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Watchman Warder (1899), 8 Mar 1906, p. 8

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Mr 5. J. Fox. 311‘?” spuko‘5lUP! lW“ !! llb't“ .' ! . lil‘lt‘l'l) and point-(l out how (ii-lay inn“: font)“ in making mtliCzil chang- vs “ii-~11 u m-w g‘m‘m-nnn-m \wnt in- Do you want to buy real good in pmw-v 'l‘hm hm] mm reason to Shortlmrn Bulls or females? 1 pm lw prmnl m tln- high standing of the now altering: men .it thv ln-ml or their atTaii-s and Two \exy good 12 and 13 months' urgml tln- party to stand loyally h) old Bulls, Strathallans sired bv the tin-n- x‘,-[a['.-§,sn'“ttyps' llhmxith bred Bull “Golden Count " My. \1'. H. lluylo. )I.L..\.. made a .\ 4-)carsâ€"old Strathallaln Cow. x'm-y [llt‘QlNlllg‘ atltlt‘c-ss and in upon-,‘With a choice 2 months’ old heifer inf: l'L'ft‘l'l'L‘d to the huge deputation' Call at TOOt. sired by “Golden from this cmm-ty a {on days“ ano I(‘01!nt,"‘ and again bred to same ‘\ht‘ll the little lm’tlg‘cs they worn at- bu” â€"â€" h'm‘tml (‘Ultsll't'rilhlt‘ attention Ho: Also a row two-vear- old heifers bred] assmul tho-m that then chancr-s for since .\ew Years. I ”12‘ Normal School “ore vorx bright. Jun: CAMPBELL, It “as tln‘~ intention ot the governâ€", Fairvicw Farm, Woodville, Ont. I de-aEing rig-ht};- \\ith lunh the mmm‘s am. pruspm‘fnrs. 'I‘hoy \\'(‘l"(‘ not. afraid tn ~stamp mit tho pnnl room at 'l‘nrumn Junction. )Iiiiistor Mom ticth ui‘ th.- agricultural l’h‘panrm-nt hail nhwuiy madv a swing of $30.- 000 in his dvpartmvnt. within)! any In.» In its usi-l‘ulnvss. Some 31200 km hm-n iul-Iml to tlw iwponditm‘o nn (WW-131.1)“ umds luv this cmmtn‘ Sum» Chung-us hnv hm-n madi- in the pain. mu.“ m‘ thv gmowmwnt and him-.- “ill 201m“ whori‘ (li‘t‘inito charg- m .uv laid at puliticnl inti'rforouco h} partisan gm‘criunmit officials dur-. ing thv le‘Hun “‘hnn um member umkm u smmiu' 9‘1’110'Hli‘nl his roqdcx't IS zu‘u-Iiti-d I in opposition. but when the Hon. Mr. Ross made his last. appeal to thc country the Conservative party came into power. The boast and hem: mndc that they had not tho maâ€" tt-rial to form a cabinet. lmt to-nny ting: had a cabinet that n‘nt only fills the hill. but deals; frankly th all cloputatinns. Our ministers am Mr. J. H. Carnegie then in a very neat spc-mh pointed out the difference between the present meeting and the last. At that time the party was Mossrs. Georg-e Rogers. R. H. Bak- er and J. Anderson were elected or- ganim-rs for their different localities. The election of officers was taken up; when Mr. R. H. Baker, of Irv goldsby was elected president; Dr. Cameron, of Omemeo, first vice-pres- idem: Mr. James Mortimer of Min- rlen. Second vice-president. The re- maining officials were all reappointed by acclanmtion. The minutes or the previous meetâ€" ing were adopted. Carnegie. Every part of the riding was rep- resented irom Haliburton to Omemee. Mr. R. H. Baker was elected chair- man. when the resignation of Mr. J. H. Delamere as president, of the as- sociation, was read and on imotion accepted. A Very enthusiastic meeting 0! Lib- eral-Conservative delegated for East Victoria was held in Dickson‘s Hall at Fenelon Falls on Fridayafternoqfl 0‘ last week. On the platform were Messrs. W. H. Hoyle, M.P.P.; S. J. Fox. }I.P.P., Col. Sam. Hughes, M.P.. and the local member, J.‘ H. An Enthusiastic Meeting at Fonelon Falls. fAGE EH 'SERVATIVE ,_ RALLY. Mops 100m: usnmu .‘lvxsrs. Jumvs Murtimvr. (3w). llv\\'- i” and Gm. Lyllv spukn hriurly. “minus undm‘m‘ug tho Whilnm' g‘uV- N'nmvm and giVing‘ thanks tn tlw ro- tiring prcsidvn! and spmtkvra \wrv [\tissml. ‘_i Col. Sam. Hughes, M.P.P.. dealt, with the school question and pointed out that thl'l'P summ- -~ no refer- ence tthpuor schools. but that they should be dish-idl- scl‘kmls. He also Condemned. the selling of the mineral rights to big corporations on the lands occupied by tho pionmr farm- or. LIn.regax-n to the disposal of the inland Waters to tho Domlm‘on gut-ointment he could \assurc all pros- vnt that‘thvir rnfu‘t-.~'n'~~li\‘o:< “fire fighting in their 'in'trrr‘sts. Ho dealt‘ forcefully wiuh the timber policy ON the law government. With rol‘m‘cncv to the spoils systum ho would not favor tht‘ l'nitod Stan-s plan. Whore a man had done his «may and re- t‘minvd from intortloring in zmlltlt‘s. llv shnultl lw ruluiuod. but “how it ' was (lln‘orvm. they should snout-0 lhol milk-new and he “‘Ollld sw Hwy “‘N'r‘I l dismissal. l I The latest cry was the spoils sys- ,tem. What. was the system of the ’ government‘dismisscd by the meme ? gHe dealt fearleSSIy with the proposed: 'change in our cmnmy councils. and favored sending the pom-n: who were conversant with the municipal ‘re~ quirunnnts. Some 38 councils had voted money to pay their way as deputations to the legisfaturc to pre- vent the champ. ‘ inn-v cx-‘ plajncd that {he qumtion had been introdrced a year ago and udviscd them to go home and be clcctc'fi‘ reeves. fbe made a‘ success. The speaker {then jocu'larly referred to the late :gpranier's advice to follow tile exâ€" ;‘ample of that government and oniy ‘Ireplace an official in. the case of fgdcath. He ‘paid a high tribute to the retiring president. ~The Whitney I government were honestly trying to [carry on a clean system of legisla- tion for the people of the province ‘and; pointed out that their opponents .were afraid to hold public meetings: {to critim’se the government in' the {recent byeelections and had to re- jsort to the still hunt. fluent to make definite chalges in {he ,educational system. among which was the introduction of more normal ‘ 1' Normal Schools and doing away with lithe Model School system. He spoke .strongly in favor, of provincial own- !ership, and pointed out how it could u ‘and. costly pmnts. The many friends of the happy young couple wish them a happy and prosperous rfuture in their new home. ! Mr. Nugeut o! the firm a! Ander- son 63 Numb Lindsay, pawod { A very pretty wedding was celebra- ted at the home of Mrs. Jacob Low- es,about six miles from Omemce, on Wednesday February 20th, when her daughter Miss Mime Ann -wa.s mar- ried to Mr. Fred McGill, of this vic- :inity. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Johnson/in the presence of a large number of friends of the contracting parties, at 5 o’clock. After the ceremony. the gum sat} down‘ to a. dainty and sumptuous' weddingi tea. The bride was the recipient 0! many handsome We hear that the Rev. Mr. Burgess has sold: his house to Mr. Twigg 01 this village, and is about to remove to Toronto. Rev. ‘Mr. Brown, Knox College, Toronto, preached in the Presbyter- ian church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie and family are moving to the northwest A baby boy came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Price Sunday the 4th. inst“, Congratulations. Miss Brcreton of Toronto is holi- daying under the parental root. Mr. Burns. Oshawa, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Staples, Miss Dowel] and Vic- tor McCartney. Port Hope, spent Sunday at home. 1' SHIELDâ€"FALLIS' The home of Mr. amd Mrs. Wm. Fallis, Franklin. was the scene of a preltty wedding on Wednesday. Feb. :28th, when their youngest daughter Lillian .\.. was united in holy matriâ€" mony to Mr. Joseph Shield. l’romptly at 5 o'clock. to the. Estrains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Dr. Marvin. the bride enter- ed the parlor leaning on the arm of her father. She was becoming- ly attired in blue silk with white em- broidered yoke. cuffs and hertha. of crinkled chiffon. The Ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Marvin. Mat, B.D., P.H.D.. of Bethany, in the presence of only the immediate relatives and friends of the bridal couple. After congratulations all re- paired to the dining room where the wedding dejeuncr was served, after *which Mr. and Mrs. Shield left for their new home near Omemee amidst showers of rice. The bride’s going- away gown was of brown cloth with hat to match. The presents were numerous and costly. showing the high esteem in which the young couple were held. Congratulations. ' It is particular-Iv desired that me“ factories or factories “ hich are oper- ating under a new name inform the department. of AgriculturefiToronto. of the name of the factory, together with. list of oflicers.‘ ! ’l‘hciSc desiring instruction will please make application to G. G. Publow, chief instructm for Eastorn Ontario {iing'r on at an oarlv (lain in order rhat. the work for tho soa- stm ma) he “ell planned County Correspondence Tho instructors in addition to giv- ing instruction to the makers will dm‘oto some attention to giving ml- \'ice to farmers.as. to the host meth- od of cooling and taking care of theirmilk. Each instructor will be supplied with ‘leaflets giving the most approved methods of caring.r for milk and will haw: plousuro in loavâ€" ing ono with each prmlucm‘ as éfiit- ed. and a few extra copies will! ho supplied to each maker. ' ’l‘lu‘ Unturiu Dupm'tnmnt of .\gri< Icultul‘o and tho lhliryuwu‘s Assm'in- ftiuu are again coâ€"upvmting In har- Inishing instructors to visit I'm‘tm‘ivs {and N'emnorios porimlicully thrmtgh- nut thv smsun ("mu May till L‘ctnh- or inclusiVo. fur the purposn u! as- sisting makers in improving: _thvir methods. giving mh‘icr. as In equip- ment. drainage. \‘cntilntion. «Le. 1110 dopnrtnwnt. rvquirvs that ouch fuc- tory rem-Wing instructitm puy|$15 for {he season. This amount rop- rcsonts about half thv actual cost to the Departnmnt. “n. F. o’lmvmc. (‘lnrk of thc said 'l‘mvnship of Ops â€"m-v|. Duh‘d this 3le .\.D.. 1006. J.\S. H. HOPKINS meo. mfl, the “I D3, ‘ m W 15 l'ovonte WM Mom 0 A.D., 1906, at'ten o'clock in the Mr. and Ira. Jns. Sutton, M'ht torenoon or so soon (hereafter ‘as have been :spending the past the 3 the Council can be held to pass '1 months with friends and? relativos iI - by-olaw establishing and opening the this vicinity, left for their home i‘. following road or highway or some Roland. Man. on Fridgv of last week parts thereof as the council may Kr. -and Mrs. .133. Namvth. m deem advisable‘so to do,.that is to Lindsay. haw been visiting friends say: That part ofathe former high- in our village {or the past two way in the said Township known as 3weeks. the Omemee road 'which glies between Mia; Vera Sproulo, o! the L. C. I” the highway: or concession line be accompanied by Miss MacDonald. ol tween the sewhth and eighth con- Lindsay, spent Saturday and Sun- cessions of the said Township of Iday at home. ps and the highway or concession Mrsd Robt, Argue's Sale on Wed- line between the eighth and ninth nesday was goad success ~owmg to concession oi' the said townShip of the right sort of material. Ops and which lies on or acrosslots Mr. Allen. formerly teacher at Rea.- numbers twelve. thirteen and 1'0"!“ bOTO. but now teaching in the west. teen in the eighth concession of they‘spent a couple of days .at the home said TownShip of Ops and also that lot" Mr, Harry Anderson. part; of the said highway known as, Mr. and_ Mrs. John Patton. of the Omemee Road which lies mhmt‘n ECameron. were. the guests of her the highway or concession line, beibrother Hilliard and Mrs. McGill on tween the eighth and ninth conces-annoay just, ' ’ ' sions of the said Township and the] Mr. John Baxter. has moved iI-ln highway or concession line between ‘his new pltlL'l‘ \\'hi(‘h has the ninth and tenth concessions offln-en occupied by Air. JM‘ Porter, the said Township. and which lieS'csq. upon or across lots numbers. eleven.i Miss Edith Anderson is \‘SltlllL‘l twch’e and thirteen in-the ninth conâ€" gher aunts in lru‘umln‘illu amll ccssion of the said Township of Ops. Whitby. the said road so to he opened up: Our merchants are placing in theirl lies upon and along that portion of{stores a good supply of wall paper _. the highway in the said Township of gpaints and ‘spring goods. and wish ' Ops known as the Omemee Road. {their numerous custunu-rs. to inspect j stopped up and closed by hy-lnw :their goods ht‘l'tll‘n lilll‘t‘lulslng‘.(".\th.' Number 635 of the said Township of :where. f Ops passed on the 15th day of Doc-l 'l‘he Lu!“ No. 1‘»: met in their ember. .\.D., 1905. Hmll on Suturclm- night and trum- is hereby given that the Innicipal Corporation of the Township of. Ops intends at a meeting of the said Council to be holden at the omee of Walter FyO'Boyle. Edqtire. the clerk of the said Township in the ACademy' of Music Block on Lindsay street in the Town of Lindsay on J A NETVI I ‘ Instructors will again be finished Public hot}; BETHAN Y Hymene: l 3rd day of March "LE It. Alex. Hafitin‘spent' Manchester. Mr. N. Fm Mrs. Cmphell of the 1.3m. ‘3 Sgnday last. ‘ Mr. J. A. Cowie, one of Port Per- ry’s tonsorialr artists-paid a hing visit to friends here on Sunday last. Miss Isabel Steele was the guest of “â€"- ' A I‘m-L_I I , - - Rev. Mr. Ross. of Peter cupied St. Andrew's pulpit Sgnday last. , liam Barnes. Class Pt 2â€" Edward Dund'as, Lewis Soles, Irene Bouncy. Lily Sloan, Katie Best, John Best, Gwendolyn Rue. Arthur Fawlls Class Pt 1.â€"Pearl Holmes, Garfield Haw- kins, Elmer Sloan. er, Victor Wilson. Norman Sloan. Mable Reeds Esther Reeds. Class 2ndâ€"Lottie Dundas Dennis Callagh- an,01ivcr Skuce. Millie Dundas, Earl Vansthe, Chra. Stephenson. Wi- aner, Muriel Downey, Austin Reid, Irene Powers, Roby Mahood. Ruby Wilson, Albert Sloan, Sidney Warn- The fol-lowing is the stjanding of S. S. 'No. 7'. Ops, 'for February . Class 4â€"Hattie Crown, Laura Mc- Mann. Bmtrice O'Neill. Priscilla Dun- das, Mary Downey, Kenneth Reid, Lorne Mahood, Thomas Callaghan. Edmund Powers. Class 3rdâ€"Phillis Brown. George Wilson John Tach- y ' rr'--" 0‘ The following is the school report for the months of January and .Fehâ€" ruary, names being arranged in or- der of standing: Fifth clussâ€" Pearl 2:22: Baaswgkzzrmim mm; mm of - - thorou hbred stock in Port Perry on ADO‘VSZré‘Begzlgdglugglt‘t, flog? 30m" }nridavglast and secured some valu- er, r .' . nn , a nder. .* . . . .. (fded t Ethel Irwin, Douglas Hill, Findlay able animals “thh mll be a 0 Mark. Flossie Braden. Third Classâ€" “jitp’frss‘nf,Infolygggson and J p, Lila Rowan Edward McNaub; How- Bl ff were-in 'town on sung,“ ardkBryson, George Mchbh, Annie :1 . . ' k' h -' I Anderson Bert Brvson ‘fieorge Pol- last on busmess beforebégtmg t on. t. lard. Alton Anderson, Everett Fell. dcfirartgreéorlzzglbhévmg :eiited his ‘ 33;: S?;fi?§°im:§:nd’£;}g$ fine farm to McLean Bros“.l has be- It Lathange, Elva Blatchford. Richard come a “6??an th (it? :‘Fhiifi" £2: a .Goodhnnd Willie, Evres Katie Hewie cup) mg hl‘s nuv Ol‘e ' f " - ' been recently completed. Russel Earle, Margie Perrm. Clarence . , l bl ck- ‘Maunder. Pt 2.â€"Tommv Ewes. Ce- Mr. 1" Dickson. our popu 8“ a .1 . , . smith is about to leave for the west £12188 1§:§{2§fr' gg‘fr‘1lagfiflr,‘ 11%;; to seek his fortune and will be much I)! .- - missed by the fair sex and the boys It 3:311; 203;; 32;}: ‘52:“); me who have comeunder his superior fl Viol a lPerrin Marne é()mmings: instructionin the fistic art} d M In Florence Irwin! Joe 'Wilson. Nora (’01' Sam. Hug-hes, M'P” 8‘1“. d r. Wilson, Hora Bryson. Alvin Maund- Good. 1‘35]? of t§?i?atfgmagvarrogé 0! er, Myrtle Wilson, Thelma Townsend, in.“ d“ 3'mgungs’ last. til George Imrie, Lily Cummings. “9“ s on : 3 . n ‘ A..- -._-. _- __ _, 3 I,,,,A4- A_ u- One of the firm of Noelnnds Irvine. dentists. Lindsay, will he at Campbell's Hotel. Kirkficld. on Wed- ncsday the 2lst. instead of the 14th. Keep the date in mind.â€"lO-2. Carmichanl Bros. are still in the haying business, doinn a flourishing tradv Success to 5m: lugs. Mr. John McIntyre and sister ‘tuuk in the excursion to Toronto and an: visiting n-latin-s and acquaintain- tancos there. Mr. Alex. McLe'dn and sun Dan urn afflicted with In grippc. 'l‘he additions to the sheds at Un- Mot‘hodist church bore are m-arly com-plated and when fini‘shvd “ill prom-m a fine appearance. Mr. Alex. Brown is svriousl)‘ ill and is not expected In rvcnvm‘ Mr John Wilson an old and rcs~ pooh-(l citizen 0! this (ammunin. pus- scd auax «RM (1 short illness Mmh sympathv is {'vlt for his agod motlu-r “ho' still sumives him as “oil as for his sorrowing brothers. Mr. Wm. Hortun umi (:(‘Ul’g‘l' mul, Richard Copeland, lmn- returned from McKt-llor tou‘nship. \viu-n- tin-y? have been ongngod drawing lugs and ' tunhurk. and report sh-ighing all_ goncin that country. loaning- a lurgv' quantity ot" timbt-r still undruwn. ’ Mrs. Watts and Miss “'ilsun. ul‘ Nocpawa, Manitoba. arc Visiting rul- ativos and friends here. El [is Chris Hutchinon has retumed in home utter spending utwo weeks' visit with friends in Lindsay. Mis'l Hutchison is a‘avorite with Lindsay people. i be Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutton, who as have been spending the past three -a months with friends and' relatives in be this vicinity. lclt for their home in ne Roland. Man. on Friday of last week. my Min-and Mrs. Jas. Xasrm’th, m’ to Lindsay. hafi' been visiting friends h-,in our village for the past two‘ as ,‘weeks. 1 Mr. (h-o. Wm‘k. 01‘ (‘manm has purchased his mmlu-r‘s iurm und in- tends moving more at uncv. Glad to welcome you back again. Gvurgv. and wish you succuxs in yuur mum'- prise. \ququ llw \‘isitm‘s frum thu prairiw ptuvim‘v how this “inn-r are Mr. John G. Smith. m‘ \‘irtlvn, “mm. m‘ u-r an uhsc-nvo uf night ynhrs. Mr is now ownor MIR-In m‘l‘vs as “1le as a full line of imph-mmnls and livv stock. Thl‘ snlv 0f live slack ul \ll‘s. “Hm; llllll‘k'$‘\\‘ns Im‘m‘h nllmulml. Priors: ruled high for lixv slm‘k. Ne '\lr. l-‘lius llmws “ll-Mm! the lmmmm‘ n“ his "Slut! genial nmmwr. Mrs "luck, and tam“; lutmul mmlm: lu (Hm-3 nington and “m ho gmnth mime-«l in [his cuumumih us lhm hu\v uh! \\'u_\'.\' slumml tluhmvhwm cilia-us ul‘; Hm right lypv. 'l‘ht‘ L11!“ Nu. ($1 mm in Ilwirj hall on Saturday night and [run-g sactod hmmrtum husim‘ss. Mr. John Baxtc-r. has moved into his now plau- which has been occupied by .\Ir. .lus. Porter. ' Hr. Allen. former-1v teacher at Rea,â€" boro, but now teaching in the west. spent a couple of dms .at the home of Mr, Barn \nderson. Mr. and Mrs. John Patton. of Cameron. “We the guests of her brother Hilliard and Mrs “M: ill on Sunnav lust. ' / i Miss You: Sproulo. of the L. C. 1.. acc'bmpanied by Miss MacDonald. of ”“5853 spent. Saturday and Sun- day at home. Mrs.'Robt, Argue's Sak- on Wed- nesday was a good success ~owmg to the right sort of material. m 21%. Mr. King. agent for the Singer sewing machine. was in our district la._s_tA-we§k transacting business. through our villagp la'at, week en route to 'Nest-leton, wifh a load of vumblerturniture for Mr. William S. S. N0. 7 OPS SONYA KIRK FIELD l‘l'INll'Ilr-MAIHI'HS \ C A M EROS SPent' Sunday in . Ferguson at.- Peterboro , ' three miles from Alla-mutiny. and close by two lakes. 0!) Friday (Waning last a-bout'150 of his neighbors, and well-fishers gathered at his residence to wish him goodbye. After a very pleasant evening was spent in social intercourse and amusements. Mr. Wells was presented with a handsome gold chain and locket, and Mrs. ‘Wells with a fun coat. The worthy couple were completely taken by sur- prise. but appreciate the kindnwsml their neighbors just the some. and their only wish:~ is that they my meet with as, true fiends in the west as they are leaving in Hartley and vicinity. Mr. Wells and {army snll be much missed here. . Mr. John Wells and famih. of this place, leave for Abernr:~‘.'u, ‘ Saskat- chewan. on the 13th inst" where Mr. Wells has purchased ”60 acres of improved land. His farm is only Are you going west ? is heard on all sides: Several from here are go- ing in the near future. Some of whom We might. mention are Messrs. J. F. Black, J. A. Ferguson. .N. Treemcr. R. Dickson and Alex. Smith and family. 00-]. Sam‘. Hughes, M.P.,Iand Mr. Geo. Lytle of the Watchman-Warden paid a flying visit to deal Oak friends on Sunday last. to seek his fortune and will be much missed by the fair sex and the boys who lave come under his superior instruction in thc‘ fistic art. Mr. J. G. limes having rented his fine farm to McLean lit-05.. has be- come a resident of our villagt‘. ocâ€" cupying his new house which has been recently completed. Messrs. J. A. Ferguson and J. F. Black were in town, on Saturday last on business before taking their departure for sunny Alberta. cendcd the provincial auction sale of thoroughbred stock in Port. Perry on Friday last. and secured some valu- able. animals which will be added to his present large herd. w Dms Goods. Ask to see these new weaves in Dress Goods. Priestly‘s New Black Goods at 500., 750. and $1.00 New Chiffon Trioott New Estrella Cloth New Roxanas New Rosetta New Melange New Wool Taffetas ;- New Luoanas New Poplins New Cashmeres ‘ New Henriettas New Lustres New Sicilians New Venetian Cloths New Satin Cloths New Yoiies New Chifl‘on Broadeloths New Eollines New Colored Dress Goods 250.. 500. and $1.00 New Greys, 12 shades New Blues, 4 shades New Greens, 6 shades New Browns, 5 shades New Light Grey Tweeds, 12 Patterns New Silks, a score of swell patterns. Scores of Dainty New \Vaists and Fashionable New Skirts and Strikingly New Costumes. all at popular prices. New Lawn Waists. 12 new styles New Dot Muslin Waists, 2 styles New Lace Waists, over silk, 4 styles New Jap Silk Waists, 10 styles New Taffeta Silk Waists, 2 styles New Lustre Waists, 5 styles New Lustre Tweed Skirts, 12 styles New Lustre Skirts, 4 styles New Black Skirts, 6 styles New Colored Skirts, 15 styles New Eaton Costumes. 6 styles New Coat Costumes, 4 styles New Muslin Underwear, a score of styles. Bast Choice and Embroideries, New Musliris, Newr First Choice New Lace Collars New Embroidered Collars New Silk S . , carfs, Ne Ties, New Gold Belts, New Silk Belts, New Silver Belts. New Gloves, Newwl nn‘ n_Lâ€"-83--3A- “A__ I. , is the We shall force nothing on you, but when you consider that Easter is only five weeks away, and so much to be done, you will realize that now is the time of preparation. We have been planning all winter with the result that piles upon piles, cases upon cases. and bales upon bales of bright, crisp, new goods have been rolled in daily. But we’ve not select- ed at random. though, but rather with good care the best possible value and latest style thoughts from Canadian and foreign: dealers. And right here, let us say that you’ll find many of the sea- son's choicest and most exclusive styles that will not be seen in any other store hereabout. It is a comparatively easy matter to do well for a good price, but the test of a store's ability is in giving much for little. Test us on some of these new things. The newest of the new in Collars Belts, “7 rist Bags ace Ties, Silk Scarfs, New Wash \Iaterials, etc. New Lace 00118.". New Emhrnidnmcl (hall...- 3!... sun. 5-, n -- _ HARTLEY. March, we write the name of the month itself on our pennon, Forward, Marcb. This month will witness more progressiveness than this store has yet seen. VVe’re de- termined to increase our sales over all previous records, and have stocked up accordingly, so that New New New New New New Records are the Question of the Hour. The March of Progress. New Goods, New Styles and New Selling Opposite Post . rvvyu: vulu kept 0K1 muvw 1pm ugh M the 791w 'som open and Wouldn't let them ”"1138 I000 dies. cracks and peek. he'l- ind th‘ m mm m ’ "There’s something of the dog death: 01 {he Okla afomm 0‘ .8. t us after all," he exclaimed. brushwood. 389mg ' “Did you ever 808 a dog go and gel. or an old bone. chew at it. wrestle with -it. get mad at. it. Md then but-v it ? the Maul. It begins todie. “than: lflmAugh part, A ed with astounding speed. and In tour won this skyscraper I: finished, a wond ul structure indeed, for a score of natune’s forces have tolled, n Inn-ltd of Invisible workmen have done their put. and n edifice that, according to of several Inches. At exactly the rlght time, place and in Just the tight dlree- flan a bump comes forth to be the tonn- datlon of the bmw tine. In a few more dmflaebatlnelsprojected bythe Invisible urchltect. In a month the Itmcturelnueulya toothlghusdall enveloped In a turgld mm of feverish, f "There's too much spre 'porridgeâ€"with more fporridge," said he. .2110," he continued, “for less that I'm afraid I" to preach men's sins to .ially if they paid well." --_-._--. ......".... um. um; um many cnurcn. to the people of Annette-st. at the same time. {Methodist church, Toronto. where be At first the place of each antler h t , preaChed on Sunday last. Mr. Dewey broad raw spot. In a few days It l lamented the fact that. Methodist "1°" tailczhzuzgfmpgpigybm preachers were :inclined to keep clear “‘02":th the mt bulbous .111!!! .of any reference to the sins of the horn W8 has shot up to ‘ height rich members of their congregations. of mm] inches. At exactly the "Kilt f “There's too much spreading of the time. place ad in Just the right direc- ' Porridgthwith more sugar than than n bump comes forth to be the foam fporrkige." said be. “God forgive gnuon of the brow tine. In a few man ..A .. ., 7. 'l'he Wonderful Growth of the Alt- . [era of the Wapltl. Wapiti antler growth is one of the mlracies of nature that we never cease to consider a miracle. About the end of winterâ€"that is in mid-Marchâ€"the ant- lers of the year before break oi! flush with their base an inch or more above the skull. Usually they are found close together. showing that they fell nearly at the same time. At first the place of each antler is a broad raw spot. In a few days it shows a thick rounded pad or blood med skin. This swells rapidly. and lâ€" - n-4,. -. A MIRACLE OF NATURE. Yestinga, etc. 'need for plainer talk from the pul- ' pit. Nowadays there was too much preaching of the "namby-pamby var- ‘icty. Just as Christ. told the woâ€" man at the well of her immoral life, and aroused her from her sins by the {revelation of them. v the only eflectivé 25;. Pie and to get them put him outâ€"if he pays well." This was the rather startlingstaté~ meat made by: Rev. George W. Dewâ€" ey, pastor of Davenport Methodist church, to the peogle of Annettest. "MLAALJ -L ner and raise the dev the Methodist church put him outâ€"if ho um man the Preacher included the guilty ones, and devil generally in a prekty bad Sin- emphasize the from the pul- before you'tl If you your (o ’ (0) <0} <0 ' <9, (0‘) <0) (9) 33 horses. bani this lot there I young work hm l stallion oomi‘ mare heavy in f and heavy in cattle: 1 grade old: 10 sets 5 light driving team harness. TERMSâ€"$1! or that a‘moum proved joint I from date if m discount at th gnawed for ca: 5’. A. FANNI‘J P'ropdet at ONE 0' TANNING/l The undersign‘ tions to sell Saturdai Blankets, Road Ca: fANNING’ every Tuesd. April. ( ‘ulun atwmed. Apply early racervuunns. G.I‘.R. and (1] GM. :1 copy 0 “Western 03. Full information a! T. C. Mamba" J. Andaman. C‘ srm Exte HOPIOI p a» l H n 4 ordered A sharv 0| GlASS have lease MANI'n and 8A William Onotito The 1")" 'Y, .2 mpth a term h Sh” U \A‘

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