6/or hen 'm fuel the ooh! that mm mm ve mums: comfort and my dvd by the W» fur the thmcomnd an yellow box. WILL CURE |.... no... [1! pm: ’P. TAPE. ND MAN s u n . o . o cooâ€"o a MOO... [8 which you in; to pasture this to S. Stewart, wns the Highland Us 5000 acres of of good water- 7 wire fence. EX- ‘s after and salt 3'. Cattle always ï¬lth and make big nd young came IaSt. Cattle are 'ing. no hesitation in a to the Highland 1 for during the 'erms, $2.50 per son. Book your a. limited number mt on this ranch. kopton the cattle ur Real Estate 31" write me vour “(I‘m m Um: and money- MI! ‘astu re NT 10 BUY .cuuo... o" ‘ S AYES! SON’S SELL te or Business U G B DROPS tawny 11m x sanvwï¬ no.0...â€- manna: Turoutot vs 01 all kinds sold parts of the Unï¬tcd no tn-day describing ml give cash price on Archibaldbh Torontq. of flvehdn «team 50 mm hi0 ..M51. “um. TED 0! Lindsay, will (my ‘Ilelll-ZS'J CASH PRICE fur RIDES, SHEEP- SKIXS, LAMBSKINS, ’I‘ALLOW and BARK. Otï¬co and wuruhonae m. Wel Huston street bridmyâ€"43-28. W. R. Keys The R. M. Bea} Leather Con “MI I‘M“: n “Mrh “flu, W“!!! IIIH‘ u'unl mum“ ‘3 Dhlhnhlv pawl “NIH“. mflfldunllnl. H “3‘“ " dent “on†m WANTED ! HIDES AND BARK mm mam mum ICIFBK‘B'IT" ION.- Nm MI." lhhumln Muuu ‘ 0. "a.†Wyn“. Inhuut ammo. m 1h. “Mimi!!! munmuml waellv lm‘ 9'“ “N“ If my mammc 3 mrunl. Twit .3 . mu! 3: "Jim. :1. 3|qu by ML [\O'Od’y.'2' muluul. '1. Hin I), I" "-W'l-lâ€"vaâ€" N“ emaemmmy. "QWIIEIK hm Moo. as 14‘ Sf... wwmnou. Kent-St., Lindsay Formerly Keys Morrison Wï¬ï¬fï¬ Hiï¬Ã©ficau. Make money by buy- ~ing now at our reduc- ed prices. It will pay you. C ALL AND SEE for yourself. THUR spun HAR‘Cï¬E m An Odd Animal Community. Natural enemies or the animal world are sometimes found living together In exmdmm communities. J. G. Mii‘ lab in a volume on minus quotes thin experience of in W: “On one 06 canon when fen-em I bolted a fox. a :iéï¬ï¬g 23'! :3 aa§§3:s: E ggaï¬ï¬aééï¬gï¬ï¬ ï¬g: EE§EQ§§ 85: z§§§§§§ skiers are so funny that way.’ “Sothewmpadmmdaandtbat night when the hero cried, ‘Slr Daniel Deepwatefâ€"or something of that sort â€"‘base oaspring of a noble race, take town the young fellow who played flu deep dyed scoundrel remarked to the leading man before the curtain rose: “ ‘I say, old chap, I’ve got my ï¬ancee out in front tonight with her father and mother. Now, of course they don’t know anything about our business. and I'm afraid it would rather hurt me withthem itIreceivuiablowandgot am in the usual cowardly fashion. So. dear old chap. can't you omit the blow tonight? “But, my boy, the management will ï¬ne me 2 shillings? “Well. I'll pay the ï¬ne.’ â€Oh. yea! That’s an very well to! you. but what do I' get out of it? Nothing butabadnamewiththepowo era that be.’ “Oh. well. I'll give you 2 shillings extra. or. better yet. you hit me as usual. and I’ll hit back! They’ll ï¬ne mnotyou,andl'll glveyouthez shillings besides. You see how I‘m 31t- uated. Iahouldn’tllkethegirltomix meup withthedxancterlpgy. Outv â€"‘base offspring of a noble race, take that? 811' Daniel not only ‘took that.’ but gave it back with such force that ‘the pit in cheers me at him.’ Includ- ing his relatives to be by man-tugs. and be walked on the stage In triumph. “I am sorry to add he lost his situa- tion. but he gained his point." Historlmlly, AJaccio. Corsica. is of the utmost importance, for here it was that on the 15th of August. 1769, Na- poleon Bonaparte was born. and here it was that the future emperor spent his youth, enlightened by an intelligent and lovely mother. The “Cass Napo- leon" is one of theâ€"or, I should say, the principal building in Ajacclo. It is a solid three story building. with gray stucco walls and a number of large windows. Situated in the old part of the town. one would scarcely ï¬nd it were it not for the boys who taller their services to guide the stranger to the place. Although plundered in 1793 by the partisans of Paoli. the heroic Corsican lighter for liberty. the house still com tains a few reminiscean of the wt warrior. Besides a number of ordi- nary rooms, each room containinssome furniture, one ï¬nds the bedroom where Napoleon was born. as well as Napo- leon’s sleeping and study room. with his bed and table: his father's study. sï¬ll beautifully furnished, and the drawing room. in which are his mothé put down money with omen m a joint undemking,__its component part: ._n 1â€"“ It: Honorable Beginning and It: Lat- ter Day Decline. ’Thedegeneracyotagoodwordwu Illustrated in a case at Brnnkaom (Dormflanhichawiheaspokeot the defendant as “this fellow" nnd-m ordered by the bench in mum-ta “this man." “Fellow" began very honorably by meaning a peaon who Percy Byssho Strollâ€. While It In as a poet that Shelley will always be remembered. the fact not a: world‘ with his Immune: u a poet. 0! his uric workithuhunnldthltlt “pmtaammtoulothl‘hcrum non. profound thought and mane-nil- ont music such 1: cannot be (candela- it... In English nut-stun." er’s piano and her sedan chair. Tho Dwelling In Corsica Id Which the Great Man Was Born. -e§aaaa 25333i33§3su Egg!†E!- :13 52 1133:? Hi3" which are held together by a sticky secretion that comes from her mouth. The eggs rise in the water and ï¬nd a resting place among the air bubbles. to which they cling. The female hahtrhs to swallow the eggs, but her husband drives her away and keeps guard until the eggs are hatched. If the air bub- bles burst. the male ï¬sh blows some more. so that the nest is always heat- ing on the surface of the water. At the end of ï¬ve days the young are hatched out. They cannot swim. but cling like tadpoles to the air bubbles. If one falls. the father ï¬sh catches it in his mouth and blows it up among the bubbles again. He does not leave his little ones until they are able to swim. and then they take care of them- selves. rake theiry young in an aquarium or evenin a glass globe and they raise ortour broods each year. Ordinarily the male paradise ï¬sh is of a dull silvery color. but when he goes :1ng he puts on a brilliant coat. striped with streaks of red. blue and green. When the female ï¬sh is. ready to lay eggs. she builds her nest by swallowing air and making bubbles. g Paradise ashes come from Japan. and thelr nests are very odd Indeed. for they are composed of air bubbles. Unlike goldï¬sh, they will breed and Thu Culture: Live In Odd Wofmr Bubbles. PARADISE mass. ' ‘ THE WORD “FELLOW.†HOUSE OF NAPOLEON. theoe instruments. His tannin fo- cnmoanawgotfunplu .nndhotnrn- 0d out one inflation make: in quick nucoudon. m. “It at pann- include. the monphom, m phono- gn h. the arbor: telephon- a.» mic r. tho hand-noun nan. tho kin. vulva Me In.- case must be sought by adopting pa - chopathic measures. Toronto sho d have a large modern psychopathic hos- pital, separate and dis‘lgingt, for $1.16 ready aooomplish’ed, but it has Slat. ed a path which must be followed and extended until every county in Ontario has established at some point within the county a sanatorium where itsowncasesmaybecuedior. It is also suggested that an institu- tion for the care of feeble-minded women would be a valued addition to the public charities oi the province. There are in Ontario at least we fee- ble-minded women without proper custodial care. Regarding houses of refuge. the re- port says: “In several houses the beds were found unclean and not free from ver- min. In many the bathing facilities were quite inadequate, and the‘ in- mates left altogether too much to themselves to see that their persons were kept clean. All these conditions could be remedied i! suï¬cient help was employed." “Orphanases, of which there are so. with a population of 4,240 children, were not found to be so crowded.†the He speaks of the necessit for spe- cial hospitals or sanstoria {or tuber- culosis patients, Instances of cruel and heartless treatment may well sug- gest considering the advisability o! statutory enactments com each county to take advantage of e act relating to the establishment o! muni- dpal sanatoria. The National Sana- torium Association deserves the t- est credit for the splendid _wor Aï¬- for' 1 tormchopatmc cases. ' importance of the mission 0! the chopathic hospital cannot be too £3th extolled." he says. "We cannot shut our eyes to the fact that insanity is on the increaee,-and if we we to combat that advance suc- Bare 'uï¬r 7 treatment of these acute cases, and when greatly needed clini- caL advangagee {gight be gel-god." erase cost of patients, 81.08; men?» age of provincial grant to main- tenance expenditure, 128-4 cents. Dr Smith notes that there has been considerable improvement in Toronto hospitals, but there is yet need of in- creased accommodation. The new gen- eral hospital will not be completed for four or ï¬ve years, and by that time the population will be greatly increased. The inspector hopes that every large hospital yrill soon have wards Annual Report of. Dr- Smith, Impede! â€"Ro‘ton to w- of M and 0m" WM: load... : Hon. W. 1’. Hanna laid More the Legislature the other day the annual report at Dr. Bruce Smith. inspector of hospitals and pnaons. In the vines, according to the report, are 61 hospitals. 37 refugee, so orphan- 0838. 8 homes for incur-ables. 8 con- valescent. homes. a Magdalen asylum. 25 county houses of refuge. The number of patients in hospitals. Oct. 1. 1905, was 2,649; admitted durc ing the year, 37,537; births, 1,764; total under treatment, 41,784; deaths, 2,429; percentage of deaths 5.79; pro- vincial grant to hospitals, $110,000; from all sources.; sub- scriptions, donations, etc., $150,520.- 58; total expenditures (including eapi- tal account, 354.070.25) 81,228,289; av- ON;ARIO HOSP‘TALS. Bagged: go Eqb. ‘11.. Cnnudhn Pmnts' Grout 802. ma. vast-:0 "PM“ You might mutuyoum minus-MW. When the northern unse- Append on the street: at men-uncouth!“ not-eemmhanonmhonneuatan. www.mmm mmwmthoYMc-m mwmtoodveraub mrmmwummm “claddinmbcédmtm MoMotWIM mtnhonldbcnodnedotthodnth. mummdonmmm at Mon bonito: tho-oak! mmmmhnflï¬h' 1131!)?“me Batu ammmmmm Imponï¬vo. mmmulmnvuhnlnumrnt can. mmwtaw wanna-u this: “Attached in tho not ottflsmnsket‘mapcn:ahoacock. fluhanmerotvmamoomun the form at 1 bird's. uerpent'u or dog’s beta. This headmsput. and a screw WM!!! Nodoubttbohflllnfh- commend on wuvputtotwmbym “mum-‘0. Hound OLD TIIE STYLES. nrltwith pom . ‘ an. We will guarantee the quality- of the I. parchment to be the very hes-t. and mum will also guarantee satisfaction in am the printing. Butter-makers who use a M the printed wrapper get from 1c to I†M5 3 cts per. 1!). more than those who use unprmtod wrappers. A printed rm wrapper is a guarantee of quality. 7“ It. and also. lets the consumer know whose butter he is using. 1 cent PM per 1b. extra means $10.00 per 1,000 My d“ lbs., and we do not charge 11, quar- Dltln. ter of fthat. for an order 0: 1.000 m [xx-rappers. We will give special pricos a ‘11 gm orders of 51.009! and 10.000. ' and ck. w. gon a yearly contract wili' give an “I m gextra special price. to (Ii-tribute the 4907. maid m lush, on proceed M9! the 4.0-. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of William Edson Smith, late of the Town of Lindsay. in the County of Victoria, Barrister-at- law, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN pur- suant to R. S. 0., 1897, Cap. 129, Sed. 38.. that all creditors and per- sons having clwims against the es- tate ol the said William Edson Smith, who died on or about the Sixth day of February, A,D., 1907, are romested on or before the 29th day of March, A.D., 1907, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the Execu- tor of the estate of the said de- ceased, their names. addresses and descriptiom'. full particulars 0! their claims and accounts. and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And take further notice. that after the said 29th day of March. A.D., 1907. the mid Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased. «mom;r the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims 0! which they have been notiï¬ed, and will not be liable for the said assets or any WWW†kw m mm mm.†IN mmm OF THE ESTATE 0! June. mun-ax. lute 0* “30 mu) 0! loam. in the County at mrhun. ï¬rmer. do- part thereof to any person or per- sons. of whose chin! notice ' phull not huvo been received by them M. the time of such distribution. , We have bought the parchment from the right source. in large quan- tities .at the bottom price, and can supply this line cheaper than any other printer in the district. Drop in and see us. or send for a sample of our paper or printing, and we will save and make you some money in your butter business. Now is the time to get busy. Do it now. The. Wotdlma'nâ€"Warder Printing 00., Limited. Lindsay. Februsry. A. II. 1907. McDIARMID WFF.K< of the Town of Lindsay. in the Coun- tv 0! Victoria. Solicitor-I for John A. Wilkinson. Executor 0! Odd sumâ€"94. Notice is hereby given that we are prepared to suppb buttor- makers and creamerics in the district “ith the very best butter wrappers. suit.- ulfly printed. at the lowest prico. $me â€mmâ€; "Mummy Ammmm m mem a Wm mm mm“: mm: HummWmea othgzmnt shapedawdlmmtheimpmtm tot-unto upon which the goodlyLaw- med In reputed to have cutter-ed mar- ï¬i’mmbflm'w " VIIâ€"i†mm “mmga “Mombave never visitedthe chemo! the gigantlcstruc- II beyond comprehension. It Is mettmmnormtoooummsm from east to west. ‘tbeaqum taw- atadlcornerriungtonhdghtot 13$; 3" bury bananas. ï¬ve large hum. six dormitories. three hospitals and over W other moms. In wderto nuke 8t. I‘wrance's gridiron complete. the building I: built In qmdmnxuhr form. mmeson-nngesotmoo- m stone structures musing each otheratflghtnnglutheletormlngme ower 200 feet. Within this monstrous building are the king's palace. a cathe- dral. I monastery of 200 cells. two col- M470 teetln length. Thednm'ch. vhldnhnputotthisnstpueotm- x'o'non 'ro unanimous NOTICE TO CREDITORS lemon: 13 many)! GEVEN p33 NOTICE TO FARMERS EE: Notice is hereby given that W. H. Simpson, of the Town of Lindsay, has made application for permission to wander his tavern license for the premises known as the Simpson House. in the Town of Lindsay, to Geo. I“. Hewitt, of 'Dorouto. and. that the Said application will be con- sidered at. the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners, to be held at the License Inspector'sotï¬ce. in the Town of Lindsay, on SATUR- DAY, the 16th DAY OF MARCH, 1907. et'the hour of TWO 1’. M. corner Mill and Glmolg-uts., South Wad. All modern improvements; one of the best constructed house. in town. Halt ncre land; ornumenttl trees. shrubbcry tad fruit trees. Good urge Italic. Apply to MRS. BENSON. on. the (premiumâ€"341. The land will be sold subjeCt to a reserve bid, tWernty per cent. of the purchase money to be paid to the vendor at the time of sale, and thir- ty per cent. within thirty mys ,there- after, and the balance to be arranged "Strathallans," sired by n “Bra- with Brit!†bu-ll. one of the best in Amenm. The Bulls oflered an: ready ful' service, are of «the fleshy desir- able sort. and seeing them is enough to convince intending purchasers. that they are ï¬rst-class in quality. Come no Fairvhw Farm and have a. look at them. JOHN CAMPBELL. Woodville. Ontâ€"44¢. J GEN McLENNAN, Sheriff, Victoria. County. Sheriff's Ofï¬ce, Lindsay, December 10th, 1906.â€"8â€"4. FRIDAY, MARCH 22.â€"By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property- of Joseph Penin, Lot 12. Con. 7. Fenelon. Sale at one o'clock and without reï¬erve. FAR! FOR SALE.-â€"South Ml! _lot All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. WILLIAM THORNBURY, License Inspector. Dated at Lindsay this 4th day of March. A.D.. 1907.â€"10-2. [N THE PROVISIONAL COUNTY OF HALIBURTON. Under and by Virtue of two writs of ï¬ori mcias, issued out of the High Court of Justice, and to me directed and delivered, at the suit wherein Sarah Lundy Traviss is platinum and Nellie Hates and Ridnard Hales are defendants. I have seized and taken in exemtiuon and w'i‘llaofler for sale at my ofï¬ce in the court House, in the Town of Lindsay. on Wednesday. the 20th day of March. 1907, at the hour of two o'clock p.m.. all the ï¬ght, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said defendants in, to, or out of all and singular thOSe certain tracts and parcels of land and premises situate. lying and beingjn the Provisional County of Haliburton; and being Composed of parts of lot 15, concession 10, township of Monmouth, 88 acres ; lot 16. concession 10, Township 0! Mon- mouth, 83 acres; and the northerly 66 acres’of lot‘14, concession 10. township 05 Monmouth, excepting from the said lots and: parts there- of as have been conveyed to the Irondale and Bancroft- Paflwny Comâ€" pany for their right of way. to remain on WAN’I'ED AT ONCE ON SALARY and expenses. one good man in etch loality with rig. 'or capable of- handling horses. to advertise and introduce our Manual stock uld poultry Speciï¬cs. No exper- ienCe necessary; we lay out your work {or you. 825 a. week and ex- TUESDAY! MARCH ISLâ€"By Elias Bowes. auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mrs. Precilla Staples, Lot 12. Con. 15. Laxton. Sale at.- ono. o'clock and without reserve. when there: in e good racket. Building- .» 3.11 in good remit; W “attend. on a. atone foun- datton. unplement hon-e. hen house 4nd pit pen. M1: wont 40 m plowed. 10 we: eeeded to “like. 5 annual lull wheat. and about 95 I“ to thuothy and clover. he" 3 e good epting mandala-Senses. Ono MwmtnMcmpnm There has not. mo! mpmaoyeu-s hamApplytoCAPlJ. BALL 191 Slaw m, Toronto, wright. 's M 66' the Gut thin 92.. That desirable solid brick recipenqo 'w. A. JENKINS" Manufacturing “0' mmâ€. Ont-4540. l LICENSE DISTRICT OF WEST VICTORIA Shorthorn Bulls for SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS Residence for 8:16 BALE REGISTER FOR SALE WANTED. PAGE m if