KARMAGE LICENSES are issued by It. Thou. Bean. either at his 0.“ h Id. 9. twum,s J" cur: store er a m " ‘ _ Albert-6., Linda: ts, es, paid for Eggs- House. ICES. . making GRMRY’ ‘ lubhim se-win: "It )smg ANS AND .CHINES. 191w ’ the! goods. ’LLERY smug REN, {II'IH'SS and 119. THINGS m SAY. SS, 'atches, Box 415 nun-st, nay“. Church. “"315 such a 'i'iw name '1 “If. In Sew. ’:'%‘r \Vilgm’ cm! Raymund. “ Prices and it‘s but 301.]. urhmes. business nent 22nd and if dollar’s '. XESLICK. Licensed auctioneer (or nuipoaa township. P.O. adâ€" STEPhEN OLIVERâ€"Licensed Anc- ' tioneer for the county of Victoria. Sale- promptly attended to. ' A Auctioneers I R JAMES, CAMBRAY. Ont†Li- censed Auctioneer, for the county of Victoria. Farm stéck and all other sales promptly attended to. Charges moderateâ€"29. m 120 Kent Screen. -â€"â€" Over Morgan 3 Drug Store. DR. E. A. TOTTEN WMW’V DRS. NEELAXDS IRVINE, Den- tists. members of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons. We have all the latest methods of dentistry. SpeCial attention wil‘ be given to Orthodonia. Crown and Bridge work. The successful extraction of teeth under gas (Yitalized Air) and the insertion of the best artiï¬cial dentures continues to be a specialty} of this ofï¬ce. Oflice nearly oppo- ate the Simpson House Satisfaction DR. F. A. WALTERS. dentist. Lind- say. Honor graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dentistry. All the latest and im- pwved branches of dentistry suc- ceesfully performed. Charges mod- erate. Ofï¬ce ox'er Gregory‘s Drug Store. corner Kent and William- DR. SUTTON, Dentist, Lindsay. Hon or graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All the latest improved methods adopted and prices moder- ate. omce over Anderson Nu- gent's, opposite Veitch'u Hotel. N. H. GROSS, Dentist, Lindsay, Headquarters for good Dentistry. Member of Royal Dental College. LEIGH R. KNIGHTâ€"Barrister, So- iicitor, Notary Public. Reprcsent- ing WathIoo Mutual Fire Insurance HcSWEYN 8:. SMITH. â€"-Barristers, ate. Otï¬ce. Kent-st ; opposite Pym House. We are loaning mon- ey on real estate. in sums to suit borrower's at the very lowest, rates of interest and suitable terms. JOHN McSWEY-N. W. E. SMITH. R. POGUE, DENTIST, ofï¬ce nearâ€" ly opposite the post-03». Special attention given to children's teeth. Howard V. Pogue. D.D.S. L.D.S. MOORE JACKSON. Barristers,‘ ecc., solicitors for the County of Y mm: m and the Bank of Montreal. ' Money to loan on mortgages at the lowest current rates. Otï¬cel William-st... Lindsay. F. D. Moore, Alex. Jackson.j Co., of Waterloo : Federal Life As- surance Co., of Hamilton; Empire Accident and Surety Co.. of Lonâ€" don, Ont. Ofï¬ceâ€"Telephone build- ing, William-st“, formerly Judge O'Leary's ofï¬ce. STEWART O'CONNOR. Barristers Notaries, etc. Money to loan at verv lowest. cuncnt rates on best terms. Ofï¬ce corner Kent and York-sts., Lindsay. T. Stewart, L. V. O'Connor, B.A. G H HOPKINS Barrister, Solicit-E or for the Ontario Bank Money to 30am at lamest. rates. Ofï¬ce No 6; William-st., south. 1 4E0 BORROWERSâ€"We are loaning 3‘ money on real estate mortgages at ; é the lowest current rates. The busi-f mess is done in our own ofï¬ce andi‘ zhe principal and interest repaid to‘ us without any expense of remit-g ting. We also purchase mortgages , . and debentures. T0 INVESTORS“; E. B. WELDON, Mariposa township Clerk, Oakwood, Fire Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Conveyancing in all its forms. -â€"We invest monox for clients on mortgawes also upon municipal de- bentures, investment stocks and bonds. MCLAUGHLIN’ PEEL, Barristers. etc., Lindsay. DRS. GILLESPIE a: BROWN. - corner of Lindsay and Russel-sts. Special attention given to Mid- wifery-and Diseases of Women. Tel- ephone 98. -_ __ v “‘1‘“? ‘HE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to ‘ 9 loan money on‘ Farm, Town and‘ ’0' Village Property at very lowest: rates of interest. Company org Private funds. I am always ready; to buy good mortgages. I. E WELDON, Solicitcr, etc, Milne; Biock, Lindsay. 0 50 O¢o¢o¢o bore and brass cylinder and stéel rod that will last and throw more water than any pump 0;: the market. Our practical man MR. JOHN DENNIS: looks after all orders and repairs. , ' S: tisfactlnn Guaranteed *DR. F. BLANCHARD. graduate To- ronto University, coroner for Vio- toria county. Ofï¬ce Ridout-st., corner Kent and Lindsayâ€"sts. form- erly residence late Dr. Kempt). Phone 45â€"35. 0R. J. McALPINE.â€"Cornet Y'illiam and Colborne-sts.. Lindsay. Spoo- ial attention paid to diseases of nose. throat and lungs. 0m hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ; 7 to 8 DR. JEFFERS.â€"Ofl!ce hours 9 to 11 a..m.; 6 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 8 p.31. Residence 30 Wellington-st, Telephone No. 43. DR. J. W. WOOD (late of Kirkï¬eld) Residence and oflice â€"â€" 3O Bond-st. ï¬rst door west, of CambridgHt Methodist church. Ofï¬ce hours : S to 11a.m.;2to4and 7 to E 51m. Phone No. 196. THE WATCHMANâ€"W! CR, MARCH 223d. 1906 DR G. S. RYERSON, 66 Coheg Toronto eye, ear nose and met-)5: opecialm ._~T.â€"v-- ’é‘iLLï¬zsmE, w J. BROWN, mt Stress. iotzzan a Drug Store. Auctioneers ,CAMBRAY. Ont... Li- I ioneer, for the countyQ Farm stock and an; promptly attended to. f MONEY ._.. TOâ€" 5-: LOAN 0000 DENTIST Money to Loan Barristers. etc Dentistry :e tuaout-sc. ., :ay-sts. form- )r. KempU- 0.0:. O ’0 ¢O%O 3f Kirkï¬eldk 30 Bond-5L, g «‘ambridge-st.‘ ‘0’. ce hours . 9 ‘ . nd 7 t0 8 i 0:. i? BROWN. â€"§3 l Russel-31:3. i Q on to Mid- ; 0:0 Women. Tel- f 9 . 00 ‘ l J.BROWN.:†M. D.. 0.1!. ,i . _____â€"_ 9 - to $1.“? .000. 'D"G“ 'â€" farm property $12,000. special trust: fund- at current rates of interest from 8500 upwards and from 5 to 10 years. Also other private funds up $30,000 She-He Medicine 00., - Lindsa) Cure Backache. Bladder Trouble, Dia- betes, Bright’ 3 Disease. Leucorrhoea, Drick Dust, in Urine, Painful Micturi» tion, Uric Acid in the Blood, Rheum- atism, Impure Blood, pimples on the Face, Sallow Complexion. Female Weaknesses or any Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder. Slightly lax- ative. :The Lindsay Lumber Co. :OFFICEâ€"Academy of Music Block. . YARDâ€"W'est of Flzwelles Egg House Can furnish Southern Oak, Toplar or Georgia. Pine for interior ï¬nish. i We carry a full supply of Build- ; ing Lumber and can ï¬ll bills on ishort notice. Parties intending to build this season will do well , to get our ï¬gures. 59¢ per box at all Druggists or b) On First-Class Improved FAR! PROPERTY “HALE RS [N Rough and Dressed Lum- ber, Lath and Shingles. SHE-HE KIDNEY TABLETS {he UNDSAY [UMBER (6 6.â€.0.n§v?u.6.u‘.n.0.n%n.0.u n. 9 IRON RODS, which do noc’rust '6 or taint- the water. 0:. “'e are also placing a. larger ? bog-e 23nd bugs cylinder gnd_steel :- 9:0.0: v ‘V 9 me also prepared to sup- '. ply supe‘riol W indmifls on spec- . ih rations. the people know from ex ience. What, you want w en buying a. Pam is GALVAN- IZED IRON IPE BRASS CYLINDERS with threads, not bolts which rust and fall ofl’, and O IROV PnhQ ml‘nph r‘n nnf “110* .5 «ammo 6 0.. 9 O . '0 9 D.’ O A » Axe now prepared to suppl the above pumps for any dEpt of well up to 150 feet and guar- antee satisfaction. - ' The day of the black iron pipe a._nd cast iron_cylinders 18 past, as '0 O O .0 0 â€$0020. 'E‘O‘: :m:WWMW:-Q 3' The Famous Q TH E Sylvester Mfg. Srtisfaction Guaranteed 3 “'91! oulers receive prompt ’3‘ attentmn. me Sylvester mg. (a. 0mm McSWEYN SMITH. Solicitors, etc., Lindsay $300 to $600 WIN DMILLS. British American ' Business College Inquire at once. A. FARQUHLRSON; B. 1;; Yonge HcGiu stm, C0. Lindsay. 0m. l. A. Bldg, - Toronto. We have on hand for investment on ï¬rst mortgage. on nu“ [Ill-Illlltrv'; She wound her Inns about his neck. cunglntmmm wudxy "Andlsltthou? lnmyduedmu deep emotion: { Soon the sharp noise of the opening sand shutting of the great door rang :‘ through the quiet prison and the heavy, ; halting footsteps of Ezekiel Mason were {heard as he came down the corridor, imaking his last round to see that all iwas safe. Reaching Margaret‘s cell, . he paused. and as the rasplng sound of 5a key being turned in the rusty lock 5 of the iron door of her cell fell on her iears the prisoner instinctively bowed iher head lower. Then the door was Jthrown back on its hinges. and for a § few seconds there was no sound. ‘ “Margaret Mayiand." She did not raise her head. ? “Is it the time?" she asked dull}. “East mine hour come?" “mmr’et.†She moved. appeared to listen, then lifted her face and looked about her wildly. but saw only the stern Jaller. Mal Mason. . “Who mocks me?’"she' cried pltloua- ly. “Who imitates his voice?†I’ , The man stepped over the threshold and with a quick'motion removed his ‘ aiouched hat. turned down his broad coat collar and, supporting the tren- i At last all was in readiness. and the gdarkness ot the night that came be { tore the day set for the execution set- i tied black and dense over the moun- ,5 tun. The village folk. with the idea _ of rising promptly at the ï¬rst appear- ‘ ance of the sun, so that they and their .‘ children might be dressed and on the ' scene at the ï¬rst possible moment, had gone to rest early, so that at 9 o 'cloch 1 not a light gleamed from the windows of a single house or cabin, not a way- rarer seemed to be on the roadways. and there was an intense stillness on i the mountain. At the jail old Matthew Alien lay stretched on a wooden bench just in- 5' side the huge door, sleeping heavily. although supposed to be awake, alert, on guard, and his prisoner, alone in ‘her narrow cell, her dress of black clinging in somber folds about her slender ï¬gure, knelt on the hard floor beside her pallet, her head bowed in her hands. The glimmer from a can- 'lle on a stand near at hand tell on her bright hair and bowed head, show- ing her attitude to be one or hopeless resignation as she knelt there immov- able, to all appearances unconscious. ' ï¬HAPTER XXVII. : HE next day and the next were : eventful ones in the history of ‘ the quiet little village of Craze ‘ enstone. People stopped in the tmidst or their busy preparations for i the witnessing or the awful event now l drawing so near to walk to the prison 3 to see the great new lock hanging i from an iron band across the door and to gaze with wonder and curiosity at the tall, lame man who strode up and down before the building that con- ï¬ned Margaret Mayland, muttering savagely and uttering curses under his breath. Small boys and idler-I hung about him, following him whith- er he went, and on the last day watch- ed with pale, awe stricken faces the ; planting of the stake, the piling of the fagots at the foot and all the grew- some preparations for the consuming by ï¬re of the condemned woman. The lnnkeeper, laying down 1 large bundle of straw that he held in his arms, shouted an order to a passing horse boy. then hurriedly followed Taunston into the house. “Thou hadst best comeâ€"a1? settle his reckoning. for I am here to take this good man to the prison." Taunston walked or! - with rapid strides, then halted abruptly. “By my faith. methought the stran- , ger had a menacing look an' a cruel, re- lentless manner,“ answered the inn- 3' keeper, with a shrug. “At the ï¬rst [ when he appeared; dust covered an' mud stained; the village lads loitering i’ the hallway sprang away and ran out of doors in fear of him. But happen he'll serve the councilmen for their puro poses right suitably,†be added. Taunston strode toward him angrily. “Call not this Ezekiai Mason a cruel man," he cried, “or a fearsome one. but rather with low voice an’ reverent manner assert that he is a holy man, chosen by the Lord to do his work. I give thee good day, John.†the fact that In the several executions yonder below~on the south side the mountain, from whence he comes, all were under his direction, and assert that each aflair was conducted with or. der an' dispatch." “The letters state that this Ezeklal Mason ls proï¬cient in the art of build- ing scah’olda for hanging an' hath skill in planting a stake and arranging dry tagots around it to secure a quick burning. They also make mention of too old.†As the lnnkeeper's {ace expressed in- terest, Josiah continued with his nar- rative: to us. The man. it seemeth, hath in~ vented a famous lock that none but he can understand. Once on a‘door ’twill baile all human skill to get the thin: asunder. He hath shown it to the council, who did so approve of it that they did purchase it at once for our jail door. putting the newcomer in charge or the jail over Matthew Allen. who for such events of importance as “A'Tis'n certain Ezekial Mason; who hath come to us from loyal Puritans st Honeyoke, ten miles below Sterndorf, having the proper password and hear- ing letters of introduction from them “Dost know, hood host, whom thou hath at thy board?" “Mean thou the tall man with bent head au' lame leg? Who is be, master?" the man asked curiously. Continued from page two) ranging the straw beds for the night. Josiah Taunston approached and. ad- dressing the than with the air of one who had important information, said, THE WITCH 0F CRAGENSTONE happening at presentfprithee, my love!†the Win hb_elnbnce.. } “The man, exhausted and bleeding 2 from many wounds, tell at its side, un- ' conscious or his close proximity to his dead foe and dead to everything about him. Sweet. I stanched his wounds i and from a brook near by brought cool i water and bathed his head. so that his wandering wits returned. But the man had received a blow on the heart . and so many broken bones that he could not live. I aaw that he was ' sinking rapidly, so. kneeling at his aide. } asked him his name, altering to de~ liver any message: he might wish to leave. To make a long tale short. tweet Margaret, as we have not much time for. taming. the prostrate man was a famous Puritan from parts distant from here. by name Ezekiel Halon. and was on his way to Cragenatnne to sell his invention of a prim look; also ‘ to conduct the aflaire of thine execno tiou. When he had told me that much ‘ and given me the password he expired. ‘ Hastily searching his clothing and a packet he carried. I found bread and wine. which i ate and‘drank ravishing- inalaotheiockhewiahedtoleiiand letters or inn-induction to the olden and councilman {mm prominent men at his holler. lat-gamer. the man's face had not relaxed in death ere it had oc- curred to me to dd: his doting. Ital- ny tape and heard with the Juice of leave. and henna. as manual loan "vv'. _,.__ , a.“v uuu uu mutuuCfl In W but with what no- 21 For Toronto......'............ 9.15 mm. The Council was addressed by Soli-l'domg 80» Wâ€" 0- Peel. the contractor. ’ 3 M Port Hm..............10.58 3.1:! citor 6_ Hopkins, in’ behalf of Sec-.be paid $85 for the work he has M W" , 8 N I. B. t 0. Jet ....... 11.00 $.13 1101: 3:0. 3, m cpplications were done on the lock-up which he has of- 55 r..- cby.... ...... ......,....u.os an discussed from 10.30 a. m. an 12.13;"3d to accept to close the contract- In... M_A- ‘1‘ 1" - was the animal upon its prey that it did not notice my approach. With one well aimed thrust I an lt through the heart, and the beast sank with a con- vulsive motion to the ground. i' E “And did I not bid thee trust me?" he ‘8 .1 asked reproachfuily. “Why. sweet. I I had thy promise. I suspected that night 9 under the trees yonder at the farm 3 when we were last together and the B soldiers came up the roadway that 1 I mayhap thy sneaking cousin Josiah i had laid a trap for me. but. feeling cer- ; tain I could circumvent him, I cared I' not to frighten thee. Later at the Sign , I of the Red Heart I found good proof of ; his perfldy, learning from the ofllcer in . ! command that all the passes were ' guarded and that I, with thee. was to be arrested the next morning. By heav- en. Margaret. behind an iron grating I could not save theeâ€"could but lie there like a wild thing. a caged lion. unable ‘ to rescue thee from thy cousin‘s awful intriguing. Sweet. for a time the blow was so heavy that I was near bereft of my senses." He drew a sharp breath. “The situation that confronted me was so desperate that I fairly sickened. Then I gathered courage, knowing that thou hadst no one but me. and I resolved to escape that night and take what was our one chance. the path through the forest to Sterndorf. where methought. once there. with bribes of land and gold to hire fellows to ride back with me. . kill the guards. storm this rotten prison 1 and rescue thee. For two days. desper- ’ ' ate. beside myself with a desire to ad- i vance. thinking always of thy anaer- 1 ing. I feverishly cut and pushed my 1 way through the dense and gloomy for- est, fearfui to lie down at night on ac- count of the wild beasts that come from their iairs at nightfall and too ‘ eager to get on to rest. Damme. but ’twas a time to make the stoutest heart I l I I r my 1313‘!†lmrï¬ah'mi...‘ I I I “On the third morning. when I had 1' drained the last drop-from my flask 1' and was in great distress that I might a have lost my bearings, methought I I: heard the sound of a human voice c shrieking in great agony. Drawing 0 my sword. I ran in the direction of the 1‘ noise and came suddenly upon a man u struggling for his life in the close em- brace of a mountain bear. So intent El At the recollection of be:- entering uncontrollable sob: broke from her in great gasps, and she wept bitterly. With an exclamation. Ln Fablenno drew her closer to hlm. “Godfrey"â€"tears ï¬lled her eyes and her lips trembledâ€"“methought thou dldst desert me and put me tram thy heart." “Thou hast son-owed. mine own. Thy pale, drawn race doth tell Its own tale of suffering." He lifted the candle so that It: gleam tell on her face. “Nay, sweet." '10 hastened to reas- sure her. “Give old Matthew not a care. for a potion slipped into his wine at supper tonight doth cause him to sleep heavily. As I passed just now I kicked him with my foot, and so unconscious of it was he that he did not even turn." “But the old Juilvr. Matthew Allen? Surely he will bvur Ham-Z" He laughed a low. Jubmmt laugh, de- llghtedly prmsing her to his heart. “Already Elsbeth and our trusty Gag- ton, disguised as Puritans, mounted and holding two horses under cover of the trees, are waiting for us at the cross- roads. As Ezeklal Mason 1 have the password that will let us through the guard, and as Godfrey La Fablenue.†he sald trlumphantly, “I will carry my sweet Margaret safely through the ene- my's lines!" replied. "But not so fast, sweet love, in bidding me become, for when I go then goeth with me." She raised bewildered, frightened eyes to his. Havana resignation. M35375? LUCTIOHBEB For the County of Yietorh. Auction Sale- ol all kind- prompt. 1' 1y attended to. SILuuaction Gm: antud. Lindsay P. 0.. on. ,1 GUARANTEED CURE for PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrudiug Piles. Mggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. l tans. perchunce. going down the moun- ‘tain to meet friends coming up the roadway. Strange how the suspicion hath ever beset my mind that Marga- ret Mayland'a lover would return to i rescue her. Ho, ho! Let him come to- morrow night! Let him come, anon, to- morrow night with a great army. I challenge him! The man he called a coward doth challenge him. lovesick law that he is, to rescue hia lady to- morrow night!" His harsh. exultnnt laughter, grating and discordant. rang out through the dark bedchamber as. his mind now at ease. he settled himself more comfort- ably upon his pillow. prepared to sleep until the dawn. thh a sigh of relief Taunston fell back upon his pillow muttering: “Ha. they ride away! "us some good Puri- A silence for a moment. then the clat- tering noise of horses' boots pounding the ground. at ï¬rst loud. then growing fainter. until the sounds passed out of his hearing. For Bdlevifla............... 7.20 mm JOSEPH MEEHAN Rom Poterboro ....... 8.00 1.12: From Halibut-ton. .......... 8.55 nan from Port Rape .......... 9.10 mm From Toronto ............... 5.00 mm Ln Fablenne retnlnlnx her hand In his strong clasp. they ran swiftly down the dark pathway under the protecting shadow: or the trees. At hll words she seemed to grow braver ind. raising her head with a movement that Indicated sudden reso- Lntlon, said ï¬rmly: “I am coming now. dear rescuer. over the thresholdâ€"ever will we bless It. Godfreyâ€"o! hope. ub- erty. love and llte!" “Margaret, my love. take courage." he urged. “Art than never coming through the doorway Y" As the cool nixbt wind blew on her face and the broad expanse of country stretched out before her. with freedom to close at hand. Margaret. trembling and terribly excited. drew back. ller lover held her hand strongly in his own. Still she hesitated. afraid almost to venture forth. u‘ Taklng her hand. he led her to a small door at the back or the prison that was opened by the sllpplng hack of some heavy bolts and he stepped out on to the ground. “'Tls the awful fear of my cousin that still lies heavy on my heart." she replied. hurriedly fastening on her shawl. “Mayhap he hath suspected thee. Godfrey. and may entrap us yet." “Nay. love, put by such fearsome misgivings." Ln Fabienne laughed lightly. “Parbleu, in all this village no man rests so securely in the trusti- ness of the new Jailer, no man hath such conï¬dence in the stern Puritan Ezekiai Mason. as thy kinsman Josiah. 80 throw fear of him from thee. Mar- garet. No man will moiest us." His glance expressed great tender nm as he clumsily tied the gray bon- net strings. of the put of measles now prevalent nbout here, whom we are anxious to take to her home at Sterndorf. As friends of Ezeklal Mason he hath per- mission to see {bee ma thy relative: safely out of the village." 8!: Godfrey laughed grlmly. “By our lady, ’tia n gremme joke. sweet, but thy face looks downcast. Thou wert ever one to enjoy a splce of danger. What gloom hangs over Margaretâ€"and throw this cloak over thy shoulders. In passing through the guild thou must droop thy head and appear languishing, as thou art sup- posed to be s maid suddenly taken in convincing himself that no intruder wns about, he re-entered the prison. going at once to Mnrxnret’eceli. “All is well," he hastened to assure her. “The wind is rising. and the sound no doubt was but the creating or e loose grating. Gods, the villagers sleep soundly tonight tint they may get good test for tomorrow's gain day. But we do tarry here too long. Here's a Puritan bonnetâ€"'twiii disguise thee. ‘ue a careful, searching glance in 1!! direction, but all now was quiet. No sounds reached his can sue the whin- nï¬ng of an impatient horse not tu- distant down the roadway. So. otter Bothsprungnpartuuenlngwithmk Justï¬nénnuuntmnduotttoot- â€"â€"vâ€" --.--.- ,.11.001.n uon No. 8. The applications were done on the lock-up which he has of- â€11.051.31 discussed from 10.80 a. :22. till 12 Tend to accept to close the contract. .4105 p.31 o'clock. ’(‘ontmct luving been cancelled for ‘. 1‘09.- Council “jun-nod 1 hour to dig). above mason. The Auditor’s Report .. 6.35 p.- uer. W proceeding. at 1 pm, was received and adopted. . 15.88 my 130 following motion. we W, Council adjourned to; meet u; Co- . ’aug‘t! mm. tht the want put otboconk on the 80th thy of May and .QW“ [tap-â€Lot- 8; Con, 8,_ the property to ho“ the Court of Revision.x mmmunmmumu 0 ........ m125678899 6.00 mm Lou a 5 and GE: '2'b6d.,';nd"'léi 6. con. 3. detached from S. Section No. 8 ï¬nd stacked to S Section 30. 8. were received. _ r.-v_Vâ€"-, [Reeve ï¬elding in the chair. Corres- pondence wus head from the Clerk of Eldon. cud Garden. re the iock-up at Victoria. Road. Applications from Tnntoeu of W 5 Section No. 9, to law one-half the Cement Co's Prop- erty detached'kom 8 Section No. 8, and attached w No. 9, and (tom W of Section No. 3, to have, Council meeting was held at the Township am. in Victoria Road on m 1211:. All ‘members present, * Lindsay’s Leading Shoe House Hockin'l Old Stand. The best lines always in stock. We carry the famous “DOROTHY DODD" and “EMPRESS†Shoes for Women, and the “HUMANIC†and GEO. A. SLATER SHOES, «as well as other standard makes for men. It will pay you to inspect HURLEY‘S STOCK before buying. Have made'large additions during the past few weeks tn all lines of High-class Furniture. If you are thinking of refumishing your house, or re- quire anything in the F urniture line, it will pay you to see these goqu, The prices are right. "6.3.3." "6.3.3." ".36.?“ ANDERSON, NUGENT 8 CO «.1 r. Phi: :3; moor; m r- 5 55 ONE: 35.20 6 meon 00.. can: Furniture Store By Buying Your Boots and Shoes a; ANDERSON, NUGENT CO. P. J. HURLEY I'll. PROCEEDINGS. . WARREN, Agent, Lindsay coo: new?“ â€cow-9.: 99:444.?“ ' THE LEADING ©©©<°> C><°><°> Q'V Speeches Were inade by Mr Hank- ins. the Reeve of Eldon, and Mn. Wu, the Reeve of Coir-den, IE: to flag lock-up. of Enven Lake Portland Cement Co.. suflcient to be one quarter the value or the whole 9 acres, be detached from S Section No. 8 and- attached to W 8 Section No. 9. Black-Bowins. that Lots 5 and G. in the 2nd Con. be detodaed from S Section No. 8 and attached to S Section No. 3. Alton-Black. that Mr. Isaac Trip be Pathnnster in place of W. H. De- catur. and be paid $8 for under- br'ashing done 01; Junction Road. GUELPH.ONTARDa PAGE Kent-It .