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Watchman Warder (1899), 7 Mar 1907, p. 8

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4 RAGE EIGHT is Dr. Oronyhatekha. whose death £00k place on Sammy afier‘hoon hat. was undoubtedly a great organâ€" ize: The historyof the 1' Order 0; Foresters will bash-spam:- 1y associated with his‘W‘mt order will find it «difficult to 1m ‘ 11?: place. In his own freld'he figq'wed an! obfiity quite equal to'gihat of being a full-blooded Mohawk. is' not incapable of high intellectual. develop- ment. Mr. J. J. Preston. the member for East Durham in. the Ontario Legis- Iature, introduced a: bill giving muni- cipalities in which liquor licenses burg been cut. of! by local option power to bonus temperance hotels,'but it was cut. out by Provincial Secretary Han? 133.. The aim of the bill was good. but the method proposed question- able. If eyery man who does not use intoxicants were willing to pay the extra. prioq nqeded Jon-“supply mods and lodging 1without the profit from the sale of liquors the problem- would easily be splved. The trouble is that a great many of them are not willing to do so. Whether or no Ion-g educa- tion in receiving meals at hotels sell- ing liquor at prices on which there is little or no profit. has dwarfed their vision it ;s an undoubted fact that many people who are very loud in their denunciation of liiquor, grumble when it comes to pay a. fair price to the man who does not sell it. If it costs 3.3, 40 or 50 cents to furnish. a. meal at a. fair profit where liquor is A- not sold, while‘it might-be got at 25 cents ii liquor were sold, why should not the-â€"nonâ€"user of intoxicants, or myhod);_else for that matter, cheer- fully pay it 2’ Let exequmhms‘tqu. on its own bottom. 1‘ ' In the midst of an age which is said to be giVen over to the g-cl-{l humid there are now and again uccuvrcnces which constrain us to believe that there are those who live for same- thing higher, those who live for oth- ers, andnot for themselves. The one thing that. stands‘ out most clearly above the recent calamity in Montre- al, in which sixteen little child- renlost their lives in the fire. which Watchman-Ward“ Pdnting 00-- I J. Sutclifl’e ‘85 ; Sc Men's Wen Carpets Ladic s” “'93!- en's \Vmu' (‘nroets SUT CLIFFE’ LINDSAY S ‘MmeIMPflu LINDSL Better Ready for Business Than Ever Our Store is mI;ch bri hter and more Bleasant than ever before, aniggp are sur_e__10u will flna it real plggqapt 111a}:- ing purchasgs in any section -“AWâ€"fl A Irue Heroine The improvements were of such acharacter that whatever the slightest Change would make it more easy for our cus- tomers to shop, it was made. ‘ Now we are ready to nerve you better and with e. eplendld donation of the very new- eet (code for eprln‘, 1007. Come in and eee the new Imported Dreee Geode. Dreee Silk-1:385: um}! 8w!“ Spot. Mullins. Eni- broidoriu. Indlu Llnom, Victoria uld Por- Ilm Lama. Dru: Gingham. Now Prints. \V E ARE NOW GETTING SETTLED DOWN to business again after a month 5 disturb- ance owing to our improvements Circulation 4.1 We dose at 9 o ’cloch Saturday Nights during Karat. th his WT”"1*II3:E ‘ pl"! l' 1 :difficult to an by m. field hquwed an equal to that 0! ma accounted great in finance. He ' demâ€" tha-t. the Indian, he M Mohawk. is. not Jv-r- She mm in. what. she dean by a ray of ha others to the F doubt-lees detel 01-31! must. sh r Wannaâ€"Ward“ or got, her mum nennuuw “cw, sha‘illd notâ€"it is believéd will: gutâ€"4 soon‘be forgotten. It might totem- shrined in the hearts“ 6: 9mm, yes of the civilizedmgrlm and bein- scribed on the roll of fame 'w-ithgxace‘: Darling and.,.omegs.; “She. combed not her life dear unto herself? ,- that 'CEWIO ‘5 ~91 “a...r_v.l- ~§he hgfta . fipfrtfiit Verified to what she deemed gr duty, Wred 'by a. ray of hope that she might. add others to the Hat .of'the saved. and doubtless determined that i! perish they must, she .would. perish with themxae she did; Words ire rleeble things with which to Speak in 5913;0- \~ Miami terms of such 'unselfishnes's and priaté terms of sniéh 'unaelflsmas um heroism. It... cannot. hedonB‘SnreW it may be said of her. as. was said annoth‘er' woman; by the «neat Exemplar," she hath done what she could," Her example ought to be '93:: inspiration to unselfishnéés‘ find . nople _1ivin.g to many others. It can segme- ly fail to be, eSpecially anwng ‘VEDGSQ who were rescued by‘her, and other pupils who attended the schom. OJ Prison Labor was" almost 76. 78 and over 70, 72. Kent-sh Col. mthwon, Provipcial W‘ er, head a. budget 0: acheerfu! 'chamcw tar to present to the Legislatnrqlast week. There wise. cash amplifier on the 'trmsachgoqsof 1906 a329,- 299, 'rhié mflsééa total exoess ”of revenue ovéngxpendfiure in the five years which the" présent ‘ Government. have Men in. omoe of. $1.C50.~.000. This will beavailable for the comple- tion of the Tgmiiskaming and North: (gm Ontario Ragviway. At the samé time; ordinary 1 expendgtprg has been met Irom ordipary revenue. The re ceipts of last year . were 57.149.478. and the expenditure $6,700,173: For 1907 the‘ receipts are eXpecied =to ‘ “Sr 'as to (uh/ble- the Go'vernment to reduce the cbst 'of Maintaining abv- 1uvms, the municipalities not s'uflcr'mg therebx , because the small é’mouht they are nskcfl t_o cogtttibutq ,gomes out of the mil,“ 85V taataflgygt‘q um- siderable sum was left tout of {Ma's tax to be dastribuved Mg «use munici- palitits. ~ ' 1‘ :"5-1 ‘ Lava uuv "nap,“ “ _ reach $7,612,287, and the expendi- ture 365183.31, giving anbthiar 1311‘- plus of ove‘iiu million. A ‘1' K“ Same of the receipts of last ‘ year may be regarded as somewhat abnor- mad, such, for instance, as the large ‘sum received from vthe sale of ~ Ootnlt mining prOperties, but ‘ the is. '9?!- dence that sound business; principles have been abplied‘to. the . waist?» .â€"tien of the fimhges since 3,116 présén-t Government, took charge of , then). , In- stances may benoted. A bettcr‘sysâ€" tom of 3dispo‘si'ng of pulpwood condes- sions has bebn inaugurated, through 'which in one Case, $906.00C3W43“ ”9‘ ceiyed inspadp‘f awarding the“: limits to favorites at, a nominal figure. The rtaxation . on railways has-wanin- ‘creaséduad‘rismas. been done 111?. such The expenditures have incrcdseu some extent, but this is natural connection with the deyelopment the Prm mce. and the people \\ 121 complainwas long as the Prov more than ‘paysdts wayms it «:00 One direction ih ' which .therc has been gadition; With fun-thin: immusc this year-7‘15 that of the expenditure Idr 'educzition. Hereaf-ter foruwry $1QO 0V9r $300, “Lhich rural swam-s pay their. teacher they will 119(2ch- MO. The grant to public schoms w." be increased, this year fer SIOTLOO to $380,000. Expenditure for min; cation-is wise-expenditlrc if good . -- suits are (rbmi‘ncd. ‘ ‘ Altogether the Provincial Treasur- or is to be congratulat «1 m1 the flour- ishing condition oi the finances satisfactory that the U! positinn cult- lc Mr. Pause. could ilnd little fault. but had to hark hack to the cry that it was the Literal Gov-rrnnu‘nt v hich laid the foundation for such condi- tions. ’ MONTHLY MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATIQN A TEMPORARY- APPOINTMENT MADE or JUNmR ASSISTANT IN THE COLLEGIATE INSTI- TU'rEâ€"coxs'mnmnw. ”Rou- TINE BUSINESS. The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on Tuesday evening last. ‘ . . Present, Messrs. '1‘. Stewart. choir- mnn. A. Jackson, J. W. Antler-Ion A. McIntyre, w. McWetters, J. G. Edwards, D. R. Anderson aim Dr. White. The last mmed was . howev- er. called away before my bunlnou was tramcbeq. "w- -_ Principal Horatone' a report 0! "nt- tendanco at the Collegiate Institute for February showed on enrollment from Llnduy of 186; County of We- torlo. 66 . other countlu. 18 . to- tal oven-.30, 185 Priming-:1 Herstone also presented a report otthe C. I Dibrury (or 1906. showing a total of 1089 volumel. Ve- lued at 81, 461 05 From 1890 to 1905 onlv 10 volumes had been loat. Principal Bruderiok a report at Pub- Mc school ettendence {or February showed 8:36 registered. 646 worm. percentage of nor to enrolled 78 Communicuttons w re melted irom the secretury of St. fiery a name School Board with}: the Bond to join the delegate“ to the Ontario Cowl-lament to uk moraine [rents cm- urban oehoule. from mm oi County Board oi Examine". mun. jthat. when Mr. lerdyen eertihed to John Simpson end 0mm Petoe huh; peeled mum at m Mutton they would he greeted mama without tum mine- ttee. MTm git with mele- "We; 'returh te939 ‘ anus-mm vvw‘wv" “on. tram Town and: with mlu- Tb Port Hope Gum or 30W 1“” qt COMM!“ return tom» aura: M} tho aloofotjhogd'flfifi.“ ‘Motii-gonoquu 0.1;- tumthlyu sultan «WNW. gh- M. imvcxw ““3"! ‘0 M WW “(Vii-had“ "A‘- A SatisfactorY Showing V" "'â€" 'r V."- râ€"".-'.. -V The mug)» mam J. nit-hm. m from \\ ill not Province with!» gin! a. napalm} to in of tomb dasmndi below; will; pm report. both! bemad . 0n hrS'lnqfion. seconded by 111'. He htyre. it ”decided to purchase ' n 1-an goné and 3 10-inch songs for thePubfic jabfic’iols to be used .or film drill and fife alarm This vill pleas 880113 in each. ~Public school ogqept A A-M_ Wis Santa-mere n a um. um:â€" * On motion 4)! «Messrs. Edwards and DIR. Anderson. applications for po- Lguop‘g‘on tgggniugg stafl wsn pet-eart- '9'!” enmiaedmy AdVisory Commit- :bee.a_s;w@1aau£rincipal More helm; submitted to the Board. 1‘ > “ti-HE: .35?!er Wrtse,‘ 10,88. byymoeht ‘ my“ Ifnibn 96th as ad- juitedathIOQ'I/on- faraway; an}! 8496.49.01: ‘bqfldlng. the latter not yet paflq‘pnvééaomf . o! soméfgchnl- 834k in‘fwjm’ one bf wégxrms. 51h: -mgemunt Committegfl was Eflp‘ucbw tozbring in a nation-'0! in- “sdi‘ahce 'on ail}: :schooi buildiugi- 1:?!- Blgncflgté and Mr. J.-8upte§ were appointed to represent . the Board at ‘thg meet ng of the m‘ qectign of“ ihé‘OBtario Educational 'Aasbfciatighgin'l‘prqnto, April 2. 8. The application of Mr,- R. M. Stes- anon fo'r positlon of junior assistant in Collegiate from Easter. or as soon theteatter as possibbt. till Jul_\,,uas Maxi. Mr: Stevenson can omy fill thepiace temporarily and ap‘erma- nent appointment will be made later. I Rev. father O’Sullivan’ s farewell Rev; 1mm 8 Sullivan deliver'ed his Imwol’l sermon. His text wail "Wu“: in lb've as Christ also hath loved us.’ .vv He‘repoke eloguentlv and in dosing made this reference to buifive years work in St. Mary' s parish: St. Mary's u0n this. the 'ever otvmy departure mm amongst you. I wish 'to express my gratitude for the trust and sym- rathy. ghen me. If“! have oflenned an3 one I ask their forgiveness. This is an important day in my lifeâ€"1 gm not onlfabout to,lfeave you. but .I am BARRYâ€"MARK. â€" On severing connection with your pariah prlat, who. tromcthe beginning. of My career. as 'sfiudenl’; and priest'fihaa given me help, timely coumiel. and‘aid of every kind. Tolyou. my dear peo- peoplo,l owe much also. You have helped me by youncofitinued 300d 0x- unplo. piety. éhurity and generosity. The sound Catholic spirit existing in the parish has been an inspiration and incentive. You have helped me. alto. I unconndent. by your pious Plug? -â€"In Mar During the five . ' fortune united JACKSONâ€"In Linduyr. on prayers in my behalf. yearn it has heen iny good to he with you we have been in the bonds of charity; and I ohnll never forget m’jood friends in St. Mary‘s pariah. Lindsay. in; the sacrifice oi holy mans my} limo come: we mm‘ all find a. resting place aged 8 years. 11 months. 9 .prayor will bcthut when our When ofler- iBRAI'l‘HWAITEâ€"ln Wednesday“ February 20. ’by the Rev. B. Grou- trix, at the Methodist, Pair-lounge. Me. John Barry . to Miss Elk. Rachel Mark. all of Port Perry. REESORâ€"NEILLâ€"At 22? Carlton street, Toronto. on Tuesday. Feb. 26th. 1907. Miss Jennie Neill. oi Branttord. .to B. F. Reeoor. of Lindsay. My Rev. 8. Shorey, of Oshawa. Booths on Sundty. Fob. 10th. 1907', Philip Prise. aged 74 years. 10 months. Satur- day. March 2nd. 1907. Henry Jack- son. «and 87 years. Lindsay. on .Dlarch 8rd. 1907.. Howard beloved non of Brnithwniio. duo's- ..- __L Shadow Roy iiroithwnito. Henry and. Susan in the bosom of â€".\ slwial‘meouug of the Town Council will be hgld on Saturday night to discuss the clooing 0! Cum- fine street The members 0! the Bond of .Trade no upgclnlly invited tobe The regular meeting or the Literary Society was held in tho Ala-embly no)! Friday, afternoon. Karen 1.“. The programopemd with tn Instru- mmtal .010 by Ills. Allin. Thou fol- lowed moo. "Reached the sham inner. mach! than electricity.” tho M to: thy mum!“ bum; Ila-m Fulton. Stowdrt. Burma. m4 Workmin. and for the manure. ‘ a. ‘Jplihltt. Grey. Hanan. Richy. Thv third hunter “1- a oblohy Ila mm. Ir. “U. in We: “wind... and (named.- ehlnn C hvor o! the non-Mn. . dud ch. mun; cloud with an National Adm lb mun M. walla Rider'- Odom m Ip- preclude by nu «ma. and tho doâ€" ‘5». no good. . .. Special Council Meeting Saturday Night Two Presentations I..C.I. Notes Co mm'i’titfie. ah well no.1! other: in- ‘congnegation at would ‘13 l .1, supra: miâ€"G‘ “'1 reegnt the stoddu‘d»; centre. 9 W’ Randal: left wing. ram Wuhy 10st can?» ov’er to Lindsay last Fridnyynight “1m deflated by the Linduy‘ Juniorsby canon-co: 7 :6 Wins ‘upvcry good exhibition game. The ‘lmé-qi was.» follows: . ’ Whitbyâ€"Goa}. 'Guinette: point, ‘l_nlII3-vr-‘v . III” M - v.7, , Whitbyâ€"410a}. ‘Guiuotte: point, Smith : cover-point, Mchivray: centre. C. Blanchm‘dl; fight wing thson : Lit ring. A, Blanchard. ; mayâ€"Goal, Newton :. point. Kay '7 cover-point. Sullvun; rover, SW; centre, Lame; right. wing. Ml: left wing. Cote. 'l‘lmokéepa'eâ€"Mmzies um “mum". Sthtford ”a to mule played here on Honday night. {gut one 0! their players was reported lick am the preset); arrangement. is for Lindsay u u----- -â€"_-, V I" " o to . play n1. Smtford to-night (Thursday). and Stu-«lord to play 41': Lindsay next Hominy night. SUTTONâ€"At may. on Thursday, Feb. 28th. to Dr. and Mrs. Sutton, “9.39%., ,. ..,--, . ‘. . . , ,, HUMPHREYâ€"On phi 2m, in nun;- J '1--.- phmy. a awn!”L 0 ' SPARgIXGâ€"On .Fnfiay. March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Spurting, Lindsay. a son. SHEAâ€"0n March 8rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shea. east wand, o. daugh- ROEBI'CKâ€"VEALS.â€"At the rearâ€" deuce of the bride's mother. Fra‘nk- ling Ont... on Wednesday. Feb. 27th, 1907. by the Rev: G. R. Wéfch, B.A.. of Lindsay. Lewis Alfred Roe- buck, o! HouleyLSask” to Lime May Veals. .- " BARRYâ€"MARK. â€" On Wednesday. February 20. ’by the Rev. B. Grou- trix, at the Methodist, .Putmnugo. Me. John Barry . to Miss Elk. Rachel Mark. all of Port Perry. REESORâ€"NEILLâ€"At 22? Carlton street, Toronto. on Tuesday. Feb. 26th. 1907. Miss Jennie Neill. of Bramtord. .to B. F. Reeoor. of MUSEâ€"In Harmon. on Sunday. Feb. 10th. 1907; Philip Prise. aged 74 yarn. 10 months. JACKSONâ€"In Lindnty. on SEUN‘ day. MurphA pm. 1907. Henry Juck- WRIGHTâ€"At Toronto. on Saturday. February 23rd 1907. Stet-la. Tug- man, write 0! 11:.ka J. Wrigm. SANDSâ€"In Ops. on Sunduy. Lurch 8rd. 1907, Mary Sands. muck ol tho late .W. J. Logic. used 80 years. ARMOURâ€"In Bowmcnville. Feb. 35th. Mary-Eleanor. relict ot the - 1m wlfiun Armour. of Comm. SWAN'I‘ONâ€"At Qookaton. Minn, U. 8.. on Monday, February 25th. 1907. Frederick W'Hliam. non of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swauton, of Fem-Ion. w 86 yarn. 4 'months and 6 duo. FIELDERâ€"In the towndup at Sam- crvnle; on W. Fqbnnry mm. 1907. Int-y minnow Fielder. aged «12 yous. 8 month; und 10 do)". CROWDâ€"In Cum. on “WAN. Feb. 28th. 1907, May Jun John- Mn. 'mllct of tho Into John Grow. a“ as yarn. WINKâ€"lam. on M. M m.1907.nuyww.bo- thotfi. mum. CRABTRm-On Mary 24th. in goon. Sumo! 9!. Cum W 1M MCDONALDâ€"In Lindsay. on Each 1a..“ 1907,, John unbound. ma '-Attufloth clued to‘un «no filament o! the Bond 0‘ Tad: in Tube a Son. Muutoctuflog. Opu- ciou om Wt Spcchlvno. at Toronto. will to at Dr. Brown'- ofla. Cotonou. on “unity. Iomh am. It than to” anything wrong with your eyesight. make K o pom. to now“ them. All work obooluto- Iv Mud. ford. to Mnfindflfs nhm’ a mu! 1“- piaiffiE-hcw cw- 'mx mist. I-‘flls. Advertising Competition W; CAMBRAY, u u momma: bun cold um our Win-the put rock. at “It. 291-} Wogd a visiting under calm. enemy prim . Wt 6! LI Marriages COBOCONK. J .fienzies and Gleason. ad was I. cuter ' 0! Share. of Fencion whmefl 5 the mans for ' WOODVIPLE and KIRKFIELD. . One of the firm of Neelands 5: 1r- .vine. dentists. Lindsay, will be at idle Queen's Hotel. Woodville, on Tuesday. lurch. 12th, and cg Camp- $fl‘cbug ya.- u... u..- or. Managing Director of‘ the Georgina- my Power Co., ‘wi‘shhoa'd- gun-tors 9t Owen Sound. 3114,. .lliss Jenni. Neill a’ {or-met mum.” at Mrs. Phin, No. 227 Carmina-0.. u-c omitting clergyman being Rev. 8. J. Shoney. of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Roesor left the sane evening fo'r modern Ontario points on a short. wedding trip. and on their return will reside in Lindsay for a time. Sum» an w”. u-“ Rm Mr. Carpenter. of Brantford Indian Beoeri'e. is visiting -' at the home of Mrs. Crabtree. Another old resident has passed away in the person of Mr. S. W. Crabu'ee. Mr. 9an was in his 82“ year and had been a reside-Sm o! Bobcaygeon- almost continually dnoe 1858. occupying the position of Reeve o! the village several years. He fwaa very highly respected by all Mr. 11. I'l'rlfl. souâ€"n.â€" â€"â€"â€"-, 7 , and family. have for, British Coium- hi: this week. Wegwish them every success in thgtr new home. - 1“.- -_“A‘I‘ W “V ”Iv “ mâ€". We are'to have 3. ml live butter (notary. to be’ known as The Kawar- tho Miry Co. The machinery has been ordered and it is expected the factory will be ready for operation about: the middle of March. The congregation of Knox church purpose holding their anniversary on thé‘lflh and 18th inst. Principal Gregory. of the Wham College, Vl‘oronto. will deliver his interesting lecture on “The Man Who IWins." 1AM. week two rinks of curlers l I“: I v‘ u. .- B""“ " "’ r 0mm and Bobmueon was played here on Monday- evenfnc‘. At hnl thus the score was 3-4 In favor of Bobonygnon. The Omemoe plnym re- fused to Murn to the ice for lam half. as they considered the referee did not 8"“ them fair play. It is it to be regretfed that the game unnot be played in a gentlcumul,» and qxortsmunlike manner. droveimo leon Fans “'vv‘ -- 7 , . ad was defeated by gum shots. A return game is ..w. v. â€"-__g Bum-rut of the young people from here “tender! the 0:li It Vic:- torh Rood slaving rink. We urn rlmlod to hour more than ono prize was cam-N home as buoy oonlumo. n-wnrd. The during work on cum! *- neu‘lng a. completion. and the work on fourth mansion is flanked. Tmml hauling tho phat to 8.8. nation have mu worth. for nov- ‘ml M. ‘ 1 0n Hominy event a. tow Manda In?! Qt the home of M Laney ind W In Luau momma m 1!"! putty Nblo. Mums no mm (id and tho whole n1- Nr «.0 quit. lutomu. um Mo- OHMM cm in n“ M by he:- may m-m- have. u In women «ulna-mum to MI. 8m- an.“ un ""- ' *" ’1' ' Hotel Kirkflold on WedneS- 18th Kw. the am. in MM. ' ' BOBCAYGEON. REESORâ€"I for KIRKFI ELI). when Wen W“ “mlflb'Sullivn. mm Harris. wife or a friendly ed by three is expected Kr. , Its. Wm. Wells em. ‘ umber 01 young People fl ‘ ebuing 04‘ last week _ , ‘2 ”d m. John \unstone an. ‘IJK x. '.o 1“ Fridu- -"h‘. Gm ' 1.; wt. sixu were pW‘ ' 1‘ , Cambxay 01M â€" A . tA‘hey flipped the 153M .‘ 5‘ .4. , the wee small “Wt- it: rather “(t yet $93.13: “the morning as it “2?: *‘V’mfiun Showman Co.“ ”a” “For His Museum. ' When the eminent French Wmu w Brnnetiere visited the mm. a” .009 years ago, lecturing“ w and other leading univem a bl: had an amusing 03me m M “cg-{bed in the recollection to: ”Andean tour. which be (my. fan! published. The grant littemteu: ' " ' h attention to the life Ind “tuneuwhp was often mu rm “m of Mount." on amount be. _ «,1.be flights of eloquence. {'M with others pertaining to I. w career. was mentioned by none can: liners during his my h 13' m. it ctugbt the eyes oh M W showman, who, u". M pt somewhat mixed over m nun-In; or the allusion. He wrote a. M'W to the French author. N In” Just heard that a m m “as very celebrated. 1: m In your country. has become your a. 6‘1. My. Now. I am the m I'dQIInmln In one 01mm at”. h the Bates. This Menu: m M mutation has been enhanced by m dogmas. would certainly not Mt. 1am a. curiosity of my public. If]. -vm Iota. havo'che rare bird mun. AA ;H_.- _._.._ __. 'm politely explained mm. “are bud” Ind been dead for nanny Origin of the Franck Titlo u Appiid in a Pin. Cook. m Order of the St. Esprit was at “Jed in 1587. was suppressed by the mdnflon and was revived by Loni §fiii in 1814. To speak rightly. were mm known u: alumnae” 1' use. It you order a bun. it will hep” pond tor you Mummy, and :1 oval! w '11] five you notice wbfl "Mint mm are not °°' ”Wubylpmb“m‘ gunmutnmbnlmm‘zu m m- amt. Many of ‘1” unl- have . mam "8m ”Motown Mute“. WW _w_ H, , , - m want and not as. b am the attention 0 boy DIR» In Many le' F The“ of Our Own Counw- not vaun- u not "mm on" (NM :1 ”In halal: m the Travel Mlfl' Mnnrhtyot Doll. Up a Shirt “Db an a too hlth."_w :mmm m, ' 1 RARE BIRD. m W For-tang. M it. you an quote 70mm FOREIGN HOTELS. GORDON BLEU. vacant mow “ ' an seIeCt the 0" .1 Samoa known Gentry. 2.2315. the fat raised in Canada at age. Was second at L second at Scrutlord. at Listowol, 2.18 : 5! 50h. 119 every heat, 1 taken record that eye: next me he started mix-up and met with he never movvmi {rc best Dire at road ho! of the country. Thra yam condition; 54 p1 0"}qu to some". sum 30 horses urge col Gignmem. 1 in ‘101 c! Keepsake; 20 in int Mixed lot; 1 pair r01 Governor Crouch. go Omellalt mdslors. n1 oxtm good deiiwn I: “lack lack. dam qu Mid hon-9:1 hrn ”r8 0h]. b} GOV-411:1 Mr Jersey hen-rs run or 20w 0‘1th 0“! year old aw“ nun-v! truck “Lyon. 3 in: «h "Mr: no“ hugg‘w minim Curling! ~ ( o. Mounted singles‘ harm ,dmbhAroued plan-d rice 1“ “or! mulling gau- w the Sm‘w "' will pun-emf “'4 "‘fl‘m be seen at Ron's Li John R. Gentry will highest Md". as hi has sold out and is Wtiu w-dsy fur (no. ‘ you want to know abaut munch it. Address Leave Toronto 41M. 0 bash: at nodei'nk rates. I' balding. until: ““30 3"“ m. $9.114 befiserve I (I P.B. W) at but two pm. m ;‘ 2 Batu-s m'ckul fitness. new: 1 mm W : 8 (lo-en swan “I.“ dofltie drinn ‘ W road wagon. I (WRDLY. I. A. Hiéinb 20c. EARNINGS BE William-5L. U1 TOURIST SLEE ,SulPh‘“ ........lp0°' New 8' New mwmyooQuu-o-o “0.00.... Mono-o...- o Dist. Pun. Agt wflu‘for free .00.... non-u... u... ‘. u‘u‘ ‘litm shine it oppocite Auc ' dim” anger I nry. 3mm: diam my givi‘ of l

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