PAGE Pom ..;., M 910m..â€" Addm-TRWNCO 9m" and Stomach. By placinz' one pad on the pit of the stomach over the solar plexus of nerves and one pad on the liver. wonderfutresults are produced. Sour stomach. indigestionsnd all stomach weakness are removed. The LIVE! be comes active. the bile flows into the Stomach the food is digested. Constipation. Sallow Complex- ion and the many Liver and Stomach complaints are efl'ectnally and thoroughly cured. Female WM By placinztwo pads._oneon each Ovary painful periods and irregularities as to time and qmntity are insured. Are more cer- tain to produce the flow than any medicme ta- ken into the stomach. are priceless toany woman who desires reznlan'u. A '0 Rare Vegetable medicinal extracts. combin- ed with medical gums are reduced to a plastic mass spread on a softehstic material which ad- herestotheshin withontanyigfltationornnplens ant sensations. themedicinexsaheorbeddtsgood work proeeedsnightand day. . Con beworn by man. woman or child withhemicnl results. Monte. 0m She'dyoursmh ltwasrnadetodizestfood. Trythemoxesenao; ’sleabectbmtmediotedpads. I. 0 . ,l Theaepadsmsold only nip-{rand thepdee shoutdbesznpeir.buttoonicklyintmdoceand~ mkeknownwewfllforalimitedtï¬mausil to myaddresuepdtfwmaaxmwhehm adaedstueï¬ngfocï¬. ,. e , -_¢, ‘â€"“‘ v- w‘“ â€"-â€"-â€"._‘__ manufactured under the supernaon of a physi- cim ofoverfortyyeaxspracï¬ce. '- Kidney troubles are (me):- . 1y cured by piacm two :4 padsone over each ney and the spinal plexus of nerves. Uric Acid and Ljrine regulated. all pains cease. Fog bed wet- tang childrenare the bestrexnedy ever dlscovered. All Pains; Neumlgia. Rheumatic. Pains in Mk. Lumbago and all diseases of Kidneys are temoved by the soothing quietinz and strength- ing eflect of these medicated gags. The): are Terms as Usual. W.AfFANNING > There will also be offered for sale the household furnltum. consisting of furniture. stoves. carpets. kitchen utensils. am. at thoosmto of the late John Berry. Kidney and Liver v Medicated Pads 4 set single harness, new. 6 blankets, new, any price, sure. 2 dozen whips, any price, sure. 4 set. double and stitched harness. 2 new milch cows, just in. 2 new wheelbarrows, must be sold. 1 heaVy mum. in ï¬rst-class con-di- tigq, in foal to one of the best im- ported horses ever crossed the At.- luntic. This mare is eight years 0M and sound. 50 Whlmamen and two do: neck- Yokes. 1 handsome delivery, 1300 lbs. 1 black gelding, 5 past, by Der- uctum. 1 Black Gelding, 7 years old, by Black Joe. 1 Black Mare, by Hermit, 2.164}. 1 black horse, by Hamiltonian George, 6 past. ' 1 bay gelding, 6 ' past, 1200 lbs. 1 grey mare, 1475 1138., true and sound.‘ 25 Horses, full car load 14 Heavy Horses, in good condi- tion. Heavy horse, 1500 Ibs., heavy horse, 1350 lbs. Sale Saturday, Mar. 12th, ’10 MNMNG’S HORSE “CHANG! 1 heaVy mare, 1400, in foal to Ha- Children thrive on “Eppa’s.†SUPPER In strength delicacy of flavour. nutritiousness and economy in use “ pps’sâ€isunsmpassed. ABoontoduTluiflyM EPPS’S COCOA cutters, one new and one old. robe, new standard make. HIGHEST FOOD-VALUE. When the pads are applied the medncine is absorbed through the pores of the skin and nerves. and is conveyed to every pane! the body more thoroughly and eï¬ectually than itis when taken into the Stomach by the mouth. O ins one and woundhig three.- And still record prices are bah; made in hogs The meat boycott was short lived. DeputySheriflaflredonamob a! would-be lynchers at Cairo. 111.. km- Col. Hughes and Col. Sylvester have been, elected members of the council of the Ontario Rifle Associa- tion. ON THA COUNCIL. Miss C‘orneil, our south' ward tea- ‘quite well again. ‘ cher, paid Ops friends a flying visit Miss Mitia Taggart, of Kinmount on Saturday. visited at her home last Sunday. ' We are glad to see Mr. Mervyn Mr. and Mrs. Stem deo, 812, and Lane in our midst again after a. seâ€"ers. Steve Demo, jr., attended mass vere illness. ‘ ‘ {inKinmonnt last Sunday morning. Miss Hoi-e, of Lindsay, is the-guest of her cousin. Miss Jennie Hora... Mr. J. Cathcart is the guest other cousin, Mrs. John Swain. Mr. J. Paul and Dr. Gilson. of J ane‘tx. i!-,1e attended, the hockey match on Saturday. Mrs. Found, who has been on the; sick list is, we are glad to report, ,1 on the way tb recovery. \ ‘ On Saturday a hockey match was played here between the teams \ of Nestleton and Valentin. The Val- entia lineâ€"up was as follows: N. Hicks, 0. Jordan, H. Jordan. F. Hood, L. Parkins, W. Mark and W. Suggitt. The score was 2â€"0 in fa- vor of Nestleton. Mr. Joseph Richardson and family leave this week for their new home in Cartwright. They will be great- ly missed in church and social cir- cles, Mr. Richardson and Miss Fer- roll having been members of our choir here. On F‘ridav evening on " At Home" “as givon by the Christian Endeavor oi‘ \‘nimtia. when the Janotvilie Ep- worth League was entertained. .. A good program was given by the nwmborn of both societies. other which a social time was spent. Lunch was sawed win. the basement. Miss Hannah Graham. Mrs. Weldon and son Clarke. are the guests of friends in this vicinity. To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown: Dear Friends,â€"Learning of your re- moval‘ from our midst we take this opportunity to express our apprecia- eion of you and your family be good neighbors and friends We sincere- ly regret that you are leaving this district and hope that you will meet “ith kind friends in the town of Lindsay. May your life be long and happy. Though taken by surprise IMr. Brown made a suitable reply, 'thanking his neighbors and friends. after spending several hours during which refreshments were served, the company dispersed after singing " Auld Lang Sm.†Valentin. Feb. 28.â€"Owlng to the storm on Wednesday the‘ hockey match between J anotvll-le and Valen- tin was postponed. Elmer, son of Mr. Alfred Hodglna. ls ill atlpmsont with scarlet fqvor. Glenarm, Feb. 28.â€"0n the evening of Feb. 2131; the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown assembled at their home and spent a. very pleasant evening. Mr. D. P. McKenzie read the following address and Mr. Angus McKay presented Mr. Brown with a. lovely gold headed cane and Mrs. Brown with a very handsome clock. Lindsay citizens will regret to learn of the sudden death. of Mrs. Matchett, wife of Victoria county’s clerk and treasurer. «She was tak- en seriously ill ‘w' an epileptic stroke on Monday and died on Tues- day. \ Mr. Henry Dubois, so long with Mr. A. Campbell, grocer, has accept- ed a position on the Grand Trunk as brakeman. ' Skip J. I). Flavelle won the rink championship for 1888. His rink consisted of C. Corneil, 1311. Gregory and Jas. Keith. Mr. William Need- ler won the club medal for three pair of stone contests. Miss Jessie Agnew, the popular teacher from Cox-son’s Siding, paid theA Misses Goodwin a. visit last Wander fyles, 1888. -- The mm vestry meeting of St. Paul’s church was held on Monday last. with Rev. C. H. Marsh presiding. The follow- ing oï¬cers were appointed: Ward- ens, Adam Hudspeth and David Brown. Lay delegates .to synod -â€" John Dobson, R. Bryan: and Jas. Carley. Sidemenâ€"«I. ~W. Wallace, Jas. Gallon, J. Jewell, T. 13. Dean, C. D. Barr, E. E. McGafley, J. H. Sootheran and W. Farquharson. Financial cornmittee â€" T. Walters, C. D. Barr, A. McGachen, G. H. Hopkins, '1‘. B. Dean R. Bryans, J. W. Wallace and J. D. MacMurchy. Secretaryâ€"Geo. Patrick. DEATH OF MRS. MATCHETT. ACCEPTED POSITION. VALENTIA. WON MEDALS. PERSONAL. GLEN ARM. Jesse Cole. aged" ï¬fteen years, was run over by a train near Raga-nine and killed Richer-er in Philadelphia are ï¬ghting the transit company by seeping the mile on the streets. ed. as it Was a. very rough dayand the roads were pretty full. A collection. was taken'up on Sat» urday for the snpemnnmtion fund. The church last night at 7.30 was we)l attended in spite of the bad roads. Prayer m'aeting on Wednes- day night was not‘ve‘i'y well attend- ring about four Weeks with rheuma- tism, is not getting any better. He iS'suï¬'eri'ng a great deal of pain both day and night. Also we are sorry to report that Mrs. Wm. Porter is very ill. How- ever, under Dr. E. A. White’s at‘ tendance, we hope she will soon be quite well ageigl. Robert. O’Brien and his sister, Miss Ida O'Brien, intend starting on a visit to She-ourne, Cnt., during this Week. “Bob†may. go west from there, but has not fully decided yet. We are sorry to report that Mr'. John L. Davis, who has been sufl‘er- Willie Demo, 'Robert O'Brien and Leslie Pogue are all home from the lumber camps. Miss Myitle Wakelin, of Nor-land, is visiting her friend, Miss Alice Woodcock. for a few days. Dongola. Feb. 28.â€"Mr. John Aber- nethy. of Wainwright, Alto... is via- iting among his oid neighbors and friends at present. Miss Stella and Tillie Hancock en- tertalnod about thirty 0! that:- friends to a very pleasant 'eVonlng's amqsement on Tuesday of th a week. A general meeting of the Cumbmy District. Telephone 00. met at. 0am- hray Tuesday evening for the purpose of discuselng buaineea in bong." ot‘u " trunk †line between Cambray and Onkwood. Mr. Bert Jewell has lately bought a share in the T110 Fllllng Co. ‘ LINDEN VALLEY. Linden Valley. Feb. 28.â€"The month closes with exceptionally flne weather and in settling the snow to a. great extént, though the roads are in rather bad condition. , The mother who has once used Ba- by’s Own Tablets for her children will always use them for the minor ailments that come to all little ones. The Tablets give a guarantee of health to the child and ease and comfort to the mother. They ,cure alltstomach and bowel troubles, de- stroy worms, break up colds, and imake teething easy. Mrs. H. La- voie, St. Felicite,.Que., says :.â€"“ I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for indigestion, constipation and other, troubles with perfect; results. f1" think so much oi‘the Tablets that I use no other medicine for-my chil- dren.†Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from 1 the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. Health For Baby Comfort For mother NEW VETERINARY. Mr. Wm. Brown,’ V.S., of Fenelon Falls, has moved into Lindsay and has opened his ofï¬ce and stables south of the Catholic church'. Al- though nothaving a diploma he has been practicing and studying for over thirty years. Mr. Brown is an en- terprising man and deserves suc- NEW HACK LINE. Mr. James Workman will have his new double cab on the road next week. James is an energetic, oblig- ing young man and deserves patron- age. Mr. R. Kylie has given the cab a complete overhauling and it looks as good as new. On Friday last Mr. Davey was swept over the rapids at Kinmount. He was fished ashore below, all right, but badly exhausted. Mr. 'I‘hos. Matchett has been ap- pointed C.P.R. agent for Lindsay. with coal oil, but was discovered by the .hostler who was up ab at 4 o'- clock to right the" ï¬res. He awaken- ed Mr. Henderson and the ï¬re was soon extinguished. An attempt was made to burn the " Forest House " last week,.an un- used kitchen being well saturated In Bobcaygeon a workshop owned by ,Mr. D.,McCona8‘hY. was burned Jest week. ‘ Fortunately a very‘light wind was blowing and the fire was prevented from spreading. , ' MR. DOVEY DUCKED. HOUSE SET ON FIRE.- APPOINTED AGENT. FIRE AT ’CAYGEON. DON GULA Water-n Canada passengers appre. ciate more and more the many ad- :vantages aflorded them when travel. jug via the Grand Trunk Railway system, the (mom St. Clair tunnel route. with its unsurpassed sewica, over doubt; trad: meanest .11.: a; l way to ., (. -...‘. . \ . "om", ._ surrk' ,' . . .1, -m. g , L principal cities 01 Canada. and Unit- cacd (35310.9 bfmu’lm ’A :11me Was- , the Young ruby m Cl 1.6!} ~53 817'!“ h! the 8. arm,“ v- -wu UV '- av onous trip. agent for further particulars, regard- ing, tickets. routes, etc. .â€" A home for inebriate women is to Iqronto. in 3W. W‘am' ARE YOU GOING WEST '2 ww LEE hum-qtupgog m- . WI. no. [Wham-Ia!†eggs. mutations-days! W 9‘ '10!†M homestead. bunt add an: "I dun um and In:- thc um sown Muptoum the mum is a: dar “ helm! m. chick: that In "I. think you m raucous-at â€MR. .1; McCULLO “an FRIDAY, MARCH “4th Mr. Wlll lAMBE I“ Pm A"... Mr. McCullough Wishes to thank the citizens of Victoria County for their liberal patronage and bespeak the same kind treatment for his successm. who has taken possession. The store will be closed for Stock-Taking and re-opened on Begs to announce that the boot and shoe business conducted by him for the past 18 months has been purchased by. 1‘“ PEMBROKE of Meadowvale, Ont. , n uuwu wr mew-mu: women is to ‘be opened qy-the Saiubion Am in Quanta. y making pleasant what might other- wise be a long, tedious and monot. onona trip. Call on any Grand agent for tux-thu- particulars. regud- hag, tickets. routes. etc. ONTARD 57 Kent-st. D. CINNAMON Buy Now and Save Money ind! lines of Stoves, Skaten, Hockey Sticks, Carving Sets. Heat Cutters, Carpet Sweepers. Clot?†Wringers. Washing Machines, etc. BIG BARGAINS Stock-Taking Sale “HEY T0 LOAN MPQHJ AT CINNAMON'S It “ya to Buy at Cinnamon“ 0’. â€IL ESTATE "' Jponstant use of ' assmted by Cuticura .. not only pres " ~ ,and beautiï¬e †- scalp, hair and infants, childrex 15. but tends to pr s ' . of the pore y H 11. cause of pi M†ckheads, inflamm1 ï¬n'itation. redness and n .,, n65. and,other unsi f‘ and annoying conditio! - d... m l‘hnflnrhnufll‘ Sr: f 15?;â€" We d'Am‘W - aw W â€- ‘ Drug C04 1309-" ammo. Am mm"- ‘ USA- W 1" mf'n 135W M'h "“- Wm. 32-01?" “3“" “you the are and Trcaunc; New Proprietcz' . . of Shae B is" Best Promoted Ir. J. Wu! ul.ou;:h h.l\ “.7 ‘1' “â€1 Lamb: “â€8 murncludvd q 1. d i†luv mo; riu- h f“ immediah 1x . 1.81).“: has um m d M bOSEnt-ss in \‘l. w you! and (omt- s 1 I“! substantial «Mm-z L. m datum m I indk can ‘1‘. and lul‘s 1.41:! a! M our midst upper. Abe wt. and W 1: [homing Tamblin wil W by the 11081. n! tuning was span and ganmx Mr, V will leave ('amhr Dar, [m for Zion, Mari; liq will reside for the m M is regretted by 1 Ill!!!) MRS. rmm n Tux 11:11 H» .‘(M It owning “ “ “3 tone of Mr. and 3! WI. Camlnmu} ‘ n u: '17. when thv) â€1 "‘ m 41 their mums m *3 About fort) 14“" “a were right rc bv the lmsL :u PATRON SAIN '1‘ 01‘ BIRTHDAY mm 1-31 B , ’_ _ â€ii! energetic opp A . .u ‘ ' and of mix-ac] “5"â€. He is sand m boot and 5h noted for the Pa“ PLEASANT EVENI mPBmdeur h " South C arc ST. DAVID’S D lone theologi< Mbuwum Bonk “manna 018mm 27. Glamour «Mu-.1: Altai"? r; [ARCH 3.