it ear. nch ~ ‘anager' LE the Bani; ’Cpartmenta 'or you. onto 12: month emee pocket is tail DR- J, M. RICE __ fl-__‘I-Aâ€" - Veterinary Sui-m "rhdnute of the Ontario Vet.- rrinary College. Post-Graduatezfloyal e ' . College, also oi the Land- 00 S('h0u] “f posits R. Lindsay'l Livery. cambx-idge-atn Lindsay Dentist: 3' at! Glide wig] or found ‘0 wanna}: Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Special st‘oek of high-grade new goods, we have just now some splendid values in second-hand organs and sewing machines to clear out for lack of space to carry. One ladies’ bicycle new, very cheap. 11mm 30mm on mumms And _if fr WM. WARREN We also‘handle a full line of wool avd plush rugs, curry combs, brushes, whips, sweat pads, and than. B. BBUCE’S is the place toleave your order for team and single harness for spring. J. B. BRUCE Dom FORQET Cambridge-st†Opp.3 Market ‘ , "NTED. - A GIRL FOR GMEF; ‘1 housework. Good wages “Fete“ person. Apply «to m In addition to _our complete ' -â€"- -.' 1:: Saleâ€"Yong. shorthol‘nftylnfrri T T. Wilson, lot ‘24. 903’»! or “dress Lindsay RJLD- '1 Terms to suit-‘purchaser. to W“ William-st, pp. St. Andrew’s Church .P. O. Box 217 >395" 'n us off?! mnd gnu AIL HORSE SUPPLIES it Hpt‘i‘kdty‘ Calla Nil) 1 to day 01‘ night. C? P“? nmdm ate. Drug Store mulfnfacturï¬ they â€15 he unsatisfactcl‘y we will ext-hange it for .- mm W zm‘ gunmnteed “on .} vom s. accordinï¬ to thc \\"n take the flank This “"p take [IInxr v.-- _ . you up A 96330ch r. if you want ' .ql treatment. ,â€"PURE-'BRED It leaked out from C A A U head! quarters today that the Exhibition authorities will put on a big amat; e'ur athletic day. at the Exhibition this year. In fact. there may be two daysâ€"one amateur, the other of pro- fessional Sports. The dates selected are Friday and Saturday, Sept. 1 and2 . and the scheme as outlined to the amateur athletics authorities by the Exhibition people indicates that visitors to the Fair' will see the greatest set of amateur games ev or held in Canada. â€"â€"Star. If the mutual ï¬re insurance com- panies throughout Ontario endorse the action taken by their delegates Gasoline Engines in , Barns are Dangernus at the convention of the Mutual Fire Underwriters’ Association, held io Toronto there-will in future be‘ an additional charge levied against us- ers of the gasoline engine who keep the machine and accompanying tank within insured buildings. A com- mittee was set aside. to thoroughly go into the matter. This commit- tee reported to the meeting. For such farmers as keep their "‘ engine within their barns they provide a'. special permit, issued at a cost of 50 cents, and an additional charge Athletic Meet For Toronto Exhibition on the insurance carried of ‘60.. cents per thousand dollars per annum. Against this the report recommends that if a ' farmer keeps the engine not less than twenty feet away from, the. insured building, and the tank' containing the gasoline twenty-ï¬ve feet away, ‘no additional charge will be made. The stationary engine must be such as pumps the gasoline from the tank. The tank must be of not less than one and one-half barrel capacity, and must be made from galvanized iron, sixteen to eighteen guage in thickness, and must be placed at a lower level than the engine, if possible underground. This immunty 'is allowed only on the guarantee that no artiï¬cial light shall be allowed near the tank, and that no gasoline be stored in the inâ€" its. ‘i‘hoyflsrosqmliybe ii for bound women.“ as . necessary ohiidxon. Gin £11k, by theix action. 2; tho Liver oiso comet Biiiousnoss no Constipation. which miiy scoompsnz Kidmy sad Bidder Troubles. Sump Moi! uwritsNotiomiDnXawhmiosi CO. V. 3‘ TONI“. t MIDâ€"o MsMOforflJO. sured building. Fire ip the Gier block at Macleod, Alberta, did $10,000 damage. The American hotel at Monctbn, N.B., was damaged to the extent of $20.- 000, and a b\laze in Naylor’s 7 Inc- tory and the Standard Glove works at St. Johns, Quebec, threatened the v'ru Guamâ€"$05 :51: his 1 ï¬nally developed into a; I thought I would write yiï¬ â€œ(vi lines to!“ uknowhowthnnkfullmtor than! {the uwm.udwon|dgdvh all "were“ tom Rheumatism t‘o Pills." WILLIAM , Gin Pills at: tended an {or Kigney, Bhddq: and Uglpary Trout): 31:. Van. can “in quantum but known ta 0! Yamauth OWN “2 .1"! Man Mr. ! m 23:1,!†m"! have been MM with Rheum- ï¬am for the mud haw taken a good man iï¬mt kinda of medicine and foundym) nth! to; it. Mud f d ya Pills, so I di Onedn bomofthemlf .. cum orwuumsu By One Box ofOln Fllla. hours’ conference Wm yesterday, leaders oi vmhat they W amenqunts to the, s trz'.tion‘bllls when it 1 Stet position to T31 W shinggon, Marc}; 1130 “W1 vu ..... _ interstate, Commrcwe bills. sition to Taft Mzasures. gton, March 2.â€"â€"Aft-er a two nierence with President T33 leaders of ' Congress au- fohat they wouid oppose “a:- nts to the, several: admiris; Us when it became-apparent, amendments were offered' in" hostile to the main' purpOsc. >posed‘ legislation. " cussion had special referenq: . C“ of Five BOY}- «autumn: and IV“ W Mr. één't‘ir Movements of Society at Fenelon Fallsâ€"Many Visitors Mir. Eur} Deymun. nit-chant. from Booderham, passed through town on Monday to spend a few days-in to- man). ' ‘ Fonda: Fills. "th 1 pm 1:- dhn' aid muting “a. hold at the Methodist. “W on Tubman) ul' tm‘noon. This being the float. meet- ing or the yegr. n. 8910111116 pros" “" ox‘ \mrk wan urwgad tar thfl‘ “an. aim an “nu-0.1 large number of la- dies more present. ‘ Rev. ‘0. S. Lord, lomallfï¬maday t0 Iptnd a few “mufï¬n Tdronto. In hiaabaeuco mm; Handâ€: the pulpit will be occupied by a. student Irom Knox ppllegve.__ ‘ , A Mix and MN. Joseph Pam. of To- mm. spent a few do.†with \own rem: as. W has just been received In town of tho madden mm 0! Mn Dave Stinson. of unflalo. for-mom of mm mm. Particular. have not an vet. been made known. The body wm be brought to b‘enalon mm for interment. Mrs Thou Graham. was Audwv am) Mina Mimic mus uncut Satur- day In Lindsay I '11â€"..- _.._s Sunday in toWn. ' Mrs. ,Galder was in Lindsay on Fri- day attending- the library convention. Miss Dora. Hickson left. 9;; Tuesday for a relatives in Kingston. Mr. Norman Martin left on Friday to visit Toronto and Burlington friends. The St. Andrew‘s Lane‘s" Aid will hold their meeting on Thursday ~at the home of Mrs. Martin Sharpe. Helen-st. As this is to he an even- ing meeting, the young. men of thé congregation are cordially invited. Dr. R. M. Mason, M.P.P., spent. the week end with his family in town. 1 r1 vï¬igsx Katie Dickson returned home from TorOnto on Monday. Mrs. McGregor spent Friday n Lindsay. Miss M. Austin and Miss Dorothy French, of the L.C.1., spent Sunday at their homo in town: â€". u 77__. Mina 21ml. Shgfltt. of Kinmuum. spent Friday and Saturday in town. 011 Friday Mina Alice Sag-gm. and Misy'ldlla 8mm sang a duet. at the evangelistic .mrvices. v v--V- Mrs. John Barry, of Lindsay, and Dr. Betty, of Claremont.‘ Iowa... vis- ited the Misses Hand. this’ week. Miss Winnie ,Maybee. visited Lind- say friends for a. few‘days last week. Mr. E. D. Hand'and the ‘Migses Hand attended the funeral of the late John Beery, of Lindsay, on Thursday. Misses Anna and Gussie CrandeJ of Lindsay, visited at. Highland Home - n- I ‘f.._ Rev. Mr. Steele, of Glenarm, was flown on Friday and conducted service in St. Andrew’s church in the evening. A large attendance was present to welcome Mr. Steele as one of the neighbors. The Woman’s Institate meeting; was held at the residenoe of Mrs. W. Burgoyne on Friday afternoon. Ow- ing to illness, the president, Mrs. _(Dr.) Gould, Was unable to be pre- sent, and the chair was ï¬lled up by ers. W. Fell, district president. There was a. good attendance and the program was one of the best. Miss P. Haskell gave a splendid pa- per on the subject, “Should women by on our scholl boars?" Mrs. W. Burgovne gave a short talk on the .home. Mrs. W. Fell. of Bury‘s Green 17â€"... A._1‘â€" A“ I 11“! a“ Misses, Anna and Gussie CrandeJ of Lindsay, visited at. Highland Home this week, the‘gueubs of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robson. also gave a vgry Next to infancy, the years between ten" or twelve and eighteen are the most critical in life, especially for the boys and girls who grow too fast. Rapid giowth and the‘ physical ch a‘n ge s that are taking place tive system, kidneys be lungs ‘that very ï¬-equcntly, ' when : condemn. them to a KCFL at. u. cu... .-°__- Nothmg will do this more efl’ectively than that good old-fashioned remedy, DnMom’s Indian Root Pillar It act: directly on each of mm, enabling them to do their wbrk .pmperly‘, and thus keeps the whole system pox-end healthy. M23: by W BMW, on u 3 5c. 3 box; Children Who Grow Very Fast Need Careful Watching. £15K talk on the e11. of Bury‘s Green interesting talk on of Omemee. smut Dr. [mo "3 India 0" Pill: would In“ Mr Malta] and OW!- "Hana work aid influoneo" Miss mimxh mporwd for the Guelph institute meeting and “to gave a domnnstmon at the vacuum cleaner. At the 0! thin meeting ‘ dainty lunch was mad Mina nyrtlo‘. Mom has been visiting Mauve. in Guelph. and on hot Mum attended {the mini-nary op; wing! in Toronto. om] accompanied her mimm. an». L. Ferris. of Pic- ton, arrived {in town on "Monday and MW? ï¬rmly connncncod work on the spring 1101th o u n , Lb..- __..A..- _A..I â€hli‘avvéhnnon. of Ninaâ€. .tI tho guest. at Mr Mend. Mn. 1!. Lime- "7r'he‘ next main; ‘or the mmtuce will bo‘ held on NM. Match 25th, and w demonstration at tancy work spring twins. ‘3‘! P! 3â€?“- UPI lug Win-U .- . mu Hm! mommm returned home On Monday “(or upendlng a tow week. whh Ling-g Mazda. Mn. R. M. ‘ luau enter-tum! about twenty-ï¬ve of not km' um. to ouch)» on quiludty evening. A lam bade '9! nothing was puck- ed um! amt. \o' the central Doro“ rooms in Tomato. . ‘ M18: 1. Lula. Linda-y. and Nina Teddi. of Bracebrldgo. went. Satur- day in town tho guests of Dr. and Mrs. Gould. dv‘iw‘ wwâ€"-â€". The song service in St. Andrew‘s church last. Sunday was most de~ serving of pmisé. The choir um; two good anthems. Especially is the singing of our quartet soloists wor. thy of mention. Mrs. E. A. McAro thur and Mrs. Cameron sang a «net, “Nearer to Them?" Mrs. ycAfthur avvm v- sang a 3010, "In Thy Love." Messrs. Lee and Cameron; and Mrs. Cameron singing in the chorus. St. Andrew's have the material for good singing, and with more practice will beable to compete with some of the best 10- cal choirs. Mr. Montimmbert bf _.t;he Montreal k staff, eptertainedt‘the sm 5 s e; club in‘his gpaxloes on Ween.»- day evening. . - n ‘1' _:L-L- ' :_ uaJ v v vâ€"-â€"D . Mr. John Howie, of Manitoba, is renewing old acquaintances in Fenc- ‘lon Falls. , Mrs. Oardowti, of Buï¬alo, formev'l of Lindsay, spent Tuesday the guest of the Misses Hand. ‘Dr. F. Aldous, V.S., spent VMon- day in Haliburton. ' 'Mr. Victor Bailey, of Fell's Sta- tion, spent Monday evening in town. Mrs. Henderson and Miss Marion, of Lindsay, arrived in town on Mon- day to attend his. A. J. Gould. who at present is quite ill. Don’t forget, the hockey tournamen â€" “ “_:_!_..- n.. "LIV “V râ€" -vâ€"â€"7 . Don’t forget. the hockey tournament held in Fenelon Falls on Friday ev- ening. ‘ A special train from Bali- bui‘ï¬on ‘will be run, and the games “A-.l-l,. “‘51 Irv .-‘v~ are being placed as trophys for the winners, and three good games of hockey wilhabe played. Gama are played by: Haliburton vs. Minden. and Kinmount vs. Coboconk. Oavwood. Feb. 28.â€"The concert given by the Manilla dramatic club last Friday evening under the ausâ€" nices of the agricultural society was a good success, the hall being com- fortahly ï¬lled. 'I'he play, “The Coun- try Kid,†was rendered in a. manner that would do credit to profession- als, and the audience was kept in roars of laughter all the Way through. Every member of the com- pany played his or’ her part well, and great credit is due to all con- oerncd. Special mention might be made of Mrs. (Dr.) McPhai-l, under whose directaon the play was per- formed. They will be welcomed back to Oakwood any time, and are sure of a large house and an enthusiastic reception. , â€" A_A‘L €nn m. g lULClâ€"i‘lvu. Isn’t it about time something was done towards getting the Mariposa baseball league organized again ? This provides good clean sport for the fans of the township, and it is to be hoped that a. strong league may be got under way again to com- pete for the McHnlyth Cup. which is now held by Valentin. As a general rule them can be little complaint about the manner in which the police trustees do \heir Aduty, but we think there is a good ‘big Lick _coming from thelcitizens I generally about the sidewalk leading l“ the town hall. Every other street; in town _is_kept carefully shovelled - u; o--b :4 man 'LU bu» wv-a- an“--- in town is kept carefully shovelled off. On Friday night last it [was very annoying [or those who patron- ized the concert to have a walk up the middle at the road and turn 0!! into the deep snow whenever a. horse and rig came along. We do not think that ladies espeCially should be aSRed to do this. There is a by- law regarding this which is‘ rigidly enforced in all other portions of the village. ans» surely the trustees have ‘no excuse to after as to why it is not done on the north street also. The council, no doubt, would be onlyJoo willing to pay for the shov- court. this wink is used consider- ably. and it is pretty nearly an to the trustees to put tige’ by-layjn ac. The labor unions . o: Pnaimupnm have declared in favor of a strike in sympathy with the stm'et car pm to begin next Saturday: ‘ , It is expected that 'Mr. Asquith will make a. statement in thqmï¬ouse of Commons today regarding his nWï¬thmpmttdthe'Wm tion- OAKWOOD o: Philqdélphifl For many weeks we have Been planmng for the Spring of 1910 gathering the best of new creations from the various fash1on centres and are now ready with the newest and most up-to-date stylesand designs for this season's wear, in which 'we offer some very unusual values. Many Notable Values- in Spring Merchandise {Extra Special Waist Offer A number of particularly attractive patterns in' plain colored goods with self stripe, all the populal shades, regu- ular pric'e ‘F5c, on sale at ........................ 500 Hundreds of yard; of new Valenciennes and Torchon Lac es, bought at Special prices to be price, regular values up to 10¢ now m saletoooololl 00.... oooooooooooo cleared at less than half 20 Inch White china silk, regular price . on sale at... .. Ladies’ hose supporters in a and qolers, regular price up to E only.................. .. . . . .. The very newest styles sud cloths in ladies’ readyâ€"to-wear skirts, handsome spring models, very stylish and at- 4 95 tractive, regular price 6.00, on sale at .................. o Fenelén Falls. Cheapest General Store inthe County. Magniï¬cefxt waists of ï¬ne sheer white lawn, elaborately trimmed will) Valenciennes lace in a numberof different styles, wry handsome “models, regular value ‘1.50 to 2.00, on sale at only ........................ i?i.‘fff?’?.f‘.5?:.ffif‘f‘f? 50c 'i’f’.‘fi‘i.‘?:f’.‘.’:.f’fi.':‘i‘i:f 4.95 Laces Selling at Half Price agd _Le§s ‘Dress Goods 50c 6.00 Dress Lengths 4.95 White China Silk 19c Ladies’ New Skirts 4.95 in Qâ€"nuuï¬er of different styk ) to 50¢ a pair,‘on sale at ‘96 Beautiful novelty patterns in self striped dress goods, very neat designs for Spring Suits or Dresses, regular price 6.00, on sale at ‘ DR no ICIDOOIIOOOO ,ooovooooo 25c yard. 196 ’ She says. is. she ova I. of the k a, ‘Dbdd's m3 13mm‘ DBSE TILL {SHE mus'r For 7 cu)!- said doctor It; die. Dodd’s r ï¬ve n by To of