IMAN 11x11) Ir. linkim- had once Llhllil'L‘d L‘nnstnnce Gor- he passed but one or mm in her company, leclarcd his love for mlnn's aunt, however, the two: 311‘. Erskine“ opinion, no desirable mnmcc and a, timely put a stop w the acâ€" MS _\'( . !'_\' v'u rut->1 it is your own sing a handsomcr guvc her-.1 heart \l rs s pow-rt ,\‘: the nswm‘vd. 100k- y. give me my mm; 50 .u do." x'crll U. _\'011 I_\ D8 151's}; inc ;-wARDER, MARCH 28th, 1901 m u ch it poor sht- he 0i IS G "I was not aware that we had quarrelled. Good-by, Copstance: You must, forgive me for running uWay so guicklx this morning : and {on i She took him aback, and all those, {imaginary faults wherewilh he had invested her, were strangely melting away already. ‘ “You made me allgr5';’,' said. she ‘ "I was so wretched then. 1 - think you must really have been uniuus to ï¬nd a. quarrel, when you sought out; such a cause.†“Do not, Iulk SH 3" sh.- said, quickly and inwativnlLv : "1 know you are angry with 111-3 quite \w-ll Shv I'vlt the irony of had nvvvr been ironic: and she had ncvwr \‘ulum! hvr power over him so much as nuw that it. wsa passing from her. My dear Mrs Iiwrvtt. purdnn mo." hr axmwor«,~d, u-ry dvfcrvutly. but may haughtily. "It. is I who was 10 blame. and 1 have 10133.; felt it :; I should have :wkml your pm'dnn beâ€" fore, and I do so nnw mum hmu‘tily: you are \‘cx‘y good 1!) huh} forgotten '9 and iux‘g‘i\‘«.-x2. .; Yun must forgin- mu. Jumcs," she said, softly, and holding nuL her hum}. “You haw Ivl't 11w ages “411mm. 1). lcuuz' hum-yum, and I nwwx' knuw till ‘x'vsh-rduy. how much to blame, you must have Ilmught mu.“ IL) was not going to begin : (‘ouâ€" shun": flaw 111m. and for rm ï¬rst time in her life she must make zuuunds, and must nhuuddu the posiâ€" tion of an injured person. "I mu very happy than. yuu are cun\'alo-f~'mnt, Constuna-f’ and he stuod by the table without sitting down ; Which would hzï¬'u im‘olvml too long a stay. IL) was not train-.5 In In-Lrin : (‘nnâ€" ‘J;t1110>‘." _ I . she said quickly. It would only hiqu bmn ridiculous haul remained stiff and forum]. so he was culnl‘wnml to cull hvx' by hvr mama). i 11-: Went lipâ€"Stairs to Mrs Lewis’s sitting-room, hoping that 'hv should mid Georgy. Instead 11«.- found Mrs- L‘vcrctl, who had not appeared that morning. She ‘wns lying on a sofa. with her foot upon a cushion, and a bright, fovorish Color in her chwks. Not having sown 1101‘ that, mnrning he (‘UHI'J not be so ill-maulnvrcd us 10 rmrmu . CHAPTER XVIII The llt'XL day Mr. I-Irskinc- (bridal that. he had best gm tu Edinburg immediately, mmt his mmhvr, and break his engagex11«.-11t m lu-r. Mr. Erskine was in the library when Mrs. Lewis passed through; he docorously lit, her candle, and preâ€" si-ntly his nwn. There was a, strange confusion in his mind that night. Constance and Georgy Were most in- cxtricably blended together. He had ï¬rmly bo-Iicvod that, to meet the forâ€"‘ mow would have been to him a mat- u-r of 1110 utmost, indifference. He had cared for Her onto, Very much, but he haulnovor thuught that he :should feel so much at seeing her again. And he Inokz‘d buck sadly to Lhut mumâ€"11pm draw closer to the recollection of Georgy. quas in a. slant- of nmntal polygamy just then: wherein many an impulsive nature may ï¬nd itsx-lt'. bent towards Inim, and threw her arms around his neck. “You know I do. Oh, my God 1 Ishould die if you forgot me.†"Georgy. child 2" “Good night, James? Mrs. Lewis will come, and I must go.†A whole ediï¬ce of doubts had van- ished from Georgy's mind that night. LQuestions actually framed. and bold- ly asked in the jealously of solitude, had vanished from her mind: and, besides, she was far too shy to ask them really. To look at him, and to think of him, was still a. certiï¬- cate of happiness. "Georgy, tell me ! I feel so old and sad toâ€"night, I want. to exhort a gracious speech frbm you." and he laid his hand upon her shoulder. “Do I love you ?" sh: whispered back, and by a smith '1 movement. She turned round, and Changed and crimsoned :0 " q quiet, calm demeanor was an instant: you could not, for she had not spoken. [ “I wanted to talk to you about so many things." “To-morrow, if you like. " “No, no; don 1; go yet, my child; 51 :1y and talk to me a little, Georgy, do you love me ‘2" collective stupidity or wisdam dicial England to me, if you p] “Good night ; and give candle.†111 I read it becauseâ€" thought that you stupid, though, am better than your~ “Merciful heaven ! his words: 110 to hvr bcfure 311 read it; It is and if you are not ! don’t impute the 5 if you please. and her face 9 3161‘ Whole Was gone in not tell how, ‘, because I lsll'ungv manner. which 501111101! 10 limplv a loamyâ€"taking ; at [war “as still ul'un l11-1‘1111.0,0 and he “115' standing“ near 1101' “i111 1.1m luuur in his hand when (lm‘n‘gy 0mm: into the roam. Both stalrh-d : (:«A-urgy's (â€â€˜51 impulse was 1.1) look all tlu-m lixt'dlé'. and Ilurn she turnml Ln luuxc the room. Mr. Erskine (lid that, how- ever guing hastily down stairs, and munching smudlxing that “as 101â€" ully inaudible. Constance brushf’d away the. tour. and 1021111 against. the "11, was my fault ; bu! if my mi! {1110 haul not Ivd mo away from l‘.rll.\’~ @1105 so soon, ] should nut have fink Modsâ€"yrs. it was my I'amh," lu- um- tinuod \‘m'y sadly :' “but ynu will forgiw mo : ] shall always be yum‘ I‘riuud, and I will “(‘VH‘ doubL you again in anything. (loudâ€"by. growth 9) by (ions Lance. of ju- ht: was so posil‘utn at lhv discovmjv of his hasty judgnn-nt ; and 11w sut- islecliuu of ï¬nding; that fur 1hr ï¬rst She had I 111. to him. was now â€My an additional sting. That was all,“ and he must“ low her still. Last: night it was‘ the thought of (301151an 111m. animated his tenderness 10 Georgy. ]s the bit- va‘ saying really truv 2’ “'1‘uujmn‘s ‘nous nous \‘ong‘vons sm‘ n-ux qui nous uimont. (11‘ u-ux qm' nous :u'nns aimes." NOW, he haul wih'ull) 1051‘ 1111'. Never fun- (‘nustunw than your l)()\\'cu is past, ! But it is um late I]()“’,--1L man cammt lm-uk his ““011! as a1 woman duos : in that manor \‘ex'ily, is a man's law sH‘iclvr than a. wuman's. (loud-by L‘unsmnw.†ho suit]. without waving, um! then the rest 01‘ his sentence l‘uilml him â€"his madness : he had loved her alwéys ; he loved her NW. 110 could not tell why. The Frenchman's praise of the woman whom he loved. has seldom been surpassed. He did not say that she was fairer and, wiser than all other women : he dos- cribed her negatively ï¬rst.-â€" she was‘ not this she was not. that, “Maxis, lullc Maitt lllicux {ammo que les au- tres,†IL was thus that, James Ers- kine thought of Constance : he had forgotten all her perfections, and only 'romemberod that she was best. Thom Wore otht'l' fair women in the World. other loving ones : but, for him, “1-110. emit mivux l‘cnuuu quc les Ruth-s." my He had read it through and then stood watching hor from the other end of the room This “‘05 his doing a. different tone from those that Con- stance had ever written to him be- fore. Constance threw him the letter which he ought to have received so ,ong ago, yet had not, and then sat down again in the window. loam ing her head upon her hand. It was a. brave thing to do, to give a. six months' old letter back to be read )without a. word of alteration: most people would have written him an? other, or explained by word of mouth. Who likes to look at a let? ter written under the influence of ex- cited feelings six months ago ? He read the letter through. It was of He shook hands and was about 10 leave the room, when Constance 9 started up, surprised and mortified. She was always accustomed to have 1 her own way and act dpon the. im- pulse of the moment. “James, James, come back ! I want, to speak to you.†He turned back, and she stood before him,1 her old former self. She wanted to speak, and could not ï¬nd utterances for her words. She had an eager way of guesticulat- ing, sometimes when she was ex- plaining or asking anything; she half clenched her hand as she stretched it. out ; she did so now without speak- ing, and stood for a moment with her old, imperious look, and then fairly burst into a shower of tears, rhiding her face in her hands. ‘ “Constance, for Heaven‘s sake, do not cry so ! Constance, Constance ! you will drive me frantic i" and all these faults before mentioned seemed suddenly accumulated upon his own head. (a day. 9 ’ â€00mg, and for how long '2†2'I hardly know.†He was in- Wardly purposed 110: L0 return till she was gone. He Spoke carelessly, but; with a. deeper pain underneath than she knew of . 'm‘JSt promise to forgive me all my [not; but Past misdemeanors, whato "‘ they so keen]; may have been, fox they were not Just then committed purpose 1y." Georgy no no married 'it will?" upon his heart. â€â€˜ Shg1 went anxious vehemenco. ' ' ‘ did not speak: she cauld am going to Edinburgh to- up. slul'tIq-(l by his or, which scumvd 10 taking ; at [war was face, and he was her with the lutwr in NNO Demon may leave an Irish house on New Ycar’s daz without eating 9; drink» A large staff of women is employed at the Vatican for the sole purpose of keen- ing the Pope’s wardrobe in perfect condi- ti011- No spot or stain may disï¬gure the garments worn by his holiness, and as he always appears in white one wearing, even of a few hours. deprive: the rebel of their freshness. "I was never in debt †said the late bishop of London, “until I came to be the head of this see.†He then had to keep up two houses, and the act of 1819 for- bids the letting of either or these. A feature or some 50 Congregational churches are men‘s clubs which mm to keep up good fellowship and secure con- certed action on matters or municilml 1'9' form. For the ï¬rst time in its hix‘ory the British Church Missionary society has passed the £400,000 point in its annual receipts. T1: 0 no“ stool double Iecked fun boat Chicago 11 as launched at New York the 011101 (135.11% new boat is the largest of its kind in New York harbor and will NY at Cortlandt street feny. New You;- us me doing “01] to have a dam 1‘0- minder as they cross the few) that Chi- cago 1's almxys getting them. It is now charged that the stone out or which the postofliee is being constructed is bad and that granite blocks with holes in them have been built into the struc- ture. The stone contractors, however, should not he harshly judged. The holes in the stone may be due to decay since the structure was begunâ€"Chicago News. “'iseonsiu has ï¬nally enacted a 13W taxing bachelors. Here in Boston we have got :1 school or housekeeping in- stead. .\1111 we opine that when it comes to encouraging matrimony the Boston lidea is the mom fetching and fax-reach- â€"Boston Herald. St. Louis is certain to have a world's fair, now that the United States has come to time with $5,000,000, and there can he no doubt that she will have a hot time, as has been the case in St. Louis every summer for 100 years.â€"Louisville Post. He liked Georgy exceedingly. your child I and only yesu'rdny hr bvâ€" lcivod he was in love with hvr. (Continued next week) ' New York owes $300,000,000 and is within $16,000,000 of the debt limit. Ev- idently the limit must be raised soon.â€" Baltimore Herald. All through that walk 11v deï¬ed Constance and mistrustod hvr by turns, .till every phase of thuughl all ‘that subject, was exhausted. How ‘many times did he see Consfmu-o full that day ‘2 And how vile-n did hn hold her in his arms '3 Ho dxwh on all that till it. bccamc an imnximr- ion which it, was dangerous m wâ€" member, and more was nothing fur it now but to forgot. I" Wr. Erskine did not go to Edinâ€" burgh that day ; but he set forth on a. solitary walk. They say that; (even remorse can be walked down ; perhaps he thought that love Inigh'. ,IL was too late now, and he could only avoid the sight; of Constance as much as possible. Hitherto thosei Whom he loved had repaid him full? 1y ; and, truly, well they might. He was too busy and energetic to ï¬nd time to deem himself ill-used ;and however hard his fun: lllig‘hl, have been, I believe that he' \\'nuld ‘still have compelled Fortune to deal fairly with him at last, through his own efforts, and bv never admitting that she had used him foully. She must act, though, nounâ€"that, was Something. She could go away calmly, with no parade or self-sacri- ï¬ce. She Was not, heroic in any ab- stract way : the days were long pusâ€" sed when she had nursed dreams of devotion and enthusiasm for their {own sake ; but for any one Whom she loved, she would have died quiet- ly; without expecting that her futon Icould effect. them much, and without asking a. word of recognition-from any oihor human being. 5; How strange all the people in the house were to her! But, it did matter much, for she was not so unused to rompanionship, that to no person could one word of the bi tter protest that was ib her heart hme been spoken. The oppression of a dream when one cannot. speak or crv out Was upon her, war.1ng..-\nd then she wondered so dimlv why her fate “as so different from that of others. Her life had become so lonely that it haul Changed her and she Was 01d : \(%1 still with a. repining feeling that she had never well been vounyJ Just, and she never questioned it there was nothing left, then but. to free him quickly, leaving him with as little knowledge as possible Lhat She was not 51 reflected a little. ural that her na enough for his: ’ just, and she 11 there Was nmhin They had both looked actual]: When she entered. There wer other little things which she together quickly, and her fanc [111 up the rest. â€V AL‘UIHJ’, I that; Constance colored. EJus t then Mrs. Lewis came in. Georgy Was in a state of bewilder- ment all that day. She said over her story to herself, She could read it. And Why had she not done so before? Their looks and the letter told all. '1‘11037 lla(] hnth Innerpl A-.L___‘l1 -~- THE DOMINIE. TOWN TOPICS. uttlc. It was very her nature should not not surprised after having she looked at Mrs. Everett mp, that. to no person (1 of the bitter protest her heart have been oppression of a. dream Lture should not be That appeared quite as possible that as very nat- were many The grand jury has returned a true bill in the action of Premier Roblin for libel against The Free Press. The language of the libel complained of_ is "Forgery of a name in St. Paul brgpjgt home. to Payer; Botany! Winnipeg, March 25.â€"â€"-Mayor Fras- er, Brandon: Mayor Brown, Portage la, Prairie; J. H. Brock and D. W. Bole, Winnipeg, left for Ottawa on Saturday to protest against Mr. Roblin’s raiIWay deal being conï¬rm- ed by the Dominion Parliament. Washington, D. C., ifarch 25.â€" From the 15'; of July next interna- 1ional postal money orders will no longer be used in transactions with the Canadian Postal Department, but, tlu- ordinary domestic. money orâ€" ders, which we use in transactions bctwwn our home postofllces, will be usml also in drawing on the (.‘an- adizm posmmces, just as if Hu-ro Wen,- no imaginary line dividing:- my two closely allied countries‘. This 1 tho. last, stop needed to be 1:1“. to put the American and Canadian postal systems into virtually one system of operation. Took Prussic Acid in Mistake. , Bmx'mmnille, Ont., March 25. ~- This town was thrown into exciteâ€" ment. Saturday night when it, be- came lammn that William C. Tole, the popular young King; street drug- gist, had taken a dose of prussic acid instead at a tonic he had pre- pared {or stomach trouble, from which he had sufl‘ered recently. Every vfl‘ur: to revive. him was ineffectual and he died in about 15 or 20 min- utes nits-r the doctor arrived. He Was a clever druggist, a graduate of the Umm‘io College of Pharmacy, from which institution he had re~ ceiwd the thB. degree. Pope Said to Be Ready to Remove Fathor Martin. Hume. March 2.7.w'l'ln- Pope has had siwcial inquiries lnauin respecting thv [mlii'y and au'tiims oi the Jcsuits ihl'nughnut the world. J‘IC is much riisiurimi 4:! the simultaneous and “man-nil} spuntnneous popular de- Fnnnistrutinns against the (inn-r in Spain. Portugal, Pruni'o and Aus- irial, and I)» expressed the opinion that then; must. be something radical- 1y wrong sonimx'lwre. ]L is now anâ€" noum'od that. the Pope is satisï¬ed; than the trouble is due to mismanâ€"‘ agemvnc and has decided to remove Father Martin, the Director-General of 1110 Jesuitx. Father Martin, it is nndurxlood, will be planned by an impurtan: post at the Vatican. The new directorâ€"general will be an Ital- ian “hm will be more directly amen- able to church discipline. clam-st, The assassi ation of M. Bogolle- puff, fulluwed ast night by the atâ€" ;u-mpt to kill M. Pobledmwstzefl, are men-1y mncropings of what, is be lieved here In be a widespread plot, to overturn the Government, assas- sinate the Czar mid establish an. grchy. The studeht uprisings here,- _ut Muscnw. Kivfl', Odessa and other great; university centres, are part of .1110 reVoIt. jligh )wrmns ththt hgflgrfr ere ferrr Letters from St. I’eh-rsburg say high [M's-nus at, lhv court are susâ€" pcvtmi ux' x'nnnm'tion with the let.% pemvu ux' t'nnum'tion with the phit, and tlw (fuzr mmnOt trust, c-Vcn his _- _ ‘4“.‘A v ‘ of Kanzan. The crowd dwindled to normal proportions when it became iapparent that, nothing would hap- pen. The promenaders Wore for the greater part curiosity seekers. To Establish Anarchy. New? York, March irisâ€"Tho Jour- nal has the following from Berlin: Russia, is in a turmoil. Troops guard mun-y important, city to nip h-lwllion in the bud. The Czar and Czarina urn at their country home at Uutschina. guarded by many thous- ands of Cossacks. It. is reported hon: than they fled from St. Peters- burg in an armored train. Tho“ day passed quietly in St. Pe- to 'rsbur g Some 40 000 persons .promenaded about, noon along the Nevskoi prospect, particularly in front of the Qathedral of Our Lady ,.v> It is reported that Prince Viazemâ€" sky has been disgraced for petition- ing the Czar to consider the griev- 'ances of the students. NE“? HEAD FOR JESL’IT ORDER. ' Threatening letters have boon ro- CC‘iVl'd by Lieut.-Gcn. Kouropatkinc, Minister of War; M. N. V. Mour- avioï¬', Minister of Justice, and M. Sipiaguino, Minister of the Imprinr bnpmgmno, Minister of the Interior. Renewal demonstrations on a. great, scale are expected. London, March 25.â€"'l‘he Daily Mail publishes the following, dated March 24, from its St. Petersburg corre- spondent: “The police have discovered a plot against the life of the Czar. It ap- pears that a group of students drew lots, and that the fatal choice fell to the son of a prominent general. The student told his father, and the ' latter informed the Czar, informing him to leave St. Petersburg. "Yesterday (Saturday) 500 workâ€" men from the Obuchower Metal Works paraded on the Nevskoi pros- pect. ()n the Way thither they deâ€" molished the stately brandy booths. Eight hundred Cossacks, with draWn swords, met the workmen, and u‘ sanguinary encounter ensued. The number of killed and Munded is kep number of killed and wounded is kept secret." A Hundred Killed and “‘ounded. London, March 25.-â€"-The St. Pet- ersburg correspondent of The Daily 1Express says: “In the last encounter at, Santa (late 100 workmen are re- ported to have been killed or wound- ed by the Cossacks." The Situation Is Serious. St. Petersburg, March BELâ€"The po- litical situation is so serious that Emperor Nicholas held a meeting of the Ministers yesterday to consider the_state of public affairs. A Deputauon of For Ottawu. Student Uprising: Part. of 3 Plot u sassinate the Czar and Cause a General Revolution. PLOT AGAINST THE CZAH Canada and the U. S. lvisurs tries‘ 'Jhu to be 1.-..I -77..Vh , : vu‘tunllv nnn . II II Ei Bis and Canadian 0f a. Plot to As- Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Limi- g'say by E. Gregory, Morgan Bros. A. 'Higinbotham and S, Pcrrin. drug’â€" "73mm "Hagan, or Stimulus 81. six, ta bee to 00¢ 00mm. mutant! W6 can. now of or hueo. «mm m Mouth Organs and other Instruments, Music Books or Sheet Music go: on the shortest notice. [My Musical Bands Stuck“ Violins, ans and Strings Banjoes and Strings, Guitars and Strings Mandolins and Strings Anto=flarps and Strings momin‘. Price 1 Take a. Lox: ~leor Pm boron reth- lng. ’Twili work while you sloop With- out 3 gr! 01 pan, cunng binonmooo, oonstipat on, sick hudache ad 4 â€" oia. ond make you feel bottor A Emit!" our. for 1.11 Thu». Lung ad r onchial diseases. Ruling ud soothing in its notion. Flaunt to tako, pzoxnpt and aloe- tnsl in its results. It. Chu. J ohuon, Bu: River, N.8., writes: ‘ ‘ I was troubled wiï¬ 11 “id sore throat, which thy 406 2.320- aounoed Bronchitis 1nd mound no to try Dr. Wood’s News Pill. Syrup. ' I 416. so, and otter using bottles I was entirely cured.†ï¬ramophones and Records NORWAY PINE SYRUP. all eruptions on the face, hands nose c., leaving the shin clear, white and healthy. Its great. healing and cum» tive powers are possessed by no otha- remedy. Ask your druggist f0]: SWAYNE S OIX IMENT. Sample free Quired. Cures tetters The rarest ï¬sh in Britiélwxv waters in the ribbon ï¬sh. OnIy 16 specimens have beet recorded in the last century. It in an in- habitant ot the great depths of the ocean. A kangaroo consumes as much can a six sheep. There are but about 900$!» left in Australia. Sparrows hare a strange antipathy for robins, and sometimes they become a:- tively antagonistic to them. Chopped orange peel added to min meat gives the meat a. pleasant flu . Two fresh peels will season about eight quarts of mince meat. Scraps of plain or puff paste trimma! from patties or pics may be sprinkled with grated cheese and made into cheese straws. A delicious cake ï¬lling; isâ€" made from chopped ï¬gs mixed with crabapple or apple jelly. flow to Cure all Skin Diseases Simply apply “SWAYNE'S OBSTâ€" E.\ ."- No internal medicine rc- Do not pat or smooth down mashed potatoes. as it makes them heavy. Despite the defects of the American press it holds up a mirror or the whole world’s affairs. The mirror may not be the right kind, but its tendency-is to lead the people to self consciousness. It you do not like vice and crime, change the light. It you look into 11 mirâ€" ror and see a dirty face, do you wash the face or the mirror? faults, but let us have more truth. the .whole truth and nothing but the truth:- Dr. Lyman Abbott. ties. To the legislature: Doubt every bill “ that creates a new institution, estab- lishes a new commission or board, @115 a a new ofï¬cer or increases gala- ring, N‘- â€"-â€"-r “gun; IIL'CII mug, the biggest ï¬sh 13 still yuanâ€, and the ideal tax law has yet‘to eon- vince a legislative body.-New York World. g7 “ . ,. Kidnaping children in order to extort money from their parents oughtto, be made a capital offense, and banking should promptly follow conictiomâ€"Phila- delphia Bulletin. ' FIN, FEATHER AND FUR DR. WOOD'S THE COOKBOOK. 'swgeztest song has THE PRESS. LEGISLATIVE.“ never i tch,