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Watchman Warder (1899), 29 Mar 1906, p. 8

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The Burloigh Falls project is there- ior» worthy of the most serious con- sideration. although it may have ob- jectionabh- features as now presented. There is no doubt that Lindsay is the natural objective point for its utiiiuation : for as a centre of railway connection this town has much better adVantag‘es than the towns to the south. being connected The town or city which (an nn'or the best pom-r at the lvaqt (JUST. is the most likely to be the n..m(- of such vast enterprises. $76,000,000 ed. The high. t-arifi imposed on Am- erican manufacture is making it im- perative for thv American hhuses and companies doing business in Canada to ostablish branch industries in the Dominion and the latest instance of this kind is the probable Mention of a plant to I'vll"“~" Hm (-Htpllt of the American Sum-I Trust in this coun- try. at an c-xpvndituru of some The questioh of mfi‘or for manu- facturing purposes which has during the past “oi-k occupied the attention of Lindsay public men is undoubtéd- 15‘ of great importance. The rapid develupmvm of this rountry prvsages an wra or manufacture imim’eusurahly in advance of “fiat has bet-n. This fact in being seriously :(-garded by many Ontario tuwns and great en‘érts have: bat-u put furth‘aml wi'l iw put forth to mun-o punw' in anticipation of attracting the various eutvrprises that. must develop and ht- pstablish- All pnyments on subscriptions are flown by the date on the printed address label bearing the subscrib- _ of: name Thus “jun 05" signifies that the paper is paid {or until Jan. 1 1905 â€"or "jan 06" to Jan. _1, 1906, and so of other months and years, which are abbreviated, so as to be readily understood when the word cannot be spelled at length. We wish to do whatever is is desired by readers, and will dis- continue your paper promptly when your time is out, if you so request. If, however, you continue to receive it. we shall look to you for pay- meat at the regular advertised rice one dollar a. year. POWER AND Qusmms I'AGE EIGHT n-Warder Canal outlet the Port Hope hand of trade has issued a circular setting forth tho.- advantagcs ul‘ thcir harbor as the outlet of tho canal. The case looks all right on the map. and by argument, and if the intercsts of the natural \vau-rwuy can he satisfied or ox'errult-d all the way to the outlet of the Bay of Qui'nte, the claims of iPort Hopu will (ltHll‘lll'SS lw inalized, and there sot-ms to be- no moral reas- on why the shortest innu- should not be tho one selected. The dis- tance from the outlet of tho (Bitma- bee to Trenton is :18} milue. and to Lake Ontario at Port Hope. front the same point 19; miles, with onlyi 12 miles of canal to construct. The long route would nvcossftzlte the construction of five drawbridges, the In view of the approaching decision of parliamvnt. upon tho Tl‘rnt Valley It is fortunate for Lindsay that, wide-awake business men are on the Board of Trade, and through their .viligance it is hoped that this sub- ject will be profitably SW This town has just about doubled in pop- ulation in tfiirtv vxears’ That. is something, for. the growth has been sound and heai‘thy. But} there is no reason why; wigh careful planning and persistent‘et‘fort on the part of the Board and leading citizens. the 1platea- should not double itself again in two or thvee years. Thismeans the organization of indlietries, the acquisition of; power to run their machines, and much keen financing. Here are means and brains to ac- complish it and the Watchman-Ward- er sees. great things ahead and as in the past will encourage every move in the path of progress. With {W0 great railw'a‘y', “W like!!! $00!! to hAVe mic“ with another. The com is .. under obligation to develop power for Oshawa and Boumnville, A and it may seem that Lindsay would only have a branch line. and in the event of the two former towns developing interests requiring _ an extra large quantity of power there might arise strife as to which would get the sup- ply. Howm'er, it is quite evident that‘such could not’happen, because‘ the Burleigh Falls DOWer has raour- ‘ccs amplefor unlimited supply, as show by the company’s prospectus. The town having the best represen- tation on the board of director-3.,Jand4 the controlling interest in. the stock would no doubt have the best ad; vantage in the manipulation of in- tercsts. , THE CANAL OUTLET ‘want a church alongside of him on day Sunday in order to obey the «lawn The mayor said : "The people want Sunday observed. but they do not want to be’tied down; and I think if the present byâ€"laws are‘ enforced them win he a. madam-lo observance and protection of the' Sabbath.” 6 “That the city clerk be requested to communicate to the government of Canada this council's objection to the adoption of such a law; and to request the'g‘overnment not to favor any legislation whose effect would be to prevent on Sunday the running of street cars and trains. excursions by boat or by railway, the opening of public parks, provided that no spir- ituous liquors be sold therein, and whose efl'ect generally would tend to deprive the citizens of Montreal of the means of healthy and moral rec- rest-ions} Onie alderman said that if the bill were passed it would be impossible even to get to the mountain or St. Helen’s Island on Sundays} or to get: out of town. Another said: “Ifhe bill is so drastic that a. mu would The Lord’ 3 DR; bill introduced in the Dominion Pal-liament by Hon. ‘Uflérflf’ab" fifzfih’irfcic": “member for Quebec county has awakened a deal of opposition. The Montreal city council expensses its objections thus : “That the City Council of Montreal although countenancing with favor the adoption of a. law destined to en- sure the observance of Sunday. think it only right to represent to the governmentand to the Parliament of Canada. that they would consider [is contrary to thé public interest any pro’vision whosefiefiect would prevent our population -~from relaxation “or even from obtaining transportation. OBJECTMNS TOLORB'S DAY BILL set to the country as a vaterpower. than as a bit of scenery considered only to benefit railway passenger traffic, savors too ~much of the com- mercial, and if it 'should have sway would result in very soon annihilating the historic beauty ofcthis wonderful sign that has thrilled so many be holders, and become the pride of this whole continent. and that which is now sacred to the whole world would be subordinated for the benefit of the immediate community and cities and towns and railwaysrtwould use it for,end3~..for which there is no It seems to us that there is need of immediate decision if the scenic beauty of Niagara Falls is to be pre- Served. On the other hand the opinion that the falls is a better as- The report advises delay in grantd. ing franchises to any more Canadian companies and of cancfling the that‘- ters of those who have not yet com- menced operations until the actual condition of aflairs. is shown by the completed works of the present com- panics. The Canadian Waterways Commis- sion is of the opinion thatlit is not advisable to make a treaty with the United States 'in regard to Niagara alone. but_an international arrange- ment should embrace all the watt-rs adjacent toijboth countries from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It claims .that to ‘thé 415.000 horse-power ‘to "begdevoloped by the ‘work‘s of thr- three companies now in progrt-SS on the Canadian'sitle at Niagara. from 200.000 to 400,000 additional horse- power can«'be harnessed without in any way impairing the scanic beauty of the Niagara Falls. Acéording to Reports have been circulated in Lindsay of late that coal oil 1's dis- covered near here, and upon enquir- ing it is found that there is coal oil on the farm of Charlie McDonald, three miles-from Kirk-field, and also on land four miles -1‘rom Eldon. At intervals during the past two years efl'orts have been made if; this locality to discover natural gas, coal oil, and coal, and a prospector sent, out by a southern company dis- covered evidences of all three on the north-eastern shores of Lake Simeon. lfijthe Postmaster-General has: un- dertaken to entirely disengage. the pos-tmasters from other employments and enforce the rule all through, it ivill more than give him a hard time. ‘Who shall say what is sufficient for the maintcinance of a postmaster ? One has more obligations resting up- on.him than another, and all have not the same" ambitiOns. There would certainly be much unfairness in the enforcement, and Mr. Ayles- worth would have to engagethe for- cvs of Scotland yard to discover who was making I8. dollar on the side. The dismissal of the Postmaster of Cannington. on the eharge of engaging in other business, and the announced intention of Mr. Aym- worth that he will enforce a rule that where postmasters receive an ample amount ’for their maintenance, they must not engage in other occupatibn, was the cause of heated debate in the House of Commons. Col. Hughes took an active part and referring to the Cannington incident said : “Supposing the man had 3900 a year, and had a little grocery busi.‘ ness. is that any worse than {or the Postmaster-General to have the har- ‘dihood to go to the SupremeCourt with briefs, appearing before judges of his own appointment ? I wonder which is the more scandaloux’f _ canal, ought to be the one taken, reé gardless of minor precedeqts or claims. short route nODe, according to the circular. The route that-best. {8°â€" ilitates the transportation of the output of the country served by the LIHITING THE POSTIIASTERS COAL 01L DISCOVERIES. NIAGARA FALLS. Wm advices received In all probability the Drumtic section of St. I’eter's T. A S. ,uPet- erbem. will present the "Colleen Dawn" ct Lindsay in the near fu- ture. 'heve have been requests from The adult. Bible class loader. Mr. Burton. said his class was an ortho- dox, ready to’discuss prodcstination veryireely. and all were. interested participants in the discussions. . Mr. A. D. Kitchener. Superintend- ent, explained the cradle roll systdm. The Sunday school has now 190 members, a. steady and increased at- tendance over last year. Mission of- ferings were 50 per oent..to ‘60 per cent. higher than preceding year. He emphasized the fact that the teachers were working for the eternal welfare of the scholars. asking for the co-opernt-ion oi panents in the instruction of the young. for. what we learn in our youth we ctn best. retain. _ The quartet!» symposed a! Hessrs. ; 1“. Joyce. E. Wéstley. Alex. cmkbl and P. Wi . ung- “Will there be‘ any Starsi m Gdawn." end the meeting cone by. on joining in "Blcst be_tho ti 'hqt' binds! ‘ Mr. P. Wilsdn then sang a difficult solo, "The Bandolero."- eliciting ap- please. Refreshments were served and the orchestra again rendered sweet music. Mrs Fisher. Secmt'ar} of the Home Department, read her report. â€"The plot of “Her Only Sin," Lin- coln J. Carter's great emotional play which makes its initial appear- ance at the Academy of Music to- night, Thursday, hinges on a point of law, the question of the guardian- ship of a minor. Lincoln J. Carter smug a. big surprise when be pro- duced “Her Only Sin" at his theatre â€"‘IUnder. Southern Skies.“ tho!say will see this favorite play some- greatest play oi Southern life .ever time during April. written. 'and one of the finest ever ‘ i , '1‘ witnessed in Lindsay, will appear at ., ; . i W' the Academy of music on Saturday . A m ' m evening next, March 3lst. The ad- The Bijou Comedy Company head- vent oi "Under Southern Skies" in.e‘d by H. Wilmot Young and Harjie our city should be a matter of mucn |Adams' which appear at the Acad- import to theatre-goers. The theme any of Music here for one week. com- oi the story is intensely interesting mencing Monday, April 2nd, is con- and the comedy is delightful. The sidered one of the strongest repertoire acting company is especially large. companies traVclling at popular pric- numbering twenty-seven people. and es. This company have the reputa- the production is carried intact. tion of giving more'for the money “Under Southern Skies" is by Lot- than any other'organization of its tie Blair Parker. whose "Way Down kind. The plays are all new and are East" is well known to our amuse- brought out byfia clever company of meat seekers. ‘ ladies and gentlemen. They carry The famous Albani will give a withtbem 20 podple. including 10 big concert recital at the Opera House. specialty artists who will appear each Peterboro, on Friday, April 27th. I'eVening between acts. The press of that place for the presentation of that popular Irish drama. there, and it. is likely that the requests will be acreded to. The play will likely be presented in Lindsay during Easter weekâ€"Review. . tion of giving more’ for the money than any other organization of its kind. The plays are all new and are brought out byfin clever company of ladies and gentlemen. They carry with them 90 pedplc. including 10 big specialty mists who will appear each evening between acts. The press of all the lending cities‘ane loud in their praise of this excellent company, Monday night's oilering will be "The Banker’s Daughter." Popular prices will prevnil. viz: 10. 20 and 30c. gm: expense flavoured. It. is quite on the board however. that Lind- say will see this favorite play some- time durjng Apgil. variably companies of this calibre fig-ht shy of towns of less thnn 10,000 inhabitants. owing to the Lindsny. "The Yankee Consul.” In- I can assure intending purchasers that. they ' are of the sappy. thickâ€" flesheu kind, which are “ways in d?- mand. They cre of straight Scotch breedingJine‘s. Bargaifis pfigred con- sidering quglity. ' " -Two very good 12 god 13 monxhs’ old Buns. Strathalhna, sired by the Brawith bred Bull, "Golden Count." They loved you most who knew you “Sleep on. dear one, the labor's o'er Thy wining hands will t'o'il .no mon‘. 0n earth there's strife. in ‘Ilmven _Do you. want to buy real good Sher-thorn Bulls or females ? I am BOLTONâ€"In loving remombi‘hnce of John Wesley Bolton. who.;_died on SIOP I [MK ! [ISIEN ! JOHN CAXPBELL. Fairvjew Farm, Woodville. Ont The [Missy Mots ...... 0.29-0.23 ........750â€"s.oo 1:90:19-0'3q .25 9N6 CHE OWE-02? Th f‘~ 'Po'a SAL ticket. from I. ,Kaownay. R‘ '0: walk C. 3‘ to the stock potent as SIX u)..- cndorsu1 stoékmon in efficacious M'hen you 0‘ little Zenol‘ with water is reduced t We .alSo a or makos. S alds. lntur 50 may standing- cure all p a i r i n: ordered promptly. A share < without, chm beddink and Pouitivoly Get. parti‘ ran urge-#9 have leas smith Sh for a ten $41. $3.5 GlASS Q‘sss‘ and $1.0“) '1‘er w \RA noun a To Whom This is t powers of Lightening; up with 1 wet-ks, mi kind. four‘1 in the Void bad that [1 Ldrop 0a m: of‘Dr. l‘ng and it our Veg“ liltlo‘ iny (361‘. l ‘ _ n Whu th to bottlo of t {Mont that Read the BRITIS? in Box 1' "X matte: WAT‘ kill

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