in If} “- Everything to be" seen. in I the metres of fashion Will be found in .. _ . . , p , , « Mr. A. P. Devlin, crown . “tor-neg, our collectlons. Not any great rafts ‘ V *1"- 1"- H- mm" acted h “1° “ of any one thing but everything" parity of crown attorney. , . The charge (IL/unlanul'lv wounding tastefully appealing to good dressers. CRAINE, AND WHY THEY .AL- WAYS CLRE RHEUMATISM â€"- THEY REMOVE THE CAUSE. l Toronto. Ont., March 4.â€"‘~(Special?}. lâ€"In these days of sudden changes of temperature known to so many suf- fering people as rheumatism meat-her the experience of W. H. Craine, of 103, Gladstone-ave, this city. is of widespread interest. Mr. Cnaine suf- fered from rheumatism. He is cured and he knows the cure. It was Dodd’e Kidney Pills. â€Yes. I know 'Dodd's Kidney Pills cured my rheumatism," Mr. Craino states: "For after I started taking ' them I used no other medicine. ' I never cease recommending Dodd’s Kidney Pills to my friends." Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure rheuma- tism by Putting the kidneys in con- dition to strain the uric acid out of the blood. It is uric acid in the blood that Causes rheumatism. Cold or damp causes it to crystallize at _ the muscles and joints, and then Albany, N.Y,, March 1.â€"A sweepâ€" . icnersâ€"startle'd legislative Albany, comes those tortures every rheumatic, ing investigation of the work of the which is already walking around on know only too well. Dod-d's Kidney Forest, Fish and Game Department mined territory. Wohdgrmg when and Pills cure rheumatism by curing the and of the sensational allegations where the next eleIOSIOn Will occur. o . Ferguson was ï¬rst taken up, Dr. Dale, of Oakwood. being- the’ ï¬rst Witness, ‘ who testiï¬ed togthe nature 01' the injuries Ferguson sustained. He stated that the accident occurred on Nov, 19, 1909, and (tom the cou- Versation between Brown and Fergus son in his oflic’e that'evening, Brown admitted to Shooting Ferguson and ' ' stated that it was accidents . i ' . At this juncture Mr. Fulton stated , that his client, Brown, admitted to -. the charge of shooting, but did not-.. fcommit wilful harm. ' Simon Ferguson was the next wiéf ‘ M ml) Yards of San-Toy dress goods in all the new and staple shades including navy, Wisteria, catabah, brown, tan. etc, per yard 50c. SILKS The rough featured oriental silks are strong in evidence for the. season’s wear. Also a complete range of "Tokio†costume silks, “La T0861†fancy raw silks atper yard 50c and 70c. mess and told the story of how the _ shooting did occur. -He stated that he and Brown had been Chums all their life. They were the best of friends and never had a dispute of any kind, and that the shooting was D AINTY wasH FABRICS assume; as; an? about 11 o’clock. on the 8th confoi _ kidneys. The cured kidneys remove l { that the State had been defrauded The purchasing of racist lands] 19" the cause of the rheumatism. ‘ ' ' Mil-â€9°33; abouts mies rom Oak-,0,“ of thousands of dollars through the State began on a urge scae In . - .. 'lhese are something to see, being the ï¬nest and most 7 wood, while Bro“, Dan. Grant and land {mum has been ordered by 1896. M that “we there was a For- RECORD FOR HOGS tasteful aggregation ever brought into town. The gang myself were returning from a party. Governor Hughes. est preserve Board, Much W315 com- H. P. Kenn edy' of Peterbom. one hams, printed cambrics, chambrays, the linen shantung At this Particular tspot W: $2929" Mr. Hughes announces that he has‘posed of Mr. Timothy L. “oodrull. and the French foulard creations are really masterpieces the horse and 3° out 0 "3' of the largest live stock dealers in designated his. legal aadV’iser, Mr. 80- Mr- Charles 11- ‘qucock; 0‘ Roma?" Ontario. sold hogs on the Montreal Brown produced a bow8 of 890““ gel‘ P. Clark, and Mr. Leroy Austin ter, and State Meme? Campbell “- {market this week at $15 cwt. lire whiskey and we had several drinks: to jï¬â€™u-rv on the inquiry, which will Adams. This Board was created un- i“.(, I was standing With my arm on be started at once and prosecuted der the administration of Governor Brown’s shoulder when he pulled out fabrics and shadings, making most artistic and serviceable wash costumes. , _ Mr. Kennedy is the ï¬rst man in - _ . until, friends of the Governor assert, Frank S. Black. Under (.memor Canada to sell hogs at this high WOMEN 'S CORSETS the pistol Which.“ “might was there shall not remain in o... p..- Theodore Roosevelt an Board W m... empty]; andhshlgtllltt 05' w‘thmt::igr:; spective of the commissioner's past cl’zamFl'edAtb.vBthel sfubstsitutéon 131:1 3:5; LEAVING LINDSAY . . ~ . . . . entered , - .. ~ .- . r in J ' Made of coutil and batiste, With medium and high bust, “It t at t u e or present a Single question mark. Eds m on o . g . . . shoulder. I am conï¬dent that it News of the Governor's determinaâ€" Adams. At the present time, when - According to a rumor Whmh 15 go- long lllp and back. hose supporters and ribbon trimmed, was accident as we had no quarrel. tion to ascertain the truth about the them is very “We PWCh‘ESing 0f m" ligrgfd,roou::sorglfggs£€é Rpï¬pullle: size 13 [0 36- Prices from 359 to 2-75- Before we SZOlelegthFtn Iï¬reddscvgé charges which have been informally est lands. the Boar-d consxsts of Spe- - ‘ al shots on o e pie 0 an ‘* barristers is about to receive the ~ - ~ . . - W d - rth Controller Clark ' . ht that it 'as e pt, ’ 'lFerâ€" laid against the nor-k of the depart aker a Site . . . res onsible nd lucr t'v os't‘o f . . _. . 'id merit-mot under the present regime, Williams and Commissxoner James 8. city? solicigor {Natl}: (Etyl din“:- ‘ 81318;: (13:5? 11:58:. thl’lzse‘adje:lf:ned until but under those Of other Commms-‘thpple. toria. B.C. When Mr. McDiarmid We are m king 3 very good showing of men’s new 2 o’clock and at the time of going :zilgeerivienngegï¬zd gzttlzfirrugzuolkcie s rim hats. ~Eu'rts and neckwear, all the best and newest to press was not concluded. The , . , 3 g . P -" two in regard to the matter. Hrs “ï¬lm“ C‘unbric and ze h T Shirts in 8“ newest deSigns court-room was packed to the doors, ns ec or S cm on - friends in Lindsav -- and thev are ; r“ {m I P ) a number from Marlposa being pre- ~ . lGl‘ ., I. sent. o . . nunierousâ€"altï¬ough {hey vzlouid be - . ~ . to see r. Me Harmi caving -. ~ v , - - * ' -~ . Lindsay Collegiate Institute W --“:::'::*s mmmmâ€"â€"â€"_ SL’EIEIER gc‘fflxfl,~ V | ’ town, nevertheless will be ready to congratulate him when the appoint~ The Bay of Quinte Methodist Con- ment is announced for a certainty. _ ference Summer School will)? held Extracts from) the mp0“ of In- English literature texts in lowerlPtLLBEARERS‘DUMPED.- . at Hotel Alexandra. . Wellington, specter J. E. Wetherell on his visit school . All satisfactory. . Thursday morning an accident was ’ ' JUIY 4 t0 11- It IS Said ‘9 be an to the Mndsay Collegiate. were read Supplementary reading: Satlsfac- : "012'; narrowly aVcrtes‘. ’lhe funeral o n In {ideal spot for SuCh a gathering. at the meeting of the Board of EdU» tory. DFOCC‘SSIOH “'35 returning from “143 RESERVED DECISION. cation held last evening. The report Books are needed in Library for l The trial of Percy Brown, of Mari- .lS very satisfactory to the board and [French and German. cemetery after the burial of the late ,Mrs. Goo. Johnston. and had lust uposa charged with carrving a re- lcontains many interesting items. 'tlomethinc will be dole to ad- lregcheghthc {:59 south 0f 3:0 tows, - Ivolvdr and inflicting bodily harm to lGRADING OI“ ACCOMMODATIONS. angina; 9:??3823331 cmrations. lgeJSrs fufnaod 0013;25:11th or: Silo- MC n r e lSimon Ferguson, was continued Water closets are graded 1. water ‘ e n ‘ .a ' a. ' again Thursday afternoon and at supply I, 801100! grounds I,‘ school The grinding under each head rangâ€" and as the ditch was very steep, the the conclusion of the evidence MagiS- buildings 1', class rooms I, halls I. {es as [0119“‘52 Iâ€"Go‘od,.I;â€"-Fa1r, 1.†â€g dturned 0“? dn {t’ Braking Tm: ’ trate Moore, K.C., reserved his dcâ€" waiting rooms III. cap rOOms I, tea- lâ€"Poor, Illâ€"Bad.) laughs and 1115- um ow and “in 0“ so. , and p. Inh cisiOn until Monday morning of next (hers’ private week. rooms I desks 1 ltory l, Mathematics 1, Science I, La- the inmates on top of each outï¬t - - - â€tin and Greek 1, French and German Luckily no one was hurt, and the blackboards I, lighting 1, heatmg I , ‘ . . . Richard Ferguson. father of the ventilation u, gymnasium II. l‘I- Lommercn-al 1. Art 1. reading 1. men emerged from the upper sxde ~- _____~__. 3 ' jured young man, was the ï¬rst wit- 3 - drill calisthenics, gymnastics I. of the cab unharmed. The rig was oot and coal gas S‘tlll escape from ' , . fl . - ‘ . ‘. ~ . . ness, and stated that he did not know the defective furnaces into the class The forcgomg grading does not m turned right side up, and the mourn {DECISlon Re the {know the shooting occurred, or anyâ€" rooms. The board should tal'e im- clude the work of the recently ap- ers proceeded on their homeward way thing about it only which his son mediate action m this important pointed teacher 0f Grammar anal none the worsu for the shaking up. L' l B b B 'd and Brown had told him on that matter. “t e 0 o r] ge’evening. “ Brown stated that. he Pmemallfln to MY. Geographv. Although the pupils're» an '5 0 . - - u n . 1' outdoor observations in sci- d M R b Wtute 'l'he gymnasmm “’1†be graded I 90"“ 0 . . t. lasked my son to get into the rig and when a running track has been erect- once and their fcollections (:qu 2:21;? "9w '0 'e" Catarrh A ' ‘ t eet' f the committee come home an at t t ‘ 0 at the t'd- lhis'will bring an additional an- “"d seeds 3'9 ar om 93 . a . . ~ . 'om m mg 0 °031h \w’vl .m. March 3. â€"â€" Last" J . . ' went on". Brown also stated u 1 7,. t of 40. ’Ph resent rad- I have. for sufficient reasons: _not - ‘ _ 3 - . .~ . l - Yridavmo- . . .. m- u rised M" N â€term†and VicmnafountfgslflittOIthey had no quarrel 0“ ‘the 3150i 31’; gymsnasium :nItiCipateE the lowered the grading of the belcnce 4‘ ‘IKPE‘R‘IITWLD .1?“ ‘SI.CUL\l W and llwi 7 July} .3 S rp -. met ‘at Bobcaygeon laSt lvmk regald- road." equipment already offered. department. _ ' - SAYS 'I‘Hh 101.11)“th 51M- A them‘eh‘.“ .: .. . :llt. and presented ing the rebuilding of Little llob.’ Clinton Cann. also or Mariposa. After 1910 ï¬rst-class grading will CHARACTER OF PLPILS WORK. PTOMS UZF SURF with when . ', lave tor Lindsay bridge. The committee conSlsted . who was in the buggy that passed not be given to the classrooms unless Reading, Form 1! A :. Of 34. exam' . . . . . . . fay alonva ;- tem- and. butter dish of: For Victoria county" - Warden ,‘ the three young‘ men on the road? thev are suitably decorated with pic- ined. 21. are good, 13 his,“ Writing; of SIGBS. L4 Paul“ H "l: . M‘HHTS? Mr. ROSS E“ Tiers, J' 11' MONEXHW’ countycswom that he remembered the evon‘gturlxs. casts, etc. last admitted pupilsr 5 300d. :3 . l . . n - r t. ’.l'.:)nv -: ill" (man; and a. ï¬rst, clerk and treasurer; (,harles (. 01"ling and only. 5a“, Inn Grant, “ch01 Li’rht holland blinds ShOUId beplac» fair, [2 poar' II M M, 18 falr, r Souucan 8. “ 8.55 11: patd‘rrh b.‘ the as ("lLH. .. ~wont. A (lance opcn- ’ neil, of Emily; and George Dyinglsa’id to him. “‘drive on.†but he did ed 071 windows with south exposure. 10 poor. Spelling; (1) 11 good, 18 ‘0]{0“‘ng m,†knomusigns . r, “"7 3}†“gm "‘"rmhmemlw B°b°ayg°°“' FԠâ€mm†‘lnot replv to him. He stated that VALUE ()1? EQUIPMENT. fair. 11 poor. Spaniard! B) 9 1“?“ â€d “3““ “'3‘"? ' f.“ WVW â€MW"! by â€W pmsmt- ’ Warden F‘ Moher. of Douro. . and he heard, a shot from 8 Phil“, but At the last inspeCtion the value of good. 14 fair, 9 P0013 ' Difï¬culty m breathing ? won .ml .. Me the (um sorry to Messrs. Cohan. of Galway: . Shaw, did not know anything more about. the library‘rel‘ercnoes was placed. at The bookkeeng sets are satis- Are the nostrils stuffy? mun. :lr- . ‘u, unite loam. for of Harvey; Young, of Ennlsmoref the aï¬all‘. ,Thc witness also said $1,432.66. library supplementarv factory and the work in Art unusual- Do No“ sneeze frequently ? ll“ m“ ' â€i â€'"ghhors’ an.†Garbutt' 0" S’P‘m’ and Dm'l'mg‘ 0' that he saw the three young men at leading $130.06 scientiï¬c apparatus. 15' good The note books in Selimcc IS 3’0“" “"9“" mar“ 1" w .u. u†.u .nss will be their Dummcr. Besxdes these there. were Mr. Rudd's house on that evening $1 20d.4»8 maps lobes etc. 886.- are satisfactory. ex lag an out-of- Do your sprt “1ch," ? ram. u. 3. them good luck Co. Engineers Smith. of Victoria. and that the shooting occurred about 65' drawi'n modoï¬; ‘48. 7o . typo- door work. Collectwiona not at all Oppression in the chest ? them.“ W, l‘ml sorry to and J. E. Belchcr, of Pot-arboro; al- eleven 0,01 ock. writers 648% ‘- ulpinent lei-physical satisfactory. Excellent arrangement/S A ringing in the ears ? . m†l" w :2; is the address: so superintendent of county bridges. Pcrcv Brown. the accused. was the “mama“ 81.56215 in regard to drill. calisthcnics and It you have any of these indica- To ll: w. llo'nt. White and. W. M. Kennedyu x. onlv ‘witnoss - for the defence and Since the last ins tlon additions gymnaltlu. tions of catarrh cure the trouble huml). It was agreed to narrow the span. 9W5“? that he carried the pistol be- have been made t m librar reler- APPROVED HIGH SCHOOLS. . nowâ€"stop it before it 8"“ into the We 1-... ,.- . .. n that yuu are rebuild with steel superstructure and cause he had considerable money once-9 to the v “we of 884 21 yto scl- will r ank‘ an m "AP- 1 or bronchial t unlock-then 1 t may Shout. . . J M... section. In 103â€" concrete plers. and to have the steel about him. and because he had been entitle apparatgs to we'value' of pr‘lomved MSChool†for m .1910‘ “mm†late. The r y is “Catarrh- hr 3...†l H Z‘ml it kind friend span fourteen feet. in width. It ‘3 residing in a house all. alone. The $331.89 and drawln models ‘7 95 Another teacher will he myulwnd next clone." a direct bmmmthad ble cure that and rt. ,, . , u.- ulSn hope that understood that lung-inner Smith is pistol belonged to his lather and he ~\ deductionlot 813% 87 had . ‘. autumn l! the “ tabs APPPO‘“ places antiseptic balsam and healing Our Ins“ w ' ; 'llll' ‘Lfllin' “'0 \VSSh to take soundings for bottom l†the had put it ,in his pockclt several days 1“" (‘0 for ulcntlflc . tug “ for 1911' O med‘Cation of ewy amt that [S in «mm .- . in.“ our mtcom to- near future. and until this is done it previous to the shooting and had ne- "l‘he present Value‘pm odulpment GENERAL RES. tglnted by catarrhal genus. "m "I" lumill’. undaPN' will “0" be deï¬nitely known just how glected to take ltout. For some is †folloxvo . L12)! returnees “19‘ Board of Education â€a the There can be no failure with Cat- "t -‘~" ‘ ’-' we who and butter wide'the span Will be. days before the accident he had 31516.87 ll-hmy giplmul‘y people 0' Lin are to be congrat- nn‘hozoneâ€"(or years it has â€0083* “‘1‘ “5 d mlu‘n of the regard about 8700 in his pocket ï¬nd this "mam“. 3.130 03 swung apparatus ulatod on . gm t lining-amt; fully cured cases that resisted other ‘ “1W h..w mm held in our Forty bodies have been recovered W‘s why'hc carried the‘plstol. The (1405"98- - . 1 etc 386.65 made in the tlona c! this medics. "No on u can know better “mu“ "m“ "w gum m washing†sum “the“ “9° â€m “m "W“ °" ’3’“ rim-1' lnodoh' 8‘51 07' t’ " ï¬lm? school since inn m tion. an. ex- um I the enormous beneï¬t ouegou Senna lnlmll of voururimds into which ‘ 9“°“'°â€d° â€mm W" road home he discover-06th pistol “5' ' ' ’9†' ' 3M W'lg‘hlme “Hm-avgcqn Indepew great Northern trains a few ' days ent. ’ in his pocket and declared it .80- ago. , , veral times until he thousht it "3 ' . , empty. Mthe new “PM “ 'Fbrguson and Greats“ my it I any whisker-J " ' . .. . ‘ m day' f Ca- 435, equipmt for mm educa- penditum o! “5.000 m provided a†very†0'“ 9 “8° 0 :ion “mammal: 81.000. ell the deli!“ ‘lmmmtl- The mom. . "d“?qT' '1‘. {Hopkins More models m needed. tor the addition to the .m includes “a ol'Wmeésfa had 0; years . . . -' gamulllfl. .pg room mwr - 3 WI! bronchial huh“ mldele school art Jail,“ . _ ‘ ‘ y“, ., . . '9“ enr noun, Michalmeyu. “OP- " ' one! use min 0W WW“!!- bml‘ ;‘ W m ‘ . , now Get Qatari-home. use it and you ,3»: l t , “I" T We; ' one. old Co T 9 ’ " ' ‘ . i " - ' , ‘ ' m We! m â€3.1Ҡm ~ and; ‘ dos Oatarrh- 1' Those who make a. practise cinema; . ‘ . ,_ . ,r} _ . . ‘Ma‘k “I, Ely ozone mead rubber Hauler late to save under conditions decidalytm I eat stxy saved steadilï¬i In" 4Ԡsumming size. ' ‘ WHAT THEY D11) FOR W. IL. K z, .4.*wnï¬,“'-<gâ€"‘~n«ltu§flnrl -‘U‘i‘wve ' . l - " Haliburton, ‘ ’ ' break his leg _. m seated o ‘ . .g" abo ut to - {at "' ' "J . Thu 5*; fl“ m ' u One 0! ‘ï¬