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Watchman Warder (1899), 10 Mar 1910, p. 16

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-â€" so... v0: um COUVTVW> .â€" Covemment Report . ‘ _ _. _‘ .. ...-.... hie confined largely to women ,and “flu Government. report Ol Public growing girls. Its victims are pale; Acgowfi-.of the Pym of Omar“, they lose all strengthâ€"the least' ex- contaenslmany.intere3tmgfigumm ertion greatly ,,i'atigues, them _ and Items. It shows that during the year lthey suffer" continual-1y from head- ending,0¢tober 313e, 1-909, on gum aches 'and depressed spiritsLNoming of $400 was derived from’the sale of will cure anaeniia so quickly or 5 so law stamps in the County of Victor- surely as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills‘â€"_- 1a. the distributor being Mr. J. R. they have cured thousands of cases. McNeillie, County Clerk and Treasur- not only in Canada but throughout er. . . . . ‘ . the whole world. They do this be- , .During the'same year succession du- cause they make good blood. Among ties amounting to $1,004.28 were those cured. by these Pills. is Mrs. T. collected from the estates of the late -'Chalmer Hartley. East Florencevme, Hugh Oman ($682.80) and Mich-lN-Bu who says (“At the age of six- ael Guiry ($321.58). teen I‘dell away to a more shadow. The Board oi Education received a I had 9053081)“ any 11010011. and suller- grant of $1,349. 339 for Collegiate ed from all the ' ressing Symptoms Institute maintenance, and 50 for of anaemia- ‘ors did not hélp' military instruction and for the ca- me in the leastpfind acting on the dets. ' advice of a friendlmegm taking Dr. The Public Library received a grant Williams’ Pink Pi-lls. They effected a of $238.44. Bobcaygeon library re! remarkable change: 'in my condition; ceived a grant of $91.30, Cambray indeed I really believe they saved my $46.16, Cannington $31.65. Fenelon life, as I have been.well and strong Falls $45.44, Haliburton $40.89, ever since I took them. 1 also re- Kinmount 32150, Little Britain commended the Pills to a neighbor's $55.30, Manilla $137.66, MindenldaUEhter who was similarly rim $21.58, Oakwood $30.15, Omemee z down. and they also completely re- §52.95, Woadville $47.14. stored her health." $1,200 was paid as a grant w . ' q for Every woman and growing girl the purpose 01 agricultural training rshould take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in the Lindsay Collegiate Institute, occasionaly. If you are ailing from The Verulam Seed Flair received a. any 0" the many troubles Will-Ch af- grant of $20, and South Victoria I aid your sex they will cure you; it received 850 for the spring stock lyou are not ailing- they will, protect show. your health and keep you well and BRUNSWICK WOMAN. - - ' Anaemiaâ€"bloodlessness-Lis a- V0“?! other [ Manitoba. " ' the prize Winners in the recent “Poul- The following counties received ad- strong. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are 'ditional gran-ts for spring horse sold by all dealers in medicine or shows : Glamorgan $37, Haliburton-drect at 50 cents a box or six boxes $122, Mindlen 81-38, Eld0n $145, Em- for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams’ ily $110, li‘eneIOn $116, Mariposaleedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. $133, Minden s20, Verulam $182] North Victoria $154, South Victoria .603. . Orchard and t The SHOMVS at Glamorgan, Halibur- ‘. h on and inden also received special G d ' M grants amounting to $16, $56 and at en In arc 863 respectively. ‘ ' 1n Victoria county field crop com- “ Prune fruit trees, shrubs and petitions were held in Eldon and ' hardy roses. Graft fruit. trees with Tierulam. the Government grants a better varieties. Prepare for spray- amounting to $30 each. In regard to ling. Sow seeds of tomatoes, cauli- the latter competition, Mr. Wm. flowers, etc., in the hotbed. Start Hickson received $20 for his services flower seeds in boxes in the house. and $40.90 for expenses. , [Re-pot geraniums. ferns and Lindsay Horticultural Societ reâ€"l plants for summer 'decoration. ceiced a grant of $67. The Victoria These are some of the things Pet Stock and Poultry Association gardeners and fruit growers can do received a grant of $50. East and West Victoria. Farmers' Institutes received grants of $20 each for the holding of lectures, While the Women's Institute of West Vic- toria received for the same purpose $26, and East Victoria $20. The treasurer of branch Women’s Insti‘ tutxrs in East and West Victoria re. ceived $15 and $22.50 respectively. Under the heading, "Grants to hos- pitals and charities," it is seen that the sum of $998.30 was granted to the Ross Memorial hospital at Lind- Say. During the year 1909 the sum of $216.20 was spent in this county- in the interests of the Children’s Aid, .5168 for the services of the secre- tary, and $48.20 for travelling ex- penses. 1n the Public Works department ex- penditure was made as follows on the Burnt River bridge: David Chal- mers, bom‘d of men, $3.34; Craig Austin, plank, $52.30; Hopkins Bros. Mark, bolts and washers $3.13: .1215. Lyle. travelling expens- es 4.3 mntS; my list, wages of men, $27.50; Amos Train, travelling ex- ]mscs and petty disbursements $3.- 67 ; Western Bridge Equipment Co. balance ContraCt bridge $343.96. this month, according to the March issue of the Canadian Horticultur- ist. Other topics discussed in this issue of that magazine are lime-sulphur vs. bordeaux for spraying, low-head- ed peach trees, kind of apple trees to lplant, raspberry culture and the growing of tomatoes, onions, po- tatoes and cauliflower. The leading article tells how fruit. growers may make the commercial lime-sulphur wash at home. \ Amateur gardeners will find much to interest them in articles pruning rose bushes, sowing garden seeds, hardy shrubs, Apeonies,‘ annuals, tree 'planting, polyanthus and many oth- ers. The issue is well illustrated. Samples of the Canadian Horticul- turist may be had on request. It is published at Peterboro, Ont. ANOTHER BANK GIVES UP. St. (Stephens bank of N.B., has lsuspended payment as the result of ers will be compelled to face double l liabilities. ' WALKED TO FENELON. Three Lindsay young men, Messrs. Bert Robson. Charles Dennis and Ed. bad speculation, and the sharehol-d-I ML-lnnis Walked to Fenclon Falls Sunday morning. a distance of fourteen miles, by t track. They covered the distance three hours FLEETWOOD. l-‘lm-twood, March 7.-Miss L111, who has been visiting her role.- tin-54 in (Tuvun for some time, rc- und thirty-one minutes and enjoyed LOW? the walk immensely. The boys re- muinvd in the CataraCt village dur- ing the afternoon “and started on the honmwurd journey about six-thirty “mm mm" 0" Sunday. o’clock, but they had not walked very “"5" Daniel J°'?"-“- ‘7’“) Was Very fur when it started to rain and the “”w"” for some time, ‘8 on the mend : fierce blasts of lightning put a dam- nml we look for her spemly recovm'y. for or. the idea of continuing the . Mr. Dawd Flack, Who has. been journey to Lindsay, so the three dangerodsly 111 With pneumonia of pelcstrians hoofed it back to Fenc- risy (or some time, is better at the ,: , , time of writing. He was under the 1‘30“) this morning. careful treatment of Dr. Hamilton. of a Bethany, who being a young prac- titioner, is having great success, could Nat Sleep Mr. Robert Flack, of Lindsay. spent ar . Sunday with his brother David. '1" T he D k. '. Mrs. John Crawford who has been . , MI.“ W and . ailing for some time is getting flan-Iran upon-ibis. around again, under the treatment of Dr. Brereton. of Bethany. f ‘ a g - Mr. John Leslie was cutting wood . , , . with his machine for Mr. T. E. wmfiém‘wm Shea last Saturday, and soon dis- 9“ 3'”. posed of a large pile of logs. ‘ Sleighing is getting very poor in this part and if the Weather does nol’ri soon turn colder, with some fres ‘ fit it snow, the wagons will soon be run- the m m ‘ «. “I“ ning again. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of W Ida, were at Mr. ‘and Mrs. David a, ' Flack's on Sunday. {IRANSFERRED '10 00301136. Mr. Stanley Naylor o! the local . 6W, Bank. has been transferred to Oobourg,‘and left for that. towa Monday. - - _ The Baker Lumber Co. camp ~" in . Bexley, under the foremanship of Mr. George Johnston. has broken up. and ’ the men lune returned to town. 1M . report that the ideal weather was very favorable lor the getting out of the logs. . . 9dbythe Woman'slnsu ‘ toiflleir ' thmnamt ,; .8230 the ' bysin, ' JL‘th‘et.Maple Leaf. The ‘~ on- suing-‘numhe‘rs followed: Areading by Mrs.'John 'smitheram; ' in‘stru. mental, Miss L. -Knight and Mr. P. Ever-son rgading, Mrs. Jo’s." Lee; chorus. “Old Folks at Home? -; read- ing, F. Thurston; solo, Miss‘E. Pee thick ; reading, er. Webster :1 ”erect- tation, Osgood Imrie; solo, . I. Knight :1 impromptu speech, Mr. W. Imrie: mitotion. Miss G. J unkins reading, Miss F. Maynes, Miss Thur- ston. Mrs. Fred Smitheram; trio, song, Mr. ,J. . Knight. Miss L. Knight, F. Thurston; solo; Mrs. “'. Webster. After singing the national anthem a. dainty luncheon was servo ed by the ladies, after which all re- paired to the parlor and joined in singing “Auld Lang Syne." ‘ A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. ind Mm. Webster for their kindness in throw- ing open their spacious house for the occasion. All went home well pleas- ed with the evening’s entertainment. The Pleasant Valley Branch is ,to be congratulated on the success of their social evening-s. Mrs. John Lee Cameron called on‘ Yfriends here recently. Mr. C. Hepburn’s sawing outfit ar- rived in our corner this week, and wood cutting is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Worsley, of Zion. visited in our settlement last week, and attended the at home. DOES POULTRY PA Y? PHILLIPS OF MCAIILEY, w. 8. MAX, ANSWERS THE QUES- TION. Those. of our readers who are in- terested in making a profit from poultry raising, will undoubtedly be interested in the following letter from W. 8. Phillips, of McAuley, Mr. Phillips was one of that try-For-Profit Club" contest hold by Pembroke, and this letter was writ- ten in acknowledgment of the prize money which he had, just received. Mr. l‘hill'i-ps' letter reads : McAulay, Man, Jan. 13th, 1910. Lee Manufacturing 00., Limited, ' Pembroke, Ontario. lLee Manufacturing Co., Limited. ofI Dear S-irs,â€"I am in receipt of your cheque’ for Ten ($10.00 Dollars, for which please accept my sincere thanks. . I feel that there is more praise due the Peerless Incubator than myself in this contest. I have had my Peer- less two seasons. First season (1908), I purchawd all my eggs for setting, pale my first payment of $24- and cleared $126. Last season (1909) I purchased $18 worth of eggs. paid last payment of $24- on! incubator, paid cost of feed, houses.. etc., $64, and showed the following balance sheet : Sale of cockerels for breedin 8 purposes ...8 96.00 Sale of cockerels .dressed 21.00 Value of pullets and Cookercll on hand 230.00i Total .............................. $347.00I Expenses ........................ 106.00 Profits ...... ._ .................... $241.00 This is $367.00 profit from om- Pcerless in two seasons, and the machine is still as good as new. Does poultry pay ? It gives me pleasure to see future success in “box-car letters ' marked up for your firm. The nkiully yours, (Signed) W. S. PHILLIPS. .We are very certain that there are but few of our readers who are not familiar with the name of Lee Man- ufacturlng Co. , Limitedâ€"the firm to which possibly more than anyone else in Canada is due credit ,for ad- vancing' the poultry interests of the Dominion. The missionary work done by these people to help the cause of ult‘ry raising. has been heavy ; but .results have just:fied the labor. The field js a big e-ebroad and ' it)!” '-- md full of wonderful their 'worlg is bearing fruit. . Their methods are. intelligent and «worthy ol'~ morojthan passh'ig commendation. while the advice‘they ofler free to those, interested has proved ‘3, revela- tiontothousands; .. » ~- ._ Readers otthis paper-who are not u all y familiar )lth'flk'wpnda-fulv littlest-look. J“~‘When , Poultry mam-”f alteulfiymefi 1 V ““1" ‘55 This is,» mainly: bargain boominz g” .... ‘ N 4“!”- sale. O‘wiuiriytb the 'tlcmendous size of. our stock we are able to foot long sale; ‘ eachday, that i which onfifmost‘ needs according as the season adragices'.“ Es- timate your wants in head gear. then realize that-we have the largest. not only _ stock. but assortment of up-to-date Hats '/ and Caps in Llndsay and the Mid land District for you to choose from Youths’ Suits Youth's long pant,s suits, sizes 33 Butchers' and grocers' aprons... 25c 25c Arlington rubber collars... 19 H w H O mama“? ..i flfiflfiflfifl E] a i? a ' 34, and 35, in fancy Tweeds. 15c Bo s' Braces 10 y i ............................. $3.95 ~ Y -------------- ‘ 15‘ Sale prce . . 10c White handkerchiefs ............ 5 $10 and 312 Men’s suits in fancy 15c Excelda handkerchiets ........ 10c h! twee“ ”31° and “9"“ ”“3" 10¢ Bow Ties ..... , ..... . ............ 5 L, ted. Sale price ....................... $5.95 5c Lawn Ties, 2 for .................. 5 W Men's fancy Tweed suits, long lapel 31,25 Mocha gloves .. .. .. 85 ’ ‘4 Square corner. Worth $8.00 to $1.00 Mocha glows 75 W $10. Sale price ...................... $6.90 75c Umbrellas . 50 . '5 ‘54 Men’s 812 blue and black Worsted. 1'2: Enigma: ;5 7 suits, long lapel, Sing-e or double o I m re ..... .- ................. q breasted. Sale price ............... $10.00 :3: gzzgm ----------------------- :2: E4, Men’s fie Hats and Caps ' W 0 V ercoats 25c Caps ............................... . 10c ‘4 le-W and $12.00 Men's OvarcOats, :3: 33:: ................................... :2: . a ................................ E" college °°1°rs' made from fine Scotch - 50c Caps ....................... . ........ 25c Tweeds, made in Olive and 75c Gaps ..... . .............................. 50c E brown checks. Sale price ......... $6.90 81.00 C‘aps .............................. 75c 10 and :12 Men's fancy Tweed '51:: :0: gngkabout hats... @... 23c a, OVermts' VClvet Collar, 52 in l ‘1 00 osoft iaé.‘ ......................... a; ‘7 long. Sale price ....................... $7.90 $1.25 Soft Hats...‘ .................... 75C m $8 to $10 Men’s Cravenette 31-25 and $1.50 Hard or Soft Y Overcoatn. 's 81 e prime ............... $5.00 Hats ............................. . ...... $1.00 m ' _ $2.00 Soft or Hard hats ......... 31.25 L :8 and :10 Men 8 Short Spring Ovâ€" $2.25 Hard or Soft Hats ........ $1.50 ‘1 creoats. Sale price ................. . $5.00 82.50 Hard or Soft Hats ...... $2.00 4 '314 Men’s Black Meltan Overcoats. 3-2: Soft or gill-1:11am ...... $2.50 . Hard or o ............ $2.75 13“, "1"” ”“8“ 1°“ 13”" 881° . $5.00 Soft or Hard Hats ........ $3.75 price ...................................... $10.00 $7.00 Soft or Hard Hats ......... $5.00 B. J. COUCH, - .LlNDSAY {-1 ..Col-borné-st.‘ from 'StnPaul-st. ~u '-‘__.*.O-â€"â€"â€".â€" TOWN COUNCIL. At the regular meeting of the town council lam. night routine business was transacted as follows: On motion of Reeve Jordan and Ald. Hawkins. the 111110an Central Fair was granted the‘ usual guaran- tee. Aid. Kylie. 111erch and Mr. Geo. SimpSOn were appoint“! di- rectors of the association. represent- ing the town. By-lew- No. 1177. a by-law fixing the proportions. of the cost payable by the properties benefitted and by' the town at late; for perm im- provements to roadways within. the municipality of Lindsay. A petition was mad for a, gag»- . lithic sidewalk on; the southrslfl'ol . , ‘ t0 ‘ .arolwi_ .- -- thence, utter “5-1.0.“ ~ oline-stz‘fiolfl 200 1091713?” the - assessssnnsssnssssnfi [1 200 Y‘rdS All. \ A staple shades inn-311 tan, etc, per yard The rough foa'u for the season’s w costume silks. “La and 70c. DAINT These are som : tasteful aggregatil: hams, printed cam and the French in fabrics and sliariin wash costumes. We are n: .‘.~.ll‘:;_r spring hats. Jain. efl‘ects Cdiflaric for 1.00. Who started that m‘ but all-round f aml Then, again, what ‘ such a delusion .9 4 For, coming from t Wheat, for bread ROSES, Madam, Soft wheat, means mid! and less gzurinal Wheaten flour is 0‘ {or its protein content” I: be M! breadsrufl. And Manitoba wheat so much nchcr' in glul ”Us than the sol article. COCK Of course. Mada how the wonderlgi to FIVE ROSES But think of the pi (oodles you could Tab any standar Millie: of shone and edict lngredlen , 30ng to ltsl ' “ my on requlr ‘ f 1m FHVE R0 - . “Wm {10 ... .Jflmix our dog em on rollit l." art;

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