ER, MARCH 12th., 1903. g 3 ALL FOR LOVE ., A 001,011.55}? I (Continued from .Paged} A oneer, Oak' ! The young gentleman, with a. cool promptly at†l almost sarcastic look; watched the iobjects as they passed, and the litâ€" . gtle boy drove «on, whistling as if his clMBRAY' Ont-l Ll- i1m; depended on it. , - . the County ) Then the young lady leaned Over ock and all I and began a conversation in a low mended to. E voice with her companion, to which .he replied in the same tone. The ilady had thrown back' her veil, disâ€" ’ _ .. , losing a face of uch ' . 13’555L‘g/ , c s rare loveliness psi-fr? that it seemed a down-right shame, â€4/ ' ., O'CONNOR, Barnstegg not to say sin, to hide it behind that v to 10811 ‘odlous brown covering. ..~.â€"vn Hf. face was flushed. his eyes were gleaming with triumph. as he laid one powerful hand on her shoulder, and held her fast. ‘ In one instant the whole-danger»! :her situation flashed uponefe‘t: She had made this man her W’ ten- cmy; he had probably been long wait- ing for an opportunity of revengeâ€" “Well, then, he said you were'go- ing to be married." "Not possible!- What an astound- ing revelation.‘ Did you think I was W i... use“ a. m. . . e to :Elancefronnd for the other she ex- haust" “mm and m... Hold’ ï¬g“, to her forehead; 3°!“ to be an old maid?" stand ï¬â€˜whï¬mi 8"†made him “Then it is true? Is it any harm see him and t: she could 3*? better! ‘0 ask Who the happy man is,Pet? mm W to 1 en she scrutinized him 3 “Well, I haven’t Quite decided yet. he stood the 01;“. There. before herx. I have Some four or ï¬ve on trial. What her: own 50‘??th of ; and -I generally put them through a here she was completely in his 90w- Very age the va- imdag nit" 1113 l severe course or martyrdom every 03'. alone on the long, dreary, desert- had so passionatzl 1 09:1†himshez day. The one “1‘0 WW6 it (not Ed beach. where her cries, if she ut- sadly lost. She costlld 0" and 80 i more than one can possibly survive} tcred any, could reach no car. Above suade herself that, - 3' my per'é it). I. Shall Probably make miserable? her towud the high. precipitous, Reginald had not ~ for hie, by bestowing upon him my; beetling rocks that she could not The driver risen fr cm the climb; on the other hand, spread out (Inns u ‘ f5!!! - .. : P. A. GIL 2. L,†es on 1395;: turned around to catch a better view of hel face, and the young lady met the fun splendor of those dazzling :dark orbs. The boy instantly turn- .ed, and began whistling louder than E ever. “What a handsome boy!’9 said the :enough for the “boy†in question to éhear. “.What splendid eyes! I ;thought there could be but one such pair of eyes in the world, and W. feathjï¬s l thï¬se_n yo -TLL/ . er companion made - j /‘11150N, 60 College-Ste ture that arrested th: 311$: geek: » "y . †E. 3 car, 11053 and . would have uttered; and, glancing at Alex. Jackson. W : theyboy, said, rather coldly: . s g †'es; he is handsome if his f - Ofï¬ce hours 9 to : n ’ a“ -5 ‘ -. to 4, pm ; 7 to t8 Twï¬NgvgshIeliy †said the young lad .m-gf. , .. -5,: .’ ,,’ . ‘ 39515105“? 80 Wellington 5laughing, that is altogether tgo e 30. 43. ,bad. Those radiant eyes are destin- Peterboro,1ed,,t° break many a heart yet!†t and third 3 That they are!†mentally exclaim. t theéed the lad. Hours, .. to 4; “How fortunate for some of your 'n Eye, Ear, tadmirers, Ermle, he is not a. few ,years older,†said Ray (we may as lwell call him at once, and have done of Toronto . with it). "Those dark, bright, hand- graduate also ; some eyes wouldn’t have left you the . Medical Faculty, . ' .‘f Trinity UniverSlty, .faintest trace of a heart; and then and member of Collegeof ; what would poor Ranty haVe done?" .:.;{u and Surgeons, Ontario. 1 Pshaw, Ray,†said Erminie, with Phymiindsav-St- Telephone 107. :a most becoming blush; "what non- ~ Lsenst! Oh, look !‘ we are almost LESPIE’ C. A. and S_ 0 ;here. There is Dismal Hollow, and ence corner of_ Lmdâ€" ; thereâ€"thereâ€" I declareâ€! that's Mr. Licentiate 0f '. Toosypegs himself, riding out of the ans and Sur- ’ pine-woods. Why, he hasn’t changed Edinburg. Licentiate of l the least in the world since I saw Hamburg. Special atrghiln last." union given to Midwifery and (115-; The little driver gave his cap a eases of women. Telephone 98. ;pull further over his face on Ray 015le ofï¬ce and resid :ai‘ and Russell-SW. Raul College Pllysici . grave bier agam. There Was 'his ened ï¬re; the curling locks of very pression of the mouth was different: his smile was Erminie's, exactly; and altogether there Was a strong, unde- them ’ that for clouded the brow of the gipsy as she observed it. The only being in Ray. hearts, but the gipsy Ketura’s as flint to her. from the ï¬rst: was she hated her still; she would hate her until the last, ‘ for the sake of the race from which she sprung. . Seeing she was not Wanted, Ermin-, is left the room to change her trav- 3 cling dress; and Ray, seating him- self beside his grandmother, needed to tell her of his studies, his progress, his hopes and ambition for , future. One name he 'did not and the mention. that of Pet Lawless; ter of her horse’s hoofs. But hours passed, and she came not; and Ray, angry at. himself for caring pointed, descended to join Erminie at the tea-table. “.Whatxis_~mss , Lawless to me?" f was the impetuous thought that sent 3 the fiery blood Careering to his brow. . “She an heiress, and I a pauperâ€" a i beggar, with the tainted gipsy blood 2 ' young heart, between love and pride, in my veins. We were friends â€" something more, perhaps â€" in the years that have passed; but neither I to meet{ 0f dark-é jet, i and tall, princely form; but the exâ€"5 . the ‘ Wide world she carc'd for now, was‘ Erminie might win all other ~ She had hated her- pro- ’ or feeling; so deeply disap-i handâ€"and heart, I was going to say. ‘ only fortunately they forgot to give, me one when I was made." , | Errmnie langhe'd and then the con- versation became general. and two hours lmperceptably slipped away.‘ Ray having wrought himself up to: - . 9 the bel'ef ~ . fined, puzzling resemblance between‘ 1 that MISS Lawless was a. a moment darkly. heartless flirt, worthy of no higher; feelmg thanc ontcmpt, he, in order? to resist the dark witchery of her. magnetic eyes, wrapped himself up 13.1118» very coldest mantle of pride, . and addressed just as little of his conversation to her as he possibly could. without being positively rude. Pet, as proud in her own way as; himself, noticed this herself, and her . ' cheek flushed, and her eyes flashed. ‘ for a moment with anger and pride. ‘ reckless self again, talking recklessllh and laughing contempt-s uously at all sentiment, until was more than ever convinced that the world had completely spoiled her . . . T and that sh yet it was thrilling and vibrating at; e was as errant ‘ coqu-l his heart-strings as he listened im-- P8ti9nt1y for the quick, sharp clat-j ette as ever made a fool of a sen-. sible man. escort her home, but Pet coldly and curtly declined; and vaulting into her . saddle, dashed off at a break-neck pace, madly reckless even for her. glimpse of a tall dark form leaning against a tree with folded arms, and watching her still. Did she, with her light, sparkling, thoughtless nature. . realize the struggle going on in that ; . you, I see. Are you ; there is such a thing as a jail in at that moment? Of course the arrival of Ray and Then these signs of emotion passed ? fail, 88 away, and she grew her own, cool. r away, Bay: the boundless ocean. more merciful than him into whose hands she had} fallen. 3 Like lightning. it all passed . through her mind, and for one mom- i out she quailcd. But then her brave: heart rose; this Was no time for pucrâ€" 3 lie fears. and she faced around, drew ’ up her slight form to its full height, ‘ and met her enemy with a dauntless eye. "Good-evening, Mr. Garnet." she said composedly, “this is an unex- pected pleasure. We thought you had gone aWny." “Ah! did you? Gone where, Miss Lawless?" he said with a slnster smile. “Wellâ€"anywhereâ€"to the county likely as not; but people don’t always get their deserts in this world." "Very true, Miss Pet; but you are, at present. in a very fair way to get yours." "Humph! You'll allow me to "dif- fer from you there. I deserve some thing better than bad company, I hope; so permit me to wish you a As, they arose to go, Ray, feeling; very good-evening, Mr. Garnet." himself bound in courtesy, offered to ; “Not so fast, Miss Lawless; must do your humble scrth honor of conferring your company upon him for a few days. As I have . not seen you for so long a time, it Looking back once. she caught a: would be highly impolite, not to say to hasten any so soon, cruel, now." "Indeed! said Pet. arching her brows. lesson in the library did not cure aware that Mr. Garnetrâ€"in-deed! ' ' ' 'Your J udwtown. where refractory gentle- men who threaten pcaceable citiâ€" am [mill Modern Styles , , Erminie precluded her “exploring ex-. pedition," as she called it, to the. sea-shore. The next morning, and part of the afternoon, were spent‘ with Erminie; but reaching home a little before sunset, she suddenly re. ._,_._..___â€"_’â€"â€"â€" . - . ! Dentist, Lindsay, late wooer was by the side of the shall never know I have dared to 3 32338:?! :13? 3:21:33 tï¬tfncget ;‘ lift my eyes to her father's daughter. ' ' i for good Dentistry. l 338.. shaking hands With Ray and Er- Royal Dental College, imime, and asking a dozen questions IWas a fool to come on here at all. Ihave heard she has driven dozcnsi 1.1m“ 01 lin a breath. of better-men crazy with her witch- . membcred it, and started off on the and can I rely on my own spur of the moment, like a female Don Quixote in search of adventures. ‘ tightening his grasp until Pet winc- “It's too late to begin a regular: ed with pain. "My hand bears the search," thought Pet, as she ran ' mark of your sharp teeth yet; and as (10‘?!) the bank leading to the shore, ; I am deeply your debtor for that J u- dasâ€"kiss, I shall pay you in your bounty of hernuncle. I am safe en-r "so I'll just have a look round the' ough, and W111 think Of her no . place and come back some other day, f own coin before either of us are , and have a real good hunt for smug- . many hours older. Did you think glers." . how near retribution was when you Fifteen minutes brought her to 1 gave me that sharp caress. Miss . the beach, and there she paused to Lawless?" carrying out, "inasmuch as Mr. and‘ look round. The sands for a long; MPS~ 'IOOSYPGS‘S and Admiral Haven- 1 distance out were bare; but the tide means a bite. If you're not anxious ' to test their sharpness again, Mr. ml came. in just then; and after the : was slowly tramping inward. On! the other hand, a. huge wall of Cornet, you'll let go my arm. Faith! I wish I had made one of my ser- ï¬rst greetings were over, the whole, 1 bustling rocks and projecting crags‘ ‘ vents horsewhip you from my gates. conversation turned on Pet, her tricks. frolics. flirtatious. capers and . met her eye; but these walls of rock; were so smooth and perpendicular. capriees; and Ray found himself list-z enins with an intense eagerness that f and so dizzily high, that the boldest ,sailor, used to climbing all his life, 3 would have hesitated before attempt- E ing to clamber up. There were two . paths leading to the shoreâ€"the one. Pet had just descended, and another - about half a. mile distant. Between these the massive wall of rock chose 'to indulge itself in a sudden imâ€" petuous rush out, forming a. huge ., .C-l . El. GROSS. Headquarters think a little wholesome correction would not hurt you in the least." "No, Miss Lawless, I have not for gotten that scene in the library of Uni. l u . W ' - ‘ ' ' (1535' Honâ€"’ HOW did you come ? When did .3. :L’l‘TON, dwtlst, Lln , l . " .you come? How did you meet? your father's house, †said Garnet T nto University, or Ending: Of Ow Dental Sur-,breathlessly demanded the astonishâ€" v, Colle e of - ands.o_dAn thge latest. improved : ed. and dellghted Mr. _Toosypegs. geon .1 a . 'I called for Ermlnle. at her con- memOLS doptcd and prices moder-l . . a'e Office over Anderson . Nuâ€"‘Vent- She 15 not gomg back any gents opposit ery ; strength to shield me from her arts? Pshaw! she will not think it worth , while, though, to stoop to flirt with . me. I. a menial, educated by the? Our Stock comprizcs the many articles you med for the comfort and elegance of home, and our reputation is a guarantee that you will get just what we advcltiseâ€"tbc most up-to- date Furniture made and at right prices. You’ll rccoguiz: their goodness as soon as you see themâ€"they show their qlallty. Call and let us 510 on bro that day; you would not have dared W. y .t ugh to come sneaking round like a white 0'" “rerocms’ All msp‘dlon Win livered coww-d. that you are-now!" man a purchase. .«Petronilla Lawless,take care!"h¢ ï¬ndergon’ Nuuenï¬ hissed. with a ï¬erce gleam of his ex LU. eye. “Take care of what? I'm not THE LEADING FURNITURE DEA- LERS 0F LINDSAY. c Veitch’s hotel. lmore; my visit will probably be a ishort one. I hope Miss Toosypegs Iand all our friends are well?†“Yes; all well. I’m very much obliged to you. Did you pass through J udestown?†How else could we more.†A very laudable resolution it Was, 'on the young gentleman's part, but one which he found some difï¬culty in v R. E. A. TOTTEN. dentist, Lind- Graduntc of Toronto UniVery lloval College of Dental 1. Every department of ; dentistry is done in a practical and 1 scientific manner ‘ ‘ moderate} u - I . n g. M r an’s Dru . And d1dn~t you meet Miss Pet? once over 0 g gl “Miss Lawless? - No. Was she at lJudestown?" said Erminle, eagerly; R. F. A. WALTERS, dentist, Lin-d-l _ something so atâ€" sav. Honor graduate of Toronto l tractlve among the trees that he l'rlivertitv and Roval College of icould “Ct POSSlbly remove his eyes Dental college. All "the latest and 1 from it. “Oh, I should have liked to improved branches of dentistry 3111er seen her so much! . successfullv performed. Charges; Yes; she went to Judestowh this I Then, just as night was falling, : moderate.“ ‘mornmg, and has not 80" baCk- My { the gallop of a horse was heard comâ€" , l l 5.11;. and “Of course. .. . . Sharp caress. I suppose that get here?’ ’ prices. Store. fwhile Ray found crew “W. as" m _ 1......J-ï¬'zï¬m; rargsggg'x, . 944me 'e in he Was halfâ€"inclined to be enraged at “myflnY 1.3110“th ‘0 Er. TOOSYPGES. of us understood our relative posi-j The next mement, that disconsol- tlons. then. No; proud as she is, she f I himself for feeling. It ..s femaâ€" "'t r Ofï¬ce over Gregory’s: . Drug Store, corner Kent and wflflgoodncssl, 1" is the greatest wonder ing through the forestâ€"road; and, 0. 13,35.“ ‘you dzdn t see her. What a pxty she few minutes later, Pet aligllted at ' *didn’t know you’ve come? she would the gate, darted up the walk. burst, ~ . - - - ,. . . 'b" here in a “3311-" Hike the impetuous little whirlwind loronto Con- :J REELANOS, (lelltlst. Llndsayg â€Is she to be married, do you , into the cottage, clasped “mo 25?“! r3â€" ‘ “tray“: .tcetn . may)â€. pain by k'now. MT- TOOSYPEES?" said Erâ€" fErminie in her arms, and kissed her projecting shoulder up which a cat ' P‘O' box :3 E35 “whit? All.) “1.1111111“er by minie, in 3' 1°“ voice; “we heard 511° 3 again and again, until Rayâ€"though . could hardly have climbed safely. â€ml for .‘0 wars Wlth great su0â€" Was,†isnothing earthly would have made . The tide alWays covered this a coh- .. 9...:rl of how lork. the orlâ€" corner of his eye, and saw a. faint ahave given untold wealth to have could reach the Sands on either side, 5â€,“? “5 1:97.9Xt1'a0ting teeth; “d °n the dark .“heek °.f th" “111' gstead in- his sister's saitch- Three . so that a person caught in high tide ,, a. ‘ J: â€:91“: W- 38812193“; handsomfé, Spilnlsh‘IOOng gentle- l‘somcwhat furious embraces that ' on either side, found himself cut of! 4:: ht he. ,zwn rue gas to 1 6; man besxde him. from crossing OVCl‘ to the OPPOSlte . - lquite took away Erminie's breath incur an acculent. Mr. 'l‘oosypegs turned pale; side, unless he had a boat, or could afraid of you. Rozzel Garnet,†flash- ed Pet. “Anything in the shape of a man who would go round playing the spy on an unprotected girl, has sunk rather low to be feared by me. Take care, you! I vow! if there is. such a thin; as a cowhide in the| ' country. I shall have you thrashed for this. Within an inch of your cow-1 ardly life." . “And get your attached friend, the} gipsy beggar. to administer itâ€"eh,! Miss Lawless?" be said, with the; smile of a fiend. eluding Har- Canon and d History. amination of ____________â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" ;. vagrzvaae a; For nearly half a century .. .. a“...â€" Add..-" 3 balls éh. :"".H w< ,\.C , . _ . ~ ‘0" “ 9V3“ {being over, Miss Lawless found time swim. ‘ BERS be people of log country headstones, given on all ‘ites. Wash 'l‘opS. pecialty. orkman, all and cOden’ elsewhere. of Market on the Packing HAMBEBS. ______â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-"'-' ANS on Hort:- ent rates r - Chen-9’ . Canada 005 the AN kept pOSSible th accur- - the best 1093] his very freckles grew the color of y“ "mfnd‘fg' 11°11‘11ҠMtiï¬â€™ buttermilk curds at this Question. ""1†inserted at moderate “(it-t married! Good gracious! I .- P1715â€: Send a postal card was just Saying so. Oh, I knew very {â€1399 0m“? nearly 09‘ well she would g 3.21.9130 Szrnpson House. away on somebodY. iing to be married to, Miss Minnie?" r “I don’t know; it was this little .\'“;.:ll‘.\1 â€>55 ‘4. us,†said Erminie, l l l * boy told wh o hearn tell,†said the lad, shortly. .ififl‘ijgn'r + ‘ .- lhlecth $6 to $8.50 twill you come over to the cottage, per set. Mr. Toosypegs?†- _ $333M best workmanship, best1 "This evening, .lll‘iss hllnme; and I was and rubber. Plates guaran. gUess Aunt Prisciller Will come, too. . , M not 1 ' .. 0 break. ho charge for ’ :LWEIM when plates are order-:12“: smce you went away. and has . ever so many to get made." r. Day, Dentist “Very well ;. I will mak (fl: d"°'°’3"’n5t-'0128ros.. - Llnlss â€ONE? TO LOJR ismiling, as they drove on. , to the cottage. Lip, ‘ . - . 0. GE AMOU‘lT of private funds . g :0 loan 4% v - ' . STEERQ 10?. per cent. WM. way Ban;- fond: Salado? Dominion here?†said Erminie, my “ lag) “llllm'st.’ Lind- ed, . ' "Yes’m; all right!†said the boy. ~ I: 'u. ‘l - .. °l {0:15}?an BarriSt‘EI‘. Solicitâ€" hm cap . e Ontario Bank. Money to ‘03“ at L e : ' OW'eSL Rat v t mu] m t., southes. Ofï¬ce 1N0. 1 and dar .went over and held out her hand. 0 and heave herself Q .Who is she goâ€": ’ticn, and in the quick glance p quicker geyes than .any one had 'pdur‘tiefl I P . ’ glancing toward him. . ‘ Via fl {Ices "Well, 1 don't know, neither; only; â€"â€"uâ€"- imnt a quick, sudden thrill “Perhaps it is only a r8100â€- When . inmost heart: and thcught that in ‘ ringlets, She hasn't had any new caps or colâ€" 3 Goodâ€"bye, until then," said Erminie; A short time sufï¬ced to bring them The driver was invited in, but deâ€" ‘ haven't seen ‘0‘. three who! bears... the coin. Ray : to glance at the rest of the company tall ‘ and seeing Bay, as he stood, k, and silent, by the window, There was something more nearly approaching to tiulidity in the acâ€" and dropping of her resplendent ever secn Pct manifest before. Ray bent over the little dark hand, Whose touch to his all his life. he had never seen any ‘one so beautiful as she looked then, iwith her vciled eyes, and drooping and long, waving plumcs‘ E that bent over her hat, touching her . lglowing cheeks ’ the darkly splendid face beneath. A will welcome, my litâ€" . " grunted . as if enamored of “Humphl' _ tle Mother Cary’s Chicken, tile admiral. "Why don’t you him like you did Snowdrop?‘ no way to welcome a frlcnd Ray’s eyes met :1, she tossed her ed, and throwing herâ€" as if for a wager. . Walked slowly aleng,- scanning .high. dark, frowning rocks with a That's , ,' who smugglers had a e blessed i hers and the color 3no trace of secret cave or hiddtn 1; flushed to her very brow; then, with- }drawing her ban 3 saucy he led and sparkl . lself into a. seat, began talking to "Now," thought Pet. "l'll have to look sharp and not let the tide catch 'me on the other side of that bluff there or if I do, I’ll have awalk of ‘Ihalf a. mile along the beach to the ‘ofller road, and after that over a mile to get home. which is a prom- enade I am not anxious for. I might swim across, it is true. but swim- ' wing with all one's clothes on is not the pleasantest or safest thing in the world; and. all the smugglers this side of Pompey’s Pillar are not worth the cold I would catch. I’ll just walk over and look at the rocks and then come back again." Following up this intention, Pct the curious eye. As far as she could see, there was not the slightest trace of an opening anywhere; yet the people said that some place along the shore rendezvous. Pet's keen eyes detected every fissure large enough to hold a mouse. but cavern could be seen. “I might have known it was all ' ad till all her jet curls flashâ€" inonscnse.†said Pct, mentally. "The notion of finding an underground 308‘“ full 0‘ robbers. and jewels, and . 'all that sort of thing, is too much like a play, or a story in the "Araâ€" bian Nights." to be natural. How- ‘ever, as the night’s ï¬ne, I'll just go , on and look on the other side of that ‘miserable skin. is not here. like a true knight-errant, to raiCUe his lady-lovcl' “It's well for you he's not, or he wouldn't leave a whole bone in your Let me go, you! free. and Watched hcr ineffectual efforts with a grim smile. “I told you when we would meet ' you Would plaid to me,†he with an evil gleam of his snakelike eyes. “'l‘hat time has come-v: "Has it, indeed?" said Pct. "Well. if you have heard or are likely to hear me pleading to anybody under heaven. I must say you have a won- derful pair of cars. I have read of a gentleman called Fine-ear, who could hear the grass growing; but, upon my Word, he couldn’t hold»" a candle yo you!†â€The time will come, girl, when you Will gravel and plead at my feet. only to be spurned!" "Now, Mr. Garnet, look here." 8a“ Pet; "you're plagiarizing a story out of "The Arabian Night’s Entertain- ments.’ You nccdn't think to palm it of! on me as original. for I've read it, as well as you, and know all about the glass merchant, who fall- cied he would marry the vizier's dau- ghter. and have her kneeling at his at your "What a pity he‘ i 1 tell . Your presence is pollution,â€. said Pet, struggling ï¬ercely to get‘ He held her with a grasp of iron, \ E And he swore a in terrible frown settled on his face- i "Since 'bind you hand foot and have taxi-gm growingfnmont mtg-:27 0 no b'Ol D ‘ ' all dulm'WSem Amnu ' ‘ poetpnld free to all applicants. D. M. FERRY éCO. “Then I shall make you, by â€"â€"l." fearful onih, while will not walk, 1 will you carried. Scream as loud as you like," he added grimly; "there is no one for or near to hear you." Holding her still with one hand, he Wan fumbling in his pockets, prob ably in search of something to bind Pct cast a quick. around. Along the health not a living soul was to be seen, and even the boats were now out of sight. They were close to the boulder. around which (Continued next wtek) you feet just as I am to do 'royal highncss' you know, and then he would very ungallantly give raglan-e- i bluff." l By this time she had rwhed the and she ri- , piration fro: ntIthat told me . _ “One of my daughter: had a 5 y: Will .: ' y on farm pro r- Fife orig: It to their interestpeto @135 Buc‘me before placing their H Cdness strictly conï¬denâ€" . HAlllLL, lot 57, con . may P. o.â€"ll-tl. . ' tion of her bod hard, dark, grim face, bony. . . eyes were still an e. cor. Kent ,. _ 3 Erminie and “11 “My dearest Lindsay In Omemee . grandmother!†wing her _ with the » exclamation. and entered : here." "It’s a wonder you did not see us remained there .ow do-Eg'ou-know I didn't see you?"‘sa'd I‘ct. .d "“hy, yousurelyâ€"éO, ~Pet! (if you see us, and never spoke?†said Erâ€" minie reproachfully. “Well, I was otherwise algagcd. you knowâ€"in fact,.there was ayorng email, gentleman,- a. very young gent! _ in the caseâ€"and I couldn‘t very well have presented myself any sooner than 1 “did," said Pet. . “One of her lovers," thought M. with a curling 1in . ' ~ 3 be little boy drove. us am. told 09' e: um Wnie'; who ' high projecting boulders, ' the sea. paused for a. moment to glance at It Was still several yards distant, and Pet felt sure she could go down some distance, and return again before the rising tide would The sun had set and there was no ’moon; but the starlight was bright. Tund'the seaâ€"breeze cool and invigor- 'ating:~ so Pet, in high spirits, walk- Here and there she ’eotch the white sailor some boat. :skimmlng over the waves. but the now,†said Pet. 'am afraid my search after smugglers inguheunsuooe-ful. after ails, ’ “twain; thleeven-g hg, "But â€not“!!! he. i pretty one." sold could : ~budge, if I die for it!" said. Pet. Lplanting her feet fairly in the yield- ing sand. her a kick. and in so doing. smashed his basket of glass all to pieces. You needn't think to talk me in, you see; for my education has not been neglected more than your own." "Cease that fooling," said Garnet, angrily, “and come with me. Be- sistance is useless. You are com- pletely in my power. and my as well (om quietly." "I won't then! Not a step will I "I am not in the habit of een'ibleeeee of nsthma. \‘l’e tried ; almost everything. but without it» lief. We then tried Ayer’e Cherry ‘ Federal and three and one-half , horde- cnred her."â€"-Emms June . W, Lengsville, O. certainlycures manycascs . of asthma. , And it cures bronchitis, i whooping-cough, croup, 2- winter coughs, night 7