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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Mar 1909, p. 1

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but the best and the at 8 o'clock. Extra. Lned and Scatnh wool, all sizes. 75c. Sale priCé- ......... 3'! 1-20 ers. the celebrated “Police’ enther and mohair finds. Resp Sale price ........................ 15¢ Glam-s, wool lined, all sizes. , price ............................ 390/ nds. bows. and made-up knots 350. Sale price ............... 10° Shirts. white. Regular 50c put. size 44. choice skins )r‘ worth $70, for (A; Coat. black Cub ts. m fmu stripes c1154 3"- hed. Regul: u 8] sale price as . "filers. m: ule-up padded, o - 50c and 75c. sale price ...... 19 2 for ................. Q l U urachan Dog Cnat, orth $38 for ...... “'75 WV!) Wambat Coat, (09 ck to be cleared out in you at this store. All ’3 Furnishings ' Shirts, in new spots and b dehed. Reg. 50c and 253. LOUG I) ”when clnuhlc leather ti Lmrher counters. insoles, , price - $1.50;§; 1. price - $1.752? ’!| .N' Iin u. Been er 0V ercoat, 1c01 liar “ orth $45 $29 ...................... nd fc AY, men 4, uppmw uul V'ely S‘yhfih- ken. 1*. g ICC Ivsts .\H riding. and mm and Ruby (:nrdsm. 'l‘hn ' Hm» sim'vns mus 0f Lindsay mrrnw $0 I! rv thv fun»: mpm any Styles 11 sizes. regul‘ m ATHER I' THE GOOD' COME FRQM” .::u' w! Hu- m'm ul‘ Dre. N'Nl* ml L'wmu‘ n-tux'ned Saturday {rum «‘izn‘ugo whom be w "v Ln! thrm weeks it““ .4ka post graduate count. BI um! m qn‘o his patients all M nnpr.»\n-lxn-nts in the M“ Thvm- mnm‘ntions he Wm 3' tn .‘\p1uin ‘0 those M‘ Luther (‘1 sun- that we can oats )bat Coat, $23 x.“ l Lead) er Boots Hl(‘.\(}0 nu numlwt‘ C): “fl“? .- mmnitu at a ‘W tnlvtni “Nd ‘n ‘m‘r UL? place. 1‘” ‘3” In 1pm” hv" “Ind’ ‘ tmxu and she VII him'l‘ Mummy to "m The remains nn from 1%)er. \It'. MCCHMB‘”. “ml. and ”ON“; .\ \fl‘fl M t o‘ Hate] ii? i $15 Terry. Chas. “udder \V’, H. White \V. H. \Vhile‘ R. C. Vincent, R. J. Moore R. (3. Vincent B. C. Vincent R. C. Vincent R. C. Vincenv w. E. Scott \V. E Scott Bl}. Vincent W. E. Scott Jns. McMlelen Jay. ‘McMnIImI Jns. Mt-Mullen )ms Lithuow ‘ Wm. Thornimry R. C. Vim-em, A. Bradshaw A. Bfludahw .hls. IMIROW Jus. Lithuow Jar. Lithgow A.- Mch‘nrhne Jns. .l. Hunter lbs. J. Hume! W. Thornhury Jas. Lithmw W. Thornbun [Ll-L Mandyen 11A McFadyen Mal. Smith Frank Goring Frank (3mm: “A. Mck‘ndyen ILA. Mvh‘ndyen J . Shh-r P, R. Swim» H. Ir. Mlmn a. Sm”. In Pucker. Mn; lived Inlm meg Juhn Jmmu Julm Jews 36"" am. In W Jonah Wm. C. Sunk! Pmsecu tor. at the Pace. to! the Quarter ending Tue Iday larch 9th. 52nd YEAR. Lindsay Brani SAVINGS BANK DEPAR 1‘1 Deposits of $1 and upwards are rates. Accounts maybe more persoxis and one ofthefl so of the Geri of the i5. Branches throughout Canada. and in the United Stdteé aqd England fiLde to me 5) gr I hereby certify that the {on-gang in a comet Schedule of the Return of Canvicuone for the C Snufley Johnson Fred Crawford \Vlh. A SHINE John MON?" Edward (th‘pell Elward Glnspe“ Ed LAWN!!!“ Fred Carlin N. Menzies Jaynes' 'l‘hornlxifl‘ Geo. Bathmrll J. W. \Vakel-v 11mm. Sprntr. Percy Nivholh Arm. McGregor \l. Johns Geo. Dettnmn S. A. Champion 3. Hmlmn 0. Hudson .Ins. Simpson Jan. Simpson Jun. Si_mps_m_n co. Danieh Elam Conner And. Wutson Aho.‘ Warren (‘ S II on D. J. hfl‘flflne H. 1“ande H. McFadyen Roht. Wilson :90. Sulter Geo. Suite:- H. McFadpen H. Mandg en J. Mad!!! ”5 tlu A‘I..|" 1".“ R. Swhmr 6. anev A. l Nile “Com tohn Momma“ Jnmeu MMMVI‘Q BM": lhflfm .Iuh Vellinaton Rolwrtfl sums Nk‘swr :fendzmt. I‘lâ€"IVIIIVV v' -v s of the Pace of the said Cdunty and filed in myoffice for the Q of the Rwised Statutes of (Hilario, Chap. 93. S:c. t and Criminal Cxie Sr. 902. ,/ jilstice latter ending Tuesday l1 uch 911: 190930 pursuance». â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"- L-ace, Cmnty of Victoria, Much r3}: 1909 Assam} t. Assault. ,.. . Disorderly and Swearim: Disorderly and Swearing Vuzmucy. . . . ...... Perjury .... .. Perjury Drunk and Swearing . . . . Gross Indecenry. . . . Gross Indecency . . . . . . Drunk and Disorderly. . . . Drunk and Disorderly . . . . goods on Sidewalk . {disorderly und F ightimz .li Drunk . Breath of Liquor Act. . . . Brent): of LiquorrAct . . .-\ I'M)“ ................ Brent-ho! G. F. Act... . BreacholG. F. Act.... Bread. 0! Liquor Act... Bread: 0! Liquor Act. . . Brent?) 0! Liquor Act. . . . Await ...... Disorm conduct Disor conduct Breach u; Lit. Aé's' I. d: .. Breach of Man. Act...... Macho! Mun. Act ...... mm!» Game Act Breach Game Act mend Mun. Act. Rum-I Mun. Act u... Nat are of Charge. COUNTY OE' Swearing . . . . - envy” - - encs. Disorderl' 3.. Disorderly. dew alk . . . and Fightimz Lfiq uor Ami... Li: nor Act. . . Liquor Act. . . oooooo conduct .- L1; Lie. Act. .. '5. Lie. Act. .. .328. .tltl Secs-u- .t|x\| tlt| Conduct 5n. |l|| ||II ”Hafiz: ‘n. m‘t‘“n nu In:mh ‘.I|||l\ in M.“I"\Ill imam“! UNI Feb. Jam gaswgsza the n: m; 16| 18‘ 10 1d 21 3' A Jacfiaon l l l 5 5 5 11'! l:“‘ 16; 16. I! |I 21 W MrArthr a“ ‘ t. ‘ a ‘ ‘ 10?. Hoover -,--""' 6w mgdmn‘ .EOQ .527 0C O6 IO lb H N \I EC Fm ,2. 99pmâ€" Ec an 170 IOIQU‘ 77 ll] llfl wm _|.Iil 1N Wim Money ’to Loan on Mortgages. 1’ Easy Conditions of h Repayment. ‘ Mortgages Purchased. 1‘ <5 9" 2 w 3 C07 5"” W'Feh. 67.‘Jnn ”Feb. 5 40 Feb. 6 {XS Feb. Feb. 501’cb. Mmmmfimfimm “22“‘1‘1 Forthwith Dec. Man. Jan. to VICTORIA ll 11 18. 1m 16 Jan. 21 Jun. 20 Feb. 20 ‘I'eh. fl Fell 5 Jfln- m FHA ll Feb; )3 Mar. I Feb. I. Feb. I Jan. 0 Jun . W Feh. 10 Feb. l2 Fon‘wim Jan. 20 may of \hctoth made to ma bytha Jmicu 1'0 why-3 P?” ”I frown Treafum '4 mm. in County (‘ompvittcd tor'riul l-‘Jmmu'ryed for trial 'f‘dim Treasurer pmittvd {gr trial! County Tmngrre-ZJ Chime figsmls 3‘ mm dlsmisndl‘ (3mm DI-mlssefi Committed m th 1 cm Dlsmmed' (mama Mandated Chum Dk (31mm Jasmin“. ' £1538 Insticc and when \IIKII F‘ .......... Hum Dlnmlssed without. conta Committed to th figment Refuge Chane Dhmhoed whhout costs Charla Dismissed wuhom costs Chute Di- without. costs (than! “maimed without cost! cm, Mum-tr Ai'l'é'iéd’ to no on lludmd ramp! cplnlmmc \nnm Tuna“ County Tmsum‘ 60 Treasurer At Clerk of the Pace. County of “with. w u t. "MEDAL MARCH n, 1909: without cosh without: (:9!!! If not paid, why not. genera) remrb. lanyard“ Sentence mum Gamble Mi Short , ‘ ’ Assaulted by Rnfiims Night Coast-bio John Short an: attacked and most brutally mult- od last night shortly alter twelve o'clock, u n result of which he now lies in the Ross Memorial Hospitd terribly bruised and stalled and sul- lering extreme pain. W..M~JwtardLv A”. . vu. uncut; W Ul ““3 m ed. The police nuthoritie! surrounding towns and Vi“ gt once notified of the 91!: were given instructions to ookout for the mun-nu. .t once {Kahlua}: the gum and rare given instructions to be on the ookout for the mllutp. ‘ WERE NOT DRUNK. Consume Short stated, this morn- »: that gong of Mg mil-nu were ___A , 5: 5 M {15090 "mu 5 a; '1 or! f. min- serious fie: Vin- ombun’ out )1 with- 13W plint- is. in till! “I800"? cter, who citizens living in gthe leader ward some roung men. n1. left the having his wading on front of ked across 1th one of nove on oing so. finger to e law. It e number act‘”in lan- man. to 3‘ . implying i8 t a stmg"° h sentthe‘c' ground. )le Short. ecame dis- ] of Carlin. ' a top, for at Carlin the strugv nen jump- l :ped Car-7 :e Short let go his constable w-v' v shoulders . stood by u merely mo ‘ When this jumpe ‘1 for by punch 1th not in a thtt} Cox but and . fponstable condition Constable st to his Big 20 yd his re- :‘ in pur- I running uve chm :3 at the (1 south the open unmerci- (know- as suffer- hnd lost becoming corner of he do- an notify direction 3. Sooth- n return- \d an Mr. “or his: tort 1% 3o um bo- Ma taco vs. Mr. as! from P“. they at the some time “Wing wiruu muv - “a M one 01‘ the others a shove with his onstable hand. Carlin at once struck Short 20 by “l9 a terrific blow in the face with his “0‘ “A” list. knocking him of! the sidewalk “ merely into the deep snow. Carlin then when this Jumped upon Short. kicking and for by punching him in the head and lace 1’“ “0‘ in a brutdl manner. “"31 Constable Short was on his hands - but and knees and unable to do any- - ““0““ thing. when the young~ men who told] y ' have this story states that he jumped‘ d they ‘on Carlin and pulled him all Short. wor- He stated tanner that it he had not ltaken Carlin on‘ him he would have ispltyed killed Constable Short. “9°“ The other fellow stood on the walk PM“ as it he was glad to see Short re- llupsing Iceive such a brutal punishment. The 00th?” Warder‘s informant also stated that Bill Carlin threatened to kill him for at was taking him on Constable Short. as '9' Carlin then ran down the street and mow- ous assault was made cu m. ueo. md g , . uncrtunately put his hand in ”M. Cm. well {now} In WW: ”‘1 the fast revolving shaft. and an be ' now livmg in 39M» ”‘1 Carlinim a mit on the mit was torn and r. gufimrfiuthénmt ‘0‘: : hcion he could extricate his hand it last n . . . t’ was pi lled into the cogs and twisted it the van yam In Kingston Mi“ ""3” {posnxuny around the shaft. , m. of Victoria-ave. and Russell-st. torn of! l el ow the elbow nnl h north Carlin aerVed about five years in 4 He!the u M n 811d then returned to ism 0f blOOd now from t“ Sup- ngon gLindsay. but was only home a lew “’8- “813' wound. While the remand- t otaweelis when he again got in‘to the er of the limb was left in the mach- across bad graces of the police and this .“J-‘TY- me critime he tookleg bail, locating in, Dvsivite the painful nature of the on the States. Warnings were notfwownd. the young man walked to the so. 'sumcient and Carlin again got into house. leaving the hand in the ma- umber the toils and was next heard of inechmery. and doctors were immeliaio- mluz-iCharlotte, U.S., where he brutallyfly s-mmonded. Dr. Galloway and , to'assaulted some pers0n and received gDr. Grant of Woodville, soon arm- plying in short sentence, serving it out inged on the scene and they dresaed the ado one of the State prisons. He was 1m incl The wounded young mm is urward only at liberty a short time. when lnew resting fairly well, but is sufler- sting- ‘once more he was rounded up andling a great deal of pain. ant the convicted, and he served another The. many friends of Mr. Campbell “4- term. _ in Lindsay will regret to hear of the BACK TO LILDSAY' distressing accident. Mr. Campbell 5n top Carlinlanded in town about tenlaflended the Lindsay (‘OHOEiaio In. > 7 L. _- um... “um it. isfstitute. He is a nephew of Mr. Juhn do i! he got hold of Constable Shon.1\'ot long ago Constable Short arrested a nephew of Carlin' s said to have aroused the anger Carlin, with the result that. he “ it in" for Constable Short. CARLIN. OLD OFFENDER Who is Carlin ? The question has been asked and answered dozens of times to-day. It will be remember- ed that some twenty years ago that portion of the town known as the east ward was the abiding place of E2: a gang of ruifians who terrorized the citizens of Lindsay and especial- the citizens living in the east ward. It was unsafe for a resident of the town to visit the east ward; men were assaulted and ladies were insulted. until human life became en- dangered. Highway robberies were nude and houses were entered. nat- ters wént from bad to worse and one ”Mick " Carlin was recognized as the ringleader. His none was in every mouth and his d'udgeon Wes to be feared. Carlinlanded in town about ten“ days ago for no other purpose, it is said. than to get even with some of31 his enemies. and now that he has" “ laid out " (temporarily) Constable Short. the citizens of Lindsay have become greatly excited over the matter. and it is to be hoped that he will be brought to justice. | The courage and pluck displayed. ‘by Night Constable Short, and his‘ determination to land his assailants behind the bars, is commented up! on freely about town to-day, and! his many friends are looking for-i ward to a speedy recovery. At the. time of going to press Constablei Short is. getting along as well as mm mm’. W. another car-loan LU Duly. - The Wonder reporter interviewed! . ._ ‘ - one of the young men who was an 58M sale on March 11 m 1°"°““’~ rye-witness to the assault commit- ted on Constable John Short by the There has been a lot of dissatisfalu ltion caused in the use of soft (‘031 notorious “ Mick." Carlin on Tues-lat Pe :- to C 11 . t 1 t1 1 . the be Do egl n U 0. day evening and he told the story .The smoke, as eveoryonea linovxs's: is 9‘11)“.th below, as being the w‘y|very diry, and it is almost impossi- in which the assault was commit- ble to keep the school clean. and n ted. He gates that during the day is equally dimcult for the pupils to C run “(1 his four 1 were £ th keep themselves and their books a pas age qclean. Thesootcanbeseenonthe ‘ :2 32:2le fig; $223.1 {3:1er imlln. ceilings. floors and furniture. E but were Q‘l Bow “1 the e‘.enmE.1it get! fnto the books and on the l They were also together golng from ‘atudents clothes. At a "cent meet- ing of the Board it was decided to k ploce to place. About 11.30 0’- CIOCK they were all together on “will” hu‘d cool in future. . street opponlte Prod 'l‘n‘vlor'l mu‘k lTHREE ARE ‘N JAIL E 73% 3'? ”5-333 "1 m' “a?" 8°13; 3“...” smasher o 0 . E wanted to go into the El; 20' whlle ‘ and who were pols ol Carlin on than 7 I TO USE HARD COAL. omen warned to go to the New. York rectum-ant opposite m loom “Gums. Mfr! created t‘hla morning Home. Carlin and two of “98“)! Ohio! \lncent and Lounty Con- left tor the New York “tuna“. noble 'l‘hornbury. u lholr Mpoh . lmvlng the olhor three nundlng on “W “0”“ ln "‘0 0"" “MW hot ‘- the amt hour Tuylor’o restaurant. They were chm o huh“! «W .‘ When they arrived on ‘tho New 90““ mat-mu Juckaoh ”‘11.:30 a .-York mum-on: it won occupled with “a” “d mended “M“ 1' rMM- .. we. “a Culln “a hi. “,0 “(lurch 19th. u 9 o'clock. Mthom h went. out. went «roan the road and Mil. Two of them have mwor ham ’0 stood at the corner 0! the “who pollen court were. hut "w olhm‘ r. How‘ ‘03:: h“ lpfilmd‘ many ’N‘Irw. d n“ In am or 0.me nlnum' um. 3 ”M on o v u on 'Oqu fihor‘ and la charge 0! Governor Jack- "W ‘ " m" “m w a” 2'). and cum Viacom. mm «M Ma “'5‘” 1. 35.3133” :33: "We... not. be given “ad” "W °°""“‘°'" - ‘- mm Mum. nxnort that by r be feared. . . About fifteen years ago a murder- lxéizxtcgflg as assault was made on Mr. Geo. md “u“ rtu: arr, well known in Lindsay, and the fast rev ow living in Midland, and Carlinehad a mit as charged with the assault mfbdor be 0 mvicted, and was sentenced to se-! _ (ulledcq‘ an years in Kingston penitentiary. I“? :1“ _ n he assault occurred at the corner ‘ palm 3 a" r Victoria-ave. and Russell-st. g “1:9 offline Carlin served about five years in .. . A. “a...“ upstmam of bl éari be expecv ted. i In fifteen or twenty nunuwu uuw 'Gonutnhie Short come along on the‘ north side of the street nnd c 'over and naked them to so home.i nt the same time giving Carlin and one of the otheu n ahove with his hnnd. Cnriin nt once struck Short n terrific blow in the taco with his fist. knocking him on the sidewalk into the deep snow. Cnriin than jumped upon Short. kicking and punching him in the hood nnd face '.in n hrutnl gunner. - -_ ‘n‘n h-nl‘. THE DOMINION BANK Continued on 908‘ "John Hr. Campbell called to his Vson Johnny. for hip. and they both en- l”flavored to throw the mchin try on, :0! gear. but this they could not do ’The 94:." that attempted to stop the mad :ucry by over-feeding ii. and while doing this he unconstiunsly md mr-‘c rtunntely put. his hand an the fast revolving shaft. and as he ihad a mit on. the mitwas‘bom and mac" he could extricate his hand it ‘u-as p1 lled into the ;cogs and twisted {painxuny around the shaft. The arm was almost instantly tom 0!! lelow the elbow an! a :staeam of blood flowed from the gap- mg. ugly wound. while the remind- er of the limb was left in the mach- inorv. o Cunnbell, who is well Imown in nudity, lost one'ot his hands hy fitting it caught in the gearing of the that revolving windmill Ina-hin- ddent occurmd yesterday Moon on the um 0! Ir. Norman Gunp- boil about two miles west of Lorne. vine, when hi- son. John Penman Campbell, an, was grinding feed with the windmill, when it got neyond control. The high wind nude The details of the accident were telephoned to The Wander this mom- ind: by our own correspondent at. Woodville, and it appears that Mr. Inns of the wind mill travel tuner, niu' the faster the fans went around, the tcster revolved the machinery. bampbell. of Fairview Farm. near Wocdville. | There has been a lot of dissatisfac- ition caused in the use of soft c031 ‘at the Peterboro Collegiate Institute. The smokB. as everyone knows, is very diry, and it is almost impossi- ble to keep the school clean, and it is equally dimcult for the pupils to keep themselves and their books ”will. ceilings. floors and furniture. g‘t get: into the books and on the students' clothes. At a "cent meet- _;ing of the Board it we: decided to -,.‘....4 No matter, 'what kind or where lo- cated. any corn is promptly cumd by Putnam's Corn Extractor; being purely vegetable it cam no pain. Guarantee with every bottle of Putâ€" nam's. Use no other. placed in chum-v at Govomur con and Ohio! Viacom. Bail not. be given under any conch “on. The police upon that my eénts. m home 0‘ bu developed wonderfully ”“1 mm to omdhn'soumlism' SOFT 0B BLEEDING ind'l‘mflfi ‘sm..- untaf PAGES will

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