â€"The Minden Agricultural Society will hold a. spring poultry show. â€"-Mr. Andrew Dugan, of Snowden township, has sold his farm to Mr. Church, of Toronto, and is moving to the old homestead near Haliburton. â€"Miden Echo : We understand that Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M.P.P., has ar- ranged to have a delegation fromthe Agricultural Department of Ontario. visit this locality the coming season, to give several exempliï¬cations of butter making, and instruction in that and kindred subjects. One of the points to be thus visited will be Minden, and the butter making will be in charge of a lady expert. â€"Bobcaygeon Independent : The congregation of Knox church will holdtheir anniverSary on. the 17fth instTâ€"The Kawartha Dairy Company expeCt to have their machinery in- stalled and ready for operation about MinnenanaMmmgMmeltingm. Shares 500 on Minnehaha and White New' Ontario, in what is and consists of lacations The property of the company is located .Water Lakes in the Rainy River District, known as New Klondike and Manitou belts, 8. V. 434 and S. V. 435, containing 67 acres of mineralized land. The property is about 12 miles from Wabigoon’ on the C. P. R. and is easily accessible. being reached by steamers that stop at the companies' land- ing. We have an abundant supply of fresh water and wood for fuel. mills, etc. The climatic condition is Such as to renden it practical to operate the property at all times of the year. We adjoin the famous Laurentian or Blum Mine, the richest in the world. CHARACTER OF YEINS â€" The mean vein which diagonally crosses the entire property, 4000 ft... is about ‘7 leet in width and consists of gold-bearing quartz and porphy'ry. As depth is attained the vein widens and opens to a greater volume and richer deposits. There are numerous stringers of quartz running with this formation, which is very heavily mineralized. PROP. HILL’S ASSAY Four samples 'from surface average $201.74 per ton (gold), Four samples average $441.60 per ton (gold). Four samples at 25 feet in depth and 50 Jeet depth, $682.38 per ton. The results from 2A1 essays run from 81.24! to $3,393.10, thus giving an average of $398.83 in: gold, about $1.00 in silver, for gay foot of the shaft, which is 100 feet deep. A J. S. ISLAND’S ASSAY 399 Parliament St... Toronto, Feb. 13, 190.0 The Minnehaba. Mining and Smelting 00., care of A. W. Sparling', Eng. 87 Wood St... Toronto. _ DearSir ~.â€"We have this day completed our may: of the ore samples trom your property. taken from the eigny-seven and hundred toot. levels. and beg to report as follows: Ore, No. 1, $0,991.21 per ton; On. No. 2, $4,120.12 per ton ; Ore. No. 3, $521.00 per ton.~ Four chock m were undo of the above samples, and the results as ‘ahown abm are therefore absolutely correctâ€"Yours W, J. 3.18m. , For a. time we ofler to the public shares, par who $1.00. for 50¢ a share, non-mus, and believe that by so-dm we are offering on Investment which hos every guarantee of heme 3W anemone not the word. For automation and prM’ - ,’ , 1;; Capital $2,000,000 With “312- Goods. lmlivs‘ and Gonts‘ Wigs. Toupou. Bantu. Wavy mu! Plum Emu. Switch“ of owry dos- m-iptiun. Tran-formations. Pompadoun. one. llu mm imprnvv yuur pornmml uprmmmov. I'lnin t‘.-::lun-.~ uml disï¬gurvd lu-m s musml through Hm In“ n1. lmir mmln pvrl‘m‘tiull. 'l‘huu-uuulx‘ mw thnir 111m Inuks tn the skill of Pmt’. Dur- mun-ml. Human Hair Adorn: mnl Protects tht‘ 110ml. lhm‘t ruil In 500 his m~w Patent Hall- Structure. pattmtetl all over /'"\ . , \ ,m (M the World. He will be at the Benson House. Lindmy, Efï¬gy, March 15th, 1907 IMAGE m District Notes Treasury Stock $1,000,000 CANADIAN GOLD FOR CANADIANS â€"â€"THE-â€"- ' Temporary Ofï¬ce-8’7 Wood St‘ A. W. SPARLING . V Pair Yalue $1.00 Non-Assessable BALDNESS PHILDORENWEND Thin Hair, Discolored Hair, etc. br dge, has been appoiuted i'veéto‘r of St. James’ chufch, Fenelan’dlls, and St. Peter’s, Verulam. He will ,as- sums his duties in . the latter . parish on Sunday, April 7th. ‘ â€"â€"A new Catholic church will be erected in the south eï¬d of Peterborâ€" ough the coming summer. ..,.7 1H1 mills), Unv wâ€"v â€"Mrs. Adair is reported by the Port Hope papers to have left 1 that town with a. man named Fred Gibbs, leaving her husband behind after hav- ing obtained $125 he had deposited in a bank by forging his name to a cheque. is a. wonder. vâ€"D_ -_â€"v ~,7 -â€"Peterborougi1’s tax will be 17!; mills, the same as last year. the middle 0! Marchâ€"Seven wild ducks were observed flying down, the river on Monday. How they manage to pick up a. living during this cold weather and with so little open water â€"Cartwright Agricultural Society will hold a spring horse show at COMING! 87 Wood St, Private Apartments Secured at Hotel Remember, for only One Day. March l5th m, Toronto of Ux. â€"-The house occupied by J. L. Mc- Millan and owned by Robert Sharp, 9. mile and a. half north of Cannington. was destroyed by ï¬re' on Saturday, February 23. â€"-Mr. John Kearney, who met with the distressing accident at the G.T.R. station, Port Hope, Feb. 4th, by which both legs and one hamd ogre" taken ofl’, and other infuries received, died at the General Hospital, Toron- to, last week. â€"Rev. E. A. Pearson, B.A., has ac- cepted an invitation to succeed Rev. Dr. Crothers, as pastor of George street Methodist church, Poterbor; ough, next July, and Rev. Dr. Cro-th- era has accepted an invitation to St. Paul's church, St. Catharines. Both are subject to- the usual conditions. â€"Peterboroug\h is to have a model stock farm. and it. will be. one of the atttactimm of the outskirts of thocity. Mr. Jae. Sm- rey and Ald.It. ILLeary have. ho- como propr etora of the property known as the Taylor farm. The salt- was made by Mr. w. G. Morrow on behalf of Senator (ioo. A. Cox and the price was a large one. til-though Mr. Leary says it is :1 cheap farm at that. It. comprism 180 acres. -â€"Profossor George ll. Locke, n! C‘h-img‘o. son of Rev. .l 08. Locke. 'ol‘ Hemlock, former pastor of Georgu street church. I'etorhorOUg-h, has beounmminted Dean of the Faculty of liltiucution. in the Mucdmmld (“ul- loge at St. Anne de liclvlevuo. and Professor of the History and Princip- les of Education. drawing up deeds, etc., for the com- pany, Vin‘ connection with the right of way or! their proposed line from Peterboro to a, given point back of Victoria'Hanor. It is also said that onders {have been issued for the commencement of work on some por- tion of this end of the line. It is; we understand, the intention of the G. T. R. to push operations on the Wyevale branch as soon as the weather is favorable. Blackstock 'on‘ Wednesday, April 24. â€"The Calgar; Aflbertan says the name of N. D. Beck. K..C of Edmon- ton, is mentioned in connection with the next appointment to the Supreme Court of Alberta. Mr. Beck is a form- er Peterboroug'h boy. and is a son. of the late Rev. J. W. R. Beck, rector of Peterborough. â€"A society to- study astronomy has been formed in Peterborough. Orilli-a. NeWs-Letter: Rumor has it that Messrs. Bennett and Finlayson, su'liciutors For this division of the See your little ones“ smiling and happy g'lkre them Baby’s Own Tab- letsâ€"there is a smile in every dose. The 'I‘aablets cure all the, little ailâ€" ments of childhood arising out' of a disordered condition of the stomach or bowels. They are good for all babies and are-sold under the goat- untee of a. government analyst to contain no opiates or harm-1m drugs, Mrs. F. 1). Kirk. Dumfries. N. 8., Healthy babies are good babiesâ€"- it is only the sick child that cries all the time. Mothers if you want to U.r.n., unavu :uouu ...._‘v drawing up deeds, etc... for bgvmlwiihaliti 15h; Tablets in the house. " The" Tablets are Sold by druggï¬sts or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. war-mm; Medicine says :â€"'-"I always use- Baby's Own Tattlet-s for the Mutants o! my little ones andgï¬nd them a. splendid medi- cine. A few doses always restores them to perfect healfli. I would ngt Some Railway Rumors Healthy Babies :been busy 0! late x The above, with the. foliowing' gentlemen, will constitute the coun- cil for the ensuing ymr: J. H. random. R. M. Hamilton. Dr. Gould. Dr. Mason, W. H. Robson. Thos. Graham, Thos. Robson, M. H. McCallum, J. B. Stanton, F. Mc- Dougall, Wm. Campbell and W. '1‘. Junkin. Messrs. Hamilton and Mc- Callum were appointed auditors. 'lhc secretary was instructed to corres- pond with the G. T. R. authorities with regard to better railway ser- vice, and with the owner of the steamer Kathleen re giving C. I’. R. conncCtion. The golden walding‘ of Mr. and Mrs. John Rolph, of Port Perry, was celebrated on Tuesday. February 26. and was the occasion of a, happy reunion. Friends and relatives from all parts of the Province assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph to ofler congratulations. Many pres- ents were offered as tokens of esteem. most 0! them being purses of gold. Fifty-one years ago Mr. Ralph came to Canada and travail-d by stag.- coach to Prince Albert. which is near Port Perry. am! made his home in‘ What at that time was a. wiln part of ()ntnrio. lie was married one your after hie arrival to Miss Susan Landon. Try the Job Department of Watchman-Warden The ï¬st meeting of the Council of the Board 04 Trade was held on Thursday evening‘last, all the mem- bers present except Messrs. Stewart. Cinnamon and Williams. Mr. John. O’Re'ivlly was elecwd chair- man. on motion of Messrs. Lytle and The Secretary was authorized to ofâ€" fer $10 in prizes, through the local papers, for the best advertisement of Lindsay. For tho ï¬rst. hm mouths of this your the foes of the Pruvinoial Stere- tary's Ik-purtment nrv m'or double or what. they Wore for the ammo period Inst yaw. For January. 1906!. the few were $14,720.70. and Mr Febru- ary of the sumo Mar. 81.? 43(3.15. a total o!‘$32.156.85. 'l‘ho {can for January. 1907, were $30,547.18. and for February. $35,482.05, a total 0! $06,029.28. The annual meeting of the Fvnelon Falls Board of Trade was held in the council chamber on Tuesday night, February %. m'ul a flair re- presentative was present. In the ab- sence of the vice-president. (Dr. “ii!- son,) Mr. R. M. Hami’lton occupied the chair, and the fulmwing execu- tive Was elected : President, Dr. Wilson ; Vice-Preci- dcmt, J. L. Arnold; Secretary, Dr. Sims. fenelon Falls Board of Trade The Sunderland correspondent of the Cannington Gleaner thus xx ports the assault case referred in last week's Watchman-Warder: Wednesday afternoon Wm. Cockburn, of Muï¬lla, appeared More Magis- trates T. H. Glenglinning and J. F. tam, rto answef to a: charge of Wing an assault. on Mr. Saund- ers, an old man. a blacksmith, on Saturday evening las_t. After_ _hear- ing the evidtmoo the magistrates committed W. Codcburn to Whitby jail! to stand trial at the spring Mons. Badl- was ï¬xed at $2,000, himself in $1,000 and two securities in $500M,_Col. J,- E. Fwd! The Sunderland Assault Case Mr. J. O’Reilly, Chairman fees are Growing Golden Wedding What'hlchueomndomu bmmnnnrmtrustlnthamdu ottpe nhmtorto enable the human believe It. Some or the longest bowl Mk. for than you may be sure of It for 170 days In the year. The happy medium is supplied by Copenhagen. with thirty days. while Palermo Rome and Venice. with one. two and ï¬ve days reaps-cum, may be recommended to those who ma'ely are for snow as a Queer Method of Hearing a Sermon Still In Use In England. “One line autumn Sunday I attended a service in a north of England coun- try church that would have driven a. New York preacher clean crazy.†said the man who travels. “The congrega- tlon didn‘t'do a thlng but alt around and crack nuts. Fency a New York mm talking to a crowd of that kn!!! The modern preecher like: to have tun! quiet when he alts. It dbeoneerb him to hear a beby cry or a mu cough or en old men none. 11' he is put out by each m as these. I b M; to conjoetnn what he “adulthewentomholdote much when everybody brought an: to and during the eemou. bows and mm. These stories began long ago. Virgil In the “Eneld†tells of four adieu who were shoodng for a prize. the mkbelnga pigeon fled by a cord to the must of a ship. 'Ibe ï¬rst mgn hit the mat. the second cut the cord. and thethirdlhotthepigeonuitm am. The fourth archer, having noth- left to shoot. drew his bow and sent hil arrow flying toward the sky withlnehspeedthatthotrictionottho hit at the feathers on are. and it swept on. like a meteor. to disappear in the clouds. The starlet told of Robin Hood's mhery. Illustrated by hle wonderful performance to Locnley ln Scott‘- “lvanhoe.†are also a declded min upon e eenelble penon‘e medulla. The tumoun story of Wllllun Tell. doubted by meny persons. In belleved by other- no have a foundation of feet. There van e Dene nemed Foke of whom the sum story I: told, and Wlmun o! Cloudeeley. en Mhmen. II nld to have shot an apple from his eon‘e heed merely to ehow hle expertneee. Whom Snow Fails. It you on not a lover of snow. go to Mam. which in the nearest spot .whero you we certain of complete immunity. It you no food of it. the suburbs of St. Petersburg will furnish all you need to m- for than you may be sure of it Chronicle. â€Wu-Imam usedtodo MhWMemmourm mmmm may Wit-Maveeklyoccmce ’50:me have undama- â€mummmmmmmnmr mommy“ Batu uw-mmtwbw Mb. Accondlng to In. count of the matter. he saw Moat m of bowl tad â€rows to- hto to the «cunts um of the "chem. but u Frenchman. Blaine do “mu-o. tell- ono that shown the tremendous force with which n arrow may be propelled It the how be strong and long Muawwmhm- an. n Turk. ndmlnl of a ship culled tho Grand Bowman. tend an arrow from his bow right through a cannon hull. CRACK NUT SUNDAY. FAIOUS have been drawn fleeting guestâ€"London London March 1.â€"At the Westmm- -- , ‘ ' ‘Messrs. J. G. Edwards (\ (‘o., M: Ste? Pd.“ Hom‘ to-dly 140†Strath‘lown on Monday to taiw a position count, the High Commissioner for‘with the Sherwin-“ilwmns 0.. Canada. acting on hehali at a. num- "I‘oronbor. M" Stinson “4“ “Ni"ciiv xdentifled with the Qua-n stun-i. Me. Var 0‘ hi. fm' pmtd Sirfthodist church, and a mvmhm‘ 05112:: Charles Tupper. the former Primepmcm board. He also wk 11 m. Miniatu- o( Camdï¬, with a full-61w} interest in Y. M. C.l\. \xth‘. About oi! portrait of himseli, in apprecm- raw-0ft?†{rimdS-:x>-‘"Hm1-d akin ‘. cm in 0 south “uni «‘h ’ihurs- tion of his services to Luanda dmg'dny evening lust, and Wlwmm hm: "'8 the last 60 yms‘ zWith I. gold watch Chum and upuw In his address Lord Strathcona. re- of $20 in gold as a 1mm .m mm; H: m Sir tuteem. Mr. StinSOH'S inn. 1y “:1; coiled that in that very roo Churn-s had attended 40 years ago' the conference which ï¬nally settled the provisions of the British North BIG MON E Aumr'icu Act._ under which the Ho- minion 0! Canada. wax constituted. in his reply. Sir Charles ma the FOI' Trappers. timd would come when homes wvuld The mane saved on trux‘vlin-rs cm. be provided in Canada for as large a mission: on expenses is added :0 the population as now inhnhiud the Pnce we y for your raw furs win-n British Isles. and that the future “49“ pact with us. \\'mcx:,\to-d;.y depended largvly upon the mnl'iul- 0‘ pnce 118?. Wemthe Jun-m1 buyers Hun of Joseph Chamberlain's mes- of f““- - IMLLQH unos‘ Lmnco. remain in town for u Hwy-x limo. _____â€"_ ..____ Agricultural College at St. Anne de Dellevicre. QuebeC, founded by Sir William McDonald. addressed the Ag- ricultural Committee of the Legisla- ture upon “Consolidated Schools." He made a strong stand in Iavor of this kind of educatidn._ He certified A very practical result had issued from the school garden. It taught the child manygrudimentm'y things. The consolidated school included the school gar-hen and other branches of practical work, including cook- ing. sowing and manual training. Prof. Robertson asked the Commit- tee to recognize the consolidated school a something to be soon rec- koned with. It needed assistance un- til proven a failure. at Inst. Ottawa Free Press, Feb. 26th : Be- !orea large audience in the Rideau street Convent yesterday attemoon, Hr. Edward J. Kylie. of Toronto Un- iversity. lectured under the auspices «the d'Youviile Beading Cinch on 81:. Fund: at jAssisi, the founder o! the Francis†order. Mr. Kylie is a slut a. course of great brflliuncy ‘t with Portrait * Mr. Robert Stimson, for many years a resident of Lindsay, during a ham _portion of which he “as .um; Landowner“! 1--At the Westmin Messrs. J. G. Edwards « (‘0.. 3d: ster Palace Emel to-daylnrd Strath‘ftown on Monday 10 mm a positiun cona, the High Commissioner for with the Shm‘win-“illunms Ct. ‘ d8, .c on mu 0‘ a num. Toronto. Mr. Stimson \\;:~ actively Lana ““8 adentifled thh the Qmm. MPH-t Me. her bf his {mam prm‘tai S‘r'thodist church, and a Invmlwr 01m Charla upper» the ‘ormer Prime ’Omcitl board. He also «wk a di“? Minister 0‘ Camdg,’ with a full-sited interest in Y. M. C.A. “mm. About n ,,-_a_‘z. Al yum-n]! in .nnmcia- Witty Of his friends IiLKN‘IIIhlI'd at I.) sage. to the Canadian pcOplc. in which he said-2 "I am profoundly um‘lnccd that of all the bonds unit} mg 1M5 nation. the bonds 61‘ com- morco. is the strongest." \v‘llw -_-_._ v, to its usefulness, and deplored that little had been none in developing the Canadian children for the labor which may of them must duke up at fourteen or ï¬fteen years of age. Ag- ricultural education, particularly for children, had been neglected The school! garden had proved an admir- able expedment wherever tried. Prof. Robertson, principal o! the Prof. Robertson Defends Consolidated Schools This coupon ad 1c. stamp unttoZam-Bnk 00..me with no or am Pt ‘1“ ensure you . he. box. FREE BOX Prof. Kylie at Ottawa Mwwssuuq . enema. {we rashes, 111°C 2'. 8" em! abscesses, rm», bruise? Spring “phony running Goren, poamm-d woundi chroma m at». It in 5180 good for pxles and cut [used veins. Almembxmticn it cures rheum 65m and minim. cold: on the chest. etc. All drug. ' and mm a 50c. u box, or from Zam-Bukco mm. for price. 6 boxes sent for 32.50. " W Paciï¬c Railway nme Mk NO MATTER “'HFPF 1 Properties and Budncsscs u! : quickly for can in all ans Stntec. Don‘ t wait. Wnte m- ( whnt you have to sell and gin Inme. I CAN SELL . I um..- 4...... -- Your Real Estqtg 9r Buhs’n'n'ess Th3 R. l. â€"" Le†any kind of Business or Rc: . where, ï¬t any price. write Inc _\ meats. I can save vou t mo: am +15 KANSAS A\'li.\‘t : TOPEKA . . mud from Toronto m; thrombuut l‘nnod .‘ Mvorliw our you», outrun. tone“. bnduu. nu! an a "Shun: mull «dun-(hung mm a. a sun I month and oxpunu-u [u m u mom. to good mum. men. 3.» I you. So expel-um“ nnedod. \\ r.. Express Leave Bobcaygeo21°_:l.‘?r.o.mo " Burketon ............. F‘ ME WAN ED lhrou: huL‘ 1 nm ’ > muff, [ARCH 71h The mane saved on {run-ling com mission: tn expenses is :uhicd to the price we y for your raw furs when Y0“ detl meet with us. “Tue us 1041;; RWILLON BROS. LIMITED, 1“. mu. .TIIET. MOE 841.08 lt‘D/CIIML I 0.. ll {\UMAIIEK “Dr'rr J, 7.u. ‘. MM m: d Had-n3. will pay ‘ crtics and Bubincssca m ; 15' for cash in all pans K: ;..( I'pucu C S :3. Don‘t wait. “'Yitc 1043‘ m- :‘ntc: ASH PRICE (0" RIDE ’- ;you have to sell and giu' \ ">1; mm: or SKINS, LAXBSHNS, TAX BARK. once and warehou “won mt. bridge.â€"45-: lf YOU WANT 10 BM fl DAILY TRAIN SERVE E DAVID P. TAFF. THE LAND MAN. .00 o o.- Point ..... no Lona â€ï¬‚own MONTREAL- 5.00 p.211. 6 50 p.111: 6. 58 p.â€â€" 7 ()5 p.111- 7. 20 W" 7 2', p. m. 7 33 p.11†7 42 p- .m 7.5.0 p39" 8.00 9-3“ K A NSAS' 40 an. 4-3 a m. 56 an» m n l ..:l.! .... In fact everything 9 building line in stock at a "WJWA RD? Y0“ “(W9 NM "lat SIOVE ‘ Cues are ï¬tted next sine HIDES AN D B 'm‘ ' Conan Anion-end! askdch and flea fry†not“? (an olnuu‘mb‘froï¬ cation prob. y pawn a. e. don-m macaw. ï¬lm Hint. «a for â€curt: Pm um rough Ilunn a â€was. rayon: chart. “1 u: our: tour mam-.31. 30mm.) m g 8818:“. m BlBuW-nht POSHWE S Kent-8t... Linda: Formal-1y Kay- H0" W Lumber am wood Fibre Plaster nugufacturing LINDSAY WANTE Make money by "“1 ing now at our redw ed prices. It will pa you. CALL AN SEE for yourself. As {jam “leaving two fine solid new, with an : Cm conveniences, Shape: 81;, facing the Park, must be n (Sriil'idondm: rod. 129: 94-min. :1- 30‘2“», ‘1'. moistenâ€"mg old stuffjust U a for the N1 Lath.‘ Shingi your I from Pine 1 near 8. d“! ellill getting‘ buildinï¬ 1 who Tam: was