WWW-M , . , ~ ' , 2;. 0mm 1711:1611“ â€:12 88- -~ Arithmetic: Geography. to e 3 Writing. .8 ,3 U2 9 2O 20 . Elliott, Harold .. '15 2 Ho â€â€˜09 coo on Ho U! 2 O ".Paton, Herbert ..' 1619 18 25 16 to ..those who are suï¬ering irom troublesome rupture our. perfect elas- tic truss is. They give instant re- nd and permanent comfort, and are more eï¬ectual for intended purposes We have eV- than any truss made. rub- ber . kinds, sundries. susp inges of the best manufacture - at prices. . w say; by all druggists. ’ \ ANAdIAN ,- . ‘PAC-IFIC .v. SETTLERS’ ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS ‘ To Manitoba and Canadian North- west will leave Toronto every TUES- DAY» during. MARCH and APRIL, 1902. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m. ‘ Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9.00 pm. .» Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulars and “Settler’s Guide," apply to your nearest Can- .adian Agent, or to A. H. NOTl'IAN. A,G.P.A. Toronto I Kings“. East. Toronto '1‘. C. l’lATCHETl‘, Agent 6.93.- a Kent-st. Lindsay Large Assort- ment of Baby carriages with Rubber Tires, brake and parasol. , _ Baby. (io-Ccrr‘ages, with and .. Without parasol and brake. Boys’ Truck wagons, 7 Mitchell, Gracie. '. Inasmuch ...“... 1620‘ Hunter, Wilbert... 16 20 17 >25 14 Bowman, Ada ...... 15 17 12 30 17 Gillespie, Fulton . 16 20 12:30 13 Hart, Harold ...... 16 18 14 25 17 Martin, Ellen .. ..... 15 20 18 25 12 Adam, Ethel ...... 16 18 16 25 15 Bell, Laura I .-.... 14 2O 15 25 16 Robinson, Lillian. 15 20 16 2O 18 ...... 15 19 18 20 16 Preston, Edith 16 1 15 25 13 1% 16 20 15 14 17.25 14. Crossen, Ruby ....' Dolby, Gordon 4‘: Fisher, Percy .. ..... Haugh, Grace ...... Irwin, Max Lockwood, DaVid Westcott, Mary .. 14 19 12 25 1 Workman. Hugh... 16 1‘.) 15 2O 15 Cowie. Mildred ... 15 19 14 20 16 Fee, Joe ............. ‘15 2O 12 20 16 Edmunds, Robert. 14 20 12 25 11‘ Knowlson, Grace... 16 2O 18 10 17 Connor, Revell ... 15 19 15 2O 12 Stallard. Lillian... 15 18 11 25 12 Starr, Norman... 15 18 14 20 14 McDonald, Alb’t B 16 14 13 25 12 Stewart, Ross..- 16 18 12 20 13 Lennon. George .. 15 19 12 2O 11 Robson, Harry .. 15 19 12 15 16 Cowie, Myrtle ...... 15 17 11 2O 13 Crosier, Minnie " Ferris, Hattie ...... 16 20 12 1. Elliott, Florence, 15 1s 15 1. . Robertson, Robert 15 16 13 1 4 Courtemanche. E. 15 18 12 10 12 Laidlaw, Vivien... â€"â€" 2O 13 -- 1.) u-‘ooo nu- Hm. mm ...-co 0 lamuls 18 81 i Stimson. Fred 15 19 10 24 Thorburn, May 15 20 10 20 Topley, Sydney .. 12~ 19 10 28 fI'Jlllmlncha, Harold. 15 20 14’ 15 Richards, Ernest. 16 20 11 15 12 74 â€Adams, Gordon 14 20 10 17 12 73 A-JObbitli, Luella I5 20 14 11 12 72 'Kelcher, Stanley. 15.20 12 12 18 72 .Allan, Robbie F... â€"- 18 11 21 -â€"1- 50 JUNIOR DIVISION. Armstrong, Lizzie 15 20 18 23 15 Siddle. Stella 16 2O 17 2O 16 English. Clara .. 15 17 15 24 15 Bartlett. Mabel 15 19 12 23 15 Hollingsworth, R. 16 2O 16 2O 12 Edvmrds, May .. 16 20 16 18 13 Yarnold. Lucy ... 15 19 12 21 15 Robertson, Mary. 16 20 12 16 14 Paton, Charlie ... 14 2O 11 20 12 Newton. Oswald... 15 20 12 20 10 Pratt, Florence... 16 20 14 11 15 Adams. Cassie 15 2O 13 16 12 The 'sprinz months are u trying time to most people. At no other time of the year do health and strength seem IO hard to gain and to hold. You do nht feel that you are really sick, but you feel about as bad as you colild it you were seri- ously ill. That iwling ought to be got rid otâ€"ond it can be. What you need is a toxiic to enrich the blood and free it from the impurities which have lodged in your system during the winter, and which are responsible for your present condiiion. ilr. Wil- liams: Pink Pills is the only reliable, never-failing tonic medicine. These pills make new, rich blood, strengthâ€" en the nerves and bring health and vitality to every organ in the body. They are an ideal spring medicinei and the best thing in the world for| all diseases having their origin in’ impoverished or impure blood. The case oi Miss Belle L‘olxnon. White; Rock Mills, N.S., is strong corroborâ€" ation of these statements. She says: "Three years ago this spring I was very much run down. The least ex- ertion exhausted me. I seemed to lose ambition and a hiking guor and sluggishness took i 5 My appetite failed me and my sleep} at nights Was disturbed and restless. 3 In fact I was in a pitiable condition. ‘ Alter trying tWO or three medicines- without beneï¬t. I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink I‘ills and the)" 83 82 78 77 77 76 76 Williamson. Ross. 15 2O 13 15 12 73 ‘Henley, Russel .. 73 16 19 10 15 10 70 69 -Hartwick, Allan. 14 19 10 13 13 69 3 10 11 11 60 (.4 Speedily worked a change for the 73 better. and by the time I had Used 16 19 11 16 ll :McKay, Ettriclg. ' Baldwin, Henry .. 15 18 12 11 13 Wardrobe, Archie 15 1 Stinson. Norman â€"- 2O 13 23 â€"- 56 o c \ a half down boxes I felt stronger, 7‘5 i than I had done for years. I have! 91 89 86 84 84 ca. 86 ‘6 MISS IiusnANnâ€"snxion mvrs- ) ION. Richardson. Ida . 16 20 17 28 nughson. Ruth .. 16 20 16 28 Begs, Bernetta 17 2O 14 30 1 1 Richardson, Joy . 16 19 14 30 13 Sharpe, Jimmie. 14 19 15 28 15 Clarke, Enid ..... 16 20 15 21 18 Clarke, Jack 16 2O 1" 80 12 - Williamson. Geo.. 1' Parkin, All ...... .. 1520 Johnston, Reggie 15 19 Wilson, Roy...... ‘ 15 20 Wray. Vere . 16 18 Sandiord, Willie. 15 18 Currie. Tena .... . 15 20 1 Paddon. Hubert... 16 19 1 Vrooman, Gert’de 15 29 1 McCr‘nniuon. Nor 15 Gray. Willie 13 . 133 93 92 92 91 90 90 90 89 88 R7 87 86 85 Si 81 ...... H on H p v I e lwt.‘ l HHHHH pal-35.7936- 67 48 minutes’ walk of the market 3 l . . 1,“ 5 1H,} . l"; «W "VARDER. MAR" ' . "H 27a. . J. 4 Wholesale and Ram-3 Dealer ORGANS and P1 All i recommend the Bel the Mason 5. Risch. lN SEWING MAcm Standard, The New Wilgiafsï¬l‘m and the Wheeler WliSUn. †"’ “C la. m Bicrcuas, -â€" The Tribune and Col-aria. ......â€" -.....-~ ...-......»W l Vapor Baths, all of which will be sold on liberal m7... hand Organ at from ‘5 to 82$. †lhave six tow-.1 lots for sale in a nice convenicn' '0... A t , ~d‘l. . with Organs Repaired I014â€. mmwmmrulm. Just Now We offer you special values in Sugars bv the ...».z our Sugars are always the best makeâ€"then x ‘7 our puccs. ' .-- ‘ tAND;SALT and PLASTER, OIL CAKE and HORSE and CATTLE FOODS, FINE TABLE smups in PAlLs, FIELD and (iAREEN SEEDS. - R. m, 21'} ' H. To clear a few remainin kc of S I 1% _. . we offer them at cost. Ir g gs at W....e Fm arm Menzies, Harry MISS THOMASâ€"SENIOR DIVISION Johnston, Lulu . . 16 20 14 30 17 97 McCrimmon, Birde 16 19 18 3O 14 97 Sherman, Anna -. 16 1915 30 15 95 Warner, Edna ...... Bradshaw, Polly... Dobson, Edna ...... Pepper, Mary ...... Henly, Casie ......... Preston, Viola..... Anderson, Jean . . Jackson, Flora .. Mills, Leslie Bruce, Nelson Cullon, Dorothy. Edmonds, Jennie Macaulay, Vernon Clendenan, Walter Stephenson, ‘Hil-da Bruce, Milton ....... Pearson. Jennie... Tompkins, Aida.-. Beal. Stanley ....... . Nesbitt, Maude..... 15 2O 11 20 15 81 Anderson, Harold 15 17 14 20 14 80 JUNIOR DIVISION Kenny, Maggie 15 20 18 30 18 101 Sandiord, Bertha. 15 2O 17 30. 17 99 Stewart, Annie M 15 19 15 O 15 94 Perkins, Rachel 16 201 5 17 93 Terry. Lillian ...... 15 19:1 ) 15 93 1 1 93 93 93 92 93 91 91 15 19 16 2.5 18 15 20 18 23 17 16 2O 14 30 13 15 2O 11 30 1(‘ . a- 89 89 87 87 86 85 84 84 83 0| u «2 LI c: HHHHHHHHHHHH UlP-lï¬uumï¬blï¬aslut‘ MIOMWMMIJMN l. 'gs'aiomw V‘LlCIOmDIUl Thurston, Hattie. 15 20 14 91 Dixon, Anna ....... 15 20 18 90 Cinnamon. Mabel 16 2O 1 11 81 Moynes, Melville. 15 2013 .i 15 88 Stone, Charlie .. 15 2O 15 2.5 11 86 Darke, I’earl ........ 15 20 17 20 13 85 MorriSOn, Ouida... 15 20 17 2O 13 85 Date, Allie ......... 15 20 11 25 11 82 Coombs, Jennie .. 14 19 14 20 15 82 Mosley, Cora ...... 15 19 14 20 12 80 Hopkins. Edward. 14 19 13 20 13 79 MISS FA NNING. 3 52 43 725 720 725 2- / Fee, Cora E ....... 17 2O 17 30 16 100 z 99 98 98 97 96 96 96 95 95 95 93 92 89 Perrin, Alma ...... 16 20 18 39 15 Sadler, Fred 17 20 13 30 18 Shea, Sidney ....... 16 20 15 30 17 Mullett, Reggie... 16 19 16 39 16 Abercroi‘nbie, Lulu 7 2O 14 30 15 Martin, Harvey... 16 2O 14 3O .16 McGill, Elmer 15 2O 14 30 17 Mitchell. Hazel 17 20 14 30 14 McWatters, Percy. 15 2O 12 30 18 Shortt, Estella .. 16 20 15 3O 14 Moore, Ernest 14 2O 15 3O 14 Barry, Johnny ..: 15 20 14 3O 13 Crandell, Gussie. 16 20 1'1 30 12 Kirkpatrick, Mary 14 20 12 30 '13 89 Henderson, Ethel. 17 2O 15 30 15 87 Sadler, Reuben 15 â€"â€"- 3O 17 62 MISS COLLESâ€"SENIOR DIVISION Calvert, Fred 15 20 16 30 17 98 Broad. Arthur 16 2O 13 30.18 97 Parker, Fred ...... 15 20 16 30 16 97 Windrim. Ackland 16 2O 12 30 18 96 Brown, Eva 15 2O 15 30 15 95 Moore, EVa ......... 15 20 12 30 18 95 O'Neill, Olive ...... 16 2O 18 25 16 95 Baldwin, George. 15 20 12 30 17 94 Bullick, Robbie 14 19 13 30 18 94 1419 13 30 18 94 Hall, Wellington. Howe, Fred 14 2O 13 3O 17 94 93 Bryan, Fred ...... 16 19 12 30 16 Morrison, Mag-’e M 14 2O 14 30. 15 93 Blewett, Laura... 17 2O 13 3O 10 90 Crandell, Arthur. 16 2O 12 25 17 90 Broad, Mabel ...... 16 19 16 20 18 89 Mullett, Fernia 16 20 15 25 13 89 Poulton, Lottie... 15 20 17 25 10 87 Timms, George... 15 20 12 30 10 87 Vokes, Russell 16 20 12 20 16 84 Kent, Walter ...... â€"-â€" 20 16 3O 17 83 JUNIOR DIVISION. Moore, Garnet 16 19 17 30 15 Riley, Eva ...... . 15 20 18 25 14 Hall, Vincent . 14 20 11 30 '16 ‘Minty, Irene ....... 16 2C. 14 30 11 Elliott, Leslie 15 19 15 25 14 Flack, Hazel 16 19 16 25 11 87 Kirkpatrick. Net’e 16 20 15 20 12 83 Jackson. Sarah A 15 18 14 20 12 79 Reilly, Ernest 16 9 12 25 14 76 Graham, Ida 17 20 14 5 -â€"-â€" 56 MISS FERGUSONâ€"SENIOR DIVIS- ION. McArbhur, Flossie 16 20 17 3O 17 1 Way. Florence .. . 17 20 17 28 1.4 96 Higgs. Stella .. 11 M “-1 W114 9‘3 Knowlson, Wilfrid 15 18 12 '30 17 92 Ferris, Annie ..... " 20 16 28 12 91 Crossen, Hazel 550 Dixon. Bruce ...... ... on. 97 92 91 91 88 on. 1 1 1 Knowlson, Merritt. 16 1,9, , .. » Balm. Amy .......... 17 20 1138 3%, sunset, 13m.†1029: , M "' 1,611.9“ d“ ‘ =lam-i 3% “esss 1'5 20 16 3014 95 . 90‘ ......... 15 19 I} 1613 Wright. Annie... 15 2O 16 15 1M Brumwell, Estella â€"- 20 15 2. 75 46 74 45 ’3 17 Chambers, Edw'd. 15 15 -- 16 â€"â€" Palen. Fred ...... 14 19 12 15 14 Walker, Cecil ...... 15 -â€"- 17 - 13 J UNIOR DIVISION Kenny. Lizzie...._ 16 20 15 25 18 McLaughlin. Gert. 14 2O 11 26 17 Sheehy, Leroy..... 16 2O 15 21 16 Dingle. Muriel ..... 15 2!) 1718 16 Flavelle, Helen G 16 18 15 20 17 liungerford. Har't 14 2O 15 23 13 McKibbin. Ada... 15 20 16 2014 'Miller, Kathleen. 15 20 16 16 17 N .. 15 20 12 23 14 Sheehy, Elva. ..... 16 10 14 21 13 Williams, Alfred.. 15 19 14 22 13 Williams, Orca 15 20 13 2!) 14 Nugent, Cecil 15 20 16 13 17 Bertha... 14‘20l15 15 1-1 Halliday, Willie .. 15 20 15 10 17 Simpson. Jack... . 15 2O 14 7 12 McKibbin, Louise 14 2O 18 10 â€"â€" MISS LAIDLAW. ‘ Adam, Charlie..... 15 20 16 30.14 Crossen, Hector.. 12 19 14 30 16 Young, Alfred 15 2O 15 -5 15 Blackwell, Law‘ce 14 20 11 30 14 Scott. Walter ..... 16 20 11 36 11 Harrod, Clyde 15 20 12 28 12 Miller, Fred ....... 15 2O 11 25 16 Price. Tommy ... 14 20 13 25 15 Brown, Percy 16 19 13 23 15 Donald, Charles D 14 20 1†25 11 Donald, Alex ...... 16 18 15 15 15 Workman, Willie . â€"â€" 2O 12 25 13 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-+-â€"â€""" Settlers’ Low Rates West. Chicago North-Western Ry: day during March and April. ist one-way second-class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana. .NeVnda, Idaho, Oregon, Washington. ‘L‘alitornia. Victoria, Vancouver, New West Minister, Nerson, Rossland and other points in Kootenay Districts. Also special round-trip Homeseekers' tickets on first and third Tuesdays. March. April and May. Full partic- ulars from nearest ticket agent or B. H. Bennett. General agent. 2 East King St., Toronto Ont.-â€"12â€"6. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"-â€"râ€" ‘l'oCureoColdinOIeDay Take laxative Bromo Quininc Tab- lets. All druggista rctund the mon- ey it it tail! to m. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. 25c. 94 91 88 R6 86 85 85 S4 84 83 83 82 81 78 every Colon- ifï¬ï¬‚SUlEl'S Sale of ....IN THE.... . r0 WN o F LIND lsince used the pills in the spring. land I ï¬nd them an excellent. tonic." Because of their thorough and prompt action on the blood and nerâ€" . . , . . I ‘ues these pills speedfly curt anaemia. ' rheumatism. sciatica. partial paral-l \‘itus' dance. scroiula and eruptions of the skin. erysipclas. kid- ney and liver troubles and the func- tional ailments which makes the lives. of so many Women 11 source of conâ€" stant misery. Other SUâ€"(‘nlled tunic pills are mere imitations of this ster-I ling remedy. Get the genumc withl the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale People" on the wrap per around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or at 50 cents a box or $2 50 by addressing The llr. liams' Medicine 00., Brockvnlle Ont. _____._.â€"+â€"â€"â€"-â€"-- 1'." Property For Sale. 2,300â€"-Handsome modern residence in north ward; very desirable lo- cation: solid brick. furnace, oe- ment cellar. $1850â€"â€"Solid brick dwelling on Glen- elg-st., near Lindsay-st. 10 rooms. first-class property, $500 down,bal- once on 0113)' terms. SISOO-Solid brick residence on Al- bert-st.. near Kent. coni‘enicnt to schools ; l acre fruit garden. $1700â€"Solid brick residence on Al- bert-st. south, good location; cheap property. A Nickle set of Single Harness fr - . ' cm a†o " ' Au ' . *1.“.‘:‘*:.:.:;“ 3...“ gears. .2. p... ... 2.. Fun A... R... dialâ€. .33.â€... a..." - - ' or cloth for 2.00. Curry Combs and Brushes .: IOC a piece etc.. on Wellington-st. $1300â€"Sevemoomed brick residence Remember we do all kinds of repairing, especia'Y: 'e-‘zcng em» Call and inspect our stock. No trouble to show goods. ' on Elgin-st., cement cellar, Everything Guaranteed Satisfactory; HERB. .1. LITTLE, 81000â€"Four acres land in east ward LITTLE’S OLD STAND with house, stables, etc. cthO'UOt forget that our new China Hail m w n am ever ' ‘ ' = -. " G e. ythng new and pleasmg in Chm, Creche. 3 Stores on Kentland William-sis. A. CAXIPBE LL, FAMILY GROCER, “ebony Block. Kent-st. LlND . ysis. St. 3 i i i l Rudd Harness Sells Chen for Cash I .... $900â€"Frame house, stable, driving- shed. acre land with small fruits, on Little Britain road. $750â€"Frame house on near Kent. WOOâ€"Frame house and hail acre land on Ridout-st. $235â€"Valuable building lot on Wil- Ham-8t. 8200 to 8800â€"811: houses in east ward, ranging in price from 8200 to $800- For further particulars apply to S. M. PORTER. Watchman-Warden Albert-st... \ ."3" red ." ’i SAY #0:: THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK We are through StOCkâ€"taklilg and Will have some bargains to offer you. , #:“j’ / -w. TOWN OF LINDSAY. Whereas by virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Tovm of Lindsay, and authenticated by the corporate seal of the said Town, bearing date the 12th day 0! March, 1902, and to me directed. commanding me to levy upon the following lots or parcels of land for the arrears 0! taxes due thereon and costs. I hereby give notice that unless the said taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall on TUES- DAY, THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF J UNE, 1902, at the hour 0! Twelve o’clock, noon, at the Council Chamber. in the Town of Lindsay proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands or .3 much thereol as may (be sufï¬cient to pay such arrears of Taxes and all lawful charge. 31;. curre . All the undermentioned lots are Patented. Condu- Lot Pm Acres Artur: vagï¬nt Total Con-bio- 9 Npt. t 8.84 2.25 11 9 Ept. 20 it. 23.85 2.60 26:22 2 SEpt. l 30.47 88.28 16 § 59.13 02.01 19 w pt m a 19.53 22.02 16 5 10.14 12.39 17 28.41 31.12 18 22.36 24.92 Smut E. Lindsay E....." .............................. N. Queen ............................................... 8. Wellington ...................................... N. Durham W ............... .. ...... . ........... N. Gleneg W. ......... . ....................... N. Glenelg E.... .......... .. ....................... I S. Russell E...... ....... ................ ......... W. St. Lawrence.....f......‘....................... ‘ do . ‘ w. Albert in Sub-Div. Park 13.......... Q'lï¬â€˜iFQ-o-io-u-u-nmt-w» 3 . nary Park‘HI:;.........:.....;......“... .,-Diyision ,ln, Sub-(Div. Pt.X_.............1b 5 “s 4 4 5 18 . 19 m . 21 m a: «so '3‘! ,2; 9 Wk ,Pii.:.‘.:'.'.«;.’:.~u,.L.tt$g.m‘u;.-... i a . .3. J. PE7T‘ I , rue JEWELLER Mllne's Block. 99 Kent’sl M. sflwlatunanusavmaioom ' MS“ U9... il‘bll lâ€... ‘MIIII