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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Mar 1903, p. 3

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. avings 200 950 850 500 250 :00 850 750 500 mer wear. 'dsSSO reductions 0 with them 3 $2500: 00. 12 so. or like 500 .~ ’1 “m'fldfiel‘inwauao )C'XQO'ooog 000000.000‘ ”lbw Wu ,(. \(g‘xoxoxg in . (o.(q1.,‘o,(0,(olo (algofloslo/um’olofl‘. QRX I MARCH is marching along. Spring enthusiasm fills his store. The store season is as far advanced as the Come for a free stroll through the store. We want to in- vite the Lindsay people to inspect our New Spring Clothing and Fur- nishings, and will take a visit as a compliment, whether or not you buy a cent’s worth. ol- weather. A Welcome Awaits All ,Old and new customers alikeâ€"Graham’s store is yours to enjoy in the broadest sense of the meaning, We want to show you our new stock of PERFECT PLEASINli STYLES [N MEN’S AND BOYS’ SPRING liARB Becoming styles in Spring Suits, Spring Overcoats, Spring Trousers, Spring Hats, Spring Furnishingsâ€"with that dash of chic which marks their superiority on every-day sorts, and still further haizes our leadership. Never before have we had such displays 00 0000E0000000000000.00000000000000000Q0000000 0000 0000000. :J‘X‘E®(’KWJQ,(!/(",(.flr.l\0 oto'..‘.n.r..v. . . . . (...l - F0 0 _ A, . '99)}. 0 0 ’0 o emp . to present; and special prices are the order for opening days. 3 o l A STEP [N run near DIRECTION : WW" ; “See Graham Grow”â€"-A New Branch. . _ l 3 o 0/ o) EX-P-A-N-S-I-O-N is what the phenomenal. growth of ur business spells today. We have had to follow the flag of demand, ‘ and have opened out a stock of AND RUBBERS 5 much attention to as the clothing, etc. Graham’s Boots, 5 are bought from the foremost makersâ€"the best in each line, bought at such extraordinary price concessions that we can afford to give values that fades into insignificance any prices offered elsewhere in these lines 1 nnndoy. A. J, GRAHAM figévm The King Clothier, East of Benson House. (9(- (mimic) c o tor-(1(0), .1. l. (or. (oigg'p) 0000000000000. 0000000000 . K 00 mooowomouo ‘)®®©©®©@Xi)@ aoroox-x-xoooooxooo .0... or-xmxocmwmmexe The Store where dollars bring their THE FALL WHEAT lN DANGER lunch the wheat is all right so far â€"â€" FOR THE THAW CAME T00 BAN-Viewer). on the most exposed farm ongreg‘ar â€""""‘"' Ilthe highlands. There is no “lions From Various Parts of the Prov- Water on the low iapds, mce Show that the Crop is Yet in there has a better chance, Peril covered by snow and sheltered. (The Toronto Star) {the bills the plant is q‘pite green [“9330“, March 9.â€"â€"Farmers in;fresh yet, . _ ifrost comes it W111 be kllled. There than last year. tow“ from the surrounding country;, f all h t , 5 now the same amount 0 f W ea : Bowmanville, March 9.â€"-The last year. I ' March 9.â€"â€"Intel'VleWS to"ipresent. Very little is sown ding the condition of tho as it. is;some, quarters that. it K On 1 through satiafactorily. » report that the fall wheat crop is'l most promising. In all districts it; has wmlfi‘rvd Well. The crop has adâ€" ‘ day with a \‘lnced nlt‘t‘ly. '1‘1191'0 hils \bficn n ting diflerent sections killin . lreshg- ml”: and the lields are now = th f 11 , . “ll“ ‘o‘Tt-eu lookinr‘r, With the e, a _ “M hut-mo . . ° . . satisfactorily, “a me gwund during thls E unanimity on this point lthe local. grain merchants and millers‘ i F of is . and iabout ten per cent. more acreage of' ‘but if a dry wind audit 11 wheat ' Pet d' t "t; . ‘ a m the erboro Is my .Stoddard. an old Falls boy. ‘sLindsa hand last Thursday. fall 11' the Falls band, l k . ' . . . . .wheat outloo Is very promlsmgncgiqvhen he lived here, and ms musmal‘ ‘ is showing itself in hlS newt cm Ton _ as!» mm leave to correct“ or in last wank’s budget. The loot. are delivered in the Orange hall 11:. Won with the Young Poop- Jamey“: . or“ a function of St. stated. ur , not St. Andrew’s, as, M1881. tHinder-so . n of Lindsay, is the in: 0 er Sister, Hrs. 'I'hns. Sad- Mr. John Austin ’ of Kinmount, 313$}: swunday at the Falls. . 'm. McCarthy of th R bu . e ath- 135313.00" spent last Friday at the s Miss A. Dichson. of Peter-hero, plelnt Sunday with her friends. l 138 Ruby Austin returned home , a_St week, utter a lengthy visit to trends in Kinmount. think} 5. Ef’uley of Kinmount was at a s or a. co 1 ' ‘ week. upe of days last Mr. W J McKendr ' . . y of Lindsay spent Sunday with his parents. . Messrs. J. D. Smith. of Port Hope. and G. 11. G. McVity or To- gronto. were at the Falls on Monâ€" day. Mr. and Miss Brokenshim of Wood» filllt‘. Were the guests of their sister. §-IISS Eva. Brokcnshire, for a few -da}'s last week. i (hxef S. Nevison, of Lindsay, was iat the l'alls on Monday. a Mr. Joe Quillett returned home Ilasc week, from a visit of some [weeks to friends in Victoria Har-l l bor. i Mr. Geo. Littleton of Toronto. ispent Monday at. the Falls. : _Mi:~'s Lillian Wilson came from %“hltll~\' last week, to rest from the 'efiects of a bad cold. She returned ion Tuesday to her studies at the ltlntario Ladies' (‘ollt-gne. g Messrs. I’nul Goya of Fleshcrton gand Didace Grice of Midland, spent iMonday at the Falls. g Mr. Wm. Campbell, left on Mon- lday afternoon, to attend the funeral ,of the late Rev. Wm. Lochcad, at lllrantford. Mr. Ed. McKcndry came home last ‘wrek with an injured ting-er. \Vllllt“ at his work in tho Sylvester Works. 1 Lindsay, his finger was caught he- tween two blocks and Madly crushed. , It is hoped that the injured member 'lwill not be permanently hurt, and thlr. McKendry expects to return to Iwork the latter part of this week. 1 Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Miss Washâ€" ‘burn, Miss Austin and Miss l’uluy. 'alll visitied the 'l‘ormlto iuillinery lopcnlnrs last week. [ A most succt-ssx‘ul social Was llt‘ltl »in the Methodist, church last Tues- ; evening, under the auspices of ltltc E. L. of C. 1%. The refresh- ‘lllt‘lltS were Very tasty and the pro- ;gram first-class. 'lhe large number i present enjchd. themselves thorough- ply. ,gram last Saturday, stating that ‘the Rev. Wm. Lochoad. had Just died at lruntford. Mr. Loclwad was for many years the pastor of, Mr. Wm. Campbell received a telm non sum' John mum *0! Otti'a, aged .65, on Friday mgh’ t at the Mn'domm,hom, invinciblombeenondeek. NOW teamwaoentatainedtoenfly oystaaatthoclosoofthogame.bythetrack. the Falls boys. and the feelings be- tween all the teamsarethoseof‘ W good fellowship, such as should ex- ist amongst true sportsmen. A ' - large number of hockey enthdsiasts; more to Lifidsay on Friday ntghti ‘ to wrtnea the final game of the sea- , ~ . son. They report a splendid match. : Mr. J. H. Stanton had his cameral at Northey’a oyster rooms last Wed» ,. neSday night to take a flash light? ' ueneral Merchants to! the Norwood and Fenelon hockey (int. imem. "In , some unaccountable 3 catwm 9 smarter mrfluse exploded, burning this but" fire-1y. we regret to 2state; that " he will be laid up for Successors to Hug: Bros, l some time. 1 Just here we would like to remark {that a certain interesting couple 'should have a little mercy on the ignte posts of a pretty little home on ' ' i)orth-st., south of the river. Those 3| 0”" :e ?lime t ggate posts are beginning to show J U (wear. They are not made of iron. and the first thing that couple. knows the owner of those posts will be Waiting upon the said couple with a on Suitingis, “lllth m-n- in stock ibull dog and a shot gun. and then when we took possession. We are there will be some music. offering from now until 1st of .\pril. Mr. J. J. Nevison has enlarged suits to order worth .Sl 1. $16. and his business luv :1 large stock of $18 for $12, in nrdvr in iimkv rmmi glioots and shoes and will. no doubt. on our Slli‘lVi'S fur ”3,. “My .1:wa ,irL-Ceive his share of the pulklic favor. .as he is well known and highly 08â€" Mr. Champion. who wives ‘k I...“ iteemcd. i‘ood Satisfaction. 11.15 not km “"1 i +â€"â€"â€"'â€""‘ what it was to he idle «Won in llli â€"-â€"ltIr_ J. Kennedy of OttaWa has dull winter months. and now 1hr Ht"â€" ilieen awarded the contract for addâ€" “"“5' 1h“ "‘1’” Elm: another storey and tower to the .(Iuelph public building at a (“list Of , $30,595. a-..‘ We have been gixing: special prices dcrs are Coming: in So it is On once more. Call and inspect 01:1‘ goods pricrs. l-‘it guarantor-.1. and -.. _.___. Was 80 Nervous She ‘ i Could Not Sleep At Night. l i 1:. A {:(lod, Wt'll’lleOl'lI‘tl 1 f ‘ choose from in the following : Prints 5 '- I ' l f, Muslins. laces. lac» curtains, t‘llllll'nillâ€" cries, riblmns. silks. (ll‘u‘ss (in-SS ll‘llllllllng‘s. llltHlS“ inis, lip) two alike). ludn-s' lit-its and \.«-~. ‘ciittons. cottonnxlI-S. shii‘tmu's. flun- flunnc-llt-ttv. blankets. ln\\‘;11iw, l t stock to finntlh’, llt‘l. ,iuiic)’ lowvls. etc. i l md‘mfiwo or the floor! one L'm of 1 ‘1 gents, FUlnlShlP g8 : Lu You One of Thou Troubled in this Way II you on. HILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE I PlLLS will Cure Youâ€"They Cure Nervouo- g ' non. Sleeplosmeu. Anaemia. faint and ‘ Tho nowust things. Diuy Spells General nobility and all floor! (~ . . ~- . ~ . . . _ . ‘ N." ‘ro'ub ' ups, lit-s, (ollms Ill, 1 0' . I l..‘ Dul'ltnenl is now wi‘ll ;l\.\()l‘li‘\l. i Read what Mrs. C. ll. Rood. Coboconk, Our om; rig “in mm- up says about them: »(')vt-r six years ago I mum this Swing. “Mu->1 VJ,“ !was troubled with palpitation of the {or butter and eggs. theart and loos of appetite. I was so nervous l cowl-l not sleep at ni ht. I i took MILBURn's HEART AND ERVE .____..._. 3 PILLS. They cured me, and I have not , bccndiothcrcd since. .1] .. x.°- . “Minneapascoe Bros. : OAKWOU l) d“- ____p-â€"-â€"a-" lll Huts. l‘.-,\‘~~..-.i livnz‘x (i. -~ St. Andrews' church, and the news ,of his death caused a feeling of deepi 1sorrow among his many friends. lic. Twas a polished gentleman. a scho- llarly speaker and a true christian iin every walk in life. Those who anew him esteemed and respected him. and will mourn his loss deep- ily and sincerely. isession A meeting of the of St. Andrews’ church was icallcd on Sunday evening to take ‘steps towards having the feelings of1 the congregation expressed in a 1110-; ition and forWarded to the widow1 Eand family of the late gentleman. Mr. Geo. N. Brokensirire. an old i ibray, and on last Tuesday night ldied from the result of his injuries Mr. J. Copp, father-inâ€"law of Mr 3 ing in Brokenshire's camp near (‘am-‘ 'Fall.‘ boy, Was injured while work- Brokensh‘re. was also hurt. but is supposed l were brow,r tcry. The funeral, which was large was headed by the members of the: Trent Valley Lodge, No. 71, 0.0.0. ‘ which the young man was a! fallimem‘ber. The Lindsay band was Mr. Brokenshire re- t muchiwheat in the Peterboro district does. _ and the cred ‘ not bear out the statements made in Sided 1“ ””1533" where he Maw” “1 has come L his loss. i also present . sicbnts of Fo‘nelon Falls. We were pleased to see Mr. Stoddard was in , talent the tl‘Vin ‘ {.7 IRON}! for wheat, the far-1 . not b . . . think, ,however, that they are , ,3 Winter rains, and also from thaws 0“ 'g McKinnon was we! . - a (.1 lat? it ' U'OUb - 13’ means ‘ ’ ls bttn lit) ' “ I W agleed ll” g h . ." l r]. K I l e - . . . . E16”. ”“3 “Cmity are of opinioni , ' it will come 1111.0“.h .' i ‘1‘ ' . . 2’ all right. i " F TORONTO S l . 63:2? them 540 So far as to sayl ‘ diStricte :‘tether conditions in this; Lindsay, March 9.-The outlook flame, than for some years, p lham hit F99 been more favorable l the fall wheat l h t , the onlv SUP-ml __\'ears past, and that iextremely favorable. The W ea. favorable. There is great (1 from 1-” DOSSJb‘l‘tY 0f injury Will bellooks very well, and there undoubrtiiitis that. “01116 hereafter, ' . “alas" amount ‘ account of the weathe oi the pass during the soft weather sown, But the trymg time for 1t {2 .ed very warm, and consid few days there has been yet to come, for, while the snow r ifrost being'out of the ground. Same . ‘ - gm“ 1h. nearly all gone. there 1.1” Wing bulglshould mend 'St - has vgtticmiiy looks very well, but, ' for the to Stand the test. The fields, - there of?“ "a“ are ”are, but, 33‘ it. would 89.11%"! Weather: finot me“ any very cold The ime of danger Binding ~fnce the thaws at the be- tween the middle of been eoieth" momh' n0 damagehas first week inApril; . Wt” Slimline, ' out smug is what kln‘ r o ‘_ We ‘ ful Cobourg.‘1{arch m. ‘v . three during the winter, and farm-! .11 be small owing to the 11:11in you . . . . lin the Niagara distric I . Dzospccts Would truiibut farmers seem to b'e hone- this district snowfall thEre win 'et be sufficient tained at Guelphtgt prom, the groin; , tho"wmter“' 3"? Minor .35.: 9‘4“ Township of dream" ' Tall Wheat _ centre for growing. out? a. mi; 2:" on... ‘anictoria. County 13 'thnt the Weather from now out was "m”! though, or its Being yet damaged- ‘ 1' having turn- days, followed by frOSt'yEHV-la‘V passed on I most no 09903“i lwork will be p0 Cate thllt the Wheat . . crop has been: , , te: . 'that the production 1n the - Welland. March 9.â€"Thc fall wheat ; that the new est t is at present 3 in running order ndition and the PEOS‘ .pects are that the crop will. be largâ€" ‘ roviding ideparture. to be on the road to re- ‘Mr. llrokenshirc’s remains ht to tlie,Falls last Thurs- day and interred in the village cemeâ€" ; and two children to mourn. His mrents‘ reside in Inna mount, but were for many years rcâ€"1 i u offarmersre reâ€"g ' ‘ .' '-. " ‘ n m 0‘ Klimt lift: 335351333332? xiii: iii}; lhomc, even though “‘0 °°mp°8m°"‘ - . ‘ . ’ 1‘ her where he now ted the fact that so far and they are looklng nearly as “1'51" '15 great race has wintered most? and green as in December: There is gbeing so Ill-"Ch larger :‘ep's hall larst'l being perfect 3 danger still from ice covering in the ! F33: mefiféfizt. 1:83 “1.: y ‘ Farmers Llower lands, owmg ' to the unusual 7 sirstiz and the able 8m The. resides . it ‘I rge and enthu-l s of Mr.‘ or was “At Home" MTS' ' friends last

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