E noteworthy {w Iaterials. becial Offerings m5. made of ï¬ne 3 trimmed with ï¬ino ion and embroida" ad yokes, regula- P $1.25. Saturday. 151: quality I. 1:. while mod and 2 mo, while yandonKent-st. youannotï¬ndI D1118. Ill†tea Clip ovations and gold 10c each . Sid Monday4 f" 3 many Dal Finlay Chi have the 1 io trouble to d Rubbers d, regular rbers, sizes they last and Dress MAMâ€"the yd s’ Gowns 79c L ï¬ne cambric co“ and armholes 9 inch lace. id trimming on ‘ ice 69c, Saturday ers~each 79¢ RICES : and Saucers T COVERS“: I; of choice 13% just in their. ,5 )rters dru 50m m red and white color- full Annie Arno stairs.-10'1 -Mr. Th0: use: .en) said the “hm rmhed t -In last issue Mr John Twohey WW4» be-ï¬resimof Wig torii dreamery and Mr. J. Duke vice". 'ï¬e‘iact is Pres. Cafley and Vice D. Scully were both reâ€"electcd. The $5 ,a. month salary to the salesman is No he pa (1 by the stock-holders. â€"The ï¬st annual meeting 9! the Ontario Educational Association will 'be held at. the Normal School, To- rent», on May, Wednesday and Thursday, April 1st, 2nd and 3rd,. Programs can be abtained on 'appli-‘ cation to Inspector Knight. ~01: mmaay 'Col. Hughes said Charles Devlin, immigration agent to Ireland, oughtéto be in penitgeggiary iihesajdthgt he never “Load-“Vibe lie'ople to leaveilreland for: Cain“; .35 W in the Montreal ‘Wimess. The reporter will likely be Called be fore the house. ' ' -' " manufactures'. Not only does he supply the machinery but also the hull and other parts. At present he is constructing two [lat-bottomed. sidewheelers for the Ruthbun Com- pany. One of them will be used on the OttaWa waters, while the other . ~ Methodist church at Pene- wnl do service on me Trent system. $3213? but now of Perth. has re- â€"-.f\ special train..took the Lindsay signed from the ministry because of hockey ti?“ and ‘a.b0ut 200 supportâ€" gossip about. his trip to Syracase. 91:3 to 193310“ .13ng on. Tuesday with Rev. Sanderson last summer- msht for. the return match With the ;_;Exâ€"Trooper J. N. Mofl‘att’s father i1§m0?§qllat {b31287 dsaP 18‘: 29?“? late: “35 ml ‘0‘†“‘5‘ week telegraphmg thl ° F a? obov n b’gcteda‘t‘ ï¬ligree ' about the condition of his son, who' {3 ten :an its“: ;' th 0 3 ap- is ill withsmallpox in Ottawa. The Pm" me“ . m ‘3, 8m? 039 1y scid that. the disease was of a. of them refused to obey his or er to $341 type and that the patient was leave the ice. A free ï¬ght ensued. doing well. in which some spectators took a 41:. Albert Robson returned from :ï¬i.ud6::s°horï¬esï¬my?Â¥ £11: N" Y9’k -"°°‘.’""~"- He -brought got a heavy blow on the ,cheek‘ . 4 with him a. canister of tea grow-n. 1!! Apart from‘iiéobd deal? of rohéhdess mï¬t :31: kzogg'fpgï¬acï¬ï¬: it was a. good exhibition of hockey. . ‘ a - - , . .. . ‘ we, and is may tobe. the best arti- g’fo'sf’ffwent â€Ems-t L‘ndiԠb3". dé'mfl‘e market. ' ' Q U I â€"Paddy Danoghue .3; well'ilinown‘ Jetâ€"1ft" "3“â€th that eleven dog? chdracter about 'town has been min? were W’isoned in 99“.“ last Week. sing since early Tuesday morning, One “‘3 obli'glngly 'choSe -to expire On Monday he .was the Worse ol li- in “031 0‘ a Dumber 51“?" With a quor and was locked in the cells. At sausage atmhmentâ€"mss’b'y With a 10 o'clock, however. he was liberated mysterious knowledge 0‘ the destiny and went to his home. It was lock- ol'his predecessors. - ‘ at. Tf 35 “‘4'19..-“ I._-â€"n L- ---_L This week he closed a. contract with A Mr. Sinclair for a .slmilnr craft for the Saskatchewan river m the far west. If the latter. proyw satisfactory a further order :or live a, six is expected- â€"Rev. Foster McAmmond. once pas- in: - ,_ _ "vâ€"-â€"’--vâ€" N. LOWn_ of Lind' ' “Men a. te say. The town, ’ lighting by acetylene gas and ' o I ~ "3311a prxncxpal thorofarw- and e“ ‘0 supplv 12') 1- :.p_ e ~ - Ights of n... 333 at 911% rate of $15 per -â€"â€"Brigadicr Pickering, provincial ofï¬cer of the Salvation Army, will “and, 23rd and visit Lindsay on the -- 24th inst. He will be accompanied by the famed hand bell ringers. . â€"â€"On Thursday of last week Geo. Ellsworth had “7. "Robinson More the magistrate for offensive dis- course. while they were discussing a. mutual female friend. The case Was ‘ adjourned. 8850 COD v-v' Meterâ€"1W? ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ ' .â€"A‘ fur mit was found near OPE swing bridge on Feb. 22nd; Ownex‘ can have it. by calling at this oflioe. ,w'hich way to Flurey’s handy salt depot ? Through - the Butler House yard to the rear of the Oak Front Grocery"8-4-° __.Thl‘oe apprentices wanted to 18am dressmaking. Apply to Miss Annie Arn_ot_.t, No. 87 Kent-st. up- T +For butter â€fa" 841d 6 1500 c.p'.3iga?£; t “‘5 1not seem probable . Supplant electric communal Purposes. vï¬my Horticultural So- anWiser: with Mr. A. Gil- : Toronto JunctiOn and Mrs. - f wmmy Basin, Qu.e. o and...“ ~ _..__n , wym hotel on Friday night 00d~bye to Mr. A. T. Bayley 1' three years as teller in the Montreal here was transferr- e Lon-don branch. Oysterg. elm-making were accessories. {. 39gbie Was in the chair. 3 were present. Mr. Bayley Popular with a. large circle 3, who wish him prosperity. 8 Falls Arrow zâ€"Wha't is be- be the largest acetylene gas. Canada is Abeing estabï¬shed‘ -}ir. 'I'hos. Reazin of Cresswen d9. res that, after the late storm, re was a $110ka on the‘ 7th . of Mariposa. 32} feet. high; LL's a. tall story. a ' Six houses in the east ward for, .. ranging in price from $200 to 0_ Also brick residence on Glen- 2t“. south ward. Apply at this = Juvemles who seek recrea- t“ï¬ling out street ' lights. 818.8803. and otherwisetamv ith the plant. He is taking 113“? a. police court case for â€My Col. Hughes'asked 301%? of the house to proâ€" 'tain papers relating to the. High“ (luau-e! had novb'een me minister of militia (Dr. said the papers seemed never 'l’eachedi the department, but 7m Sale_-A driving mare, bugg, m. and harness. Apply at this .- uranam of the Gas Co; to Come into forcible col- some of the small boys of He has both the mood to make it. uncomfortable “Der this afternoon. 1Tb 6th: at 4 o'clock. Plants 0‘ Our Gardens In ‘the evening at We place. Mr. Gilchrist an†Wm again deliver r subject being "Shrubs The PUblic are cordi- 0 be Present, and to | A them Little Local Lines it. Was found near Ops . on Feb. 22nd. Owner by calling at this ofï¬ce. 33, to Flurey’ s handy Through the Butler to the rear of the Oak ’2 questions good fellows met ‘--â€"'W.1\RIDE.Rt MARCH 6th, 1903 Hector McLean. ‘ McPHEEâ€"A‘t‘ Beaverton, Feb. 8th. Donald McPhee, aged 61 yqars. MURDOCH.â€"On Feb. 25th, In Vern- lam, Jas. Murdoch, aged 41 ygars. McNEl‘L.â€"-â€"In Verulam, on Friday. Feb. 2lst, Robt. W. McNefl. 839d 59 years. . MARTIN.â€"At Fenelon FaJJS, on Fri- day. Feb. 2lst. Mrs. Margaret 9181-, tin. ed 86' yeaâ€. IRWINa-Eln Minoan. on Earth flu!" Jane Irwin, reljct of the late James‘ Irwin, ed 9,4 yea. rs. ‘ LEX’EYâ€"agx Iindsay.‘ on quday. 1 March 3rd. mma Jane‘IMOYJhW‘ daughter of John and 1311111131167.wa aged 24 yws' 5-130231%.â€2' 33:,“ THOMASâ€"BOWTNSâ€"On ' Wednesday, Feb, 26th., by Rev. W. G. Clarke, at. the family residence "Woudlawn Farm,†W. Jam. Thomas of Wood- ville‘to Mary Bowins. SHIERâ€"DAVISâ€"On Wednesday, Feb. 19th, by Rev. W. G. Clarke. at the raidence of the brides parents, Woodvifle, George A. Shier of Tur- tle Mountain, Man, to Polly I‘avis. SIMSâ€"BELLâ€"At the Iesidenoe of the bride's parents,. Owen Sound. on Wednesday, Feb. 19th. by Rev. Dr. Langford. Dr. S. J. Sims of Fenelon Falls .to Miss Edith Bell. MILI'Bâ€"â€"FULTON-'â€"At the residence of Mrs. W. Hilbert, sisterof the‘ bride at. 216* Shaw-st, 'Toronto, on Feb. 26th by Rev. Mr. Cornish.Misa Almira. Fultoï¬ and Mr. Walter Mil- .08, formerly 9L Lindsay. . ' . TREBIIL‘OCKJUDEâ€"At the residence ~ of'the bride's parents, 3rd con. Thorah, Feb. 19th, by Rev. W..,G_._ Clarke, Woodville, H. Trebilcock of Mariposa to Mary. eldest. dau W." of Mr. and Mrs. Simon ude. Thorah. LEEâ€"At. Fenelon Falls. on Tuaday Feb. 25th. to Mr. and Mrs. John Lee, a. daughter. _ ROBEâ€"In the township bf Fenelon, on Saturday, Feb. 22nd, to Mr. ‘ and Mrs. Lewis Robe. a. daughter. ILumYâ€"L‘rn Mr. and Mrsâ€: Fred Hardy of Ops, on Friday; a’kson. ROSSEAU.â€"At Canningtom. on Fe- bruary, 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rosseau, a son. MILTON. --At 'Cmmington, on Tues- day, Feb. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milton, a son. ‘ “Paddy Donoghue “a well-known chdrwcter about town has been nliSr- I sing since early Tuesday morning. On Monday he was the worse ol li- ' quor and was locked in the cells. At ‘ 10 o 'clock, however. he was liberated and went to his home. It was lock- ed: It is not known how, he spent the night: but a young man named 0' Brien claims to have seen him near. the kindsay-st bridge at 6. 80 in the morning. A short time alter a hat , an yershoe were found on the north ; Min of the river close to the bridge. There was a. hole in the ice adj nt. Donoghue ized the 0 th- WWPadgyh. mt’iime .,it‘ belieyed «he :was ut somew re and would turn up all right. As time passed and he did not. appear the theory that he had gone into the riv- er gained .credenee Chief Nebison and assistants have been searching the. river without avail. By some it is thought some one is playing- a practical jqke- an the authorities. others say Paddy was to have ap- peared in court and is hiding while others believe the unfortunate man has either intentially or in a drunk- en stupor become a. prey of the river. ers to I-‘enelon Falls on. Thesday night tor the return match with the team of that bung. Play began late. Mr. O’Neil of Lindsay was referee ; the Penelon boys objected't‘o his ap- pointment and late in the game one of them refused to obey his order to leave the ice. A free ï¬ght ensued, in which some spectators took a hand and which was stopped by‘the police. Cross of the Lindsay- ‘team got a heavy, blow on the',cheek. Apart from 'a‘ flood deal’ of rou’ghdess ‘ it was a good exhibition of hockey. ‘ The :score. went against LindSay by 9 to 5. a. . ' ' ' w --It. is not generally known that Lindsay’s industries have recently been augmented by a ship yard. Mr. J. McCrea, the foundryman, has m1- ded this line‘to his already numerous manufactured. Not only does he --In a. letter to a professor of To- ronto University Mr. E. J. Kylie says that political qï¬estions are of- ten subjects of public debate in the colleges of Oxford, and adds this signiï¬cant sentence : "The freedom with which opinion is expressed is invigo'rating‘after the tin horn loy- alty so prevalent in Canada? . â€"The recent thaw has proved dis- ‘astrous to the lumbermen of ,this‘ district. To those who have kept. up with their cut it means an early spring with a. vengeance, but with others who are less fortunate it means that their logs must remain in the «voods until next Winn-.- {me of Mr. J. Carew’s’camps has been forced to close. The logs had all been drawn. funeral at the laté Mn OaRWOod had to come train on Saturday. - â€"â€"The Oakwoéd Cheesé. and Butter Factory purChased a. 10' hz,I'Sup«)Wel' boiler f1'0111 McCrea's fnnndrv Main Wunt o! the Myertonr Feb. 10th: Births â€Mel-OMBâ€: McCrea's foundry‘ th‘i-s late Mrs. Thorndike of to Lindsay by bad roads the â€"Mr. James Graham of Grand Harbor, North Dakota, who has be!!!) visiting friends at Salem. Ops, and in Lindsay, will return next week; It is sixteen years ago since Mr. Graham mbved to the west. with ‘only the price of a railww t'cket in his pocket ; toâ€"day he owns 400 acres of ï¬ne land with good buildings, and has a. creditable bank account. The section around Grand Harbor is mostly settled with Canadians from H‘uron county. Mr. Gmhm’s neigh- bors are sons of ’the late Geo. Hoover o! Maripoea. Wheat. ban by and flax are the principal graine grown; the ,lattergives a. return of 818 to~$20 per acre, , crop to grow. Wheat brings 65 eta: per bushel. - . a couple of years rector at Gagetown. N.B., arrived in town on- Saturday to take charge at Fenclon Falls to which parish he has been appointed. Mr. Macnamara. expresses himself as pleased to come back to the vicinity of Lindsay again; That sentiment will be heartily reciprocated by his many friends in this county. - â€"Rev. R. Macngmmra. formerly us- sistant. pastor of St; Paul's. but, for -â€"Miss Nugent, daughter of Mr. Robt. Nugent. sr., Is slowly recover-1 ing from‘a very severe attack of ap- pen-dicitis. % -An operation was per- formed and for several days the most alarming symptoms were present. It is a. pleasure to say, however, that Miss Nugent now ha's fair prospects' of recovery. -â€"Mrs. Stillman of Femie, 13.07.." concluded 'a' visit. with her fath'el‘l C a..pt Evans last. Week. After a short. ï¬st in Toronto she will leavq for Femic, accompanied by her sister, Mi ss Evans. . - ‘ â€"The World of Friday: J udgo Handing of 411nm. acting!» braid master, A. F. and A. Bl), with!» pres- ent at. the Lodge of. Instruction to be held hene' to-morro'w evening. [, ‘â€""â€"M_rl 'n ucmpi'n'e of the Ontario Bank staff is in Winhipég attending the Wedding of his sister. 001.1111? es is there attending the smile c‘Ven * â€"-Mr. Percy S.‘ McDonald. who has been' iii the cm'p'l’oy of Sylfesté‘r i‘Brom left. last week {01" Toronto. where h has accepted‘ a. ‘pdsiilon with" Wy-Bah‘is Co. ’. â€"Mr. H. Fowlei- was in Tbronto on Tuesday inst. attending thd funer- al of his nephew who was accidental-‘- Iy {ï¬llet} there on Saturday last. “ --M.‘ss Agnes Arnberg' returned to her hmne in Bmcaygcon yesterday after an extended visit. with friends at. Haliburton and Lindsay. -â€"Mr. P. -G. Burgess is=~in the'Ni- cholls, Hospital, Peterboro.- suffering with his old trouble inflammatory rheumatism.' , , . - â€"-Mr. Uriel Calm of Sidney. Man . left town on Monday to visit Little Britain friends More leuving 1dr his home in the west. ...- returned home on short visit to her Mrs. W. Galbraith. -â€"Mrs. Allan Gillies left. on Time- day for Stratford. to join her. husa band, ‘who is now foreman on ‘ the Stratford Herald. ' -â€"Miss Daisy Johnston of Manvcrs Station, has been spending the past “few weeks-with friends in Lindsay. -â€"Mr. Will Miller, clerï¬ at II. J. Carter-s is ill. He underwent an operation last week and is doing ' â€"Mwsrs. R. Pearson gm T1108- Steele. of Bobcayg‘eon, spent. Wednes- day in town. â€"Mr. Fred Hopkins of Toronto is at. home for a. visit. after a tussle with appendicitis. Lindsay friemig “Mrs. and Miss Hockin are visib- ing in. Toronto. -â€"Miss Lyda McFadyen, left this week for New Glasgow, N.S. â€"-Mr. D..Wells, of Montreal paid 'I’ huhâ€, -- L at Porter’ a bookstore to-day at. 12 O’clock. Tickets 50,35 and gallery 25 cents. This is a. unique kind of entertainment. -Be sure you hear it. m. ave-tug. m,~m 1! . The Y..M.C.A.- eoneert commitfflee had arranged for poet'oning the con- cert by the Tyrolean Yodlers from March 6th to a. later date.01 W3 Plan the manager of that company had not been informed. Their com-1 ‘pany Came to Lindsay last evening prepared to give their concert. 0w- ing to the peculiar circumstances the committee haVe decided to go on With the concert, and the plan will be open â€"-Miss Cakes left. to SHORT NOTICE CONCERT