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Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Mar 1902, p. 8

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w it. 150 ACRE FARM BARGAINâ€"In 8 miles irgpn L Real Estate. FOR SALE _c {or sale : Williams, Cyclone, Drum ‘King, Tennessee Prolific, Wax-field, and Clyde. Price for fifty. 50c.; one hundred. 756 ; one thousand $4- Also 1200 Rasgberry plants. includ- ing Columbian, Ohio, Shaffer and Souhegon. These plants made a growth of from 3 to 4 feet last. summer. Price per dozen 30 cents; undred $2.00. Orders amountâ€" ing to $2.00 delivered to Lindsay at Little Britain. Apply to WIL- LIAM GLASS, V'ALENI'IA, 'P. 0. -â€"-13-3. swboat to Li 4 an ideal 8139‘? ‘ 7f, THOMAS SWAIN, Blackstock P.O., Ont... Licensed Auctioneer for Dur- ham, also Ops Township. Farm Stock and other sales promptly at- tended to ; charges moderate. ”st nan IUD “A, ‘1'... - ' 4 miles from 100 mes, 90 acres cleared, soil dark 'claa loam. 0n ' good stone ho , lair ‘ the outbuildings, orchard, two good wells and never-failing spring creek. Fall ploughing well advanced. Ap- GEO. JOHNSON, ply if by letter Box 53 Cannington, or on lot 2, ariposa..â€"â€"â€"6-t1. con. 13. M ORY FOR SALE.â€" CHEESE FACT The cheese factory at L‘ttle Britain is ofiered for sale, together With 4} acre land, stable, driving shed, :- -_.:..._ 5“,;“9 EILEY. care Dou‘ Confederation Li 'OB SALEâ€"Rare opportunityâ€"$300 buys splendid good paying small mmurant in Toronto (with dwel- ling.) Owner going abroad. Get particulars. B., 100 Farleyâ€"Ave” Toronto.-â€"-1 3-1 . mmurant in ling.) Owner ”fi’ FORMLEDRTDM 5 w“ uv'vâ€" â€".~ _ 1 advanced. Ap- ploughing wel if by letter GEO. JOHNSON, 53 Cannington, or on lot. 2, Mariposa..â€"â€"-6-t1. 13, SE FACTORY FOR SALE.â€" as from Lindsay. wellings, two frame barns. .ed and stable underneath, Plenty of water. Australia?“ FDR 8‘15 am-st., seven rooms, pantry and woodshed. well of water, orchard I acre of land for gar- ?OR SALE AT A Fenelon Township. indmn Good land- 51a?" Lacey 6.: e Bldg" Tor v-- _‘f Victoria Road RENT . â€"â€" TWO‘ Elgin-st. , Toronto. barns BULL CALF FOR SALEâ€"Registered Durham, 18 months old. Price very reasonable. Apply to H. S. HENDERS. Yelvertpn, Ontâ€"114. PLYMOUTH ROCKS FOR SALE. ~â€" The undersigned offers for sale a fine flock of pure-bred Plymouth Rocks. Have wintered nicely. Only reason for selling is lack of suit- able premises. Also half a. dozen patent nests. Apply to MRS. T. THOMSON, No. 8 Victoria-ave., south of Kent-5L, Lindsayâ€"104. SHORT HORN BULL FOR SALEâ€" The undersigned oflers for_ sale a high-class registered Shorthorn Durham Bull, eleven months old. color red and white and in good condition. 'Desoended from good THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to loan money on Farm, Tom: and Village Property, at the very low- est rates of interest, private or company funds. , McSWEYN a; WELDON. Solicitors, c.. Ontario Bank Building, cor. Kent. and Wil- liam-eta, Lindsay. In Omemee every Monday. CREAM SEPARATORS- It you are milking cows for the money there is in it you can’t aflord to be withâ€" out a Separator. No other farm machine will pay for itself as quickly. The new SHARPLESS TUBULAR SEPARATOR is the greatest step ever made in advanc- ed Cream Separator construction. It is made by the oldest manufac- turer of Cream Separators in Amâ€" erica. No discs, cones or other complications in the bowl to both- , er with and get out of order. Take one on trial. It will cost you nothing. You sign no order and are Imder no obligation to keep it. They are made in 8 different sizes. Prices for this year are much low- er than heretofore. Come and see the machine in operation any {time on my farm adjoining Cambray, or at Maseeyâ€"Harris’ shop, Lindsay. Send post card for descriptive cat. alogue and price list to P. J. WIL- KINSON, Cambray P.O., or to A 1‘... A LARGE AMOUNT of private funds to loan, 45 and 5 per cent. WM. STEERS, Solicitor, Dominion Bank Building, William-st... Lindsay DOG 140511â€"011 Saturday last Col- lie Dog. black and yellow. with ."leather collar. Answers to name .of “'1‘illeo.” Finder win please -mturn to this ‘oflice.â€"-13-1. vv..â€"- v..- milking strains. Certificate of reg- istration furnished. Also a fine pure bred heifer, nve months old, certificate furnished. Here is a bargain for some one wanting reg- istered stock. Must. sell as I am overstocked. Apply on the prem- ises, lot 28, Front. Range, SomEi“. ville. BEN. J. BURTCHAELL, CA- boconk,0nt.â€"10â€"4. . B. WELDON, Maripoea. Townsfl‘p Clerk. Oakwood, Ont. Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Conveyancing in all its .Forms, MONEY TO LOAN. GEO . borrow money on farm property will find it to their interest to write or see me before placing their loans. Business strictly confident- ial. H. C. HAM'ILL, lot 17, con. 2. Fenclon. 1318:? P. 0.â€"~41-tf. ARTICLE run sue ,-., HUN’ffifi; Li'ndMY-“4‘6m° 8100K FOR SALE MONEY TO LOAN DR. SU'I'I‘ON.dentist, Lindsay. Honâ€" or graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All the latest. improved method: adopted and prices .moder- ate. Office over Anderson a; Nu- gent's. opposite Veitch's hotel.-â€"29, STEWART O'CONNOR. Barium. Notaries, kc. Money to loan it very lowest current rates on beat. terms. Ofiee corner Kent and York-sts., Lindsay. T. Stewm. L. V. O’Connor, B.A. MOORE J ACKSON. Barristers. lac Solicitors for the County or Vio- toria. and the Bank of Hontred. Money to loan on mortgages at lowest current rates. 0mm “1‘!- hamâ€"st... Lindsay. F. D. Moore. Alex. Jndson. 1701?an R. ANDERSON, Barrister, (3. H. HOPKINS. Barrister, Solicit- or for the Ontario Bank. Money to Loan at Lowest. Rates. 0mm No. 6 William-st. . south. '. A. WHITE. PRACTICAL ARCHI- TEC’I‘, Box 173 Lindsayâ€"103411. '. H. GROSS, Dentist, Lindsay Headquarters for good Dentistry. Member Royal Dental College, Ont. R. E. A. TOTTEN, dent‘st, Lindsay. Graduate of Toronto University O BORROWERSâ€"We are loaning money on real estate mortgages at the lowest current. rates. The bus- iness is done in our own omce and the principal! and interest. repaid to us without any expense of re- mitting. We also purchase mon- Solicitor, c. I an now loaning huge sums of private funds on let mortgages on farm property at 4} to 5 per cent. Terms to‘ suit bor- rower. Otfioe immediately opposite the Daly House. Kent-st... Lindsay. gages and debentures. T0 INVE- TORSâ€"We invest. money for emu on mortgages, also upon munictpd debentures. investment stocks and bonds. lchAUGHLIN. HcDIAR- Linday. R. F. A. WALTERS, dentist. Lind- say. Honor graduate of Toronto University and Royal College 0! Dental Surgeons. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry sumfufly performed. Charges moderate. omce over ,Gregory’s Drug store, corner Kent and Wil- liam-sts ' R. ARTHUR DAY. dentist, succes- sor to the late Dr. Hart. Member of Toronto Dental College and To- ronto University. Also graduate of American Dental. College. Most modern dentistry practised in the most scientific manner. Crown and bridge work a special- ty. Charges ‘moderate. Office 44 Kent-st. given the gas to 186,417 persons without an accident. Dr. Neelands uses the but local pain obtundm. Bqautiful artificial teeth inserted at. moderate prices. Please send ; v_v__v- Fostal ca}! before coming. once nearly opposite the Simpson Home. Lindsay. R. NEELANDS, dentist. Lindsay. Extracts teeth without. pain by gas (Vitallzed Air) administered by him {or 26 years with great success He studied the gas under Dr. Cot- ton. of New York, the_originat.or of ARCHITECT 08718187 NOTICE TO CREDITORSâ€"Jn the Surrogate Court of the County at Victoria. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38. the upditore hfflwh Morrison. late of the Town of saynin the County '0! 'Vlctu'h. ‘quire, deceased, who died on or about the 2lst day of February. AD.” 1902. are required on or be- fore the 7th day 01 April. 1902. to send by poet prepaid to Donald R. Anderson, Lindsay P.O.. Solicitor for James Farrelly and Alexander Burke. the Executors oi the Estate of the said Hugh Morrison. their christian and surnames. addresses and Occupations. iull particulars of their claims. and the nature of the security (it any) had by them. The said Executor: shall. aiter the said 7th day of April, 1902. be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereol among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they have then no- claim such Executors shall not have had notice at the time of such dis- tribution. Dated at Lindsay. this 10th day of lamb. A1). 1902. DONALD R. ANDERSON. Solicitor [or said Emmaâ€"114. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.-â€"In the Surrogate Court 0! the County of Victoria. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes 0! Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors o! Hec- tor McDongall, of the Township 0! - Kariposa, in the County of Victoria. W. who died on or about the 15th day of March. AJ). 1902, are required on or behave the 25th day of April, 1902. to send by post pro- paid to Halcohn 5cm“. IJL. R. uchLLouon a Pewuorough. will visit Lindsay first. and third Wednesday of each month at the Simpson House. Hours. 2 to 4 p.11: Consultation in Eye, Ear. Throat. and Nose Disease. University medical Fuculty. also graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. and member of College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. omen Lindsay-ct. Telephone 107. goons, Edinburgh. Licentiate o! Midwifery, Edinburgh. Speck! nt- tentlon given to mdwflcy and dis- eases of women. Telephone No. 98. R. A. GILLII‘BPIE. C. A. and 8.0. Omce a’nd residual: corner of Lind- say and Russell-cu. Licenthte of Royal College Physician! and Sur- Manilla P.0.. the Executor of the estate of the said Hector McDousall their christian and names. a!- dreases and occupations. full partl- culan of their claims. and tho na- ture of the security (i! am’) held by them. The said Executor shall. afâ€" ter the said 25th m of April. 1902, be ‘t, liberty to distribute the, as: sets of the said deceased. or any part thereof among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he has then notice. and than not he liabb [or the assets. or any part theme! Io distributed. to any person of who-g claim such Executor shall not have had notice at the time of and: db- tribution. Dated at Lindsay. thh 24th day of larch. LE 1903. DONALD R. ANDERSOI' w for said Mat-184. G. S. RYEBSON. 60 Can‘t-01’»: ”TIDE 1'0 0mm graduate of Toronto HAPPINBS INSURED b! mm your m “can. from Thou. Bull. Um tamed either st his house on Albert-ct. or «um: TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council 01 the Corporation of the Town of Lindsay intend to pm a By-lnw providing {or the construc- tion of n Granoiithic Sidewnlk on the South side 0! Francis-st from William-ct to Cambridge-st and to mess the final cost thereof upon the property abutting thereon and to be benefitted thereby and that a L stntement showing the lands liable ,to pay the said man and the names of the owners thereof, so far as can be ascertained from the last Revised Assessment Roll, is now filed in the once 0! the Clerk of the lunicipnlity and is open for inspection during office hours. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.â€" Apply to Hrs. P. G. Pilkie, comer William and _GleneIg-au.-â€"18-2. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANT- ED at. once. Apply to Mrs. Rich- ard Sylvester, Victoria Amman-84 TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Coundl o! the Corporation of the- Town of Lindsay intend to pass a' Bylaw providing for the construe-i tion of a Gmnoh‘thic Sidewalk onI the North side of Francis-st 1mm William-st to Cambridgmt and toi omens the final cost thereof upon the property shutting thereon and to. be benentted thereby and that n statunent showing the lands liable to paythe said thnd the‘ names 0! the owners tha‘oof. so far a can be ”ca-tuned from the last W Amt Roll, in now. filed In the once of the Cierk of the Innicipnlity ma 1- open toe} Mon during ofloo yours. kitchen girl and We]. Good wages to the right persons. Apply ct. once at the Central House. Lindsay â€"12‘3 300D cm for a. good Tailor and Cutter u. Cambrw- Also Ve- terinary. Good country and field unoccupied. Apply to Box B. Cam-n brayâ€"134. 7 ,, 7__________ I alien st 0. W. M': Mallory store. Kent-It” m. A Court of Reviskm will be held on Tuesday the 8th day of April 1902, nt the Council Chamber in' the Town 01 IAndmy. at 10 o'clock In the (om, (or the confirma- tion of the laid assessment and for the purpose a! hearing complaints Wt the W mt or accuracy 01 the frontage measure- 1110 estimated cost 0! the work is 84-00.“). of which 8240.00 is to be provided out. of the genera tuhds of the municipality. The estimated cost of the work is “24.00 of which $262.40 in to be provided out of the general funds of the municipelitv. A Court of Revision will be held on Tuesday the 8th day of April 1902. at the Council Chamber in the Town 0! Lindsay, at 10 o'clock in the iorenoon. for the confirma- tion at the said assessment and for the purpose of hearing Complaints again“ the proposed assessment or accuracy of the frontage measure- ments or any other complaints which perso intemted may de- sire to make, (1 which is by law, eognheblebg bythe Court. Dated this 2"th day of llarch,1902 â€"â€"18â€"1. F. KNOWLSON. HIM ”TEE I 11* I ILWâ€"WARDER, MARCH 27 meat and the] m 1. mm had a toucnw W" 5° ’3" - M. atflnaquerulous in its mm {mm .‘he 133‘ ‘ at one and he could be funnfl‘ Rou’ '5 ”0“” out mm to be. He wanna! the 01"“ Windc- ot ms. and ms cell»! 1 “in?” to"eluded! stocked. When dininu :3 mentor]: is ' MW“. he Ind n little way oil “Whithetuteot his guestul 62.40 is to be general (undsgm accordinzly. Colonel Jail. ' iNlOWI noted this tmit and | a win he held ' '3‘“ Main: with Mr. Tilden It"! “‘5’ 0' April‘u and. the Base at anemone! 'Chambe" inclined: small bottle otanot. “t 10 o'clock'm for his plate and I "e?”II the www.’ vinta- (C himself. Mr. Tfldel‘ rsment. “Dd f””6111!!! any from the table for“ as complaints m and the colonel dong; :r com lai ts . Sted mag :93 quickly noted the difference. b‘ lich is by law. '0! out of the difficulty m . m. 1 art. 'Vfltfl.’ h. nld. “you have ,1 "arch. 1902 Innate in my wine. I want“ {NOWLSON- kind Colonel Fellows has: Town Clerkl Town Clerk. m‘coMEm-Opeandm wmflruafled it 1113th at m John. the son of Ferd! tnd ma. Alter Ferdinand}! t m and! In his memory Fa! dim. may this name i to Santiago, after St. In the patron aim of Spain. sun! t was named Ave Maria. in hon! ” "E Rink. muons 146 were! night and day the cunt ct Alla. imagined most M g at, of Kublal Elli Ttflll' ave-dz! celebmed ”1 Pole. ”:0 ":11an of the Cuba is a. remarhib‘ Md Wee, IS the Wfi been Wand andrebaptized a 63..» .3 can: 05 8 360 .15.. 1.33 06 no I? the Virgin In}. But none nuns held. and the mdian «lumed. In.“ In 3 Barber’l 5” n w. go from the gentlem" It! to tho barber‘s shop 0‘ can IQ time m than days than M not up”! to have minded “I“ much u brisket modems‘ ”d ‘ luv" a toad”! were 816.501 0’10 finelongrum bit] 10!

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