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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 Mar 1902, p. 7

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teat inducements of emberâ€"HALF and housei ices is the time you‘ : latter time has ..: OVERCOATS.~ 'ear. at the bare‘ §“m outreal Your W's Di! 5 Would Have a Method that he Thinks Better than Prohibition Principal Grant IS out with another letter on the liquor queétion. Aft?!" briefly repeating the gist of the argu- ments in previous letterS, and after a. lengthy reference to some adâ€" “ critism of his attitude toWardS Prohibition, he goes on to advocate the company system. He says 2 _ "It seems to me. then that the pub-‘ lie of Ontario are now prepared for Something better than prohibition. “‘1 Perhaps for the superseding of Ii‘Jenshlg by the company system; and that in View of the good result? :which ha've accrued 'elseWhere ‘frbm It, even a. plebiscite this year would he likely to give a majority in its ”3’0“. if only the sxmplest organiza- t‘01! could be effected for bringing oyt tee Vote. To establish the Scan- !‘ma‘flan sxstem. all that is needed, i1} addition to the present local op- n‘m law, is that power should be c(“Hex-red on the authorities of the ““7118 and cities to hand over the 11- ‘m, allowed in each case. to a. Company. consisting of persons who '03“ undertake the business, not Sake of profit, but, for the mm": 300d; that. the shareholders -ld not derive profit beyond the “”3"”? rate of interest on ’ the can“ invfited: and that. the prqflts “‘3‘! be devoted, met eqaitable Mum of the men formerly cu- m.“ the Witness, to the manic- W' 0" t6 the promotion of tem- . M the Mt of Britain; That is by havmg goons Cm by the average Englishman equal to those anyWhere else in the “If“! there was a short time ago,” world. Then the fast that the En- sand Mr. John Hart the.other daylglishman likes us. wilbgive us his '1“ Speaking of his recent trip to custom as against others. That is the Old Country with the Dundas 8; the only preference we can expect. “333118 shipment of poultry. “The, [And we are doing.that with our English tradesrm‘in talks about Canâ€" poultry. I took a. good deal of sat- ada Very nicely and occasionally says islaction out of placing the Dundas he Would Prefer to buy Canadiandc Flavelle stufl‘ this season. I did PTOduce other things being equal. lnot have to peddle it. It was as When he knows he is talking to a good-as the beSt from Canada. and m?“ fI'Om Canada. or doing business stood well beside the French or Rus- ‘mh him he talks perhaps more than sian inlports. The quality of Cana- usual that way. He likely means it dian goods is attracting the British too. ‘buyer. That . and no sentimental hut other things must be equal. He consideration is bringing him t0 d0 full not buy from Canada because ibusines's with this country. He is a it is Canada if he can do better keen, hard business man and We s°mewhere 0156. That is what one make a mistake it we eXDeCt any- candid man told me. He said : "We thing but a good bargain to take his are In business for money and we attention." 4 "Theréis more interest taken in REV. DR. GRANTS REMEDY ‘ FOR THE LIQUOR TRAFEIC M» mmwnnnwnnnonngmofifigggggé: éwgwggghoggwgé V SENTIMENT WILL NOT MAKE. ENGLAND BUY'CANADIAN GOODS Mr. John Hart Says thegEnglish- man Will Trade Where he Can do the Best WWWQW Wig” thegeeeeom Think what it means to save One-Half upon the very garments that you require just at a time when they are most useful to you. We will inaugurate ‘ a Magnetic Sale of ,this stock at prices never known before in the height of the Winter season. Sawed-in-two Prices will be the value during this sale. It seems increditable that we should be able to do this with Overcoats,~ Suits and Reefers of the most recent make. of BRAND NEW CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS. originally bought direct from the manufacturers this winter and openedout in the "Golden Lion” Store, Toronto. A few months ago the store hadto be closed and Gough cap- tured the stock at 55 1-26 on. the dollar. It ‘was a masterstroke of buying in which the power of ready cash proved :irresistable. Such Wide-a-wake merchandising as this is what brings Gough’s Store forceably to the front. In this instance it is‘a . . . . DSM and ON SATURDAY, FEB. 22nd $9,000 STOCK ’..._WARDER.. MARCH 6th; “1902. Subscribe for , . }A Family Lixing in- a Hove! With Domes- " tic Annuals Peterboro' correspondence of Sat- urday's Star :‘ The officers of the Children’s Aid have brought to light a most distressing Case of destitution in the township of Drummer. Some years ago the soc1ety took from a shack on the 9th line five little child- ren in a. pitiable condition of hunger and fifth, and On Thursday the man ant! his wife were found to have brought two more children into the world, who were being raised more like animals than human beings, and were suffering the pangs of hunger.‘ 1n the shack, which was 10 by 6‘ feet, there was but one bed, of rough bOards, a table, And a. miserable fire, which,was supposed to keep the inâ€" The occupants were mates Warm. the father. mother, two children. a sheep, a. cat and a. dog. The total subsistence of the family was one loaf a. day, which wasgiven them by- the township. A solitary loaf led the family, it ch, figured out, would mean an expense a: about $7 for the winter. ‘ " _ ‘ ‘ ~ ~. “There is only? one, way" said Mr. Hart, “that Canada can make any trade use of her connection with Britain; That is by having goods equal to those anyWhere else in the World. Then the fact that the En- glishman likes us. willagive us his custom as against others. That is the only preference we can expect. reading room, coffee hOuses and oth- er philanthropic objects. This is the principle of the Gothenburg system, and on the basis of .this principle a system suited to Ontario could be agreed on, were it. once genenilly rec- ognized that prohibition is impract- icable. " ‘ - ”vv n.â€" gootLas the Mt from Canada, and stood well beside the French or Rus- sian imports. The quality of Cana- dian goods is attracting the British buyer. That and no sentimental conéideration is bringing him to do business with this country. He is a keen, hard business man and we make a mistake it we expect any- 'And we are doing.that with our poultry. I took a. good deal of satâ€" isfaction out of placing the Dundas Flavelle stufi this season. I did not have to peddle it. It was as have to do business in the way that there is most money in it. Senti- ment. can have nothing to do with the case when dollars are at. stake." POVERTY NEAR PETERBOfiO MlDlA Another Stupendous Sale ND 3_ J_ 6006",, “19, Big (10mm Highest ..... ‘ ............. '8‘. Lowest, ................... 16.4 Warmest day. mean 01.3 Coidest day mean of;2€ The week .................. 314 PRECIPITATION IF Greateét" {all of â€" min 1.00 Friday. Rain fell on 2 days. Greatest {all of snow Report for “’06 night Maren lst, or potash from the S able. fer the uncombincd nitrog atmosphere. "The clover dic to either the stoic of‘phospl ‘Snow fell on 1 Total rain {all They Ne'edjo be Supplemented by Other Another Lindsay air! Does it into Very Fmilizers I Nice Verse ' Fertilizers Prof. I. P. Roberts, of Cornell Uni- versity says : Cover crops may in a measure, take the place of fertilizers and manures. They are not, howev- .n‘ ABOUT COVER CROPS uncombined nitrogen in the re. "The clover did hot add the store of‘phosphcric acid b. The plant tookvthem soil and made them avail- The Weather 35 malted snow. GOUGH BUYS The Golden Lion Clothing StOCKOF 101mm at ...42.60 Wednesday ..16.00 Tuesday ' 1 o£.38.00 Friday 0:36.30 Sunday . “31.35 N IN mom. on‘the Dollar ding Saturday in one day, l n one day. Mrs. George \anliams, Fairfield Plains, Ont" writes as follows : “ Asthcrc are so many other medicines offered for tale in substitution for Lav-Liver Pills I an: pav- tictlhr tobget the genuine. u flaggin- sur- pu'suyt inductor ' bowel: and min; W" t say. they have no equal for relieving and curing Constipation. Sick Egal- ache, malnouanesfi deseg‘llta: Coated Tonga 0 Heart Burn . atop 31-th or soy disease or disorder of the stench, life or bowels. Ever with Canada! Long may our emblem reign, Oh Heavenly Sovereign, And. may ourâ€"watchword always The Maple Leaf forever! 0h Omnipotent Divine. May thy kind mercy shine. And may our love combine, Our fair Dominion. grand, Canada, our native land. By thee we'll always stand. Sever-less {or-ever ! Thy banner proudly flies, Far under sun and skies. And where do the cowards lie, That will not. fight. for Canada Miss Edith Brown of the wt. ward is scarcely 12 years old. She is clever at school and makes this ren- dering of the Canadian National Hymn : Those who have Misti-Live: Ping stores or In. yr. 00., Kingston, Ont tent medicines are worthlm in a fool. For Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure has no equal. W. C. Switz’er, Enr- rowsmith, 0.,eufi’ered with niatic rheumatian for ten years. He tried every known gemedy recommended for the cure of rheumatism without obtaining relief. ,Six bottles of Dr. Hall's completely cured him. This great blood purifier is put up in bottles containing ten days' treat- ment. Priced 50_ cent- at all dru l-Zc OUR NATIONAL HYMN THE ONLY ONE. AXA i Don’t let the snow drifts hinder you. You’ re free to grykorttry. Look Sharp; Skim the cream while it is 1c es \ . If there are any better bargains anywhere, where are they P If you want a real stylish Suit, Top Coat, Single Garment. Hat. Underwear or Furnishings of any descrip- tion, come to this sale. ' $l.00 $2.55 $5.95 $9.95 A Famously Good Chance to get Two and Three Boys’ Suits FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. iGlLLESPIE 11 CO. EXTENSION SOLEâ€"We have but 65 pairs of those Ladies' b‘uutit‘ul Dongola Kid, Vici-Kid, Extension Soleand Heel, Bals. Pxices $201), $2.50, $3.00 and 33.50. Nothiu to equal them in styic, quality an Every day during March and April, 1902. the Chicago and North-Western Railway will sell one-way second class settlers. tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington. Oregon, Colorado and Utah: also to Victoria. Vancouver. New Westminster, and Lo Nelson, Rossland and other points in the Kootenay district. Full particu- lars as‘to rates 1mm nearest ticket agent, or B. H Bennett. General Agent, 2 East King Street, Tofonto, Ont. ~6-8. GILLESPIE Co. ’ Omemeo Mirror zâ€"A pretty wed- ding took place at the home at Mrs. Jacob Lowes. seventh concession of 1)::in on Wednesday evening. Feb. ~26th, nt- 5.30 when her daughter. Miss Dinah was united in marriage to Mr. David Albert Ruth, of the 6th con of thesame township. The cere- ineny was performed by the Rev. '3’. B. Rowe, in the presence of the im- mediate relatives. The bride was charmingly attired in a, gown of cream crepon. trimmed with silk and ribbons. and was given away by her brother Jacob. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful watch charm. After partaking of a splendid supper the evening was spent in a social manner by singing and playing games. Mr. and Mrs. Ruth will re- side of the 6th con. of Emily. fly-ened _- MILESâ€"FULTON The residence 0! Mrs. Wm. Hilbu't. 216 Shaw-st. Toronto, was the some of a pleasant event, \Veenesday even- ing, Feb. 26th, when her sister Miss Almira Fulton was united in marri- age to Mr. Walter Miles, formerly of Lindsay. Rev. Mr. Cornish officiat- ed. The bride was assisted by Miss Nellie Miles. and, Mr. Joseph Horton assisted the groom. Congratula- tions. Buys your Choice of any Man’s $18 Suit. The styles, fabrics and colorings are what fashion approves. Buys your choice of any man’s $10 Overcoat or Suit. The Overcoats are handsome, well fitting and well made. Buys your choice of any man’s $ 5 Reefer. Call early before the best' are snapped up. Team- ‘sters and laborers, just the coat {or you. Buys your choice of any man’s $2 Trousers. Good material and well made. We will place on sale Saturday, ,8th inst, 60 pairs Men’s genuine Box Cali. GOODYEAR WELT, solid goods, first-class wmanship, guaranteed, $2.50. Scu'ers' Rates West. RUTHâ€"LO WES $235â€"Valuahle building lot on Wil- Ham-st. ForAfgitBer part‘culars apply to S- near Kent. 8700â€"7F‘g-ame house and half acre land on Raidout-st $235â€"Valuahlc $2,300â€"Handsome modern residence in north Ward; very desirable lo- cation: solid brick, furnace. ce- ment cellar. $1800â€"Solid brick residcnce on Al- bert-st... near Kent., convenient to schools; i acre fruit garden. 81700â€"801“ brick residence on Al- amoâ€"Solid brick' residenre with fine stable. i acre land, fruit trees. etc, on Wellington-st. sumoâ€"Handsome storey and half cottage near 8.0. church. $1300â€"Seven-roomed brick residence on Elfin-st, cement cellar. etc., property high and dry. SIOOOâ€"Four acres [raid in east wand with house, stables, etc. $900â€"j‘rame house,’ stable, driving. shed. acre land with small fruits, 'on Little Britain road. $750â€"Frame house on Albert-st. J. Taylor. Canadian Passenger Agent 8 King-st. East, Toronto, Ont.â€"8â€"3 For '(ufchr information apply t< any coupon ticket. agent, in the Uni ted States or Canaan. or address A March lst to April 30th, 1902, the Chicago, Milwaukee . St.‘Pa,ul Rail- way will sell tickets to,Montana. Idaho and North Pacific coast points at the following greatly reduced rates : From Chicago to Butte, Heâ€" lena. and Anaconda, $30.00 ; Spokane $30.50; Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, and Vancouver, $33.00. Choice of routes via‘Omaha or St. Paul to points in Montana. Oregon and Washington. PORTER, Watchman-Whi'de: Very Low Rates to the Northwest. Town Property For Sale.

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